-- DO NOT EDIT - AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- -- vim:ft=lua ts=2 nu -- exported by: S2Quest@S2QUEST-VPC -- exported at: 10/21/09 14:56:36 -- exporter version: -- exported to: server\questscripts.txt -- -- CM-Patch 0150 -- --//OVERWRITE function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults ) if not outResults then outResults = { } end local theStart = 1 local theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart ) while theSplitStart do table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart, theSplitStart-1 ) ) theStart = theSplitEnd + 1 theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart ) end table.insert( outResults, tonumber(string.sub( self, theStart ))) return outResults end CM_convertPosition_To_SimpleTable = function(args) local pos_table = {} local pos_args local i if type(args)=="string" then pos_args = string.split(args,";") else pos_args=args end if type(pos_args)=="table" then if pos_args.sx then pos_table[1] = pos_args.sx elseif pos_args.x then pos_table[1] = floor(pos_args.x / 3200) else pos_table[1] = pos_args[1] end if pos_args.sy then pos_table[2] = pos_args.sy elseif pos_args.y then pos_table[2] = floor(pos_args.y / 3200) else pos_table[2] = pos_args[2] end if pos_args.sz then pos_table[3] = pos_args.sz elseif pos_args.layer then pos_table[3] = pos_args.layer else pos_table[3] = pos_args[3] end if pos_args.px then pos_table[4] = pos_args.px elseif pos_args.x then pos_table[4] = pos_args.x - (pos_table[1] * 3200) else pos_table[4] = pos_args[4] end if pos_args.py then pos_table[5] = pos_args.py elseif pos_args.y then pos_table[5] = pos_args.y - (pos_table[2] * 3200) else pos_table[5] = pos_args[5] end if pos_args.pz then pos_table[6] = pos_args.pz elseif pos_args.z then pos_table[6] = pos_args.z else pos_table[6] = pos_args[6] end if pos_args.orientation then pos_table[7] = pos_args.orientation else pos_table[7] = pos_args[7] end end return pos_table end CM_convertPosition_To_NamedTable = function(args) local pos_table = {} local pos_named = {} pos_table = CM_convertPosition_To_SimpleTable(args) pos_named.sx = pos_table[1] pos_named.sy = pos_table[2] pos_named.sz = pos_table[3] pos_named.px = pos_table[4] pos_named.py = pos_table[5] pos_named.pz = pos_table[6] pos_named.orientation = pos_table[7] return pos_named end CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable = function(args) local pos_table = {} local pos_linear_named = {} pos_table = CM_convertPosition_To_SimpleTable(args) pos_linear_named.x = pos_table[1] * 3200 + pos_table[4] pos_linear_named.y = pos_table[2] * 3200 + pos_table[5] pos_linear_named.layer = pos_table[3] pos_linear_named.z = pos_table[6] pos_linear_named.orientation = pos_table[7] return pos_linear_named end CM_convertPosition_To_String = function(args) local pos_table = {} local pos_string pos_table = CM_convertPosition_To_SimpleTable(args) pos_string = string.format("%d;%d;%d;%.3f;%.3f;%.3f;%.3f",pos_table[1],pos_table[2],pos_table[3],pos_table[4],pos_table[5],pos_table[6],pos_table[7]) return pos_string end mgr.addWorldObject(1022459765,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024120776,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020623366,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013483571,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024443835,45,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019337280,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011748148,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019266533,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019266492,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022634818,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022634816,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022634779,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022634789,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022634950,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022639252,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336566,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336640,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336619,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336683,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336789,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024281949,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042609,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042440,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042435,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042423,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042417,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042412,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000517601,8,0,0,0,2,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042407,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000499400,8,0,0,0,3,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042402,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042394,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042388,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014498874,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003692485,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020279360,6,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019605256,6,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019606852,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024183022,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024183667,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024184576,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000758536,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024185127,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024108732,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024112232,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024116543,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024116843,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042449,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025042707,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014771663,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014771712,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014771726,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014771764,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023688552,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022436361,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003692438,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003692644,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003692662,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003692669,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003693188,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003966362,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004414683,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828185,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021089113,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828158,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1002072812,8,0,0,0,4,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024953600,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020455726,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020455858,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014062682,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004827996,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828092,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828103,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828232,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828113,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014062716,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336528,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336530,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336097,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336101,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019336600,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011478972,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014062725,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020808298,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022708655,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023911567,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023911741,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023911801,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023911616,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014062735,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023911663,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023749231,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023749239,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023748392,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020450829,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019438492,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019583582,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019604928,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1015287655,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019869815,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019875080,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019885679,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019886360,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019886795,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019887219,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020795293,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021439197,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020280567,45,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021693211,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021696159,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021791930,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003004697,8,0,0,0,3,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023167989,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023168687,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023515961,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023691826,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023761524,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023954548,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024100910,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024377512,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024465226,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1020450838,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013550462,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011753238,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012279326,8,0,0,0,0,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011753219,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023732586,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011753207,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011753197,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011753392,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011757131,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011760112,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011760141,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011761659,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012015850,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012015945,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012015974,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012090727,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012090708,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012359470,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013389149,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013394144,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013402528,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013813110,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013902693,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013902758,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013902776,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013902784,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013902794,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013902803,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014097173,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1014266003,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1015095628,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1015633634,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1016218186,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1016645999,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1016646021,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018134320,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018134335,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018134346,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018134354,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018294989,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018317140,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018383809,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018385057,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011759692,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004562623,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004827988,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008964626,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011834380,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011834398,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011834406,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1015275673,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011756699,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018400053,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011757059,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011756980,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023907700,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018477753,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018478944,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018725192,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019677120,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018725200,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018725206,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018728281,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018918142,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019076066,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019085290,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019264685,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023594214,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023596411,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023596520,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023597580,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004409043,1,0,0,0,10,nil, {1521,}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004828863,1,0,0,0,10,nil, {1521,}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023593803,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023593698,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004482933,1,0,0,0,10,nil, {1521,}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023918209,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018724868,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023919486,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024105638,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024108139,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024118396,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024111650,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1001727848,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024100817,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1001191288,8,0,0,0,4,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024100733,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024183078,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024100516,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024183656,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003186544,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024184540,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712741,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712733,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712718,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024185137,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024106676,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024108169,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024117256,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003186560,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003186547,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712820,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003186562,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712834,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712804,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000587973,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712886,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712879,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003186577,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008712869,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003186572,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023600588,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023600613,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) 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{}) mgr.addWorldObject(1010546912,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1003610086,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1010546919,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1010547043,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {1390,}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022534681,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021680894,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1008730775,19,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019259285,53,0,0,0,0,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024524603,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024524451,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024184526,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024112043,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024112513,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024108308,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024117296,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024183442,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024185088,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024112336,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004411824,8,0,0,0,0,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1026002591,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1026002605,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025644018,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011067793,0,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1025643992,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023046947,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023046923,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023046905,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024089810,42,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024112394,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024111170,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024111379,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024113160,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024116575,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000504785,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000504854,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1000504890,55,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024116896,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024117279,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024184192,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024184250,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) 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{}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024209569,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024523965,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024611375,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024689967,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024689972,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024690279,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024697642,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024697739,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024699823,40,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024638880,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024639802,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024639925,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013296310,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013296593,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024640090,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024183920,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024185702,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1012678877,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1013553786,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024697541,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) 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{}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024699256,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018828822,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019265857,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022280861,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1022880077,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023133394,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1023923511,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024430380,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024431415,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024178267,8,0,0,0,7,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021078107,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1011757610,53,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004850122,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1010543383,51,0,0,0,5,nil, {1356,1466,1431,}) mgr.addWorldObject(1004850091,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018148311,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1010437539,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1018148697,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1019236194,1,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) 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mgr.addWorldObject(1049076168,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076171,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076173,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076175,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076178,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076183,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076186,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076189,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076191,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076194,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076196,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076198,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076205,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076020,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076181,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049076201,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048613314,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048613003,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048612968,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048614077,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876010,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876011,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876009,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876008,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876797,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876798,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876799,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876800,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048877276,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048877277,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048877278,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048877279,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050704981,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705737,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705785,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705816,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705831,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705898,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705958,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050705969,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050192777,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050715516,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050715474,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050716053,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050716348,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050716789,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050699078,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051321937,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050890032,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051576192,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051504913,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051587639,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051583599,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051481207,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050865351,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050865354,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050875710,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052011472,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050277460,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050703067,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050703089,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050703098,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050703107,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050886275,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050807516,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050721953,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049480915,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049480998,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049481065,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049481199,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049481527,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049482033,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049482408,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051585419,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052164275,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051585672,49,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051649986,49,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051667077,49,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052076421,49,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052076473,49,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052076511,49,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051586514,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052092401,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052164219,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050181332,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050369648,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051583664,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1036899076,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1036899113,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050107473,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051552137,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052076207,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1024273740,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051406171,14,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051406179,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051414645,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051414665,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051414886,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051414893,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051419599,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051419604,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051419611,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051419616,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493945,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493954,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493961,11,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493966,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493972,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493978,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493983,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493987,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051493991,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086090,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086098,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086115,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086124,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086128,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086134,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086138,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086143,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086148,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086159,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086164,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086173,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086177,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086191,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086198,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086206,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086210,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086214,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086218,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086227,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086230,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086233,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086271,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086275,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050721222,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050721257,13,0,0,0,10,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051999992,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052000017,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052000829,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052001474,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052001598,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052001702,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052000350,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052000166,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052000727,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051307088,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049480493,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050181434,46,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049063995,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049064002,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048993284,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049064010,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052091316,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051565650,4,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052086256,13,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052088372,13,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052100888,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052258804,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052258816,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051305930,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052258793,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050374363,42,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050701440,51,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048636518,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048639732,6,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050702917,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050702944,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050702775,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050702861,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052616164,0,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052080758,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052081003,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052081251,40,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050361415,8,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052080115,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051650490,8,0,0,0,5,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052164116,44,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052870190,8,0,0,0,7,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1049848203,62,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1053132824,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1053132871,58,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1052616307,8,0,0,0,8,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048388739,4,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051588239,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051588284,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051588175,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1051588194,8,0,0,0,9,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1054588242,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876012,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048876801,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048877280,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1048642833,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050804903,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050804893,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1050804897,4,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508205,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508206,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508207,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508208,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508209,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508210,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508211,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508212,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508213,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508214,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508215,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508216,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508217,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508218,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508219,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508220,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508221,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508222,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508223,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) mgr.addWorldObject(1021508224,52,0,0,0,1,nil, {}) if not quest then quest = { reserveQuestType = function() end, createTaskCreature = function() end, createTaskItem = function() end, createQuest = function() end, } end quest.reserveQuestType { Killquest = 730, Rescuequest = 116, Reachingquest = 1257, Collectquest = 371, Convoyquest = 0, } cm_dev_spawnposition = function () local cm_spawnpoints = { { 6,13,0 , 2500,2000,612 , 100 }, { 6,13,0 , 2970,2230,612 , 260 }, { 6,13,0 , 2750,1950,452 , 180 }, { 6,13,0 , 2635,2090,452 , 170 }, { 6,13,0 , 2880,2075,452 , 190 } } local selected_position = cm_spawnpoints[math.random(1,5)] return selected_position end quest.createTaskCreature(10452, { creature = 488, itemtype = 6672, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 3010,2450,425 , 200 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10453, { creature = 86, itemtype = 2637, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2930,2450,425 , 200 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10454, { creature = 1247, itemtype = 9713, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2930,2680,425 , 300 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10455, { creature = 1259, itemtype = 9755, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2540,2840,395 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10456, { creature = 312, itemtype = 9572, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2520,2710,425 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9540, { itemtype = 6478, creature = 431, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2780,2510,425 , 200 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10431, { creature = 1253, itemtype = 9748, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2600,2470,425 , 200 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7490, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(7492, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(7493, { itemtype = 328, creature = 17, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8113, { itemtype = 326, creature = 15, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(6421, { itemtype = 328, creature = 17, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(7949, { itemtype = 326, creature = 15, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8232, { itemtype = 328, creature = 17, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8048, { itemtype = 326, creature = 15, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(7547, { itemtype = 326, creature = 15, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(7491, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, behaviour = "cat", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(4756, { itemtype = 5018, creature = 272, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(7813, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9425, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8353, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8903, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8164, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(5370, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9029, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9088, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9015, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9097, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, behaviour = "rabbit", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(6042, { itemtype = 320, creature = 12, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9570, { itemtype = 8279, creature = 987, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9571, { itemtype = 8279, creature = 987, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9564, { itemtype = 8279, creature = 987, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9303, { itemtype = 321, creature = 13, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9422, { itemtype = 320, creature = 12, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(4774, { itemtype = 321, creature = 13, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(4773, { itemtype = 320, creature = 12, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(6451, { itemtype = 321, creature = 13, behaviour = "chicken", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9025, { itemtype = 6483, creature = 2503, behaviour = "DOG", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(9403, { itemtype = 323, creature = 22, behaviour = "DOG", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(8152, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, behaviour = "DOG", faction_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = cm_dev_spawnposition(), }) quest.createTaskCreature(10011, { creature = 2504, itemtype = 13297, faction_id = 7, persistent = 0, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 1, position = { 41,44,-1 , 2010,860,-100 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10170, { creature = 1253, itemtype = 9748, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 57,54,0 , 2000,1770,1940, 30 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10355, { itemtype = 9511, creature = 1226, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,26,0 , 2384,2645,244 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10490, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10510, { creature = 1253, itemtype = 9748, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8181, { itemtype = 10138, creature = 307, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,6,-2 , 1349.650,2697.750,38.102, 227.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8182, { itemtype = 10138, creature = 307, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,6,-2 , 1132.350,2684.000,38.102, 213.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4323, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2450.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6113, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6116, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1600.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6117, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1400.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6118, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 2000.000,1650.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6119, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1650.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6120, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1800.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6121, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1850.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6122, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1850.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6123, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1650.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6124, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1750.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7261, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 250.000,900.000,0.000 , -201.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4804, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, equipset_id = 268, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1582.950,2584.090,827.273, 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4805, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, equipset_id = 268, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1507.051,2545.750,827.173, 265.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4806, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, equipset_id = 268, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1490.530,2708.330,827.173, 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4807, { itemtype = 9276, creature = 1157, equipset_id = 268, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1450.000,2600.000,0.000 , 231.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(966, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 280.400,285.550,474.000 , 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(967, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 183.240,310.300,477.450 , 264.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(968, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 159.459,93.900,405.400 , 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(970, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 143, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(972, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 143, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(973, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(974, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, equipset_id = 60, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(975, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1003, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1007, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, equipset_id = 60, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 3083.750,167.250,554.241 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(920, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 2565.550,311.250,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(925, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 2400.250,241.850,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(928, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 2272.800,282.850,0.000 , 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(933, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 143, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 2222.900,131.400,0.000 , 13.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(934, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,34,0 , 2653.150,218.900,0.000 , 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7516, { itemtype = 8700, creature = 1059, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", persistent = 1, position = { 30,58,0 , 1430,2400,1660 , 135 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1543, { ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, itemtype = 11753, creature = 1877, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", persistent = 1, position = { 39,32,-2 , 1840+17.4,1530-3,-117 , 360-10 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1544, { ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, itemtype = 11753, creature = 1877, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", persistent = 1, position = { 39,32,-2 , 1740+3,1430+17.4,-117 , 90-10 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1545, { ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, itemtype = 11753, creature = 1877, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", persistent = 1, position = { 39,32,-2 , 1840-17.3,1330+3,-117 , 180-10 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1546, { ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, itemtype = 11753, creature = 1877, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", persistent = 1, position = { 39,32,-2 , 1940-3,1430-17.3,-117 , 270-10 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1553, { creature = 658, itemtype = 7044, equipset_id = 22, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,26,0 , 50.000,2350.000,0.000 , -41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2289, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,26,0 , 50.000,2200.000,0.000 , -88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2277, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 3150.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2278, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,25,0 , 0.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2279, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 3100.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2280, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,24,0 , 2300.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2281, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,24,0 , 2250.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2282, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,24,0 , 450.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2283, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,24,0 , 1400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2284, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,24,0 , 1400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2285, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,24,0 , 450.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2286, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 2950.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2287, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 2950.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2288, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 3000.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4308, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,-1 , 1850.000,2250.000,0.000 , 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3884, { itemtype = 8699, creature = 1074, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 2130.910,1213.450,905.139, 348.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3885, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,-1 , 1750.000,2350.000,0.000 , 54.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6080, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,55,0 , 912.500,2904.750, 350.750 , 200 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6081, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,54,0 , 3055.500,2039.000, 1082.250 , 5 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6082, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,25,0 , 1459.750,491.250,2559.750 , 95 } }) quest.createTaskCreature(6083, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,6,0 , 1666.000,3023.500,1899.750 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6084, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1169.250, 243.750, 20.000 , 225 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6085, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 543.000, 5.000, 554.250 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6086, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,14,0 , 294.250,1883.250,1355.250 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6087, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,61,0 , 1107.250,1468.250, 2257.500 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6088, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3142.750, 469.500, 3726.750 , 240 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6089, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 2260.000, 525.000,136.500 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6090, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2840.250, 1115.445,139.500 , 190 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6091, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,41,0 , 2076.250, 776.750,4907.750 , 95 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6092, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 319.000,1771.750,1715.000 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6093, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,49,0 , 148.250,2574.000,3624.750 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6094, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,49,0 , 629.750, 838.500,1157.250 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6095, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 2859.250,2766.500,2138.000 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6096, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,59,0 , 2327.500,2806.000, 547.500 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6097, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,57,0 , 1069.750,2469.500, 135.500 , 160 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6098, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 1119.750,2653.250, 50.500 , 20 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6099, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2718.000,1124.000,-1713.000 , 45 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6100, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1071.000, 124.500,-1704.250 , 25 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6101, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,13,0 , 547.500, 608.250,2410.500 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6102, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 2974.000, 339.500,1923.750 , 210 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6103, { creature = 1872, itemtype = 9583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,14,0 , 1650,1600,225 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4616, { itemtype = 9284, creature = 1165, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,41,0 , 2700.000,2781.250,581.622, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5953, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2770.380,2985.810,573.722, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6005, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2250.000,550.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6006, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6007, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2300.000,150.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6008, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2250.000,100.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6009, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 865, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-1 , 2000.000,2750.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6010, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 865, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2050.000,100.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6012, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2250.000,450.000,0.000 , 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6014, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-1 , 2250.000,2750.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6017, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-1 , 2200.000,2650.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6018, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2150.000,450.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6019, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2100.000,150.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6020, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-1 , 2050.000,2650.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6026, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-2 , 2150.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6027, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-2 , 2000.000,1350.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6028, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-2 , 1950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6029, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 869, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-2 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6031, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,-2 , 2050.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2500, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2750.000,2050.000,0.000 , 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9555, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 684.047,2307.700,-110.477, 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9486, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2771.350,2040.490,74.228, 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2501, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,35,0 , 1600.000,3050.000,1257.000, 163.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2492, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 71, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1550.000,50.000,0.000 , 184.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9661, { itemtype = 11749, creature = 1894, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,56,-1 , 1250.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10232, { itemtype = 11755, creature = 2979, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,56,-1 , 1250.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6874, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 50, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,29,0 , 1099.770,1972.840,129.995, 35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6487, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 353.016,805.203,-1674.540, 62.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6482, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 1521, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1965.000,1343.600,-1629.010, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6486, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2218.810,1045.580,-1713.190, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6491, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 2386.500, 1277.000, -1687.000 , 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2880, { itemtype = 10247, creature = 1426, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 2159.500,662.500,928.054, 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2879, { itemtype = 8672, creature = 1041, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 2059.450,3136.400,202.868, 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2881, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 459, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,39,0 , 1074,722,0 , 220 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2882, { itemtype = 10877, creature = 1611, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,39,0 , 991,1551,185 , 330 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5827, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,36,-1 , 1060,1770,0 , 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5851, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,36,-2 , 2070,930,0 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6335, { itemtype = 13200, creature = 1875, faction_id = 7, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 1, persistent = 1, position = { 0,58,-1 , 2143.000,1430.000,-298.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5382, { itemtype = 9519, creature = 1486, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2217.050,276.156,1515.030, 215.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5427, { itemtype = 9518, creature = 1485, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,48,0 , 2600.000,650.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5383, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,46,0 , 1600.000,3100.000,0.000, 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5384, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 1400.000,0.000,1560.000, -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5385, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,46,0 , 1550.000,3050.000,0.000, 169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5386, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 1500.000,350.000,1560.000, -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5387, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 1450.000,350.000,1560.000, 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5415, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 350.000,1150.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5416, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 350.000,1050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5417, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 850.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5418, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 850.000,1100.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5388, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 300.000,1150.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5420, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2400.000,1450.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5421, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 211.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5422, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2100.000,1300.000,0.000 , -323.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5423, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2400.000,1400.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5424, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2400.000,1250.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5433, { itemtype = 9517, creature = 1484, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 485.188,2965.450,906.972, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5444, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1650.000,1850.000,0.000 , 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5445, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1600.000,2050.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5446, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1450.000,2100.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5447, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1450.000,2050.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5448, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1550.000,1850.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5439, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 1500.000,1150.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5440, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 1850.000,900.000,0.000 , 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5441, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 1250.000,1100.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5442, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 1350.000,1200.000,0.000 , 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5443, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 1800.000,850.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5434, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2750.000,2300.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5435, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5436, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 3100.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5437, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2750.000,2450.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5438, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 3000.000,2450.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5466, { itemtype = 9516, creature = 1483, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1079.720,1821.020,719.516, 163.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5470, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 184, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1050.150,1721.250,719.514, 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5473, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1100.000,2050.000,719.000, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5475, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 975.516,1870.060,719.516, 94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5477, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1150.000,2000.000,719.000, 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3575, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3595, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2350.000,1650.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3579, { itemtype = 2906, creature = 136, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,22,0 , 2766.610,969.764,-379.554, 347.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3577, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,22,0 , 2808.580,918.678,-379.554, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3578, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,22,0 , 2713.420,1009.220,-379.554, 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3576, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,22,0 , 1650.000,2550.000,-180.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3597, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,22,0 , 1315.750,272.852,-481.899, 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3596, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,22,0 , 300.000,1400.000,-565.000 , 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2993, { itemtype = 10880, creature = 1614, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1900.000,2150.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3003, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 2050.000,2150.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6281, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1900.000,2100.000,0.000 , -250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6282, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3007, { itemtype = 10878, creature = 1612, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1650.000,2700.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3006, { itemtype = 9299, creature = 1462, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1700.000,2700.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3009, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1572.160,2665.550,836.544, 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3008, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1675.500,2641.650,845.928, 203.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3013, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 347.484,636.836,650.694, 264.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3012, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 503.344,567.352,650.694, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3011, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 365.703,759.547,650.694, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3010, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 290.906,619.484,650.694, 306.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6270, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 458, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 389.250,662.797,650.694, 347.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6280, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2000.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6279, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2300.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6278, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2050.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6277, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2350.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6276, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2250.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6275, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2150.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6274, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2250.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1416, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 1852.420,1562.350,275.613, 113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3538, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2150.000,2000.000,0.000 , 179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3539, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2250.000,2000.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3540, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2450.000,2050.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3541, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2164.740,1759.220,275.556, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3542, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2223.880,1754.410,275.556, 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3543, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 1500.000,2000.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3544, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2181.600,1557.530,275.598, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2105, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, faction_id = 5, position = { 23,50,0 , 1168.500,157.500,128.651, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1707, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1200.000,550.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1719, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, equipset_id = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2450.000,800.000,0.000 , -19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1733, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2400.000,600.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1742, { itemtype = 1121, creature = 92, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2450.000,600.000,0.000 , -67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1740, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2350.000,1050.000,0.000 , 295.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1753, { itemtype = 7684, creature = 699, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2350.000,1000.000,0.000 , 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1741, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2700.000,950.000,0.000 , 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1754, { itemtype = 7698, creature = 700, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2700.000,900.000,0.000 , 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7162, { itemtype = 7113, creature = 686, equipset_id = 253, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 1825.000,1475.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7163, { itemtype = 7121, creature = 730, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1065.000,985.000,0.000 , 330.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3290, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 186, faction_id = 57, specialdrop = 701, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,32,0 , 2600.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3882, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,31,0 , 1792.750,2735.450,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9905, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 150.000,850.000,0.000 , -108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9956, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,1300.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9957, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,1150.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9958, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,1050.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10536, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10537, { itemtype = 12703, creature = 2064, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10538, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1300.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10539, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10540, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(599, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 41, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,23,0 , 1850.000,3150.000,0.000, 221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(601, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 28, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,25,0 , 2600.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(602, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 28, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,25,0 , 2750.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(605, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 28, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,25,0 , 2769.000,905.350,97.178, 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(617, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,23,0 , 1200.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(618, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,23,0 , 1300.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(619, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,23,0 , 1350.000,1250.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(620, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,23,0 , 1200.000,1350.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(295, { itemtype = 1, creature = 1, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,31,-1 , 1200.000,2600.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(267, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 57, specialdrop = 45, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,31,-1 , 550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(268, { itemtype = 610, creature = 189, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,31,-1 , 450.000,2200.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(269, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,31,-1 , 600.000,2300.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(270, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,31,-1 , 400.000,2250.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8485, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5007, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 599, faction_id = 41, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,-1 , 2602.750,1899.750,-116.947, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5028, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, equipset_id = 25, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,0 , 1307.000,835.852,115.525, 324.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5029, { itemtype = 7230, creature = 815, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,0 , 1203.200,727.898,92.659, 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5031, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, equipset_id = 125, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,0 , 1257.350,847.398,106.114, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9801, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 7,62,0 , 1200.000,300.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5131, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,28,0 , 0.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5132, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,28,0 , 1950.000,2150.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5134, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,28,0 , 2800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5124, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,28,0 , 2250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5126, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,28,0 , 2000.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5127, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,28,0 , 1350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1348, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1500.000,750.000,0.000 , 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1349, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1350, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1250.000,2350.000,0.000 , 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1351, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1500.000,500.000,0.000 , 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1352, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1100.000,1650.000,0.000 , 166.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1353, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1500.000,300.000,0.000 , 175.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6530, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 800.000,550.000,0.000 , 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6531, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 129.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6532, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 150.000,3100.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6533, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 750.000,600.000,0.000 , 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1354, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 900.000,950.000,0.000 , 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1355, { itemtype = 7397, creature = 842, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 900.000,850.000,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1356, { itemtype = 7396, creature = 841, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1000.000,800.000,0.000 , -171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1357, { itemtype = 7396, creature = 841, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2250.000,150.000,0.000 , 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1358, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2550.000,100.000,0.000 , 133.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1359, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2800.000,100.000,0.000 , 143.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6534, { itemtype = 7397, creature = 842, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2950.000,1250.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6535, { itemtype = 7396, creature = 841, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2800.000,2350.000,0.000 , -146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6536, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2850.000,1050.000,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6537, { itemtype = 7397, creature = 842, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2900.000,1250.000,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6538, { itemtype = 7396, creature = 841, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2700.000,2350.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1338, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2850.000,900.000,0.000 , -41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1342, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,0 , 850.000,2900.000,0.000 , -55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1343, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,0 , 1000.000,2750.000,0.000 , -49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1344, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2700.000,1050.000,0.000 , -42.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1345, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,0 , 800.000,1000.000,0.000 , -42.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1346, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 256, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,0 , 1000.000,850.000,0.000 , -32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(729, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,26,0 , 2250.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(731, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 1350.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(733, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,26,0 , 1750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(735, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,26,0 , 950.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(737, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,26,0 , 2300.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(742, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,25,0 , 300.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(743, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(744, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,25,0 , 800.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(745, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,25,0 , 850.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(758, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 2600.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2948, { itemtype = 6734, creature = 329, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,36,0 , 2350.000,2100.000,0.000 , -131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2958, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2959, { itemtype = 10877, creature = 1611, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 1262.410,1048.250,1000.500, 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5161, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 2050.000,750.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5162, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 2050.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5163, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 1800.000,850.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5164, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 2050.000,650.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5165, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 2300.000,850.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7655, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,49,0 , 600.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7660, { itemtype = 8646, creature = 1037, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,47,0, 543.797,607.844,209.764 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1186, { itemtype = 6666, creature = 460, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,25,-1 , 1719.750,889.047,-116.922, 147.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9506, { itemtype = 6666, creature = 460, equipset_id = 451, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 783.500,908.102,-0.040, 249.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8483, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 684.150,875.000,-0.040, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8484, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 806.450,1021.050,-0.040, 261.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9522, { itemtype = 6666, creature = 460, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,-1 , 1788.050,461.458,18.741, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4958, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 865.250,277.547,3192.290, 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4959, { itemtype = 10271, creature = 814, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,43,0 , 2750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4947, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, equipset_id = 242, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 684.324,368.703,3194.010, 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4960, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,45,0 , 150.000,1650.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4935, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, equipset_id = 242, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 485.891,487.672,3192.280, 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4961, { itemtype = 5685, creature = 950, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,44,0 , 2050.000,2400.000,0.000, -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5053, { itemtype = 9272, creature = 1153, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 650.000,2200.000,0.000, -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5062, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 903, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 3121.350,1610.000,1085.590, 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4869, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 891, equipset_id = 242, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1141.430,1775.730,1519.490, 162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4870, { itemtype = 10271, creature = 814, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4824, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 891, equipset_id = 242, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1370.000,1754.800,1519.500, 209.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4842, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 900.000,1200.000,0.000 , 286.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4776, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 891, equipset_id = 242, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1349.250,1910.450,1519.500, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4803, { itemtype = 5685, creature = 950, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 1000.000,2450.000,0.000 , 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4912, { itemtype = 9271, creature = 1152, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 850.000,1750.000,0.000, 53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5049, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2200.000,1650.000,0.000, 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7989, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, behaviour = "questCreatures", faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1267.750,1257.900,120.350, 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4073, { itemtype = 7702, creature = 757, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1600.000,1450.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4081, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1500.000,1400.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4083, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5765, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 899, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 591.016,703.188,1253.810, 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5766, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, equipset_id = 248, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 507.352,692.844,1253.820, 233.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5852, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 2750.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5853, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 600.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5854, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 2900.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5855, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5856, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5857, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 2450.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5858, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 2700.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5859, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 550.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5860, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 2600.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5861, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5862, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 950.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5863, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 1100.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5864, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 650.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5865, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 800.000,450.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5866, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 700.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6050, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6051, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6052, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 2750.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6053, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 2900.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6054, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 3100.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2543, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 2500,3000,400, 270 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2544, { itemtype = 9713, creature = 1247, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2050,1800,130 , 45 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2545, { itemtype = 6674, creature = 490, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1680,1280,15,270 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2546, { itemtype = 13238, creature = 2502, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10239, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2547, { itemtype = 12380, creature = 1146, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,8,-1 , 2050.000,2060.000,-244.000, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10151, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,8,-1 , 2050.000,2060.000,-244.000, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1527, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1844,2070,0 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1528, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1844,1545,0 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1547, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2336,2070,0 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1548, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2336,1545,0 , 90 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4543, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,7,0 , 1040,1423,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8797, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,7,0 , 1040,1423,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8798, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,7,0 , 1040,1423,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6263, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,7,0 , 1040,1423,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6264, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,8,0 , 1692,797,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6265, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,8,0 , 1692,797,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6266, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,8,0 , 1692,797,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6267, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,8,0 , 1692,797,0 , 180 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(406, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3080,2360,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(431, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3080,2360,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(432, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3080,2360,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(435, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3080,2360,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(437, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3080,2360,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(438, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3080,2360,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9750, { itemtype = 8678, creature = 1067, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9742, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2100.000,1200.000,0.000 , -18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9752, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 2505, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,53,-1 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7187, { itemtype = 686, creature = 176, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 2032.000,705.453,-1582.920, 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7188, { itemtype = 686, creature = 176, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 2049.500,521.055,-1586.350, 264.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7189, { itemtype = 686, creature = 176, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 1893.610,574.672,-1587.210, 182.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4359, { itemtype = 7331, creature = 855, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0, 548.656,1293.352,1684.981, 30.000}, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4371, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0, 655.797,1490.102,1844.981, 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4372, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0, 494.844,1392.547,1844.981, 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4373, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0, 619.344,1287.148,1844.981, 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4374, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0, 753.297,1353.547,1844.981, 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4375, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0, 267.844,1146.547,1844.981, 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4343, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,2052.094,1493.148,1679.135, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4344, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,2052.094,1493.148,1679.135, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4346, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,2052.094,1493.148,1679.135, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4347, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,2052.094,1493.148,1679.135, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4348, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,2052.094,1493.148,1679.135, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4349, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4350, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4351, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4352, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4353, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4354, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4355, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4356, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4357, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4358, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4361, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4362, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4364, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4365, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4366, { itemtype = 11398, creature = 802, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_giant_rat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0,1965.203,1268.394,1829.447, 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2863, { itemtype = 10824, creature = 257, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,46,0 , 1000.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2864, { itemtype = 9286, creature = 1167, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,0 , 2600.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2865, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,51,0 , 1745,1300,4686 , 315 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2871, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,51,0 , 2575,650,4065 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2867, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,56,0 , 650.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2872, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 171, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,0 , 1500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2874, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,54,-2 , 489.156,2163.953,496.183 , 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2875, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,39,0 , 699.750,2815.648,-1298.293 , 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2876, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0,2628.047,1451.852,1.640,0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(198, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,28,0 , 2212.020,2571.990,-4.972, 109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10136, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,6,0 , 800.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10137, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,6,0 , 1650.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10138, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,6,0 , 3000.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10139, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,6,0 , 1150.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10140, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,5,0 , 2700.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(374, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 1300.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(375, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 1350.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(878, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,30,0 , 2162.910,2423.280,-250.205, 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1119, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 777.297,2471.750,87.023, 231.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2569, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1431.350,601.500,62.115, 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2570, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1479.550,675.250,66.790, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2719, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1250.000,1750.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2969, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,23,0 , 2900.000,150.000,56.000, 83.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2970, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,23,0 , 1592.350,2944.410,448.711, 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3764, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1679.300,1666.650,-72.641, 43.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3765, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 119, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1600.000,1500.000,0.000 , 223.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(719, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,28,0 , 800.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(720, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,28,0 , 806,987,93 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(721, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,28,0 , 826,987,93 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(722, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,28,0 , 786,987,93 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(723, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 850.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(613, { itemtype = 1121, creature = 92, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,32,0 , 2716.600,419.703,-7.706, 322.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(610, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 250.000,1800.000,18.000, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9439, { itemtype = 11308, creature = 1723, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10491, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10492, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10493, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10494, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10495, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10496, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10497, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10498, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10499, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10500, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(761, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 36, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,26,0 , 582.250,702.350,39.769, 286.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(200, { itemtype = 7698, creature = 700, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 38,31,0, 1825.000,200.000,0.000, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(201, { itemtype = 323, creature = 22, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,31,0, 1600.000,1750.000,0.000,45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10470, { itemtype = 12326, creature = 2105, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_reduced_aggro", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10471, { itemtype = 12326, creature = 2105, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_reduced_aggro", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10487, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2106, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10488, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2106, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10489, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2106, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10475, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10476, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10477, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10478, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10479, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10480, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10481, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10482, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10483, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10484, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id=57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,9,0 , 2400+math.rad(400),2100+math.rad(400),0 , math.rad(360) }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9797, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,9,0 , 2300.000,1600.000,625.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9799, { itemtype = 12932, creature = 2103, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,9,0 , 2250.000,900.000,604.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8559, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,22,-1 , 1100.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2037, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1340.650,689.000,1038.390, 23.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2503, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,29,0 , 3032.050,1088.450,59.927, 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3569, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1750.000,800.000,0.000 , 133.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3571, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1850.000,850.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3570, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1600.000,900.000,0.000 , 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(145, { itemtype = 8330, creature = 989, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 248.551,2913.150,8.121, 125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2080, { itemtype = 9269, creature = 439, equipset_id = 449, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,48,0 , 2465.050,1889.550,4056.450, 254.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3568, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1799.020,951.031,80.293, 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(154, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,29,0 , 2214.200,1964.000,677.228, 344.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4319, { itemtype = 8673, creature = 1042, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 943.102,1055.910,322.411, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2033, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1450.000,1400.000,1056.000, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2039, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1337.370,1181.630,1038.480, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2040, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1568.000,1161.000,1038.480, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2036, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1676.640,749.176,1041.480, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2038, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1447.250,1029.050,1038.480, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4321, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2026.100,1104.750,0.087, 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4322, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2148.880,333.234,0.087, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(155, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,29,0 , 2554.450,45.953,-20.483, 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2574, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 457, equipset_id = 162, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1476.400,1830.600,1056.490, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2035, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 156, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1725.900,1791.800,1038.490, 317.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2034, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 1236.100,1809.950,1038.490, 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4751, { itemtype = 2643, creature = 118, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1466.400,1510.850,-72.631, 179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8325, { itemtype = 8679, creature = 1066, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8323, { itemtype = 8679, creature = 1066, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8322, { itemtype = 10882, creature = 1616, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6871, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 3,31,0 , 1546.950,1301.300,-70.552, 241.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2119, { itemtype = 8701, creature = 1061, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 9,47,0 , 2072.980,2553.330,4269.190, 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2116, { itemtype = 9270, creature = 438, equipset_id = 450, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,48,0 , 2355.350,1855.000,4058.580, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2115, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, equipset_id = 308, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,48,0 , 2413.650,1816.020,4069.870, 179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2107, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 651.852,893.953,1412.970, 132.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6043, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,56,0 , 528.297,2472.090,1613.690, 32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4980, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 2774.750,338.547,391.372, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2172, { itemtype = 8947, creature = 1111, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2600.450,1339.050,-1680.090, 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4989, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,-1 , 700.000,50.000,-68.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4987, { itemtype = 6661, creature = 579, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1388.050,2045.600,919.130, 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3949, { itemtype = 7757, creature = 1000, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 1463.700,1933.150,108.813, 201.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5542, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 887, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,49,0 , 1873.450,792.203,18.980, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6735, { itemtype = 9853, creature = 1279, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,51,-2 , 2616.750,455.344,-50.634, 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1150, { itemtype = 6542, creature = 604, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 23,27,0 , 356.500,405.648,750.782, 188.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4045, { itemtype = 7568, creature = 692, faction_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 200.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4332, { itemtype = 8699, creature = 1074, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 2782.050,16.156,525.249, 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2633, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 2100.000,700.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2634, { itemtype = 7703, creature = 759, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 2000.000,700.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6252, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 256.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3581, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 400.000,2300.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1174, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2650.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2647, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 800.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1182, { itemtype = 2900, creature = 137, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1100.000,1600.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5230, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,22,-1 , 1147.350,1847.500,67.419, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3580, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2829.160,1746.890,194.238, 348.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1147, { itemtype = 7076, creature = 647, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1001.600,2776.810,103.090, 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2502, { itemtype = 6519, creature = 561, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,36,0 , 1076.850,2040.400,1621.540, 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1178, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, equipset_id = 254, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1729.700,2115.450,90.075, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4360, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 1658.350,2865.160,100.541, 314.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2085, { itemtype = 7102, creature = 707, equipset_id = 252, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,37,0 , 2572.750,2515.650,252.176, 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2087, { itemtype = 7569, creature = 712, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 2627.200,46.648,485.921, 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2083, { itemtype = 7755, creature = 998, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,-1 , 3085.500,1520.900,-116.905, 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2078, { itemtype = 7352, creature = 708, equipset_id = 285, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,38,-1 , 243.047,1481.550,-116.908, 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2858, { itemtype = 7361, creature = 581, equipset_id = 49, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1089.650,2680.990,103.090, 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(873, { itemtype = 7043, creature = 644, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,-1 , 1295.800,1909.350,-116.919, 310.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8822, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1800.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3572, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1650.000,800.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7306, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 502.203,1359.550,-1668.070, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8823, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1500.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8821, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1750.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8816, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1850.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8818, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1700.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8820, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1750.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8824, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1550.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8819, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8817, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1600.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8815, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6772, { itemtype = 6674, creature = 490, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1550.000,1000.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7044, { itemtype = 8947, creature = 1111, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 2192.250,1154.650,-1688.520, 323.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10023, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,56,0 , 800.000,2100.000,2860.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10024, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,56,0 , 1000.000,500.000,3024.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2655, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1350.000,600.000,0.000 , 146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2074, { itemtype = 7349, creature = 711, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,43,0 , 740.500,2159.450,615.156, 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2077, { itemtype = 1705, creature = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 1295.600,1678.200,-1458.680, 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5243, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 617, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,21,-1 , 2658.550,1568.050,-102.316, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5882, { itemtype = 5147, creature = 297, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2278.050,551.453,1173.040, 205.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5883, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, equipset_id = 349, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 3156.400,812.750,1174.720, 290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2271, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,25,0 , 1227.400,129.050,14.730, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1156, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1948.750,995.398,73.090, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6736, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2738.220,1918.730,-1418.200, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(312, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2073.350,1937.700,21.262, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1151, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,31,0 , 2493.150,186.453,10.006, 236.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(817, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 725, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,23,0 , 1284.730,2037.080,115.868, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2533, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2541.140,2468.120,1.354, 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9181, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9180, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,2,0 , 2150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9184, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2000.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9183, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,2,0 , 2250.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9185, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,2,0 , 2050.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9182, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2150.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2489, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 253, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1500.000,0.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5484, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 630, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2863.800,2610.750,2135.400, 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9201, { itemtype = 542, creature = 628, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,3,-1 , 1950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9197, { itemtype = 542, creature = 628, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,3,-1 , 2150.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9198, { itemtype = 542, creature = 628, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,3,-1 , 2400.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9200, { itemtype = 542, creature = 628, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,3,-1 , 2500.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9199, { itemtype = 542, creature = 628, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,3,-1 , 2250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1910, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,22,0 , 494.953,815.000,-512.069, 149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3976, { itemtype = 7757, creature = 1000, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 1578.790,1280.090,393.240, 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5000, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 722.453,565.602,1216.200, 99.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(869, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1809.520,2866.340,548.976, 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(391, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 699.250,1443.050,246.216, 193.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6753, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 1521, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,33,0 , 837.578,906.266,-1656.840, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2644, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 600.000,400.000,0.000 , -172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2646, { itemtype = 7703, creature = 759, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,39,0 , 1050.000,2950.000,0.000 , -128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3979, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,41,0 , 2200.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3980, { itemtype = 542, creature = 70, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,41,0 , 2500.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7561, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1017, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,46,0 , 1149.300,2906.310,1337.750, 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5081, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, equipset_id = 46, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,48,-1 , 1534.450,271.250,-118.333, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5123, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,49,0 , 800.000,1550.000,0.000, 331.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5004, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,0 , 1438.580,2176.590,390.200, 147.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5005, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,51,0 , 1533.800,472.250,3044.610, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2175, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1034.450,1149.350,-1694.490, 242.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5006, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 41, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,26,0 , 2353.450,1168.300,431.678, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1709, { itemtype = 2906, creature = 136, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 2767.850,279.150,108.910, 109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2493, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 1822.640,3184.280,325.089, 94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7386, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1143.840,804.102,-1737.750, 330.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7343, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1868.750,616.500,-1728.280, 236.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9195, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 521, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,10,0 , 3100.000,300.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5027, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,51,0 , 1825.110,784.594,3044.600, 205.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9206, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 1500.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9207, { itemtype = 6659, creature = 607, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 1900.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9208, { itemtype = 6670, creature = 732, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 1650.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9217, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 669, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 2050.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9216, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 1850.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9196, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1600.000,3000.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5629, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2066.680,2526.980,10.083, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5619, { itemtype = 7643, creature = 846, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2000.000,2531.590,10.086, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5600, { itemtype = 5148, creature = 298, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2268.500,2598.500,10.079, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4428, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2200.000,3050.000,0.000 , 83.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4430, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2050.000,3000.000,0.000 , 99.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4433, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 320, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2100.000,3000.000,0.000 , 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4431, { itemtype = 8675, creature = 1045, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2250.000,3050.000,0.000 , 300.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4425, { itemtype = 7756, creature = 999, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2200.000,2950.000,0.000 , 85.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4426, { itemtype = 7565, creature = 995, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2250.000,2950.000,0.000 , 265.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4432, { itemtype = 8675, creature = 1045, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2400.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4429, { itemtype = 7562, creature = 992, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2400.000,2950.000,0.000 , 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2699, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 2128.930,1487.220,103.900, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4435, { itemtype = 6735, creature = 578, behaviour = "JOB_KID", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2350.000,3150.000,102.000, 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4434, { itemtype = 7567, creature = 691, behaviour = "JOB_KID", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 2300.000,0.000,99.000, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4427, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "JOB_PRIEST", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2100.000,3100.000,98.000, 103.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(303, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,23,0 , 3085.370,1577.670,85.509, 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(397, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 1068.030,220.284,85.771, 359.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5624, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 678, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2202.600,2728.800,10.083, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5620, { itemtype = 7643, creature = 846, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2133.600,2729.750,10.078, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5014, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 2895.210,1494.880,3573.250, 144.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5641, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2600.000,2650.000,0.000 , -125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5642, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2650.000,2800.000,0.000 , -104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5643, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2800.000,2900.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5644, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2700.000,2450.000,0.000 , -135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5645, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2900.000,2450.000,0.000 , -124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5646, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2950.000,2750.000,0.000 , -102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5026, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 892.852,2319.700,-113.420, 92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5025, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 922.352,2127.650,-117.280, 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6243, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 2000.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6863, { itemtype = 8948, creature = 1112, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 54,27,0 , 1620.000,1262.100,-1556.060, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4437, { itemtype = 6971, creature = 313, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 658.547,292.453,50.088, 35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5020, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 3066.010,1337.920,3632.210, 36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5016, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 2896.480,1809.880,3725.600, 176.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5021, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 2926.050,1673.330,3677.910, 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5018, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 45.719,1224.230,3639.480, 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5013, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 165.988,1349.230,3560.580, 94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5017, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 653.902,938.797,3313.370, 328.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5011, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 901.637,1284.800,3439.030, 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5012, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 502.434,1239.330,3417.830, 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5037, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 971.602,782.344,3270.700, 59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5035, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 1052.250,907.609,3269.540, 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5034, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 3180.060,1259.390,3637.980, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5036, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 2834.050,1776.160,3723.340, 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5039, { itemtype = 4581, creature = 212, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,52,0 , 865.461,1274.280,3438.540, 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7342, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1850.000,700.000,0.000 , 255.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7527, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 1300.000,150.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5650, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2600.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5649, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2500.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5648, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2700.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9213, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 769, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,-1 , 4.750,1618.450,-125.197, 6.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9205, { itemtype = 8327, creature = 1080, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,-1 , 116.148,1613.450,-125.197, 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9214, { itemtype = 7679, creature = 765, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,-1 , 173.160,1537.550,-126.014, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9211, { itemtype = 8324, creature = 1078, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,5,-1 , 3135.800,1505.750,-126.125, 242.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9212, { itemtype = 8325, creature = 1079, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,-1 , 236.500,1677.050,-126.015, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9225, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,5,-1 , 3002.550,1717.850,-126.126, 7.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9224, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,5,-1 , 2987.240,1448.460,-125.741, 199.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3844, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,44,0 , 1550.000,2100.000,0.000, 191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3998, { itemtype = 8288, creature = 1034, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,45,0 , 1532.450,1547.800,1715.110, 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4035, { itemtype = 10880, creature = 1614, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,550.000,81.000, -84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4052, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,500.000,0.000, 332.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4051, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,600.000,0.000, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4050, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 167.094,781.141,30.090, 297.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4049, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 33.156,726.094,30.101, 104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6366, { itemtype = 8827, creature = 1190, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 6.852,680.797,176.481, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3639, { itemtype = 6939, creature = 643, equipset_id = 431, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 716.602,1501.900,-103.548, 137.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4325, { itemtype = 610, creature = 680, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2550.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4324, { itemtype = 610, creature = 189, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 1750.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2110, { itemtype = 6520, creature = 562, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 11,50,0 , 150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8070, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,0 , 2980.350,2880.600,440.858, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8069, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,0 , 2010.700,2769.850,440.854, 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8067, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,0 , 2075.620,327.351,440.902, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8068, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,0 , 2910.250,470.150,440.899, 312.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8021, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2692.150,1570.600,994.729, 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6365, { itemtype = 10944, creature = 1636, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,58,-1 , 2850.900,1818.300,-88.837, 31.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2527, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2525, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 722, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2000.000,1350.000,0.000 , -210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8043, { itemtype = 10454, creature = 1495, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 368.797,1770.950,701.031, 188.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5042, { itemtype = 6542, creature = 603, equipset_id = 35, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 30,25,-1 , 1986.650,2137.500,-14.908, 184.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2654, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1450.000,600.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8188, { itemtype = 8812, creature = 1070, equipset_id = 351, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 2300.000,2700.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9209, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 675, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 2000.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9215, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 447, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 1800.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5048, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 459, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 41, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,-1 , 3005.850,2640.850,-117.018, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9219, { itemtype = 6671, creature = 583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,15,0 , 1550.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9221, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,15,0 , 2250.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9222, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,15,0 , 2200.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9223, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,15,0 , 2350.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9220, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1369, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,15,0 , 2300.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6794, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,29,0 , 23.906,34.203,-1692.570, 172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7104, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1700.000,1800.000,0.000 , 87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4063, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 1867.350,25.297,889.566, 247.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6443, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2357.090,2054.980,-1719.260, 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5676, { itemtype = 9595, creature = 1225, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1796.680,2331.840,10.088, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7090, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 1142.000,347.297,-1708.970, 349.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7099, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1425.190,2185.910,-1739.830, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7100, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1245.660,1811.500,-1735.800, 119.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7101, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 972.797,1370.500,-1736.730, 132.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7103, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1795.000,1639.880,-1738.970, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3869, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, equipset_id = 146, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,42,0 , 1207.450,1705.750,8.617, 332.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5635, { itemtype = 4581, creature = 213, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2201.900,2328.910,10.083, 179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5627, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2201.600,2396.410,10.083, 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5628, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2268.400,2463.750,10.083, 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5632, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1799.070,2398.140,10.088, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5631, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1867.050,2396.750,10.088, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5604, { itemtype = 517, creature = 56, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1932.950,2463.590,10.086, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5677, { itemtype = 9595, creature = 1225, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2135.150,2333.250,10.083, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5608, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2000.500,2463.160,10.083, 179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5630, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1933.030,2396.050,10.088, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5675, { itemtype = 9594, creature = 1224, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1798.550,2797.200,10.086, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5618, { itemtype = 7643, creature = 846, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1801.700,2730.550,10.086, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5617, { itemtype = 7643, creature = 846, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1868.200,2730.160,10.086, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5616, { itemtype = 7643, creature = 846, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1934.050,2665.750,10.086, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5625, { itemtype = 5020, creature = 273, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1998.850,2664.700,10.086, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5622, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2066.250,2797.700,10.083, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5674, { itemtype = 9594, creature = 1224, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2132.730,2797.910,10.083, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5623, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2267.100,2796.910,10.083, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5621, { itemtype = 7643, creature = 846, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2267.300,2731.910,10.083, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2111, { itemtype = 6520, creature = 562, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 11,50,0 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3871, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, equipset_id = 28, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_LUMBERMAN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,42,0 , 450.000,1150.000,0.000, -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7474, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,36,0 , 144.953,2509.750,-1162.610, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5316, { itemtype = 6529, creature = 1837, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 646.797,185.750,86.964, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5317, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 563.703,227.547,86.964, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9636, { itemtype = 11735, creature = 1897, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 2974.910,742.047,1646.100, 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3688, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1627.570,3068.300,-116.939, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2507, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 2951.800,3113.000,95.000, 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3686, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1528.910,3093.510,-116.939, 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3687, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1555.630,2992.920,-116.939, 196.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6453, { itemtype = 9867, creature = 1179, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,28,0 , 1075.200,2818.350,-1704.010, 196.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3683, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 1695.080,2035.380,279.633, 336.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5538, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 50.000,750.000,0.000, 125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6452, { itemtype = 8947, creature = 1111, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 2034.800,1203.700,-1667.320, 34.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6801, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 650.000,450.000,0.000, 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6799, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 550.000,400.000,0.000, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6800, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 550.000,700.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6798, { itemtype = 8827, creature = 1782, equipset_id = 336, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 550.000,550.000,0.000, -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6804, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 650.000,650.000,0.000, 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6802, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 750.000,600.000,0.000, 285.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7098, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 2769.250,277.500,-1715.270, 285.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6803, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 750.000,500.000,0.000, 250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2536, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,35,0 , 1815.850,3120.350,1257.370, 169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2538, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,35,0 , 1441.250,3135.000,1257.360, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2535, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,36,0 , 1572.050,208.203,1257.290, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2537, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,36,0 , 1890.410,213.320,1257.290, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2539, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 457, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,37,0 , 1848.260,746.484,953.947, 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(261, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,33,0 , 2382.840,505.469,979.635, 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(592, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 722, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 2367.890,1273.320,-506.824, 333.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2995, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 459, equipset_id = 391, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,26,0 , 2586.770,942.211,133.716, 66.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5063, { itemtype = 7235, creature = 823, equipset_id = 29, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 1694.050,945.602,-134.906, 198.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5064, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 723, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 1802.800,953.000,-134.906, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5066, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 1999.150,1065.500,-114.541, 256.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5067, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 1984.170,844.711,-134.906, 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5068, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 2219.900,1115.150,-116.916, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5069, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, equipset_id = 137, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 2579.500,702.953,-116.912, 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5070, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 2548.950,587.203,-116.912, 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3874, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,43,0 , 2450.250,2496.750,79.279, 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5071, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, equipset_id = 134, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,-2 , 2517.600,403.852,-116.912, 112.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2534, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,36,0 , 1941.350,11.703,1257.330, 264.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4168, { itemtype = 685, creature = 551, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,36,-1 , 389.953,3149.380,-117.087, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1824, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, equipset_id = 33, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,40,0 , 2016.400,983.648,422.227, 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8447, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 2650.000,800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5321, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,-1 , 598.156,2867.350,-116.919, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5322, { itemtype = 7041, creature = 645, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1762.370,365.031,68.974, 357.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3881, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, equipset_id = 20, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 1016.000,453.297,234.586, 182.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4065, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 2655.150,514.297,1044.080, 235.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4068, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 2550.650,720.352,1043.050, 239.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4070, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 2468.650,628.250,1043.050, 256.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4066, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 630, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 2453.100,798.297,1041.750, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4069, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 2324.250,689.852,1040.020, 207.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6811, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 758.750,907.250,-1717.280, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5323, { itemtype = 7230, creature = 815, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 397.250,791.297,93.791, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5324, { itemtype = 7235, creature = 823, equipset_id = 147, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 443.750,820.148,93.852, 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5325, { itemtype = 7234, creature = 822, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 292.047,867.914,93.439, 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5326, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 367.719,611.055,89.964, 211.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5159, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 1400.000,850.000,0.000 , -229.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2159, { itemtype = 8694, creature = 1092, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,56,-1 , 1250.000,3150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6245, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 293.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5909, { itemtype = 331, creature = 20, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,42,-1 , 2200.000,2900.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8763, { itemtype = 4589, creature = 219, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,9,0 , 2800.000,1550.000,0.000 , -183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6106, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,0 , 50.000,3000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6105, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,29,0 , 600.949,2336.500,683.729, 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4463, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 600.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4931, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,44,0 , 1650.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4928, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 3050.000,2200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4932, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 2650.000,2400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4930, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,44,0 , 2000.000,1800.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4933, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,44,0 , 1850.000,1950.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4927, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,44,0 , 1600.000,2400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4953, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,44,0 , 2200.000,2550.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4957, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,44,0 , 1900.000,2550.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4956, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,44,0 , 2450.000,2300.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4955, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,44,0 , 1750.000,2050.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4954, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,44,0 , 2100.000,2200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4944, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 450.000,2400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4941, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 650.000,2400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4939, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 950.000,2350.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4940, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 2600.000,3150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4945, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 2450.000,2950.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4938, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 2250.000,3100.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(330, { itemtype = 7683, creature = 701, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,29,-1 , 934.301,1903.950,-348.453, 266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7644, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1947.300,125.453,325.000, 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4164, { itemtype = 7565, creature = 995, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,39,0 , 1759.410,1792.500,177.368, 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4161, { itemtype = 10878, creature = 1612, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,39,0 , 1712.550,1671.900,177.368, 229.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6508, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2193.360,1760.840,-1733.060, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2961, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, equipset_id = 10, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,29,0 , 2369.510,169.836,-26.570, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2960, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,29,0 , 287.531,997.828,59.988, 268.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5334, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 459, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1083.200,99.297,81.993, 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5331, { itemtype = 6659, creature = 607, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1936.350,1535.450,82.044, 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5332, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1855.770,1509.340,82.044, 344.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5333, { itemtype = 6670, creature = 732, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1896.400,1608.250,82.048, 13.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(541, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1194.650,1624.750,59.125, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3853, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 333.500,619.500,260.641, 147.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4950, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4949, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 2450.000,1950.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4951, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 2500.000,2100.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4952, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 1500.000,1050.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4948, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,44,0 , 1250.000,1350.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6934, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1538.840,1900.550,-1695.780, 326.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7467, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1374.700,1617.450,-1722.710, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7469, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1547.410,1642.650,-1724.870, 255.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7468, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1350.000,1550.000,0.000, 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4169, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 2917.000,136.047,955.543, 336.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4095, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1391.200,1539.950,7.762, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4097, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1888.780,1018.470,13.291, 62.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4099, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1661.500,1210.910,0.086, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6761, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,61,0 , 3000.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9244, { itemtype = 10295, creature = 1477, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,30,0 , 1491.550,706.648,-1678.660, 172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6766, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,61,0 , 2950.000,850.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6767, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,61,0 , 3050.000,900.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6768, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,61,0 , 0.000,800.000,0.000 , -16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6769, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,61,0 , 2950.000,900.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7152, { itemtype = 9523, creature = 1195, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,30,-1 , 1500.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9230, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 684.150,875.000,-0.040, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9229, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 600, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 806.450,1021.050,-0.040, 261.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7774, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1300.000,1850.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7779, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8047, { itemtype = 8326, creature = 1077, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,-1 , 2850.000,1300.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8039, { itemtype = 10387, creature = 1498, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2580.150,1562.650,999.542, 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2541, { itemtype = 9299, creature = 1462, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,36,0 , 851.938,3045.620,768.607, 178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6524, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 2300.000,1050.000,141.000, 324.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4865, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 3000.000,500.000,0.000, 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2487, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,31,0 , 1711.550,216.648,34.854, 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4868, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 2850.000,200.000,0.000, 194.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4862, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 2600.000,400.000,0.000, 348.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4966, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, equipset_id = 37, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,29,0 , 83.109,2337.010,683.729, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7277, { itemtype = 9866, creature = 1177, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 221.406,2565.800,-1718.570, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7275, { itemtype = 9868, creature = 1181, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 183.703,2630.450,-1718.570, 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7274, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 301.453,2644.350,-1718.570, 106.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4860, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 0.000,100.000,0.000, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9235, { itemtype = 10974, creature = 1652, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 1981.250,1881.600,29.658, 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9238, { itemtype = 9552, creature = 1213, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "JOB_KID", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 2166.370,2031.780,32.488, 24.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9240, { itemtype = 9558, creature = 1222, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9234, { itemtype = 8271, creature = 962, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "JOB_KID", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 2050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9236, { itemtype = 10984, creature = 1662, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 1950.000,1800.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9237, { itemtype = 10980, creature = 1654, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 2000.000,1750.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9239, { itemtype = 9553, creature = 1214, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "JOB_KID", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,12,0 , 1900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9232, { itemtype = 10965, creature = 1643, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,13,0 , 2150.000,2150.000,0.000 , 323.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1645, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,0 , 978.234,2280.840,16.150, 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1226, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 700.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2987, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 1052, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 591.000,1162.200,1095.730, 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3893, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 322, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 1965.200,2659.760,157.218, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3028, { itemtype = 7327, creature = 721, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,25,-1 , 1671.050,1519.050,125.086, 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2985, { itemtype = 2906, creature = 136, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,25,-1 , 1599.650,1464.050,126.456, 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2168, { itemtype = 8673, creature = 1042, equipset_id = 27, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,55,-2 , 2350.000,2000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4967, { itemtype = 10882, creature = 1616, equipset_id = 206, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,39,0 , 2391.950,1795.600,3043.530, 57.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4454, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,46,0 , 1850.000,2850.000,42.000, 41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7465, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1400.000,1600.000,0.000, 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7466, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1350.000,1700.000,0.000, 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4173, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_RICH", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1665.310,829.578,940.036, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6523, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,39,0 , 2472.890,1665.520,3043.530, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6522, { itemtype = 8752, creature = 1073, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,39,0 , 2546.110,1861.120,3043.530, 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6521, { itemtype = 7565, creature = 995, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,39,0 , 2720.250,1796.800,3043.530, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8974, { itemtype = 10204, creature = 1434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,8,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4977, { itemtype = 7230, creature = 815, equipset_id = 27, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,28,-1 , 2650.000,1300.000,0.075, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3715, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2465.790,2495.900,370.431, 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3716, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2531.560,2376.660,372.051, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4460, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 1766.450,2665.350,1402.970, 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4397, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,38,0 , 3136.250,2524.850,120.005, 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4461, { itemtype = 7562, creature = 992, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,41,0 , 1146.250,547.750,372.238, 147.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7999, { itemtype = 4586, creature = 220, equipset_id = 10, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 2500.000,1550.000,1960.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2652, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 67, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 850.000,400.000,0.000 , 104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2067, { itemtype = 7427, creature = 713, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,40,0 , 2925.250,2606.350,2135.400, 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5823, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 2800.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5828, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 1850.000,700.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5829, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 1700.000,700.000,0.000 , 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5830, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 1750.000,650.000,0.000 , 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5897, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,50,0 , 200.000,150.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8012, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1369, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-1 , 1450.000,700.000,-2483.000, 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5349, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 563.703,227.547,86.964, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4187, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 2027.660,1669.760,1387.330, 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5744, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 67, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2550.000,2200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5754, { itemtype = 4579, creature = 775, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2450.000,2400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5755, { itemtype = 4581, creature = 212, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2700.000,2350.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5756, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2400.000,2200.000,0.000, 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5750, { itemtype = 5149, creature = 299, equipset_id = 46, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2300.000,2200.000,0.000, 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5749, { itemtype = 5150, creature = 300, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2450.000,2500.000,0.000, 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5751, { itemtype = 5147, creature = 297, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2650.000,2500.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2095, { itemtype = 9273, creature = 1154, equipset_id = 267, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2473.900,142.406,1515.050, 248.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5218, { itemtype = 6939, creature = 643, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,0 , 1503.400,1144.600,37.903, 83.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5513, { itemtype = 7418, creature = 837, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 2388.750,1423.800,111.100, 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1316, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1025, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1652.410,2569.330,140.806, 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5526, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2818.310,2772.800,201.036, 330.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5525, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2740.100,2774.000,201.040, 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5524, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2792.450,2592.500,201.040, 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5510, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2498.400,2367.000,145.895, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5511, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2464.150,2185.900,150.065, 239.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5493, { itemtype = 6542, creature = 604, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2555.050,2089.950,150.541, 255.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7817, { itemtype = 9987, creature = 1467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 2508.400,1848.550,1261.920, 134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3000, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, equipset_id = 26, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,26,0 , 2592.990,873.125,133.806, 242.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4086, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 1096.050,950.094,500.649, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(163, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, equipset_id = 22, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 22,26,0 , 1458.090,2329.840,49.872, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(782, { itemtype = 7413, creature = 830, equipset_id = 255, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,0 , 1565.550,1893.150,57.335, 23.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3913, { itemtype = 7703, creature = 760, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1006.300,2862.750,543.812, 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(165, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1870.750,1276.510,99.982, 38.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2975, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 450, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 1933.050,3031.600,371.002, 356.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5745, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1448.550,1869.500,491.831, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1118, { itemtype = 7045, creature = 649, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,26,0 , 1928.900,2419.400,472.573, 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2683, { itemtype = 8805, creature = 360, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2900.000,1850.000,0.000 , -111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2684, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2850.000,1750.000,0.000 , -111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2686, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2800.000,1800.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2687, { itemtype = 8805, creature = 360, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2800.000,1900.000,0.000 , -84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2679, { itemtype = 513, creature = 124, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2850.000,1900.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2685, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2680, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 238, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2622, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2100.000,2100.000,0.000 , -123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2688, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1450.000,1850.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1402, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 1550.000,350.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9248, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2200.000,500.000,94.000, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1403, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 1400.000,650.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1404, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 1500.000,650.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1405, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 1450.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1406, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 1550.000,1000.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4208, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,28,0 , 110.852,240.500,19.993, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(546, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,28,0 , 2378.770,2910.110,11.665, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4484, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,35,0 , 716.945,2844.590,2318.950, 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9534, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1100.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4991, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, equipset_id = 241, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,52,0 , 1361.600,2755.880,257.623, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2112, { itemtype = 6520, creature = 562, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 11,50,0 , 250.000,1100.000,0.000 , -19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(172, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 2368.500,1906.050,40.200, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3720, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,-1 , 2898.130,2778.200,-117.013, 143.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3721, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,-1 , 2897.560,2692.510,-117.013, 212.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(167, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 1467.650,659.953,-3.162, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1153, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 885.297,2450.400,89.891, 261.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(887, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 1388.950,2071.030,209.788, 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1810, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, equipset_id = 43, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2100.770,604.039,-13.625, 301.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1484, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 2209.690,880.992,129.316, 188.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3726, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,-1 , 1582.150,2272.510,-116.912, 221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3724, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,-1 , 1801.770,2031.510,-116.912, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3723, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,-1 , 1488.030,2107.250,-116.912, 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3725, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,-1 , 1208.260,2282.850,-116.912, 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1833, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,-1 , 922.055,2377.800,-116.912, 132.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3727, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,-1 , 1285.270,2517.510,-116.912, 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5082, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, equipset_id = 46, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 1833.100,1544.750,1515.030, 187.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2513, { itemtype = 7401, creature = 2805, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2075, { itemtype = 7351, creature = 716, equipset_id = 26, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,40,0 , 3104.050,2571.750,1980.400, 54.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7820, { itemtype = 10455, creature = 1496, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 2922.890,879.711,1663.910, 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7827, { itemtype = 10382, creature = 1492, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 52.047,627.875,399.364, 227.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3562, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,25,0 , 3002.650,2472.200,453.221, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(111, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 489.516,1912.360,0.001, 247.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(107, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 435.094,2009.580,0.008, 311.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(113, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 183.832,2077.880,-0.038, 14.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(112, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 134.910,1977.320,0.597, 77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(105, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 171.770,1869.400,0.186, 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3532, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 267.555,1402.410,13.239, 198.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(106, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 244.621,1504.510,0.627, 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5112, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2612.450,744.797,114.866, 331.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1523, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,0 , 2791.180,1419.230,395.752, 172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(334, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 190, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,0 , 2887.960,1573.270,390.604, 293.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(332, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 190, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,0 , 2773.400,1686.230,397.670, 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(333, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 437, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,0 , 2631.640,1685.180,398.139, 15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1524, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 190, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,0 , 2591.380,1506.980,397.457, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3004, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 672, equipset_id = 427, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1326.300,2182.150,1199.980, 250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(162, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,27,0 , 1940.350,1480.950,35.017, 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2968, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,22,0 , 916.602,2330.550,28.238, 276.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4483, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 2993.450,2231.050,1005.390, 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4467, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 200.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4469, { itemtype = 331, creature = 20, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 250.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4472, { itemtype = 946, creature = 98, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4474, { itemtype = 331, creature = 20, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 350.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4476, { itemtype = 946, creature = 98, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 400.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4477, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4478, { itemtype = 330, creature = 19, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 350.000,3000.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4480, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4481, { itemtype = 330, creature = 19, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 500.000,2850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2973, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, equipset_id = 456, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 1919.650,1650.840,250.090, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1828, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, equipset_id = 33, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,28,0 , 263.984,2460.620,-2.867, 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7476, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,28,0 , 1500.000,2850.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4110, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,39,0 , 2128.500,1377.450,3187.740, 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6539, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 752, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 739.031,2793.880,4043.120, 107.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6541, { itemtype = 7787, creature = 792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 729.398,2917.700,4037.830, 125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6542, { itemtype = 7786, creature = 749, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 801.352,2676.050,4037.830, 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6773, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 232, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,2,-1 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(762, { itemtype = 8331, creature = 990, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 2045.350,311.100,85.284, 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2174, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2486.160,1281.400,-1680.090, 83.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7113, { itemtype = 5, creature = 209, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 658.285,1122.480,1093.600, 234.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8074, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 141.547,3018.350,701.076, 42.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7391, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,28,0 , 586.953,1761.350,-1167.290, 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3999, { itemtype = 6971, creature = 313, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1552.400,847.094,159.728, 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5120, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,48,-1 , 300.000,2500.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6554, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 502.453,2728.750,4071.790, 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6549, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 443.953,2658.750,4071.790, 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6553, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 427.648,2736.600,4071.790, 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6551, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 701.500,2941.850,4037.830, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6552, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 637.750,2693.500,4049.100, 152.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6563, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 386.797,153.398,-1563.350, 209.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4504, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2428.250,1454.700,91.812, 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7639, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,17,0 , 425.500,1700.700,451.725, 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6564, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,25,0 , 2522.700,2374.240,-1719.200, 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2122, { itemtype = 8713, creature = 1051, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,58,0 , 1070.650,2529.410,1658.910, 254.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3763, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1275.150,1595.000,-72.641, 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3762, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1059.300,1678.100,37.359, 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3761, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1520.700,1167.200,-12.641, 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3760, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1707.350,1158.500,-12.641, 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3759, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1495.050,1041.250,37.359, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3758, { itemtype = 2906, creature = 136, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2134.150,1721.750,37.359, 298.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3755, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2038.500,1672.150,-12.641, 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3757, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1680.500,2023.650,-12.641, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3754, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1503.950,2018.100,-12.641, 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3756, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, faction_id = 5, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1505.050,2135.100,37.359, 23.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1811, { itemtype = 2902, creature = 117, equipset_id = 41, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 1968.030,75.523,-25.575, 204.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2978, { itemtype = 7804, creature = 1006, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2504.850,2813.300,746.881, 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1834, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,28,0 , 2008.160,2323.570,-0.330, 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6560, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,29,0 , 650.000,1650.000,0.000, 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6556, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 1303.140,2600.000,-1724.050, 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6558, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 1520, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 147.406,3096.200,-1711.000, 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6557, { itemtype = 9281, creature = 1162, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,29,0 , 821.500,1403.900,-1703.250, 351.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6559, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1523, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,28,0 , 519.906,2897.250,-1710.800, 164.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6589, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 1868.600,2432.700,403.185, 104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2121, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,56,0 , 442.297,2008.590,1478.130, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6602, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1986.950,1313.400,-1728.430, 359.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5832, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 501.852,159.172,904.457, 118.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6594, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 769, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 1866.240,2189.740,461.781, 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5140, { itemtype = 5683, creature = 235, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,28,-1 , 1315.480,798.172,8.292, 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6599, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 769, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 1841.420,3071.130,455.876, 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7653, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 2183.200,1859.300,2928.450, 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7441, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,37,0 , 404.094,1908.050,-1718.030, 25.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7422, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,36,0 , 317.047,2092.500,-1577.120, 197.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4518, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 1179.500,606.250,141.683, 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5578, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,51,0 , 150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6929, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 2054.250,2834.550,502.003, 13.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4519, { itemtype = 7756, creature = 999, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 2876.230,857.250,376.636, 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7060, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 233, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,19,-1 , 1954.100,473.750,-463.959, 125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7061, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 233, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,20,-1 , 1531.250,1659.500,-117.276, 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7062, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 232, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,20,-1 , 1980.200,2966.250,1.098, 267.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4527, { itemtype = 10246, creature = 1425, faction_id = 84, equipset_id = 221, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 1972.800,1831.250,1391.380, 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7938, { itemtype = 9866, creature = 1178, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3050.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7286, { itemtype = 6730, creature = 501, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,8,0 , 1650.000,1250.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1336, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 1800.350,1580.000,90.033, 139.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8077, { itemtype = 9987, creature = 1467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 520.453,2467.500,14.623, 333.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8073, { itemtype = 10383, creature = 1493, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 1912.710,2555.570,999.598, 103.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6610, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1414.500,1285.100,-1724.810, 59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8351, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 872.547,1110.700,-0.001, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8086, { itemtype = 7120, creature = 443, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2383.500,2399.450,40.013, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8813, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1450.000,1800.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9129, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 850.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9252, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,13,0 , 1850.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9254, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,13,0 , 1750.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9256, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,13,0 , 0.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9255, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,13,0 , 1600.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9253, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,14,0 , 1750.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9247, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 526, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1950.000,1800.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9241, { itemtype = 4586, creature = 220, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1850.000,1800.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4240, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,36,0 , 2414.130,728.234,1196.100, 326.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9269, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,-1 , 1950.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9267, { itemtype = 10877, creature = 1611, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,43,0 , 2200.000,1050.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9265, { itemtype = 6531, creature = 592, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,-1 , 1500.000,2900.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9270, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,39,0 , 2850.000,2500.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9271, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,0 , 2100.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9268, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,-2 , 2250.000,200.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3786, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1500.000,600.000,180.000, 357.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5151, { itemtype = 7415, creature = 833, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2583.530,2421.840,87.020, 145.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5169, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,24,-1 , 2273.650,1641.600,-50.553, 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5170, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, equipset_id = 68, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,24,-1 , 2457.600,1442.550,-51.962, 252.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5171, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, equipset_id = 68, faction_id = 37, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,23,-2 , 1833.100,2810.050,-29.919, 178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5172, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 37, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,23,-2 , 1700.950,2709.850,-26.174, 159.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5173, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,24,-1 , 977.422,1168.630,-110.274, 169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5174, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 137, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,24,-1 , 1745.230,1053.930,-56.453, 162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9266, { itemtype = 10134, creature = 1431, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,13,0 , 1506.250,13.352,575.647, 344.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6925, { itemtype = 7418, creature = 837, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1065.750,1207.100,102.915, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9259, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,22,-1 , 3100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9257, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,22,-1 , 200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9264, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 78, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,22,-1 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9262, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,22,-1 , 950.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9261, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,22,-1 , 2200.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9260, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,22,-1 , 200.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9258, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,22,-1 , 3000.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9263, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 402, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,22,-1 , 50.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6927, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1465.950,1631.100,-1721.460, 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7657, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 1873.500,1913.350,2929.420, 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7131, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 1300.000,1000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7671, { itemtype = 9927, creature = 1351, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,17,0 , 2997.050,2013.100,1516.380, 134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7672, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,17,0 , 2949.350,2064.700,1516.130, 92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7144, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,32,0 , 1636.450,2819.400,-1714.250, 199.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8087, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 458, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,8,-2 , 2226.500,1745.150,600.039, 313.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8088, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,8,-2 , 2157.050,1785.050,600.039, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8089, { itemtype = 542, creature = 70, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,8,-2 , 2228.520,1870.770,613.279, 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8000, { itemtype = 4593, creature = 223, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,6,0 , 50.000,200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9278, { itemtype = 10964, creature = 1642, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "defaultBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 2918.100,523.551,1916.280, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6930, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, equipset_id = 37, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,27,0 , 1543.100,904.898,190.242, 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7669, { itemtype = 8750, creature = 1071, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1092.250,2545.600,2928.460, 178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8434, { itemtype = 6659, creature = 607, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,0 , 767.200,29.600,-1000.220, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9272, { itemtype = 8751, creature = 1072, equipset_id = 341, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,40,0 , 2600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9273, { itemtype = 7787, creature = 792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,40,0 , 200.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9274, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 738, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,40,0 , 150.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5900, { itemtype = 8058, creature = 927, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 150.000,2300.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6923, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1821.400,2714.050,489.341, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6928, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, behaviour = "questCreatures", faction_id = 16, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1239.990,1297.720,3042.750, 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7111, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 1654.350,2892.100,493.500, 259.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7670, { itemtype = 7778, creature = 750, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,-1 , 2295.840,1721.750,-699.935, 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6269, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 328, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 2847.050,2820.450,976.026, 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7674, { itemtype = 10387, creature = 1498, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,17,0 , 2962.200,2190.750,2310.670, 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5077, { itemtype = 6633, creature = 591, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,25,0 , 2050.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1381, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 343, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 99.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1382, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 343, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1700.000,950.000,0.000 , 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2921, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 413.850,2546.100,10.087, 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3612, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1297.700,1866.550,123.368, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1385, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 343, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1750.000,950.000,0.000 , 126.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1386, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 343, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1750.000,1000.000,0.000 , 118.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(324, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 17,28,0 , 2649.000,1987.950,238.744, 19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3650, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 1314.900,3022.250,19.336, 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3551, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 1929.450,263.148,-1.616, 298.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3675, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2254.100,2454.750,40.000, 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(606, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2867.750,2672.600,9.993, 352.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2927, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 3013.100,1314.700,129.854, 199.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2926, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 3039.350,1384.600,129.854, 294.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2925, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1896.900,1415.150,176.012, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8079, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 512.102,2298.700,16.179, 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8078, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 428.203,2303.150,11.381, 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7679, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, equipset_id = 37, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 211.000,1144.450,981.643, 12.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4245, { itemtype = 7562, creature = 992, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 1250.000,1100.000,535.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7678, { itemtype = 10881, creature = 1615, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 3095.410,1604.250,1096.130, 31.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5916, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 185, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 150.000,2350.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2154, { itemtype = 8702, creature = 1062, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,56,-1 , 1379.350,3095.300,-157.479, 15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2152, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,57,-1 , 2885.070,1525.250,165.187, 6.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2150, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,57,-1 , 3114.850,1627.030,163.869, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2151, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,57,-1 , 2519.450,1594.250,162.659, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2148, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,57,-1 , 2411.550,1779.800,165.051, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7512, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 1304.390,1018.860,-113.245, 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4719, { itemtype = 8679, creature = 1066, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 1182.650,2684.550,299.591, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2158, { itemtype = 8757, creature = 1110, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,61,0 , 3025.090,832.500,52.761, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7523, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 2000.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7524, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 2100.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7526, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, equipset_id = 28, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_LUMBERMAN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1950.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7522, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1950.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9276, { itemtype = 7416, creature = 834, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1228.290,524.469,99.371, 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7055, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1600.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7056, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2050.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7058, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2350.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6986, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1288.750,1745.950,-72.631, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1197, { itemtype = 9934, creature = 1357, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1019.660,302.000,2299.540, 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6666, { itemtype = 13306, creature = 261, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,33,0 , 2731.300,931.297,-1.904, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5925, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,0 , 1251.400,2531.250,390.244, 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5926, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,0 , 1310.150,2613.550,390.346, 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5928, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,51,0 , 1831.600,844.953,3044.610, 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5927, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cow", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,51,0 , 1790.650,726.906,3044.600, 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4647, { itemtype = 7351, creature = 716, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1438.690,1966.050,919.130, 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4652, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,-1 , 80.703,1317.000,0.092, 276.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4651, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,-1 , 3089.800,1329.200,0.096, 266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4650, { itemtype = 8673, creature = 1042, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,-1 , 135.813,1320.870,0.100, 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6579, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2622.480,2941.070,-1725.020, 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6571, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2725.030,2971.270,-1729.460, 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6577, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6576, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2700.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6575, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2650.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6566, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2500.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6578, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2200.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6580, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2550.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6565, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2400.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6572, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2450.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6569, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2300.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6568, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2450.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6573, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2400.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(370, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 407.566,1184.410,82.059, 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6582, { itemtype = 8852, creature = 1105, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2600.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2204, { itemtype = 10645, creature = 1571, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,10,0 , 1366.640,2701.680,379.265, 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1574, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 674, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1800.250,2805.600,391.267, 247.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1571, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1728.050,2844.000,389.394, 59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1577, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 565.266,1355.060,336.251, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1684, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 678, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 546.609,1471.230,355.784, 54.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1575, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, equipset_id = 360, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 795.734,347.746,293.214, 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5950, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1025, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2795.400,2799.160,581.716, 267.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5948, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1025, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2734.550,2684.950,581.722, 193.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7198, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 222.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2206, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1871.200,1472.400,-1708.360, 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2208, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, faction_id = 32, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1297.520,1155.860,-1724.810, 106.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8063, { itemtype = 9287, creature = 1244, faction_id = 92, behaviour = "Enemy_trap_magic_fov", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1014.250,2766.900,-116.882, 273.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7404, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4182, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 1028, equipset_id = 225, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4181, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1050.000,50.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3795, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,29,-1 , 1055.110,2886.580,-116.943, 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4183, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1050.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9285, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2500.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9286, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2600.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9287, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2700.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3794, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,29,-1 , 1122.220,2738.490,-116.943, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9288, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2550.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9284, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 2550.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7398, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 600.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7403, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2500.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7399, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2350.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7396, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7406, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7400, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 650.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7397, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,8,-1 , 550.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7401, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,8,-1 , 650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7402, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,8,-1 , 650.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7395, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2650.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7405, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2550.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7021, { itemtype = 9932, creature = 1355, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1170.500,813.602,525.257, 187.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5959, { itemtype = 7234, creature = 822, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,24,0 , 749.398,1310.690,11.624, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7811, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,37,0 , 2400.000,950.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7686, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,36,0 , 573.844,1177.500,3500.060, 146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7845, { itemtype = 8052, creature = 1450, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 876.387,1417.860,3043.070, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7688, { itemtype = 7566, creature = 710, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,36,0 , 731.094,1212.550,3500.070, 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4258, { itemtype = 8650, creature = 1046, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,37,0 , 2729.800,177.047,363.874, 155.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6696, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, equipset_id = 457, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2808.450,646.750,-1699.680, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4262, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,37,0 , 1403.400,815.797,360.852, 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4260, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,37,0 , 1476.800,589.148,359.086, 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4263, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,37,0 , 1612.150,696.352,350.977, 351.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4261, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,37,0 , 1803.250,721.203,364.655, 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4259, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,37,0 , 1747.550,524.203,358.749, 188.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5996, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,58,0 , 2696.150,1449.000,1519.480, 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7288, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,30,0 , 457.906,124.500,-1063.480, 261.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7293, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,30,0 , 474.594,263.852,-1060.620, 359.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7294, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,30,0 , 549.594,170.336,-1059.460, 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7292, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,30,0 , 572.656,114.648,-1058.810, 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7295, { itemtype = 9867, creature = 1180, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,30,0 , 477.000,26.898,-1064.130, 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7290, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,30,0 , 383.203,132.797,-1064.900, 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7300, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 663.750,2580.050,-1725.050, 215.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(102, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,28,0 , 66.970,1921.390,7.062, 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5197, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 1836, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,27,-1 , 2646.650,2474.900,285.093, 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3553, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2135.430,2796.170,4.788, 312.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9700, { itemtype = 9562, creature = 1218, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,13,0 , 800.000,1950.000,0.000, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9696, { itemtype = 10968, creature = 1646, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,21,0 , 2525.250,2250.950,821.754, 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9692, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,28,0 , 2046.450,539.750,14.762, 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(310, { itemtype = 325, creature = 99, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,29,0 , 1556.700,1002.150,220.038, 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(309, { itemtype = 325, creature = 99, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,29,0 , 1727.850,1073.400,219.874, 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(307, { itemtype = 325, creature = 99, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,29,0 , 1619.650,939.500,165.194, 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(306, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,29,0 , 1694.100,1030.630,204.937, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2048, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 308, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,-1 , 2805.610,2776.560,-117.017, 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7576, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,47,0 , 1900.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(487, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 950.000,1750.000,0.000, 265.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(506, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1229.450,1733.300,23.263, 176.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(510, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1122.450,1840.910,23.219, 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(502, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1245.900,1839.800,23.155, 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(496, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1254.650,1906.700,-9.581, 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(508, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1249.000,2145.000,50.149, 172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(500, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1047.250,2182.750,38.071, 356.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(498, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1034.700,2087.000,38.071, 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2073, { itemtype = 9299, creature = 1462, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,42,0 , 298.648,730.094,306.637, 146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(373, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 1187.000,3067.350,205.968, 117.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(372, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 1868, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 1633.950,866.750,140.974, 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(512, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1240.490,2080.750,47.845, 297.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5206, { itemtype = 7077, creature = 1137, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,27,-1 , 2261.050,2177.400,285.100, 104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7696, { itemtype = 7698, creature = 700, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 44,23,0 , 1926.550,2150.050,50.743, 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(532, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 1143.650,1751.000,27.828, 257.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2700, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 210.578,1035.570,59.988, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(103, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 28, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,28,0 , 55.896,1775.030,7.062, 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(302, { itemtype = 6671, creature = 583, equipset_id = 137, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1515.350,403.648,86.634, 349.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(300, { itemtype = 7361, creature = 581, equipset_id = 137, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1050.350,378.898,81.988, 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1185, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, equipset_id = 254, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 1834.050,2119.150,89.988, 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1205, { itemtype = 9888, creature = 484, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 2997.160,928.000,2427.850, 290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8100, { itemtype = 10455, creature = 1496, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,20,0 , 370.250,2870.050,166.523, 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8065, { itemtype = 11067, creature = 1687, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,20,0 , 2674.110,2776.170,234.489, 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9702, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,4,0 , 2783.650,1384.450,490.979, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8071, { itemtype = 9558, creature = 1222, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,20,0 , 2704.600,2479.650,238.306, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(344, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 3033.850,748.898,103.060, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(213, { itemtype = 7360, creature = 582, equipset_id = 137, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1379.100,374.500,81.988, 324.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9642, { itemtype = 4578, creature = 231, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 1401.110,2193.080,664.117, 34.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(339, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 2986.100,2568.000,104.700, 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(342, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 2865.300,2572.100,103.061, 98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1195, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,34,0 , 758.547,1390.050,1802.950, 346.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7700, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1479.500,2031.770,919.131, 344.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8150, { itemtype = 10530, creature = 1583, equipset_id = 239, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,6,0 , 466.727,1798.090,141.564, 55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(164, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,23,0 , 850.000,0.000,70.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6698, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,32,-1 , 3187.900,2614.000,-114.457, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1521, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 339, faction_id = 57, specialdrop = 571, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,27,-1 , 2172.350,1659.300,-88.949, 149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6699, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,33,-1 , 1451.550,167.500,-96.658, 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4974, { itemtype = 2637, creature = 86, equipset_id = 20, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 1200.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1198, { itemtype = 9933, creature = 1356, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,17,0 , 126.047,1879.450,2389.970, 213.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7046, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 1522, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1157.340,1346.350,-1673.580, 136.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6702, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, equipset_id = 457, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2950.720,550.203,-1702.720, 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6703, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2694.060,597.070,-1699.680, 299.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6701, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2736.340,744.453,-1699.680, 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7631, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 3142.550,133.453,549.372, 205.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(110, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 301.941,1791.450,0.001, 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2562, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 2250.000,3050.000,0.000 , -230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2564, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 2400.000,50.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2565, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 2650.000,100.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1148, { itemtype = 7051, creature = 648, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 3135.250,1711.290,85.050, 38.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2505, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,29,0 , 3117.400,1171.250,59.687, 349.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2228, { itemtype = 10531, creature = 1584, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,3,0 , 341.879,520.514,258.728, 267.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7704, { itemtype = 9931, creature = 1354, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 1858.300,1550.150,2589.740, 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2229, { itemtype = 10532, creature = 1585, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,3,0 , 432.418,693.710,253.661, 126.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7705, { itemtype = 9926, creature = 1350, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 1801.470,1589.200,2576.270, 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7703, { itemtype = 9929, creature = 1352, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 1795.050,1520.150,2578.090, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7707, { itemtype = 9931, creature = 1354, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 1330.000,1583.500,2582.000, 38.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2216, { itemtype = 11094, creature = 1709, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,3,0 , 625.051,375.250,258.813, 252.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7712, { itemtype = 9931, creature = 1354, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 1376.300,1534.350,2582.480, 217.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2223, { itemtype = 11094, creature = 1709, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,3,0 , 460.648,681.300,252.216, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7715, { itemtype = 9558, creature = 1222, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 977.102,1072.200,2564.610, 96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7713, { itemtype = 10387, creature = 1498, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,15,0 , 1070.000,1097.450,2574.490, 282.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2235, { itemtype = 7113, creature = 686, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,20,0 , 2782.800,52.488,136.748, 15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1318, { itemtype = 6481, creature = 557, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1729.300,2594.000,144.024, 41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1312, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1815.820,2527.400,152.164, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2238, { itemtype = 6542, creature = 604, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 3108.200,3174.000,153.819, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1313, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 1028, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1793.900,2436.100,154.684, 212.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1310, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1866.550,2331.100,164.090, 48.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2231, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,4,-1 , 459.320,747.931,7.708, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2232, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,4,-1 , 178.914,701.522,3.712, 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2233, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,-1 , 3087.580,653.716,0.006, 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2234, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,-1 , 1878.130,493.395,5.181, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(486, { itemtype = 8652, creature = 1035, equipset_id = 259, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 852.984,1203.190,15.000, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2540, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 325, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 955.703,809.750,813.024, 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5695, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 650.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1149, { itemtype = 7048, creature = 646, equipset_id = 307, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,33,0 , 1203.970,1302.910,1199.890, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9569, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1750.000,1700.000,0.000 , 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(881, { itemtype = 2900, creature = 137, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2168.750,2573.900,4.787, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(764, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 133, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,26,0 , 701.100,646.600,39.726, 87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(765, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 125, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,26,0 , 401.450,756.100,40.046, 266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8336, { itemtype = 10968, creature = 1646, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,18,0 , 2049.550,1353.050,1006.780, 148.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1522, { itemtype = 6637, creature = 587, equipset_id = 35, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,0 , 1730.650,1807.950,433.100, 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1723, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 2641.840,1579.750,984.924, 203.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7533, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 403, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 1950.000,2350.000,0.000 , -63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4448, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,48,0 , 2050.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3854, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,43,0 , 2300.000,600.000,0.000 , -179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3629, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 928.602,1889.200,338.389, 303.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8122, { itemtype = 10949, creature = 1640, equipset_id = 346, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1466.700,2210.050,21.412, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2573, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1415.750,703.797,61.750, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2571, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1415.400,655.453,62.092, 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8125, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, equipset_id = 422, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1600.300,2014.900,15.449, 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8124, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, equipset_id = 422, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1706.450,2057.150,20.338, 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2572, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1506.050,623.203,70.945, 106.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(301, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 618, equipset_id = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1466.550,469.297,85.570, 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8123, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, equipset_id = 422, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1507.500,2406.700,145.612, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(299, { itemtype = 7645, creature = 620, equipset_id = 137, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1428.770,549.305,72.832, 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7689, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,36,0 , 739.547,1138.300,3500.060, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5696, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,45,0 , 250.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1822, { itemtype = 7703, creature = 759, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 850.000,1950.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1821, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 900.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6413, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,34,0 , 1450.000,800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7376, { itemtype = 10295, creature = 1477, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,34,0 , 1850.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7374, { itemtype = 10293, creature = 1475, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,33,0 , 2850.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7378, { itemtype = 10222, creature = 1412, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,33,0 , 2700.000,2900.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6360, { itemtype = 8824, creature = 1277, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,34,0 , 1593.550,712.742,-1733.660, 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6865, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 447, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 45,30,0 , 913.047,2778.350,6.939, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(622, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 605, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,29,0 , 183.250,2586.650,-19.945, 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(629, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,29,0 , 301.750,2578.200,-6.116, 297.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4794, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 1400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4796, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 1250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5727, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,48,0 , 350.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5733, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 398, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,48,0 , 650.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3877, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,39,0 , 1650.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5726, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,47,0 , 2750.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6746, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 404, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2662, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 2450.000,2400.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2663, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 2400.000,2300.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2660, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,19,0 , 1200.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2661, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,19,0 , 1100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1428, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,19,0 , 2985.520,1874.190,1001.500, 206.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(815, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2758.600,1017.750,87.023, 43.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1427, { itemtype = 10495, creature = 1573, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 2900.000,900.000,0.000, 223.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1154, { itemtype = 2906, creature = 136, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1801.000,1698.950,82.024, 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1925, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,22,0 , 1050.260,2633.860,81.035, 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1183, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6529, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 1750.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8136, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,7,-2 , 3036.880,1748.630,0.092, 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1365, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1755, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 771.703,378.250,-7.636, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1368, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1371, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2500.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1367, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2250.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3947, { itemtype = 7330, creature = 741, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,38,0 , 1400.000,1300.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1369, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1314, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 1028, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1726.250,2452.000,150.394, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(574, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1809.130,1413.680,175.124, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4171, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,36,0 , 449.656,2365.650,1054.470, 216.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1317, { itemtype = 6481, creature = 557, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1686.800,2516.800,144.692, 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1311, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,39,0 , 1901.800,2559.390,153.267, 77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3700, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6104, { itemtype = 6633, creature = 591, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,25,0 , 0.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5680, { itemtype = 9873, creature = 1817, faction_id = 41, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 300.000,2550.000,0.000 , -221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5682, { itemtype = 9872, creature = 1816, faction_id = 41, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 150.000,2600.000,0.000 , 143.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2219, { itemtype = 10300, creature = 1478, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 2300.330,1433.070,199.980, 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6705, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,32,-1 , 2027.050,2783.050,-116.939, 127.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6706, { itemtype = 8328, creature = 1081, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,32,-1 , 1104.950,2120.900,-33.892, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6707, { itemtype = 8324, creature = 1078, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,32,-1 , 1156.780,1048.810,-116.330, 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6709, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,32,-1 , 587.500,2187.700,-109.817, 176.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6708, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,32,-1 , 2492.630,834.898,-100.210, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(586, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, equipset_id = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 1900.000,100.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2830, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 448, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,42,0 , 941.398,593.297,3450.700, 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4929, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 1700.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4934, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 2100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4495, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,35,-1 , 750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5544, { itemtype = 5150, creature = 300, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1950.000,2700.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(109, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 750.000,1850.000,0.000 , 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(579, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 1950.000,1800.000,0.000 , 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3940, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1800.000,2250.000,0.000 , -37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(589, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2350.000,2600.000,0.000 , -88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(575, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2200.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(116, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 1350.000,2650.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(597, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, equipset_id = 346, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,32,0 , 2850.000,2600.000,0.000 , -69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(119, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 2750.000,1850.000,0.000 , -116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4157, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,36,0 , 2050.000,2500.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4158, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,36,0 , 2000.000,2450.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2922, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 58, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2344.850,2291.330,15.338, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6711, { itemtype = 8947, creature = 1111, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1678.840,1634.550,-1598.280, 353.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6713, { itemtype = 8947, creature = 1111, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1141.550,2071.850,-1692.970, 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6712, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1534.500,1217.000,-1687.480, 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6710, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 3054.950,753.203,-1715.510, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2920, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,26,0 , 88.047,1994.100,40.985, 298.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2817, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 320, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 264.047,3185.910,45.180, 203.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8013, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 413, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,26,0 , 65.602,2511.700,43.333, 35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(704, { itemtype = 5719, creature = 111, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,28,0 , 1036.600,2625.400,5.988, 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2972, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 36, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,23,0 , 909.613,1469.040,383.866, 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2974, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 679, equipset_id = 36, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,23,0 , 909.613,1469.040,383.866, 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1542, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 451, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 2444.150,842.898,997.963, 305.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3002, { itemtype = 9582, creature = 1235, equipset_id = 308, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1494.000,2130.500,1204.720, 277.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2575, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,29,-1 , 946.465,2732.300,-105.403, 113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2971, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,23,0 , 2607.430,1403.120,476.390, 256.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(144, { itemtype = 7236, creature = 824, equipset_id = 41, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,28,0 , 565.852,2134.000,-15.110, 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4028, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,45,0 , 2850.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2986, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 669.352,1176.550,1095.640, 311.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3665, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,0 , 976.047,2075.200,2.497, 357.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3663, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,0 , 910.547,1943.950,19.869, 32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3285, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2346.140,999.773,99.979, 323.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3664, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 499.898,2565.950,-100.340, 164.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3662, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 602.352,2607.550,-117.389, 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3661, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 590.750,2446.550,-115.534, 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3668, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 801.297,1507.800,-110.204, 185.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3669, { itemtype = 7683, creature = 701, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 784.000,1630.500,-108.370, 324.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3667, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 681.102,1643.950,-105.803, 25.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3666, { itemtype = 7684, creature = 699, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,-1 , 746.250,1334.300,-106.658, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7505, { itemtype = 7415, creature = 833, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 517.648,1026.100,1095.630, 96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7503, { itemtype = 6656, creature = 519, equipset_id = 392, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 876.398,899.148,1095.630, 234.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7504, { itemtype = 7232, creature = 817, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 751.801,867.047,1095.630, 172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7506, { itemtype = 7237, creature = 825, equipset_id = 383, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_CASTER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 529.102,909.953,1095.640, 94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4226, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,44,0 , 700.000,2200.000,0.000 , -39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(436, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6546, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 1000.000,3000.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1086, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1600.000,1200.000,0.000 , 58.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(427, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1550.000,1350.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(304, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,28,0 , 540.359,2701.320,-67.008, 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9711, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 1400.000,1900.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9709, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,43,0 , 1837.680,699.188,2299.960, 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5986, { itemtype = 8040, creature = 878, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4264, { itemtype = 5713, creature = 1505, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,37,0 , 1300.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8951, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,21,-1 , 2300.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8950, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,21,-1 , 2400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8949, { itemtype = 10947, creature = 1638, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,21,-1 , 2450.000,1650.000,0.000, 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8952, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,21,-1 , 2204.910,1647.550,-202.436, 66.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(473, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 2276.750,1024.350,90.322, 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(826, { itemtype = 2906, creature = 136, equipset_id = 34, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2616.350,2830.500,4.564, 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2994, { itemtype = 9632, creature = 1276, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,22,0 , 1564.140,1294.520,20.063, 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(485, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,26,0 , 853.352,3070.100,106.679, 298.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1232, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 773.203,1491.600,111.100, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(356, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,31,0 , 1357.700,1459.600,98.222, 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5515, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2300.000,1100.000,1182.000, 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5520, { itemtype = 6478, creature = 432, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2399.950,1206.200,1159.430, 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5519, { itemtype = 6478, creature = 432, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2392.980,998.516,1172.490, 259.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8849, { itemtype = 3317, creature = 157, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 1650.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8850, { itemtype = 3317, creature = 157, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 2200.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8852, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 1650.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8853, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 2150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1934, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 672, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 2700.000,200.000,111.000, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8854, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 50.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8855, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 50.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8856, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 600.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8857, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 600.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8858, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 1150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7065, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1523, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 527.750,1988.400,-1592.940, 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4185, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_RICH", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,0 , 1164.000,3185.700,1305.500, 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8675, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,23,0 , 150.000,3050.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6720, { itemtype = 9931, creature = 1354, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1170.500,813.602,525.257, 187.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7629, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 3031.700,1388.550,2301.100, 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7535, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 2035.560,594.699,-107.680, 259.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7330, { itemtype = 8852, creature = 1105, faction_id = 32, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 465.938,2265.770,-1693.490, 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7765, { itemtype = 2, creature = 94, equipset_id = 445, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,22,0 , 1605.710,1342.020,20.067, 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7762, { itemtype = 932, creature = 544, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,22,0 , 1260.300,1214.500,6.724, 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7365, { itemtype = 9299, creature = 1462, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 30,48,0 , 2385.480,846.688,16.692, 239.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2558, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 328, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,45,0 , 1633.200,888.656,880.459, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2560, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 11,54,0 , 2045.950,2334.590,1100.000, 285.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8832, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1025, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,41,0 , 491.352,2827.840,290.384, 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4618, { itemtype = 8674, creature = 1039, equipset_id = 428, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "Hireling_distance", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,41,0 , 529.250,2964.550,290.384, 352.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9545, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1554.000,2789.000,387.574, 331.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7658, { itemtype = 10219, creature = 1410, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 2071.950,2218.050,2929.320, 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1519, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 900.000,2600.000,0.000 , -25.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1517, { itemtype = 10245, creature = 1424, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5503, { itemtype = 5149, creature = 299, equipset_id = 241, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,51,0 , 1364.000,639.406,1827.260, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1520, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 950.000,2600.000,0.000 , -86.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1518, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5921, { itemtype = 4578, creature = 231, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2400.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5529, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 1300.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8161, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 2800.000,2850.000,0.000, 191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8160, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 2865.210,2668.200,169.945, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8162, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 2779.600,2653.450,169.842, 196.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8163, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 2817.850,2679.400,167.498, 185.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8159, { itemtype = 8834, creature = 471, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 2818.350,2736.250,163.115, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4023, { itemtype = 7331, creature = 855, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 2100.000,2250.000,0.000, 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4410, { itemtype = 11589, creature = 1802, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,0 , 964.000,3119.100,-68.373, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8612, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2459.900,2658.600,705.029, 145.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8613, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2359.300,2851.100,705.029, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8614, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2556.750,2963.250,704.510, 345.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8615, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2645.900,2891.000,704.510, 310.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8611, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2662.150,2764.350,705.029, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8616, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 2371.000,2732.500,705.029, 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7390, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,33,0 , 2455.300,1267.100,-1732.340, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8962, { itemtype = 10202, creature = 391, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 1400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8961, { itemtype = 10202, creature = 391, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2550.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8958, { itemtype = 10202, creature = 391, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,2,0 , 2000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8960, { itemtype = 10202, creature = 391, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 1450.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8959, { itemtype = 10202, creature = 391, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,4,0 , 2500.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7253, { itemtype = 4583, creature = 95, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 1520, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2462.720,2878.290,-1735.020, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7142, { itemtype = 10259, creature = 1664, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 942.328,1489.550,-1577.100, 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7839, { itemtype = 9927, creature = 1351, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 3020.950,346.949,1920.900, 202.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7840, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 2959.050,350.301,1922.220, 144.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8964, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 668, equipset_id = 428, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1461.550,1529.600,239.161, 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8965, { itemtype = 9523, creature = 1841, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,14,0 , 100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7256, { itemtype = 10259, creature = 1664, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 1731.950,1200.850,-1577.860, 352.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7170, { itemtype = 4584, creature = 229, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 356.156,230.297,-1563.350, 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7245, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 328, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 2197.410,1210.150,-1557.950, 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8170, { itemtype = 10531, creature = 1584, equipset_id = 239, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,6,0 , 582.602,1856.000,136.745, 7.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8969, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5158, { itemtype = 7236, creature = 824, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 1500.000,850.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8115, { itemtype = 9986, creature = 1466, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1359.450,2933.600,440.978, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7760, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 1029, equipset_id = 254, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,22,0 , 1766.140,2289.640,245.350, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7761, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 1029, equipset_id = 254, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,22,0 , 1808.650,2349.300,219.665, 301.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3880, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, equipset_id = 37, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,40,0 , 1000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8177, { itemtype = 9987, creature = 1467, equipset_id = 26, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1616.300,1261.900,23.326, 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6417, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,34,0 , 1700.000,800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8179, { itemtype = 10495, creature = 1573, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,20,0 , 2944.030,1800.620,269.426, 4.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7788, { itemtype = 4585, creature = 1882, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,21,0 , 1241.340,1695.050,873.407, 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3676, { itemtype = 2643, creature = 118, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 1169.200,477.648,-1.324, 143.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7801, { itemtype = 9927, creature = 1351, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 508.398,429.250,654.027, 295.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7803, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 456.570,473.418,654.100, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7830, { itemtype = 9927, creature = 1351, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 2989.660,866.000,2428.930, 224.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7829, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 2960.500,949.000,2427.110, 340.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8180, { itemtype = 10214, creature = 1838, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,6,-2 , 1290.150,2752.550,38.102, 235.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8195, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 1862, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,9,-2 , 1637.030,61.500,0.092, 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8970, { itemtype = 10204, creature = 1434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,8,0 , 2600.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8976, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,6,0 , 1150.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8979, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,6,0 , 800.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8977, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,6,0 , 2800.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8980, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,7,0 , 900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8971, { itemtype = 10204, creature = 1434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,8,0 , 2800.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8973, { itemtype = 10204, creature = 1434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,7,0 , 350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8439, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2289.350,1677.300,204.391, 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8920, { itemtype = 6636, creature = 586, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,4,0 , 2806.570,2729.900,2360.200, 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8922, { itemtype = 7236, creature = 824, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 828.281,1314.520,1919.650, 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8148, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2150.050,2433.450,23.248, 143.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8149, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2210.350,2440.450,23.248, 226.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8147, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2198.050,2522.950,23.248, 342.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8185, { itemtype = 8331, creature = 990, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 645.008,2731.240,21.414, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7538, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 1965.300,1205.700,-108.705, 265.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6836, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 1522, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1200.000,800.000,0.000, 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8490, { itemtype = 10469, creature = 1503, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,30,-2 , 6.000,3.750,-0.001, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8491, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1459, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,-2 , 3199.950,600.602,-0.025, 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8492, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1593, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,30,-2 , 607.350,0.398,-0.016, 268.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8493, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1592, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,-2 , 2604.200,1.453,-0.009, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4413, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1594, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,29,-2 , 0.550,2602.350,-0.008, 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7867, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1736.650,2649.590,103.061, 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7868, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1974.400,2554.300,103.061, 244.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7875, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2323.850,1275.350,-511.826, 223.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7879, { itemtype = 10495, creature = 1573, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2394.550,1225.050,-508.601, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7878, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2310.290,1196.520,-494.435, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7877, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 651, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2250.200,1168.850,-480.479, 218.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7876, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 650, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2336.070,1133.700,-483.728, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7873, { itemtype = 8270, creature = 309, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2455.700,1300.000,-512.210, 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7872, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2357.450,1336.550,-512.210, 189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7870, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2296.250,1058.500,-458.701, 340.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7874, { itemtype = 8270, creature = 309, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2228.150,1154.950,-471.266, 310.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7869, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 468, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,22,0 , 2278.960,1231.520,-504.679, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9547, { itemtype = 2674, creature = 835, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 46,55,-2 , 1605.880,1404.470,-115.193, 235.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8197, { itemtype = 6476, creature = 375, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1961.850,2957.200,0.067, 282.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8198, { itemtype = 3322, creature = 180, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1238.000,2935.250,0.067, 46.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8199, { itemtype = 7075, creature = 373, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1560.500,2684.000,0.067, 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8196, { itemtype = 7075, creature = 373, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1761.220,2707.190,0.066, 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7782, { itemtype = 8270, creature = 309, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1529.640,1623.070,2296.590, 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8288, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 334.836,1422.010,143.225, 314.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8455, { itemtype = 10882, creature = 1616, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,38,0 , 3005.450,656.898,237.945, 297.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8217, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1150.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7885, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,55,0 , 3150.000,600.000,0.000 , 285.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8499, { itemtype = 11589, creature = 1802, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,0 , 964.000,3119.100,-68.373, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6111, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,0 , 450.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8489, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 522, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2896.650,1778.050,199.964, 172.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8621, { itemtype = 10878, creature = 1612, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 262.352,2436.160,617.697, 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7887, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,46,0 , 1678.950,2049.950,553.100, 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7894, { itemtype = 7756, creature = 999, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,46,0 , 1774.810,2069.140,553.000, 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8494, { itemtype = 10965, creature = 1643, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1981.250,878.250,-106.709, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2210, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,-1 , 810.648,2184.350,2.262, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2211, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,-1 , 1107.050,2233.110,5.195, 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2212, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,-1 , 1395.440,2269.600,-0.015, 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2213, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,-1 , 1676.110,2318.540,10.212, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7898, { itemtype = 7232, creature = 817, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 1352.150,2207.650,121.100, 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6197, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1605.870,873.031,1053.980, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6303, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 450, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 2151.300,2295.550,-25.006, 224.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4674, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 3050.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4675, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 3100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4679, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 3150.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4682, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 3000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7920, { itemtype = 4, creature = 51, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,26,0 , 2631.150,942.602,133.716, 306.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3001, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,26,0 , 2531.880,891.953,133.816, 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7921, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 876.223,1220.190,1095.620, 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2214, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,-1 , 2895.900,2485.910,-0.012, 262.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2230, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,4,-1 , 754.484,789.196,10.184, 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7955, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 762, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,46,-1 , 507.844,290.906,640.096, 162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7954, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 762, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,46,-1 , 628.234,288.281,640.096, 167.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7958, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 762, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,46,-1 , 796.906,461.250,640.096, 260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6789, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1493.590,2585.450,-1724.340, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8286, { itemtype = 9287, creature = 1244, faction_id = 92, behaviour = "Enemy_trap_magic_fov", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1722.000,2648.100,-114.145, 132.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6911, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1518, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 2415.160,1234.800,-1698.700, 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7737, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 457, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1834.530,2502.380,103.061, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8498, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 456, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,31,0 , 767.200,29.600,-1000.220, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(354, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, equipset_id = 33, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 1428.420,1996.700,213.417, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8094, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1889.010,737.656,-105.801, 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8512, { itemtype = 7702, creature = 1783, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1894.950,816.352,-106.716, 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8514, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1947.100,971.203,-106.709, 35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8517, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 650, equipset_id = 340, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2030.000,1080.300,-106.707, 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8518, { itemtype = 10134, creature = 1431, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2086.890,1109.820,-104.789, 43.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8253, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, faction_id = 69, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,28,0 , 481.797,372.750,15.323, 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8252, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,28,0 , 424.445,364.078,13.658, 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8075, { itemtype = 10947, creature = 1638, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 3033.500,2457.200,172.008, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7916, { itemtype = 6661, creature = 579, equipset_id = 186, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 315.250,1653.450,1715.040, 246.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8502, { itemtype = 10454, creature = 1495, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,14,0 , 317.242,2779.140,163.693, 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8187, { itemtype = 8327, creature = 1080, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,20,0 , 1270.220,1721.160,1999.390, 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8500, { itemtype = 10967, creature = 1645, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 1270.450,2595.100,427.830, 252.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6341, { itemtype = 8827, creature = 1096, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,55,-2 , 1500.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8230, { itemtype = 4589, creature = 219, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1578.770,1731.340,0.072, 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8231, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1672.600,1693.850,0.072, 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8234, { itemtype = 9552, creature = 1213, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 1896.800,2120.200,991.377, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2237, { itemtype = 10804, creature = 1586, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2917.750,2185.800,228.446, 86.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2236, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,3,0 , 130.996,1152.680,42.007, 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7943, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,34,0 , 1130.810,1800.130,1930.630, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5483, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2846.360,2663.740,2135.400, 107.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2724, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2350.000,1950.000,0.000 , 203.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3172, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, equipset_id = 127, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1850.000,1750.000,0.000 , 281.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3173, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1950.000,1900.000,0.000 , 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2723, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2200.000,2150.000,0.000 , 236.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2722, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2300.000,1950.000,0.000 , 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2725, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2500.000,2000.000,0.000 , 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8728, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,9,0 , 2964.710,1122.410,99.633, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8729, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,9,0 , 2408.340,1002.710,112.208, 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8730, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,9,0 , 2408.670,1686.360,247.247, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2726, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2350.000,2150.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(475, { itemtype = 3415, creature = 150, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 2100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8508, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,17,0 , 47.344,2476.490,1511.530, 348.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8510, { itemtype = 10495, creature = 1573, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2110.840,2041.010,2553.560, 340.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8525, { itemtype = 10972, creature = 1650, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,17,0 , 3031.970,2010.590,1514.810, 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5536, { itemtype = 7416, creature = 834, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , -65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7952, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 451, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 2243.750,1229.200,100.072, 259.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7077, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 1522, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 925.297,677.750,-1381.050, 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7995, { itemtype = 10948, creature = 1639, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1428.900,1715.150,11.993, 32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8635, { itemtype = 11222, creature = 393, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,-1 , 2369.050,1664.120,-117.012, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7953, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 754, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,46,-1 , 628.203,441.250,640.096, 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7957, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 762, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,46,-1 , 525.703,619.422,640.096, 85.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7956, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 762, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,46,-1 , 675.453,635.953,640.096, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4986, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,43,0 , 1350.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5540, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 2387.700,593.156,86.887, 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4985, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,43,0 , 1500.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4984, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,43,0 , 1350.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4983, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,43,0 , 1450.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4982, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,43,0 , 1400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4327, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 630, equipset_id = 343, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,43,0 , 2600.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4046, { itemtype = 6734, creature = 577, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 200.000,350.000,0.000 , 273.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5514, { itemtype = 5147, creature = 297, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,48,-1 , 500.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7997, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1569.550,1478.200,11.934, 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8535, { itemtype = 6824, creature = 1822, faction_id = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 986.031,1718.850,2499.870, 129.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8003, { itemtype = 10845, creature = 1607, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,20,0 , 1349.900,2846.250,209.165, 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7975, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1905.200,2540.400,103.061, 314.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8005, { itemtype = 4588, creature = 218, equipset_id = 159, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,7,-1 , 1590.930,1338.890,-2000.020, 242.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2240, { itemtype = 10806, creature = 1587, equipset_id = 411, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 22,5,0 , 1813.750,556.256,98.651, 359.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8554, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 606, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 3144.350,1948.350,-5.397, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8555, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 668, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 3121.250,2813.350,82.365, 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8556, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 605, equipset_id = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2013.460,2994.940,89.511, 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8557, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 666, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 1846.410,2321.920,44.486, 98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5145, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 605, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,29,0 , 1700.000,200.000,0.000 , 42.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6796, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 405, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,31,0 , 2550.000,600.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4335, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,46,0 , 100.000,100.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4339, { itemtype = 3320, creature = 143, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,45,0 , 50.000,3050.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8685, { itemtype = 6, creature = 210, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1294.150,2214.250,1204.940, 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4579, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1250.000,2050.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8690, { itemtype = 7235, creature = 823, equipset_id = 26, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1150.000,1000.000,0.000 , 255.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8686, { itemtype = 10645, creature = 1571, equipset_id = 413, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 696.750,1228.700,1027.750, 67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8687, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 723, equipset_id = 413, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 749.250,1167.250,1027.740, 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8688, { itemtype = 7234, creature = 822, equipset_id = 413, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 796.563,1177.440,1027.740, 218.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8689, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, equipset_id = 427, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1242.160,1071.300,1027.750, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8691, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 726, equipset_id = 416, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1289.100,1779.100,1199.890, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8692, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, equipset_id = 413, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1250.750,1253.700,1178.730, 299.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3005, { itemtype = 7327, creature = 721, equipset_id = 427, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,27,0 , 1282.150,2164.000,1199.980, 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7972, { itemtype = 10384, creature = 477, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 2270.350,1268.850,100.072, 310.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7951, { itemtype = 10384, creature = 477, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 2270.350,1268.850,100.072, 310.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2169, { itemtype = 8698, creature = 1091, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 2845.300,152.953,23.614, 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8243, { itemtype = 10966, creature = 1644, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 361.352,2707.900,700.976, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1812, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,33,0 , 550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 291.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8244, { itemtype = 10975, creature = 1653, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,18,0 , 609.109,205.656,1191.130, 58.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7031, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7035, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 750.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7036, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 850.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7042, { itemtype = 9868, creature = 1181, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 850.000,850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8261, { itemtype = 9988, creature = 1360, equipset_id = 352, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,26,0 , 1711.900,1308.750,-17.212, 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8262, { itemtype = 9990, creature = 1362, equipset_id = 353, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,26,0 , 1675.850,1220.050,-2.607, 58.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8263, { itemtype = 9989, creature = 1361, equipset_id = 350, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,26,0 , 1626.300,1121.050,16.155, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9600, { itemtype = 11757, creature = 1876, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,35,0 , 800.000,650.000,110.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8864, { itemtype = 9511, creature = 1226, equipset_id = 331, behaviour = "JOB_CAPTAIN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,7,0 , 689.398,267.051,37.820, 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9666, { itemtype = 11741, creature = 1920, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,22,0 , 336.148,2637.150,81.919, 144.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8318, { itemtype = 330, creature = 19, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 131.859,307.508,999.800, 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4525, { itemtype = 7565, creature = 995, equipset_id = 193, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,37,0 , 950.000,250.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(608, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 462.719,1809.170,23.395, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8418, { itemtype = 4578, creature = 231, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,56,0 , 1759.050,1580.550,346.551, 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8308, { itemtype = 10971, creature = 1649, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 950.000,1850.000,0.000, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8306, { itemtype = 10384, creature = 477, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 91.594,267.383,999.800, 155.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9118, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,37,0 , 350.000,1200.000,0.000 , -61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7029, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 600.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7028, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 550.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7026, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 1900.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4716, { itemtype = 7787, creature = 792, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage_elite", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,35,0 , 800.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1572, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 678, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 2270.360,2988.940,375.431, 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4715, { itemtype = 7786, creature = 749, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,35,0 , 1000.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4714, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 752, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,35,0 , 1000.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4712, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 753, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,35,0 , 900.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4711, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 752, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,35,0 , 1200.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1573, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1815.530,3133.010,377.139, 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8936, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 1950.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8937, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8934, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 1150.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8933, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 2450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8996, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,4,0 , 2050.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8927, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 1500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8926, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,4,0 , 2450.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8925, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 300.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1801, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1550.000,1050.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1783, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1000.000,1150.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1799, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1200.000,900.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1792, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 2200.000,800.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1784, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 2300.000,850.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1800, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 850.000,1050.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1780, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1550.000,900.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7471, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 674, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 974, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,0 , 2400.000,1700.000,0.000 , -2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7944, { itemtype = 6674, creature = 490, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 2707.950,580.850,1908.530, 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4965, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 457, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 41, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 200.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7982, { itemtype = 3, creature = 93, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,25,-1 , 1594.250,1748.750,120.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8327, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,13,0 , 1557.840,2335.600,1188.890, 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6631, { itemtype = 9932, creature = 1355, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,19,0 , 500.000,1150.000,0.000 , -98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6637, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1400.000,1700.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5229, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 14,23,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9653, { itemtype = 11747, creature = 1903, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,55,0 , 650.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8513, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1929.950,895.547,-106.709, 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8515, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 1784, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1991.350,1022.200,-106.709, 46.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8072, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,58,0 , 2200.000,2800.000,0.000 , 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2869, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,38,0 , 2100.000,600.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9298, { itemtype = 2902, creature = 117, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,31,0 , 1691.400,291.648,34.939, 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2511, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 1600.000,3000.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2510, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 1550.000,3100.000,0.000 , 31.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2202, { itemtype = 8673, creature = 1042, equipset_id = 27, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,55,-2 , 2350.000,2000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8437, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 650.000,3050.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4489, { itemtype = 7702, creature = 758, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 749.156,2825.400,-109.125, 87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8770, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2945.710,111.465,37.751, 305.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4341, { itemtype = 6971, creature = 313, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,45,0 , 1650.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1379, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 340, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1600.000,1050.000,0.000 , 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9602, { itemtype = 11759, creature = 1886, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,-1 , 2900.000,1500.000,315.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8706, { itemtype = 10286, creature = 1463, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 12.102,57.750,3022.530, 164.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8704, { itemtype = 6674, creature = 490, equipset_id = 42, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 1892.100,237.801,2713.190, 209.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8707, { itemtype = 4586, creature = 220, equipset_id = 27, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 283.801,1234.900,2746.210, 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3958, { itemtype = 6971, creature = 313, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 2800.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8703, { itemtype = 4590, creature = 224, equipset_id = 39, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,6,0 , 28.770,2725.200,2974.740, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4768, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,25,0 , 500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8726, { itemtype = 5143, creature = 294, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,9,0 , 2522.050,1072.050,1050.460, 317.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2648, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 67, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 700.000,100.000,0.000 , -133.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2650, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 67, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 550.000,150.000,0.000 , -284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2653, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 67, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,39,0 , 1200.000,3150.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3584, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3586, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2550.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3585, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2450.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3582, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2600.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8132, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,23,0 , 2500.000,2250.000,0.000 , -290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8131, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,23,0 , 2500.000,2050.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8794, { itemtype = 6636, creature = 586, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 2450.000,400.000,0.000 , 109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8779, { itemtype = 4587, creature = 221, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,13,0 , 2450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7602, { itemtype = 8750, creature = 1071, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 2900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8776, { itemtype = 6634, creature = 598, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2200.000,600.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7622, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,45,0 , 1350.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7621, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 869, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,45,0 , 1000.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7107, { itemtype = 4584, creature = 229, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 1474.410,1370.300,-1577.840, 346.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6196, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1750.000,800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6519, { itemtype = 7786, creature = 749, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,38,0 , 2350.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6520, { itemtype = 7787, creature = 792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,38,0 , 2350.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8030, { itemtype = 5146, creature = 302, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,12,0 , 400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8781, { itemtype = 10263, creature = 1823, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,-1 , 1758.400,7.750,-107.619, 249.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7160, { itemtype = 7415, creature = 833, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 1850.000,3000.000,0.000 , -59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6628, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1121, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2550.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6694, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1850.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7159, { itemtype = 7416, creature = 834, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1087.700,1904.100,123.369, 221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6619, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6624, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6623, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2200.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6626, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6621, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2500.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6620, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6616, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2000.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6629, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2600.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6625, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1600.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6615, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2250.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6622, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2000.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6617, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 1118, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1700.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8792, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8791, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 2450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8790, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 2500.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8793, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8789, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 2600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8788, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 2700.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2831, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 1000.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(734, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,28,0 , 3050.000,650.000,0.000 , 188.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(732, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,28,0 , 2800.000,650.000,0.000 , 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(736, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,28,0 , 2750.000,700.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(752, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,28,0 , 2950.000,700.000,0.000 , 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(753, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,28,0 , 3000.000,800.000,0.000 , 129.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8014, { itemtype = 8805, creature = 359, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,8,-1 , 1300.000,700.000,0.000 , 356.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7812, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 762, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,37,0 , 2300.000,950.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7808, { itemtype = 520, creature = 763, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,37,0 , 2450.000,1200.000,0.000 , 359.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8893, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,37,0 , 2450.000,1050.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6681, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2100.000,1550.000,0.000, 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9643, { itemtype = 11747, creature = 1903, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,55,0 , 600.000,2900.000,1733.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8923, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 1150.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8924, { itemtype = 5993, creature = 392, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,4,0 , 2400.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8928, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 2500.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8931, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 150.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8930, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,4,0 , 1650.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8932, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,4,0 , 2200.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5694, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 400, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,46,0 , 2350.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7577, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,15,0 , 2400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5932, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1650.000,900.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8913, { itemtype = 9523, creature = 1193, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,0 , 550.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8914, { itemtype = 9523, creature = 1193, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,0 , 600.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8915, { itemtype = 9524, creature = 1194, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,0 , 750.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8169, { itemtype = 10530, creature = 1583, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,3,0 , 250.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7795, { itemtype = 9986, creature = 1466, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1950.000,1850.000,0.000 , 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5906, { itemtype = 9285, creature = 1166, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 2046.800,265.656,1780.950, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1460, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,18,0 , 2750.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7575, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,19,0 , 1373.950,2888.100,3356.300, 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7570, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,19,0 , 1469.650,3002.300,3356.300, 311.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7566, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,19,0 , 1217.500,2976.350,3356.300, 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7573, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,19,0 , 1358.850,3073.300,3356.300, 313.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7569, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,19,0 , 1074.200,3131.400,3356.300, 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7550, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,20,0 , 1212.550,80.199,3356.300, 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9003, { itemtype = 10965, creature = 1643, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,17,0 , 3050.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9012, { itemtype = 10973, creature = 1651, equipset_id = 340, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,0 , 2450.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9013, { itemtype = 10972, creature = 1650, equipset_id = 344, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,0 , 2500.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8999, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, equipset_id = 37, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2605.000,2278.950,2556.000, 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8097, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7834, { itemtype = 7237, creature = 825, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 400.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3965, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 3101.000,3144.250,1659.250, 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6725, { itemtype = 6732, creature = 623, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,30,0 , 650.000,1800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6257, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1400.000,900.000,0.000 , 279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6259, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2000.000,1350.000,0.000 , 303.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5581, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 3000.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5585, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,51,0 , 300.000,100.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5573, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,50,0 , 50.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5594, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,50,0 , 700.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5588, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,50,0 , 350.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5595, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,50,0 , 450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5579, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2650.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5580, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2400.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1378, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1700.000,1100.000,0.000 , 112.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4379, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2500.000,3000.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4728, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,27,0 , 85.102,1093.920,699.964, 54.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(621, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,27,0 , 265.398,2331.350,-56.057, 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5183, { itemtype = 7417, creature = 836, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,0 , 3072.650,74.852,-47.621, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5182, { itemtype = 7235, creature = 823, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 3067.610,3052.830,-47.744, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5186, { itemtype = 7236, creature = 824, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2953.450,2952.500,-47.532, 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5184, { itemtype = 7414, creature = 831, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 3060.450,2852.500,-47.575, 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5185, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,26,0 , 62.297,2866.900,-59.351, 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6745, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1350.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6747, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 404, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1950.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6751, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1850.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7337, { itemtype = 10295, creature = 1477, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1050.000,1200.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4831, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1450.000,1650.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6739, { itemtype = 8329, creature = 476, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4829, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1350.000,2000.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7332, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1050.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4835, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 550.000,300.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4832, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 2950.000,450.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7495, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,27,0 , 1750.000,2900.000,0.000 , -52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8842, { itemtype = 10263, creature = 1826, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,34,0 , 1100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8841, { itemtype = 10263, creature = 1825, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,34,0 , 800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8598, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 1400.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4898, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2170, { itemtype = 4572, creature = 216, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,54,-2 , 1700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6642, { itemtype = 9871, creature = 1666, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1676.550,1501.500,99.992, 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9583, { itemtype = 6729, creature = 595, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,39,-1 , 2200.000,150.000,0.000 , 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9585, { itemtype = 8695, creature = 495, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,26,0 , 1900.000,2450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9586, { itemtype = 8697, creature = 496, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,11,0 , 1550.000,2050.000,0.000, -194.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7701, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 780.203,2345.650,111.000, 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7928, { itemtype = 7757, creature = 1000, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 250.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6991, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1100.000,950.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(818, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,22,0 , 1098.100,2579.900,-481.863, 286.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7815, { itemtype = 8271, creature = 962, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 267.703,2442.000,950.180, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7661, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 551.602,259.250,88.040, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7718, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 707.898,210.250,107.998, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8759, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, faction_id = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8757, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, faction_id = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1500.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8758, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, faction_id = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5930, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7720, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 722.250,2129.200,250.544, 169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7739, { itemtype = 7413, creature = 830, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 613.602,2282.800,250.000, 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9656, { itemtype = 11747, creature = 1911, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,56,0 , 1030.700,709.000,1814.000, 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9674, { itemtype = 11827, creature = 1889, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,55,0 , 500.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8900, { itemtype = 4590, creature = 224, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 597.500,808.699,2625.750, 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4921, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,45,0 , 1556.730,902.250,884.736, 14.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2003, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 750.000,2750.000,0.000 , 175.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4077, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2050.000,1300.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1995, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4078, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2000.000,1400.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4080, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1800.000,850.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6228, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 2250.000,2400.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(343, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 2900.000,2400.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5936, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5937, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5939, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1900.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7006, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 1119, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 750.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3796, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1700.000,1250.000,0.000 , 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3797, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1500.000,1250.000,0.000 , 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3798, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 231.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8800, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1500.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8801, { itemtype = 1173, creature = 193, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1000.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8802, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 2150.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8803, { itemtype = 8806, creature = 277, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1000.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8804, { itemtype = 8817, creature = 278, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 800.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8806, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 2350.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8807, { itemtype = 1173, creature = 193, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1650.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8808, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8809, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8810, { itemtype = 1173, creature = 193, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1600.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4228, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 769, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,45,-2 , 1523.160,2579.950,3339.800, 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2870, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, equipset_id = 36, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "JOB_ROBBER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 2650.000,1650.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4012, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1700.000,900.000,0.000 , 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4014, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1600.000,1000.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1772, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,42,0 , 360.289,1416.730,-102.867, 148.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1771, { itemtype = 1174, creature = 71, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,39,0 , 2177.600,299.297,93.564, 211.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4015, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1000.000,2350.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4017, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1000.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4011, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4018, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 700.000,2350.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4022, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 2100.000,2550.000,0.000 , -15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7810, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,37,0 , 2250.000,1000.000,0.000 , -253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7809, { itemtype = 520, creature = 763, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,37,0 , 2400.000,1150.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8309, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, equipset_id = 416, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,45,0 , 1112.600,2506.840,198.829, 169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4170, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 322, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5457, { itemtype = 5150, creature = 300, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2000.000,600.000,0.000 , 136.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5504, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, equipset_id = 71, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,33,0 , 50.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1647, { itemtype = 8327, creature = 1080, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,36,0 , 2750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2052, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,-1 , 400.000,400.000,0.000 , 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4703, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 869, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2059, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,-1 , 400.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4702, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4946, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,45,0 , 100.000,1550.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1599, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 678, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1750.000,3000.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1201, { itemtype = 4577, creature = 367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,11,-2 , 3050.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4717, { itemtype = 7330, creature = 741, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,35,0 , 250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(945, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 1591, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 50.000,150.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4727, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1150.000,50.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8401, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 2300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7699, { itemtype = 7331, creature = 855, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 3000.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2775, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,39,0 , 200.000,3000.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2823, { itemtype = 8751, creature = 1072, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , -250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5107, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 3150.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5106, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,46,0 , 100.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5103, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,46,0 , 100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(683, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,27,0 , 750.000,750.000,0.000 , -261.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8396, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 850.000,2500.000,0.000 , 211.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1211, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,16,0 , 2250.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2225, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,7,0 , 2750.000,950.000,0.000 , -123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7191, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 152, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,28,0 , 1700.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1750, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 322, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 2086.750,230.547,923.842, 351.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7182, { itemtype = 4584, creature = 228, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 1527.950,863.602,-1584.710, 193.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5530, { itemtype = 7413, creature = 830, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 2700.000,850.000,0.000 , -184.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3948, { itemtype = 8671, creature = 1040, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,39,0 , 103.102,881.547,173.677, 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5772, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 1800.000,550.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9018, { itemtype = 9709, creature = 1842, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,32,0 , 1067.750,1298.300,241.033, 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8972, { itemtype = 10204, creature = 1434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 1500.000,1800.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8983, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 3100.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8985, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,8,0 , 1300.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9014, { itemtype = 10967, creature = 1645, equipset_id = 346, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,18,0 , 2400.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8986, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,10,0 , 1850.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8982, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,9,0 , 2550.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8984, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,9,0 , 550.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8929, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,3,0 , 800.000,2900.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9016, { itemtype = 10963, creature = 1635, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2350.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9001, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2050.000,2250.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9002, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 1591, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2050.000,2350.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9005, { itemtype = 10875, creature = 1606, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2050.000,2300.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1941, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 2828.920,2264.980,88.149, 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1943, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 723, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 3000.000,2750.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1938, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 726, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 2300.000,2750.000,0.000 , 48.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2559, { itemtype = 4580, creature = 215, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,45,0 , 1349.200,1685.410,1519.290, 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9011, { itemtype = 11016, creature = 1685, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,14,0 , 2250.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9010, { itemtype = 11016, creature = 1685, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,12,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9007, { itemtype = 11016, creature = 1685, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,12,0 , 3000.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9008, { itemtype = 11016, creature = 1685, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,11,0 , 750.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9009, { itemtype = 11016, creature = 1685, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 200.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8994, { itemtype = 7234, creature = 822, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,10,0 , 427.137,45.826,204.960, 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2658, { itemtype = 8651, creature = 480, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(156, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1100.000,1550.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1942, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 2400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 229.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1789, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 2314.150,1108.840,49.753, 306.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9023, { itemtype = 6770, creature = 1125, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 56,29,0 , 545.297,1829.900,-1423.220, 202.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9020, { itemtype = 7410, creature = 657, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1353.790,2134.640,211.455, 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9021, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 14,43,0 , 1675.030,10.703,4420.890, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9022, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 17,10,0 , 1569.350,1597.650,576.096, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9024, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1297, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 53,31,0 , 3094.090,364.539,-1300.050, 256.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1489, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1050.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1497, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1600.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7153, { itemtype = 9748, creature = 1253, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,29,-2 , 3050.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5692, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,47,0 , 200.000,400.000,0.000 , -2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4855, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1550.000,1500.000,0.000 , 290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4856, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1500.000,1550.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3625, { itemtype = 1121, creature = 92, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 800.000,2500.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9026, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 403, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,15,-1 , 649.500,1095.200,13.081, 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9028, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, equipset_id = 345, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,15,-1 , 736.297,1141.450,13.079, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9027, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, equipset_id = 345, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,15,-1 , 743.398,1049.400,13.079, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8024, { itemtype = 11014, creature = 1641, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,20,0 , 450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7053, { itemtype = 10222, creature = 1412, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7066, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1519, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 863.906,1643.650,-1626.040, 353.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(114, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 28, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,28,0 , 817.422,366.539,486.171, 301.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7193, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 2000.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1380, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 343, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1600.000,1100.000,0.000 , 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9056, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 1743, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,9,0 , 750.000,2950.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9055, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,9,0 , 700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9054, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 1743, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,9,0 , 650.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9030, { itemtype = 4588, creature = 218, equipset_id = 415, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1768.140,1527.280,60.959, 221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6809, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 150.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6808, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6898, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 150.000,750.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9616, { itemtype = 326, creature = 15, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,10,0 , 1550.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9033, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,35,0 , 2750.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9045, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,35,0 , 1600.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9048, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,35,0 , 850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9038, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,35,0 , 200.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9044, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,35,0 , 2200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9037, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,35,0 , 2800.000,2550.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9043, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,36,0 , 2950.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9036, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,35,0 , 1650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9052, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,35,0 , 2900.000,1100.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9050, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,37,0 , 1600.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9042, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,37,0 , 500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9049, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,37,0 , 300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9047, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,37,0 , 1150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9041, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,37,0 , 2300.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9039, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,38,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9046, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,38,0 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9053, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,37,0 , 700.000,3100.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9034, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,36,0 , 450.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9051, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,36,0 , 150.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9040, { itemtype = 505, creature = 1491, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,37,0 , 700.000,800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(329, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 36, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 18,29,0 , 1700.000,350.000,48.000 , -207.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9065, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,11,0 , 2800.000,300.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9063, { itemtype = 10129, creature = 1368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,11,0 , 2800.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9060, { itemtype = 4586, creature = 220, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,11,0 , 2905.250,460.551,646.866, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9059, { itemtype = 10547, creature = 1568, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,11,0 , 2848.210,492.363,647.265, 340.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9061, { itemtype = 10839, creature = 1600, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,11,0 , 2877.900,450.816,646.927, 266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9057, { itemtype = 10138, creature = 1428, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,11,0 , 2823.450,405.551,646.901, 149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9077, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,8,0 , 2900.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9079, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,7,0 , 400.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9080, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,6,0 , 1000.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9076, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,6,0 , 200.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9082, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,7,0 , 2750.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9078, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,6,0 , 2600.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9081, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,7,0 , 950.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9071, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 2450.000,1700.000,0.000 , 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9087, { itemtype = 4575, creature = 239, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,14,0 , 2960.950,858.602,-3.582, 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9085, { itemtype = 4591, creature = 225, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,9,0 , 482.223,1383.980,800.888, 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7369, { itemtype = 6531, creature = 592, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,31,0 , 206.250,299.250,-1300.050, 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7106, { itemtype = 10292, creature = 1474, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,32,0 , 2482.200,1791.000,-1500.360, 300.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7105, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1523, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,32,0 , 2376.050,1742.550,-1500.360, 330.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7367, { itemtype = 4579, creature = 776, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,31,0 , 197.547,624.000,-1305.060, 319.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7368, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 184, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,31,0 , 2999.300,477.500,-1300.050, 107.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7371, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1121, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,31,0 , 84.344,445.047,-1300.770, 167.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7370, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,31,0 , 27.047,521.148,-1303.410, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6507, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 2750.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7349, { itemtype = 10295, creature = 1477, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 1400.020,479.422,-1711.080, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7357, { itemtype = 10501, creature = 1829, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 2836.910,762.102,-1732.780, 333.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7360, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, equipset_id = 336, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 2771.170,803.227,-1732.240, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7359, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, equipset_id = 336, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 2908.950,681.648,-1736.570, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6813, { itemtype = 10944, creature = 1636, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,58,-1 , 3128.500,1800.590,13.688, 317.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4326, { itemtype = 10241, creature = 1422, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 2150.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5110, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, equipset_id = 24, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,25,0 , 148.453,2181.900,495.243, 234.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3938, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 850.000,1200.000,0.000 , 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3937, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1000.000,1200.000,0.000 , 260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3941, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1100.000,1300.000,0.000 , 314.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3942, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 550.000,2400.000,0.000 , 175.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9090, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 522, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9091, { itemtype = 11095, creature = 1710, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,14,0 , 3150.000,1950.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9031, { itemtype = 11819, creature = 2808, faction_id = 80, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1700.000,1650.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9092, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1800.000,1550.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9093, { itemtype = 11095, creature = 1710, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9096, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1700.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7165, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,29,0 , 900.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7480, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7481, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7482, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7483, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7484, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7485, { itemtype = 1704, creature = 168, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9099, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, equipset_id = 11, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2190.700,2294.800,29.092, 328.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9101, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2152.230,2416.520,59.202, 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9100, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2359.880,2192.940,22.844, 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9103, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2411.770,2103.650,25.178, 342.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9102, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 2167.550,2332.800,45.261, 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5903, { itemtype = 8679, creature = 1066, behaviour = "Enemy_mage_guard", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1250.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9110, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 400.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9109, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9108, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,31,0 , 950.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9107, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,31,0 , 100.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6993, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1150.000,200.000,0.000 , 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6990, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1850.000,900.000,0.000 , -45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2160, { itemtype = 8696, creature = 1090, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,61,-1 , 2150.000,1550.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8424, { itemtype = 7526, creature = 250, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2350.000,950.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7392, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,27,0 , 2350.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(465, { itemtype = 5020, creature = 273, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1800.000,1250.000,0.000 , 342.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9095, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 722, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1800.000,1650.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6721, { itemtype = 9931, creature = 1354, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1050.000,850.000,0.000 , 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6857, { itemtype = 6824, creature = 625, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 1874.900,1744.800,348.945, 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9104, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, equipset_id = 28, behaviour = "JOB_LUMBERMAN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1853.530,1856.630,202.331, 235.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7634, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 493, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,32,0 , 915.648,676.148,508.225, 344.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7816, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, equipset_id = 133, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,36,0 , 2972.200,2954.250,860.682, 28.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9111, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 526, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,9,0 , 2700.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9115, { itemtype = 10497, creature = 372, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,5,0 , 1943.900,1228.850,43.744, 353.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9117, { itemtype = 4586, creature = 220, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2657, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1600.000,800.000,0.000 , -21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5050, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , -14.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2656, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1450.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9477, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1658.250,2030.900,46.695, 347.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6611, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2750.000,3050.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(766, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 970.047,743.898,95.074, 232.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6604, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 1048, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,30,0 , 350.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6603, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,31,0 , 2300.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7057, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1550.000,950.000,0.000 , 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7463, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 800.000,0.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6936, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 900.000,50.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5849, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 1400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5848, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,47,0 , 0.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5846, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 2750.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5845, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 2450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5844, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5842, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,46,0 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5816, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 1200.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5850, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4237, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 1869, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,45,-2 , 1270.800,83.344,4544.660, 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9119, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 769, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,45,0 , 1523.160,2579.950,3339.800, 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8618, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 3171.300,1453.350,701.916, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8617, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,27,0 , 16.949,1574.900,701.916, 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9125, { itemtype = 1, creature = 1, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,27,0 , 3161.350,1578.400,701.916, 194.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9123, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1689.600,1917.450,97.008, 332.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9124, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1600.400,1972.850,97.008, 119.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9121, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1713.700,2282.750,97.034, 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9122, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1829.350,2196.550,94.994, 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9314, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 300.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8310, { itemtype = 10979, creature = 1659, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 900.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8311, { itemtype = 10542, creature = 1577, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 950.000,3000.000,0.000 , 260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7326, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1550.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7325, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1450.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7327, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7328, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1350.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7329, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7324, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1050.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7822, { itemtype = 7652, creature = 696, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7824, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 694, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 1850.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7821, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 754, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 1667.100,738.703,475.196, 99.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7823, { itemtype = 7652, creature = 696, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 1550.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7826, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 694, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 1250.000,350.000,0.000 , 152.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7731, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 86, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 450.000,250.000,0.000 , 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7729, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 86, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 750.000,100.000,0.000 , -292.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7732, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 86, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 750.000,0.000,0.000 , -280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7733, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 86, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 800.000,3150.000,0.000 , -269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7728, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 86, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 400.000,250.000,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7730, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 86, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 500.000,250.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6618, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1267.920,2002.910,-1023.250, 24.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6727, { itemtype = 8948, creature = 1112, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 1150.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6728, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,27,0 , 1650.000,2800.000,0.000 , 134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4664, { itemtype = 7331, creature = 855, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,34,0 , 1350.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5613, { itemtype = 8040, creature = 878, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,50,0 , 1100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8002, { itemtype = 10891, creature = 1624, equipset_id = 420, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 2600.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6647, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6567, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8242, { itemtype = 2636, creature = 116, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2850.900,861.852,99.691, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6636, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4563, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 322, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 1813.500,1999.550,1704.190, 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1429, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 3100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6336, { itemtype = 6539, creature = 458, equipset_id = 338, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,31,0 , 2831.600,2941.460,419.853, 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4297, { itemtype = 7755, creature = 998, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 1000.000,1650.000,0.000 , -88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4603, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 790, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,-1 , 1100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6179, { itemtype = 6731, creature = 499, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,56,-1 , 1900.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3891, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9593, { itemtype = 11750, creature = 1881, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,56,0 , 2650.000,750.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9597, { itemtype = 11754, creature = 1887, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,31,0 , 800.000,1050.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9598, { itemtype = 11822, creature = 1885, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,15,-1 , 1800.000,1550.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9599, { itemtype = 11756, creature = 1880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,22,-1 , 2300.000,1400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9601, { itemtype = 11758, creature = 1884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,44,-2 , 1300.000,500.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9604, { itemtype = 11761, creature = 1883, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,39,0 , 750.000,3150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6944, { itemtype = 9875, creature = 1819, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1700.000,2850.000,0.000 , -105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6941, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1300.000,2950.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8155, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, equipset_id = 54, faction_id = 33, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 3050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8135, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, equipset_id = 408, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 3150.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8146, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, equipset_id = 54, faction_id = 33, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,31,-1 , 0.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8139, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, equipset_id = 54, faction_id = 33, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,31,-1 , 50.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7663, { itemtype = 8750, creature = 1071, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 1800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7662, { itemtype = 8751, creature = 1072, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 1950.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5915, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 1018, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4623, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 1834, faction_id = 7, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,-1 , 2450.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4621, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 1834, faction_id = 7, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,-1 , 2200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4625, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 1834, faction_id = 7, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,-1 , 2650.000,950.000,0.000 , 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7915, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1523, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 850.000,2400.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7917, { itemtype = 8852, creature = 1105, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 850.000,2350.000,0.000 , 161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7919, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1523, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 800.000,2350.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7425, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1900.000,600.000,0.000 , -169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7426, { itemtype = 10635, creature = 173, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1400.000,900.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7427, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1450.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7428, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1800.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7429, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1650.000,650.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7430, { itemtype = 10634, creature = 1853, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1500.000,600.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7431, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1550.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7432, { itemtype = 10635, creature = 173, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1600.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7433, { itemtype = 9508, creature = 1202, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1600.000,600.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7434, { itemtype = 10634, creature = 1853, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1700.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7436, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1600.000,950.000,0.000 , -51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7438, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1650.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7439, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7440, { itemtype = 1647, creature = 427, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1750.000,1000.000,0.000 , 202.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9128, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 3161.460,2098.200,199.961, 353.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9559, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3050.000,1850.000,0.000 , -319.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9560, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3100.000,1950.000,0.000 , -238.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9561, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3000.000,2000.000,0.000 , -138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9558, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 2950.000,1950.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9603, { itemtype = 11760, creature = 1874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,40,0 , 3000.000,1250.000,0.000, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9135, { itemtype = 514, creature = 126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 800.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9132, { itemtype = 6775, creature = 281, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 950.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8811, { itemtype = 8817, creature = 278, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 950.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8812, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8814, { itemtype = 5714, creature = 276, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1400.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8805, { itemtype = 6769, creature = 240, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 2550.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8978, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,6,0 , 2600.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9146, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,0,0 , 1400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9147, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,0,0 , 1400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9148, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,0,0 , 1400.000,1200.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9149, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,0,0 , 1400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9150, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,0,0 , 1400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9151, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,0,0 , 1400.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9444, { itemtype = 8721, creature = 615, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,30,0 , 2500.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9443, { itemtype = 8721, creature = 615, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,30,0 , 1650.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9442, { itemtype = 8721, creature = 615, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,30,0 , 1950.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9441, { itemtype = 8721, creature = 615, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,29,0 , 2300.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9662, { itemtype = 11737, creature = 1921, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 835.547,1013.830,1499.850, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9663, { itemtype = 11746, creature = 1898, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 849.141,2360.230,1243.240, 326.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9664, { itemtype = 11857, creature = 1927, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,53,0 , 2287.480,2012.090,1329.230, 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9668, { itemtype = 11739, creature = 1918, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,53,0 , 1124.000,833.266,1608.700, 167.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9670, { itemtype = 11736, creature = 1908, equipset_id = 458, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,53,0 , 659.906,1384.160,1449.290, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9131, { itemtype = 6775, creature = 281, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9136, { itemtype = 514, creature = 126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4116, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2224, { itemtype = 11308, creature = 1723, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,7,0 , 2350.000,1200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4000, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 508, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1750.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4001, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 508, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1800.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4002, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 508, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 2000.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4003, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 508, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1700.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4004, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 508, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4005, { itemtype = 3320, creature = 142, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1800.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4007, { itemtype = 3320, creature = 142, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1750.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4008, { itemtype = 3320, creature = 142, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1650.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4009, { itemtype = 3320, creature = 142, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 1900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4030, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,45,0 , 100.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2618, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,30,-1 , 900.000,2050.000,0.000 , 161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9157, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,59,0 , 2347.850,2306.410,546.752, 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2616, { itemtype = 8827, creature = 1096, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,54,0 , 2850.000,1000.000,0.000 , -48.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9154, { itemtype = 4589, creature = 219, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,9,0 , 1350.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9155, { itemtype = 6775, creature = 1888, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,12,0 , 2150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5967, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, equipset_id = 184, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,0 , 1542.900,2699.200,167.824, 217.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6598, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 2000.200,2539.000,407.134, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5997, { itemtype = 7411, creature = 828, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 15,22,0 , 668.648,2154.100,12.567, 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8586, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 3150.000,250.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4041, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, faction_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 500.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4042, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 200.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4044, { itemtype = 7567, creature = 691, faction_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 100.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4048, { itemtype = 7568, creature = 323, faction_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 500.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6894, { itemtype = 10812, creature = 537, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 2241.060,762.930,1067.050, 204.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6876, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,15,0 , 1412.830,2039.260,2556.910, 48.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6885, { itemtype = 6770, creature = 1125, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 61,42,0 , 1648.950,1180.030,-1124.170, 311.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6895, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,26,0 , 1220.400,2344.650,432.976, 46.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6896, { itemtype = 8750, creature = 1071, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,46,0 , 1034.200,3027.300,1243.060, 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6887, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 32,42,0 , 2956.950,2714.750,1482.530, 96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6910, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,32,0 , 1653.250,2965.550,46.601, 184.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6881, { itemtype = 6478, creature = 431, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 10,43,0 , 2148.850,174.094,3649.980, 317.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6892, { itemtype = 4589, creature = 219, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,14,0 , 647.254,480.563,14.351, 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6873, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 744, equipset_id = 144, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,31,0 , 2082.300,852.148,307.812, 147.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6890, { itemtype = 7561, creature = 848, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,25,0 , 1940.480,1469.620,128.540, 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6888, { itemtype = 10646, creature = 1572, equipset_id = 401, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,17,0 , 1937.450,1146.940,1725.030, 267.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8249, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,28,0 , 200.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8248, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, equipset_id = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 2450.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8663, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1900.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8664, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8696, { itemtype = 7527, creature = 265, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8699, { itemtype = 6775, creature = 281, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1750.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8698, { itemtype = 7523, creature = 264, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2300.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9465, { itemtype = 9582, creature = 1235, equipset_id = 308, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,0 , 2000.000,2750.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8714, { itemtype = 7122, creature = 731, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2000.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8713, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 447, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8711, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1850.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8710, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2250.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8718, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 190, faction_id = 31, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1750.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8717, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 191, faction_id = 76, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9638, { itemtype = 11744, creature = 1899, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 3000.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9639, { itemtype = 11738, creature = 1900, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 2650.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9640, { itemtype = 11740, creature = 1901, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 2850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9641, { itemtype = 11742, creature = 1902, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 2700.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9635, { itemtype = 4578, creature = 231, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,56,-1 , 1750.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6992, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1850.000,450.000,0.000 , 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7910, { itemtype = 9281, creature = 1162, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 1336.590,2969.050,-805.449, 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7911, { itemtype = 8853, creature = 1106, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 1369.410,2944.000,-805.432, 191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7908, { itemtype = 8852, creature = 1105, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 1559.580,2883.790,-807.034, 215.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7909, { itemtype = 9280, creature = 1161, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 1591.840,2980.700,-790.710, 267.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7912, { itemtype = 9282, creature = 1163, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 1471.020,2900.770,-811.122, 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1309, { itemtype = 10881, creature = 1615, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,38,0 , 650.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9481, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,31,0 , 1819.350,268.750,34.772, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9482, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,31,0 , 1819.950,321.898,34.801, 292.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8846, { itemtype = 10300, creature = 1478, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,9,0 , 428.250,1631.800,107.720, 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8844, { itemtype = 10546, creature = 1567, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,8,0 , 1774.350,2461.550,1060.210, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8695, { itemtype = 7800, creature = 282, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2250.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1718, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, equipset_id = 33, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 32,37,0 , 1063.900,734.953,137.733, 359.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8940, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 3100.000,1900.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8941, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,21,0 , 50.000,1900.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8851, { itemtype = 3317, creature = 157, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 1150.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9622, { itemtype = 11741, creature = 1920, equipset_id = 460, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 1800.000,1350.000,0.000, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8943, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8944, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2150.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8948, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 1050.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8947, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 1950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8946, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 300.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8945, { itemtype = 10265, creature = 128, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 650.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6237, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 1350.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5941, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1450.000,400.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8041, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5940, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1550.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2843, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1300.000,650.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4699, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2750.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4698, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 3150.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4697, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2900.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4696, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 3050.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9450, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,29,0 , 1550.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9449, { itemtype = 517, creature = 56, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,28,0 , 100.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9446, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,29,0 , 1650.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9448, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,29,0 , 650.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9447, { itemtype = 517, creature = 56, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,29,0 , 1652.640,813.227,8.370, 312.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6114, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,59,0 , 2050.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4777, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 883, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6732, { itemtype = 9929, creature = 1352, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,19,0 , 650.000,750.000,0.000 , -161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4979, { itemtype = 519, creature = 195, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 2950.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2139, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,57,-1 , 2850.000,650.000,0.000 , 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2130, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,57,-1 , 2850.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9484, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9460, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2450.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9459, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2500.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(616, { itemtype = 2902, creature = 117, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,26,0 , 2650.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9458, { itemtype = 7120, creature = 443, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2350.000,3050.000,0.000 , 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9457, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2550.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9461, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2450.000,3050.000,0.000, -189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9494, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9498, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4886, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 1950.000,300.000,0.000 , 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10029, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,56,0 , 450.000,150.000,2996.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10030, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,56,0 , 150.000,2850.000,2730.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1242, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1250, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1550.000,2800.000,0.000 , 351.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1994, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 1050.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2002, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7263, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,58,-1 , 800.000,550.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6774, { itemtype = 7398, creature = 844, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,30,0 , 2750.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5272, { itemtype = 899, creature = 639, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2050.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5274, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 1950.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8861, { itemtype = 9513, creature = 1227, equipset_id = 330, behaviour = "JOB_CAPTAIN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 11,54,0 , 2078.600,1541.410,79.022, 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7518, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,26,0 , 865.102,1731.400,47.821, 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7519, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,26,0 , 797.648,1788.450,43.263, 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7520, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,26,0 , 904.047,1797.800,49.883, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7714, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 1300.000,1900.000,0.000 , -54.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7825, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 694, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,44,0 , 1750.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7837, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1432.610,1291.230,3023.580, 19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9718, { itemtype = 11870, creature = 1945, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2720.900,2331.550,407.782, 12.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9720, { itemtype = 11870, creature = 1945, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2744.500,2453.750,406.500, 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9719, { itemtype = 11870, creature = 1945, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,0 , 2631.200,2431.900,407.949, 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5391, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 950.000,150.000,0.000 , 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5395, { itemtype = 7810, creature = 984, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1300.000,350.000,0.000 , 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2157, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1150.000,350.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5394, { itemtype = 7811, creature = 985, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1150.000,550.000,0.000 , 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5397, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 850.000,150.000,0.000 , 360.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5393, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 900.000,250.000,0.000 , 347.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5399, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1200.000,200.000,0.000 , 92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5392, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1050.000,300.000,0.000 , 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5396, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1250.000,450.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5398, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1200.000,550.000,0.000 , 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5055, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 887, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,53,0 , 1375.300,197.953,828.472, 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9722, { itemtype = 11869, creature = 1944, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,38,0 , 1246.600,1277.250,2919.350, 146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9723, { itemtype = 11869, creature = 1944, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,38,0 , 1188.950,1307.200,2927.090, 145.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9721, { itemtype = 11869, creature = 1944, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,38,0 , 1271.550,1399.150,2935.800, 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9505, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,17,0 , 50.000,2350.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2665, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 2500.000,2250.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2664, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 2350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2659, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,19,0 , 1150.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2666, { itemtype = 4585, creature = 211, equipset_id = 88, faction_id = 30, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 2550.000,2400.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2667, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 1850.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2669, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 1700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2668, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 1750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2670, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 1850.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2671, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 466, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 1950.000,1450.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4845, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1350.000,1800.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4847, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1450.000,1850.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4834, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 2650.000,950.000,0.000 , -280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4848, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 2850.000,600.000,0.000 , -230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4838, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1650.000,950.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9751, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 1933, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 126.750,1028.590,1503.440, 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6877, { itemtype = 3317, creature = 157, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1384.550,2716.320,-1737.470, 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6880, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 864.031,2370.650,-1730.780, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9725, { itemtype = 11876, creature = 1946, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 2909.200,2895.900,113.561, 282.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9731, { itemtype = 11870, creature = 1945, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,38,0 , 858.898,1442.350,2997.190, 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4067, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 2400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2675, { itemtype = 10966, creature = 1644, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 1850.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9512, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 599, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,20,0 , 3150.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1168, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2200.000,2200.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9637, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 1906, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 2750.000,900.000,1686.000 , -2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9676, { itemtype = 11826, creature = 1890, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,56,0 , 3093.500,94.750,1610.680, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9510, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 887, faction_id = 16, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 1432.500,2039.610,1202.050, 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1929, { itemtype = 7327, creature = 721, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 3083.980,2802.500,81.969, 12.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1937, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 2796.850,2120.550,87.695, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1939, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 2393.950,2981.300,88.939, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7410, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2000.000,1900.000,0.000 , 325.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4874, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 300.000,2200.000,0.000 , 86.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6741, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,27,0 , 1650.000,2900.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8539, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, faction_id = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8540, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, faction_id = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8548, { itemtype = 4585, creature = 211, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_officer_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 150.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8585, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 50.000,350.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8593, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,14,0 , 200.000,3050.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7316, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 900.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7313, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1400.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7317, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7318, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1400.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1013, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,16,0 , 650.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8369, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 2300.000,1000.000,0.000 , 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8370, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 2300.000,900.000,0.000 , -241.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9340, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 0.000,300.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9344, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 3100.000,200.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9341, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 3150.000,150.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9342, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 0.000,200.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9343, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 50.000,250.000,0.000 , 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8589, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,14,0 , 250.000,3100.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9339, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,14,0 , 150.000,3000.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9336, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,14,0 , 200.000,3150.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9335, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,14,0 , 150.000,3100.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9337, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,14,0 , 100.000,3050.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9338, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 250.000,0.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8580, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8582, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 200.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8584, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 250.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4485, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,35,0 , 600.000,2750.000,2320.000, 156.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4486, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,35,0 , 800.000,2800.000,2390.000, 223.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6657, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3100.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6658, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6659, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3150.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6660, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2950.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6656, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6655, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6654, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2850.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6650, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2850.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6661, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3000.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6664, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3100.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6653, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,30,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6651, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3050.000,2100.000,0.000 , -3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6663, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2900.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6652, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 3100.000,2700.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6662, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,30,0 , 0.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(440, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,27,0 , 1572.600,1761.150,190.142, 55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2752, { itemtype = 7351, creature = 716, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,40,0 , 2094.550,461.852,304.253, 276.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9682, { itemtype = 11747, creature = 1903, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,56,0 , 700.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9683, { itemtype = 11748, creature = 1904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,56,0 , 350.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4133, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4138, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2250.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4151, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2094, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 500.000,1800.000,0.000 , 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2093, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 500.000,1750.000,0.000 , 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7991, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 725, equipset_id = 157, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,26,-1 , 2250.000,2250.000,0.000 , 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7136, { itemtype = 6824, creature = 625, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,32,0 , 500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7224, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 155, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,32,0 , 500.000,2050.000,0.000 , 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7225, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 155, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,32,0 , 600.000,2150.000,0.000 , 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9514, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,32,0 , 400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9515, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,32,0 , 450.000,2250.000,0.000 , 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4225, { itemtype = 9299, creature = 1462, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9374, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2096.450,2800.600,42.770, 197.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9375, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2586.230,2141.980,10.928, 146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9376, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2798.000,2125.250,17.305, 227.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9349, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1600.000,1700.000,0.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9353, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1500.000,1850.000,0.000 , -132.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9352, { itemtype = 3317, creature = 157, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1400.000,1700.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9350, { itemtype = 3317, creature = 157, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1650.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9354, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1600.000,1500.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9351, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,10,0 , 1400.000,1550.000,0.000 , -161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6742, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1350.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6743, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6744, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1700.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6748, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 403, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6750, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1750.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5806, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 457, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,29,0 , 608.414,2064.130,119.104, 357.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3928, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 2550.000,1450.000,0.000 , -67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(157, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, equipset_id = 21, behaviour = "JOB_CASTER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 2650.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2567, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1900.000,100.000,0.000 , 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2568, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1800.000,100.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2566, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1750.000,50.000,0.000 , 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2563, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 2450.000,3100.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2561, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 679, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1900.000,2750.000,0.000 , -158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4915, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 1100.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4916, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 900.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4914, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 1200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4913, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 1450.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1713, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 1700.000,2500.000,0.000 , 143.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1714, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 1550.000,2750.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1716, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 1750.000,2650.000,0.000 , 31.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1717, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 1850.000,2700.000,0.000 , 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(341, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 2800.000,2400.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2032, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 1350.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2716, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1900.000,2200.000,0.000 , -94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2718, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 565, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 1350.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(567, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 571, equipset_id = 134, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,29,0 , 1800.000,350.000,43.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(568, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 36, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,29,0 , 1650.000,400.000,57.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(571, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 133, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,29,0 , 1750.000,450.000,43.000 , -210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8373, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 950.000,2300.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8380, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 1050.000,2350.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9371, { itemtype = 10195, creature = 1472, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,15,-1 , 1700.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9358, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1594, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,29,-2 , 0.550,2602.350,-0.008, 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2222, { itemtype = 10646, creature = 1572, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,10,0 , 1470.280,2578.620,393.412, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9356, { itemtype = 10469, creature = 1503, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,30,-2 , 6.000,3.750,-0.001, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9360, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1593, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,30,-2 , 607.350,0.398,-0.016, 268.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9359, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1592, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,-2 , 2604.200,1.453,-0.009, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9357, { itemtype = 10194, creature = 1459, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,30,-2 , 3199.950,600.602,-0.025, 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9367, { itemtype = 3965, creature = 217, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,0 , 2550.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9369, { itemtype = 8824, creature = 1085, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9362, { itemtype = 4577, creature = 367, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,11,-2 , 3050.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9361, { itemtype = 4572, creature = 216, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,54,-2 , 1700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9368, { itemtype = 5172, creature = 368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,51,0 , 1450.000,2250.000,3845.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9366, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,0 , 2980.350,2880.600,440.858, 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9365, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,0 , 2910.250,470.150,440.899, 312.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9364, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,0 , 2075.620,327.351,440.902, 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9363, { itemtype = 9998, creature = 1564, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,4,0 , 2010.700,2769.850,440.854, 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9370, { itemtype = 1705, creature = 76, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 1295.600,1678.200,-1458.680, 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7082, { itemtype = 5992, creature = 1099, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,34,0 , 1550.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7081, { itemtype = 5992, creature = 1099, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,34,0 , 1850.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7080, { itemtype = 5992, creature = 1099, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,34,0 , 1600.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7079, { itemtype = 5992, creature = 1099, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,34,0 , 1750.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7078, { itemtype = 5992, creature = 1099, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,34,0 , 1650.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5697, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 3100.000,2150.000,0.000 , -6.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4307, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 630, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 878.102,3132.660,-2.972, 249.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(627, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,20,0 , 2107.100,1077.550,50.983, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6861, { itemtype = 4578, creature = 231, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 17,45,0 , 717.699,1191.410,1249.280, 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7861, { itemtype = 7684, creature = 699, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,0 , 1841.950,2136.750,241.839, 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7858, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,30,0 , 2818.800,777.750,-0.362, 292.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7859, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 1109, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 51,28,0 , 2143.920,2598.720,-1728.610, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6841, { itemtype = 10809, creature = 539, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,25,0 , 2181.450,318.703,2549.860, 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6845, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, equipset_id = 442, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 32,40,0 , 1200.750,2853.350,320.977, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6856, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 981.219,2361.110,555.183, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7860, { itemtype = 6674, creature = 490, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 14,7,0 , 1714.800,457.500,2681.870, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6843, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 38,37,0 , 85.547,1443.950,2312.790, 208.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7154, { itemtype = 6770, creature = 1132, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 60,40,0 , 1065.000,2815.200,-1596.330, 167.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8269, { itemtype = 6770, creature = 1132, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 48,27,0 , 846.563,1543.280,-1072.620, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8273, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,41,0 , 2093.300,2875.590,544.883, 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1227, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1700.000,2800.000,0.000 , 62.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7227, { itemtype = 8807, creature = 1089, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 62,26,0 , 1041.050,1980.500,1189.100, 107.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1256, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, equipset_id = 60, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1800.000,2800.000,0.000 , 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1241, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6842, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 32,22,0 , 1918.960,1154.720,-110.053, 318.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8268, { itemtype = 10259, creature = 1664, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 59,26,0 , 184.500,995.547,-1730.870, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7067, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1519, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 2333.440,626.711,-1716.310, 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8280, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 45,43,0 , 862.750,1506.200,2523.860, 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8274, { itemtype = 8324, creature = 1078, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 47,45,0 , 381.250,2819.500,3332.220, 247.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6854, { itemtype = 10843, creature = 1603, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,7,0 , 886.320,162.885,75.301, 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1056, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,12,0 , 1800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1374, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2150.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1376, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2700.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8275, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 752, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,42,0 , 1318.500,730.156,1348.330, 62.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7857, { itemtype = 9866, creature = 1177, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,2,0 , 2145.100,2042.550,253.013, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6848, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 17,31,0 , 2757.750,711.898,428.588, 251.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7854, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,11,0 , 2288.420,1023.300,2666.210, 159.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1677, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2900.000,2000.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2753, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,40,0 , 0.000,150.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2773, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,39,0 , 3050.000,3000.000,0.000 , -46.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1515, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 2396.050,190.750,88.415, 335.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7636, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,31,0 , 349.250,2045.700,504.423, 306.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(626, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,20,0 , 2045.650,965.750,50.529, 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(623, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 232, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,20,0 , 1884.950,1017.950,50.478, 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3626, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, faction_id = 58, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 400.000,2150.000,0.000 , -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3628, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 500.000,1800.000,0.000 , -79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1758, { itemtype = 6971, creature = 313, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 2800.000,2300.000,0.000 , -146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1749, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,36,0 , 50.000,2400.000,0.000 , -109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1756, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,39,0 , 2311.500,1173.750,1899.650, 189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1757, { itemtype = 7567, creature = 691, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,39,0 , 1227.590,650.703,1930.000, 57.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1050, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,11,0 , 1050.000,1700.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1051, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,11,0 , 1100.000,1700.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6574, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2899.190,2908.970,-1735.290, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6581, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1518, equipset_id = 288, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 1224.590,1630.550,-1474.970, 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4562, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 1782.900,2176.550,1714.260, 302.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6183, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 769, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,56,-1 , 3103.500,2696.700,-35.289, 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5836, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 886, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,48,0 , 3150.000,500.000,0.000 , -19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2826, { itemtype = 6731, creature = 499, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,43,-1 , 2482.050,1729.200,-144.412, 340.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(454, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 900.000,2900.000,0.000 , 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(456, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 1150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(452, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 608, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 950.000,50.000,0.000 , 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3703, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 550.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(315, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,29,0 , 1800.000,350.000,0.000 , 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(313, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,29,0 , 1850.000,450.000,0.000 , 304.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3679, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,23,0 , 1400.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3678, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 571, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,23,0 , 1250.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3682, { itemtype = 6659, creature = 607, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,23,0 , 1000.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3681, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 605, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,23,0 , 1050.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3680, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,23,0 , 850.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9519, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,43,-1 , 2520.500,1526.500,-195.227, 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7186, { itemtype = 7367, creature = 182, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,25,0 , 2300.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6344, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 907, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,55,-1 , 314.047,61.453,423.766, 183.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6837, { itemtype = 9565, creature = 310, equipset_id = 413, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,39,0 , 287.094,384.648,1840.240, 273.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(825, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,26,0 , 400.000,2600.000,116.000 , -112.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4826, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 3100.000,350.000,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4827, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 3000.000,400.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4846, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 50.000,300.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4830, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 700.000,300.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4849, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 950.000,300.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4853, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 400.000,300.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4828, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1200.000,450.000,0.000 , -149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4836, { itemtype = 8038, creature = 888, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1100.000,400.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7462, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,36,0 , 950.000,3150.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4833, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1600.000,1400.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4844, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1650.000,1150.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4843, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1750.000,1200.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4852, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 150.000,250.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3975, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 3050.000,500.000,0.000 , 212.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4641, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,43,0 , 150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7514, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 403, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 1300.000,950.000,0.000 , -116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1171, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1650.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4207, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 1906.340,618.734,1081.920, 191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7259, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2227, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,7,0 , 2850.000,1450.000,0.000 , -71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2226, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,7,0 , 2712.690,1446.990,219.532, 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4520, { itemtype = 7565, creature = 995, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 3000.000,500.000,0.000 , 229.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8839, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 1743, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,9,0 , 300.000,2850.000,0.000 , 162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2640, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,40,0 , 2150.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2638, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,39,0 , 2100.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2825, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1150.000,100.000,0.000 , 319.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2134, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,55,-1 , 2763.410,3172.420,17.489, 229.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2127, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,57,-1 , 3100.000,2100.000,0.000 , -63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2128, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,57,-1 , 3150.000,2150.000,0.000 , -59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2144, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,57,-1 , 3100.000,2150.000,0.000 , -53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2131, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,56,-1 , 2800.000,0.000,0.000 , -153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2133, { itemtype = 7810, creature = 984, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,56,-1 , 2800.000,50.000,0.000 , -146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2135, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,55,-1 , 1200.000,2250.000,0.000 , -78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2136, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,55,-1 , 1250.000,2250.000,0.000 , -79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2137, { itemtype = 7809, creature = 983, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,56,-1 , 0.000,250.000,0.000 , -55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2138, { itemtype = 7810, creature = 984, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,56,-1 , 3150.000,250.000,0.000 , -52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2126, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,56,-1 , 800.000,1900.000,0.000 , 57.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2132, { itemtype = 7811, creature = 985, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,56,-1 , 850.000,1900.000,0.000 , 54.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2140, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,56,-1 , 850.000,1950.000,0.000 , 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2125, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,-1 , 1350.000,850.000,0.000 , -7.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2141, { itemtype = 7811, creature = 985, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,-1 , 1350.000,750.000,0.000 , -9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2142, { itemtype = 7809, creature = 983, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,-1 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , -15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8283, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,53,0 , 1380.360,1419.140,578.071, 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7855, { itemtype = 8040, creature = 878, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 23,45,0 , 2259.300,1296.630,384.706, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8285, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,45,0 , 1040.490,1406.200,1519.310, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7580, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,0 , 244.000,1630.700,-85.389, 189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2708, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 1050.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2707, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8270, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 694, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 49,48,0 , 2202.000,2449.660,103.035, 259.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2981, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 1029, equipset_id = 254, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,26,0 , 900.000,2900.000,0.000 , 219.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1052, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,11,0 , 1100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7510, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,12,-1 , 2400.000,2900.000,0.000 , 326.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3659, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,26,0 , 2150.000,2950.000,0.000 , -94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6879, { itemtype = 8807, creature = 1089, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,52,0 , 1638.750,2894.500,81.809, 264.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6852, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 4,28,0 , 1089.600,724.953,2288.670, 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6860, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,55,0 , 1919.090,1527.250,209.530, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8272, { itemtype = 9818, creature = 1264, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 2376.720,1595.050,87.269, 279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5465, { itemtype = 518, creature = 811, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,48,0 , 650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5468, { itemtype = 518, creature = 811, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,48,0 , 1100.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3637, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,23,-1 , 250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2209, { itemtype = 7728, creature = 1058, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,35,0 , 950.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3636, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 3150.000,2750.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(143, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 74, equipset_id = 26, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 3059.770,3008.980,24.773, 287.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8277, { itemtype = 6792, creature = 1136, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 30,59,0 , 1674.790,2991.800,546.983, 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6855, { itemtype = 4580, creature = 227, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 23,45,0 , 850.953,3015.660,1749.970, 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6858, { itemtype = 7703, creature = 759, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 14,13,0 , 904.949,1102.400,554.838, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7314, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1017.800,2080.440,-1500.020, 201.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(940, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,0 , 2800.000,2450.000,0.000 , 204.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7321, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 950.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7320, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1050.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7319, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7315, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1250.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7024, { itemtype = 7787, creature = 792, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,21,0 , 950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5210, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,34,0 , 2950.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5211, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,34,0 , 2900.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7856, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,49,0 , 1473.500,1963.750,2.018, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6909, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,7,0 , 2219.440,1926.920,1330.680, 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6889, { itemtype = 7754, creature = 997, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,32,0 , 2727.680,309.852,-7.706, 251.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9925, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 8,61,0 , 665.820,3111.690,2283.130, 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9931, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 8,61,0 , 630.602,2840.750,2308.140, 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9926, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 8,61,0 , 377.500,2591.050,2273.070, 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9927, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 8,61,0 , 175.949,3153.250,2217.360, 55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9928, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,61,0 , 3016.450,2797.470,2232.920, 331.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9930, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,61,0 , 2991.650,2566.050,2240.700, 268.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8289, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 1912, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 250.000,1500.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7886, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,46,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1983, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2550.000,2100.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1975, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2950.000,2100.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3623, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 1750.000,2500.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3619, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 1900.000,2400.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3620, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 1800.000,2400.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3621, { itemtype = 1121, creature = 92, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 1900.000,2500.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7472, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,0 , 2300.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1931, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 720, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 3108.000,3188.300,88.869, 332.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1998, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 450.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1997, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 1050.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1928, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 3109.950,159.352,88.415, 29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1927, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 3115.770,3008.860,88.869, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1996, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 1500.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6962, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3050.000,200.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6959, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3150.000,200.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1988, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 2168.410,1343.870,110.049, 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1768, { itemtype = 7041, creature = 645, equipset_id = 46, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1303.750,1779.300,52.129, 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6839, { itemtype = 8713, creature = 1051, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,41,0 , 2013.400,986.000,4907.830, 254.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6849, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 694, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,48,0 , 757.203,674.656,28.370, 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1570, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 2338.220,2921.420,371.856, 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6850, { itemtype = 6618, creature = 636, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 9,42,-1 , 929.750,1972.250,-150.014, 240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8284, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,45,0 , 514.844,1077.250,1954.340, 139.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6864, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 1156.100,2002.000,134.091, 290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4505, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2950.000,1050.000,0.000 , 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8766, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 3000.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6867, { itemtype = 5146, creature = 302, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 13,47,0 , 2105.500,2312.800,1042.180, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6866, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 694, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,45,0 , 2903.550,387.406,308.910, 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8278, { itemtype = 7397, creature = 842, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,23,0 , 2371.250,2577.550,355.858, 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6886, { itemtype = 4590, creature = 224, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 17,7,0 , 707.852,517.100,450.455, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6884, { itemtype = 9582, creature = 1235, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 32,8,-1 , 1875.000,1903.350,-244.000, 113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1685, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 605.031,1467.710,350.417, 276.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6844, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,25,0 , 2704.750,1952.800,302.562, 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8276, { itemtype = 7654, creature = 755, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,50,0 , 1386.200,237.750,107.657, 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6853, { itemtype = 9582, creature = 1235, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 8,30,0 , 1099.350,1456.150,197.258, 147.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7863, { itemtype = 9632, creature = 1276, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 12,14,0 , 2962.900,1998.950,98.673, 234.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6891, { itemtype = 8662, creature = 1044, equipset_id = 258, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,42,0 , 1704.650,137.750,607.950, 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6893, { itemtype = 9604, creature = 381, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,10,-1 , 1123.860,2524.340,-574.224, 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8912, { itemtype = 4578, creature = 231, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 9,48,0 , 1341.400,600.906,4199.440, 127.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5731, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 650.000,2400.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9105, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, equipset_id = 28, behaviour = "JOB_LUMBERMAN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,27,0 , 1756.850,1590.800,160.832, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7554, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1939.300,2834.650,23.910, 58.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7228, { itemtype = 9610, creature = 387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,5,0 , 1784.670,1862.170,179.579, 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8279, { itemtype = 7355, creature = 733, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 13,21,0 , 2544.250,2592.450,37.185, 348.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6963, { itemtype = 7396, creature = 841, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,23,0 , 1007.740,1836.870,227.984, 149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7862, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,48,0 , 2440.720,2848.940,58.497, 241.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6872, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,24,0 , 1345.100,2395.950,398.502, 32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6851, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,46,0 , 3051.900,2786.910,169.294, 6.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7168, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 44,53,-1 , 1763.700,2543.000,-143.050, 336.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8271, { itemtype = 6478, creature = 432, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 15,54,0 , 1464.590,1909.410,29.032, 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8282, { itemtype = 9580, creature = 1234, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,47,0 , 2128.310,1653.190,1916.420, 324.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6862, { itemtype = 6542, creature = 604, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,27,0 , 1594.500,2594.950,159.956, 356.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7842, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1250.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7843, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1200.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8463, { itemtype = 7355, creature = 733, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 950.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8462, { itemtype = 11094, creature = 1709, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 1150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8461, { itemtype = 9276, creature = 1157, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 700.000,1450.000,0.000 , 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8458, { itemtype = 11094, creature = 1709, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 1550.000,1550.000,0.000 , 136.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8454, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 1550.000,1650.000,0.000 , 107.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4447, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 400.000,1200.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3892, { itemtype = 9299, creature = 1462, equipset_id = 309, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 2650.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8332, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 3000.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9521, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9520, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1554.000,2789.000,387.574, 331.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6846, { itemtype = 9273, creature = 1154, equipset_id = 267, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 10,44,0 , 2800.000,0.000,0.000 , 246.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6398, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1450.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8464, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 1100.000,1450.000,0.000 , -46.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8467, { itemtype = 9770, creature = 1267, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 1050.000,1550.000,0.000 , -52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8466, { itemtype = 9643, creature = 384, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 900.000,1500.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8465, { itemtype = 5190, creature = 945, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 1250.000,1500.000,0.000 , 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6961, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,26,0 , 0.000,100.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8620, { itemtype = 10455, creature = 1496, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 0.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7895, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 804, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,46,0 , 1400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2499, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,31,0 , 50.000,2750.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2498, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,31,0 , 150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6194, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1600.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(628, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,20,0 , 2226.290,995.656,50.983, 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4920, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 8, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,45,0 , 1688.600,884.047,878.141, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8236, { itemtype = 5191, creature = 920, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,22,-1 , 3050.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7932, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 316, equipset_id = 228, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,46,0 , 3050.000,2450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8520, { itemtype = 10965, creature = 1643, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,17,0 , 3000.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9684, { itemtype = 11767, creature = 1928, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,53,-1 , 800.000,2000.000,-11.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8639, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1250.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8511, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1050.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8734, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 2400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8749, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1850.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8753, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1700.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8754, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1350.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8751, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1400.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8747, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1850.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8746, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8748, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1300.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8752, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 2000.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8750, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1750.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8756, { itemtype = 4585, creature = 211, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1950.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7993, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 571, equipset_id = 158, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,26,-1 , 2250.000,2400.000,0.000 , 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7888, { itemtype = 6773, creature = 237, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,59,0 , 2600.000,750.000,0.000 , 285.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7889, { itemtype = 6773, creature = 237, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,59,0 , 2500.000,850.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7890, { itemtype = 6773, creature = 237, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,59,0 , 2600.000,650.000,0.000 , -79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7891, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,59,0 , 200.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7881, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,55,0 , 2800.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7935, { itemtype = 4592, creature = 222, equipset_id = 336, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7941, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 523, equipset_id = 360, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7883, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,55,0 , 2850.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7884, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,55,0 , 2850.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9280, { itemtype = 4592, creature = 222, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9279, { itemtype = 4592, creature = 222, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1550.000,1150.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7936, { itemtype = 9865, creature = 1175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3050.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7937, { itemtype = 9865, creature = 1175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7939, { itemtype = 9867, creature = 1179, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 2900.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9296, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,17,-1 , 0.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9297, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,17,-1 , 0.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8438, { itemtype = 325, creature = 99, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,17,-1 , 350.000,1450.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7984, { itemtype = 13307, creature = 2807, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 550.000,850.000,0.000 , -189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3554, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 192, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,33,0 , 3000.000,850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2056, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2250.000,2450.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2057, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2250.000,2550.000,0.000 , -63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2055, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,-1 , 50.000,2700.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2053, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,-1 , 450.000,350.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1820, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 1250.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1823, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 1150.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5691, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,46,0 , 2300.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5693, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,46,0 , 1200.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5688, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,46,0 , 2700.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5699, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 2250.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6695, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1900.000,1750.000,0.000 , 49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6693, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2050.000,1650.000,0.000 , 331.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6688, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2150.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6684, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1142, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2100.000,1000.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2832, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1050.000,700.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2833, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1250.000,750.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2834, { itemtype = 7120, creature = 443, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1100.000,750.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8549, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 200.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8551, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,15,0 , 200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7962, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 451, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 1100.000,2000.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8678, { itemtype = 5682, creature = 236, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2000.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8693, { itemtype = 1173, creature = 193, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1400.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8684, { itemtype = 519, creature = 195, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1450.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8666, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1700.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8667, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1750.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8668, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8669, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1750.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8420, { itemtype = 519, creature = 195, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2100.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8421, { itemtype = 5973, creature = 440, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1850.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(726, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 1400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8670, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2400.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8422, { itemtype = 6484, creature = 244, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8676, { itemtype = 7522, creature = 263, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1400.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8682, { itemtype = 6484, creature = 244, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1650.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8677, { itemtype = 1173, creature = 193, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8694, { itemtype = 1173, creature = 193, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1450.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2182, { itemtype = 8824, creature = 1085, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8911, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 881, faction_id = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1150.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8909, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, faction_id = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1000.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8910, { itemtype = 8046, creature = 1441, faction_id = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1100.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7849, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 2050.000,3050.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7851, { itemtype = 4581, creature = 212, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 2000.000,2950.000,0.000 , -101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7852, { itemtype = 4580, creature = 227, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8906, { itemtype = 8277, creature = 431, faction_id = 90, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1800.000,3000.000,0.000 , 43.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8907, { itemtype = 8274, creature = 301, faction_id = 90, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1950.000,3150.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8908, { itemtype = 8275, creature = 230, faction_id = 90, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1850.000,3100.000,0.000 , 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7848, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 2000.000,3000.000,0.000 , -61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7850, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1950.000,3000.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7844, { itemtype = 8276, creature = 184, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1250.000,1250.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6998, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 1119, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 950.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4257, { itemtype = 8662, creature = 1044, equipset_id = 258, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,40,0 , 1871.160,347.734,308.305, 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8112, { itemtype = 11084, creature = 1711, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3100.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5972, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 2100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8111, { itemtype = 11083, creature = 1712, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 2950.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8110, { itemtype = 11084, creature = 1711, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3050.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8109, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,16,0 , 50.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5971, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1950.000,2250.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8108, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 2950.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8107, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,16,0 , 50.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10021, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,52,-2 , 543.914,2967.110,-150.049, 43.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4488, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, equipset_id = 22, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,42,0 , 350.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5955, { itemtype = 8040, creature = 878, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1615, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, equipset_id = 11, behaviour = "JOB_PRIEST", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,7,0 , 1850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1968, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 150.000,1950.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1666, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 450.000,2000.000,0.000 , -3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1956, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1972, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 50.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4456, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,41,0 , 2000.000,2700.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1971, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,1950.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1970, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 400.000,1850.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1959, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1960, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1150.000,2750.000,0.000 , -240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(108, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 650.000,1700.000,0.000 , 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1982, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 800.000,2850.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1965, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 650.000,2900.000,0.000 , -230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1961, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2400.000,1800.000,0.000 , -260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5709, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 2950.000,1600.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5714, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 400, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,46,0 , 1500.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5713, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,46,0 , 500.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1969, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1964, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1976, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,2250.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1962, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 750.000,2600.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5712, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 1600.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5711, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 500.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5710, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 1050.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5708, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 398, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 50.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1675, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 300.000,1850.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3894, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 1600.000,0.000,0.000 , 109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4867, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 800.000,1200.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1682, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,1800.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4801, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,45,0 , 3000.000,1550.000,0.000 , 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4863, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 2050.000,2750.000,0.000 , 292.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4864, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1950.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4866, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1850.000,2800.000,0.000 , 307.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1683, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1300.000,1050.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4822, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1050.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4820, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1200.000,1550.000,0.000 , 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4815, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1250.000,1450.000,0.000 , 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1671, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,2050.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1670, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,1500.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1963, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,1600.000,0.000 , -250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1674, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1450.000,1200.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1978, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1350.000,1300.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1973, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 750.000,1200.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1974, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 850.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4802, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 2400.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4799, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 2350.000,350.000,0.000 , 164.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1339, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,28,0 , 650.000,350.000,0.000 , 227.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5817, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4678, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 2150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9172, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9171, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1550.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9162, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,13,0 , 1703.700,538.781,1224.240, 349.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9169, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 2050.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9167, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9170, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1950.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9163, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1900.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9168, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9165, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9164, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1700.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9166, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,11,0 , 1450.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9140, { itemtype = 9981, creature = 284, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 1050.000,1600.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2623, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2350.000,2000.000,0.000 , -283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3660, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 3066.550,2302.900,9.982, 198.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2681, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1550.000,1800.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2682, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 1500.000,1750.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2625, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2100.000,1900.000,0.000 , 322.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9179, { itemtype = 10876, creature = 1605, equipset_id = 338, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,6,0 , 1250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9175, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,5,0 , 690.551,1633.900,2046.510, 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8460, { itemtype = 6821, creature = 621, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 750.000,1500.000,0.000 , -41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9178, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 2963.890,2867.180,85.803, 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1020, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9529, { itemtype = 9818, creature = 1264, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,-1 , 3014.340,2441.590,6.568, 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9530, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 1750.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7102, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 1520, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,32,0 , 2477.160,1561.950,-1500.360, 118.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2621, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9176, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,2,-1 , 322.418,3046.940,41.571, 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2641, { itemtype = 7330, creature = 741, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,38,0 , 1550.000,900.000,0.000 , -77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7354, { itemtype = 7654, creature = 755, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,48,0 , 1650.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(772, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2150.000,1300.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7179, { itemtype = 686, creature = 176, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,25,0 , 1129.340,549.148,-1576.730, 187.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7741, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7746, { itemtype = 9607, creature = 267, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1600.000,1900.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7786, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 345, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1750.000,1950.000,0.000 , 260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7785, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 466, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1650.000,1850.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7743, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1550.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7787, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 466, equipset_id = 345, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1450.000,1850.000,0.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8452, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,38,0 , 650.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8453, { itemtype = 513, creature = 124, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,38,0 , 700.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7254, { itemtype = 7367, creature = 182, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2650.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2495, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 30,32,0 , 2100.000,1450.000,0.000 , -11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8175, { itemtype = 6732, creature = 623, equipset_id = 137, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8174, { itemtype = 6670, creature = 732, equipset_id = 137, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 900.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8173, { itemtype = 7359, creature = 663, equipset_id = 137, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1000.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8172, { itemtype = 7355, creature = 733, equipset_id = 137, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1000.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8171, { itemtype = 6670, creature = 732, equipset_id = 137, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 850.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7792, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,21,0 , 1300.000,1750.000,0.000 , 6.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7791, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,21,0 , 1550.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8473, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 1850.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2248, { itemtype = 10195, creature = 1472, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,15,-1 , 1700.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6511, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 630, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,38,0 , 700.000,1100.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7355, { itemtype = 7619, creature = 756, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,48,0 , 1750.000,2400.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9675, { itemtype = 11828, creature = 1891, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,55,0 , 1300.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5702, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,47,0 , 2650.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4970, { itemtype = 6481, creature = 557, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 2950.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4971, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 3000.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4972, { itemtype = 6483, creature = 131, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 2900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5359, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5736, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,48,0 , 2900.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5737, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,49,0 , 600.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5738, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,48,0 , 1750.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5716, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 185, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,49,0 , 1550.000,1900.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4458, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 1250.000,2800.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4175, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, equipset_id = 225, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1550.000,700.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4176, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, equipset_id = 225, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1500.000,550.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5732, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 398, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,47,0 , 750.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3876, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,39,0 , 1300.000,1300.000,0.000 , 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3878, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,39,0 , 1650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3879, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,39,0 , 1900.000,1300.000,0.000 , -134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5730, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,47,0 , 1550.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5729, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,48,0 , 2600.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4177, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 1028, equipset_id = 226, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1700.000,800.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4174, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 1028, equipset_id = 226, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5722, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 1250.000,300.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7175, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,24,0 , 650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2102, { itemtype = 8714, creature = 1050, equipset_id = 297, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 200.000,1150.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4459, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 320, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,43,0 , 1100.000,2900.000,0.000 , -213.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2103, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 150.000,350.000,0.000 , -218.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3895, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,42,0 , 1250.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3896, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,41,0 , 2200.000,500.000,0.000 , 17.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3897, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,39,0 , 1750.000,1950.000,0.000 , 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6718, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 744, equipset_id = 340, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,32,0 , 550.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7610, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,16,0 , 2100.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(331, { itemtype = 2902, creature = 117, equipset_id = 41, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,25,0 , 2600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3717, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,30,0 , 200.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5102, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,47,0 , 50.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4101, { itemtype = 2902, creature = 117, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 900.000,750.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5104, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,47,0 , 150.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4180, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 877, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1150.000,50.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4102, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 850.000,700.000,0.000 , -210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2821, { itemtype = 8063, creature = 1001, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 2950.000,1600.000,0.000 , -300.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6920, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,36,0 , 750.000,3150.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3898, { itemtype = 542, creature = 70, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,42,0 , 2350.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3899, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,42,0 , 2200.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3903, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,42,0 , 2500.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3901, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,42,0 , 2500.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3900, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,42,0 , 2200.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3904, { itemtype = 8673, creature = 1042, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 700.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1819, { itemtype = 7565, creature = 995, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 1050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9704, { itemtype = 11818, creature = 1932, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,4,0 , 1400.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9703, { itemtype = 7237, creature = 825, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,2,0 , 1900.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7882, { itemtype = 1703, creature = 172, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,55,0 , 2750.000,700.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4890, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 500.000,3000.000,0.000 , 66.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4891, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 901, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 250.000,2250.000,0.000 , 311.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4184, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 1024, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 2550.000,3050.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(173, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 679, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,25,0 , 3150.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(174, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,25,0 , 200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(177, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 675, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,25,0 , 100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(178, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,25,0 , 300.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(179, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 679, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,25,0 , 0.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3909, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,39,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(210, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 293.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2106, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1650.000,700.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2104, { itemtype = 9270, creature = 438, equipset_id = 450, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 850.000,600.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7166, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,28,0 , 2400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2092, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 400.000,1750.000,0.000 , 53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2090, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5757, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,50,0 , 1800.000,750.000,0.000 , 128.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3911, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,0 , 2150.000,1550.000,0.000 , 162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1372, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1157, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 2500.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1370, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1170, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2100.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1173, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2450.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1176, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2100.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1177, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2200.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8597, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2050.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3917, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1050.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6364, { itemtype = 8824, creature = 1277, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1400.000,100.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(448, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 750.000,50.000,0.000 , 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4199, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,39,0 , 100.000,0.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6485, { itemtype = 9283, creature = 1164, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2600.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6484, { itemtype = 9281, creature = 1162, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3702, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 550.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(776, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 169, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,31,-1 , 2100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 129.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5078, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, equipset_id = 28, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,25,0 , 400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6110, { itemtype = 970, creature = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,60,-1 , 1100.000,0.000,0.000 , 13.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4156, { itemtype = 8655, creature = 1036, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,36,0 , 2100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4076, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1900.000,800.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4082, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2050.000,1200.000,0.000 , -178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4096, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1950.000,1150.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4497, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 2500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4496, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 2650.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4494, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,35,-1 , 550.000,1950.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4925, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 3050.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4926, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,44,0 , 2750.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5336, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2700.000,2450.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5356, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2600.000,2250.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5338, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2600.000,2350.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5339, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2800.000,2400.000,0.000 , -59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5340, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2400.000,2350.000,0.000 , 53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5337, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2500.000,2450.000,0.000 , 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5335, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2600.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5354, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5342, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2450.000,2650.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5351, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2400.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2371, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,37,0 , 400.000,2950.000,0.000 , 24.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(118, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(124, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 2200.000,1200.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3934, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,0 , 2950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 187.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3927, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,38,0 , 2600.000,650.000,0.000 , -65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(117, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 1300.000,1150.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(122, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 2500.000,1900.000,0.000 , 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(123, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 2550.000,2650.000,0.000 , -115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(121, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 1500.000,2500.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(125, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 2500.000,2800.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3929, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,38,0 , 2700.000,750.000,0.000 , -92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(120, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,-1 , 1150.000,1300.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3935, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1650.000,2250.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3933, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,38,0 , 2700.000,650.000,0.000 , -136.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1364, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4598, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4599, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,0 , 1850.000,800.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4601, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,0 , 1950.000,850.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6225, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 2600.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7311, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 1650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7301, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 2850.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4159, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,36,0 , 2050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4160, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,36,0 , 2000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5117, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2900.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3886, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,36,0 , 3100.000,3100.000,0.000 , 233.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4103, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 950.000,700.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4111, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 2400.000,1600.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4113, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 2300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4112, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 2900.000,2100.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4114, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 2750.000,2050.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5352, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2700.000,2400.000,0.000 , -169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7633, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 900.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7409, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1900.000,1850.000,0.000 , -65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5374, { itemtype = 5152, creature = 548, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 2150.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5116, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2650.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5375, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 1250.000,2750.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5379, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 900.000,50.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5380, { itemtype = 5152, creature = 547, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 1200.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5381, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 1400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5378, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 1300.000,2800.000,0.000 , -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5376, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 1450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5377, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,50,0 , 1450.000,3150.000,0.000 , 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6561, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,34,0 , 3000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5121, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 1950.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(921, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,0 , 2700.000,2500.000,0.000 , 298.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4124, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 1050.000,1600.000,0.000 , 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4128, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 1050.000,1650.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9706, { itemtype = 4587, creature = 221, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,2,0 , 900.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9707, { itemtype = 11820, creature = 1931, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,3,0 , 550.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6548, { itemtype = 7778, creature = 751, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 1050.000,2950.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(468, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 34.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6543, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 1050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(472, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1150.000,1750.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5559, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 1000.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1175, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 250.000,1450.000,0.000 , 159.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4506, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2800.000,1400.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4507, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2650.000,1250.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4508, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4510, { itemtype = 5018, creature = 272, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2900.000,1300.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6586, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 950.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4238, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,35,-2 , 450.000,1300.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4239, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,35,-2 , 300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7640, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,48,-1 , 2700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9713, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,34,0 , 2400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8955, { itemtype = 5974, creature = 370, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 0.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8957, { itemtype = 5974, creature = 370, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,2,0 , 1800.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8954, { itemtype = 5974, creature = 370, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2250.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9992, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 2770.700,1982.250,3452.080, 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9994, { itemtype = 8736, creature = 482, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3000.000,550.000,0.000 , -191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8953, { itemtype = 5974, creature = 370, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2300.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8956, { itemtype = 5974, creature = 370, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 2150.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9716, { itemtype = 8044, creature = 1440, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,43,-2 , 2900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9717, { itemtype = 11819, creature = 1930, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,42,-2 , 2400.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2617, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,29,0 , 250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5826, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 3000.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5825, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 2750.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5822, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,47,0 , 300.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5821, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 600.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5820, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 500.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5819, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,47,0 , 1150.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5818, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,47,0 , 500.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5831, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 400, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 2550.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6173, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 250.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6174, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6175, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 350.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6176, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,30,-1 , 400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5137, { itemtype = 8063, creature = 1001, equipset_id = 38, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,28,0 , 1650.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6595, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 804, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 1900.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6596, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 1950.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6597, { itemtype = 7679, creature = 765, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,33,0 , 1950.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5841, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 1700.000,850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5101, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 3150.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5108, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 207, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 3050.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7123, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3919, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 875, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,38,0 , 1100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4162, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,37,0 , 350.000,2850.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4163, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,37,0 , 500.000,2900.000,0.000 , -51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3701, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5147, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, faction_id = 10, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,28,0 , 1750.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4526, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 1022, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 2700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6613, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,26,0 , 350.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5868, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, equipset_id = 308, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,48,0 , 750.000,2000.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5870, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 400, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 2700.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6908, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,57,0 , 3150.000,1550.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8083, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2250.000,2450.000,0.000 , 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6907, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,57,0 , 3100.000,1450.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6904, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,57,0 , 100.000,1500.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6900, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,57,0 , 0.000,1600.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8082, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6901, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,57,0 , 100.000,1600.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6902, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,57,0 , 50.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6903, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,57,0 , 3150.000,1650.000,0.000 , -260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6906, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,57,0 , 3000.000,1600.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8081, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2350.000,2600.000,0.000 , 19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8084, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2350.000,2500.000,0.000 , 34.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8085, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2300.000,2500.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(600, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(598, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 550.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(596, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 600.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(604, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4545, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1450.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4544, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 200.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4547, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 300.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4897, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , 152.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4900, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2400.000,550.000,0.000 , 288.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4893, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2150.000,500.000,0.000 , 304.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4887, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2300.000,300.000,0.000 , 139.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4889, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 1100.000,3000.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4546, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 750.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6510, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,38,0 , 650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6513, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,38,0 , 600.000,1150.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4582, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4581, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4580, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4558, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 748, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 2450.000,1800.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6918, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,36,0 , 950.000,3100.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6919, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,36,0 , 850.000,3050.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7133, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 1350.000,1300.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7132, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 1300.000,1400.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6921, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,36,0 , 750.000,3050.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5450, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 100.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4589, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4588, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1750.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4587, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4586, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4585, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1350.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5456, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,49,0 , 450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1529, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,12,0 , 650.000,1700.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5460, { itemtype = 518, creature = 811, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,0 , 750.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5474, { itemtype = 518, creature = 811, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,48,0 , 1900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7140, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 2250.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5471, { itemtype = 518, creature = 811, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,48,0 , 2250.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5469, { itemtype = 518, creature = 811, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,48,0 , 2500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4619, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 1834, faction_id = 7, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,-1 , 2300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5178, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 2200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7667, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 328, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 2000.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7814, { itemtype = 610, creature = 189, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,-1 , 800.000,2350.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6682, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1550.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5707, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 1650.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5706, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,46,0 , 3050.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5705, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 1800.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5704, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,45,0 , 2600.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1955, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 3050.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5703, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,45,0 , 2150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1957, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2400.000,2100.000,0.000 , -290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5701, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 650.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5700, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,45,0 , 2700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1979, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 700.000,1950.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1980, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1850.000,1950.000,0.000 , -260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1981, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2550.000,1850.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4859, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 850.000,1200.000,0.000 , 332.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1681, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 450.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4861, { itemtype = 10270, creature = 813, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 700.000,900.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4812, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 800.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4814, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1000.000,850.000,0.000 , 171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4817, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3997, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 322, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 2600.000,2400.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1669, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2700.000,2000.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1672, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 700.000,600.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1673, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2350.000,2000.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1676, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 550.000,1950.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1678, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2000.000,1900.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1679, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2950.000,1800.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1680, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 850.000,1100.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1958, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 550.000,1150.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4819, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 158.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4818, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1050.000,2900.000,0.000 , 137.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4816, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1250.000,2850.000,0.000 , 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1966, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1600.000,1900.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1967, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 2850.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1977, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 1500.000,600.000,0.000 , -250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4821, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,44,0 , 1200.000,2850.000,0.000 , 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4798, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,45,0 , 2000.000,2350.000,0.000 , 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4809, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,45,0 , 1900.000,2350.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4792, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,45,0 , 2900.000,1550.000,0.000 , 304.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4795, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 1300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4797, { itemtype = 5684, creature = 951, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,46,0 , 1150.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7692, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 500.000,500.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8121, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 743, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 650.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2167, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1150.000,2300.000,0.000 , 83.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5360, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2500.000,2200.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5358, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2800.000,2300.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5357, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2400.000,2300.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4172, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1025, equipset_id = 230, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1300.000,600.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5935, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1600.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5934, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1650.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5933, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1750.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5938, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1800.000,300.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5942, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1650.000,500.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(676, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, faction_id = 57, specialdrop = 33, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1550.000,2350.000,0.000 , 98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6667, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 900.000,500.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6668, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 800.000,500.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6948, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,25,0 , 1800.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3800, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1600.000,1450.000,0.000 , 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6298, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 1600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7008, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 550.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7007, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 750.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7003, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 550.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7000, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 600.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4661, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,43,0 , 100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4256, { itemtype = 7566, creature = 710, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,41,0 , 1550.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4663, { itemtype = 5148, creature = 298, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,43,0 , 150.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4662, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,43,0 , 150.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5983, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5973, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1850.000,1950.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5974, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 886, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 2000.000,2150.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5977, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 886, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1900.000,2300.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5979, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1950.000,2350.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5982, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 2150.000,2050.000,0.000 , 240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5978, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 2000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5984, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 2050.000,2050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5960, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1800.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5976, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 886, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1750.000,2150.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5987, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 526, equipset_id = 362, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1900.000,3150.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5989, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 522, equipset_id = 364, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1850.000,3050.000,0.000 , 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7023, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 800.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5152, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 1450.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5350, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2500.000,2400.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5355, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2500.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5740, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 400, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,49,0 , 2700.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5741, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,49,0 , 550.000,950.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5739, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,48,0 , 2350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4666, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 3100.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4669, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 3150.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4670, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 3050.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3923, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 1150.000,900.000,0.000 , -15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3930, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 1050.000,950.000,0.000 , 16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3922, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 1000.000,900.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4680, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 3000.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4683, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 50.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4687, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 867, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 0.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3931, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , -356.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4676, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 3150.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2868, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 1750.000,400.000,0.000 , 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3925, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 2650.000,1450.000,0.000 , -16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3924, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 2600.000,1400.000,0.000 , -16.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3920, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 154.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3921, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 700.000,1550.000,0.000 , -237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2620, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 2300.000,300.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(649, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, equipset_id = 33, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,26,0 , 1650.000,2200.000,0.000 , -18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(160, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,20,0 , 700.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2058, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,25,-1 , 3150.000,2700.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8368, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 325, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 2700.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5735, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,48,0 , 2150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5734, { itemtype = 7370, creature = 401, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,48,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6131, { itemtype = 4571, creature = 773, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,38,0 , 1400.000,3000.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5723, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,47,0 , 1350.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5724, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,47,0 , 850.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5725, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 2650.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5717, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,46,0 , 350.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5718, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,46,0 , 1700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5728, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 2750.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5719, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 1600.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5721, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,45,0 , 350.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2673, { itemtype = 10970, creature = 1648, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(415, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 571, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,28,0 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1375, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2250.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(418, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,28,0 , 1500.000,3100.000,0.000 , -159.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5720, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 450.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2672, { itemtype = 8329, creature = 476, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 1400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(453, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 750.000,3000.000,0.000 , 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6129, { itemtype = 4571, creature = 773, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,38,0 , 1200.000,2900.000,0.000 , 161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6133, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,39,0 , 2350.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2060, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2300.000,2500.000,0.000 , -78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2100, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1400.000,450.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4937, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,45,0 , 50.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4942, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,45,0 , 150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2050, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,-1 , 450.000,2500.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2051, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,-1 , 400.000,2450.000,0.000 , -175.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2061, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,-1 , 450.000,2400.000,0.000 , -171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4943, { itemtype = 10273, creature = 1007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,45,0 , 150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6332, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 887, faction_id = 16, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,58,-1 , 850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2824, { itemtype = 8751, creature = 1072, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 2100.000,300.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4295, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 900.000,1900.000,0.000 , -230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1194, { itemtype = 7125, creature = 652, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1800.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1601, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,38,0 , 1000.000,750.000,0.000 , 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4549, { itemtype = 7756, creature = 999, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 27.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4723, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 752, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 700.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7620, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,16,0 , 2700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7619, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,16,0 , 2900.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7618, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,16,0 , 2750.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7617, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,16,0 , 2900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7615, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,16,0 , 2650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2772, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,40,0 , 300.000,400.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8408, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 400.000,2100.000,0.000 , -111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7609, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,15,0 , 1850.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7608, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,15,0 , 1750.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7607, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,15,0 , 2000.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7606, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,15,0 , 1900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7605, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,15,0 , 1800.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7604, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,15,0 , 1950.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7603, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,16,0 , 2300.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2818, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5105, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,47,0 , 100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3905, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1467, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,26,0 , 650.000,2150.000,0.000 , -113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1200, { itemtype = 9937, creature = 1359, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,19,0 , 400.000,1100.000,0.000 , -111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1199, { itemtype = 9936, creature = 1358, equipset_id = 383, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_CASTER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,19,0 , 2300.000,2950.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1470, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 1550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2771, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,40,0 , 300.000,650.000,0.000 , 7.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8391, { itemtype = 9768, creature = 1265, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 2400.000,950.000,0.000 , 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8377, { itemtype = 9768, creature = 1265, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 2350.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8406, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 2300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2519, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2050.000,1100.000,0.000 , 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(566, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 550.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8004, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 429, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 38,21,0 , 2600.000,2300.000,0.000 , 179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5609, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1900.000,2550.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5015, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 3100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 268.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5602, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5605, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2300.000,2550.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5019, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,52,0 , 2950.000,1500.000,0.000 , 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5601, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1700.000,2450.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5606, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1700.000,2500.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4013, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 2000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4016, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 2300.000,2400.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4436, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 2750.000,250.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5611, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1700.000,2550.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5603, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 2300.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4032, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,23,0 , 250.000,1300.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3839, { itemtype = 2902, creature = 117, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2800.000,800.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3851, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,-1 , 1800.000,400.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3852, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,-1 , 1700.000,50.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3850, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1900.000,3000.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3848, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1600.000,3000.000,0.000 , -210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3849, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1550.000,2700.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4334, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,45,0 , 3100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4333, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,45,0 , 2950.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2109, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2300.000,800.000,0.000 , -52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9851, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,52,0 , 1250.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8762, { itemtype = 11094, creature = 1709, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,14,0 , 2900.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8764, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2950.000,300.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8765, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2850.000,200.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8767, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2750.000,300.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8772, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2800.000,450.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8773, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2700.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8769, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2900.000,350.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8768, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 3000.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8771, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,13,0 , 2850.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8775, { itemtype = 8329, creature = 476, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8780, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1800.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8787, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8786, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 2050.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8785, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4155, { itemtype = 8654, creature = 1043, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 450.000,250.000,0.000 , 223.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8799, { itemtype = 6674, creature = 490, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8866, { itemtype = 9513, creature = 1227, equipset_id = 330, behaviour = "JOB_CAPTAIN", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 12,16,0 , 400.000,50.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8836, { itemtype = 10263, creature = 1824, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,34,0 , 1100.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8426, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,26,0 , 2350.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7637, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 750.000,300.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7641, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1750.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7642, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1750.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7643, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,25,0 , 1950.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7280, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,0 , 2900.000,2000.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7281, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,0 , 2750.000,2150.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7282, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,0 , 2800.000,2100.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7283, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,0 , 2750.000,2000.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7284, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,0 , 2850.000,2050.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7285, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,0 , 2900.000,2150.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7709, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 1900.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7710, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 1750.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7706, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 1750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7711, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 1600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4229, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,44,-2 , 50.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4230, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,44,-2 , 3150.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4231, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,44,-2 , 3150.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4232, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,44,-2 , 150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4233, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,44,-2 , 350.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4234, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,44,-2 , 650.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4235, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,44,-2 , 500.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4236, { itemtype = 7678, creature = 770, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,44,-2 , 250.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4409, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 875, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,39,0 , 350.000,150.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4314, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 550.000,3050.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(556, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2650.000,850.000,0.000 , 333.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4310, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 500.000,2950.000,0.000 , 300.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10037, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,12,0 , 3150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9879, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 450.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9880, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 300.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9881, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 400.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9882, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 550.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8335, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,45,0 , 450.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8334, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,45,0 , 1000.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8333, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,45,0 , 1450.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8331, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,44,0 , 2900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8330, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,44,0 , 2850.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8329, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,44,0 , 2850.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8328, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,45,0 , 1600.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1161, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 3050.000,1400.000,0.000 , 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1164, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1172, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1800.000,0.000 , 36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4312, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,39,0 , 450.000,50.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(548, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2900.000,750.000,0.000 , 85.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1474, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,17,0 , 650.000,300.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2845, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, equipset_id = 43, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2400.000,1200.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2844, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, equipset_id = 43, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2847, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, equipset_id = 43, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2600.000,100.000,0.000 , -165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2849, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, equipset_id = 43, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2450.000,200.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8337, { itemtype = 7774, creature = 963, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 1350.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8338, { itemtype = 6735, creature = 578, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 1400.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8339, { itemtype = 338, creature = 27, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 1300.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4841, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, faction_id = 7, behaviour = "WildAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 2550.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4998, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 600.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4997, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 650.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2643, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 750.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1747, { itemtype = 2904, creature = 134, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 2550.000,3100.000,0.000 , -78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4840, { itemtype = 8038, creature = 888, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 2900.000,1250.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4627, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4837, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1650.000,1200.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2530, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1800.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4839, { itemtype = 8038, creature = 888, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 150.000,1200.000,0.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(946, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,33,0 , 50.000,2200.000,0.000 , 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4850, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 50.000,1150.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4851, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 3100.000,1200.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1254, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4370, { itemtype = 8387, creature = 1004, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,39,0 , 0.000,250.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(757, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,29,0 , 50.000,2400.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(947, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,33,0 , 3150.000,2250.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(944, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,33,0 , 0.000,2200.000,0.000 , 53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7562, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1019, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,46,0 , 900.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(670, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1600.000,2300.000,0.000 , 58.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(672, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1450.000,2150.000,0.000 , 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6049, { itemtype = 7754, creature = 997, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 2650.000,2850.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(142, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,32,0 , 1400.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3984, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,-1 , 1650.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3985, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,-1 , 1400.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3986, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,-1 , 700.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3987, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,-1 , 900.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3988, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,-1 , 1400.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2496, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,28,0 , 1250.000,2400.000,0.000 , 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1736, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,28,0 , 100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 239.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1737, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,28,0 , 350.000,1400.000,0.000 , 240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1738, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,28,0 , 800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2523, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1850.000,1500.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1735, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,0 , 2650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9835, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 3042.520,721.281,1493.830, 149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10009, { itemtype = 5146, creature = 302, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,62,0 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4754, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1800.000,1500.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4752, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1450.000,1200.000,0.000 , -67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4753, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,-1 , 1550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9950, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1388, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,61,0 , 3050.000,1900.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9855, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_elite", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 200.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9865, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 2700.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9866, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 1950.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9868, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 200.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9869, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 350.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9871, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 1900.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9872, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 250.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9873, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 450.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9874, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9875, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 500.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9876, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 450.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9878, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 500.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9870, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,60,0 , 2650.000,2650.000,2222.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9877, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7309, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 3100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7307, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 2000.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7305, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 750.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7304, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 3050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7303, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 1850.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7302, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 600.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7308, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 1550.000,1350.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1207, { itemtype = 9937, creature = 1359, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,19,0 , 600.000,800.000,0.000 , -168.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6731, { itemtype = 9931, creature = 1354, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,19,0 , 550.000,750.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7564, { itemtype = 7654, creature = 755, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,45,0 , 1350.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7565, { itemtype = 7652, creature = 696, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,45,0 , 1400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2200, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 3150.000,2600.000,0.000 , -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10025, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,56,0 , 850.000,500.000,3028.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10026, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,56,0 , 1000.000,400.000,3099.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10027, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,56,0 , 850.000,200.000,3019.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(474, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, equipset_id = 127, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 2200.000,1700.000,0.000 , 149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5574, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,50,0 , 3100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5222, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 1029, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 13,23,0 , 450.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6729, { itemtype = 7412, creature = 829, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,32,0 , 2150.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2114, { itemtype = 9269, creature = 439, equipset_id = 449, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2750.000,2600.000,0.000 , -12.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4328, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, equipset_id = 341, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,43,0 , 2650.000,2250.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4329, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, equipset_id = 337, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,43,0 , 2550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8321, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 1200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1472, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 1900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1770, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6206, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, behaviour = "JOB_FIELDWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 2300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6633, { itemtype = 9873, creature = 1817, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6635, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1700.000,1100.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6632, { itemtype = 9872, creature = 1816, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1950.000,1700.000,0.000 , -59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6640, { itemtype = 9875, creature = 1819, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6638, { itemtype = 9875, creature = 1819, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 2100.000,1450.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3959, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 700.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3960, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 650.000,150.000,0.000 , 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3961, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 600.000,400.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3962, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 650.000,50.000,0.000 , 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3963, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 800.000,50.000,0.000 , 185.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3964, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 950.000,50.000,0.000 , 185.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6627, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1121, faction_id = 89, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2650.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6691, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2100.000,1550.000,0.000 , 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10028, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,55,0 , 1400.000,2600.000,2843.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7708, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,24,0 , 1300.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7772, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1300.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7769, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1300.000,2050.000,0.000 , -179.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7775, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7773, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1700.000,1900.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7780, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7778, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1450.000,2200.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7777, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1650.000,2200.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7776, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,-1 , 1400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6132, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,39,0 , 2250.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6135, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,39,0 , 2400.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7143, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,45,-1 , 1400.000,200.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7151, { itemtype = 9582, creature = 1395, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,44,-1 , 1400.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6752, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6749, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,19,0 , 1600.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6334, { itemtype = 8038, creature = 889, faction_id = 16, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 100.000,400.000,0.000 , -27.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6048, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, behaviour = "JOB_FIELDWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 2600.000,2500.000,0.000 , -109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4857, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1400.000,1700.000,0.000 , 279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4079, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1950.000,800.000,0.000 , 221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1999, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 800.000,700.000,0.000 , 189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4075, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2000.000,1050.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4092, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2000.000,1000.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4094, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1950.000,1000.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6220, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 1200.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4108, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2000.000,950.000,0.000 , -113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4098, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2000.000,1150.000,0.000 , -61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4109, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1950.000,1100.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2000, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 344.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6236, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 650.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6221, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 1350.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6234, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 50.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4020, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1450.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4021, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1650.000,1100.000,0.000 , -67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4019, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,-1 , 1550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4104, { itemtype = 6661, creature = 579, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,39,0 , 2100.000,1600.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5346, { itemtype = 8038, creature = 888, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 23.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5345, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2650.000,2600.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5344, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2750.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2822, { itemtype = 8750, creature = 1071, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 450.000,1050.000,0.000 , -290.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5343, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2600.000,2650.000,0.000 , 15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5341, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2850.000,2350.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2820, { itemtype = 8752, creature = 1073, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 1850.000,350.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7614, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,16,0 , 2200.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7613, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,16,0 , 1950.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7612, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,16,0 , 2300.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7611, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,16,0 , 2200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4726, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1200.000,150.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4523, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 3050.000,500.000,0.000 , -124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4521, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 3050.000,450.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4522, { itemtype = 7562, creature = 992, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 3100.000,500.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(471, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(469, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(467, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1300.000,1800.000,0.000 , 28.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(466, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1400.000,1850.000,0.000 , 32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(470, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 74, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1150.000,1850.000,0.000 , 38.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6584, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 800.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6585, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7783, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1750.000,1750.000,0.000 , -141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5847, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 200.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5824, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,46,0 , 850.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5840, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,47,0 , 2050.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5922, { itemtype = 8277, creature = 910, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2750.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7513, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 1200.000,900.000,0.000 , -146.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7148, { itemtype = 6771, creature = 1126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,-1 , 650.000,900.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7149, { itemtype = 6771, creature = 1126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,29,-1 , 2700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9329, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,-1 , 1850.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9330, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,-1 , 1650.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9328, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,-2 , 2500.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9327, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,38,-2 , 150.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9326, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,37,-2 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3977, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,41,0 , 1400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1471, { itemtype = 10455, creature = 1496, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,18,0 , 1850.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9333, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2350.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8417, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1600.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8652, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1250.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8654, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8656, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1350.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8660, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2150.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8419, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8657, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1350.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8653, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1250.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8655, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1250.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8658, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1450.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8651, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1400.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8661, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2250.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8662, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 2300.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8665, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 1650.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8716, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 468, equipset_id = 137, faction_id = 76, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8712, { itemtype = 7121, creature = 730, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2350.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8721, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 800.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8722, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 350.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8720, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 1100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8723, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8719, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 1150.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7819, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 1350.000,1750.000,0.000 , 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7831, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 200.000,600.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9293, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 2150.000,3000.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9294, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 678, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9295, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1900.000,2950.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9698, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,57,0 , 3100.000,100.000,0.000 , 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9699, { itemtype = 10242, creature = 1423, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,40,0 , 1600.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9705, { itemtype = 6637, creature = 587, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,31,0 , 3100.000,1750.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9695, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 320, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,39,0 , 2800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6075, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,26,0 , 1050.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4146, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1950.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4125, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1750.000,900.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4118, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3645, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3648, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 78, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 2300.000,2400.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3647, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 2350.000,2250.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3646, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 2250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7509, { itemtype = 686, creature = 176, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,24,0 , 450.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6077, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,26,0 , 750.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6078, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,26,0 , 2200.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6079, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,26,0 , 2800.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9995, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,61,0 , 1600.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4873, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 1750.000,0.000,0.000 , 224.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6797, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,28,0 , 2550.000,2450.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3870, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,41,0 , 1550.000,850.000,0.000 , 231.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3176, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, equipset_id = 127, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1900.000,1550.000,0.000 , 218.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4902, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,52,-1 , 2200.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4905, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,52,-1 , 2500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1430, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 225.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1431, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 251.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1433, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1350.000,0.000 , 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7555, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 876, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,46,0 , 1750.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7556, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1017, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,46,0 , 950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4411, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 600.000,3100.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6641, { itemtype = 9875, creature = 1819, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1700.000,1100.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3677, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 2400.000,800.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5315, { itemtype = 7115, creature = 685, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1600.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4147, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1479, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,18,0 , 1100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(314, { itemtype = 4571, creature = 226, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,29,0 , 1700.000,450.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(316, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 29, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,29,0 , 1750.000,400.000,0.000 , 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4907, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 2400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1478, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,18,0 , 1300.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1475, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 88, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,18,0 , 1000.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1476, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,18,0 , 1050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1477, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 41,18,0 , 1300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4908, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 2100.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4906, { itemtype = 5018, creature = 272, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 3050.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4909, { itemtype = 318, creature = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,53,0 , 2700.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4854, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 2750.000,750.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2512, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 1650.000,2950.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3875, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, equipset_id = 11, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "BoulderDash", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5681, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 185, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 2000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2509, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 1550.000,3150.000,0.000 , -162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1432, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, faction_id = 59, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 2950.000,1350.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5907, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,42,-1 , 1000.000,2700.000,0.000 , -88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5908, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,42,-1 , 50.000,2600.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6223, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 1118, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 850.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6224, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 3100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7690, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 1023, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,36,0 , 650.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5910, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,42,-1 , 1100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6230, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 950.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2630, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,9,0 , 50.000,1200.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2631, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 2700.000,1200.000,0.000 , -270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2632, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 2950.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2629, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 2950.000,900.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2637, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,40,0 , 2050.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8840, { itemtype = 4590, creature = 224, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,10,0 , 450.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8847, { itemtype = 8327, creature = 421, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 1050.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8848, { itemtype = 3415, creature = 150, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,9,0 , 950.000,1700.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7988, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 672, equipset_id = 162, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,26,-1 , 2350.000,2250.000,0.000 , 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7987, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1100.000,800.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7985, { itemtype = 10383, creature = 1493, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1450.000,850.000,0.000 , 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2835, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1200.000,650.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2836, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1399, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,15,0 , 1550.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(611, { itemtype = 6481, creature = 557, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,29,0 , 1750.000,450.000,0.000 , 247.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9892, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 1100.000,2500.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10175, { itemtype = 11766, creature = 1896, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,53,-2 , 4.311,2178.660,0.838, 284.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9896, { itemtype = 12257, creature = 2031, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 1450.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9895, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 1450.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9893, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,4,0 , 250.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9886, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,4,0 , 550.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9889, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,5,0 , 1800.000,200.000,0.000 , 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9890, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9978, { itemtype = 12104, creature = 2038, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,14,0 , 1050.000,1150.000,0.000 , 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10034, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 1098, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,4,0 , 1052.730,2943.250,601.790, 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9837, { itemtype = 10645, creature = 1571, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,1,0 , 1086.050,1071.400,36.865, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9836, { itemtype = 7113, creature = 686, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,1,0 , 1207.700,998.600,40.352, 261.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10199, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 2350.000,250.000,4054.000 , -134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10193, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1750.000,150.000,4073.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9838, { itemtype = 9604, creature = 381, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,3,0 , 1561.800,798.700,502.388, 25.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9844, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,3,0 , 3135.810,2940.650,492.824, 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9845, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 668, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,3,0 , 84.594,2799.700,484.083, 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9843, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,3,0 , 92.797,2710.990,478.585, 87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9842, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,3,0 , 3100.000,2650.000,0.000, 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10036, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,53,0 , 450.000,2250.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10040, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,53,0 , 150.000,850.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10047, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,53,0 , 1550.000,1800.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10046, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,53,0 , 3000.000,1000.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10177, { itemtype = 10645, creature = 1571, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,1,0 , 1086.050,1071.400,36.865, 337.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10176, { itemtype = 9604, creature = 381, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,3,0 , 2028.500,1418.050,423.228, 295.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10059, { itemtype = 12095, creature = 2006, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 0.000,1500.000,0.000 , -240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10057, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 200.000,1350.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10058, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3150.000,1300.000,0.000 , -230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10056, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3100.000,1200.000,0.000 , -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10054, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,53,0 , 50.000,450.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10049, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 1900.000,2900.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10044, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 1700.000,2850.000,0.000 , -210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10045, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 1700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10060, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 950.000,2100.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10061, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 800.000,2250.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10062, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10064, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 1250.000,1100.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10065, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 1400.000,850.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10066, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 1600.000,1100.000,0.000 , -260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10067, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 1450.000,1000.000,0.000 , -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10042, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 1100.000,2300.000,0.000 , -240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10055, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,53,0 , 2750.000,400.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9850, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 402, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 1053.420,2462.660,752.383, 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9847, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 950.000,2450.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9848, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 1150.000,2550.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9859, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 200.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9853, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 1150.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9863, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9857, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,5,0 , 1250.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9858, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,5,0 , 950.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9856, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,5,0 , 700.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9854, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,5,0 , 350.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9849, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,4,0 , 1000.000,2550.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9883, { itemtype = 12384, creature = 2131, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,4,0 , 854.953,2777.150,619.463, 204.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9885, { itemtype = 12196, creature = 2133, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,4,0 , 636.391,2938.020,611.070, 117.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9884, { itemtype = 12195, creature = 2132, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,4,0 , 781.906,3118.110,615.696, 347.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9899, { itemtype = 12264, creature = 2040, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,5,0 , 3156.200,1083.150,448.890, 134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9900, { itemtype = 12257, creature = 2031, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,5,0 , 2890.950,771.400,484.811, 319.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9897, { itemtype = 12257, creature = 2031, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 1800.000,2600.000,515.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9891, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,5,0 , 2377.910,860.051,448.308, 227.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9894, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,5,0 , 1724.000,776.400,453.474, 246.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9887, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 1900.000,2950.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9888, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 2400.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10127, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,6,0 , 1700.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10128, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2600.000,1250.000,0.000 , -104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10012, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,56,0 , 533.899,2050.090,2814.530, 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10033, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,56,0 , 511.800,2199.410,2814.530, 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9988, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,61,0 , 2940.200,2218.410,1686.000, 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9989, { itemtype = 12083, creature = 2015, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,62,0 , 1350.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9864, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 1200.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9867, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 1150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10130, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,12,0 , 0.000,2850.000,0.000 , 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10131, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,12,0 , 3100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10132, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,12,0 , 200.000,2700.000,0.000 , -45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10133, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,12,0 , 350.000,2350.000,0.000 , -135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10134, { itemtype = 10823, creature = 188, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,12,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9990, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3171.370,651.953,3707.700, 239.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10225, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,6,0 , 2815.840,861.199,533.348, 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9822, { itemtype = 7, creature = 1949, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,22,0 , 2227.000,1926.600,-170.000, 271.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9810, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, equipset_id = 27, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 1925.350,2202.250,120.995, 332.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9813, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 606, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 150.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9814, { itemtype = 6659, creature = 607, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 300.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9815, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 100.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9816, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 668, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9817, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 200.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9818, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 723, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 300.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9819, { itemtype = 13711, creature = 2980, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,40,0 , 3031.850,2089.600,135.971, 350.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9806, { itemtype = 7232, creature = 817, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 2411.200,2094.050,100.000, 182.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9808, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 742, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1232.850,2636.800,103.000, 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9809, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 720, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1330.350,2414.450,103.000, 212.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10147, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 668, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,27,0 , 500.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9967, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 1098, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 507.844,355.199,552.239, 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9968, { itemtype = 12900, creature = 2138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 1412.340,936.520,294.065, 358.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10210, { itemtype = 12257, creature = 2031, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,12,0 , 1234.000,963.898,410.730, 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10211, { itemtype = 12264, creature = 2040, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 3138.700,2496.000,515.851, 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9969, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 2869.800,1968.100,478.725, 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10203, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 0,53,0 , 2350.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10149, { itemtype = 10878, creature = 1612, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 262.352,2436.160,617.697, 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9903, { itemtype = 10646, creature = 2114, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,6,0 , 1550.000,400.000,1097.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9981, { itemtype = 12688, creature = 2062, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,14,0 , 2071.940,1200.790,1199.980, 266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9980, { itemtype = 12380, creature = 2030, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,14,0 , 2076.450,1071.850,1199.980, 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10174, { itemtype = 12411, creature = 2032, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 3,52,-2 , 543.914,2967.110,-150.049, 43.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10093, { itemtype = 12380, creature = 2030, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,9,-1 , 2013.300,1022.950,100.552, 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10077, { itemtype = 9286, creature = 1167, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 2676.940,2880.240,1000.660, 353.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10094, { itemtype = 12688, creature = 2062, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,9,-1 , 2006.160,969.199,100.502, 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9973, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,1750.000,0.000 , 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9974, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,1750.000,0.000 , 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9975, { itemtype = 12196, creature = 2020, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,2000.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10406, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 800.000,2100.000,0.000 , 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10407, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,1950.000,0.000 , 77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10408, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,2000.000,0.000 , 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10409, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 650.000,2050.000,0.000 , 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10410, { itemtype = 12361, creature = 2028, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10411, { itemtype = 12361, creature = 2028, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10412, { itemtype = 12361, creature = 2028, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,1700.000,0.000 , 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10413, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 900.000,1800.000,0.000 , 97.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10414, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10415, { itemtype = 12934, creature = 2058, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10416, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 900.000,1900.000,0.000 , 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10417, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10418, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,1950.000,0.000 , 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10419, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,1850.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10420, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,1750.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10421, { itemtype = 12196, creature = 2020, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 950.000,1800.000,0.000 , 98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10422, { itemtype = 12196, creature = 2020, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 900.000,1950.000,0.000 , 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10423, { itemtype = 12195, creature = 2019, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 700.000,1800.000,0.000 , 94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10424, { itemtype = 12195, creature = 2019, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,1700.000,0.000 , 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10425, { itemtype = 12195, creature = 2019, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 900.000,1750.000,0.000 , 104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10426, { itemtype = 12195, creature = 2019, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 800.000,1800.000,0.000 , 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10427, { itemtype = 12621, creature = 2054, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 800.000,1900.000,0.000 , 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10428, { itemtype = 12621, creature = 2054, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10429, { itemtype = 12621, creature = 2054, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10430, { itemtype = 12621, creature = 2054, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,14,-1 , 750.000,2100.000,0.000 , 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10433, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 78, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,11,-1 , 2350.000,2800.000,0.000 , -161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10442, { itemtype = 12963, creature = 2127, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1250.000,1550.000,4100.000, 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10443, { itemtype = 12965, creature = 2129, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1650.000,1850.000,4100.000, 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10444, { itemtype = 12962, creature = 2126, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 2150.000,1850.000,4100.000, -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10445, { itemtype = 12964, creature = 2128, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 2400.000,1550.000,4100.000, -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10434, { itemtype = 12082, creature = 2000, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,62,0 , 2850.000,1600.000,2672.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10435, { itemtype = 12082, creature = 2000, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,62,0 , 350.000,250.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10436, { itemtype = 12082, creature = 2000, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,62,0 , 1950.000,250.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10437, { itemtype = 12082, creature = 2000, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,61,0 , 2100.000,2600.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10438, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,61,0 , 550.000,2150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10439, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,61,0 , 2400.000,1900.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10440, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,61,0 , 1150.000,2750.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10441, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 1850.000,2400.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10447, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_TRADER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 300.000,1000.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10448, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,61,0 , 2900.000,2750.000,2289.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10449, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,61,0 , 1150.000,3100.000,2221.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10450, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 2200.000,3050.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10451, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,61,0 , 500.000,2300.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7971, { itemtype = 7125, creature = 652, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1800.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5194, { itemtype = 7416, creature = 834, equipset_id = 11, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 12,25,0 , 50.000,600.000,0.000 , 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3990, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,41,0 , 2800.000,2750.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3991, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,41,0 , 2000.000,2650.000,0.000 , 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3996, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,41,0 , 2650.000,2950.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3993, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,41,0 , 2900.000,2700.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3995, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,41,0 , 2800.000,3000.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3992, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,41,0 , 2900.000,2900.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3994, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,41,0 , 2700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7693, { itemtype = 8329, creature = 476, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,18,0 , 3100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7312, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 600.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7310, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 1850.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7243, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9982, { itemtype = 10382, creature = 1492, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,62,0 , 1800.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6722, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 1835, equipset_id = 144, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,30,0 , 700.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6724, { itemtype = 7408, creature = 584, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,30,0 , 650.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6343, { itemtype = 5973, creature = 440, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,31,0 , 700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6730, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 1120, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,27,0 , 1700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4994, { itemtype = 7232, creature = 817, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 0.000,1700.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4995, { itemtype = 7238, creature = 826, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_COMMUNICATOR", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 3150.000,1650.000,0.000 , 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6346, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 727, equipset_id = 340, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,32,0 , 200.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4338, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,46,0 , 3100.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4336, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,46,0 , 2850.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2636, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 1950.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2635, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,38,0 , 2050.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3950, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,37,0 , 1750.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3951, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,37,0 , 1650.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3952, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,38,0 , 1200.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3954, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,37,0 , 1250.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3956, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,37,0 , 1300.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3957, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,37,0 , 1550.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3953, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,38,0 , 1550.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3955, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,38,0 , 1850.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2217, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2220, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1600.000,1700.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6247, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1100.000,2100.000,0.000 , 236.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6248, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1400.000,1750.000,0.000 , 125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6250, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6251, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1142, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3583, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,24,0 , 2550.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2649, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 650.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2642, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,39,0 , 1050.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2645, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 700.000,300.000,0.000 , -119.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5837, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,48,0 , 50.000,550.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5838, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,48,0 , 0.000,600.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5839, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 886, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,48,0 , 3100.000,600.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9771, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,0 , 1400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9773, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,0 , 2700.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9774, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,0 , 2100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9772, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 52, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,0 , 3050.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9966, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,62,0 , 1200.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2490, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, equipset_id = 253, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1600.000,0.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5563, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 2250.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5562, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 1400.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5561, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 2250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4992, { itemtype = 519, creature = 195, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 3100.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4993, { itemtype = 519, creature = 195, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,30,0 , 2600.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5564, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,45,0 , 1350.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4789, { itemtype = 9145, creature = 1185, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,52,0 , 2000.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5252, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5245, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 100.000,2600.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5247, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 200.000,2600.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5250, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 150.000,2600.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5251, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5253, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 150.000,2550.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5254, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 100.000,2550.000,0.000 , 82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5249, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5246, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 250.000,2550.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5248, { itemtype = 10272, creature = 761, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 250.000,2500.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7552, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 1000.000,1550.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6254, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 349.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6255, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1550.000,2450.000,0.000 , 166.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5586, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5584, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2650.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5576, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2450.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5596, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 1900.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5572, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2200.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5599, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2100.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5597, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 1850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5577, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 2400.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(549, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2600.000,950.000,0.000 , 136.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(551, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2750.000,700.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(552, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2700.000,950.000,0.000 , 109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(553, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2750.000,900.000,0.000 , 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(554, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2800.000,800.000,0.000 , 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(555, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2600.000,800.000,0.000 , 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(557, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,30,0 , 2650.000,750.000,0.000 , 352.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5589, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,51,0 , 3050.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3967, { itemtype = 6635, creature = 585, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,40,0 , 1550.000,1950.000,0.000 , -149.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3968, { itemtype = 6637, creature = 587, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,40,0 , 1450.000,1950.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3969, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 451, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,40,0 , 1400.000,2050.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3970, { itemtype = 6636, creature = 586, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,40,0 , 1600.000,2050.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4810, { itemtype = 685, creature = 551, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,52,-1 , 1550.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3971, { itemtype = 6638, creature = 589, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,40,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5571, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,52,0 , 2850.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5575, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,52,0 , 2800.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5582, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 200.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5583, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 0.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5587, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 50.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5590, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 450.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5591, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5592, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 350.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5593, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5598, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,52,0 , 500.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5543, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 1200.000,2300.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3972, { itemtype = 6634, creature = 598, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,39,0 , 950.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2639, { itemtype = 7703, creature = 759, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,39,0 , 2000.000,3050.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3973, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,41,0 , 1200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1383, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,28,0 , 1700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3974, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,39,0 , 3100.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3978, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,41,0 , 2900.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3982, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,41,0 , 2750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3981, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,41,0 , 2350.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5003, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1016, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 700.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2651, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 67, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,39,0 , 1150.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5002, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1016, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 550.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5001, { itemtype = 8228, creature = 1016, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 500.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4999, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 84, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 550.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4631, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,45,0 , 0.000,2100.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4629, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3150.000,1950.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4632, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 2800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4624, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 2900.000,1900.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4630, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3050.000,1850.000,0.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4636, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3050.000,2000.000,0.000 , -319.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4633, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 2900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 12.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4634, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,45,0 , 3100.000,2100.000,0.000 , -32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7114, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2950.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7117, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 0.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7116, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 3050.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(674, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 97.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6046, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "JOB_FIELDWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 2200.000,2800.000,0.000 , 31.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6044, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 320, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 2550.000,2650.000,0.000 , 270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5638, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2500.000,2850.000,0.000 , -100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(885, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 1591, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 50.000,150.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3652, { itemtype = 6818, creature = 613, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,30,0 , 3150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5636, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2800.000,2650.000,0.000 , -114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5637, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2450.000,2700.000,0.000 , -135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5639, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2650.000,3000.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5640, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2450.000,2450.000,0.000 , -156.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6763, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 2050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6762, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6759, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 1700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6758, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 2200.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6757, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 1100.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6756, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 2200.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6755, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 2700.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6754, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 1700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6764, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 1100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6765, { itemtype = 684, creature = 1113, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,34,0 , 400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1257, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1600.000,2700.000,0.000 , 327.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1255, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, equipset_id = 143, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1850.000,2450.000,0.000 , 24.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7383, { itemtype = 326, creature = 15, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7381, { itemtype = 324, creature = 23, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1050.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7385, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1000.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7380, { itemtype = 325, creature = 99, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1000.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7382, { itemtype = 327, creature = 16, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7384, { itemtype = 5020, creature = 273, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1100.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7379, { itemtype = 324, creature = 23, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2497, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,31,0 , 100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7346, { itemtype = 5020, creature = 273, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1950.000,650.000,0.000 , 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7341, { itemtype = 324, creature = 23, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7345, { itemtype = 5020, creature = 273, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1900.000,650.000,0.000 , 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7344, { itemtype = 5021, creature = 274, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1900.000,600.000,0.000 , 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7340, { itemtype = 325, creature = 99, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1850.000,600.000,0.000 , 162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7339, { itemtype = 324, creature = 23, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5647, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5654, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5655, { itemtype = 8041, creature = 892, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2800.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5653, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2400.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5652, { itemtype = 8032, creature = 890, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2600.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2129, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,-1 , 1300.000,2400.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2143, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,58,-1 , 1350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1243, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, equipset_id = 143, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1750.000,2400.000,0.000 , 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1249, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 143, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1600.000,2550.000,0.000 , 157.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1245, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1600.000,2350.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1251, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, equipset_id = 60, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1550.000,2600.000,0.000 , 98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1234, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1500.000,2300.000,0.000 , 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1233, { itemtype = 2524, creature = 147, equipset_id = 60, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1235, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1850.000,2500.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1244, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1236, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 54, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1650.000,2250.000,0.000 , 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1258, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,33,0 , 1400.000,2250.000,0.000 , 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2529, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1850.000,1650.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2524, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 722, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2050.000,1300.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5662, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 897, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,50,0 , 1450.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2528, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2050.000,1400.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2526, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 726, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5663, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 897, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,50,0 , 1300.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5664, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 897, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,50,0 , 1000.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6349, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1100.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6350, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1100.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6351, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1100.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6352, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1250.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6353, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1250.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6354, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1250.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6355, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1400.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6356, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1400.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6357, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 1400.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5265, { itemtype = 8700, creature = 1059, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 9,47,0 , 2100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 12.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5266, { itemtype = 8700, creature = 1059, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 9,47,0 , 2000.000,2550.000,0.000 , 166.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5267, { itemtype = 8700, creature = 1059, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 9,47,0 , 2050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5833, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,48,0 , 1150.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5834, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,48,0 , 1000.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5835, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,48,0 , 1000.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5871, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1700.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5872, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1550.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5873, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1600.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2548, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 350.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2549, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2550, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2551, { itemtype = 7702, creature = 758, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 350.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2552, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 150.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2553, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 100.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2554, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 250.000,1800.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2086, { itemtype = 7964, creature = 896, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,46,0 , 3100.000,450.000,0.000 , -211.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5651, { itemtype = 8035, creature = 894, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,49,0 , 2550.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2488, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 446, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1550.000,150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5946, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 877, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1500.000,400.000,0.000 , -109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4424, { itemtype = 6734, creature = 329, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 2800.000,600.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2194, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,58,-2 , 0.000,2650.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2195, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 1950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2198, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 2050.000,2650.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2192, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 1250.000,1700.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2197, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 1150.000,1700.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2196, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 1200.000,1550.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4010, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 2700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6059, { itemtype = 7121, creature = 730, equipset_id = 255, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,25,0 , 0.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4033, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,23,0 , 500.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4034, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,24,0 , 1100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4320, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 322, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,-1 , 2050.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4047, { itemtype = 6735, creature = 578, faction_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 350.000,650.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7115, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 3100.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4043, { itemtype = 7809, creature = 983, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 100.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2193, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,58,-2 , 100.000,1150.000,0.000 , -134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2199, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,58,-2 , 50.000,1200.000,0.000 , 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8134, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,30,0 , 200.000,400.000,0.000 , 209.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2117, { itemtype = 5172, creature = 368, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,51,0 , 1450.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9250, { itemtype = 10138, creature = 1427, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 1050.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9249, { itemtype = 10138, creature = 1427, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 1100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1204, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 46,22,0 , 300.000,200.000,0.000 , -109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2316, { itemtype = 7354, creature = 714, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,37,0 , 450.000,2850.000,0.000 , -142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2520, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2150.000,1150.000,0.000 , 228.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2521, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2100.000,1100.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1362, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, equipset_id = 38, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,42,0 , 1500.000,3150.000,0.000 , -27.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1373, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2600.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1054, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,12,0 , 1800.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4878, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 950.000,3100.000,0.000 , 312.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4881, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2250.000,350.000,0.000 , 264.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4880, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2250.000,600.000,0.000 , 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7534, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 2000.000,700.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4896, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 1500.000,3100.000,0.000 , 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4895, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 1850.000,3150.000,0.000 , 274.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4899, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 1650.000,50.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4892, { itemtype = 8042, creature = 902, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 1350.000,3050.000,0.000 , 141.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5746, { itemtype = 5147, creature = 297, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2550.000,1950.000,0.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4194, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 1100.000,700.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4193, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 550.000,850.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4195, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 950.000,800.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5747, { itemtype = 5148, creature = 298, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2500.000,1950.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4192, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 850.000,400.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5748, { itemtype = 5149, creature = 299, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2600.000,1950.000,0.000 , 176.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3910, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,0 , 2150.000,1450.000,0.000 , 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3912, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,0 , 2300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 144.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1743, { itemtype = 2900, creature = 137, equipset_id = 42, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,39,0 , 1350.000,1900.000,0.000 , 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1751, { itemtype = 6661, creature = 579, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,41,0 , 1050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6834, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1150.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4084, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 950.000,850.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4085, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 850.000,850.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8129, { itemtype = 10875, creature = 1606, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,23,0 , 2500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4087, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 800.000,1000.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4088, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4201, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 2950.000,3050.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4197, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 2700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3914, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1000.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3916, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 900.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3915, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 900.000,2850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5760, { itemtype = 4579, creature = 775, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2500.000,2250.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(369, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1337, { itemtype = 6633, creature = 591, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,26,0 , 800.000,850.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(615, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 35,25,0 , 2250.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1015, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1016, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 750.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1014, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 650.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1464, { itemtype = 10454, creature = 1495, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2500.000,750.000,0.000 , -164.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1473, { itemtype = 9557, creature = 1221, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 3000.000,700.000,0.000 , -178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1087, { itemtype = 6483, creature = 131, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,11,0 , 2150.000,2150.000,0.000 , 127.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1088, { itemtype = 6483, creature = 131, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,11,0 , 2200.000,2150.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1610, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,8,0 , 800.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(876, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, equipset_id = 8, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1450.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1947, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,22,0 , 1000.000,2550.000,0.000 , -103.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1948, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 14, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,22,0 , 1000.000,2700.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4202, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 3050.000,3100.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4203, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 2950.000,3150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5770, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2400.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5769, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5768, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2600.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5767, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,47,0 , 2400.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4200, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,38,0 , 150.000,3100.000,0.000 , 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4198, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 2650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5096, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 1863, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,23,0 , 450.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2850, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 328, faction_id = 47, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,54,0 , 1200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2852, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1700.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4204, { itemtype = 6969, creature = 320, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_RICH", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,-1 , 3050.000,1350.000,0.000 , 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4205, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,-1 , 3100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4206, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 319, behaviour = "QUESTJOB_KILL_RICH", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,38,-1 , 3050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1989, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2300.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1990, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1992, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1993, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,44,0 , 2550.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6202, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1750.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6184, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,35,0 , 3050.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6198, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6199, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1650.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6200, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6201, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,36,0 , 1700.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4309, { itemtype = 8647, creature = 1038, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,35,0 , 3100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1790, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 900.000,1150.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1791, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1150.000,1100.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1782, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1950.000,1050.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1798, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1900.000,950.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1781, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1802, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1100.000,800.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1786, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1550.000,950.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2709, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 1000.000,2900.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2705, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 850.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2710, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 900.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2711, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 550.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2706, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 600.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2702, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,31,0 , 650.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7717, { itemtype = 323, creature = 22, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,21,0 , 3050.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1496, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1050.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1488, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1700.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1492, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1493, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1495, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1300.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1494, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1350.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2963, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 13,25,0 , 400.000,600.000,0.000 , 349.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2964, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 13,25,0 , 450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2965, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 13,25,0 , 1200.000,800.000,0.000 , 58.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8431, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 748, equipset_id = 137, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8432, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, equipset_id = 137, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 700.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8430, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 738, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 500.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4178, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, equipset_id = 225, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1350.000,700.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6182, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,28,0 , 550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3627, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 650.000,1950.000,0.000 , -32.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4604, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,-1 , 1250.000,300.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4605, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,-1 , 1150.000,150.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4600, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,-1 , 1300.000,50.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4613, { itemtype = 7786, creature = 749, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,-1 , 1300.000,150.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3175, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 160, equipset_id = 127, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 2100.000,1600.000,0.000 , 345.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3178, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 651, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3179, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 672, equipset_id = 133, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,29,0 , 1700.000,500.000,0.000 , -135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3670, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 400.000,2350.000,0.000 , -81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(328, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,29,-1 , 800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4739, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 2850.000,3000.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4740, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 2850.000,3100.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4741, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 3000.000,3100.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3657, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 300.000,2800.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2957, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 809, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1300.000,1850.000,0.000 , 24.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2951, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1600.000,1750.000,0.000 , 57.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2956, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1600.000,1900.000,0.000 , 67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2954, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1150.000,1900.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2955, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1200.000,1650.000,0.000 , -279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4493, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_MINEWORKER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 2550.000,1400.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1117, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 572, equipset_id = 125, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,29,0 , 1650.000,550.000,0.000 , -161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4745, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,0 , 950.000,2800.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3180, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 679, equipset_id = 133, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,29,0 , 1700.000,450.000,0.000 , -164.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7335, { itemtype = 10293, creature = 1475, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1500.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7333, { itemtype = 10291, creature = 1473, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 2300.000,950.000,0.000 , 157.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7334, { itemtype = 10292, creature = 1474, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1600.000,300.000,0.000 , 258.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7336, { itemtype = 10294, creature = 1476, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1300.000,700.000,0.000 , 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3181, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 675, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,29,0 , 1600.000,450.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7338, { itemtype = 10222, creature = 1412, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1700.000,750.000,0.000 , 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1228, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1229, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1230, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 650.000,1750.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1231, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5353, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2850.000,2400.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7110, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1450.000,2150.000,0.000 , -112.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7351, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 876, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,46,0 , 50.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4747, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,0 , 850.000,2800.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4746, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 66, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,41,0 , 900.000,2950.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4742, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 1100.000,150.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4744, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 1100.000,50.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4743, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 1150.000,100.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2001, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 26,24,-1 , 1150.000,900.000,0.000 , 316.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(582, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(584, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1696, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,20,0 , 2800.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1698, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,20,0 , 2800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1697, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,20,0 , 3150.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6338, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 600, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 600.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2190, { itemtype = 9926, creature = 1350, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , -165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1888, { itemtype = 2233, creature = 10, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 0.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1930, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 669, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 2950.000,2700.000,0.000 , 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5527, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 2700.000,950.000,0.000 , 197.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5528, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 2750.000,950.000,0.000 , 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6719, { itemtype = 9929, creature = 1352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1100.000,800.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(578, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3936, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1650.000,2150.000,0.000 , 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(573, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2100.000,1800.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(576, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2300.000,2450.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(577, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 1850.000,2300.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(580, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2500.000,2650.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(581, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2450.000,2450.000,0.000 , -96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(583, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2000.000,2450.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(585, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(587, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 2500.000,1900.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(588, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,32,0 , 1900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3944, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1800.000,2500.000,0.000 , -31.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4501, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2450.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4502, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2400.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3943, { itemtype = 7700, creature = 806, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 1100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 205.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3939, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 850.000,2300.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3945, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,37,-1 , 750.000,2300.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1363, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2250.000,950.000,0.000 , -28.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5115, { itemtype = 1645, creature = 494, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,25,0 , 2500.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6547, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 1300.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6545, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,0 , 1300.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7847, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,47,0 , 2400.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7479, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7167, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 152, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,29,0 , 2700.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7486, { itemtype = 1704, creature = 168, behaviour = "Enemy_fire_elemental", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 63,28,0 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7536, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 2900.000,900.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7537, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 404, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 2800.000,900.000,0.000 , 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(922, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 148, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,0 , 2750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(932, { itemtype = 6477, creature = 149, equipset_id = 66, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,0 , 2600.000,2550.000,0.000 , 122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(926, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,0 , 2500.000,2700.000,0.000 , 279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(927, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 53, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 37, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,33,0 , 2450.000,2750.000,0.000 , 336.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7738, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1450.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7747, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1400.000,2000.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1435, { itemtype = 10971, creature = 1649, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 900.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5400, { itemtype = 7809, creature = 983, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1400.000,2450.000,0.000 , 245.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5401, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1600.000,2500.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5402, { itemtype = 7809, creature = 983, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1700.000,2600.000,0.000 , 35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5403, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1550.000,2850.000,0.000 , 169.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5404, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1750.000,2400.000,0.000 , 257.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5405, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1400.000,2250.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5406, { itemtype = 7810, creature = 984, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1500.000,2350.000,0.000 , 78.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5407, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5408, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1400.000,2600.000,0.000 , 322.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5409, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1200.000,2650.000,0.000 , 202.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5410, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1000.000,2700.000,0.000 , 357.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5411, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1850.000,2850.000,0.000 , 357.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5412, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1500.000,2750.000,0.000 , 138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5413, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1850.000,2650.000,0.000 , 222.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5414, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1250.000,2750.000,0.000 , 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2123, { itemtype = 8736, creature = 482, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,57,0 , 2650.000,2200.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4511, { itemtype = 5018, creature = 272, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2450.000,1250.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4512, { itemtype = 5018, creature = 272, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2750.000,1350.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4513, { itemtype = 5018, creature = 272, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4514, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 2800.000,1000.000,0.000 , 209.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4515, { itemtype = 5017, creature = 270, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "rabbit", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,0 , 3000.000,1150.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7835, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6815, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1250.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6821, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1400.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6822, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1250.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6583, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 1250.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6587, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 900.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6588, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,27,0 , 900.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7645, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, faction_id = 85, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,49,-1 , 1300.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7539, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 403, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 1900.000,1200.000,0.000 , -108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7540, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 404, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,15,-1 , 1950.000,1300.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(668, { itemtype = 6505, creature = 543, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,26,0 , 800.000,1750.000,0.000 , 62.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6608, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,32,0 , 400.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6607, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,32,0 , 2650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6606, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,31,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6605, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,31,0 , 700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(450, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 850.000,2800.000,0.000 , 320.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(449, { itemtype = 6659, creature = 607, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 117.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(458, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 572, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 600.000,100.000,0.000 , 89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(451, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 572, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 500.000,3150.000,0.000 , 28.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(455, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,30,0 , 450.000,2850.000,0.000 , 19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1563, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,26,0 , 150.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4074, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 1950.000,900.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5099, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,46,0 , 0.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5100, { itemtype = 4576, creature = 208, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,46,0 , 3100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6612, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 3150.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8167, { itemtype = 7684, creature = 699, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1850.000,2950.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1555, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2600.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1560, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,26,0 , 0.000,1500.000,0.000 , -240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3773, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2800.000,2600.000,0.000 , -240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5144, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 725, equipset_id = 29, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,29,0 , 1650.000,200.000,0.000 , 7.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1556, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2250.000,2600.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1558, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2500.000,1350.000,0.000 , 23.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5687, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 300.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3777, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,23,0 , 1700.000,2550.000,0.000 , 354.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3778, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,23,0 , 1800.000,2500.000,0.000 , 288.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3781, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,23,0 , 1750.000,2800.000,0.000 , 322.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3780, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,23,0 , 1850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 294.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5843, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,47,0 , 1400.000,3000.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(612, { itemtype = 6481, creature = 557, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,29,0 , 1650.000,350.000,0.000 , 326.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(609, { itemtype = 6483, creature = 130, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,29,0 , 1600.000,500.000,0.000 , 254.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5146, { itemtype = 6483, creature = 131, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,29,0 , 1750.000,200.000,0.000 , 351.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7121, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7184, { itemtype = 7367, creature = 182, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,25,0 , 1750.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7185, { itemtype = 7367, creature = 182, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,25,0 , 2000.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7124, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 3000.000,2150.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7125, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 3000.000,2250.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2919, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,27,0 , 1050.000,1600.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6905, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,57,0 , 3000.000,1500.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8354, { itemtype = 6730, creature = 501, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 2650.000,1550.000,0.000 , -36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8355, { itemtype = 6731, creature = 499, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 2650.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8357, { itemtype = 6730, creature = 501, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 2600.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4542, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 450.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4541, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 450.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4540, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 800.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4539, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 250.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4538, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 650.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4537, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 0.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8358, { itemtype = 6730, creature = 501, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 2550.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4553, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 750.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4552, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 3100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4551, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1250.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4550, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 950.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4548, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1350.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3783, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,27,-1 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3784, { itemtype = 6658, creature = 601, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,27,-1 , 2100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4242, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 630, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1800.000,2400.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4536, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,37,0 , 1050.000,550.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4530, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 748, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 650.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4531, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 748, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 600.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4532, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 850.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4533, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4534, { itemtype = 7778, creature = 751, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_elite", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 850.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4535, { itemtype = 7787, creature = 792, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6916, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,36,0 , 850.000,3150.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7118, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 800.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7119, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7120, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 600.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6630, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,19,0 , 500.000,1050.000,0.000 , -113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6899, { itemtype = 8808, creature = 1088, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,57,0 , 3150.000,1700.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5160, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 415, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 1850.000,3000.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4559, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 2450.000,1950.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6639, { itemtype = 9875, creature = 1819, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1300.000,1450.000,0.000 , 92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6634, { itemtype = 9935, creature = 1818, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 2000.000,1300.000,0.000 , -96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5167, { itemtype = 11818, creature = 82, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,25,0 , 1050.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5879, { itemtype = 7562, creature = 992, equipset_id = 25, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_HUNTER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 19,25,0 , 750.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5880, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,25,0 , 1900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4557, { itemtype = 7776, creature = 748, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 2250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4560, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 2300.000,1750.000,0.000 , 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4561, { itemtype = 7778, creature = 751, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_elite", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,37,0 , 2300.000,1950.000,0.000 , 77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7656, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 1850.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4578, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1700.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4577, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1250.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4574, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 2000.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4573, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 2650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4575, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 2050.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4576, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,43,0 , 1750.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4572, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 2400.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4571, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1500.000,200.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4570, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1750.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4569, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 2100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4568, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1400.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4567, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1750.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4565, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1800.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4583, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1200.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4584, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1600.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4592, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1500.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4591, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 203, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1750.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4590, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 204, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,0 , 1500.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(678, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,32,0 , 1550.000,2200.000,0.000 , 86.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7986, { itemtype = 9985, creature = 1465, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1300.000,1150.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5904, { itemtype = 8679, creature = 1066, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1150.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5905, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1250.000,50.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3779, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,23,0 , 1700.000,2700.000,0.000 , 36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1715, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 1700.000,2800.000,0.000 , 334.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5891, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, equipset_id = 25, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 23,26,0 , 2100.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8352, { itemtype = 6731, creature = 499, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 2400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8356, { itemtype = 6731, creature = 499, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,45,-1 , 2350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5893, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 725, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,25,0 , 150.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7654, { itemtype = 7348, creature = 325, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 2050.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1649, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 109.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7652, { itemtype = 9932, creature = 1355, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,13,0 , 1300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7664, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 2100.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7666, { itemtype = 8699, creature = 1074, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 2000.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4612, { itemtype = 7786, creature = 749, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,-1 , 1050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4608, { itemtype = 7778, creature = 751, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,-1 , 950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 163.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4606, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,-1 , 1300.000,2150.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4602, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,40,-1 , 1350.000,2050.000,0.000 , 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7139, { itemtype = 7121, creature = 730, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 2200.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7141, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Hireling_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 2200.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7677, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 300.000,2150.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5896, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 19,49,0 , 1000.000,1250.000,0.000 , -93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(892, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 1350.000,250.000,0.000 , 8.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(888, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,32,0 , 1850.000,2350.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(907, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(890, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 850.000,1950.000,0.000 , 22.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(898, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2250.000,2050.000,0.000 , 137.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7924, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 3100.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7804, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,17,0 , 2600.000,2400.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5911, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,42,-1 , 150.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5912, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,42,-1 , 250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5914, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 865, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,42,-1 , 2300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6945, { itemtype = 9852, creature = 1278, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1750.000,2950.000,0.000 , -73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5913, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,42,-1 , 2400.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6946, { itemtype = 9852, creature = 1278, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1700.000,3000.000,0.000 , -41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6240, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 2300.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7268, { itemtype = 10812, creature = 537, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,26,-1 , 700.000,0.000,0.000 , -122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7266, { itemtype = 10811, creature = 540, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,26,-1 , 650.000,400.000,0.000 , -113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7269, { itemtype = 9582, creature = 1394, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,26,-1 , 800.000,350.000,0.000 , -83.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7265, { itemtype = 10810, creature = 538, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,26,-1 , 450.000,100.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4227, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, equipset_id = 125, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,39,0 , 2500.000,50.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5149, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, equipset_id = 130, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,24,0 , 3150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8363, { itemtype = 7799, creature = 736, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 1350.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8364, { itemtype = 10384, creature = 477, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,15,0 , 2100.000,2350.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8365, { itemtype = 10383, creature = 1493, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,15,0 , 2100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5919, { itemtype = 319, creature = 21, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,47,0 , 1550.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5918, { itemtype = 319, creature = 21, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,47,0 , 2300.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5917, { itemtype = 319, creature = 21, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,47,0 , 1100.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6985, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 2000.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6984, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 2100.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6983, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 3050.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6982, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 750.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6981, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 150.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6980, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 2000.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6979, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 3050.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6978, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 2450.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6977, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 1050.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6976, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,40,0 , 2550.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4025, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,46,0 , 550.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4027, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,46,0 , 700.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4031, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,46,0 , 500.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4026, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,45,0 , 2750.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4029, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,45,0 , 50.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4036, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 350.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4038, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 400.000,550.000,0.000 , -125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4037, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 978, equipset_id = 30, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,47,0 , 300.000,700.000,0.000 , 48.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7126, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2950.000,2150.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7127, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2950.000,2250.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6373, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 2800.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6386, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1142, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 2300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6382, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 2350.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6380, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1144, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 1400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6377, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1145, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 1600.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6371, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 2700.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6368, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 2350.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6404, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 727, equipset_id = 167, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,32,0 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7528, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 403, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 2450.000,650.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6406, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 599, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 450.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7529, { itemtype = 7368, creature = 404, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 2450.000,500.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6408, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 600, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 1100.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7530, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 2400.000,600.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6781, { itemtype = 7421, creature = 684, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,30,0 , 2650.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6409, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 1050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6407, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 400.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7571, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 979, equipset_id = 152, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,47,0 , 1850.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8022, { itemtype = 8325, creature = 1079, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2800.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8025, { itemtype = 8325, creature = 1079, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush_row", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2850.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8027, { itemtype = 8327, creature = 1080, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2850.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8028, { itemtype = 8327, creature = 1080, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2850.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8029, { itemtype = 8325, creature = 1079, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,17,0 , 2750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6387, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 1800.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3644, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3642, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 400.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3643, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 450.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6239, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 850.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6370, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 2750.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4130, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2050.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4115, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4129, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 1900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4150, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4141, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2050.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7531, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 2650.000,2350.000,0.000 , -33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7532, { itemtype = 543, creature = 162, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,14,-1 , 2550.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4139, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2150.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7413, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1250.000,450.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9726, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 1022, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,48,0 , 2400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5280, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2350.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5282, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2100.000,2900.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5275, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2200.000,2700.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5273, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2450.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5276, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2550.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5281, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2650.000,2650.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5277, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2750.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5279, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 19, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,21,0 , 2700.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7174, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,24,0 , 2750.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7176, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,24,0 , 200.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7171, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,24,0 , 2500.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7178, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,24,0 , 1800.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7172, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,23,0 , 1500.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7173, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,24,0 , 2500.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7177, { itemtype = 10260, creature = 1663, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,24,0 , 1900.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6780, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 450, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 3000.000,3000.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6777, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 2950.000,2800.000,0.000 , 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6779, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 450, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 2900.000,2900.000,0.000 , 44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6778, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 3050.000,2900.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6776, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 3100.000,2850.000,0.000 , 41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4248, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, equipset_id = 343, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-2 , 1650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9727, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 1023, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2050.000,1200.000,0.000 , -15.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(965, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 565, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 1450.000,450.000,0.000 , -82.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(644, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,31,0 , 850.000,2700.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9502, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, equipset_id = 71, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,17,0 , 3150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9724, { itemtype = 11874, creature = 1940, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,38,-1 , 1150.000,300.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9607, { itemtype = 11753, creature = 1877, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,28,-1 , 400.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9608, { itemtype = 11751, creature = 1878, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,28,-1 , 400.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9609, { itemtype = 11752, creature = 1879, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,28,-1 , 500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9749, { itemtype = 8226, creature = 1020, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2550.000,1800.000,0.000 , -171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9748, { itemtype = 8226, creature = 1020, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2350.000,1850.000,0.000 , -191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9747, { itemtype = 8226, creature = 1020, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2300.000,1750.000,0.000 , -184.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9746, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2450.000,1700.000,0.000 , -191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9745, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2400.000,1450.000,0.000 , 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9744, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2050.000,1650.000,0.000 , 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9743, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,53,0 , 2150.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9737, { itemtype = 7652, creature = 1935, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 500.000,1050.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9736, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 1937, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 750.000,1050.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9740, { itemtype = 7619, creature = 1938, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 500.000,900.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9735, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 1933, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 650.000,900.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9734, { itemtype = 7658, creature = 1937, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 500.000,800.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9753, { itemtype = 6968, creature = 463, equipset_id = 41, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "JOB_TRADER", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 500.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9741, { itemtype = 11741, creature = 1920, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "FarmAnimal", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 900.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9739, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 1934, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 600.000,850.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9732, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 1933, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 400.000,850.000,0.000 , 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9733, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 1933, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 700.000,1100.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9738, { itemtype = 7652, creature = 1935, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 550.000,950.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9730, { itemtype = 7652, creature = 1935, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 600.000,1150.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4126, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 1100.000,2000.000,0.000 , 280.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4121, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 1150.000,1950.000,0.000 , 278.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5122, { itemtype = 2644, creature = 631, equipset_id = 25, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,27,0 , 300.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6733, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,27,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 86.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4064, { itemtype = 6661, creature = 579, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,39,0 , 1800.000,2000.000,0.000 , 73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4904, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,52,-1 , 900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4903, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,52,-1 , 600.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6450, { itemtype = 6529, creature = 1837, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,31,0 , 2050.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6326, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 2450.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6321, { itemtype = 9598, creature = 1229, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 2850.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6323, { itemtype = 9598, creature = 1229, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 2600.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6324, { itemtype = 9598, creature = 1229, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 2500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5607, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5610, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,49,-1 , 1900.000,2450.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4153, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,39,0 , 1650.000,650.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6396, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 556, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1550.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5678, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 2000.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6454, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,33,0 , 2100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7025, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 447, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,22,0 , 1400.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8402, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 2450.000,1250.000,0.000 , -121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8403, { itemtype = 9770, creature = 1267, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 2800.000,2700.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8404, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 2700.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2785, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, equipset_id = 101, faction_id = 35, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 10,43,0 , 700.000,2500.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8405, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 2650.000,2700.000,0.000 , 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8379, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 950.000,1500.000,0.000 , -121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8378, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,9,-1 , 800.000,1550.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2728, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 722, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2600.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2729, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 672, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2700.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2730, { itemtype = 7327, creature = 721, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2400.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2731, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 89, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2800.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2732, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 679, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(912, { itemtype = 6970, creature = 324, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2100.000,2150.000,0.000 , 62.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5208, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,34,0 , 2850.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(158, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,20,0 , 750.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(159, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 166, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,20,0 , 800.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(161, { itemtype = 1702, creature = 170, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,20,0 , 850.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7272, { itemtype = 4585, creature = 211, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 1850.000,2750.000,0.000 , -101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7043, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7041, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1121, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 750.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7040, { itemtype = 9866, creature = 1177, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 550.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7039, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 1118, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 500.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7038, { itemtype = 9867, creature = 1179, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7037, { itemtype = 6005, creature = 1120, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7034, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1121, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 500.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7033, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 450.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7032, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7022, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 1118, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 1800.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6032, { itemtype = 7407, creature = 668, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,24,0 , 1200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6034, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,24,0 , 1300.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6035, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 720, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,24,0 , 1250.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6033, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,24,0 , 950.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7541, { itemtype = 543, creature = 30, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,16,-1 , 2100.000,900.000,0.000 , 63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1466, { itemtype = 10383, creature = 1493, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 3000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2203, { itemtype = 3965, creature = 217, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,5,0 , 2550.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7051, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1145, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,34,0 , 850.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7052, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,34,0 , 600.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7050, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,34,0 , 800.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7049, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,34,0 , 700.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1465, { itemtype = 9987, creature = 1467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 2450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7048, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1143, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,34,0 , 950.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1463, { itemtype = 9557, creature = 1221, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,18,0 , 2000.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9755, { itemtype = 11873, creature = 1939, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,38,-1 , 1150.000,300.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6645, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 550.000,250.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6325, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 2050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6313, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 1800.000,2450.000,0.000 , 87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6315, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 456, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 1250.000,2450.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6951, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,26,0 , 50.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8407, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 450.000,550.000,0.000 , -191.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8392, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 500.000,600.000,0.000 , -51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5487, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 350.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5488, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 250.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5489, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 450.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5490, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 250.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5491, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 450.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8397, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 1950.000,2650.000,0.000 , -122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8398, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 2000.000,2750.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8400, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 1850.000,2600.000,0.000 , -159.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8390, { itemtype = 9768, creature = 1265, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 2050.000,2700.000,0.000 , -99.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8399, { itemtype = 9770, creature = 1267, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 1950.000,2550.000,0.000 , 212.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3616, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 800.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3615, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 139, equipset_id = 134, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 950.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2522, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2516, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2250.000,1300.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2517, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2300.000,1300.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2515, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2300.000,1350.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2518, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 2250.000,1250.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2531, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1650.000,1650.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3614, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 605, equipset_id = 133, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3613, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 572, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 750.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3617, { itemtype = 6660, creature = 571, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 800.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3618, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 572, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 1050.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1044, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1043, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2350.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1045, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2350.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1042, { itemtype = 2230, creature = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2250.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3622, { itemtype = 7683, creature = 701, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,-1 , 1800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2244, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, equipset_id = 360, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_hunter", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 2000.000,3050.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1055, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,12,0 , 1750.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4191, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 800.000,750.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4190, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 900.000,550.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4189, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,42,0 , 500.000,800.000,0.000 , -35.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4607, { itemtype = 7777, creature = 791, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,41,-1 , 1150.000,0.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1377, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2500.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2556, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,36,0 , 750.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1490, { itemtype = 9558, creature = 1222, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 1400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2555, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 316, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 800.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1933, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 2750.000,0.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1932, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 669, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,23,0 , 2700.000,0.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2557, { itemtype = 6967, creature = 316, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 500.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6958, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3000.000,250.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6957, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3150.000,50.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1739, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 629, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,0 , 2600.000,1100.000,0.000 , 27.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1734, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 1100.000,200.000,0.000 , -162.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7806, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1300.000,3000.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7800, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 31, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,20,0 , 1550.000,0.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7798, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 31, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1650.000,3100.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7799, { itemtype = 331, creature = 20, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 31, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1400.000,3050.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7807, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1500.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1954, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,28,-1 , 50.000,2000.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1561, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2850.000,1350.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1089, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,11,0 , 2150.000,2100.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(414, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 50, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 2550.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3630, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 600.000,1750.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7267, { itemtype = 10809, creature = 539, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,26,-1 , 850.000,150.000,0.000 , -108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1746, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 2850.000,700.000,0.000 , 242.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8415, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 1300.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8413, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 1100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8414, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 1050.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8416, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 1250.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1557, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2350.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1564, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2950.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1400, { itemtype = 2234, creature = 11, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,15,0 , 1500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1562, { itemtype = 518, creature = 57, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,26,0 , 2550.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(770, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2350.000,1550.000,0.000 , -18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(774, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2400.000,1400.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(769, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2200.000,1600.000,0.000 , 14.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(773, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2250.000,1250.000,0.000 , 161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(775, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2350.000,1300.000,0.000 , -153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(768, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2050.000,1550.000,0.000 , 59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(771, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,31,0 , 2050.000,1400.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8126, { itemtype = 6669, creature = 612, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7521, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 2050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9918, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 7,62,0 , 1350.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(371, { itemtype = 7400, creature = 2806, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 650.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(690, { itemtype = 2639, creature = 196, equipset_id = 34, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,27,0 , 1200.000,800.000,0.000 , -124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1041, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, behaviour = "JOB_POOR_STATIST", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 1950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1049, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,16,0 , 150.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1048, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,16,0 , 200.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1047, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,16,0 , 250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1366, { itemtype = 8659, creature = 1031, faction_id = 42, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,43,0 , 2800.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(724, { itemtype = 331, creature = 20, equipset_id = 154, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,29,0 , 150.000,2350.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(686, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,26,0 , 350.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(685, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,26,0 , 100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(684, { itemtype = 6482, creature = 558, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,26,0 , 200.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(689, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,26,0 , 300.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(688, { itemtype = 520, creature = 132, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 36,26,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(823, { itemtype = 2905, creature = 135, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,26,0 , 350.000,2650.000,0.000 , 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(824, { itemtype = 7399, creature = 845, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,26,0 , 400.000,2650.000,0.000 , -63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(875, { itemtype = 2526, creature = 144, equipset_id = 8, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1700.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(874, { itemtype = 610, creature = 189, equipset_id = 8, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1900.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(877, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 187, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1650.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1608, { itemtype = 7237, creature = 825, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,7,0 , 1900.000,1050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1926, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 673, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,22,0 , 3100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 67.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1485, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 2800.000,1050.000,0.000 , 21.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4313, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 200.000,2950.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4311, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 84, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,38,0 , 150.000,3050.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2318, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, equipset_id = 62, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 15,51,0 , 2900.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6665, { itemtype = 8694, creature = 1092, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,58,-1 , 650.000,2800.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8423, { itemtype = 2901, creature = 120, equipset_id = 20, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_BLACKSMITH", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 3000.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2856, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 150.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6328, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,46,0 , 650.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6322, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,47,0 , 1850.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6329, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,47,0 , 1200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6331, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,47,0 , 450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6330, { itemtype = 5720, creature = 812, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,47,0 , 850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7802, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, equipset_id = 336, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1500.000,2950.000,0.000 , -73.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8133, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,23,0 , 2400.000,2150.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2866, { itemtype = 6631, creature = 445, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 31,38,0 , 800.000,1600.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1787, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1788, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1785, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1250.000,1050.000,0.000 , -210.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1796, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 2150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1797, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,42,0 , 1050.000,1200.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2717, { itemtype = 2638, creature = 87, equipset_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1900.000,2150.000,0.000 , -96.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2853, { itemtype = 7411, creature = 828, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 2650.000,2750.000,0.000 , 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2704, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 1000.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2712, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,32,0 , 1050.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5506, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 666, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,33,0 , 250.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5505, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,33,0 , 100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5508, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,33,0 , 50.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5507, { itemtype = 7328, creature = 674, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,33,0 , 150.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7558, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, equipset_id = 22, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1800.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7559, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 980, equipset_id = 22, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1900.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7560, { itemtype = 946, creature = 98, faction_id = 41, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,27,0 , 1850.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2720, { itemtype = 2903, creature = 133, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 650.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1510, { itemtype = 336, creature = 25, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1650.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1511, { itemtype = 338, creature = 27, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1600.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1513, { itemtype = 339, creature = 28, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1514, { itemtype = 340, creature = 29, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1650.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1491, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1512, { itemtype = 337, creature = 26, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1550.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1498, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 670, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,23,0 , 1350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2828, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 40,47,0 , 1100.000,50.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8429, { itemtype = 7778, creature = 750, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 500.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6327, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,46,-1 , 2750.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6130, { itemtype = 4571, creature = 773, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,38,0 , 1350.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6134, { itemtype = 5189, creature = 63, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,39,0 , 2450.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3177, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 650, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2774, { itemtype = 2525, creature = 146, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,40,0 , 150.000,800.000,0.000 , -48.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8359, { itemtype = 3321, creature = 179, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,18,0 , 2650.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8622, { itemtype = 10964, creature = 1642, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8222, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1550.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8221, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1400.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8220, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1200.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8219, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1050.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8218, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1750.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8223, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1350.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8433, { itemtype = 11590, creature = 1803, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,30,0 , 3100.000,3000.000,0.000 , 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7750, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 468, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1550.000,1650.000,0.000 , 247.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8040, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 406, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1350.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7897, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 804, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,0 , 550.000,1900.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8216, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1350.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7899, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 804, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,46,0 , 3100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7900, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 804, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,46,0 , 450.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8215, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8213, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2300.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8210, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2900.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8209, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2850.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8207, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2600.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8206, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2700.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8204, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2300.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8212, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2400.000,1950.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8214, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2400.000,2050.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8205, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 1900.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8208, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8211, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1233, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,19,-1 , 2550.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7790, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,21,0 , 1200.000,1550.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4241, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 350.000,1300.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8509, { itemtype = 6673, creature = 489, faction_id = 17, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 3000.000,1350.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8516, { itemtype = 5547, creature = 542, faction_id = 80, behaviour = "JOB_MERCENARY", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 3050.000,1300.000,0.000 , 161.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8524, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 1350.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8523, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 50.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8522, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,2,0 , 2250.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8521, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 2600.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8519, { itemtype = 10264, creature = 123, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,3,0 , 2350.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7922, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 2850.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7923, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 3100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7925, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 2800.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7926, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 3100.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7927, { itemtype = 9946, creature = 1530, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,31,-1 , 2800.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4414, { itemtype = 11590, creature = 1803, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,30,0 , 3050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8038, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, equipset_id = 406, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1400.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8033, { itemtype = 6671, creature = 583, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1000.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8032, { itemtype = 6791, creature = 618, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1400.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8036, { itemtype = 6732, creature = 623, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1750.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8035, { itemtype = 7361, creature = 581, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1500.000,2700.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8034, { itemtype = 7645, creature = 620, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1300.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7930, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, equipset_id = 225, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 1750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7929, { itemtype = 7754, creature = 997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 350.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7931, { itemtype = 7562, creature = 992, equipset_id = 225, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 200.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7934, { itemtype = 6735, creature = 578, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,47,0 , 250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7213, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2050.000,550.000,0.000 , 163.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8630, { itemtype = 9583, creature = 1456, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,17,0 , 3000.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8626, { itemtype = 3321, creature = 179, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,15,0 , 1300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8627, { itemtype = 3321, creature = 177, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,16,0 , 2300.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8628, { itemtype = 3322, creature = 180, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,17,0 , 1300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8629, { itemtype = 3322, creature = 178, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,17,0 , 750.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8625, { itemtype = 3321, creature = 179, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,17,0 , 1250.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8233, { itemtype = 9562, creature = 1218, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 1950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8505, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 451, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 3150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8235, { itemtype = 10455, creature = 1496, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,17,0 , 900.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8504, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 468, faction_id = 31, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1550.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7942, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 754, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,48,0 , 2350.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8507, { itemtype = 10964, creature = 1642, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,17,0 , 100.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2089, { itemtype = 8749, creature = 1069, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 450.000,1800.000,0.000 , 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6416, { itemtype = 10945, creature = 1637, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7946, { itemtype = 7418, creature = 837, equipset_id = 144, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,46,0 , 750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7945, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 875, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,47,0 , 1950.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6785, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,34,0 , 400.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6786, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,34,0 , 200.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6791, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,34,0 , 100.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6790, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,34,0 , 200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8606, { itemtype = 9145, creature = 1185, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 250.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8528, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1100.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8532, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1150.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8530, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1050.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8531, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1000.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8529, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1000.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8534, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8533, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1100.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8527, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1792, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,15,0 , 1150.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8733, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 3050.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8735, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 1400.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8742, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1950.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8743, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8648, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 1048, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8647, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1297, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 950.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8646, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8645, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1083, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1450.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8644, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1450.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8643, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1083, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 900.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8642, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 550.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8641, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1700.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8640, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8638, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 1048, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1200.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8636, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 1109, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 650.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8634, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1297, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8633, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1297, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8637, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 1048, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1000.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8744, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,16,0 , 1900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7965, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 446, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1550.000,1550.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7964, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 446, equipset_id = 340, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1550.000,1250.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8755, { itemtype = 10967, creature = 1645, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1250.000,850.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7970, { itemtype = 6662, creature = 332, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1700.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7969, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,25,0 , 1750.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7992, { itemtype = 7404, creature = 669, equipset_id = 155, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,26,-1 , 2150.000,2350.000,0.000 , 59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8736, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 2800.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8738, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,6,0 , 1350.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8737, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 600.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8739, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 1850.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8740, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 1100.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8741, { itemtype = 8955, creature = 1122, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "cat", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 50.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7976, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1700.000,2650.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9292, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 2800.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9289, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 529, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 2350.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9291, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,10,0 , 850.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9290, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 522, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 43,10,0 , 550.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2837, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1100.000,700.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2838, { itemtype = 7117, creature = 729, equipset_id = 9, faction_id = 59, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1300.000,750.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2839, { itemtype = 4581, creature = 212, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1250.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2840, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2841, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1350.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2842, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, equipset_id = 7, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,46,0 , 1350.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6683, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6685, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1700.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6686, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1650.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6687, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2600.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6689, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2200.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6690, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 1950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6692, { itemtype = 6003, creature = 555, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2300.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2953, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,-1 , 1000.000,1700.000,0.000 , 294.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8300, { itemtype = 11307, creature = 1833, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,17,0 , 50.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8299, { itemtype = 11307, creature = 1833, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,18,0 , 0.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8298, { itemtype = 11307, creature = 1833, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,18,0 , 50.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8297, { itemtype = 11307, creature = 1833, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,17,0 , 0.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8296, { itemtype = 11307, creature = 1833, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,17,0 , 100.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8700, { itemtype = 7518, creature = 1104, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3649, { itemtype = 6817, creature = 290, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 950.000,2600.000,0.000 , 52.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3651, { itemtype = 2899, creature = 138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 133.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2201, { itemtype = 8759, creature = 1093, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 2950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4888, { itemtype = 8039, creature = 898, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2050.000,200.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4894, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 250.000,2700.000,0.000 , 19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8600, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 150.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8605, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 1850.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8604, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 600.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8603, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8602, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 1050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8601, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 2500.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8599, { itemtype = 7369, creature = 399, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,44,0 , 750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2504, { itemtype = 3323, creature = 444, faction_id = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,29,0 , 2950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7069, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 650, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 3050.000,2100.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7071, { itemtype = 6530, creature = 580, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,28,0 , 1250.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7072, { itemtype = 1770, creature = 185, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,28,0 , 1150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7073, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,28,0 , 1250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7074, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1139, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,28,0 , 1350.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7075, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 336, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,28,0 , 1250.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7278, { itemtype = 10846, creature = 1610, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,9,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8671, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8724, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 352, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,5,0 , 500.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8672, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2300.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7841, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1350.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8673, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2400.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8674, { itemtype = 6776, creature = 1741, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2350.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7846, { itemtype = 8040, creature = 879, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 77.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8681, { itemtype = 6484, creature = 244, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2200.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8683, { itemtype = 7522, creature = 263, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,55,0 , 2450.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7145, { itemtype = 6771, creature = 1126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,-1 , 2500.000,1400.000,0.000 , 250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7147, { itemtype = 6771, creature = 1126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,-1 , 2450.000,1950.000,0.000 , -46.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7150, { itemtype = 6771, creature = 1126, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,29,-1 , 700.000,2200.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8254, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 155, equipset_id = 353, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,31,0 , 2200.000,2350.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2183, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 1109, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2600.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2187, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2500.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2186, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1203, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2550.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2184, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 1297, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2800.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2185, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 1048, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 48,26,0 , 2750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5190, { itemtype = 2640, creature = 594, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 1300.000,550.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4646, { itemtype = 8225, creature = 870, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 2300.000,350.000,0.000 , 192.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3690, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 232, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,33,0 , 1450.000,600.000,0.000 , -14.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3691, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 232, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,32,0 , 600.000,3050.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3689, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 232, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,31,0 , 2300.000,2250.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4648, { itemtype = 7563, creature = 993, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 50.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8114, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,18,0 , 650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5943, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 873, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 1650.000,550.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6242, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 1600.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2124, { itemtype = 8717, creature = 1060, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,55,-1 , 350.000,3000.000,0.000 , 33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6233, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 1121, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 200.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6229, { itemtype = 6006, creature = 553, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5944, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 877, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 2200.000,0.000,0.000 , 230.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5945, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 877, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2050.000,3000.000,0.000 , 240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4251, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, equipset_id = 346, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-2 , 1450.000,1050.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4254, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, equipset_id = 340, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-1 , 450.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4252, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, equipset_id = 339, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-2 , 1350.000,1100.000,0.000 , 41.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4255, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 810, equipset_id = 341, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-1 , 250.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4253, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, equipset_id = 341, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-1 , 350.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4250, { itemtype = 7053, creature = 805, equipset_id = 338, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,37,-2 , 1800.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6940, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6939, { itemtype = 9874, creature = 1665, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1300.000,2850.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6942, { itemtype = 9875, creature = 1819, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 10,42,0 , 1250.000,2900.000,0.000 , 88.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6600, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 2450.000,2050.000,0.000 , -44.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7002, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 800.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7020, { itemtype = 9932, creature = 1355, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 950.000,800.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7018, { itemtype = 9927, creature = 1351, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7019, { itemtype = 9930, creature = 1353, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1100.000,800.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8015, { itemtype = 7120, creature = 443, equipset_id = 406, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,26,0 , 100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 114.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6299, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 2650.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6287, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 2900.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6296, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 402, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 1600.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6295, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 412, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 2650.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6294, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 2650.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6291, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 1850.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6290, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 1250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6297, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 402, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 2000.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6292, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 2900.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3799, { itemtype = 5019, creature = 234, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1800.000,1050.000,0.000 , 186.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7009, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 650.000,800.000,0.000 , 3.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6999, { itemtype = 6004, creature = 554, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7005, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1143, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 800.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7016, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 650.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7015, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 700.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7014, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 450.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7013, { itemtype = 8942, creature = 1140, faction_id = 97, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 500.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7012, { itemtype = 7124, creature = 1142, faction_id = 98, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 650.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5980, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1750.000,2250.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5985, { itemtype = 8043, creature = 882, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1850.000,2300.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6293, { itemtype = 7680, creature = 253, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,51,-1 , 1000.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7684, { itemtype = 7044, creature = 658, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,23,0 , 2000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8106, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3100.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5981, { itemtype = 8034, creature = 880, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1700.000,2200.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8105, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8104, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3100.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8103, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3050.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8102, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 2950.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8101, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 394, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3000.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5970, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1800.000,1950.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5975, { itemtype = 7966, creature = 886, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5990, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 526, equipset_id = 362, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1600.000,3000.000,0.000 , 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5988, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, equipset_id = 357, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1500.000,3050.000,0.000 , 69.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5991, { itemtype = 7308, creature = 524, equipset_id = 357, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 16,10,0 , 1750.000,3050.000,0.000 , 57.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4071, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,40,0 , 2700.000,1100.000,0.000 , -98.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7892, { itemtype = 7804, creature = 1006, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,58,0 , 2200.000,2850.000,0.000 , -171.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(665, { itemtype = 2232, creature = 9, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 25,32,0 , 2500.000,300.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(886, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, equipset_id = 22, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 2650.000,900.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6302, { itemtype = 6475, creature = 450, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 2150.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6301, { itemtype = 6632, creature = 456, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 2250.000,2400.000,0.000 , -92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5969, { itemtype = 8037, creature = 884, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1650.000,2300.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8099, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,16,0 , 3100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8366, { itemtype = 10453, creature = 1494, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1050.000,2500.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7698, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 2500.000,2850.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6312, { itemtype = 7426, creature = 330, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 3150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6304, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 1000.000,2400.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6308, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 850.000,2400.000,0.000 , -174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6309, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 1100.000,2350.000,0.000 , -122.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6307, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 1200.000,2400.000,0.000 , -92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6310, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 78, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 1300.000,2450.000,0.000 , -61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6305, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 1550.000,2400.000,0.000 , -93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6306, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,-1 , 1500.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9159, { itemtype = 6774, creature = 353, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,11,0 , 1100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3556, { itemtype = 7530, creature = 693, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 23,34,-1 , 1850.000,2250.000,0.000 , -81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4665, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 3000.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4668, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 2950.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4686, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 867, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 3100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4673, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 2150.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4685, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 2250.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4667, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 500.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4671, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 500.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4672, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 400.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4677, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 400.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4681, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 450.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4684, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 1005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 550.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4688, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 867, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 350.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3926, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 800.000,1550.000,0.000 , 155.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3932, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 39,38,0 , 700.000,1650.000,0.000 , -266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4639, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 1018, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 1250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 85.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4689, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 1300.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4690, { itemtype = 8227, creature = 872, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 38,43,0 , 1350.000,2300.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2619, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 83, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 42,17,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4701, { itemtype = 8269, creature = 868, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 3050.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4700, { itemtype = 8224, creature = 866, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2750.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4695, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 874, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2850.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4694, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 865, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 3100.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4693, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2850.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4691, { itemtype = 8223, creature = 864, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 3050.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8410, { itemtype = 7564, creature = 994, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 2750.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(728, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 2100.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(730, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 2200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(739, { itemtype = 2642, creature = 90, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 2250.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(741, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 2000.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(740, { itemtype = 2645, creature = 91, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 2050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8411, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 753, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 550.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2962, { itemtype = 1701, creature = 259, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 12,25,0 , 2850.000,950.000,0.000 , 135.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(464, { itemtype = 5021, creature = 274, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "sheep", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,29,0 , 1800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 177.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2180, { itemtype = 8948, creature = 1112, faction_id = 32, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2319, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, equipset_id = 59, faction_id = 42, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 16,51,0 , 550.000,1350.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1046, { itemtype = 8330, creature = 989, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 34,11,0 , 2650.000,2050.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1179, { itemtype = 2231, creature = 8, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,25,0 , 2550.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2674, { itemtype = 10971, creature = 1649, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,20,0 , 650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2676, { itemtype = 10977, creature = 1657, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1450.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2677, { itemtype = 10970, creature = 1648, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 46,13,0 , 2200.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4298, { itemtype = 6966, creature = 318, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 950.000,2000.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4296, { itemtype = 8675, creature = 1045, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 44,39,-1 , 900.000,1950.000,0.000 , 81.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8389, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1300.000,750.000,0.000 , 13.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8388, { itemtype = 9768, creature = 1265, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1400.000,700.000,0.000 , -42.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8375, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1250.000,600.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8387, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1400.000,600.000,0.000 , -116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8376, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , 47.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7695, { itemtype = 7415, creature = 833, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 44,23,0 , 1900.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8386, { itemtype = 9770, creature = 1267, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1450.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8374, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1450.000,1400.000,0.000 , -182.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8385, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,10,-1 , 1400.000,1450.000,0.000 , 91.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4720, { itemtype = 8679, creature = 1066, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1200.000,100.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7918, { itemtype = 8853, creature = 1106, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,29,0 , 800.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8371, { itemtype = 9770, creature = 1267, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 2650.000,1650.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2697, { itemtype = 2672, creature = 84, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8383, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 3050.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8384, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 3100.000,1800.000,0.000 , -153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8394, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 2650.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8395, { itemtype = 9768, creature = 1265, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 2900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8372, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 2750.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8393, { itemtype = 9600, creature = 1237, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 2050.000,3050.000,0.000 , -51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8381, { itemtype = 9599, creature = 1236, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 2050.000,2850.000,0.000 , -102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8382, { itemtype = 9770, creature = 1267, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,9,-1 , 950.000,2450.000,0.000 , 231.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(340, { itemtype = 6663, creature = 574, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 3050.000,2700.000,0.000 , 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2387, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 121, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,34,0 , 2900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2054, { itemtype = 2898, creature = 122, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,25,-1 , 50.000,2650.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6555, { itemtype = 6633, creature = 591, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 20,33,0 , 1450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4724, { itemtype = 7785, creature = 752, faction_id = 86, behaviour = "Enemy_mage", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 650.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4300, { itemtype = 6628, creature = 327, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,40,0 , 2600.000,150.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7045, { itemtype = 6657, creature = 602, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 1000.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(590, { itemtype = 7324, creature = 672, equipset_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 2350.000,1200.000,0.000 , 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(591, { itemtype = 7325, creature = 675, equipset_id = 13, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,23,0 , 2450.000,1250.000,0.000 , -9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4330, { itemtype = 6298, creature = 326, equipset_id = 20, faction_id = 12, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 1750.000,2900.000,0.000 , 184.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2982, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 1029, equipset_id = 254, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 18,26,0 , 850.000,2850.000,0.000 , -144.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3654, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 500.000,2950.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3656, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 350.000,2950.000,0.000 , -190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3653, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 500.000,2850.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3655, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 350.000,2750.000,0.000 , -199.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(3658, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 78, faction_id = 58, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 400.000,2800.000,0.000 , -185.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5219, { itemtype = 6939, creature = 643, behaviour = "walkAround", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,27,0 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1813, { itemtype = 1121, creature = 92, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,33,0 , 500.000,2200.000,0.000 , 166.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1815, { itemtype = 2673, creature = 85, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,33,0 , 450.000,2300.000,0.000 , 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5518, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1014, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,50,0 , 2850.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5517, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,50,0 , 2100.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5516, { itemtype = 1049, creature = 1013, faction_id = 9, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 13,50,0 , 2600.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7353, { itemtype = 7621, creature = 754, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,48,0 , 1700.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8435, { itemtype = 10970, creature = 1648, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 1000.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1699, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,20,0 , 2950.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1700, { itemtype = 1105, creature = 77, equipset_id = 12, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 28,20,0 , 2900.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5522, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2700.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5523, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,32,0 , 2800.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5492, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 24,30,0 , 150.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6337, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 599, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 700.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(897, { itemtype = 6665, creature = 576, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 1400.000,150.000,0.000 , 329.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(909, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,32,0 , 1750.000,2400.000,0.000 , 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(901, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 295.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(893, { itemtype = 6664, creature = 575, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_simple", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2150.000,2000.000,0.000 , 130.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2097, { itemtype = 7965, creature = 906, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,49,0 , 1850.000,450.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2098, { itemtype = 8036, creature = 904, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,49,0 , 1750.000,450.000,0.000 , 26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2099, { itemtype = 8033, creature = 900, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,49,0 , 1900.000,300.000,0.000 , -116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6340, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 600, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 550.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6339, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 15,32,0 , 650.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8409, { itemtype = 10881, creature = 1615, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,39,0 , 2750.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2848, { itemtype = 1121, creature = 92, equipset_id = 43, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2650.000,250.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6208, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1800.000,1750.000,0.000 , 240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6209, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1900.000,1800.000,0.000 , 276.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6210, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 243.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6211, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 115.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6212, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2000.000,1700.000,0.000 , 305.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6213, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 103.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6214, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2100.000,1700.000,0.000 , 267.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7195, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1950.000,650.000,0.000 , 76.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7196, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1850.000,800.000,0.000 , 163.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7197, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1950.000,1050.000,0.000 , 355.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7201, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2050.000,1300.000,0.000 , 221.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7204, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2150.000,1500.000,0.000 , 194.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7205, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1900.000,1100.000,0.000 , 195.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7206, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1800.000,1000.000,0.000 , 341.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7207, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1500.000,1200.000,0.000 , 53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7208, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1700.000,1150.000,0.000 , 310.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7212, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 1400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 65.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8450, { itemtype = 10881, creature = 1615, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,38,0 , 650.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7200, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2200.000,1250.000,0.000 , 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7203, { itemtype = 9821, creature = 1269, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2250.000,1350.000,0.000 , 64.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8451, { itemtype = 9577, creature = 1209, equipset_id = 338, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_healer_guard", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 22,38,0 , 750.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1774, { itemtype = 8270, creature = 309, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1350.000,2300.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1775, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1400.000,2150.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1776, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1550.000,2250.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1777, { itemtype = 329, creature = 18, equipset_id = 154, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1500.000,2300.000,0.000 , -39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8255, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,33,0 , 1450.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8256, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, faction_id = 14, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 29,33,0 , 1650.000,300.000,0.000 , -36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7377, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 2400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7375, { itemtype = 10294, creature = 1476, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 800.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7373, { itemtype = 10292, creature = 1474, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 2450.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7372, { itemtype = 10291, creature = 1473, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1350.000,350.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7748, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1778, { itemtype = 9987, creature = 1467, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1500.000,2250.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8444, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 2600.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6818, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1000.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6820, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6833, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 800.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6829, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8442, { itemtype = 7702, creature = 758, behaviour = "questCreatures", specialdrop = 1552, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 2700.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8446, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 2750.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8445, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 37,36,0 , 2800.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6828, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6830, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6832, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2300.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6817, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1500.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6824, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1500.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6825, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1400.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7244, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2300.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8441, { itemtype = 7679, creature = 765, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 950.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7242, { itemtype = 1646, creature = 183, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2250.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6814, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2000.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7239, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2150.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7238, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7237, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2050.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7236, { itemtype = 7037, creature = 434, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2000.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7235, { itemtype = 4580, creature = 227, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 1950.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7234, { itemtype = 4580, creature = 227, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 1850.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7233, { itemtype = 4580, creature = 227, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 1950.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6819, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2050.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6823, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6831, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 2050.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7249, { itemtype = 7367, creature = 182, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7246, { itemtype = 7367, creature = 182, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2200.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2149, { itemtype = 8696, creature = 1090, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 33,59,-1 , 350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7784, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, equipset_id = 340, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7793, { itemtype = 8833, creature = 1464, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1900.000,1800.000,0.000 , -140.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7794, { itemtype = 9985, creature = 1465, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1950.000,1750.000,0.000 , 240.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8697, { itemtype = 7528, creature = 268, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1450.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7749, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_kicknrush", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8425, { itemtype = 7517, creature = 1103, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,56,0 , 1300.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6826, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1500.000,1850.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6827, { itemtype = 3258, creature = 159, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1300.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6869, { itemtype = 3254, creature = 153, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1400.000,1600.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6875, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 155, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1550.000,1950.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6870, { itemtype = 6824, creature = 625, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1500.000,2550.000,0.000 , -19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6882, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 155, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1200.000,2400.000,0.000 , 5.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6868, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 155, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1200.000,2000.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6883, { itemtype = 3415, creature = 151, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,28,0 , 1400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7241, { itemtype = 4579, creature = 775, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2400.000,450.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7240, { itemtype = 4579, creature = 775, faction_id = 1, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,25,0 , 2150.000,250.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6379, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1143, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,32,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6384, { itemtype = 8943, creature = 1141, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 49,32,0 , 1200.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7257, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3050.000,0.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6375, { itemtype = 7123, creature = 1138, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,31,0 , 200.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7387, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, faction_id = 87, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7388, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1950.000,1750.000,0.000 , 246.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7408, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 2000.000,1700.000,0.000 , 250.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7407, { itemtype = 8656, creature = 1047, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1900.000,1700.000,0.000 , 166.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8478, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7789, { itemtype = 6977, creature = 395, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 47,21,0 , 1400.000,1500.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8472, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 1800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8468, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 1750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8471, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8470, { itemtype = 7701, creature = 808, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2250.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8475, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2200.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8474, { itemtype = 7052, creature = 573, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2000.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8479, { itemtype = 8836, creature = 467, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 1900.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8469, { itemtype = 7699, creature = 807, faction_id = 98, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2050.000,1200.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8477, { itemtype = 8835, creature = 469, faction_id = 97, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 35,17,0 , 2000.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4622, { itemtype = 1644, creature = 1834, faction_id = 7, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 41,44,-1 , 2300.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7415, { itemtype = 9870, creature = 296, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,32,0 , 1650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7416, { itemtype = 9870, creature = 296, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,32,0 , 1900.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7417, { itemtype = 9870, creature = 296, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,32,0 , 1700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7418, { itemtype = 9870, creature = 296, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,32,0 , 2150.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7419, { itemtype = 9870, creature = 296, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,32,0 , 2200.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7420, { itemtype = 9870, creature = 296, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,32,0 , 1950.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6840, { itemtype = 9524, creature = 1194, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 51,32,-2 , 300.000,2000.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8186, { itemtype = 5685, creature = 357, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,29,-1 , 1600.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8184, { itemtype = 10968, creature = 1646, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 45,19,0 , 1700.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10041, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,53,0 , 2500.000,800.000,3846.000 , -220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10063, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 400.000,1100.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9949, { itemtype = 12414, creature = 2035, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,13,-1 , 1770.050,592.450,-25.004, 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9946, { itemtype = 12380, creature = 2030, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,13,-1 , 1778.150,1012.800,-0.008, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10015, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 1885.660,1184.450,294.065, 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10016, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 1813.860,3076.840,547.216, 194.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10237, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 58,14,0 , 1100.000,650.000,0.000 , 27.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10235, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 993.797,85.633,559.750, 7.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10038, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 2053.050,2387.000,563.653, 24.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10039, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 2105.410,2654.750,554.358, 23.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10144, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,10,0 , 2150.000,2350.000,901.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10142, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10145, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 1550.000,200.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10183, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 2300.000,2950.000,2881.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9846, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 1,60,0 , 2350.000,2650.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9909, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 100.000,800.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9907, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1386, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 228.400,1321.500,2770.890, 93.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9906, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 349.000,795.703,2776.910, 102.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9828, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 1150.000,700.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10123, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2097.500,1828.950,1213.390, 335.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10126, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,6,0 , 700.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9965, { itemtype = 9511, creature = 1226, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,2,0 , 2650.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10284, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 1,60,0 , 2850.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10285, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 950.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10279, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,61,0 , 1700.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10278, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 1750.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10276, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 2550.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10277, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10283, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 2100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10281, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 1,60,0 , 2600.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10275, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,60,0 , 100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10286, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 600.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10273, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 850.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10272, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,60,0 , 300.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10271, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 2300.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10270, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 2150.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10269, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 1450.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10268, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,61,0 , 2550.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10267, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10266, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,60,0 , 1000.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10265, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 650.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10264, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 3100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10263, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,60,0 , 350.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10262, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,59,0 , 1600.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10261, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 50.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10260, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10259, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 700.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10258, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,61,0 , 2600.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10257, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,61,0 , 3050.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10255, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,60,0 , 950.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10254, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,61,0 , 2600.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10253, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 750.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10252, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,60,0 , 650.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10250, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 300.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10249, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 1600.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10248, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 1450.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10247, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,62,0 , 900.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10246, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 2550.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10282, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 600.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10256, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 1150.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10280, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 2050.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10251, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,60,0 , 350.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10243, { itemtype = 12825, creature = 2098, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,2,0 , 2400.000,500.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10287, { itemtype = 12824, creature = 2097, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 6,2,0 , 2200.000,1950.000,30.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9804, { itemtype = 8696, creature = 1090, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,2,0 , 1380.500,1305.100,403.714, 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10289, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3000.000,250.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10291, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 4,61,0 , 600.000,2000.000,1666.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10081, { itemtype = 10268, creature = 1512, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2400.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10082, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2000.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10083, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1950.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10084, { itemtype = 10268, creature = 1512, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2300.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10085, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10086, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10087, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1600.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10088, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2200.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10089, { itemtype = 684, creature = 68, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10080, { itemtype = 10267, creature = 1511, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2250.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10091, { itemtype = 685, creature = 194, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1850.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10129, { itemtype = 12361, creature = 2028, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 2965.640,2762.750,570.894, 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10141, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 1512.000,1260.900,794.865, 236.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10100, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,11,0 , 100.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10102, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,11,0 , 850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10096, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 1134.340,2443.000,791.854, 338.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10068, { itemtype = 12953, creature = 2137, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 1900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10099, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,11,0 , 2100.000,3000.000,549.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10090, { itemtype = 10268, creature = 1512, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 2800.000,1150.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10125, { itemtype = 12263, creature = 2039, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,5,0 , 200.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10135, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1774.220,1719.030,1233.140, 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10121, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 2606.250,2499.050,997.628, 269.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10143, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,12,0 , 2554.020,1349.880,435.789, 297.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10002, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,12,0 , 2713.000,1024.550,417.762, 29.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10305, { itemtype = 9597, creature = 1228, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 597.703,888.250,416.629, 174.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10304, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 1307, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 553.203,986.352,420.371, 202.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10303, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 501.844,920.750,422.799, 189.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10302, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 402, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 480.500,977.301,418.440, 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10301, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 563, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 391.297,941.625,434.416, 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10300, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 401.500,1015.000,425.582, 129.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10299, { itemtype = 899, creature = 314, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 443.797,1092.380,435.926, 120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10166, { itemtype = 542, creature = 70, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 1950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10160, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 1750.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10161, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 1750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10162, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 1850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10163, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10164, { itemtype = 542, creature = 175, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 2050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10165, { itemtype = 3427, creature = 201, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 2050.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10167, { itemtype = 542, creature = 70, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,4,-1 , 1850.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10310, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 2700.000,1850.000,0.000, 84.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10311, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 350.000,1000.000,0.000, 204.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10307, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 650.000,2200.000,0.000, 279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10309, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,7,0 , 3100.000,700.000,0.000, 61.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10308, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 1950.000,0.000,1365.000, 124.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9786, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 424.953,2302.500,454.034, 339.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9788, { itemtype = 5713, creature = 1505, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2750.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9787, { itemtype = 5713, creature = 1505, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2900.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9789, { itemtype = 5713, creature = 1505, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10341, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 2800.000,200.000,981.000 , 111.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10101, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,11,0 , 1550.000,1450.000,604.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9902, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,6,0 , 1400.000,100.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10345, { itemtype = 12182, creature = 2027, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 1,57,0 , 869.952,583.016,3116.100, 75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10146, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 2432.700,1798.240,745.590, 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10122, { itemtype = 899, creature = 639, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,9,0 , 2350.000,1750.000,638.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9971, { itemtype = 12688, creature = 2062, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,9,-1 , 1515.660,1895.150,-37.959, 321.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9986, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 161, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1787.160,546.551,1336.170, 279.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9984, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,5,0 , 1845.000,479.301,1338.860, 304.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10103, { itemtype = 12701, creature = 2029, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,11,0 , 2000.000,2250.000,576.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10075, { itemtype = 4582, creature = 2154, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,11,0 , 850.000,2250.000,636.000 , 40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10116, { itemtype = 9873, creature = 1817, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 2400.000,2450.000,0.000 , 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10115, { itemtype = 9873, creature = 1817, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 2200.000,2950.000,553.000, 323.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10114, { itemtype = 9873, creature = 1817, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 2546.550,2046.550,552.945, 263.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10104, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 1900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10117, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 1300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 132.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10118, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 1450.000,800.000,0.000 , 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10119, { itemtype = 2990, creature = 154, specialdrop = 773, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 58,11,0 , 1200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10348, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,59,0 , 2014.520,1069.020,214.260, 343.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10105, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1839, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 809.352,488.344,1149.480, 142.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10349, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 1450.000,950.000,0.000 , 178.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10350, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 282.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10351, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 1150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 309.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10352, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 1700.000,1600.000,0.000 , 173.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10353, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2005, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 1100.000,1900.000,0.000 , 166.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10354, { itemtype = 12194, creature = 2016, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,60,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 300.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10358, { itemtype = 7661, creature = 2124, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 59,10,-1 , 1500.000,1550.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10074, { itemtype = 6473, creature = 78, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 62,11,-1 , 2455.110,2769.690,-300.015, 289.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10154, { itemtype = 12953, creature = 2137, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 2330.750,2307.050,888.133, 68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10155, { itemtype = 12900, creature = 2138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 2595.700,2296.050,882.444, 315.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10158, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 1098, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 2533.250,2362.300,888.416, 336.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10157, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1082, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 2661.670,2236.700,876.709, 260.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9920, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2101, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3050.000,300.000,985.000 , 296.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10323, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 2850.000,200.000,981.000 , 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10092, { itemtype = 6480, creature = 402, equipset_id = 349, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,8,0 , 89.250,3156.900,939.876, 209.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10364, { itemtype = 7363, creature = 655, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 12,59,0 , 1660.750,1183.550,216.652, 39.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10365, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,61,0 , 2673.400,1840.300,1669.910, 235.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10366, { itemtype = 11094, creature = 1709, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 9,61,0 , 3068.250,1569.750,1567.620, 218.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10369, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1499.360,956.828,1204.720, 9.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10389, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1250.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10386, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1450.000,2150.000,0.000 , -36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10370, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1350.000,1950.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10371, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1250.000,2000.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10372, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1350.000,2050.000,0.000 , -26.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10373, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1400.000,2000.000,0.000 , -63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10374, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1300.000,1900.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10375, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1200.000,1950.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10376, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10377, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1150.000,1850.000,0.000 , 123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10378, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 153.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10379, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1450.000,1950.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10380, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1500.000,2000.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10381, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1550.000,1950.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10382, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1600.000,2000.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10383, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1550.000,2050.000,0.000 , -68.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10384, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , -53.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10385, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1450.000,2050.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10387, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1400.000,2100.000,0.000 , -33.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10388, { itemtype = 6823, creature = 2151, faction_id = 57, behaviour = "Enemy_warrior_brave_ex", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1350.000,2150.000,0.000 , -14.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10396, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2101, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 350.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10395, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2100, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 1850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10394, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 1100.000,1250.000,912.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10393, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 2900.000,2750.000,853.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10392, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2109, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,6,0 , 2550.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10391, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 1050.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10390, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,7,0 , 2250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10397, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,7,0 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10159, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2107, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 52,5,-1 , 2024.360,1734.930,-130.008, 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9923, { itemtype = 12958, creature = 2099, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,0 , 300.000,350.000,0.000 , 10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9921, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3050.000,0.000,985.000 , 113.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9929, { itemtype = 7235, creature = 823, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,0 , 785.172,1231.740,463.267, 126.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9898, { itemtype = 12263, creature = 2039, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,4,0 , 2750.000,1750.000,534.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10334, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2100, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 2800.000,150.000,0.000 , 125.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10337, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3000.000,100.000,0.000 , 97.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9919, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2100, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3100.000,150.000,0.000 , 97.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10325, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,9,0 , 0.000,150.000,0.000 , 104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10329, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,9,0 , 50.000,200.000,0.000 , -59.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9945, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2101, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,-1 , 2600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9944, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,-1 , 1250.000,700.000,0.000 , -155.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10398, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,-1 , 1300.000,900.000,0.000 , -139.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10399, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2109, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,-1 , 1600.000,850.000,0.000 , -123.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10400, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,-1 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , -138.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10401, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,-1 , 1500.000,950.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10227, { itemtype = 8289, creature = 1327, faction_id = 23, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1850.000,1700.000,4146.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10191, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1835.950,1354.750,4099.880, 311.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10208, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,52,0 , 1900.000,3000.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10207, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 2012.000,1457.410,4104.060, 30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10195, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1704.900,1040.550,4095.890, 79.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10197, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1408.800,1033.300,4101.850, 131.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10202, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 2160.300,1011.910,4102.710, 303.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10200, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 2000.000,1000.000,4100.000, 134.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10218, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,9,0 , 2400.000,2000.000,898.000 , 283.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10222, { itemtype = 12935, creature = 2051, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 250.000,1150.000,0.000 , 229.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10216, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,9,0 , 2550.000,250.000,0.000 , 253.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10221, { itemtype = 12935, creature = 2051, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,9,0 , 1700.000,1900.000,0.000 , 308.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10217, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 650.000,500.000,0.000 , 236.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10223, { itemtype = 12934, creature = 2058, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 1700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 214.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10214, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 60,9,0 , 1950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 237.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10215, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 1250.000,3050.000,0.000 , 108.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10219, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 1850.000,1450.000,0.000 , 118.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10220, { itemtype = 12933, creature = 2018, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,9,0 , 400.000,1800.000,0.000 , 266.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9792, { itemtype = 6971, creature = 313, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3105.590,452.199,939.928, 335.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9791, { itemtype = 899, creature = 1083, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3105.590,452.199,939.928, 335.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9790, { itemtype = 6532, creature = 1048, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3105.590,452.199,939.928, 335.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10335, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3150.000,200.000,0.000 , 101.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10338, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 2800.000,150.000,981.000 , 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10320, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 2900.000,200.000,981.000 , 95.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10340, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3000.000,200.000,985.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10332, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3100.000,550.000,985.000 , -55.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10331, { itemtype = 12386, creature = 2056, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3050.000,450.000,985.000 , -63.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10328, { itemtype = 12902, creature = 2100, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3050.000,400.000,974.000 , -49.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10327, { itemtype = 12385, creature = 2057, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 56,9,0 , 100.000,250.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10457, { itemtype = 7233, creature = 821, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 21,25,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10460, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 666, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,29,0 , 400.000,1600.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10458, { itemtype = 7406, creature = 718, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,29,0 , 300.000,1650.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10462, { itemtype = 2641, creature = 572, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,29,0 , 500.000,1600.000,0.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10461, { itemtype = 7329, creature = 725, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,29,0 , 550.000,1850.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10459, { itemtype = 7326, creature = 724, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 25,29,0 , 500.000,1850.000,0.000 , -10.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10464, { itemtype = 12975, creature = 2143, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 36,31,0 , 550.000,900.000,0.000 , -270.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10469, { itemtype = 7, creature = 2102, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,1,0 , 1950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10463, { itemtype = 7, creature = 2102, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 32,26,0 , 3100.000,300.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10466, { itemtype = 6629, creature = 596, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,34,0 , 750.000,1750.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10465, { itemtype = 6630, creature = 597, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 34,34,0 , 700.000,1750.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10472, { itemtype = 9598, creature = 2142, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 59,14,0 , 407.375,2175.560,1365.880, 74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10473, { itemtype = 12900, creature = 2138, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,13,0 , 2760.340,2523.700,1084.190, 292.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9796, { itemtype = 6474, creature = 446, equipset_id = 336, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,12,0 , 1537.250,1126.600,455.893, 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9795, { itemtype = 12325, creature = 2104, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 55,12,0 , 1537.250,1126.600,455.893, 11.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10486, { itemtype = 12099, creature = 2061, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,12,0 , 2000.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10501, { itemtype = 9564, creature = 1948, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,11,0 , 2178.000,3197.800,547.216, 275.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10502, { itemtype = 12854, creature = 2111, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2345.830,67.328,547.216, 249.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10503, { itemtype = 12717, creature = 2118, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2271.410,218.949,547.216, 340.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10505, { itemtype = 12104, creature = 2149, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,14,0 , 1050.000,1150.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10507, { itemtype = 12736, creature = 2117, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2450.000,200.000,0.000, -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10194, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1750.000,650.000,4148.000, 92.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10201, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1900.000,700.000,4148.000, -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10205, { itemtype = 12696, creature = 2067, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1957.900,504.594,4105.180, 18.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10209, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "dumbBehaviour", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1400.000,850.000,4148.000, 50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10190, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1500.000,800.000,4148.000, -121.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10198, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1949.800,346.547,4061.630, 165.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10196, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1800.000,0.000,4049.000 , -160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10206, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,52,0 , 1827.200,2682.910,3996.630, 105.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10204, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,52,0 , 2317.500,3104.500,4013.890, 193.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10192, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 2,53,0 , 1719.650,1408.200,4099.880, 303.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9976, { itemtype = 6627, creature = 590, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 6,52,0 , 450.000,1500.000,3543.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10509, { itemtype = 10874, creature = 1387, equipset_id = 488, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "JOB_QUESTSTAGING", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 1,57,0 , 848.780,643.609,3116.100, 4.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9910, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1200.000,1600.000,0.000 , 144.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9912, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 203.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10511, { itemtype = 12696, creature = 2067, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 19.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10512, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 850.000,1400.000,0.000 , 126.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10513, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,1450.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10515, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1200.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10514, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 900.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9917, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 900.000,1250.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9916, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,1250.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9915, { itemtype = 12090, creature = 2004, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , -36.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9914, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1100.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10518, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10517, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1350.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10516, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9935, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9934, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1100.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9932, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,900.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10520, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1350.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10519, { itemtype = 12695, creature = 2066, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9941, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9940, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,900.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9939, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1100.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9938, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1250.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9937, { itemtype = 12087, creature = 2011, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9936, { itemtype = 12085, creature = 2009, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 900.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9913, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1350.000,0.000 , -148.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10523, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10522, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10521, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1250.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9954, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1150.000,1000.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9953, { itemtype = 12095, creature = 2006, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,1150.000,0.000 , -37.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9952, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1550.000,1100.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9951, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,1200.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10530, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10529, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1150.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10528, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10527, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1300.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10526, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1450.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10525, { itemtype = 12095, creature = 2006, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10524, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9948, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1350.000,700.000,0.000 , -94.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9947, { itemtype = 12095, creature = 2006, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 850.000,1150.000,0.000 , -104.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10535, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1450.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10534, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1250.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10533, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1350.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10532, { itemtype = 12703, creature = 2064, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10531, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9955, { itemtype = 12079, creature = 1997, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,850.000,0.000 , -120.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10549, { itemtype = 12696, creature = 2067, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10548, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10547, { itemtype = 12695, creature = 2066, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10546, { itemtype = 12695, creature = 2066, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1250.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10545, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10544, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1050.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10543, { itemtype = 12097, creature = 2008, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 800.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10542, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 900.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10541, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9964, { itemtype = 12089, creature = 2003, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1500.000,1050.000,0.000 , -87.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9963, { itemtype = 12088, creature = 2002, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,1350.000,0.000 , -74.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9962, { itemtype = 12086, creature = 2010, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1000.000,1500.000,0.000 , -80.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9961, { itemtype = 12096, creature = 2007, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 800.000,1300.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9960, { itemtype = 12081, creature = 1999, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1250.000,1500.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9959, { itemtype = 12080, creature = 1998, faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 5,57,0 , 1100.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5094, { itemtype = 7116, creature = 728, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 20,24,0 , 400.000,200.000,133.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10550, { itemtype = 9564, creature = 1948, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 2100.000,100.000,592.000 , -20.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10551, { itemtype = 10646, creature = 2114, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 54,13,-1 , 1680.580,1029.050,-0.008, 72.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10022, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10179, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10181, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10186, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10229, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10230, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10231, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10238, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10240, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10241, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10274, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10314, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10315, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10316, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10317, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10318, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10319, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10362, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10363, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10367, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10368, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1730, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1793, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1794, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1795, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1837, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1841, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(1886, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(202, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2173, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2247, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2508, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2626, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2627, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2628, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2689, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2690, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2691, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2692, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2693, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2694, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2695, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2696, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2860, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2861, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2862, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2937, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2939, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2940, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(2941, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(401, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(402, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4039, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(405, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(407, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(408, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(409, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(410, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(411, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(412, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(419, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4281, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4288, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4289, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4290, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4291, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4292, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(434, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4381, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4384, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4389, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4390, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4393, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4405, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4406, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4407, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4408, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4419, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4422, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4423, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4457, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4528, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4638, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4644, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4660, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4705, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4710, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(476, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(4919, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5097, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5191, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5205, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5244, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5256, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5296, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5428, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5452, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5461, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5462, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5485, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5495, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5496, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5502, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5509, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5556, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5614, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5615, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5698, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5764, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5798, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5878, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5889, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5890, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5961, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5962, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5963, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5964, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5965, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5968, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(5993, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6061, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6062, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6063, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6064, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6065, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6066, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6067, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6068, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6069, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6070, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6071, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6072, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6125, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6126, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6127, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6128, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6140, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6141, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6142, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6143, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6144, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6145, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6146, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6147, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6148, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6149, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6150, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6151, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6152, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6153, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6154, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6155, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6157, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6158, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6160, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6167, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6169, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6170, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6171, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6185, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6348, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6363, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6440, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6471, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6472, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6473, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6478, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6591, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6601, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6697, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6715, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6782, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6912, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(6997, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7011, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7251, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7393, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7423, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7458, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7460, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7473, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7475, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7477, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7478, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7489, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7542, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7567, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7623, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7646, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7649, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7651, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7673, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7753, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7766, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7767, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7805, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7818, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7940, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7950, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(7983, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8001, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8010, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8095, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8130, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8165, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8183, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8203, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8225, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8227, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8238, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8239, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8264, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8292, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8317, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8320, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8324, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8481, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8495, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8538, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8541, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8542, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8596, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8650, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8715, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8777, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8830, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8834, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8899, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8902, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8905, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8919, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8935, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8942, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8968, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(8992, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9098, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9127, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9153, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9173, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9174, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9186, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9194, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9242, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9243, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9308, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9315, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9332, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9334, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9345, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9346, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9347, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9348, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9377, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9382, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9384, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9389, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9391, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9392, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9394, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9413, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9414, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9417, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9421, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9424, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9431, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9432, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9433, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9434, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9440, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9451, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9452, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9462, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9463, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9466, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9467, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9468, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9469, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9474, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9476, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9488, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9500, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9501, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9503, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9541, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9542, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9543, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9549, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9552, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9553, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9554, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9557, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9615, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9617, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9630, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9800, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9922, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9970, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9996, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9997, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(9998, { itemtype = 505, creature = 60, faction_id = 5, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10665, { itemtype = 7520, creature = 285, faction_id = 20, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 42,25,0 , 1856.000,1162.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10666, { itemtype = 6939, creature = 643, equipset_id = 431, faction_id = 66, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 53,30,-1 , 844.000,1937.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10694, { itemtype = 10963, creature = 1635, faction_id = 1, behaviour = "questCreatures", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 60,40,0 , 1300.650,3040.450,90.979, -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10909, { itemtype = 12772, creature = 2809, -- Lightning Lord Quest faction_id = 57, ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 0, position = { 61,42,0 , 2780.250,1470.352,224.929 , -30.000 }, }) quest.createTaskCreature(10920, { itemtype = 10644, creature = 1582, -- elite mount trader faction_id = 1, behaviour = "JOB_PRIEST", ismortal = 0, isfighting = 0, persistent = 1, position = { 43,8,0 , 2875.650,3045.450,90.979, 160.000 }, }) quest.createTaskItem(168, { position = { 38,31,0,1650,800,100,5 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(506, { position = { 46,30,0 , 1127.656,165.047,-1760.369 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 602, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(507, { position = { 29,11,0 , 2430.273,1353.309,45.235 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 594, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(519, { position = { 43,36,-2,2000,450,-107 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1004, { position = { 6,62,0 , 2700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 671, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1203, { position = { 32,8,0 , 1600.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1236, { position = { 39,18,0 , 350.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1458, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(50, { position = { 21,25,-1 , 650.953,1290.500,-76.488, 257.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1237, { position = { 39,18,0 , 350.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1458, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1264, { position = { 31,31,0 , 850.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1713, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1265, { position = { 28,31,0 , 2000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1714, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(115, { position = { 26,32,0 , 1450.000,2300.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, blueprintid = 2, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1509, { position = { 29,22,0 , 2237.300,2046.600,-170.000, 229.000 }, blueprintid = 883, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(246, { position = { 28,13,0 , 2650.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 38, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(240, { position = { 27,14,0 , 2850.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 20, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1362, { position = { 15,3,0 , 600.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1363, { position = { 16,5,0 , 1700.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1364, { position = { 16,5,0 , 1000.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(174, { position = { 28,44,0 , 2550.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1365, { position = { 16,4,0 , 900.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1366, { position = { 15,5,0 , 2400.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(198, { position = { 49,14,-1 , 1307.940,480.641,-20.356, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1548, { position = { 6,52,0 , 1500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3148, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(65, { position = { 37,24,0 , 100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 49, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1551, { position = { 6,52,0 , 350.000,100.000,3811.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3148, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1408, { position = { 17,6,0 , 1550.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1550, { position = { 5,52,0 , 600.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3148, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1549, { position = { 5,52,0 , 1050.000,2850.000,3465.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3148, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1574, { position = { 3,55,0 , 2650.000,2550.000,2849.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1635, { position = { 58,13,-1 , 1911.300,2018.800,-171.264, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3202, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1664, { position = { 11,60,0 , 2800.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1672, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(244, { position = { 28,14,0 , 1300.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 54, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(248, { position = { 28,14,0 , 700.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 119, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(372, { position = { 31,8,0 , 2300.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(245, { position = { 28,13,0 , 2100.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 842, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(369, { position = { 32,7,0 , 300.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 107, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(373, { position = { 37,19,0 , 2084.770,2320.460,1582.600, 89.000 }, blueprintid = 666, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(321, { position = { 42,10,0 , 300.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 99, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(322, { position = { 42,10,0 , 1500.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 780, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(370, { position = { 34,7,0 , 1150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1552, { position = { 59,5,0 , 2644.940,749.938,926.418, 53.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(339, { position = { 32,36,0 , 1600.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 52, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1553, { position = { 59,5,0 , 2826.750,1192.900,827.551, 83.000 }, blueprintid = 864, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1554, { position = { 59,5,0 , 2531.750,968.949,899.990, 119.000 }, blueprintid = 695, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1555, { position = { 59,5,0 , 2201.660,1261.510,923.074, 264.000 }, blueprintid = 598, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(371, { position = { 31,8,0 , 700.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 97, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1576, { position = { 1,56,0 , 2200.000,150.000,3342.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1577, { position = { 2,56,0 , 200.000,2450.000,2749.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3377, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(417, { position = { 16,44,0 , 1550.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 43, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(432, { position = { 21,21,0 , 2500.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(81, { position = { 20,32,0 , 2700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 588, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(441, { position = { 30,34,0 , 2050.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 592, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(471, { position = { 30,59,0 , 2277.140,2292.420,534.293, 120.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(477, { position = { 42,7,0 , 2692.910,1393.250,1334.220, 115.000 }, blueprintid = 598, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(456, { position = { 35,36,0 , 2412.090,34.070,1300.980, 187.000 }, blueprintid = 2593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(167, { position = { 27,26,0 , 350.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 602, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(459, { position = { 35,36,0 , 2063.750,5.953,1303.990, 151.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(472, { position = { 45,19,0 , 2200.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(473, { position = { 26,16,0 , 2650.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 55, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(474, { position = { 38,40,0 , 2100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1243, { position = { 37,18,0 , 700.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1582, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1476, { position = { 56,56,0 , 1800.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3045, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1477, { position = { 56,56,0 , 1900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3050, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1516, { position = { 2,61,0 , 1906.230,598.047,2290.730, 10.000 }, blueprintid = 844, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(501, { position = { 11,51,0 , 2150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 601, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(502, { position = { 11,51,0 , 1600.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 49, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(504, { position = { 33,58,0 , 1500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 51, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(460, { position = { 35,36,0 , 2099.840,16.156,1305.240, 115.000 }, blueprintid = 367, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(505, { position = { 33,56,0 , 1300.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 602, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1204, { position = { 46,47,0 , 1074.000,1782.000,830.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1207, { position = { 46,48,0 , 898.000,217.000,335.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1205, { position = { 46,48,0 , 2562.000,822.000,455.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1206, { position = { 46,47,0 , 2017.000,650.000,1447.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1209, { position = { 46,47,0 , 2958.000,76.000,1839.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1208, { position = { 46,46,0 , 1859.000,1856.000,1775.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1580, { position = { 56,12,0 , 400.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1584, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1240, { position = { 14,5,0 , 550.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 705, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1581, { position = { 56,12,0 , 200.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1671, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(548, { position = { 37,27,0 , 1050.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(552, { position = { 37,27,0 , 2500.000,200.000,0.000 , 198.000 }, blueprintid = 602, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(429, { position = { 26,28,0 , 2450.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 587, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1306, { position = { 28,14,0 , 1100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 664, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1637, { position = { 54,7,0 , 1987.340,23.150,1340.220, 73.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1336, { position = { 8,10,0 , 3100.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 755, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1638, { position = { 55,7,0 , 2742.910,1855.600,1187.280, 274.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1639, { position = { 55,7,0 , 609.500,2216.800,986.847, 187.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1640, { position = { 53,7,0 , 3122.200,712.600,754.876, 324.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1641, { position = { 55,7,0 , 357.703,1030.080,1490.380, 4.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1642, { position = { 54,7,0 , 500.000,2900.000,446.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3211, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1643, { position = { 54,7,0 , 250.000,2900.000,461.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3210, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1513, { position = { 27,27,0 , 950.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3362, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1578, { position = { 55,5,0 , 1100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3362, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1579, { position = { 55,5,0 , 1750.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1671, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1556, { position = { 3,53,0 , 1100.000,950.000,1544.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3376, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(576, { position = { 12,23,0 , 700.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(468, { position = { 20,24,0 , 2700.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 590, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1241, { position = { 39,18,0 , 350.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1458, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1242, { position = { 39,18,0 , 350.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1458, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1472, { position = { 56,54,0 , 2860.660,144.594,1326.480, 192.000 }, blueprintid = 2995, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1307, { position = { 18,3,0 , 1750.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1688, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(377, { position = { 17,29,0 , 1992.550,2430.400,252.188, 247.000 }, blueprintid = 635, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1473, { position = { 57,54,0 , 200.000,300.000,0.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2995, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1368, { position = { 16,4,0 , 550.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1369, { position = { 14,3,0 , 1000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1471, { position = { 56,53,0 , 2050.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1370, { position = { 15,3,0 , 1150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1371, { position = { 14,3,0 , 3000.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1372, { position = { 15,3,0 , 100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1557, { position = { 6,61,0 , 2450.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3151, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1558, { position = { 6,61,0 , 2650.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3150, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1645, { position = { 5,53,0 , 250.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3149, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(42, { position = { 19,28,0 , 530.398,1853.300,0.007, 272.000 }, blueprintid = 47, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(150, { position = { 25,30,-1 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1373, { position = { 14,3,0 , 2050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1411, { position = { 17,5,0 , 800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1518, { position = { 2,61,0 , 1954.300,1198.090,2293.680, 99.000 }, blueprintid = 844, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1412, { position = { 17,5,0 , 900.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 636, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1413, { position = { 17,12,0 , 2250.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 743, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1519, { position = { 2,61,0 , 1760.350,1685.000,2313.050, 98.000 }, blueprintid = 844, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1520, { position = { 2,61,0 , 1437.720,433.453,2307.230, 5.000 }, blueprintid = 844, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(41, { position = { 19,28,0 , 526.051,1915.530,0.001, 34.000 }, blueprintid = 42, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(40, { position = { 19,28,0 , 532.449,1786.100,0.001, 224.000 }, blueprintid = 46, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1245, { position = { 38,23,0 , 2950.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1521, { position = { 5,60,0 , 2050.000,600.000,1871.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2557, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(119, { position = { 27,25,-1 , 1014.190,2205.340,10.089, 357.000 }, blueprintid = 605, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(378, { position = { 24,28,-1 , 900.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 367, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(640, { position = { 28,22,0 , 2154.800,1755.300,-481.900, 295.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(641, { position = { 29,22,0 , 251.953,1368.800,-565.561, 110.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(642, { position = { 29,22,0 , 1316.700,154.953,-481.899, 146.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(643, { position = { 29,22,0 , 1700.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1375, { position = { 16,5,0 , 2400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(442, { position = { 30,34,0 , 2850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(647, { position = { 29,24,0 , 1150.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 107, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(652, { position = { 22,27,-1 , 1200.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 598, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(653, { position = { 22,27,-1 , 690.797,2319.650,-89.914, 306.000 }, blueprintid = 699, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1586, { position = { 60,11,0 , 1600.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(656, { position = { 22,27,0 , 2250.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 752, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(655, { position = { 22,27,0 , 2250.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 751, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(654, { position = { 22,27,0 , 2200.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 748, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1587, { position = { 59,11,0 , 1050.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1588, { position = { 59,11,0 , 800.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(658, { position = { 28,23,-1 , 150.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1589, { position = { 59,11,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(659, { position = { 24,27,0 , 1400.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 605, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1590, { position = { 59,11,0 , 1750.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1499, { position = { 52,9,0 , 2700.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1591, { position = { 59,11,0 , 2850.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2369, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(671, { position = { 30,24,0 , 2200.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(674, { position = { 32,39,0 , 1600.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1488, { position = { 21,38,0 , 1150.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1484, { position = { 30,30,0 , 2600.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(76, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 854.949,1763.600,-113.432, 94.000 }, blueprintid = 702, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(72, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 904.250,1601.950,-94.739, 132.000 }, blueprintid = 703, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(78, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 906.043,1853.910,-117.074, 8.000 }, blueprintid = 702, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(77, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 841.301,1668.100,-98.571, 91.000 }, blueprintid = 702, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(257, { position = { 27,27,-1 , 2250.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 629, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1483, { position = { 29,26,0 , 2758.300,2147.900,451.000, 47.000 }, blueprintid = 3115, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1481, { position = { 30,30,0 , 1807.750,721.703,140.632, 22.000 }, blueprintid = 3116, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1480, { position = { 30,30,0 , 1727.020,738.773,141.787, 209.000 }, blueprintid = 3117, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1482, { position = { 30,30,0 , 1775.350,800.602,139.161, 205.000 }, blueprintid = 3118, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1485, { position = { 21,38,0 , 2150.300,2425.000,3122.700, 154.000 }, blueprintid = 3118, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1486, { position = { 21,38,0 , 1967.570,2496.160,3161.350, 194.000 }, blueprintid = 3115, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1487, { position = { 21,38,0 , 2066.090,2312.120,3129.650, 46.000 }, blueprintid = 3117, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(309, { position = { 23,29,-2 , 1650.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(361, { position = { 29,23,0 , 1500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 747, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(660, { position = { 24,27,0 , 1650.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 778, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(662, { position = { 22,30,0 , 2245.400,2472.500,4.576, 198.000 }, blueprintid = 781, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1525, { position = { 56,3,0 , 1600.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2827, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(670, { position = { 29,32,0 , 600.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 767, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(668, { position = { 28,31,0 , 2300.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 765, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(669, { position = { 29,33,0 , 1550.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 766, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1593, { position = { 54,8,0 , 1739.000,3039.050,680.164, 336.000 }, blueprintid = 1805, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1592, { position = { 55,8,0 , 474.453,2289.550,700.963, 234.000 }, blueprintid = 1805, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(673, { position = { 18,32,0 , 3050.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 754, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(691, { position = { 19,32,0 , 2100.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 754, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1594, { position = { 54,8,0 , 381.547,1769.950,551.364, 266.000 }, blueprintid = 1805, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(692, { position = { 19,32,0 , 1050.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 754, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(693, { position = { 19,32,0 , 1450.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 754, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(694, { position = { 18,32,0 , 1400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 754, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(165, { position = { 24,29,0 , 1600.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 53, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(470, { position = { 16,29,-1 , 850.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 695, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(566, { position = { 37,24,0 , 2550.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 706, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(316, { position = { 16,29,0 , 1650.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1314, { position = { 34,46,0 , 400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1216, { position = { 43,45,0 , 1900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1277, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(36, { position = { 16,22,0 , 1250.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 43, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(35, { position = { 16,22,0 , 1100.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(37, { position = { 16,22,0 , 1100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 49, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1272, { position = { 41,17,0 , 100.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 587, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(702, { position = { 25,24,-1 , 1950.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 367, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(498, { position = { 23,23,0 , 2650.000,2550.000,0.000, 76.000 }, blueprintid = 112, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(705, { position = { 38,42,0 , 477.750,1181.800,142.873, 140.000 }, blueprintid = 727, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(708, { position = { 44,39,0 , 900.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 751, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(709, { position = { 44,39,0 , 1650.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 601, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(710, { position = { 44,39,0 , 2400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 704, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(711, { position = { 44,39,0 , 2000.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 602, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(732, { position = { 43,40,0 , 2900.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1342, { position = { 33,19,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2162, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(94, { position = { 35,29,0 , 1650.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 865, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(714, { position = { 36,37,0 , 2950.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 869, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1376, { position = { 14,3,0 , 1550.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(717, { position = { 36,40,0 , 1500.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(720, { position = { 34,43,-1 , 1250.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(721, { position = { 34,40,0 , 2250.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 841, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(639, { position = { 23,34,0 , 3000.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 853, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(722, { position = { 28,41,0 , 2700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(723, { position = { 42,45,0 , 1318.050,2020.200,1700.840, 204.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(725, { position = { 42,46,0 , 200.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 877, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(727, { position = { 40,36,0 , 2550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 53, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(728, { position = { 40,36,0 , 2600.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 695, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(729, { position = { 40,36,0 , 2450.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 660, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(730, { position = { 42,48,0 , 1700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 341, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(517, { position = { 34,39,0 , 2200.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 728, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(479, { position = { 30,40,0 , 1050.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(733, { position = { 41,37,0 , 3100.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 881, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(731, { position = { 44,39,-1 , 950.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 769, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(736, { position = { 43,41,0 , 933.750,2748.250,1305.460, 270.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(554, { position = { 39,47,0 , 2350.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 757, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(549, { position = { 40,47,0 , 250.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 756, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(553, { position = { 40,47,0 , 250.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(557, { position = { 39,47,0 , 1850.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(556, { position = { 39,47,0 , 1800.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 758, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(560, { position = { 40,47,0 , 500.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 760, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(561, { position = { 40,47,0 , 500.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(558, { position = { 39,47,0 , 3000.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 759, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(559, { position = { 39,47,0 , 2950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(563, { position = { 40,47,0 , 1500.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(562, { position = { 40,47,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 761, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(564, { position = { 40,47,0 , 2100.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 762, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(565, { position = { 40,47,0 , 2050.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(555, { position = { 39,47,0 , 2400.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1489, { position = { 57,54,0 , 0.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1526, { position = { 57,3,0 , 3000.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2423, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1595, { position = { 53,8,0 , 1875.160,2753.650,633.798, 258.000 }, blueprintid = 1805, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(330, { position = { 32,38,0 , 2300.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1596, { position = { 54,9,0 , 108.094,406.000,447.761, 89.000 }, blueprintid = 1805, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(738, { position = { 45,43,-1 , 950.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 704, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(737, { position = { 41,47,-1 , 2750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1598, { position = { 59,11,0 , 850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3200, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(712, { position = { 38,37,-1 , 1650.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 727, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(745, { position = { 40,38,-1 , 550.000,2350.000,0.000 , 260.000 }, blueprintid = 843, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(544, { position = { 21,7,0 , 2560.650,778.051,269.144, 233.000 }, blueprintid = 659, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(546, { position = { 21,7,0 , 2585.400,759.750,269.144, 237.000 }, blueprintid = 659, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(425, { position = { 21,7,0 , 2589.750,842.250,269.144, 227.000 }, blueprintid = 652, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(547, { position = { 21,7,0 , 2494.150,874.699,269.144, 154.000 }, blueprintid = 656, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(545, { position = { 21,7,0 , 2620.410,737.391,269.144, 16.000 }, blueprintid = 659, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(749, { position = { 34,39,0 , 2750.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1269, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(755, { position = { 37,47,0 , 800.000,300.000,0.000 , 348.000 }, blueprintid = 868, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(757, { position = { 37,47,0 , 1050.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(713, { position = { 27,42,0 , 1400.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 799, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(747, { position = { 30,45,0 , 2900.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(739, { position = { 27,37,0 , 1202.800,870.398,360.852, 18.000 }, blueprintid = 1347, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(763, { position = { 39,35,-1 , 700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1285, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1315, { position = { 32,17,0 , 2700.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(769, { position = { 37,44,0 , 2950.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1344, { position = { 38,21,0 , 1679.050,2311.150,21.312, 194.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(783, { position = { 16,53,0 , 50.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1576, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(787, { position = { 15,53,0 , 200.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1579, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(767, { position = { 41,37,0 , 2292.020,680.281,928.154, 300.000 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1377, { position = { 16,5,0 , 350.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1378, { position = { 15,4,0 , 2900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(771, { position = { 23,35,0 , 150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 592, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(719, { position = { 38,37,-1 , 2450.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 883, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1379, { position = { 15,3,0 , 1400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(418, { position = { 11,50,0 , 200.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 602, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1380, { position = { 14,3,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1381, { position = { 15,5,0 , 2400.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1382, { position = { 16,5,0 , 350.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1383, { position = { 15,5,0 , 2000.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1384, { position = { 15,3,0 , 850.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1385, { position = { 16,5,0 , 500.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1386, { position = { 15,4,0 , 1950.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1387, { position = { 15,5,0 , 2050.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(776, { position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(778, { position = { 16,52,0 , 450.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 43, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1388, { position = { 14,5,0 , 2750.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1389, { position = { 15,5,0 , 250.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1317, { position = { 33,17,0 , 0.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2331, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(788, { position = { 15,52,0 , 450.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1218, { position = { 31,8,-1 , 3013.980,2535.950,-117.302, 168.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1249, { position = { 14,4,0 , 300.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 880, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1420, { position = { 16,51,-2 , 2500.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1710, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1283, { position = { 30,44,-1 , 1350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 753, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(421, { position = { 33,57,0 , 2745.750,2416.250,1211.170, 125.000 }, blueprintid = 746, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(420, { position = { 33,57,0 , 2277.900,2342.910,1203.010, 319.000 }, blueprintid = 745, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1284, { position = { 30,44,-1 , 1300.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 753, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(793, { position = { 25,39,0 , 1882.300,454.203,1377.240, 213.000 }, blueprintid = 729, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(794, { position = { 25,39,0 , 1818.750,293.250,1359.960, 310.000 }, blueprintid = 729, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1441, { position = { 55,55,0 , 2850.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1285, { position = { 30,44,-1 , 1500.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 753, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1286, { position = { 30,44,-1 , 1400.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 753, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1345, { position = { 30,14,0 , 100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 863, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1603, { position = { 58,11,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1390, { position = { 15,5,0 , 2750.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1391, { position = { 15,4,0 , 2350.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1392, { position = { 16,5,0 , 2000.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1393, { position = { 16,5,0 , 0.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1394, { position = { 14,5,0 , 3150.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 900, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(807, { position = { 11,52,0 , 2250.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 43, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(821, { position = { 20,47,-1 , 2750.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1494, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(822, { position = { 20,47,-1 , 2750.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1494, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1219, { position = { 47,46,0 , 762.203,2792.340,2494.070, 310.000 }, blueprintid = 863, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(147, { position = { 23,30,-1 , 200.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 625, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(825, { position = { 20,24,0 , 450.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 764, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(836, { position = { 20,24,-1 , 1266.450,2900.900,-111.852, 322.000 }, blueprintid = 703, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1444, { position = { 56,56,0 , 2650.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3015, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1528, { position = { 56,9,0 , 211.797,1324.300,1126.350, 149.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1604, { position = { 58,11,0 , 2950.250,2028.400,583.123, 259.000 }, blueprintid = 3342, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(839, { position = { 23,47,0 , 0.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(840, { position = { 23,47,0 , 0.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(849, { position = { 20,25,0 , 900.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(853, { position = { 19,47,0 , 950.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(855, { position = { 33,27,0 , 2550.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 668, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(856, { position = { 33,27,0 , 1900.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 668, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(857, { position = { 33,27,0 , 2250.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 668, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(897, { position = { 16,48,0 , 2900.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 43, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(859, { position = { 19,49,0 , 800.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 53, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1252, { position = { 21,29,-1 , 1600.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 605, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(858, { position = { 19,49,0 , 800.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 53, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(534, { position = { 33,59,-1 , 350.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 843, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1492, { position = { 57,12,0 , 2600.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1584, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1293, { position = { 28,43,0 , 2300.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1684, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(895, { position = { 17,25,-1 , 3150.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1495, { position = { 58,13,0 , 585.797,421.352,537.018, 282.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1605, { position = { 54,9,0 , 2318.100,775.800,870.826, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 596, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1606, { position = { 52,7,0 , 2910.350,2921.850,697.125, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 596, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(426, { position = { 29,29,0 , 250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(867, { position = { 28,29,0 , 3100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(868, { position = { 28,29,0 , 2950.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(869, { position = { 28,29,0 , 3050.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(870, { position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(871, { position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(872, { position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(873, { position = { 29,29,0 , 50.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(874, { position = { 29,29,0 , 150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(875, { position = { 29,29,0 , 250.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 593, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1607, { position = { 53,10,0 , 1750.000,1000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 596, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1652, { position = { 52,9,0 , 2600.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1653, { position = { 52,9,0 , 2650.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1654, { position = { 52,9,0 , 2500.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1655, { position = { 52,9,0 , 2850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(886, { position = { 33,41,0 , 150.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1531, { position = { 4,61,0 , 300.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3375, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1530, { position = { 4,61,0 , 300.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3374, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1529, { position = { 4,62,0 , 300.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3373, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(890, { position = { 14,21,0 , 750.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(910, { position = { 14,51,0 , 3000.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1706, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(906, { position = { 20,29,0 , 1100.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 702, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(909, { position = { 14,51,0 , 2600.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(911, { position = { 24,33,0 , 3050.000,300.000,0.000 , 141.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(914, { position = { 13,50,0 , 2300.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 713, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(915, { position = { 25,32,0 , 2704.500,2025.450,186.248, 278.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(916, { position = { 28,24,0 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(920, { position = { 27,24,0 , 1602.000,1590.750,-46.631, 24.000 }, blueprintid = 1551, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(921, { position = { 27,24,0 , 1031.000,1475.950,37.269, 40.000 }, blueprintid = 1548, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(938, { position = { 16,46,0 , 2650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(939, { position = { 13,49,0 , 1550.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(789, { position = { 11,44,0 , 2000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1578, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(790, { position = { 13,45,0 , 150.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1585, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(791, { position = { 14,44,0 , 2000.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1577, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(785, { position = { 19,46,0 , 850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1578, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(784, { position = { 20,44,0 , 900.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1585, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(777, { position = { 19,46,0 , 1000.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1577, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(947, { position = { 18,47,0 , 2300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1601, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(946, { position = { 18,46,0 , 2200.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1601, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1221, { position = { 45,46,0 , 1850.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 759, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(422, { position = { 50,31,0 , 50.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 742, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(971, { position = { 15,46,-1 , 2300.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 559, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(79, { position = { 22,29,0 , 792.297,2611.550,340.705, 96.000 }, blueprintid = 49, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(948, { position = { 19,25,0 , 1900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 772, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(951, { position = { 16,49,0 , 100.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 44, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(950, { position = { 24,25,0 , 250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(954, { position = { 22,47,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 703, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(424, { position = { 12,16,-1 , 2331.850,1107.700,423.213, 250.000 }, blueprintid = 598, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(962, { position = { 32,58,0 , 1450.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 747, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(965, { position = { 32,58,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 770, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(970, { position = { 17,49,-1 , 1100.000,2600.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(977, { position = { 42,56,-1 , 1900.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 357, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(973, { position = { 14,25,-1 , 1662.100,1131.900,-109.042, 19.000 }, blueprintid = 629, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(917, { position = { 24,47,0 , 2400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 963, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1397, { position = { 40,13,0 , 450.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1763, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(675, { position = { 32,40,0 , 1050.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1003, { position = { 61,42,0 , 1200.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1819, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1222, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 2350.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 598, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1230, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 1750.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1514, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1228, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 1900.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1518, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1398, { position = { 17,3,0 , 2150.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 880, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1223, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 1800.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 815, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1231, { position = { 20,26,-1 , 1700.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(991, { position = { 35,58,-1 , 2550.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1705, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1296, { position = { 28,43,0 , 2300.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1684, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(985, { position = { 28,46,-1 , 1650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 841, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(988, { position = { 45,55,-1 , 381.094,184.047,424.450, 256.000 }, blueprintid = 845, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1297, { position = { 28,43,0 , 2250.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1684, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(986, { position = { 17,45,0 , 2500.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 657, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(423, { position = { 61,35,0 , 500.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1671, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1329, { position = { 14,7,0 , 1100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 723, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(992, { position = { 20,43,0 , 400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2355, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(994, { position = { 56,36,0 , 1750.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1007, { position = { 61,37,0 , 2050.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(996, { position = { 56,30,0 , 1300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1515, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1450, { position = { 56,56,0 , 2700.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2994, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1496, { position = { 54,9,0 , 2759.130,2303.770,755.269, 75.000 }, blueprintid = 2423, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1497, { position = { 54,8,0 , 1133.280,2699.380,585.308, 281.000 }, blueprintid = 703, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1498, { position = { 55,9,0 , 339.047,228.150,841.112, 264.000 }, blueprintid = 2423, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1500, { position = { 55,9,0 , 3003.450,1896.450,1253.200, 22.000 }, blueprintid = 1582, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(802, { position = { 25,39,0 , 500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 747, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(798, { position = { 25,39,0 , 500.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 770, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1536, { position = { 56,12,0 , 1200.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2160, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1005, { position = { 22,33,0 , 2750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1537, { position = { 57,11,0 , 3100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2160, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(334, { position = { 32,7,0 , 1900.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1538, { position = { 57,11,0 , 1386.500,1599.300,607.302, 334.000 }, blueprintid = 1495, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1535, { position = { 56,12,0 , 2480.000,433.449,436.443, 272.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1534, { position = { 57,12,0 , 149.594,2063.600,439.628, 136.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1008, { position = { 58,40,0 , 2650.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1581, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1009, { position = { 58,38,0 , 1650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(201, { position = { 35,19,0 , 600.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1010, { position = { 34,32,-1 , 1433.250,2416.750,-99.266, 300.000 }, blueprintid = 759, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1011, { position = { 37,19,0 , 2050.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 842, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1012, { position = { 51,34,0 , 2529.660,856.453,-1471.690, 121.000 }, blueprintid = 361, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1014, { position = { 51,34,0 , 3020.660,2916.950,-996.777, 114.000 }, blueprintid = 361, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1015, { position = { 51,33,0 , 2352.050,3055.700,-1579.030, 199.000 }, blueprintid = 361, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1016, { position = { 51,34,0 , 2192.810,2685.800,-1014.720, 149.000 }, blueprintid = 361, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1017, { position = { 51,34,0 , 2691.940,1515.650,-1361.160, 273.000 }, blueprintid = 361, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1018, { position = { 33,10,0 , 1858.500,1521.720,2927.780, 89.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1019, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1020, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1021, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1022, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1023, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1024, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1026, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1025, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1027, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1028, { position = { 52,34,0 , 1200.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 768, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1029, { position = { 36,11,0 , 2850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 880, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1030, { position = { 36,11,0 , 2450.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1031, { position = { 36,27,0 , 250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 756, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1035, { position = { 56,36,0 , 650.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1582, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1036, { position = { 56,36,0 , 650.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1582, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1037, { position = { 55,37,0 , 2900.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1582, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1038, { position = { 55,37,0 , 2900.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1582, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1039, { position = { 35,57,-1 , 3150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(999, { position = { 56,29,0 , 600.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1515, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1043, { position = { 52,28,0 , 550.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1515, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1224, { position = { 38,21,0 , 450.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 55, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1225, { position = { 38,21,0 , 850.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 637, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1453, { position = { 56,55,0 , 2550.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2999, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1533, { position = { 56,12,0 , 2648.950,2604.900,447.695, 157.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1532, { position = { 56,12,0 , 2943.500,1919.500,407.434, 67.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1610, { position = { 58,6,0 , 1750.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1687, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1611, { position = { 60,6,0 , 800.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1581, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1612, { position = { 60,5,0 , 200.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2160, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1613, { position = { 61,12,0 , 100.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 664, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1330, { position = { 12,14,0 , 2550.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2370, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1334, { position = { 14,13,0 , 2850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2371, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1352, { position = { 17,14,0 , 2250.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1495, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1354, { position = { 18,7,0 , 150.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 44, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1623, { position = { 57,10,0 , 2150.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3201, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1357, { position = { 14,10,0 , 2150.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1741, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1399, { position = { 15,5,0 , 450.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 704, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(990, { position = { 16,51,-2 , 2500.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1709, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1063, { position = { 45,56,-2 , 350.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 747, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1226, { position = { 20,28,0 , 2150.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1261, { position = { 32,29,0 , 150.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1424, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1070, { position = { 55,25,0 , 500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 55, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1071, { position = { 56,26,0 , 2800.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 57, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1299, { position = { 37,36,0 , 2500.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1550, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1072, { position = { 56,26,0 , 2800.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 57, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1301, { position = { 38,36,0 , 350.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1550, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1073, { position = { 56,26,0 , 2800.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 57, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1078, { position = { 29,28,0 , 1850.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1824, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1401, { position = { 17,15,0 , 1550.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 953, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1080, { position = { 29,28,0 , 1800.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 628, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1404, { position = { 17,15,0 , 1873.350,850.352,460.987, 11.000 }, blueprintid = 727, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(126, { position = { 31,23,0 , 1300.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 588, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1407, { position = { 16,14,0 , 2950.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2371, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1084, { position = { 61,33,0 , 2550.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1285, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1086, { position = { 61,33,0 , 2700.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1285, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1087, { position = { 62,33,0 , 100.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1285, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1088, { position = { 62,34,0 , 650.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1285, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1089, { position = { 62,34,0 , 200.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1285, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(707, { position = { 34,37,0 , 1200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 866, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1094, { position = { 49,27,0 , 3150.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1097, { position = { 50,33,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1098, { position = { 50,33,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1099, { position = { 50,33,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1100, { position = { 50,33,0 , 2700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1101, { position = { 50,33,0 , 2750.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1233, { position = { 14,5,0 , 550.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 704, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1262, { position = { 44,20,0 , 1283.450,1723.800,1999.370, 317.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1115, { position = { 59,29,0 , 350.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1116, { position = { 59,29,0 , 950.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1117, { position = { 59,30,0 , 900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1118, { position = { 59,29,0 , 400.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1403, { position = { 16,2,0 , 3050.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 880, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1119, { position = { 59,29,0 , 100.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1103, { position = { 56,29,0 , 750.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 665, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1109, { position = { 57,25,0 , 2466.090,2575.300,-1724.190, 22.000 }, blueprintid = 589, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1112, { position = { 23,33,0 , 1259.750,2566.850,10.703, 186.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(661, { position = { 24,27,0 , 1450.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 662, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1113, { position = { 28,24,0 , 1800.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 750, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1114, { position = { 59,25,0 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1601, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1464, { position = { 59,55,0 , 350.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2998, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1465, { position = { 58,55,0 , 1750.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2996, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1467, { position = { 58,56,0 , 2850.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2997, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(759, { position = { 13,47,0 , 150.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 591, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1083, { position = { 54,30,0 , 2250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 45, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1461, { position = { 56,53,0 , 450.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3000, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1460, { position = { 56,53,0 , 700.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3001, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1123, { position = { 59,23,0 , 1700.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1124, { position = { 61,24,0 , 2950.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1122, { position = { 58,24,0 , 1950.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 639, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1539, { position = { 6,62,0 , 2700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 671, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1614, { position = { 60,11,0 , 129.453,1626.500,770.871, 55.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1615, { position = { 59,11,0 , 2197.550,1800.300,610.544, 253.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1129, { position = { 58,25,0 , 1350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1706, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1616, { position = { 59,11,0 , 1274.470,772.926,600.575, 226.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1130, { position = { 58,25,0 , 1250.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1706, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1128, { position = { 58,25,0 , 1150.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1706, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1617, { position = { 59,11,0 , 2534.090,2690.700,628.498, 170.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1131, { position = { 57,26,0 , 2250.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1706, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1618, { position = { 59,11,0 , 2463.590,187.398,627.348, 340.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1133, { position = { 20,43,0 , 440.000,1250.000,0.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1536, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1619, { position = { 60,11,0 , 237.750,1047.200,759.632, 355.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1135, { position = { 45,58,-1 , 1000.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 747, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1143, { position = { 30,47,0 , 2595.150,3099.800,10.985, 234.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1136, { position = { 50,26,-1 , 600.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 44, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1167, { position = { 33,19,0 , 450.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 41, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1137, { position = { 31,10,-1 , 2000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 662, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1458, { position = { 56,53,-1 , 710.094,2121.500,-60.046, 343.000 }, blueprintid = 1832, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1171, { position = { 33,19,0 , 1950.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 618, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1505, { position = { 53,13,0 , 3000.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 107, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1506, { position = { 54,13,0 , 50.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1144, { position = { 30,48,0 , 1500.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1145, { position = { 31,47,0 , 1050.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1507, { position = { 52,9,0 , 1400.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 841, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1146, { position = { 31,47,0 , 400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1147, { position = { 30,47,0 , 3050.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1540, { position = { 60,9,0 , 2050.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1596, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1148, { position = { 30,47,0 , 2950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 867, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1149, { position = { 52,27,0 , 2600.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1581, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1150, { position = { 31,9,-1 , 1650.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 753, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1151, { position = { 49,30,0 , 2250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 869, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1157, { position = { 57,28,0 , 100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1158, { position = { 30,33,0 , 2600.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 751, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1620, { position = { 60,11,0 , 496.250,3039.650,669.204, 113.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1621, { position = { 60,11,0 , 515.203,89.500,650.012, 278.000 }, blueprintid = 595, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1545, { position = { 61,13,0 , 2700.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3203, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1542, { position = { 61,13,0 , 550.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3203, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1543, { position = { 61,13,0 , 1200.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3203, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1544, { position = { 61,14,0 , 1300.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3203, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1169, { position = { 29,17,0 , 227.750,2114.650,2055.150, 51.000 }, blueprintid = 782, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1541, { position = { 61,14,0 , 600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3203, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1504, { position = { 55,12,0 , 458.234,1195.240,514.748, 35.000 }, blueprintid = 635, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1173, { position = { 33,19,0 , 2600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 754, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1463, { position = { 56,53,-1 , 900.328,2128.140,-60.028, 344.000 }, blueprintid = 598, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1238, { position = { 38,16,0 , 1700.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 603, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1180, { position = { 37,43,0 , 600.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 704, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(983, { position = { 32,40,-1 , 2150.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 696, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1110, { position = { 57,25,0 , 2619.750,2536.450,-1736.100, 90.000 }, blueprintid = 57, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(200, { position = { 39,15,0 , 1571.280,1420.250,2577.200, 272.000 }, blueprintid = 779, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1175, { position = { 34,19,0 , 200.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 2161, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1111, { position = { 57,25,0 , 2494.750,2525.800,-1733.340, 30.000 }, blueprintid = 57, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1183, { position = { 37,12,0 , 50.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 603, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1185, { position = { 33,10,0 , 800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 603, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1186, { position = { 47,19,0 , 1400.910,328.898,958.096, 197.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1187, { position = { 47,19,0 , 1394.410,299.051,958.893, 325.000 }, blueprintid = 729, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1547, { position = { 5,52,0 , 1900.000,150.000,0.000 , 282.000 }, blueprintid = 3148, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1190, { position = { 46,21,0 , 2750.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 44, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1193, { position = { 45,22,0 , 3124.200,119.750,549.241, 147.000 }, blueprintid = 842, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(202, { position = { 36,11,-2 , 2700.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1596, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1194, { position = { 45,19,0 , 100.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 880, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1629, { position = { 60,12,0 , 2750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1195, { position = { 38,18,0 , 2300.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 781, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1625, { position = { 60,12,0 , 2750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1196, { position = { 36,12,0 , 0.000,2800.000,0.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 995, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1626, { position = { 60,12,0 , 2750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1197, { position = { 37,12,0 , 1639.670,2925.260,757.901, 311.000 }, blueprintid = 995, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1627, { position = { 60,12,0 , 2750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1198, { position = { 36,13,0 , 1100.000,850.000,0.000, 0.000 }, blueprintid = 995, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1628, { position = { 60,12,0 , 2750.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1630, { position = { 58,12,0 , 2650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1631, { position = { 60,12,0 , 2350.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1199, { position = { 37,12,0 , 750.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 107, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1202, { position = { 36,44,0 , 1450.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 773, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1632, { position = { 59,12,0 , 350.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1633, { position = { 59,12,0 , 2950.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1634, { position = { 59,12,0 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 50, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1667, { position = { 25,29,0 , 500.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 863, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1668, { position = { 32,26,0 , 3100.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3202, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1670, { position = { 61,13,0 , 1000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 3203, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1676, { position = { 59,14,0 , 400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 1597, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1673, { position = { 59,14,0 , 1900.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1672, { position = { 60,14,0 , 2927.160,2218.500,1046.330, 73.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1671, { position = { 61,14,0 , 1800.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 599, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createTaskItem(1679, { position = { 55,12,0 , 2650.970,788.840,485.513, 180.000 }, blueprintid = 635, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1680, { position = { 55,12,0 , 2556.360,56.578,459.311, 206.000 }, blueprintid = 635, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1681, { position = { 55,11,0 , 1089.800,2016.570,570.081, 338.000 }, blueprintid = 635, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1682, { position = { 55,12,0 , 220.484,1253.180,498.997, 286.000 }, blueprintid = 635, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1001, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1002, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1033, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1044, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1045, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1046, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1047, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1048, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1049, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1050, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1051, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1052, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1053, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1054, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1055, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1056, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1057, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1058, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1059, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1060, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1061, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1062, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1065, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1069, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1074, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1075, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1076, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1092, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1138, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1139, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1142, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1153, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1155, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1156, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1164, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1165, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1168, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1170, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1172, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1174, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1176, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1177, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1181, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1188, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1189, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1212, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1213, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1214, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1217, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1227, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1232, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1234, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1235, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1239, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1246, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1247, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1248, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1259, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1260, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1266, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1271, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1273, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1274, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1275, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1277, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1278, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1279, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1280, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1281, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1287, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1288, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1289, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1290, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1292, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1295, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1302, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1308, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1313, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1319, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1320, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1323, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1324, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1326, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1327, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1328, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1335, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1341, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1349, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1350, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1351, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1358, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1360, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1374, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1396, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1406, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1414, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1415, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1416, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1422, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1425, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1433, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1435, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1454, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1475, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1493, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1494, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1502, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1503, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1512, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1564, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1575, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1582, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1583, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1585, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1599, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1600, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1601, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1602, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1624, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1644, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1648, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1660, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1661, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1666, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1674, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(1675, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(205, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(206, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(223, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(234, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(318, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(320, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(331, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(332, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(333, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(335, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(338, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(341, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(380, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(399, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(400, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(403, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(405, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(411, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(416, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(433, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(440, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(447, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(452, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(453, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(454, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(455, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(457, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(458, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(462, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(463, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(464, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(475, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(476, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(478, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(531, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(533, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(537, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(538, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(539, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(541, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(542, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(543, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(551, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(575, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(582, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(583, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(587, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(645, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(646, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(648, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(650, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(665, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(666, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(672, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(685, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(689, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(690, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(706, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(735, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(746, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(756, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(762, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(765, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(766, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(768, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(770, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(772, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(792, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(795, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(799, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(819, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(835, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(850, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(851, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(852, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(863, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(879, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(892, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(894, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(923, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(925, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(927, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(928, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(929, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(930, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(931, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(932, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(933, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(940, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(942, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(953, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(956, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(964, { position = { 42,29,0 , 1035,2500,0 , 0 }, blueprintid = 658, isbookitem = 0, }) quest.createTaskItem(2000, { position = { 6,62,0 , 2700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, blueprintid = 42, isbookitem = 1, }) quest.createQuest(3538, { id = 3538, name = "S_HE_1_CM-Rundreise", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 10, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10355, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,26,0 , 2384,2645,244 , 0 }, }, lostondecline = 0, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8485, }, }, report_required = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=1, reward_skill=1, }) quest.createQuest(1362, { id = 1362, name = "S_HE_2_B_nn-Schmutzige Strassen", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 238, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3678, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3679, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3680, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3681, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3682, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1380, { id = 1380, name = "S_HE_2_N_nn-Chainquest UL 2v3 - Zusatzmodul", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 549, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3723, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3724, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3725, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3726, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3727, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1392, { id = 1392, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jaegerlager 4v4 Add-On", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 188, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 190, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 728, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 730, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 732, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 734, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 736, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 739, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 740, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 741, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 752, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 753, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1407, { id = 1407, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jaegerlager Delete NPC", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 190, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 319, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,28,0 , 3150.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,28,0 , 50.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 724,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 757,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1593, { id = 1593, name = "S_HU_1c_N_nn-Manners Maketh Kobold", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1592, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4259, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4260, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4261, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4262, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4263, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1673, { id = 1673, name = "S_JU_1a_N_nn-Hochstaplerin - silent parallel killquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, stopquestid=2700, stopqueststate=9, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 862, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1527, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1528, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1547, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1548, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1678, { id = 1678, name = "S_JU_1b_N_nn-Hochstaplerin - silent parallel killquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, stopquestid=2700, stopqueststate=9, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 863, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4543, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8797, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8798, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6263, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6264, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6265, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6266, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6267, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1679, { id = 1679, name = "S_JU_1c_N_nn-Hochstaplerin - silent parallel killquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, stopquestid=2700, stopqueststate=9, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 864, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 406, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 431, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 432, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 435, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 437, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 438, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1826, { id = 1826, name = "S_OR_1_nn-Fette Ratte Silentquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1819, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 455, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,52,0 , 200.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,52,0 , 750.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5034,2,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5035,2,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5036,2,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5037,2,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5039,2,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(204, { id = 204, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Pantherpack", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 205, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 611, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 612, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2368, { id = 2368, name = "S_HE_3f_TG_nn-Classquest TW AddOn1v2", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2367, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7114, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7115, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7116, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7117, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2369, { id = 2369, name = "S_HE_3f_TG_nn-Classquest TW AddOn2v2", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2367, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7118, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7119, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7120, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7121, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2639, { id = 2639, name = "S_DE_N_nn-Die Zahl der Kaefer Helper", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2637, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2637, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7603, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7604, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7605, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7606, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7607, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7608, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7609, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7610, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7611, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 7612, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 7613, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 7614, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 7615, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 7617, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 7618, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 7619, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 7620, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3133, { id = 3133, name = "S_IS_1b_nn-Elixier der Visionen 1 Addon", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3129, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8800, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8801, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8802, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8803, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8804, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8805, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8806, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8807, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8808, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8809, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8810, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8811, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 8812, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 8813, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 8814, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3321, { id = 3321, name = "S_OR_7d_SW_nn-Classquest SW Undeadspawn", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2209, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9349, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9350, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9351, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9352, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9353, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9354, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3382, { id = 3382, name = "S_HE_1_G_nn-Bad Path Temple Door", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1108, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,26,0 , 250.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,26,0 , 3000.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1024524451,9,42 }, { 1024524603,9,42 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(361, { id = 361, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Julius und Romina 3A", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=1418, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 358, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 1348,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1349,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1350,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1351,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1352,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1353,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6530,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6531,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6532,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6533,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1348, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1349, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1350, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1351, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1352, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1353, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6530, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6531, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6532, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 6533, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(362, { id = 362, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Julius und Romina 3B", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=1418, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 358, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 1357,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1358,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1359,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1354,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1355,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 1356,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6534,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6535,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6536,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6537,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 6538,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1354, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1355, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1356, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1357, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1358, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1359, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6534, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6535, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6536, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 6537, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 6538, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3748, { id = 3748, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Schwaechung des Feindes", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=3747, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3747, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3747, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1247, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,6,0 , 1900.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,6,0 , 1450.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10136, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3749, { id = 3749, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Schwaechung des Feindes", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=3747, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3747, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3747, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1248, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,6,0 , 1050.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,6,0 , 600.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10137, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3750, { id = 3750, name = "S_BI_1d_N_nn-Schwaechung des Feindes", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=3747, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3747, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3747, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1249, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,6,0 , 100.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,5,0 , 2700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10138, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3751, { id = 3751, name = "S_BI_1e_N_nn-Schwaechung des Feindes", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=3747, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3747, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3747, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1250, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,6,0 , 1450.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,6,0 , 850.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10139, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3752, { id = 3752, name = "S_BI_1f_N_nn-Schwaechung des Feindes", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=3747, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3747, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3747, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1251, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,5,0 , 3000.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,5,0 , 2400.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10140, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(454, { id = 454, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 1A", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 453, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1954, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1955, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1956, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1957, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1958, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1959, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1960, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1961, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1962, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1963, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1964, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1965, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1966, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1967, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1968, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 1969, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 1970, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 1971, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 1972, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 1973, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 1974, }, kill21 = { taskcreature = 1975, }, kill22 = { taskcreature = 1976, }, kill23 = { taskcreature = 1977, }, kill24 = { taskcreature = 1978, }, kill25 = { taskcreature = 1979, }, kill26 = { taskcreature = 1980, }, kill27 = { taskcreature = 1981, }, kill28 = { taskcreature = 1982, }, kill29 = { taskcreature = 1983, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(460, { id = 460, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 1B", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 802, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1669, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1670, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1671, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1672, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1673, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1674, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1675, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1676, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1677, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1678, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1679, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1680, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1681, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1682, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1683, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(804, { id = 804, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 5", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1375, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1669, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1670, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1671, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1672, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1673, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1674, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1675, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1676, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1677, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1678, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1679, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1680, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1681, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1682, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1683, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(807, { id = 807, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Wildschweinplage 2_1", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=806, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 806, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 806, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 307, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,25,0 , 2650.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,25,0 , 3100.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2277, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2278, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2279, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(808, { id = 808, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Wildschweinplage 2_2", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=806, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 806, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 807, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 144, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,25,0 , 2200.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,25,0 , 2450.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 2, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2280, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2281, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(809, { id = 809, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Wildschweinplage 2_3", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=806, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 806, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 808, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 145, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,24,0 , 1300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,24,0 , 900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2282, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2283, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2284, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2285, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(810, { id = 810, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Wildschweinplage 2_4", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=806, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 806, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 809, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 146, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,24,0 , 2950.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,24,0 , 0.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2286, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2287, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2288, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1390, { id = 1390, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Verungluecktes Fuhrwerk 1", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2073, { id = 2073, name = "S_HU_B_fs-HU_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2074, { id = 2074, name = "S_OR_B_fs-OR_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2075, { id = 2075, name = "S_SE_B_fs-SE_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2076, { id = 2076, name = "S_HU_G_fs-HU_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2077, { id = 2077, name = "S_DR_G_fs-DR_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2186, { id = 2186, name = "S_DE_B_fs-DE_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2796, { id = 2796, name = "S_JU_G_fs-JU_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2847, { id = 2847, name = "S_IS_G_fs-IS_Einsprungpunkt_Q4", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3332, { id = 3332, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-ORG6_Helper_Staufelsen", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(552, { id = 552, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Vorquesten Chainquest Untote Legion (3v3)", questtype = 4, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(920, { id = 920, name = "S_IS_10a_HI_B_nn-DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(994, { id = 994, name = "S_HU_1b_B_md-Neue Krieger fuer Kuan", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1287, { id = 1287, name = "M_HE_1_nn-Startquest All", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 1118,9,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 8861,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 8864,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 8866,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 10447,9,0,"JOB_TRADER",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1061, { id = 1061, name = "M_HE_1_SR_G_nn-Startquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 232, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2981,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2982,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8611,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8612,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8613,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8614,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8615,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8616,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8617,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8618,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9125,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2978,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 2, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2981, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2982, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2906, { id = 2906, name = "S_HE_1a_SR_nn-Classquest Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023596520, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {1410,0}, {2427,0}, {1402,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1765, { id = 1765, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_Sera_Text", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 62, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4728, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 624, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,27,0 , 1800.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,26,0 , 0.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3838, { id = 3838, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_Sera_Text Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4728, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1307, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,27,0 , 1800.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,26,0 , 0.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2910, { id = 2910, name = "S_HE_1a_DY_nn-Classquest Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023593698, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {1478,0}, {2424,0}, {2489,0}, {1479,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1074, { id = 1074, name = "M_HE_1b_DY_G_nn-Startquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 578, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2994,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7765,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7760,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7761,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7762,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2994, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1075, { id = 1075, name = "M_HE_1b_DY_B_nn-Startquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 579, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2994,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7765,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7760,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7761,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7762,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2994, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2905, { id = 2905, name = "S_HE_1a_HI_nn-Classquest Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023596411, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {2354,0}, {823,0}, {818,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1067, { id = 1067, name = "M_HE_1_HI_G_nn-Startquest Hochelfe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2987, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2986,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 2986,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2987,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7113,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7921,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7503,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7504,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7505,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7506,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2986, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1068, { id = 1068, name = "M_HE_1b_HI_G_nn-Startquest Hochelfe", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1067, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 575, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 404, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,24,0 , 2250.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,24,0 , 2500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1069, { id = 1069, name = "M_HE_1_HI_B_nn-Startquest Hochelfe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2987, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2987,9,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 2986,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 2986,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2987,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7113,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7921,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7503,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7504,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7505,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7506,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2986, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1070, { id = 1070, name = "M_HE_1b_HI_B_nn-Startquest Hochelfe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1069, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2987, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1071, { id = 1071, name = "M_HE_1c_HI_B_nn-Startquest Hochelfe", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2987, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 19,24,0 , 591.000,1162.200,1095.730, 82.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1070, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 577, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2987,8,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 597, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,24,0 , 2250.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,24,0 , 2500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1764, { id = 1764, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_Helf_Text", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 47, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2987, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 622, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,24,0 , 1100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,24,0 , 1300.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2986,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3837, { id = 3837, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_Helf_Text Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2987, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1308, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,24,0 , 1100.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,24,0 , 1300.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2986,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1087, { id = 1087, name = "M_HE_1_SW_N_nn-Startquest Schattenkrieger pre", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,25,-1 , 1599.650,1464.050,126.456, 140.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3151, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3028,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3028,2,0,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3028, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3151, { id = 3151, name = "S_HE_1_SW_N_nn-Startquest Schattenkrieger Cutscene", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 2985,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 3028,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7982,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2904, { id = 2904, name = "S_HE_1a_SW_nn- Classquest Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023597580, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {613,0}, {2350,0}, {511,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1065, { id = 1065, name = "M_HE_2_SW_G_nn-Startquest Schattenkrieger", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,25,-1 , 1599.650,1464.050,126.456, 140.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1087, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 574, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1066, { id = 1066, name = "M_HE_2_SW_B_nn-Startquest Schattenkrieger", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,25,-1 , 1599.650,1464.050,126.456, 140.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1087, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 233, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3532, { id = 3532, name = "M_HE_1_DM_G_nn-Startquest Dragonmage Cutscene", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9804, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 6,2,0 , 1380.500,1305.100,403.714, 309.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3829, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3829, { id = 3829, name = "M_HE_1_DM_N_nn-Startquest Dragonmage Cutscene PRE", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10469, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 5,1,0 , 1950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3792, { id = 3792, name = "S_HE_1a_DM_nn-Classquest Dragonmage Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050361415, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {3130,0}, {3223,0}, {3133,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(3634, { id = 3634, name = "M_HE_1b_DM_G_nn-Startquest Dragonmage - Reach Village - Good", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9965, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 6,2,0 , 2650.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3532, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1195, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1287, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 6,2,0 , 2700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 6,2,0 , 3000.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3635, { id = 3635, name = "M_HE_1b_DM_B_nn-Startquest Dragonmage - Reach Village - Bad", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9965, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 6,2,0 , 2650.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3532, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1196, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1286, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 6,2,0 , 3000.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 6,2,0 , 2700.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2911, { id = 2911, name = "S_HE_1a_TG_nn-Classquest Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023594214, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {2428,0}, {1472,0}, {1474,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1079, { id = 1079, name = "M_HE_1_TG_G_nn-Startquest Tempelwaechter", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 576, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3005,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3004,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3002,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8685,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8686,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8687,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8688,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8689,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8690,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8691,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8692,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1078, { id = 1078, name = "M_HE_1_TG_B_nn-Startquest Tempelwaechter", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 581, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3005,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3004,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3004,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3005,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3002,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8685,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8686,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8687,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8688,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8689,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8690,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8691,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8692,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3004, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3005, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1767, { id = 1767, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_TG_Text", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 31, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3005, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 625, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 24,27,0 , 600.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 24,27,0 , 1500.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3005,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3004,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1768, { id = 1768, name = "M_HE_2_N_nn-Not_TG_Text", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 31, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3004, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1767, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1769, { id = 1769, name = "M_HE_3_N_nn-Not_TG_Text", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 31, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3005, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1768, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3840, { id = 3840, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_TG_Text Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3005, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1309, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 24,27,0 , 600.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 24,27,0 , 1500.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3005,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3004,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3841, { id = 3841, name = "M_HE_2_N_nn-Not_TG_Text Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3004, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3840, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3842, { id = 3842, name = "M_HE_3_N_nn-Not_TG_Text Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3005, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3841, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1077, { id = 1077, name = "M_HE_1b_IQ_nn-Startquest Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1287, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 580, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 2650.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 1950.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3001,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 3000,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2995,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7920,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3000, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3001, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2908, { id = 2908, name = "S_HE_1a_IQ_nn-Classquest Startdrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023593803, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {809,0}, {2349,0}, {802,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1766, { id = 1766, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_Inq_Text", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 55, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2995, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 623, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,26,0 , 0.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,26,0 , 1850.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3839, { id = 3839, name = "M_HE_1_N_nn-Not_Inq_Text Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2995, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1287, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1310, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,26,0 , 0.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,26,0 , 1850.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1559, { id = 1559, name = "S_HE_1_N_db-Startquest Multiplayer All", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1082, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 6,15,0 , 50.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,13,0 , 3100.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1118,9,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 8861,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 8864,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 8866,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 10447,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1545, { id = 1545, name = "M_HE_1a_G_nn-STG1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 1, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1118, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,26,0 , 1928.900,2419.400,472.573, 82.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1079, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1065, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 1061, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest3 = { quest_dbid = 1068, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest4 = { quest_dbid = 1074, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest5 = { quest_dbid = 1559, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest6 = { quest_dbid = 3634, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 596, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,28,0 , 2700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,28,0 , 3150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(298, { id = 298, name = "M_HE_1b_G_rr-STG1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1119, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 2, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1545, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 873, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 24,29,0 , 1100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 24,28,0 , 2200.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3179,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3180,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3181,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4751,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 165, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1117, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(301, { id = 301, name = "M_HE_1c_G_rr-CAG2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1147, reportposition = { 26,24,0 , 176.750,1753.550,91.088, 266.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 3, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1147, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1001.600,2776.810,103.090, 63.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 298, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1148,7,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 4994,7,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 4995,7,0,"JOB_COMMUNICATOR",14 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1148, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(303, { id = 303, name = "M_HE_1d_G_rr-CAG3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1149, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 4, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1147, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 176.750,1753.550,91.088, 266.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 301, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(304, { id = 304, name = "M_HE_1e_G_rr-CAG4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 303, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 5, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 303, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1013891954,2,6 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 552, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,33,0 , 1400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,33,0 , 1850.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 403, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 36,35,-1 , 1150.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,35,-1 , 2150.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(634, { id = 634, name = "M_HU_1a_G_rr-HUG1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2078, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2075, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,40,0 , 3104.050,2571.750,1980.400, 54.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 304, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4204,8,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4206,8,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4205,8,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 2083,8,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(640, { id = 640, name = "M_HU_1b_G_rr-HUG2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 634, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2083, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 634, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2078,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4204,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4205,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4206,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2078, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(641, { id = 641, name = "M_HU_1c_G_rr-HUG3a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 634, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2087, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2085, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,37,0 , 2572.750,2515.650,252.176, 291.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 640, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2087,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 533,8,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(647, { id = 647, name = "M_HU_1d_G_rr-HUG4a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2514,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2074, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 740.500,2159.450,615.156, 5.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 641, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2077, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(650, { id = 650, name = "M_HU_1e_G_rr-HUG4b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 647, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1147, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,45,0 , 2332.200,207.344,578.114, 112.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 647, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(651, { id = 651, name = "M_HU_1f_G_rr-HUG5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 647, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2100, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1147, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,45,0 , 2332.200,207.344,578.114, 112.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 650, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2089,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2090,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2092,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2093,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2094,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4843,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4844,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4845,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4846,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4847,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4848,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4849,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4850,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4851,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4852,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4853,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4854,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4855,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4856,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4857,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4827,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4830,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4833,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4835,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4838,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4836,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4829,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4831,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4834,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4828,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4837,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4826,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4832,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4839,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4840,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1540, { id = 1540, name = "M_OR_1g_G_nn-ORG5_Shaman-Ritual", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 668, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2115, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 9,53,-1 , 429.551,1129.050,299.939, 246.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 668, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1033, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 9,53,-1 , 650.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 9,53,-1 , 400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1019420597,9,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2115,2,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1903, { id = 1903, name = "M_OR_1f_nn-ORG5_Hilfsmodul-Schamanen-Faction", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 668, queststate = 8, }, precond_area = { area_id = 473, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 10,48,0 , 1000.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,48,0 , 1350.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2115,9,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",34 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1905, { id = 1905, name = "M_OR_1j_G_nn-ORG8b_Show-Harbour", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 668, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8861, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 674, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(652, { id = 652, name = "M_OR_1a_G_rr-ORG1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2100, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 651, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2089, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2090, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2092, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2093, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2094, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(654, { id = 654, name = "M_OR_1b_G_rr-ORG2a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2103, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2102, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 200.000,1150.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 652, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(660, { id = 660, name = "M_OR_1c_G_rr-ORG3a", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2107, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 651.852,893.953,1412.970, 132.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 654, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4873,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4874,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4878,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4880,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4881,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4886,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4873,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 4874,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 4878,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 4880,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",57 }, { 4881,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",57 }, { 4886,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 4873,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",37 }, { 4874,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",37 }, { 4878,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",37 }, { 4880,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",37 }, { 4881,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",37 }, { 4886,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",37 }, { 4898,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4899,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4900,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4887,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4888,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4889,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4890,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4891,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4892,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4893,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4894,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4895,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4896,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4897,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 417, amount = 10, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8597, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 8598, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 8599, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 8600, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 8601, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 8602, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 8603, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 8604, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 8605, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 8606, dropchance = 101, }, dropper10 = { creature = 399, dropchance = 101, }, dropper11 = { creature = 398, dropchance = 101, }, dropper12 = { creature = 1013, dropchance = 101, }, dropper13 = { creature = 1014, dropchance = 101, }, dropper14 = { creature = 401, dropchance = 101, }, dropper15 = { creature = 400, dropchance = 101, }, dropper16 = { creature = 1185, dropchance = 101, }, dropper17 = { creature = 1309, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(661, { id = 661, name = "M_OR_1d_G_rr-ORG3b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2107, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 651.852,893.953,1412.970, 132.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 660, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1313,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(664, { id = 664, name = "M_OR_1e_G_rr-ORG4", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2109, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 15,49,0 , 2300.000,800.000,0.000 , -52.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 661, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2114, }, }, groupchanges = { { 5335,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5336,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5337,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5338,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5339,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5340,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5341,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5342,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5343,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5344,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5345,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5346,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5350,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5351,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5352,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5353,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5354,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5355,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5356,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5357,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5358,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5359,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5360,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5335,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",35 }, { 5336,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",35 }, { 5337,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",35 }, { 5338,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",35 }, { 5339,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",35 }, { 5340,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",35 }, { 5341,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",35 }, { 5342,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",35 }, { 5343,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",35 }, { 5344,9,0,"Enemy_mage",35 }, { 5345,9,0,"Enemy_mage",35 }, { 5346,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",35 }, { 5350,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",34 }, { 5351,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",34 }, { 5352,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",34 }, { 5353,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",34 }, { 5354,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",34 }, { 5355,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",34 }, { 5356,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",34 }, { 5357,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",34 }, { 5358,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",34 }, { 5359,9,0,"Enemy_mage",34 }, { 5360,9,0,"Enemy_mage",34 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(668, { id = 668, name = "M_OR_1f_G_rr-ORG5", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2116, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 9,48,0 , 2355.350,1855.000,4058.580, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 664, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 443, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 10,51,0 , 2000.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,51,0 , 2350.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2115,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, { 2115,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2115,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(673, { id = 673, name = "M_OR_1h_G_rr-ORG6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 668, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4107,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1540, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1019420597,5 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2117, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(674, { id = 674, name = "M_OR_1i_G_rr-ORG8a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 668, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2119, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2116, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 9,48,0 , 2355.350,1855.000,4058.580, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 673, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(678, { id = 678, name = "M_SE_1a_G_rr-SEG1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2121, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,56,0 , 442.297,2008.590,1478.130, 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1905, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 420, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(681, { id = 681, name = "M_SE_1b_G_rr-SEG1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 678, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2122, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 678, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 421, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(686, { id = 686, name = "M_SE_1c_G_rr-SEG1b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 678, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1147, reportposition = { 32,56,0 , 571.547,2802.550,1615.010, 56.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2123, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 2650.000,2200.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 681, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(690, { id = 690, name = "M_SE_1d_G_rr-SEG1d", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 678, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2122, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,58,0 , 1070.650,2529.410,1658.910, 254.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 686, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 482, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,58,0 , 3150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,58,0 , 50.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1599, { id = 1599, name = "M_DR_1f_G_nn-DRG4_Drachenamulett_Bauen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 708, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1917, { id = 1917, name = "M_DR_1h_G_nn-DRG_show_carnarch_dungeon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 708, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 709, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 491, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 42,53,0 , 1700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,53,0 , 1950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 492, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 41,53,-1 , 0.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,53,-1 , 3050.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1932, { id = 1932, name = "M_DR_1c_G_nn-DRG_Exit Blackhammer Island", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 702, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 702, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 499, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 40,61,0 , 1900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,60,0 , 2100.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1960, { id = 1960, name = "M_DR_1j_G_nn-DRG3x_Show_old_Dragon_again", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 711, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 711, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 603, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 42,53,-1 , 1350.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,53,-1 , 1700.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(697, { id = 697, name = "M_DR_1a_G_rr-DRG1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,56,-1 , 1379.350,3095.300,-157.479, 15.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 690, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5397,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2167,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5405,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5400,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5407,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5409,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5410,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5414,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5413,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5408,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5406,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5401,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5404,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5402,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5412,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5403,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5411,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2154,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 2154,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2157,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5394,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5392,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5391,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5393,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5398,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5399,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5395,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5396,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 534,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2148, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2150, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2151, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2152, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(702, { id = 702, name = "M_DR_1b_G_rr-DRG2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2158, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2157, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 35,57,-1 , 1150.000,350.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 697, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 486, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 40,61,-1 , 1900.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,61,-1 , 2150.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(707, { id = 707, name = "M_DR_1d_G_rr-DRG3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1932, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2160,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2160, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(708, { id = 708, name = "M_DR_1e_G_rr-DRG4b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2168, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2167, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,61,-1 , 1150.000,2300.000,0.000 , 83.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 707, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 487, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 46,56,-1 , 1850.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 46,56,-1 , 1150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(709, { id = 709, name = "M_DR_1g_G_rr-DRG4c", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2169, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2168, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 46,55,-2 , 2350.000,2000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1599, queststate = 9, }, bp_actions = { { 2237,7,6,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 500, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 45,55,-2 , 2500.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,55,-2 , 1900.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 490, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 42,53,-1 , 1350.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,53,-1 , 1700.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(711, { id = 711, name = "M_DR_1i_G_rr-DRG5", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4211,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1917, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 501, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 40,53,-2 , 2700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,53,-2 , 3000.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2170, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(712, { id = 712, name = "M_DR_1k_G_rr-DRG6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 711, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2169, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 2845.300,152.953,23.614, 230.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1960, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 133, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 44,54,0 , 450.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,54,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1600, { id = 1600, name = "M_MA_1b_G_nn-MAG1_Schamanen_Ritual_Familie", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 713, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 713, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1611, { id = 1611, name = "M_MA_1j_G_nn-MAG6b_Maschine_abdichten_Anim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 718, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2180, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 719, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 742, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 48,26,0 , 2950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,26,0 , 2350.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2183,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2184,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2185,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2186,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2187,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2183,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_emerge",19 }, { 2184,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",19 }, { 2185,7,0,"Enemy_mage",19 }, { 2186,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",19 }, { 2187,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",19 }, { 2180,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2180,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 2180,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2180,9,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2122, { id = 2122, name = "M_MA_1d_G_nn-MAG2b_kill1stFog", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 713, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 714, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 542, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,34,0 , 0.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,33,0 , 3150.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6413,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6417,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7372,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7373,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7374,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7375,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7376,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7377,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7378,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7379,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7380,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7381,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7382,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7383,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7384,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7385,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7386,2,0,"Invalid",89 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6360, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2123, { id = 2123, name = "M_MA_1g_G_nn-MAG4_2nd_Fog", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 713, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 716, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 644, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 50,33,0 , 150.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 50,32,0 , 2950.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6396,2,0,"Enemy_mage_phalanx",89 }, { 6398,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",89 }, { 7332,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7333,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7334,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7335,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7336,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7337,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7338,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7339,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7340,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7341,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7342,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7343,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7344,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7345,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, { 7346,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",32 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6364, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2356, { id = 2356, name = "M_MA_1e_G_nn-MAG3a_erreiche-gedenkstaette", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 713, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2175, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 59,33,0 , 1034.450,1149.350,-1694.490, 242.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2122, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2175,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 670, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,33,0 , 1750.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,33,0 , 550.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3194, { id = 3194, name = "M_MA_1k_G_nn-MAG6b_Durchgang_Wueste", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 718, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1611, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1000, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 48,26,0 , 1200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,26,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1001, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 48,25,-1 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,25,-1 , 1150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(713, { id = 713, name = "M_MA_1a_G_rr-MAG1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7474, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2172, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 2600.450,1339.050,-1680.090, 338.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 712, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2172,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2174,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2172,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2174,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2174,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(714, { id = 714, name = "M_MA_1c_G_rr-MAG2a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 713, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2174, reportposition = { 54,36,0 , 415.594,2405.800,-1213.250, 249.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7474, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,36,0 , 144.953,2509.750,-1162.610, 50.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1600, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2174,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 538,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(716, { id = 716, name = "M_MA_1f_G_rr-MAG3a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 713, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2175, reportposition = { 55,33,0 , 1241.950,1490.500,-1500.010, 219.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2356, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2175,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8633, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8634, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8636, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8637, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8638, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8639, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8640, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8641, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8642, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8643, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8644, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8645, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 8646, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 8647, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 8648, }, kill15 = { creature = 1048, bodycount = 15, }, kill16 = { creature = 1082, bodycount = 15, }, kill17 = { creature = 1083, bodycount = 15, }, kill18 = { creature = 1097, bodycount = 15, }, kill19 = { creature = 1098, bodycount = 15, }, kill20 = { creature = 1108, bodycount = 15, }, kill21 = { creature = 1109, bodycount = 15, }, kill22 = { creature = 1203, bodycount = 15, }, kill23 = { creature = 1204, bodycount = 15, }, kill24 = { creature = 1296, bodycount = 15, }, kill25 = { creature = 1297, bodycount = 15, }, kill26 = { creature = 1298, bodycount = 15, }, kill27 = { creature = 1307, bodycount = 15, }, kill28 = { creature = 1308, bodycount = 15, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(718, { id = 718, name = "M_MA_1h_G_rr-MAG5", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 50,32,0 , 300.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2180, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 1200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2123, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6377,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6379,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6380,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6382,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6384,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6386,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6387,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 2180,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 6368,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6370,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6371,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6373,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 6375,7,0,"Invalid",40 }, { 2180,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 2180,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 422, amount = 20, dropper0 = { area_id = 134, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 50,32,0 , 2000.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 49,31,0 , 1700.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(719, { id = 719, name = "M_MA_1i_G_rr-MAG6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 718, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {1806,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 718, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2182, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1621, { id = 1621, name = "M_DE_1i_G_nn-DEG4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1198, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,17,0 , 126.047,1879.450,2389.970, 213.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 330, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1622, { id = 1622, name = "M_DE_1k_G_nn-DEG5", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2578,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1201, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2167, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1201, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2167, { id = 2167, name = "M_DE_1j_G_nn-DEG4 - Show Garganthropod Dungeon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1621, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 548, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,11,0 , 2400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,11,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2169, { id = 2169, name = "M_DE_1c_G_nn-DEG1 - Schriftrolle d. Hoellenfeuers Dungeon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 325, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 549, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 49,16,0 , 1250.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 49,16,0 , 2150.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2180, { id = 2180, name = "M_DE_1e_G_nn-DEG1 - Schriftr. d. Hoellenf. Dungeon Ausg.", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 326, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 583, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 49,16,-1 , 1300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 49,16,-1 , 900.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2181, { id = 2181, name = "M_DE_1l_G_nn-DEG5b - Show Garganthr. Ausgang", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1198, reportposition = { 36,12,0 , 1341.200,515.699,1864.300, 151.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1622, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 592, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 35,11,-2 , 3100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,11,-2 , 300.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(325, { id = 325, name = "M_DE_1b_G_rr-DEG0", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1197, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2180, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1100.000,950.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 722, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2180,7,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(326, { id = 326, name = "M_DE_1d_G_rr-DEG1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2169, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 198, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(327, { id = 327, name = "M_DE_1f_G_rr-DEG2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1198, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,17,0 , 126.047,1879.450,2389.970, 213.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2180, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(329, { id = 329, name = "M_DE_1g_G_rr-DEG3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1200, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1199, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 34,19,0 , 2300.000,2950.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 327, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1199,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 6631,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6630,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(330, { id = 330, name = "M_DE_1h_G_rr-DEG3b", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 722, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 329, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6630,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6631,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1200,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1200, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6630, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6631, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(722, { id = 722, name = "M_DE_1a_G_rr-DEG0_PRE_1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2190, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , -165.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3194, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6719,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6720,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6721,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2180, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(731, { id = 731, name = "M_JU_1a_G_rr-JUG0", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2795,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2204, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1366.640,2701.680,379.265, 102.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2181, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8067,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8068,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8069,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8070,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2203, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(736, { id = 736, name = "M_JU_1b_G_rr-JUG2a-d", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 731, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2214, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 731, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1076, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,5,-1 , 0.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,5,-1 , 1850.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2210,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2211,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2212,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2213,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2214,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022017760, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 2210, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1022017751, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 2211, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { worldobject = 1022017740, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 2212, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { worldobject = 1022017703, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 2213, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { worldobject = 1022017661, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(737, { id = 737, name = "M_JU_1c_G_rr-JUG2e", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 731, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8864, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 736, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022458398, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9529, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9529, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(739, { id = 739, name = "M_IS_1a_G_rr-ISG0", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2219, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2300.330,1433.070,199.980, 115.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 737, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2216,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 2223,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2216, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2223, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(747, { id = 747, name = "M_IS_1b_G_rr-ISG2b", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 739, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8170, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 18,6,0 , 582.602,1856.000,136.745, 7.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 739, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8170,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 8150,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 8150,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 2225,2226,2227, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2224,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(756, { id = 756, name = "M_IS_1d_G_rr-ISG3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2590,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2224, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 14,8,0 , 2023.000,2291.000,1093.340, 172.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 747, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023154232,8,8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2248, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(761, { id = 761, name = "M_IS_1e_G_rr-ISG3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 756, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8866, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 756, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1023154232,7 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 424, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1637, { id = 1637, name = "M_WL_1c_G_nn-WLG1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 764, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1147, reportposition = { 3,31,-1 , 2596.250,1479.150,-0.010, 355.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1663, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1147,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4410, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1663, { id = 1663, name = "M_WL_1b_G_nn-WLG0b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 764, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 764, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 395, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,31,0 , 1200.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,30,0 , 1000.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8434, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1667, { id = 1667, name = "M_WL_1d_G_nn-WLG1b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 764, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1186, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 783.500,908.102,-0.040, 249.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1637, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8483,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8484,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1668, { id = 1668, name = "M_WL_1e_G_nn-WLG1c", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 764, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1667, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1186, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1669, { id = 1669, name = "M_WL_1f_G_nn-WLG1d", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 764, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9506, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1668, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3794, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8490,8,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8491,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8492,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8493,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4413,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9506, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1670, { id = 1670, name = "M_WL_1g_G_nn-WLG1e", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1669, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 949, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,30,-1 , 2500.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,30,-1 , 2850.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1023046432,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023046432, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1023047034, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1671, { id = 1671, name = "M_WL_1h_G_nn-WLG1f", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1670, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1670, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023046854,7,6 }, { 1023046905,7,6 }, { 1023046923,7,6 }, { 1023046947,7,6 }, { 1023047062,7,6 }, { 1023047090,7,6 }, { 1023047109,7,6 }, { 1023047127,7,6 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4413, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8492, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8491, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8493, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1672, { id = 1672, name = "M_WL_1i_G_nn-WLG1g", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1670, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1671, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023050148,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023050148, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(764, { id = 764, name = "M_WL_1a_G_rr-WLG0", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2235, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 6,20,0 , 2782.800,52.488,136.748, 15.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 761, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4410,9,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 8433,9,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 953, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,20,0 , 800.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,20,0 , 350.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 955, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,21,-1 , 250.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,21,-1 , 500.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 956, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,21,0 , 2400.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,21,0 , 2150.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 957, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,21,-1 , 2050.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,21,-1 , 1650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 958, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,22,0 , 1550.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,22,0 , 2000.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { area_id = 959, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 8,23,-1 , 50.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,23,-1 , 3100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { area_id = 960, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,25,0 , 3100.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,25,0 , 2800.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { area_id = 961, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,26,-1 , 1800.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,26,-1 , 1500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { area_id = 952, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 8,30,0 , 1000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 8,30,0 , 800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { area_id = 951, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,30,-1 , 1100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,30,-1 , 700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations10 = { area_id = 950, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,30,-1 , 800.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,30,-1 , 600.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3794, { id = 3794, name = "M_WL_1f_G_nn-WLG1d silent parallel guards", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 10, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1667, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8483, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8484, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(305, { id = 305, name = "M_HE_1a_B_rr-STB1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 1, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1150, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 23,27,0 , 356.500,405.648,750.782, 188.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1075, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1077, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 1078, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest3 = { quest_dbid = 1066, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest4 = { quest_dbid = 1071, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest5 = { quest_dbid = 1559, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest6 = { quest_dbid = 3635, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 539,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 373, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,28,0 , 2700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,28,0 , 3150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1511, { id = 1511, name = "M_HE_1b_B_nn-CAB1_Fight", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 305, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 305, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 371, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,31,0 , 550.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,31,0 , 400.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4138,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4139,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4141,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4146,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4147,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4150,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4151,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4115,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 4116,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 4118,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 4125,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 4129,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 4130,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 4133,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8710, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8711, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8712, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8713, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8714, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(319, { id = 319, name = "M_HE_1c_B_rr-CAB1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1185, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 2, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1151, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 25,31,0 , 2493.150,186.453,10.006, 236.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1511, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1178,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, ti_actions = { { 447,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1178, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(321, { id = 321, name = "M_HE_1d_B_rr-CAB3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 319, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 873, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 3, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1186, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,25,-1 , 1719.750,889.047,-116.922, 147.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 319, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(322, { id = 322, name = "M_HE_1e_B_rr-CAB3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 319, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 873, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 4, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 321, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1194, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3177, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3178, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(323, { id = 323, name = "M_HE_1f_B_rr-CAB4_1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1186, reportposition = { 29,26,0 , 2277.300,2243.500,451.100, 314.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 322, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 862, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 26,25,-1 , 1950.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,25,-1 , 1350.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(324, { id = 324, name = "M_HE_1g_B_rr-CAB5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 323, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1186, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 29,26,0 , 2277.300,2243.500,451.100, 314.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 323, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1013397754,9,5 }, { 1013397738,9,5 }, { 1013397746,9,5 }, { 1013397761,9,5 }, }, ti_actions = { { 541,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1195, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1013397738, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2763, { id = 2763, name = "S_HU_B_nn-CAB5_Hilfsmodul", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 324, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 818, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,34,0 , 600.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,34,0 , 1650.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1013397738,9,6 }, { 1013397746,9,6 }, { 1013397754,9,6 }, { 1013397761,9,6 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1529, { id = 1529, name = "M_HU_1c_B_nn-HUB2c_2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 625, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 632, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 2067,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 732, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2067, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(625, { id = 625, name = "M_HU_1a_B_rr-HUB1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2316, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 324, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 62, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,38,0 , 1650.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,37,0 , 2450.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2316,2,0,"QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR",97 }, }, ti_actions = { { 542,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2371, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4162, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4163, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(631, { id = 631, name = "M_HU_1b_B_nn-HUB2b", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 324, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2543,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 625, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5483,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5484,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2067,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5483,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 5484,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2067, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5483, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5484, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(632, { id = 632, name = "M_HU_1c_B_nn-HUB2c", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 625, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2073, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2067, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,40,0 , 2925.250,2606.350,2135.400, 154.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 631, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2067,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(635, { id = 635, name = "M_HU_1d_B_nn-HUB3a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2514,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2074, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2074, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 740.500,2159.450,615.156, 5.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 632, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1529, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2077, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(637, { id = 637, name = "M_HU_1e_B_nn-HUB4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 635, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1186, reportposition = { 24,42,0 , 576.250,676.547,3484.650, 84.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 635, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1906, { id = 1906, name = "M_OR_1l_B_nn-ORB8b_Show-Harbour", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 663, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8861, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 671, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(638, { id = 638, name = "M_OR_1a_B_nn-ORB1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2106, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 637, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4857,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2089,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2090,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2092,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2093,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2094,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2086,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4826,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4827,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4828,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4829,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4830,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4831,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4832,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4833,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4834,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4835,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4836,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4837,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4838,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2102,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4839,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4840,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4843,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4844,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4845,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4846,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4847,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4848,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4849,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4850,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4851,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4852,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4853,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4854,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4855,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4856,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(639, { id = 639, name = "M_OR_1c_B_nn-ORB2a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 638, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2102, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2106, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,46,0 , 1650.000,700.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 645, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(642, { id = 642, name = "M_OR_1d_B_nn-ORB2b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 638, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2086, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 639, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(645, { id = 645, name = "M_OR_1b_B_nn-ORB1b_kill", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 638, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 638, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2089, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2090, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2092, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2093, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2094, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(648, { id = 648, name = "M_OR_1e_B_nn-ORB3a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 638, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2095, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 2473.900,142.406,1515.050, 248.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 642, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2095,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",35 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2097, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2098, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2099, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(657, { id = 657, name = "M_OR_1f_B_nn-ORB4a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 638, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 648, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6667,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6668,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2104, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(659, { id = 659, name = "M_OR_1g_B_nn-ORB5a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 638, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2080, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2105, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 23,50,0 , 1168.500,157.500,128.651, 65.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 657, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1019420597,9,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2105,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 2095,7,2,"JOB_POOR_STATIST",35 }, { 2105,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2095,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(663, { id = 663, name = "M_OR_1h_B_nn-ORB6a", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 659, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 418, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(667, { id = 667, name = "M_OR_1i_B_nn-ORB6b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 663, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 663, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1017176304,8,9 }, { 1018920584,8,9 }, { 1018381070,2,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1018381070, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1018382118, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(669, { id = 669, name = "M_OR_1j_B_nn-ORB7a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 663, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4107,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 667, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2117, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(671, { id = 671, name = "M_OR_1k_B_nn-ORB8a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 663, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2119, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2080, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 9,48,0 , 2465.050,1889.550,4056.450, 254.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 669, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5265,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5266,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5267,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1980, { id = 1980, name = "M_OR_1d_B_nn-Bad Orc Village - Fight", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=659, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 648, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5653,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5654,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5655,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5636,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5637,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5638,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5639,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5640,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5641,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5642,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5643,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5644,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5645,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5646,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5647,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5648,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5649,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5650,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5651,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5652,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(679, { id = 679, name = "M_SE_1a_B_nn-SEB1a", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2121, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,56,0 , 442.297,2008.590,1478.130, 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1906, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 420, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(682, { id = 682, name = "M_SE_1b_B_nn-SEB1a_2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 679, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 679, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 421, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(683, { id = 683, name = "M_SE_1c_B_nn-SEB1b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 679, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2122, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,58,0 , 1070.650,2529.410,1658.910, 254.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 682, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(687, { id = 687, name = "M_SE_1d_B_nn-SEB1c", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 679, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2123, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 2650.000,2200.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 683, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(692, { id = 692, name = "M_SE_1e_B_nn-SEB1d", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 679, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1186, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,56,0 , 405.750,1604.500,1528.310, 345.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 687, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(695, { id = 695, name = "M_SE_1f_B_nn-SEB1e", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 679, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2122, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,58,0 , 1070.650,2529.410,1658.910, 254.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 692, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 601, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,58,0 , 3150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,58,0 , 50.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1882, { id = 1882, name = "M_DR_1a_B_nn-DRB1a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2149, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2124, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,55,-1 , 350.000,3000.000,0.000 , 33.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 695, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2134,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2131,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2138,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2140,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2126,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2139,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2144,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2128,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2142,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2125,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2143,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2149,9,0,"GenericDragon",23 }, { 2136,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2124,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2133, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 2135, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 2137, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 2132, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 2130, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 2127, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 2141, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 2129, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1883, { id = 1883, name = "M_DR_1b_B_nn-DRB2a", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1882, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1882, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2124,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 534, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2149, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1982, { id = 1982, name = "M_DR_1f_B_nn-drb5-show-way-odragon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 728, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 727, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 609, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 45,55,-2 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,55,-2 , 2500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 605, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 42,53,-1 , 1350.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,53,-1 , 1700.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1985, { id = 1985, name = "M_DR_1i_B_nn-DRB5_kill-Carnach", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 728, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4211,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1986, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2170, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1986, { id = 1986, name = "M_DR_1h_B_nn-DRB5_show-Old-Dragon-again", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 728, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 728, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 607, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 42,53,0 , 1700.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,53,0 , 1950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 608, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 41,53,-1 , 0.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,53,-1 , 3050.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1987, { id = 1987, name = "M_DR_1j_B_nn-DRB5_Show-the-way", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 728, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1985, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 610, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 40,53,-2 , 2700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,53,-2 , 3000.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 606, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 42,53,-1 , 1350.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,53,-1 , 1700.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(703, { id = 703, name = "M_DR_1c_B_nn-DRB2b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1882, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2124, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,59,-1 , 600.000,1350.000,0.000 , 183.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1883, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(705, { id = 705, name = "M_DR_1d_B_nn-DRB3a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1882, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2159, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,56,-1 , 1250.000,3150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 703, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 9, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2192, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2193, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2194, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2195, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2196, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2197, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2198, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2199, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2200, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(727, { id = 727, name = "M_DR_1e_B_nn-DRB4a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 1882, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2202, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2201, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,58,-2 , 2950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }, rewards = { {2237,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 705, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 509, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 39,58,-2 , 2650.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,58,-2 , 2800.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 602, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 46,56,-1 , 1850.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 46,56,-1 , 1150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(728, { id = 728, name = "M_DR_1g_B_nn-DRB5a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2169, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 2845.300,152.953,23.614, 230.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1982, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(730, { id = 730, name = "M_DR_1k_B_nn-DRB6a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 728, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2169, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 2845.300,152.953,23.614, 230.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1987, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 136, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 44,54,0 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,54,0 , 450.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(732, { id = 732, name = "M_MA_1a_B_nn-MAB1a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2206, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1871.200,1472.400,-1708.360, 195.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 730, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(734, { id = 734, name = "M_MA_1b_B_nn-MAB1b", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 732, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2208, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1297.520,1155.860,-1724.810, 106.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 732, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 423, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2209, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(735, { id = 735, name = "M_MA_1c_B_nn-MAB2a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 732, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2208, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1297.520,1155.860,-1724.810, 106.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 734, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1021410169,7,32 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2208,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 2208,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7313,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7314,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7315,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7316,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7317,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7318,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7319,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7320,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 7321,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1021410169, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(738, { id = 738, name = "M_MA_1d_B_nn-MAB3a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 732, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2208, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,33,0 , 1132.910,1623.150,-1467.930, 166.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 735, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2220,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6245,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6247,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6248,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6250,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6251,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6252,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6254,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6255,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6257,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, { 6259,9,0,"walkAround",32 }, }, ti_actions = { { 543,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(740, { id = 740, name = "M_MA_1e_B_nn-MAB4a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 738, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2217, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1400.000,2100.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 738, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6233,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6234,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6236,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6237,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6239,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6240,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6242,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6243,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 2217,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2217,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6220,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6221,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6223,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6224,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6225,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6228,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6229,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, { 6230,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7301, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7302, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7303, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7304, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7305, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7306, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7307, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7308, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7309, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 7310, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 7311, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 7312, }, kill12 = { creature = 553, bodycount = 12, }, kill13 = { creature = 554, bodycount = 12, }, kill14 = { creature = 555, bodycount = 12, }, kill15 = { creature = 556, bodycount = 12, }, kill16 = { creature = 1118, bodycount = 12, }, kill17 = { creature = 1119, bodycount = 12, }, kill18 = { creature = 1120, bodycount = 12, }, kill19 = { creature = 1121, bodycount = 12, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(741, { id = 741, name = "M_MA_1f_B_nn-MAB5a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 740, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2217, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 2500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 740, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(742, { id = 742, name = "M_MA_1g_B_nn-MAB5a_2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2217, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 49,31,0 , 2500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 150.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 741, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(746, { id = 746, name = "M_MA_1h_B_nn-MAB5b", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 742, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2522,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2220, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1600.000,1700.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 742, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2220,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2182, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(748, { id = 748, name = "M_MA_1i_B_nn-MAB6a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 742, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2220, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,30,0 , 1600.000,1700.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 746, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1000, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 48,26,0 , 1200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,26,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1001, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 48,25,-1 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,25,-1 , 1150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2508, { id = 2508, name = "S_MA_nn-MAB_RINGELBLUMENFELD-ANGRIFF_HILFSMODUL", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 740, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 725, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 50,31,0 , 1100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 50,30,0 , 2200.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1623, { id = 1623, name = "M_DE_1c_B_nn-DEB1-Pre-ReachWOOB", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 750, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 334, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1021930134,7,32 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7703,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7704,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7705,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7707,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7712,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7713,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7715,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1021930134, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2182, { id = 2182, name = "M_DE_1g_B_nn-DEB5 - Garganthr. Eingang", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 338, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 338, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 587, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,11,0 , 2400.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,11,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2183, { id = 2183, name = "M_DE_1i_B_nn-DEB5 - Garganthr. Ausgang", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 338, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 339, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 588, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 36,11,-2 , 300.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,11,-2 , 3100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2200, { id = 2200, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-DEB3_Hilfsmodul", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 337, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 617, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,19,0 , 1200.000,1850.000,2650.000, 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,19,0 , 2800.000,0.000,2650.000, 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2201, { id = 2201, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-DEB3_Hilfsmodul", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 337, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 618, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,19,0 , 850.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,19,0 , 0.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2685, { id = 2685, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-DEB1_Karawane-Hilfsmodul", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1623, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 790, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,15,0 , 800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,15,0 , 2000.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(334, { id = 334, name = "M_DE_1b_B_rr-DEB0b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 750, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1205, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1204, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 46,22,0 , 300.000,200.000,0.000 , -109.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 750, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7829,8,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7830,8,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 1205,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(335, { id = 335, name = "M_DE_1d_B_rr-DEB1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 750, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1623, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 200, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(337, { id = 337, name = "M_DE_1e_B_rr-DEB3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 750, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1199, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1205, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 36,17,0 , 3056.510,2014.360,1515.590, 192.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 335, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1199,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 6731,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6732,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7671,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 7672,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 201, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1207, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(338, { id = 338, name = "M_DE_1f_B_rr-DEB4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1205, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,17,0 , 396.102,481.051,652.914, 18.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 337, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7801,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7803,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 1199,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(339, { id = 339, name = "M_DE_1h_B_rr-DEB5b", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 338, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2518,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2182, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 202, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1201, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(340, { id = 340, name = "M_DE_1j_B_rr-DEB5c", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 338, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1205, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 36,12,0 , 3038.000,381.801,1920.230, 252.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2183, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7839,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7840,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9278,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(750, { id = 750, name = "M_DE_1a_B_nn-DEB0a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7018, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,22,0 , 1150.000,850.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 748, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7019,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7020,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7021,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9534,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9534, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(753, { id = 753, name = "M_JU_1a_B_nn-JUB0", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2222, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,10,0 , 1470.280,2578.620,393.412, 124.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 340, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8067,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8068,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8069,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8070,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2203, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(757, { id = 757, name = "M_JU_1b_B_nn-JUB2a-d", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 753, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2234, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 753, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1085, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,4,-1 , 1600.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,4,-1 , 450.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2230,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2231,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2232,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2233,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2234,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022042119, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 2230, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1022042112, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 2231, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { worldobject = 1022042102, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 2232, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { worldobject = 1022042095, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 2233, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { worldobject = 1022041893, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(759, { id = 759, name = "M_JU_1c_B_nn-JUB2e", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 753, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8864, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 757, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1133, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,4,-1 , 1950.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,4,-1 , 1600.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1022458416,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022458416, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9522, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9522, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(766, { id = 766, name = "M_IS_1a_B_nn-ISB0", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2237, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2236, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 19,3,0 , 130.996,1152.680,42.007, 168.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 759, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(770, { id = 770, name = "M_IS_1b_B_nn-ISB2a", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 766, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2240, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,5,0 , 1813.750,556.256,98.651, 359.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 766, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 425, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 544, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 545, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 546, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 547, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(773, { id = 773, name = "M_IS_1c_B_nn-ISB2b", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 766, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2240, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,5,0 , 1813.750,556.256,98.651, 359.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 770, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(775, { id = 775, name = "M_IS_1d_B_nn-ISB2c_kill", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 766, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2224, reportposition = { 15,10,0 , 3050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 82.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 773, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 524, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,10,0 , 2200.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,10,0 , 2750.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2244, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5987, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5988, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5989, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5990, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5991, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(781, { id = 781, name = "M_IS_1e_B_nn-ISB2c_queen_ok", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2590,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2224, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 15,10,0 , 3050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 82.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 775, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023154232,8,8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2248, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(782, { id = 782, name = "M_IS_1f_B_nn-ISB3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 781, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8866, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 781, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1023154232,7 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 424, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1674, { id = 1674, name = "M_WL_1b_B_nn-WLB1a", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 769, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 769, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 397, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,31,0 , 1200.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,30,0 , 1000.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8498, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1675, { id = 1675, name = "M_WL_1e_B_nn-WLB1d", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 776, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 776, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 946, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,30,-1 , 2850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,30,-1 , 2500.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1023046432,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023046432, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1023047034, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1676, { id = 1676, name = "M_WL_1f_B_nn-WLB1e", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 776, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1675, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023046854,7,6 }, { 1023046905,7,6 }, { 1023046923,7,6 }, { 1023046947,7,6 }, { 1023047062,7,6 }, { 1023047090,7,6 }, { 1023047109,7,6 }, { 1023047127,7,6 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4413, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8492, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8491, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8493, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1677, { id = 1677, name = "M_WL_1g_B_nn-WLB1f", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 776, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1676, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023050148,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023050148, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(769, { id = 769, name = "M_WL_1a_B_rr-WLB0", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2238, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 6,19,0 , 3108.200,3174.000,153.819, 321.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 782, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8499,9,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4414,9,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 934, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,20,0 , 350.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,20,0 , 800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 935, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,21,-1 , 500.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,21,-1 , 250.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 936, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,21,0 , 2150.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,21,0 , 2400.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 937, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,21,-1 , 1650.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,21,-1 , 2050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 938, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,22,0 , 2000.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,22,0 , 1550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { area_id = 939, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,23,-1 , 3100.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 8,23,-1 , 50.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { area_id = 940, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,25,0 , 2800.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,25,0 , 3100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { area_id = 941, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,26,-1 , 1500.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,26,-1 , 1800.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { area_id = 942, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 8,30,0 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 8,30,0 , 1000.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { area_id = 943, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,30,-1 , 700.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,30,-1 , 1100.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations10 = { area_id = 944, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,30,-1 , 600.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,30,-1 , 800.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(772, { id = 772, name = "M_WL_1c_B_rr-WLB1b", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 769, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1674, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 945, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 3,31,0 , 2050.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 3,31,0 , 1750.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9229,9,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9230,9,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4414, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(776, { id = 776, name = "M_WL_1d_B_rr-WLB1c", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 1, mainquestchapter = 1, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1287, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9506, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1186, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 4,31,-1 , 783.500,908.102,-0.040, 249.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 772, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4413,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8490,8,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8491,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8492,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8493,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9506,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9506, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1326, { id = 1326, name = "S_HE_1a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3612, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1297.700,1866.550,123.368, 91.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7159,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5218,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 271, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,27,0 , 1350.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,27,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1327, { id = 1327, name = "S_HE_1d_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=1330, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1326, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1328, queststate = 2, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3613, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3614, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3615, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3616, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3617, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1328, { id = 1328, name = "S_HE_1e_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1326, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1331, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1012688349,8,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3619,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3620,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3621,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3622,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3623,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 652, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3618, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 653, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3618, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1330, { id = 1330, name = "S_HE_1g_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1326, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3612, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1328, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3619,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3620,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3621,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3622,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3623,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3619,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3620,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3621,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3622,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3623,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3619,0}, victim1 = {3620,0}, victim2 = {3621,0}, victim3 = {3622,0}, victim4 = {3623,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1331, { id = 1331, name = "S_HE_1b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1326, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1326, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 654, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 655, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 656, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1873, { id = 1873, name = "S_HE_1b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim - Hilfsquest Dunkle Gestalt", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1326, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1326, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 5219,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 585, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,27,0 , 2100.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,27,0 , 2450.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2405, { id = 2405, name = "S_HE_1h_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1326, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7159, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1087.700,1904.100,123.369, 221.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1330, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7160, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1333, { id = 1333, name = "S_HE_2a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3625, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 800.000,2500.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2405, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3629,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 3630,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 3627,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 3628,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 3627,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3628,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3626, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1334, { id = 1334, name = "S_HE_2b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1333, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1333, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3627,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3628,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3627, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3628, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1335, { id = 1335, name = "S_HE_2c_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1333, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1334, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3629,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3629, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1336, { id = 1336, name = "S_HE_2d_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1333, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7160, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1335, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3630,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3625,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3630,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3625,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3630,0}, victim1 = {3625,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1337, { id = 1337, name = "S_HE_3a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3636, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 3150.000,2750.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1336, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3637,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3637, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1342, { id = 1342, name = "S_HE_3d_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1337, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2488, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3639, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,23,-1 , 350.000,2500.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1337, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3642,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3643,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3644,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9374,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9375,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9376,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9457,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9458,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9459,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9460,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9461,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 682, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 28,23,-1 , 1250.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,23,-1 , 1500.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1343, { id = 1343, name = "S_HE_3c_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 4, silent=1, stopquestid=1342, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1337, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 310, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,23,-1 , 3150.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,23,-1 , 300.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 658, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1344, { id = 1344, name = "S_HE_3e_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=1342, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1337, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3645, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3646, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3647, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3648, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1345, { id = 1345, name = "S_HE_3f_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=1342, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1337, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3653, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3654, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3655, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3656, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3657, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 3658, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1357, { id = 1357, name = "S_HE_4a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3639, reportposition = { 37,27,0 , 1000.000,1950.000,0.000 , 16.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3659, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,26,0 , 2150.000,2950.000,0.000 , -94.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1342, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3661,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 3662,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 3663,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 3664,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 3665,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3660, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1358, { id = 1358, name = "S_HE_4b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=2407, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1357, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1357, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3666,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3667,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3668,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3669,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3661,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3662,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3663,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3664,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3665,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3661, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3662, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3663, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3664, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3665, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1359, { id = 1359, name = "S_HE_4c_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1357, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3399, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 713, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,27,-1 , 300.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,27,-1 , 850.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3639,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3639, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2407, { id = 2407, name = "S_HE_4d_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1357, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3670, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1359, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3668,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3669,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3666,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3667,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3668,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3669,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3666,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 3667,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3666,0}, victim1 = {3667,0}, victim2 = {3668,0}, victim3 = {3669,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3399, { id = 3399, name = "S_HE_4a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1357, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1357, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1110, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,27,-1 , 850.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,27,-1 , 300.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1630, { id = 1630, name = "S_HU_5a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4319, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,42,0 , 943.102,1055.910,322.411, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2407, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014609672,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4322,7,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4323,7,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4324,7,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4325,7,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4322,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",42 }, { 4323,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",42 }, { 4324,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",42 }, { 4325,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",42 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4320, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4321, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1631, { id = 1631, name = "S_HU_5b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 1630, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1630, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4322, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4323, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4324, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4325, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2280, { id = 2280, name = "S_OR_6a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3639, reportposition = { 10,42,0 , 1437.630,2882.390,3649.190, 91.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6923, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1821.400,2714.050,489.341, 3.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1631, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6929,2,0,"questCreatures",34 }, { 6929,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 6940,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6941,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6942,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6944,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6945,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6946,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3639,8,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 6939,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6928, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1072, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 10,43,0 , 2250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,43,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1073, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 10,42,-1 , 250.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,42,-1 , 50.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2291, { id = 2291, name = "S_OR_6b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 2280, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6929, reportposition = { 10,42,0 , 1400.000,2900.000,0.000 , -109.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2280, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6939,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6940,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6941,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6942,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6944,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6945,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6946,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6939, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6940, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6941, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6942, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6944, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6945, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6946, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2294, { id = 2294, name = "S_SE_7a_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6665, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2291, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6929,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2123, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2326, { id = 2326, name = "S_MA_7b_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 2294, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7023, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 800.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2294, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9441,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9442,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9443,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9444,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1083, amount = 4, dropper0 = { creature = 1129, dropchance = 20, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1130, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1131, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1132, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1133, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1134, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 615, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 1127, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { creature = 1128, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { creature = 1125, dropchance = 101, }, dropper10 = { creature = 1126, dropchance = 101, }, dropper11 = { creature = 614, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2330, { id = 2330, name = "S_MA_7c_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 2294, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2326, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7055, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7056, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7057, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7058, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2331, { id = 2331, name = "S_MA_7d_SR_nn-Classquest Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1326, continues_bookentry = 2294, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2599,0}, {4219,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2330, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10666,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10666, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2549, { id = 2549, name = "S_HE_1a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7471, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,25,0 , 2400.000,1700.000,0.000 , -2.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7472,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 7471,7,1,"Hireling_distance",83 }, { 7472,7,1,"Hireling_distance",83 }, { 8426,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 749, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,26,0 , 2450.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,26,0 , 2550.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7471, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2598, { id = 2598, name = "S_HE_1c_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2546, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2551, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7518, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7519, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7520, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2599, { id = 2599, name = "S_HE_1d_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7526, reportposition = { 20,27,0 , 1900.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9276, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1228.290,524.469,99.371, 56.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2598, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9104,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9105,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7526,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7526,8,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7521, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7522, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7523, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7524, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2617, { id = 2617, name = "S_HE_1f_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2618, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7554,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7558,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7559,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7554, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7558, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7559, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2618, { id = 2618, name = "S_HE_1e_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2599, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7558,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7559,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7560,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7526,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7554, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2648, { id = 2648, name = "S_HE_2a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2649, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7633,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7633, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2649, { id = 2649, name = "S_HE_1i_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7633, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2645, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2643, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2650, { id = 2650, name = "S_HE_2b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2648, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7636, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 19,31,0 , 349.250,2045.700,504.423, 306.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2648, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7634,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7634, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2654, { id = 2654, name = "S_HE_3a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, reportposition = { 25,25,0 , 1850.000,150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7637, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,26,0 , 750.000,300.000,0.000 , -200.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2651, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2653, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7641,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 7642,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 7643,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 7644,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2657, { id = 2657, name = "S_HE_3b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, reportposition = { 25,25,0 , 1850.000,150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2654, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7641,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7642,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7643,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7644,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7641, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7642, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7643, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7644, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2706, { id = 2706, name = "S_HU_4a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7816, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 36,36,0 , 2972.200,2954.250,860.682, 28.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2690, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2702, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7816,7,1,"Hireling_distance",66 }, { 8893,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9118,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7808,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7809,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7810,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7811,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7812,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 798, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,37,0 , 1550.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,36,0 , 1900.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7816, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 799, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,37,0 , 0.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,37,0 , 750.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 7816, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 802, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,37,0 , 2000.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,37,0 , 2850.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2711, { id = 2711, name = "S_HU_4b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7816, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2706, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7526,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7816,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7808,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7809,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7810,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7811,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7812,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7808, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7809, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7810, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7811, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7812, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2714, { id = 2714, name = "S_HU_4c_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7819, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,43,0 , 1350.000,1750.000,0.000 , 271.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2711, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7816,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7821, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7822, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7823, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7824, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7825, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2716, { id = 2716, name = "S_HU_4d_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2714, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1202, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7826, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2724, { id = 2724, name = "S_OR_5a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7837, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1432.610,1291.230,3023.580, 19.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3398, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 804, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,45,0 , 700.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,45,0 , 1900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7841,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, { 7842,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, { 7843,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, { 7837,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",42 }, { 7841,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",42 }, { 7842,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",42 }, { 7843,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",42 }, { 7845,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7837, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7841, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7842, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7843, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2727, { id = 2727, name = "S_OR_5b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2724, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7846, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7844, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 12,45,0 , 1250.000,1250.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2724, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8909,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8911,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8910,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8908,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8906,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8907,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7845, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2729, { id = 2729, name = "S_OR_5c_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2724, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7846, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2727, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7846,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7848, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7849, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7850, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7851, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7852, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2730, { id = 2730, name = "S_OR_5d_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2724, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2729, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7846,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7844, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2734, { id = 2734, name = "S_SE_6a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7885, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3395, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 808, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,55,0 , 150.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,55,0 , 300.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7885,8,0,"questCreatures",47 }, { 7885,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",97 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7881, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7882, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7883, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7884, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2736, { id = 2736, name = "S_SE_6b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2734, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7891, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3396, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 809, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,59,0 , 2050.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,59,0 , 2550.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7891,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8072,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7888,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7889,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7890,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7888, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7889, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7890, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2737, { id = 2737, name = "S_SE_6c_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2734, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6600, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 2450.000,2050.000,0.000 , -44.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2736, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7892,9,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1039, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,58,0 , 2100.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,58,0 , 2300.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7892, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2739, { id = 2739, name = "S_SE_6d_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2734, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6600, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {559,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2737, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7910,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7911,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7909,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7908,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7912,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2744, { id = 2744, name = "S_MA_7a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3397, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 816, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 62,30,0 , 1150.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 62,29,0 , 1750.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7908,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",57 }, { 7909,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",57 }, { 7910,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",57 }, { 7911,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",57 }, { 7912,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7908, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7909, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7910, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7911, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7912, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2748, { id = 2748, name = "S_MA_7b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2744, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2744, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1024776908,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1024776908, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2749, { id = 2749, name = "S_MA_7c_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2744, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7919, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2748, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7919,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7915, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7917, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7918, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2752, { id = 2752, name = "S_JU_8a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7935, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 111.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2749, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7935,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, { 7941,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7941,7,1,"Hireling_distance",66 }, { 9279,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9280,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9279,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 9280,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7936, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7937, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7938, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7939, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2753, { id = 2753, name = "S_JU_8b_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2752, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3284, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1218, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3284, { id = 3284, name = "S_JU_8a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade 8a2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2752, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2752, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1022459765,7,8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022459765, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3395, { id = 3395, name = "S_OR_5e_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2724, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2731, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2732, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1105, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,55,0 , 300.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,55,0 , 150.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3396, { id = 3396, name = "S_SE_6a_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2734, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2734, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1106, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,59,0 , 2550.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,59,0 , 2050.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3397, { id = 3397, name = "S_SE_6d_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2734, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2739, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1107, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 62,30,0 , 1750.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 62,29,0 , 1150.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3398, { id = 3398, name = "S_HU_4f_DY_nn-Classquest Dryade - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2720, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2719, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1109, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,45,0 , 1900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,45,0 , 700.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2551, { id = 2551, name = "S_HE_1b_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7472, reportposition = { 21,26,0 , 2500.000,1150.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2549, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7471,7,2,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 7472,7,2,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 7471,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 7472,8,0,"questCreatures",14 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7471, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7472, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2645, { id = 2645, name = "S_HE_1g_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7580, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,27,0 , 244.000,1630.700,-85.389, 189.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2617, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7560,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1226, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 149, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 494, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 147, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 144, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 146, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2653, { id = 2653, name = "S_HE_2c_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2648, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7636, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2650, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2693, { id = 2693, name = "S_HE_3c_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7739, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7661, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 551.602,259.250,88.040, 183.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2657, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2694, { id = 2694, name = "S_HE_3d_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2693, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7773,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7774,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7775,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7776,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7777,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7778,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7779,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7780,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7772,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7769, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2701, { id = 2701, name = "S_HE_3e_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7772, reportposition = { 28,24,0 , 950.000,2100.000,0.000 , 261.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7661, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 551.602,259.250,88.040, 183.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2694, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7661,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 7661,9,2,"questCreatures",14 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7720, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2702, { id = 2702, name = "S_HE_3f_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7739, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2701, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2720, { id = 2720, name = "S_HU_4e_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7831, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 200.000,600.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2716, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7831,7,1,"Hireling_distance",8 }, { 7841,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7842,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7843,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7844,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2492,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7831,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2492, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2732, { id = 2732, name = "S_OR_5e_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2724, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7844, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2730, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7846,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7885,9,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7846, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2760, { id = 2760, name = "S_JU_8c_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2752, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7935, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2628.050,2546.600,-117.300, 83.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2753, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 817, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,8,-1 , 2350.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,8,-1 , 2850.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7935,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7941,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9279,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9280,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2765, { id = 2765, name = "S_JU_9a_DY_G_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7944, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 2707.950,580.850,1908.530, 47.000 }, }, rewards = { {2600,0}, {3715,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2760, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7935,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7935, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2546, { id = 2546, name = "S_HE_1b_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2549, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7472,7,2,"questCreatures",14 }, { 7471,7,2,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7471, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2636, { id = 2636, name = "S_HE_1g_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2617, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7580,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",59 }, { 7560,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7580, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2643, { id = 2643, name = "S_HE_1h_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2549, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2636, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2651, { id = 2651, name = "S_HE_2c_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2648, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2650, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7636,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7636, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2658, { id = 2658, name = "S_HE_3c_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7661, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 551.602,259.250,88.040, 183.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2657, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7701, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2681, { id = 2681, name = "S_HE_3d_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryadin", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2658, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7706, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7708, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7709, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7710, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7711, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7714, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2684, { id = 2684, name = "S_HE_3e_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7701, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7718, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 707.898,210.250,107.998, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2681, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7720,7,0,"Invalid",14 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2687, { id = 2687, name = "S_HE_3f_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7718, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2684, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7720,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7729,7,0,"Invalid",14 }, { 7732,7,0,"Invalid",14 }, { 7733,7,0,"Invalid",14 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7720, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2689, { id = 2689, name = "S_HE_3g_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2687, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7729,7,0,"Invalid",85 }, { 7732,7,0,"Invalid",85 }, { 7733,7,0,"Invalid",85 }, { 7718,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",85 }, { 7701,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",86 }, { 7661,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",85 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7661, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7701, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7718, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7728, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7729, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7730, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7731, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7732, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7733, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2690, { id = 2690, name = "S_HE_3h_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7739, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2689, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7718,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7718, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2718, { id = 2718, name = "S_HU_4e_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7831, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,40,0 , 200.000,600.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2716, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7831,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7831, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2719, { id = 2719, name = "S_HU_4f_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2706, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2492, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,39,0 , 1050.000,2850.000,0.000 , -165.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2718, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7841,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7842,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7843,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7844,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2492,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2492, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2731, { id = 2731, name = "S_OR_5e_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2724, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7846, reportposition = { 12,45,0 , 1100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 129.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2730, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7844,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7845,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7885,9,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7844, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7845, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2755, { id = 2755, name = "S_JU_8c_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 2752, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7941, reportposition = { 31,8,-1 , 2400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 89.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7935, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,8,-1 , 2628.050,2546.600,-117.300, 83.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2753, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7935,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 7941,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9279,7,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9280,7,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7935,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7935, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2762, { id = 2762, name = "S_IS_9a_DY_B_nn-Classquest Dryade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2549, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7944, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 13,7,0 , 2707.950,580.850,1908.530, 47.000 }, }, rewards = { {2600,0}, {3715,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2755, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7941,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",59 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7941, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3404, { id = 3404, name = "S_OR_3d_HI_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 873, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1115, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,59,0 , 2250.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,59,0 , 2350.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(832, { id = 832, name = "S_HE_1a_HI_N_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9298, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3786, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 1500.000,600.000,180.000, 357.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3786,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 2487,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 453,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(873, { id = 873, name = "S_OR_3c_HI_N_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2560, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 11,54,0 , 2045.950,2334.590,1100.000, 285.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3402, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3403, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(907, { id = 907, name = "S_SE_4a_HI_N_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2616, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9157, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,59,0 , 2347.850,2306.410,546.752, 214.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3404, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 471, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(908, { id = 908, name = "S_DR_5a_HI_N_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2617, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 907, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(909, { id = 909, name = "S_MA_6a_HI_N_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 908, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2618, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1821, { id = 1821, name = "S_HU_2a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici (2a2)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 846, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2501, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 909.852,2257.000,-117.049, 126.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 847, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9555,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5025,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5026,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2501,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5025,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 5026,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2501, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5025, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5026, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3249, { id = 3249, name = "S_JU_8a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici 8a2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 942, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 942, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1023128755,7,8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1023128755, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3251, { id = 3251, name = "S_JU_8a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici 8a3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 942, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2621, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3249, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 477, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3388, { id = 3388, name = "S_HE_1d_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 835, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1100, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,23,0 , 1250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,23,0 , 1950.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3389, { id = 3389, name = "S_HU_2b_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 846, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 848, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1101, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,38,0 , 1900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,38,0 , 2300.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3390, { id = 3390, name = "S_JU_8c_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 942, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 944, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1102, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,8,0 , 200.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,7,0 , 2500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3391, { id = 3391, name = "S_HU_2h_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 927, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1103, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,45,0 , 1100.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,45,0 , 1800.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3392, { id = 3392, name = "S_HU_2c_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 922, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 922, queststate = 8, }, }) quest.createQuest(3403, { id = 3403, name = "S_OR_3c_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint 2v2 GOOD", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 928, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 931, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1114, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,54,0 , 2100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,54,0 , 1950.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(834, { id = 834, name = "S_HE_1c_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2488, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2487, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,31,0 , 2183.500,230.445,5.096, 17.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 832, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2492,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2489,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2490,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 454,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 450, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 23,30,0 , 500.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 23,30,0 , 300.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(835, { id = 835, name = "S_HE_1d_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2488, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 1550.000,150.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 834, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2490,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2492, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(836, { id = 836, name = "S_HE_1e_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2488, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3388, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 154, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,23,0 , 1950.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,23,0 , 1250.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2490,7,2,"Enemy_highelf_officer",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2490, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(838, { id = 838, name = "S_HE_1f_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2488, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 836, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2489,7,0,"Enemy_highelf_officer",58 }, }, ti_actions = { { 455,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2489, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(839, { id = 839, name = "S_HE_1h_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2493, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 838, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(840, { id = 840, name = "S_HE_1i_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2488, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 839, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3686, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3687, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3688, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(841, { id = 841, name = "S_HE_1k_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2497, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 840, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2499,9,0,"Enemy_highelf_soldier",58 }, { 2498,9,0,"Enemy_highelf_soldier",58 }, { 2499,7,0,"questCreatures",14 }, { 2498,7,0,"questCreatures",14 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2496, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(842, { id = 842, name = "S_HE_1m_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2497, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,32,0 , 2950.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 843, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 4970,7,0,"Invalid",41 }, { 4971,7,0,"Invalid",41 }, { 4972,7,0,"Invalid",41 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(843, { id = 843, name = "S_HE_1l_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 841, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2498,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2499,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2498, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2499, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(844, { id = 844, name = "S_HE_1n_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2495, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 842, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 2497,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2497,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 5178,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(845, { id = 845, name = "S_HE_1o_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2495, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 842, queststate = 7, }, }) quest.createQuest(846, { id = 846, name = "S_HU_1p_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2501, reportposition = { 35,35,0 , 1600.000,3150.000,0.000 , -183.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2500, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2750.000,2050.000,0.000 , 74.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 845, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 844, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2500,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2500,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(847, { id = 847, name = "S_HU_2a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 846, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 846, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 456,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2502, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(848, { id = 848, name = "S_HU_2b_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 846, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4980, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2500, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,35,-1 , 684.047,2307.700,-110.477, 69.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1821, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2500,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",14 }, { 2500,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(922, { id = 922, name = "S_HU_2c_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3389, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 182, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,38,0 , 2300.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,38,0 , 1900.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2633, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2634, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2635, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2636, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(923, { id = 923, name = "S_HU_2d_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3392, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 565, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,40,0 , 2000.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,39,0 , 2150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 474, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2637, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(924, { id = 924, name = "S_HU_2e_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 922, queststate = 8, }, precond_area = { area_id = 183, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,40,0 , 2000.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,39,0 , 2150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2638, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2639, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2640, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(926, { id = 926, name = "S_HU_2g_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, reportposition = { 39,39,0 , 1050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 195.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2641, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,38,0 , 1550.000,900.000,0.000 , -77.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 923, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 2653,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2642,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2643,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2644,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2645,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2646,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2647,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2648,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2649,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2650,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2651,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 2652,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(927, { id = 927, name = "S_HU_2h_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2500, reportposition = { 39,40,0 , 1350.000,150.000,0.000 , 253.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 926, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2492,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5003,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 4997,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 4998,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 4999,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 5000,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 5001,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 5002,2,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 2642,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2643,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2644,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2645,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2646,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2647,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2648,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2649,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2650,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2651,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2652,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, { 2653,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2642, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2643, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2644, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2645, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2646, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2647, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2648, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2649, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2650, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 2651, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 2652, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 2653, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 2492, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(928, { id = 928, name = "S_HU_2i_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3391, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 451, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,45,0 , 1800.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,45,0 , 1100.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2656,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2657,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5050,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2655,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2654,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4920,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4921,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(929, { id = 929, name = "S_OR_3a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 928, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 928, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2655,8,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 2654,8,0,"questCreatures",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2654, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2655, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(930, { id = 930, name = "S_OR_3b_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 928, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2655, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1350.000,600.000,0.000 , 146.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 929, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2656,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 2657,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 5050,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4920,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 4921,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 2655,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",8 }, { 2654,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2656, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2657, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4920, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4921, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5050, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(931, { id = 931, name = "S_OR_3c_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 928, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2558, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1633.200,888.656,880.459, 339.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 930, queststate = 8, }, }) quest.createQuest(932, { id = 932, name = "S_MA_6b_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2619, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 909, queststate = 8, }, }) quest.createQuest(933, { id = 933, name = "S_DE_7a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2619, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,17,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 932, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(935, { id = 935, name = "S_DE_7_HI_G_nn-Classquest helfcq_nq4.2", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 934, continues_bookentry = 934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 934, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 566, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,19,0 , 1400.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,19,0 , 900.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2659,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2660,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2661,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2659, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2660, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2661, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(936, { id = 936, name = "S_DE_7_HI_G_nn-Classquest helfcq_nq4.3", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 934, continues_bookentry = 934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 935, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 567, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,19,0 , 2250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,19,0 , 2750.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2662,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2663,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2664,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2665,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2666,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2662, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2663, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2664, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2665, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2666, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(937, { id = 937, name = "S_DE_7_HI_G_nn-Classquest helfcq_nq4.4", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 934, continues_bookentry = 934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 936, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 2667,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2668,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2669,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2670,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, { 2671,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2667, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2668, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2669, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2670, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2671, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(938, { id = 938, name = "S_DE_7_HI_G_nn-Classquest helfcq_nq4.5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 934, continues_bookentry = 934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2619, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 934, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(940, { id = 940, name = "S_DE_7_HI_G_nn-Classquest helfcq_nq6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2619, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,17,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 939, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 938, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2673, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 2674, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 2675, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 2676, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 2677, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(941, { id = 941, name = "S_DE_7b_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 933, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2621, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 933, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2621,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2622,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2623,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2625,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 563, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,8,0 , 2400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,8,0 , 2050.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(942, { id = 942, name = "S_JU_8a_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2621, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 941, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(943, { id = 943, name = "S_JU_8b_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 942, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2621, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3251, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2679, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2680, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2681, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2682, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2683, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2684, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2685, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2686, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2687, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 2688, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(944, { id = 944, name = "S_JU_8c_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 942, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2621, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2200.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 943, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1022131102,7,8 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1406,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022131102, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(945, { id = 945, name = "S_JU_8d_HI_G_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 942, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2621, reportposition = { 31,7,0 , 1761.200,1829.050,32.891, 254.000 }, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2604,0}, {4046,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3390, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1031, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,8,0 , 2500.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,7,0 , 200.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2622,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 2623,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 2625,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9477, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(934, { id = 934, name = "S_DE_7_HI_G_nn-Classquest helfcq_nq4.1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2658, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2619, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,17,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 933, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 2658,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 2659,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2660,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2661,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2662,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2663,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2664,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2665,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2666,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2667,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2668,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2669,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2670,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2671,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, }, ti_actions = { { 475,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 186, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,19,0 , 1400.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,19,0 , 900.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 187, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,19,0 , 2250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,19,0 , 2750.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 188, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,20,0 , 1550.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,20,0 , 2150.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 189, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,20,0 , 1150.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,20,0 , 850.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3288, { id = 3288, name = "S_HU_2e_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici 2e2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2540, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 955.703,809.750,813.024, 186.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 869, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3393, { id = 3393, name = "S_HE_1g_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 853, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1104, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,-1 , 1100.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,-1 , 2450.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3402, { id = 3402, name = "S_OR_3c_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici - Addon Mappoint 1v2 BAD", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 871, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 872, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1113, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,54,0 , 1950.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,54,0 , 2100.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(849, { id = 849, name = "S_HE_1c_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9298, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2503, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 20,29,0 , 3032.050,1088.450,59.927, 72.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 832, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2504,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2505,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2487,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2504,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2505,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(850, { id = 850, name = "S_HE_1d_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2503, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 849, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2487,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2504,2,3,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2505,2,3,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9298,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9481,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9482,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9481,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",57 }, { 9482,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2487, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9298, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9481, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9482, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(851, { id = 851, name = "S_HE_1e_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2488, reportposition = { 27,23,0 , 1503.120,66.258,149.986, 137.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 850, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 156, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,23,0 , 2000.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,22,0 , 1250.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(852, { id = 852, name = "S_HE_1f_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2497, reportposition = { 25,25,0 , 2000.000,150.000,0.000 , 201.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 851, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2497,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2507, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(853, { id = 853, name = "S_HE_1g_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 852, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2489,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2490,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2497, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2509, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2510, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2511, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2512, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(854, { id = 854, name = "S_HE_1h_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3393, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1042, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,-1 , 2450.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,-1 , 1100.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2500,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2523,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2524,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2525,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2526,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2527,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2528,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2529,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2530,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2531,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9569,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2513, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(855, { id = 855, name = "S_HE_1i_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2513, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 854, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2515, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2516, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2517, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2518, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2519, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2520, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2521, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2522, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(856, { id = 856, name = "S_HE_1k_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2500, reportposition = { 27,24,-1 , 1750.000,1700.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 855, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2500,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2513,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9569,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2513, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2523, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2524, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2525, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2526, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2527, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2528, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2529, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2530, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 2531, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(857, { id = 857, name = "S_HE_1l_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 856, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2500,9,2,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 457,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2492, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(858, { id = 858, name = "S_HE_1m_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 832, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2501, reportposition = { 35,35,0 , 1600.000,3150.000,0.000 , 175.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 857, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 458,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2533, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(859, { id = 859, name = "S_HU_2a_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 858, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2534,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 2535,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 2536,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 2537,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 2538,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 2501,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2501, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2534, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2535, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2536, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2537, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2538, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(860, { id = 860, name = "S_HU_2b_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2539, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 859, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 456, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 459, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 460, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(861, { id = 861, name = "S_HU_2c_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2540, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 860, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(866, { id = 866, name = "S_HU_2_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici_nq3.1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2555, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2540, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 955.703,809.750,813.024, 186.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 861, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 463,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2548, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2549, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2550, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2551, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2552, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2553, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2554, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(867, { id = 867, name = "S_HU_2_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici_nq3.2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 866, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2557, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 500.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 866, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2556,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2556, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(868, { id = 868, name = "S_HU_2d_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2539, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 867, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(869, { id = 869, name = "S_HU_2e_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2539, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 1848.260,746.484,953.947, 11.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 868, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2540,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2540, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(870, { id = 870, name = "S_HU_2f_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3288, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 449, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,45,0 , 1300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,45,0 , 1950.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(871, { id = 871, name = "S_OR_3a_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2558, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,45,0 , 1633.200,888.656,880.459, 339.000 }, }, rewards = { {947,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 870, queststate = 8, }, bp_actions = { { 559,7,6,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(872, { id = 872, name = "S_OR_3b_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 871, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2559, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 20,45,0 , 1349.200,1685.410,1519.290, 69.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 871, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2558,5,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2558, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(910, { id = 910, name = "S_MA_6b_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, reportposition = { 41,17,0 , 3150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 909, queststate = 8, }, }) quest.createQuest(911, { id = 911, name = "S_DE_7_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici_nq4.1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2619, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,17,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 910, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2620,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2620, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(912, { id = 912, name = "S_DE_7_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici_nq4.2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2619, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 911, queststate = 7, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 472, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2620, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(913, { id = 913, name = "S_DE_7_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici_nq5", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 873, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2492, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,17,0 , 3150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 912, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 473, amount = 30, dropper0 = { area_id = 174, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 26,16,0 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 27,16,0 , 850.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(914, { id = 914, name = "S_DE_7a_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2621, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 913, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2621,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2622,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2623,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2625,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2621,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2622,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2623,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 2625,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 175, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,8,0 , 2400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,8,0 , 2050.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(917, { id = 917, name = "S_JU_8a_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 914, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2621, reportposition = { 44,9,-1 , 0.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 914, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1022131102,7,8 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2622,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2623,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2625,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2621,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022131102, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(918, { id = 918, name = "S_JU_8b_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 914, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9505, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 917, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(919, { id = 919, name = "S_DE_9a_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 914, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2500, reportposition = { 42,17,0 , 498.094,2322.650,2400.980, 232.000 }, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2604,0}, {4046,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 918, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2619,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2492,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9505,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",9 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2619, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9502, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(921, { id = 921, name = "S_IS_10b_HI_B_nn-Classquest DeElfici", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 832, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 919, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 178, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,9,0 , 2700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,9,0 , 0.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2629, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2630, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2631, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2632, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1925, { id = 1925, name = "S_HE_1a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1087, queststate = 7, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 895, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3028, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1926, { id = 1926, name = "S_HE_1b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1925, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5450, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1925, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1943, { id = 1943, name = "S_HE_1d_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5493, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5492, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 24,30,0 , 150.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1941, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2005, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5492,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 5492,9,2,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 5510,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5511,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5522,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5523,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5524,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5525,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5526,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1946, { id = 1946, name = "S_HE_1e_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5504, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1943, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5504, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5505, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5506, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5507, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5508, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1947, { id = 1947, name = "S_HE_1f_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5493, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1946, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 911, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1948, { id = 1948, name = "S_HE_1g_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1947, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5493,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5510,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5511,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5493, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5510, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5511, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1949, { id = 1949, name = "S_HE_1h_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1948, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 915, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1950, { id = 1950, name = "S_HE_1i_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1949, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5492,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",42 }, { 5522,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",42 }, { 5523,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",42 }, { 5524,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",42 }, { 5525,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",42 }, { 5526,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",42 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5492, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5522, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5523, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5524, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5525, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5526, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1952, { id = 1952, name = "S_HE_2a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5527, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1950, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5528,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5527,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5530,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5513, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1957, { id = 1957, name = "S_HE_2b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5530, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1952, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5527,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5528,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 2, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5527, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5528, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1963, { id = 1963, name = "S_HE_2e_SW_nn-Classquest SW Accept", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5540, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1959, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1962, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 1965, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1966, { id = 1966, name = "S_HE_2f_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1963, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 504, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,0 , 1500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,0 , 1700.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 920, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1967, { id = 1967, name = "S_HE_2g_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1966, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 505, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,0 , 900.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,0 , 1100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 921, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1983, { id = 1983, name = "S_HE_3a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2495, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,32,0 , 2100.000,1450.000,0.000 , -11.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1967, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5178,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",1 }, { 5678,2,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",1 }, { 5178,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5678,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5680,7,0,"Invalid",41 }, { 5682,7,0,"Invalid",41 }, { 6173,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6174,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6175,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6176,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5178, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5678, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2013, { id = 2013, name = "S_HE_3c_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1983, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5806, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2011, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2012, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2081, { id = 2081, name = "S_HE_3d_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1983, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2013, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6184, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2083, { id = 2083, name = "S_HU_4a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6184, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 34,35,0 , 3050.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2081, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 529, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,35,0 , 2950.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,35,0 , 3150.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6184,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",84 }, { 6184,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6194, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6196, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6197, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6198, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6199, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6200, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6201, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6202, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2086, { id = 2086, name = "S_HU_4b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2083, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6184, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2083, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2091, { id = 2091, name = "S_HU_4c_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2083, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2086, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6269, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2097, { id = 2097, name = "S_HU_4d_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2083, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2091, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 538, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,40,-1 , 650.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,40,-1 , 950.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 532, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,40,0 , 450.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,40,0 , 650.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2098, { id = 2098, name = "S_HU_4e_SW_nn-Classquest SW Addon", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2097, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6304, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6305, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6306, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6307, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6308, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6309, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6310, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2099, { id = 2099, name = "S_HU_4e_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2083, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2097, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 983, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6301, dropchance = 75, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 6302, dropchance = 75, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 6303, dropchance = 75, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2101, { id = 2101, name = "S_HU_4f_SW_nn-Classquest SW Addon", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2099, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6321, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6323, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6324, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6325, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6326, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6327, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2102, { id = 2102, name = "S_HU_4f_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2083, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6312, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,44,0 , 3150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2099, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6315,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 985, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6313, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2103, { id = 2103, name = "S_HU_4g_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2083, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2102, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6315,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6315, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2107, { id = 2107, name = "S_OR_5a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6332, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,46,0 , 2700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2103, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6334, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2119, { id = 2119, name = "S_OR_5a_SW_nn-Classquest SW Addon", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2107, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2107, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 9, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6349, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6350, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6351, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6352, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6353, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6354, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6355, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6356, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6357, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2126, { id = 2126, name = "S_OR_5b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2107, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6334, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 100.000,400.000,0.000 , -27.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2119, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6334,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_elite",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 992, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6334, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1846, { id = 1846, name = "S_SE_6d_SW_nn-Classquest SW Helper", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2171, queststate = 8, }, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2160, { id = 2160, name = "S_SE_6b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2162, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6600, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,57,0 , 2450.000,2050.000,0.000 , -44.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2162, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6632, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6633, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6634, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6635, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6636, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6637, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2162, { id = 2162, name = "S_SE_6a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6600, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 2450.000,2050.000,0.000 , -44.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2148, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2149, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6600, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6600, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2170, { id = 2170, name = "S_SE_6c_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2162, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2160, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6638, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6639, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6640, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6641, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2171, { id = 2171, name = "S_SE_6d_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2162, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6600, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2170, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 2000,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6642, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2173, { id = 2173, name = "S_DR_7a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6332, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 44,56,-1 , 238.156,590.047,-147.179, 328.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2171, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6332,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 6332,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6665, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2176, { id = 2176, name = "S_DR_7b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2173, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6665, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,58,-1 , 650.000,2800.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2173, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1008, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 1296, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1108, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1204, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1298, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1308, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1009, amount = 10, dropper0 = { area_id = 612, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 59,39,0 , 0.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 58,38,0 , 0.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2184, { id = 2184, name = "S_DR_7b_SW_nn-Classquest SW AddOn", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2176, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6332, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,58,-1 , 850.000,2950.000,0.000, 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2173, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6332,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2203, { id = 2203, name = "S_DE_7c_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2173, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6739, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2176, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1011, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6743, dropchance = 25, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 6744, dropchance = 25, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 6745, dropchance = 25, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 6746, dropchance = 25, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 6747, dropchance = 25, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 6748, dropchance = 25, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 6749, dropchance = 25, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 6750, dropchance = 25, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 6751, dropchance = 25, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 6752, dropchance = 25, }, dropper10 = { taskcreature = 6742, dropchance = 25, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2209, { id = 2209, name = "S_DE_7d_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2173, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2203, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1018, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, groupchanges = { { 9349,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 9350,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 9351,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 9352,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 9353,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 9354,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 9349,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle",33 }, { 9350,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery_phalanx",33 }, { 9351,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle",33 }, { 9352,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery_phalanx",33 }, { 9353,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle_ex",33 }, { 9354,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle",33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2211, { id = 2211, name = "S_DE_7e_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2173, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9510, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2209, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1021680894,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1021680894, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7510, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2212, { id = 2212, name = "S_DE_7f_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2173, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2211, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9510,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1029, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9510, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1030, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9510, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3400, { id = 3400, name = "S_DE_7f_SW_nn-Classquest SW - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2173, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2212, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1111, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,2,0 , 950.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,2,0 , 1100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2213, { id = 2213, name = "S_IS_8a_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6772, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 13,2,-1 , 1550.000,1000.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3400, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1068, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 13,2,0 , 1100.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,2,0 , 950.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6773, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2216, { id = 2216, name = "S_WL_8b_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2213, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2213, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6776,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 6777,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 6778,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 6779,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 6780,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6776, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6777, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6778, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6779, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6780, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2221, { id = 2221, name = "S_WL_8c_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1952, continues_bookentry = 2213, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6600, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 3,31,0 , 2650.000,700.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2216, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6796,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6796,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6796, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2252, { id = 2252, name = "S_MA_8d_SW_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2213, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2603,0}, {4217,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2221, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6796, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1965, { id = 1965, name = "S_HE_2c_G_nn-Classquest SW GOOD ONLY", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5536, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , -65.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1957, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2005, { id = 2005, name = "S_HE_1c_SW_G_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5450, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1926, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 906, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 147, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 149, dropchance = 50, }, dropper2 = { creature = 146, dropchance = 50, }, dropper3 = { creature = 144, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2012, { id = 2012, name = "S_HE_3b_SW_G_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1983, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2495, reportposition = { 30,30,-1 , 550.000,1900.000,0.000 , 132.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1983, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5680,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5682,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 6173,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 6174,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 6175,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 6176,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5680, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5682, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6173, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6174, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6175, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6176, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2149, { id = 2149, name = "S_OR_5c_SW_G_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2107, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2495, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,57,0 , 1750.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2126, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1941, { id = 1941, name = "S_HE_1c_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1926, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5450, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1926, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 906, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5487, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 5488, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 5489, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 5490, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 5491, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1959, { id = 1959, name = "S_HE_2c_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW Decide", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5536, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,24,0 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , -65.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1957, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 916,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1962, { id = 1962, name = "S_HE_2d_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW Decline", questtype = 4, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1952, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1959, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 5536,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 916, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5536, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2011, { id = 2011, name = "S_HE_3b_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 1983, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2495, reportposition = { 30,30,-1 , 450.000,1950.000,0.000 , -231.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1983, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5682,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5680,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 6173,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, { 6174,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, { 6175,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, { 6176,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",41 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5680, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5682, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2080, { id = 2080, name = "S_HE_3c_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW Bad-Addon", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2013, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5806,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5806, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2146, { id = 2146, name = "S_SE_5c_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2107, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9530, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,57,0 , 1750.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2126, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2147, { id = 2147, name = "S_OR_5d_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2107, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9530, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2146, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 9530,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",59 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9530, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2148, { id = 2148, name = "S_OR_5e_SW_B_nn-Classquest SW", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1926, continues_bookentry = 2107, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2147, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2146, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9530,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",59 }, { 6529,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9530, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3545, { id = 3545, name = "S_HE_1a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3532, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3532, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9822,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1160, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,24,0 , 2950.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,24,0 , 600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3546, { id = 3546, name = "S_HE_2a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ploetzlich unerwartet", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3823, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1161, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,22,0 , 1800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,22,0 , 2600.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1005098547,8,8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1162, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,22,0 , 2100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,22,0 , 2300.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3548, { id = 3548, name = "S_HE_2b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ploetzlich unerwartet", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3546, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3546, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1005098547,7 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1509, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3549, { id = 3549, name = "S_HE_3a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Entschluesselungen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9806, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 25,24,0 , 2411.200,2094.050,100.000, 182.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3548, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1164, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,23,0 , 950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,23,0 , 1350.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9808,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9809,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9806, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3550, { id = 3550, name = "S_HE_4a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ermittlungen vor Ort", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9809, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9808, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1232.850,2636.800,103.000, 91.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3549, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9809,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1512,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9808, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3551, { id = 3551, name = "S_HE_5a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Oculus mechanicus", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9810, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,23,0 , 1925.350,2202.250,120.995, 332.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3550, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1513, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 718, dropchance = 60, }, dropper1 = { creature = 673, dropchance = 60, }, dropper2 = { creature = 674, dropchance = 60, }, dropper3 = { creature = 678, dropchance = 60, }, dropper4 = { creature = 605, dropchance = 75, }, dropper5 = { creature = 607, dropchance = 75, }, dropper6 = { creature = 666, dropchance = 60, }, dropper7 = { creature = 668, dropchance = 60, }, dropper8 = { creature = 608, dropchance = 75, }, dropper9 = { creature = 723, dropchance = 60, }, dropper10 = { creature = 724, dropchance = 75, }, dropper11 = { creature = 727, dropchance = 75, }, dropper12 = { creature = 91, dropchance = 60, }, dropper13 = { creature = 606, dropchance = 75, }, dropper14 = { taskcreature = 10147, dropchance = 60, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3552, { id = 3552, name = "S_HE_5b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Oculus mechanicus 2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3551, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3551, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3553, { id = 3553, name = "S_HE_5c_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Oculus mechanicus 3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3551, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9810, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3552, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1648,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3554, { id = 3554, name = "S_HE_6a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Mit dem zweiten...", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9809, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1330.350,2414.450,103.000, 212.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3553, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9809, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3555, { id = 3555, name = "S_HE_7a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Barthus", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9813, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,31,0 , 150.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3827, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9813,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9814,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9815,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9816,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9817,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9818,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9813, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9814, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9815, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9816, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9817, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9818, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3556, { id = 3556, name = "S_HE_8a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Varmin", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9819, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 29,40,0 , 3031.850,2089.600,135.971, 350.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3828, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9819,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9819, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3557, { id = 3557, name = "S_HE_9b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Eine Botschaft wird ueberbracht", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2169, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,54,0 , 2845.300,152.953,23.614, 230.000 }, }, rewards = { {4212,0}, {3713,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3831, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3830, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3759, { id = 3759, name = "S_HU_4b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Geh nach Wargfels", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3790, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8621, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,43,0 , 262.352,2436.160,617.697, 131.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3790, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1252, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,41,0 , 50.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,39,0 , 650.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3790, { id = 3790, name = "S_HU_4a_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Geh nach Wargfels", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=3556, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3555, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1267, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,44,0 , 2700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,43,0 , 2000.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3817, { id = 3817, name = "S_HE_1b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10457, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,25,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3545, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1277, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,29,0 , 350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,29,0 , 550.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3821, { id = 3821, name = "S_HE_1e_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3820, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1279, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,29,0 , 550.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,29,0 , 350.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3822, { id = 3822, name = "S_HE_1f_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3819, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3821, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10458, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10459, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10460, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10461, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10462, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3823, { id = 3823, name = "S_HE_1g_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3822, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1667, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3824, { id = 3824, name = "S_HE_6b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Mit dem zweiten...", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3554, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3554, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10463, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3825, { id = 3825, name = "S_HE_6d_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Mit dem zweiten...", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3554, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3826, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1280, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,31,0 , 700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,31,0 , 850.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1668, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3826, { id = 3826, name = "S_HE_6c_SW_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Mit dem zweiten...", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3554, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3824, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3827, { id = 3827, name = "S_HE_6e_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Mit dem zweiten...", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3554, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3825, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1165, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 38,31,0 , 1650.000,300.000,38.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,30,0 , 2300.000,2700.000,-2.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10464, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3828, { id = 3828, name = "S_HE_7b_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Barthus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3555, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3555, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10466,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 10466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 10465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 10466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 10465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 10466, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3818, { id = 3818, name = "S_HE_1c_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3545, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3817, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1278, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 25,29,0 , 700.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,29,0 , 200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3819, { id = 3819, name = "S_HE_1d_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag - Area TA", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=3820, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3818, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1011649240, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3820, { id = 3820, name = "S_HE_1d_DM_N_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Ein zweiter Auftrag - Area TF", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=3819, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3818, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1011649987, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3830, { id = 3830, name = "S_HE_9a_DM_G_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Eine Botschaft wird ueberbracht - GoodPrecond", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3556, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 712, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3556, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3831, { id = 3831, name = "S_HE_9a_DM_B_nn-Dragonmage Classquest - Eine Botschaft wird ueberbracht - BadPrecond", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3545, continues_bookentry = 3556, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3556, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 730, queststate = 7, }, }) quest.createQuest(1346, { id = 1346, name = "S_HE_1a_TG_N_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 24,26,0 , 200.000,1500.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_area = { area_id = 741, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 23,26,0 , 3000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 24,26,0 , 650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 659, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 660, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 661, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1347, { id = 1347, name = "S_HE_1b_TG_N_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3650, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3649, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 950.000,2600.000,0.000 , 52.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1346, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1355, { id = 1355, name = "S_HE_2e_TG_N_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1354, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1351, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3650,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3650, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2358, { id = 2358, name = "S_HE_3a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7110, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,28,0 , 2650.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1355, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2360, { id = 2360, name = "S_HE_3b_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7110, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1450.000,2150.000,0.000 , -112.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2358, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 671, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,24,0 , 1850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,24,0 , 1750.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9121, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9122, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9123, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9124, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2365, { id = 2365, name = "S_HE_3e_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, reportposition = { 25,25,0 , 1850.000,150.000,0.000 , 37.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2363, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2361, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1113, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2367, { id = 2367, name = "S_HE_3f_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2365, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 672, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,33,0 , 2600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,33,0 , 2400.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7114,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7115,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7116,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7117,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7118,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7119,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7120,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7121,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7114,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7115,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7116,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7117,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7118,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7119,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7120,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7121,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2492,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2492,9,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2492,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2370, { id = 2370, name = "S_HE_3g_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2492, reportposition = { 30,33,0 , 2500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2367, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2379, { id = 2379, name = "S_HE_3k_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2372, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2373, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7123,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1158, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2380, { id = 2380, name = "S_HU_4a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3328, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2379, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1019003136,7,1 }, { 1019003136,8,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 774, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 32,34,0 , 800.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,34,0 , 1350.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1019003136, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2381, { id = 2381, name = "S_HU_4b_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,33,0 , 2200.000,2100.000,0.000 , -102.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2380, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2386, { id = 2386, name = "S_HU_4d_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 44,45,0 , 139.906,1098.340,1535.520, 99.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2384, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2382, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7143, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2389, { id = 2389, name = "S_HU_4e_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2381, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1025643992,7,1 }, { 1025644018,7,1 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8351,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1025643992, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1025644018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 8351, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2390, { id = 2390, name = "S_HU_4f_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2986, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7151,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7151, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2470, { id = 2470, name = "S_OR_5a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7259, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2390, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2472, { id = 2472, name = "S_OR_5c_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2471, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1133, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2475, { id = 2475, name = "S_DR_5d_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2472, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2594, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7263,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7263, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2478, { id = 2478, name = "S_MA_5f_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7267, reportposition = { 50,26,-1 , 650.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2477, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2476, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7265,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7266,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7267,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7268,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7269,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1136, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2479, { id = 2479, name = "S_MA_5g_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2478, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7265,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7267,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7268,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7266,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7269,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7265, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7266, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7267, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7268, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7269, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2483, { id = 2483, name = "S_DE_6a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7272, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,10,-1 , 1850.000,2750.000,0.000 , -101.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3341, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7272,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8400,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8408,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8380,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8381,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8396,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8372,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8392,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8401,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8402,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8404,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8406,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8407,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8373,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8387,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8374,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8383,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8388,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8376,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8389,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8375,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8386,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8385,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8369,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8403,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8405,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8377,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8379,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8378,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8394,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8371,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8384,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8395,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8393,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8382,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8398,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8397,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8390,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8399,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8370,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 8391,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 41, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7272, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8369, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8370, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8371, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8372, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8373, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8374, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8375, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8376, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8377, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8378, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8379, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 8380, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 8381, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 8382, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 8383, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 8384, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 8385, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 8386, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 8387, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 8388, }, kill21 = { taskcreature = 8389, }, kill22 = { taskcreature = 8390, }, kill23 = { taskcreature = 8391, }, kill24 = { taskcreature = 8392, }, kill25 = { taskcreature = 8393, }, kill26 = { taskcreature = 8394, }, kill27 = { taskcreature = 8395, }, kill28 = { taskcreature = 8396, }, kill29 = { taskcreature = 8397, }, kill30 = { taskcreature = 8398, }, kill31 = { taskcreature = 8399, }, kill32 = { taskcreature = 8400, }, kill33 = { taskcreature = 8401, }, kill34 = { taskcreature = 8402, }, kill35 = { taskcreature = 8403, }, kill36 = { taskcreature = 8404, }, kill37 = { taskcreature = 8405, }, kill38 = { taskcreature = 8406, }, kill39 = { taskcreature = 8407, }, kill40 = { taskcreature = 8408, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2484, { id = 2484, name = "S_DE_6b_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2483, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1137, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2485, { id = 2485, name = "S_DE_6c_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2484, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2487, { id = 2487, name = "S_JU_6d_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2485, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7278,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",5 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7278, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2497, { id = 2497, name = "S_JU_7a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2496, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2501, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7278, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2502, { id = 2502, name = "S_JU_7b_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2497, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2497, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7324,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7324, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7325, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7326, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7327, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7328, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7329, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2512, { id = 2512, name = "S_JU_7c_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2497, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7324, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,7,0 , 1050.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2502, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7324,9,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 7324,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 731, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,8,0 , 300.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,8,0 , 50.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7324, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2519, { id = 2519, name = "S_JU_7d_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2497, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2512, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7324,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7395, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7396, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7397, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7398, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7399, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7400, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7401, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7402, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7403, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 7404, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 7405, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 7406, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2520, { id = 2520, name = "S_JU_7e_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2497, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3002, reportposition = { 31,8,-1 , 400.000,875.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2519, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1150, amount = 5, dropper0 = { area_id = 732, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 31,8,-1 , 300.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 31,8,-1 , 3100.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2524, { id = 2524, name = "S_IS_8a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3338, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 733, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 13,2,0 , 1100.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,2,0 , 950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 734, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,2,-1 , 1100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,2,-1 , 1300.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2529, { id = 2529, name = "S_IS_8b_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2524, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3002, reportposition = { 13,2,-1 , 900.000,1000.000,0.000 , -268.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2524, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7436,7,1,"Invalid",97 }, { 7438,7,1,"Invalid",97 }, { 7439,7,1,"Invalid",97 }, { 7440,7,1,"Invalid",97 }, { 7436,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 7438,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 7439,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 7440,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7425, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7426, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7427, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7428, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7429, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7430, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7431, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7432, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7433, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 7434, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2538, { id = 2538, name = "S_WL_9a_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwaechter", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9465, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 4,30,0 , 2000.000,2750.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {2602,0}, {4218,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3342, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9465,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2986, { id = 2986, name = "S_HU_4d_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache WO active", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2386, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1019002195,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1019002195, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2987, { id = 2987, name = "S_HU_4d_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache Blaupausen", questtype = 4, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2986, queststate = 8, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1283, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1284, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1285, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1286, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3338, { id = 3338, name = "S_JU_7e_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2497, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2520, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1075, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,2,0 , 950.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,2,0 , 1100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3341, { id = 3341, name = "S_DE_nn-Classquest Tempelwache 5-6 Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2479, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1078, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,11,0 , 850.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,11,0 , 550.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3342, { id = 3342, name = "S_WL_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwaechter 8-9 mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2524, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2529, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1079, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,31,0 , 600.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,30,0 , 3150.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3414, { id = 3414, name = "S_JU_7e_TG_nn-Classquest Tempelwache - Addon Hireling", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2520, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2520, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7324,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",80 }, { 7324,10,2,"Enemy_warrior_simple",80 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7324,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1349, { id = 1349, name = "S_HE_2a_TG_G_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3651, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1347, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1351, { id = 1351, name = "S_HE_2b_TG_G_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3651, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1349, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3652,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3652,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3652,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2363, { id = 2363, name = "S_HE_3d_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwach", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7110, reportposition = { 28,24,0 , 1715.650,2112.350,94.994, 274.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2360, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2373, { id = 2373, name = "S_HE_3j_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9494, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2370, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9494,7,1,"Hireling_distance",83 }, { 9494,8,2,"questCreatures",83 }, { 9484,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",42 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9484, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2382, { id = 2382, name = "S_HU_4c_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2389, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8352, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8354, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8355, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8356, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8357, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8358, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2471, { id = 2471, name = "S_OR_5b_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7259, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 20,43,0 , 400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2470, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7261, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2476, { id = 2476, name = "S_DR_5e_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7263, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,58,-1 , 800.000,550.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2475, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7263,2,0,"questCreatures",47 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1135, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2498, { id = 2498, name = "S_JU_6e_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2487, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7286,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7286, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2501, { id = 2501, name = "S_JU_6f_TG_G_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7286, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2498, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1025295412,7,32 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7286,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7278,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1025295412, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1353, { id = 1353, name = "S_HE_2c_TG_B_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1347, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3651,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3651, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1354, { id = 1354, name = "S_HE_2d_TG_B_mo-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1353, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 662, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2361, { id = 2361, name = "S_HE_3c_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7110, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,24,0 , 1715.650,2112.350,94.994, 274.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2360, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7110,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7110, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2371, { id = 2371, name = "S_HE_3h_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7123, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,33,0 , 2900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2370, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7123,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7124,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7125,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7126,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7127,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7124,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7125,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7126,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7127,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7123, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7124, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7125, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7126, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7127, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2372, { id = 2372, name = "S_HE_3i_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 1346, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2371, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9498,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9498, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2384, { id = 2384, name = "S_HU_4c_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2380, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2389, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8351,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8351, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2477, { id = 2477, name = "S_DR_5e_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7263, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,58,-1 , 800.000,550.000,0.000 , -91.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2475, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7263,2,0,"questCreatures",47 }, { 7263,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1135, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7263, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2489, { id = 2489, name = "S_JU_6e_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2487, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7286,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7286, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2496, { id = 2496, name = "S_JU_6f_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2483, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2489, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1025295412,7,32 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7278,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1025295412, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2594, { id = 2594, name = "S_OR_5b_TG_B_nn-Classquest Tempelwache", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1346, continues_bookentry = 2470, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2470, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7259,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1133, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7259, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2595, { id = 2595, name = "S_DE_7_IQ_nn-Classquest_Inquisitor_Chap7_Title", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 979, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 776, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,17,0 , 1300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,17,0 , 2150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3406, { id = 3406, name = "S_HE_1c_IQ_nn-Classquest_Inquisitor - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 950, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 951, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1058, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,23,0 , 2250.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,23,0 , 3150.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3407, { id = 3407, name = "S_HU_3b_IQ_nn-Classquest_Inquisitor - Addon Mappoint", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 958, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 959, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1057, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,41,0 , 300.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 24,41,0 , 850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3409, { id = 3409, name = "S_MA_8a_IQ_nn-Classquest_Inquisitor Addon Hireling", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 990, queststate = 9, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9512, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9512,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(949, { id = 949, name = "S_HE_1a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2697, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , 339.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2699,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 478,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(950, { id = 950, name = "S_HE_1b_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2699, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,27,0 , 2400.000,800.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 949, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(951, { id = 951, name = "S_HE_1c_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 950, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2697, reportposition = { 24,31,0 , 400.000,3050.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2700, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 21,29,0 , 210.578,1035.570,59.988, 70.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 950, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2702, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2704, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2705, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2706, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2707, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2708, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2709, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2710, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2711, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 2712, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(952, { id = 952, name = "S_HE_2a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 951, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2697, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,23,0 , 1137.950,2258.750,81.946, 3.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3406, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1059, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,-1 , 1600.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,-1 , 1950.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2697,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(953, { id = 953, name = "S_HE_2a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inq_Addon1", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 952, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2716, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2717, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(954, { id = 954, name = "S_HE_2b_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 952, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2513, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,24,-1 , 1800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 952, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 2697,7,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2718, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(955, { id = 955, name = "S_HE_2c_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2719, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 954, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(956, { id = 956, name = "S_HE_2d_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inqui_Addon2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 955, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2720, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(957, { id = 957, name = "S_HE_2e_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inqui_Addon3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 949, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 956, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2722, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2723, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2724, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2725, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2726, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(958, { id = 958, name = "S_HE_3a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2697, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 957, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2697,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2728,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2729,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2730,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2731,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2732,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2728, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2729, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2730, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2731, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2732, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(959, { id = 959, name = "S_HE_3b_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 958, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 34,34,0 , 1300.000,2350.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2697, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,33,0 , 2450.000,450.000,0.000 , 147.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 958, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 2697,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 194, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,34,0 , 950.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,34,0 , 1850.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(972, { id = 972, name = "S_HU_4a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 959, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 22,43,-1 , 2520.500,1526.500,-195.227, 21.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9519, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 24,41,0 , 2000.000,1900.000,0.000 , 71.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3407, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9519,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 9519,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2826, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(973, { id = 973, name = "S_HU_4b_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 972, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 22,43,-1 , 2520.500,1526.500,-195.227, 21.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9519, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,43,-1 , 2520.500,1526.500,-195.227, 21.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 972, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9519, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9519, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(974, { id = 974, name = "S_HU_4c_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 972, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 973, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 205, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,46,0 , 350.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,45,0 , 2200.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2830, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(975, { id = 975, name = "S_OR_5a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2831, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 974, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2831,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",59 }, { 2831,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2832, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2833, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2834, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2835, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2836, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2837, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2838, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(977, { id = 977, name = "S_OR_5b_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 975, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2850, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2831, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,52,0 , 1547.200,2118.410,262.088, 27.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 975, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1066, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,52,0 , 1700.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,52,0 , 1900.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2831,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 2831,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(979, { id = 979, name = "S_DR_6a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2697, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 44,54,0 , 100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 977, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(981, { id = 981, name = "S_DE_7a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 2595, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2697, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 1750.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2595, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 2852,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 206, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,11,0 , 100.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,10,0 , 2150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(985, { id = 985, name = "S_DE_7b_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 2595, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2697, reportposition = { 41,10,0 , 1450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 981, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,8,2,"Invalid",9 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9520, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(988, { id = 988, name = "S_DE_7c_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor_Addon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 2595, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2697, reportposition = { 41,10,0 , 1450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 981, queststate = 10, }, precond_area = { area_id = 568, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,11,0 , 100.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,10,0 , 2150.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9545,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(989, { id = 989, name = "S_DE_7d_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 2595, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9521, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 985, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 988, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2697,8,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9521,7,0,"Enemy_highelf_soldier",57 }, { 9545,7,0,"Enemy_highelf_soldier",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9521, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9545, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(990, { id = 990, name = "S_WL_8a_IQ_mo-Classquest_Inquisitor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 949, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9512, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 6,20,0 , 3150.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {2601,0}, {3401,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 989, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1067, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 7,19,0 , 2750.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,19,0 , 700.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9512,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",9 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(876, { id = 876, name = "S_HE_SR_G_nn-Classquest Hoppla", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 261, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,33,0 , 2382.840,505.469,979.635, 309.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 295, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(877, { id = 877, name = "S_HE_SR_G_nn-Classquest Hoppla (2)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 876, continues_bookentry = 876, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 295, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 876, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 267, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 268, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 269, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 270, }, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, {2562,0}, } }) quest.createQuest(109, { id = 109, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Classquest Alchemie? Alles Chemie!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 312, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,29,0 , 2073.350,1937.700,21.262, 90.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 313,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 315,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 314,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 316,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 313, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(110, { id = 110, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Classquest Alchemie? Alles Chemie! 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 109, continues_bookentry = 109, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 312, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 109, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 315,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",57 }, { 314,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 316,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6208,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6209,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6210,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6211,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6212,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6213,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6214,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7195,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7196,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7197,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7198,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7200,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7201,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7203,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7204,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7205,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7206,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7207,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7208,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7212,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7213,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 313, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 314, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 315, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 316, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3143, { id = 3143, name = "S_IS_1a_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8840, reportposition = { 17,10,0 , 400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8839, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,9,0 , 300.000,2850.000,0.000 , 162.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8840,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 994, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,10,0 , 650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,10,0 , 200.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3145, { id = 3145, name = "S_IS_1b_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3143, continues_bookentry = 3143, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8840, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3143, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8840,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8840, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3146, { id = 3146, name = "S_IS_1c_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3143, continues_bookentry = 3143, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8839, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3145, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1336,7,6 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1336, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3147, { id = 3147, name = "S_IS_2a_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3143, continues_bookentry = 3143, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8839, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3146, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8844, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3148, { id = 3148, name = "S_IS_3a_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3143, continues_bookentry = 3143, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3147, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 995, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,9,0 , 1750.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,9,0 , 250.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8839,7,1,"Hireling_distance",80 }, { 8846,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",17 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8846, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3150, { id = 3150, name = "S_IS_4b_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3143, continues_bookentry = 3237, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3326,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8839, reportposition = { 17,9,0 , 800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3237, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8839,7,2,"questCreatures",17 }, { 8846,7,2,"questCreatures",17 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8847, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3237, { id = 3237, name = "S_IS_4a_DY_nn-Classquest Verschwundene Frauen IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3143, continues_bookentry = 3143, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3148, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8848,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8848, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8849, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8850, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8851, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8852, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8853, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8854, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8855, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8856, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8857, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8858, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1858, { id = 1858, name = "S_HE_1a_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5151, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 2583.530,2421.840,87.020, 145.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1311, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,25,0 , 1800.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,25,0 , 1950.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1859, { id = 1859, name = "S_HE_1c_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1858, continues_bookentry = 1858, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1863, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1860, { id = 1860, name = "S_HE_1e_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1858, continues_bookentry = 1858, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1862, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5160,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5161,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5162,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5163,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5164,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5165,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1862, { id = 1862, name = "S_HE_1d_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1858, continues_bookentry = 1858, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1859, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 460, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,25,0 , 1800.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,25,0 , 1950.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1863, { id = 1863, name = "S_HE_1b_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1858, continues_bookentry = 1858, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5152, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,25,0 , 1450.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1858, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5158,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5159,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1864, { id = 1864, name = "S_HE_1f_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1858, continues_bookentry = 1858, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5160, reportposition = { 30,25,0 , 2050.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1860, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5152,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6524,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5161, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5162, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5163, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5164, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5165, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1865, { id = 1865, name = "S_HE_1g_HI_N_nn-Classquest Klaerung aus dem Grab", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1858, continues_bookentry = 1858, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5151, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2522,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1864, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5151,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",14 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6524, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(115, { id = 115, name = "S_HE_SW_nn-Classquest Waffenbrueder 1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 324, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,28,0 , 2649.000,1987.950,238.744, 19.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 115, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,29,0 , 1500.000,650.000,80.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,29,0 , 2000.000,100.000,52.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 567, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 568, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 571, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(116, { id = 116, name = "S_HE_SW_nn-Classquest Waffenbrueder Teil 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 115, continues_bookentry = 115, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 328, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 329, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,29,0 , 1700.000,350.000,48.000 , -207.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 115, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 329,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 330,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1409, { id = 1409, name = "S_HE_4_SW_N_nn-Classquest Waffenbrueder_Behaviour-AddOn", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 115, continues_bookentry = 115, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 115, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 320, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,29,0 , 1250.000,650.000,93.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,29,0 , 2400.000,100.000,43.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 567,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 568,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 571,9,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(192, { id = 192, name = "S_HE_SW_nn-Classquest Waffenbrueder 3", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 115, continues_bookentry = 115, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 324, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3270,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 116, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 330,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",14 }, { 330,9,0,"JOB_KID",14 }, { 324,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",14 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {330,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3518, { id = 3518, name = "S_BI_1b_N_fs-Dragonmage Classquest Verfluchte kleine Biester", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9786, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,12,0 , 299.844,2167.500,451.426, 317.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1493,7,1 }, { 1494,7,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1492, amount = 3, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9787, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 9788, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 9789, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3519, { id = 3519, name = "S_BI_1c_N_fs-Dragonmage Classquest Verfluchte kleine Biester", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3518, continues_bookentry = 3518, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3518, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050875710,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050875710, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3520, { id = 3520, name = "S_BI_1d_N_fs-Dragonmage Classquest Verfluchte kleine Biester", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3518, continues_bookentry = 3518, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3519, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1495, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3521, { id = 3521, name = "S_BI_1e_N_fs-Dragonmage Classquest Verfluchte kleine Biester", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3518, continues_bookentry = 3518, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3520, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1502,8,1 }, { 1503,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1156, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,13,0 , 300.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,13,0 , 600.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3522, { id = 3522, name = "S_BI_1f_N_fs-Dragonmage Classquest Verfluchte kleine Biester", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3518, continues_bookentry = 3518, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3296,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9786, reportposition = { 56,12,0 , 2959.030,796.688,425.806, 160.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3521, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1157, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,12,0 , 600.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,12,0 , 250.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1316, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 57,12,0 , 460.183,893.708,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,12,0 , 376.183,809.708,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1050865354, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { worldobject = 1050865351, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3781, { id = 3781, name = "S_BI_1g_N_fs-Dragonmage Classquest Verfluchte kleine Biester", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3518, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3522, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1376, { id = 1376, name = "S_HE_1a_TG_N_nn-Classquest Rost", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3717, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,30,0 , 200.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {2658,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 673, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3882, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 691, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 692, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 693, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 694, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(878, { id = 878, name = "S_HE_nn-Classquest Rostiges Erbe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 331, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,25,0 , 2600.000,2100.000,0.000 , 329.000 }, }, rewards = { {2451,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 468, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 333, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 332, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 334, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 1523, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 1524, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(108, { id = 108, name = "S_HE_nn-Classquest Ganz oder gar nicht", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 306, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 304, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,28,0 , 540.359,2701.320,-67.008, 2.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 309,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 310,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 307,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 306,9,0,"Enemy_mage",42 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1394, { id = 1394, name = "S_HE_nn-Classquest Ganz oder garnicht 2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 108, continues_bookentry = 108, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3320,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 304, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 108, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 316, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 306, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1471, { id = 1471, name = "S_HU_1_KA_nn-Entweihte Goetter (Ker)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 6, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2540,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3972, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,39,0 , 950.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 717, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3967, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 3968, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 3969, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 3970, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 3971, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1473, { id = 1473, name = "S_HU_1_TE_nn-Entweihte Goetter (Tasta)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 4, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3974, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,39,0 , 3100.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3935,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3936,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3937,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3938,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3939,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3940,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3942,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3943,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3944,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3945,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 719, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1474, { id = 1474, name = "S_HU_FO_2_nn-Entweihte Goetter II(Forens)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2143, continues_bookentry = 2143, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3975, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2143, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 720, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1475, { id = 1475, name = "S_HU_1_GA_nn-Entweihte Goetter (Gaia)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 2, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3976, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,40,0 , 1578.790,1280.090,393.240, 200.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 721, amount = 10, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6976, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 6977, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 6978, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 6979, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 6980, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 6981, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 6982, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 6983, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 6984, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 6985, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1476, { id = 1476, name = "S_HU_1_LU_nn-Entweihte Goetter (Lumen)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 1, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2539,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3977, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,41,0 , 1400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3978, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3979, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3980, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3981, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3982, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1880, { id = 1880, name = "S_HU_1_nn-Entweihte Goetter Kuan", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3973, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,41,0 , 1200.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5245,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5246,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5247,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5248,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5249,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5250,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5251,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5252,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5253,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5254,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 886, amount = 8, dropper0 = { creature = 761, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2143, { id = 2143, name = "S_HU_N_FO_nn-Entweihte Goetter Forens", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3975, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,41,0 , 3050.000,500.000,0.000 , 212.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1086, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,44,0 , 750.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,44,0 , 1300.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2619, { id = 2619, name = "S_DE_1_TE_nn-Trockene Goetter: Testa", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 4, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7550, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,20,0 , 1212.550,80.199,3356.300, 21.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1342, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 1233, dropchance = 10, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1456, dropchance = 10, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2620, { id = 2620, name = "S_DE_2_TE_nn-Trockene Goetter: Testa II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2619, continues_bookentry = 2619, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 4, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7550, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2619, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1164,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7552, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2623, { id = 2623, name = "S_DE_1_LU_nn-Trockene Goetter: Lumen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 1, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7566, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,19,0 , 1217.500,2976.350,3356.300, 101.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1167, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 1776, dropchance = 10, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1777, dropchance = 10, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1778, dropchance = 10, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1779, dropchance = 10, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2625, { id = 2625, name = "S_DE_2_LU_nn-Trockene Goetter: Lumen II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2623, continues_bookentry = 2623, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 1, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7566, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2623, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1168,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7552, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2626, { id = 2626, name = "S_DE_1_GA_nn-Trockene Goetter: Kybele", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 2, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7569, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,19,0 , 1074.200,3131.400,3356.300, 81.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1169, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2627, { id = 2627, name = "S_DE_2_GA_nn-Trockene Goetter: Kybele II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2626, continues_bookentry = 2626, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 2, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2537,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7569, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2626, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1170,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7552, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2628, { id = 2628, name = "S_DE_1_KU_nn-Trockene Goetter: Kuan", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7570, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,19,0 , 1469.650,3002.300,3356.300, 311.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8913,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8914,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8915,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1171, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 1197, dropchance = 10, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1198, dropchance = 10, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1193, dropchance = 10, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1194, dropchance = 10, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1195, dropchance = 10, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1196, dropchance = 10, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2630, { id = 2630, name = "S_DE_2_KU_nn-Trockene Goetter: Kuan II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2628, continues_bookentry = 2628, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7570, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2628, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1172,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7552, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2631, { id = 2631, name = "S_DE_1_KA_nn-Trockene Goetter: Ker", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 6, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7573, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,19,0 , 1358.850,3073.300,3356.300, 313.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8913,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8914,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8915,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1173, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 1197, dropchance = 10, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1198, dropchance = 10, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1193, dropchance = 10, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1194, dropchance = 10, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1195, dropchance = 10, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1196, dropchance = 10, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2632, { id = 2632, name = "S_DE_2_KA_nn-Trockene Goetter: Ker II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2631, continues_bookentry = 2631, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 6, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7573, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2631, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1174,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7552, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2633, { id = 2633, name = "S_DE_1_FO_nn-Trockene Goetter: Forens", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7575, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,19,0 , 1373.950,2888.100,3356.300, 153.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1175, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 1233, dropchance = 10, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1456, dropchance = 10, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2634, { id = 2634, name = "S_DE_2_FO_nn-Trockene Goetter: Forens II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2633, continues_bookentry = 2633, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7575, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2633, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1176,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7552, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2666, { id = 2666, name = "S_DE_FO_nn-Bekehrung Forens", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1460, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,18,0 , 2750.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1463, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1464, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 7677, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2671, { id = 2671, name = "S_DE_GA_nn-Bekehrung Kybele", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 2, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1470, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 1550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1471, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1472, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1473, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1474, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 7692, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2673, { id = 2673, name = "S_DE_TE_nn-Bekehrung Testa", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 4, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2536,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7693, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,18,0 , 3100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1473, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1474, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1463, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 1464, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2675, { id = 2675, name = "S_DE_LU_nn-Bekehrung Lumen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 1, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1490, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 1400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1464, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1473, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 1463, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2676, { id = 2676, name = "S_DE_KU_nn-Bekehrung Kuan", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1485, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 2800.000,1050.000,0.000 , 21.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1463, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1473, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 7677, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2678, { id = 2678, name = "S_DE_KA_nn-Bekehrung Ker", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 6, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7698, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 2500.000,2850.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1466, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1463, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1473, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1465, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 7677, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3222, { id = 3222, name = "S_IS_LU_JT - Gruene Goetter : Lumen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 1, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9117, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1362, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1363, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1364, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1365, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1366, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3223, { id = 3223, name = "S_IS_GA_JT - Gruene Goetter : Kybele", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 2, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9117, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1368, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1369, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1370, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1371, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1372, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3224, { id = 3224, name = "S_IS_TE_JT - Gruene Goetter : Forens", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9117, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, {2538,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1373, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1376, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1377, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1378, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1379, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3231, { id = 3231, name = "S_IS_KU_JT - Gruene Goetter : Kuan", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9117, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1380, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1381, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1382, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1383, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1384, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3232, { id = 3232, name = "S_IS_KA_JT - Gruene Goetter : Ker", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 6, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9117, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1385, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1386, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1387, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1388, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1389, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3233, { id = 3233, name = "S_IS_TE_JT - Gruene Goetter : Testa", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 4, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9117, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2244.750,2369.250,2380.420, 258.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1390, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1391, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1392, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1393, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1394, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1477, { id = 1477, name = "S_HU_1_KU_nn-Fackelzug", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2528,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4456, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,41,0 , 2000.000,2700.000,0.000 , 116.000 }, }, rewards = { {1514,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 3991,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 722, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3990, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1478, { id = 1478, name = "S_HU_1b_KU_nn-Fackelzug_Enemies", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1477, queststate = 1, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3992, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3993, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3994, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3995, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3996, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1450, { id = 1450, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3905, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3904, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,43,0 , 700.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 352, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,43,0 , 100.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,43,0 , 0.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 353, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,43,0 , 2250.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,43,0 , 2150.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 354, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,43,0 , 1450.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,43,0 , 1350.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 355, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,44,0 , 500.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,44,0 , 400.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1451, { id = 1451, name = "S_HU_2a_KU_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3913, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1450, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3914,7,0,"JOB_NIGHT_WATCHMAN",12 }, { 3915,7,0,"JOB_NIGHT_WATCHMAN",12 }, { 3916,7,0,"JOB_NIGHT_WATCHMAN",12 }, { 3917,7,0,"JOB_NIGHT_WATCHMAN",12 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1455, { id = 1455, name = "S_HU_2b_KU_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 1451, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3905, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1451, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1456, { id = 1456, name = "S_HU_3a_LU_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid = 1451, stopqueststate = 2, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 1, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3905, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1450, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3913,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3914,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3915,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3916,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3917,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3913, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3914, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3915, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3916, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3917, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2885, { id = 2885, name = "S_HU_3a_GA_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid = 1451, stopqueststate = 2, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 2, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3905, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1450, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3913,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3914,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3915,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3916,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3917,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3913, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3914, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3915, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3916, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3917, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2890, { id = 2890, name = "S_HU_3a_FO_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid = 1451, stopqueststate = 2, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 3, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3905, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1450, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3913,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3914,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3915,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3916,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3917,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3913, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3914, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3915, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3916, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3917, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3040, { id = 3040, name = "S_HU_3a_TE_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid = 1451, stopqueststate = 2, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 4, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3905, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1450, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3913,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3914,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3915,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3916,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3917,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3913, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3914, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3915, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3916, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3917, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3063, { id = 3063, name = "S_HU_3a_KA_nn-Meilensteine", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid = 1451, stopqueststate = 2, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1450, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 6, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3905, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,44,0 , 3100.000,1400.000,0.000 , 29.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1450, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3913,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3914,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3915,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3916,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3917,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3913, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3914, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3915, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3916, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3917, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2733, { id = 2733, name = "S_DE_3c_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2692, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7793, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2705, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3443, { id = 3443, name = "S_DE_3a_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung III - Hireling helper", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2692, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2704, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7783,7784, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7783,1}, victim1 = {7784,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2692, { id = 2692, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7750, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2709, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7785,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 7786,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 7787,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 7747,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7741,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7743,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7835,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7746,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7738,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7748,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7749,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 7750,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 7783,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 7784,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 7783,8,0,"Invalid",76 }, { 7784,8,0,"Invalid",76 }, { 7785,8,0,"Invalid",76 }, { 7786,8,0,"Invalid",76 }, { 7787,8,0,"Invalid",76 }, { 7750,8,0,"questCreatures",76 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7738, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7741, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7743, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7746, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7747, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7748, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7749, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7835, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2695, { id = 2695, name = "S_DE_2_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2692, continues_bookentry = 2692, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7750, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 1550.000,1650.000,0.000 , 247.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2692, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7782,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7783,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7784,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1194, amount = 20, dropper0 = { creature = 1265, dropchance = 60, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1266, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1267, dropchance = 60, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1268, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1237, dropchance = 60, }, dropper5 = { creature = 267, dropchance = 60, }, dropper6 = { creature = 211, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 397, dropchance = 60, }, dropper8 = { creature = 396, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { creature = 395, dropchance = 60, }, dropper10 = { creature = 394, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2709, { id = 2709, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung-start", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 807, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 44,19,0 , 3150.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,19,0 , 3100.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7750,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7783,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7784,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7785,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7786,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7787,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7747,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7741,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7743,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7835,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7746,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7738,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7748,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7749,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2704, { id = 2704, name = "S_DE_3a_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2692, continues_bookentry = 2695, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7750, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 1550.000,1650.000,0.000 , 247.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2695, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 796, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,21,0 , 250.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 47,21,0 , 2300.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2705, { id = 2705, name = "S_DE_3b_N_nn-Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2692, continues_bookentry = 2704, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7750, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2704, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7794,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7795,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7782,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7788, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7789, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7790, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7791, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7792, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3814, { id = 3814, name = "S_DE_Magische Fehler Trigger", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 57, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 57, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1321, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,20,0 , 950.000,000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,20,0 , 550.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 158,2,1,"Invalid",5 }, { 158,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",67 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8485, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(57, { id = 57, name = "S_DE_Magische Fehler", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 5, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 157, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2692, queststate = 8, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 156, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 1100.000,1550.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 159,160,161, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {158,0}, }, }, groupchanges = { { 158,3,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 158,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 158,9,0,"Invalid",5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(549, { id = 549, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Vorquesten Chainquest Untote Legion (2v3)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1834, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 24,28,0 , 2008.160,2323.570,-0.330, 309.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 378, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1833, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, groupchanges = { { 3723,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3724,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3725,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3726,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3727,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3723,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3724,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3725,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3726,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3727,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(546, { id = 546, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Vorquesten Chainquest Untote Legion (1v3)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1828, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,28,0 , 263.984,2460.620,-2.867, 63.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskitem = 377, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2406, { id = 2406, name = "S_HE_JT - Zurueck an die Front", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2281, stopqueststate=3, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7163, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7162, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,32,0 , 1825.000,1475.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6925,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2281, { id = 2281, name = "S_HE_1_JT - Die untote Legion 1/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6930, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6925, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,28,0 , 1065.750,1207.100,102.915, 339.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2406, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2285, { id = 2285, name = "S_HE_2_JT - Die untote Legion 2/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6925, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6930, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 34,27,0 , 1543.100,904.898,190.242, 75.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2281, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1069,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2305, { id = 2305, name = "S_HE_3_JT - Die untote Legion 3/15", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6925, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,28,0 , 1065.750,1207.100,102.915, 339.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2285, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1078, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 157, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 151, dropchance = 50, }, dropper2 = { creature = 153, dropchance = 50, }, dropper3 = { creature = 159, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2307, { id = 2307, name = "S_HE_4_JT - Die untote Legion 4/15", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6925, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,28,0 , 1065.750,1207.100,102.915, 339.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2305, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7165,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7166,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7167,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7191,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1080, amount = 4, dropper0 = { creature = 153, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 152, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2314, { id = 2314, name = "S_HE_5_JT - Die untote Legion 5/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6986, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6925, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,28,0 , 1065.750,1207.100,102.915, 339.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2307, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2319, { id = 2319, name = "S_HE_6_JT - Die untote Legion 6/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7024, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6986, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 1288.750,1745.950,-72.631, 64.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2314, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2321, { id = 2321, name = "S_HE_7_JT - Die untote Legion 7/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7025, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7024, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,21,0 , 950.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2319, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2329, { id = 2329, name = "S_HE_8b_JT - Die untote Legion 8b/15", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 2423, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2423, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7060, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7061, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7062, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2423, { id = 2423, name = "S_HE_8a_JT - Die untote Legion 8a/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7025, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1400.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2321, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1020459067,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7139,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 7140,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 7141,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 7193,7,0,"Invalid",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 683, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 28,21,0 , 1000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,21,0 , 1200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2425, { id = 2425, name = "S_HE_8c_JT - Die untote Legion 8c/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 2423, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7025, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2329, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7139,9,2,"questCreatures",83 }, { 7140,9,2,"questCreatures",83 }, { 7141,9,2,"questCreatures",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 684, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 29,20,-1 , 300.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,20,-1 , 600.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2337, { id = 2337, name = "S_HE_9_JT - Die untote Legion 9/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6986, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7025, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1400.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2425, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2359, { id = 2359, name = "S_HE_10_JT - Die untote Legion 10/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7111, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6986, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 1288.750,1745.950,-72.631, 64.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2337, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2362, { id = 2362, name = "S_HE_11_JT - Die untote Legion 11/15", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7111, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1654.350,2892.100,493.500, 259.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2359, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 50, kill0 = { creature = 150, bodycount = 50, }, kill1 = { creature = 151, bodycount = 50, }, kill2 = { creature = 152, bodycount = 50, }, kill3 = { creature = 153, bodycount = 50, }, kill4 = { creature = 154, bodycount = 50, }, kill5 = { creature = 155, bodycount = 50, }, kill6 = { creature = 156, bodycount = 50, }, kill7 = { creature = 157, bodycount = 50, }, kill8 = { creature = 158, bodycount = 50, }, kill9 = { creature = 159, bodycount = 50, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2364, { id = 2364, name = "S_HE_12_JT - Die untote Legion 12/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3683, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7111, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1654.350,2892.100,493.500, 259.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2362, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1361, { id = 1361, name = "S_HE_13a_N_FS - Die untote Legion 13a/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5190, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3683, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1695.080,2035.380,279.633, 336.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2364, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 666,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3677, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1363, { id = 1363, name = "S_HE_13b_N_FS - Die untote Legion 13b/15", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1361, continues_bookentry = 1361, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5190, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1361, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 668, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3689, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 669, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3690, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 670, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3691, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1365, { id = 1365, name = "S_HE_13c_N_FS - Die untote Legion 13c/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1361, continues_bookentry = 1361, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3683, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1363, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2366, { id = 2366, name = "S_HE_14_JT - Die untote Legion 14/15", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1365, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7111, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3683, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1695.080,2035.380,279.633, 336.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1365, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2377, { id = 2377, name = "S_HE_15a_JT - Die untote Legion 15a/15", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7111, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1654.350,2892.100,493.500, 259.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2366, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7136,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { creature = 150, bodycount = 20, }, kill1 = { creature = 151, bodycount = 20, }, kill2 = { creature = 152, bodycount = 20, }, kill3 = { creature = 153, bodycount = 20, }, kill4 = { creature = 154, bodycount = 20, }, kill5 = { creature = 155, bodycount = 20, }, kill6 = { creature = 156, bodycount = 20, }, kill7 = { creature = 157, bodycount = 20, }, kill8 = { creature = 158, bodycount = 20, }, kill9 = { creature = 159, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2378, { id = 2378, name = "S_HE_15b_JT - Die untote Legion 15b/15", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2281, continues_bookentry = 2377, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {626,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2377, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7136,7,0,"Enemy_boss_undead_general",57 }, { 7225,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7224,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9514,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9515,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7136, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1313, { id = 1313, name = "S_HE_2b_nn-Verungluecktes Fuhrwerk 3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1390, continues_bookentry = 1390, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1812, reportposition = { 28,33,0 , 1050.000,1700.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 517, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1315, { id = 1315, name = "S_HE_2c_nn-Verungluecktes Fuhrwerk 4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1390, continues_bookentry = 1390, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1812, reportposition = { 28,33,0 , 1000.000,1600.000,0.000 , 59.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 517, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(517, { id = 517, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Verungluecktes Fuhrwerk 2", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1390, continues_bookentry = 1390, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1812, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,33,0 , 550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 291.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1390, queststate = 8, }, target_area = { area_id = 223, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,33,0 , 750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,33,0 , 800.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1815,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1813,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1812,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1813,0}, victim1 = {1812,0}, victim2 = {1815,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1401, { id = 1401, name = "S_HE_3_nn-Ueberfall (4v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3480, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 761,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 764,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 765,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 761, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 764, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 765, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(224, { id = 224, name = "S_HE_1_md-Ueberfall (1v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3479, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3479, { id = 3479, name = "S_HE_1_md-Ueberfall pre (2v4)", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=3480, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 224, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 761, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,26,0 , 582.250,702.350,39.769, 286.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3480, { id = 3480, name = "S_HE_3_nn-Ueberfall pre (3v4)", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=3479, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1401, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass = 1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 317, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 35,26,0 , 600.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,26,0 , 450.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(431, { id = 431, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Wildschweinplage 1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1553, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,26,0 , 50.000,2350.000,0.000 , -41.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1555, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1556, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1557, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1558, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1560, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1561, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1562, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1563, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1564, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 3773, }, kill10 = { creature = 56, bodycount = 10, }, kill11 = { creature = 57, bodycount = 10, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(806, { id = 806, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Wildschweinplage 2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 431, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1553, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,26,0 , 50.000,2350.000,0.000 , -41.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 431, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1553,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2289,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2277,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2278,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2279,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2280,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2281,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2282,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2283,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2284,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2285,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2286,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2287,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2288,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 2277,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2278,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2279,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 2280,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 2281,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2282,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2283,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2284,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 2285,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2286,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2287,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 2288,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 1553,8,1,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1553,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, { 2289,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 147, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,0 , 3100.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,0 , 2850.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1561, { id = 1561, name = "S_HU_1a_rr-Das Geisterdorf ELVG", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1642, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 42,47,0 , 2049.700,2000.750,650.089, 318.000 }, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4360, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,45,0 , 1600.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1642, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1009917905,2,42 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4360,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4360,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 379, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 42,47,0 , 1550.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,47,0 , 2550.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1562, { id = 1562, name = "S_HU_1b_rr-Das Geisterdorf ELVG", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1642, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4360, reportposition = { 42,47,0 , 2049.700,2000.750,650.089, 318.000 }, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1561, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4360,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 737, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1563, { id = 1563, name = "S_HU_1c_rr-Das Geisterdorf ELVG", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1642, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1562, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4360,8,2,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",12 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1425,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4225, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1564, { id = 1564, name = "S_HU_1d_rr-Das Geisterdorf ELVG", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1642, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4226, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1563, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1019246853,9,11 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1565, { id = 1565, name = "S_HU_2a_rr-Das Geisterdorf BB", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4226, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1564, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1019246853,12 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1009917905,9,5 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 738, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1567, { id = 1567, name = "S_HU_3a_rr-Das Geisterdorf VT", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4228, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 47,45,-2 , 1523.160,2579.950,3339.800, 274.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1565, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1569, { id = 1569, name = "S_HU_3b_rr-Das Geisterdorf VT", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1567, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4228, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,45,-2 , 1523.160,2579.950,3339.800, 274.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1567, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4229, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4230, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4231, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4232, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4233, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4234, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4235, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4236, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1570, { id = 1570, name = "S_HU_3c_rr-Das Geisterdorf VT", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1567, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4228, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1569, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9119,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1374,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4237, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1571, { id = 1571, name = "S_HU_4a_rr-Das Geisterdorf Epilog", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1642, continues_bookentry = 1567, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2101,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4225, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1570, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4341,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1642, { id = 1642, name = "S_HU_1_rr-Das Geisterdorf ELVG", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4225, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,46,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 47.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4360,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4360,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4360,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4341, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1700, { id = 1700, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Ephraims-Alptraum1", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4488, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2696, queststate = 2, }, questRescue = { amount = 1, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 4467,4463,9314, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4469,1}, victim1 = {4472,1}, victim2 = {4476,1}, victim3 = {4477,1}, victim4 = {4480,1}, victim5 = {4481,1}, victim6 = {4488,0}, victim7 = {4474,1}, victim8 = {4478,1}, }, }, groupchanges = { { 4469,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4472,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4476,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4477,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4480,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4481,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4488,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4474,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4478,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4469,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4472,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4476,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4477,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4480,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4481,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4488,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4474,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, { 4478,9,2,"FarmAnimal",97 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1703, { id = 1703, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Ephraims Alptraum2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 1700, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4488, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,42,0 , 350.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1700, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4545,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4501,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4502,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4537,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4538,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4538,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4539,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4540,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4541,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4542,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4544,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4545,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4546,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4546,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4547,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4548,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4550,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4551,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4552,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4553,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { creature = 203, bodycount = 20, }, kill1 = { creature = 204, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2696, { id = 2696, name = "S_HU_1a_N_nn-Ephraims Alptraum Pre", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 422, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,43,0 , 3100.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,42,0 , 1500.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1723, { id = 1723, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Ephraims Alptraum3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4488, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,42,0 , 350.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1703, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014592412,7,42 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4565,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4567,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4568,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4569,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4570,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4571,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4572,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4573,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4574,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4575,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4576,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4577,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4578,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4579,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4580,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4581,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4582,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4583,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4584,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4585,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4586,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4587,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4588,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4589,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4590,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4591,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4592,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1014592412, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1728, { id = 1728, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Ephraims Alptraum 4 - Grosse Buerde ", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8832, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4488, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,42,0 , 350.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1723, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4618,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1729, { id = 1729, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Ephraims Alptraum 4 - Grosse Buerde", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1733, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 1728, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8832, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,41,0 , 491.352,2827.840,290.384, 39.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1728, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014592412,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8832,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4619, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4621, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4622, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4623, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4625, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1733, { id = 1733, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Ephraims Alptraum 4 - Grosse Buerde", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1729, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 4618,7,1,"Hireling_distance",84 }, { 4618,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 4618, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4618,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3091, { id = 3091, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Ephraims Alptraum 5 - Grosse Buerde", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2696, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4618, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,41,0 , 529.250,2964.550,290.384, 352.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1729, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4618,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10011, }, }, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3505,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1465, { id = 1465, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Sichelmondstoff", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 36,37,0 , 1550.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3949, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 1463.700,1933.150,108.813, 201.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3949,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",12 }, { 3949,8,2,"questCreatures",12 }, { 3950,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3951,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3952,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3953,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3954,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3955,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3956,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, { 3957,8,0,"FarmAnimal",12 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 714, amount = 8, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3950, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 3951, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 3952, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 3953, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 3954, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 3955, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 3956, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 3957, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1466, { id = 1466, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Sichelmondstoff", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1465, continues_bookentry = 1465, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3958, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1465, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3950,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3951,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3952,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3953,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3954,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3955,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3956,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3957,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3959,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3960,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3961,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3962,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3963,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 3964,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 361, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,36,0 , 2850.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,35,0 , 2050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1467, { id = 1467, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Sichelmondstoff_Angriff1", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1465, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1466, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3959, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3960, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3961, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3962, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3963, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 3964, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1468, { id = 1468, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Sichelmondstoff", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1465, continues_bookentry = 1465, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3949, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1466, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1469, { id = 1469, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-Sichelmondstoff", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1465, continues_bookentry = 1465, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3965, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3949, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 1463.700,1933.150,108.813, 201.000 }, }, rewards = { {1515,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1468, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1850, { id = 1850, name = "S_HE_N_JT-Jagdhilfe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5122, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,27,0 , 300.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {974,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 5131,7,0,"WildAnimal",0 }, { 5132,7,0,"WildAnimal",0 }, { 5134,7,0,"WildAnimal",0 }, { 5131,9,0,"WildAnimal",7 }, { 5132,9,0,"WildAnimal",7 }, { 5134,9,0,"WildAnimal",7 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 855, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5124, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 856, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5126, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 857, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5127, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1312, { id = 1312, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 5 zwischenmodul", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 884, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 883, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(63, { id = 63, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 172, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 167, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 1467.650,659.953,-3.162, 275.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2271,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(65, { id = 65, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 63, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 173, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 174, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 177, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 178, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 179, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(792, { id = 792, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2271, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,25,0 , 1227.400,129.050,14.730, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1312, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 65, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 198,9,0,"questCreatures",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(793, { id = 793, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 6a declined", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 167, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2271, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,25,0 , 1227.400,129.050,14.730, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 792, queststate = 10, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 198, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(794, { id = 794, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 6b accepted", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 167, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2271, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,25,0 , 1227.400,129.050,14.730, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 792, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 198, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(882, { id = 882, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 174, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,25,0 , 200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 65, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 174,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(883, { id = 883, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 4b accepted", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 174, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,25,0 , 200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 882, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 162, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,25,0 , 1000.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,25,0 , 1400.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(884, { id = 884, name = "S_HE_Schutzgeld 4a declined", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 63, continues_bookentry = 63, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 174, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,25,0 , 200.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 882, queststate = 10, }, target_area = { area_id = 562, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,25,0 , 1000.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,25,0 , 1400.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 174,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 174, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3275, { id = 3275, name = "S_HE_nn-Versicherung der Versicherung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9248, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,26,0 , 2200.000,500.000,94.000, 337.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1034, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,22,0 , 2450.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,22,0 , 2550.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3276, { id = 3276, name = "S_HE_2_nn-Versicherung der Versicherung II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3275, continues_bookentry = 3275, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9248, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3275, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9257, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9258, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9259, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9260, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9261, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9262, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9263, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9264, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(182, { id = 182, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Laengst vergangene Tage (1v3)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 546, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,28,0 , 2378.770,2910.110,11.665, 219.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 79, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(187, { id = 187, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Laengst vergangene Tage (2v3)", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 182, continues_bookentry = 182, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 566, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 546, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 23,28,0 , 2378.770,2910.110,11.665, 219.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 182, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3700,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 3701,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 3702,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 3703,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 546,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {546,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(193, { id = 193, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Laengst vergangene Tage (3v3)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 182, continues_bookentry = 182, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 187, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 546, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 596, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 598, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 600, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 604, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 608, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(184, { id = 184, name = "S_HE_1a_md-Deserteure", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 574, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1809.130,1413.680,175.124, 190.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 586, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(191, { id = 191, name = "S_HE_1b_md-Deserteure", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 184, continues_bookentry = 184, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 574, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 184, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 590, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 591, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 592, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1369, { id = 1369, name = "S_HE_1c_N_nn-Wolfsjagd_OnLost", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 165, continues_bookentry = 164, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 418, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 165, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(164, { id = 164, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Wolfsjagd", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 418, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,28,0 , 1500.000,3100.000,0.000 , -159.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 464,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 465,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1086,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 436,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3800,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3798,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3799,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3796,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3797,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 427, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(165, { id = 165, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Wolfsjagd", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 164, continues_bookentry = 164, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 164, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 427,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",95 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 467,468,466,472,470,471,469, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {427,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(181, { id = 181, name = "S_HE_2a_N_nn-Der Rudelfuehrer", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 164, continues_bookentry = 164, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 427, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 165, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 9, kill0 = { taskcreature = 548, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 549, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 551, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 552, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 553, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 554, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 555, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 556, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 557, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(195, { id = 195, name = "S_HE_2b_N_nn-Der Rudelfuehrer", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 181, continues_bookentry = 164, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 418, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 181, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 76, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,29,0 , 1450.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,29,0 , 1650.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 427,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 427, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2728, { id = 2728, name = "S_HU_JT - Wolfsfelle fuer Angar", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7847, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,47,0 , 2400.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1204, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1205, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1206, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1207, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1208, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1209, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(441, { id = 441, name = "S_HU_nn-Wolfsfelle", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1601, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,38,0 , 1000.000,750.000,0.000 , 195.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 330, amount = 13, dropper0 = { creature = 761, dropchance = 70, }, dropper1 = { creature = 763, dropchance = 70, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(219, { id = 219, name = "S_HE_md-Das Wolfsrudel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 690, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,27,0 , 1200.000,800.000,0.000 , -124.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 684, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 685, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 686, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 688, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 689, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2596, { id = 2596, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#1", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 7512,9,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7513,9,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 7514,9,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1021684680,33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2597, { id = 2597, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#1_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 326, queststate = 7, }, worldobjects = { { 1021684680,2,32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2600, { id = 2600, name = "S_DE_2a_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 7527,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1021684647,33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2601, { id = 2601, name = "S_DE_2b_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#2_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, 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= 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 7536,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7537,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1021699279,33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2611, { id = 2611, name = "S_DE_7b_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#7_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 326, queststate = 7, }, worldobjects = { { 1021699279,9,32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2612, { id = 2612, name = "S_DE_8a_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#8", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 7538,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7539,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7540,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1021699205,33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2613, { id = 2613, name = "S_DE_8b_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#8_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, 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{ { 1021699314,33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2615, { id = 2615, name = "S_DE_9b_G_nn-DEG_Verfluchter_Schatz_#9_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 326, queststate = 7, }, worldobjects = { { 1021699314,9,32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1855, { id = 1855, name = "S_HE_1_N_JT-Der zahme Baer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, 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lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 622, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,29,0 , 183.250,2586.650,-19.945, 60.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9446,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9447,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9448,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9449,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9450,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 629,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 309, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 57, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 56, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(189, { id = 189, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jaegerlager 3v4", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 188, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, 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anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1707, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 1200.000,550.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 432, amount = 25, dropper0 = { creature = 149, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 144, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 146, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 147, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 306, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 494, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 148, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(307, { id = 307, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Das beste Omelette von allen 1A", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1153, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,25,0 , 885.297,2450.400,89.891, 261.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 167, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1174, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 9284, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 9285, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 9286, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 9287, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 9288, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(356, { id = 356, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Julius und Romina 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1336, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 1800.350,1580.000,90.033, 139.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1338,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1345,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1346,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1344,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1343,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1342,7,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1337, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(357, { id = 357, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Julius und Romina 2", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 356, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1336, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 29,26,0 , 800.000,850.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 356, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1337,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",14 }, { 1338,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1345,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1346,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1344,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1343,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1342,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1338,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1345,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1346,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1344,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1343,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1342,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1338,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1345,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1346,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1344,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1343,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1342,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1337,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1418, { id = 1418, name = "S_HE_4_N_nn-Julius und Romina 4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 356, continues_bookentry = 356, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1337, reportposition = { 27,23,0 , 1600.000,2100.000,0.000 , -25.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1516,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 358, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(358, { id = 358, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Julius und Romina 3", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 356, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 1900.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 357, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 102, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,23,0 , 1500.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,23,0 , 1700.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1336,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 1337,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 1348,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1349,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1350,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1351,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1352,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1353,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1354,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1355,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1356,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1357,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1358,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1359,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6530,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6531,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6532,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6533,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6534,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6535,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6536,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6537,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6538,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1336,9,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1337,9,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1348,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1349,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1350,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1351,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1352,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1353,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1354,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1355,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1356,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1357,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1358,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1359,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6530,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6531,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6532,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6533,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6534,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6535,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6536,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6537,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6538,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1348,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1349,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1350,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1351,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1352,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1353,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1354,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1355,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1356,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1357,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1358,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 1359,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6530,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6531,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6532,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6533,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6534,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6535,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6536,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6537,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 6538,10,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1337,0}, victim1 = {1336,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1397, { id = 1397, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Wegelagerer_Zusatzmodul", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 173, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 312, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,25,0 , 2950.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,25,0 , 2800.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3562,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(173, { id = 173, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jagd_auf_Wegelagerer_1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 485, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3562, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,25,0 , 3002.650,2472.200,453.221, 321.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 89, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 90, bodycount = 5, }, kill2 = { creature = 91, bodycount = 5, }, kill3 = { creature = 139, bodycount = 5, }, kill4 = { creature = 571, bodycount = 5, }, kill5 = { creature = 572, bodycount = 5, }, kill6 = { creature = 605, bodycount = 5, }, kill7 = { creature = 606, bodycount = 5, }, kill8 = { creature = 607, bodycount = 5, }, kill9 = { creature = 608, bodycount = 5, }, kill10 = { creature = 666, bodycount = 5, }, kill11 = { creature = 667, bodycount = 5, }, kill12 = { creature = 668, bodycount = 5, }, kill13 = { creature = 669, bodycount = 5, }, kill14 = { creature = 672, bodycount = 5, }, kill15 = { creature = 673, bodycount = 5, }, kill16 = { creature = 674, bodycount = 5, }, kill17 = { creature = 675, bodycount = 5, }, kill18 = { creature = 678, bodycount = 5, }, kill19 = { creature = 679, bodycount = 5, }, kill20 = { creature = 718, bodycount = 5, }, kill21 = { creature = 719, bodycount = 5, }, kill22 = { creature = 720, bodycount = 5, }, kill23 = { creature = 721, bodycount = 5, }, kill24 = { creature = 722, bodycount = 5, }, kill25 = { creature = 723, bodycount = 5, }, kill26 = { creature = 724, bodycount = 5, }, kill27 = { creature = 725, bodycount = 5, }, kill28 = { creature = 726, bodycount = 5, }, kill29 = { creature = 727, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(180, { id = 180, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jagd_auf_Wegelagerer_2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 173, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 485, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,26,0 , 853.352,3070.100,106.679, 298.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 173, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 72, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 76, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 77, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 78, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(185, { id = 185, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jagd_auf_Wegelagerer_3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 173, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 485, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,26,0 , 853.352,3070.100,106.679, 298.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 180, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 577, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 575, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 576, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 573, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 578, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 579, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 580, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 581, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 582, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 583, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 584, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 585, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 587, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 588, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 589, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(197, { id = 197, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Jagd_auf_Wegelagerer_4", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 173, continues_bookentry = 185, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 485, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1514,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 185, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 485,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 81, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 597, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1888, { id = 1888, name = "S_JT_1a - Der legendaere Piratenschatz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, target_area = { area_id = 716, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,21,-1 , 1750.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,21,-1 , 2150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1014771635,33 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 890, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2480, { id = 2480, name = "S_HE_1b_JT - Der legendaere Piratenschatz", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1888, continues_bookentry = 1888, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, target_area = { area_id = 1318, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 12,21,-1 , 1983.000,1126.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,21,-1 , 2183.000,1326.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1888, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1015191775, needsActivation = 0, }, }, worldobjects = { { 1015191775,7,43 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2481, { id = 2481, name = "S_HE_1c_JT - Der legendaere Piratenschatz", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1888, continues_bookentry = 1888, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2480, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 718, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 11,22,-1 , 200.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,22,-1 , 350.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2482, { id = 2482, name = "S_HE_1d_JT - Der legendaere Piratenschatz", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1888, continues_bookentry = 1888, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2481, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 468, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,22,-2 , 1100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,22,-2 , 1300.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(211, { id = 211, name = "S_HE_md-Die Diener", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 649, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,26,0 , 1650.000,2200.000,0.000 , -18.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 37, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,27,0 , 800.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,27,0 , 1150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(222, { id = 222, name = "S_HE_md-Strassenraeuber", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2776, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 723, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3795, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 720,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 721,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 722,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 719,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 719,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",66 }, { 723,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 720,721,722, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {719,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2776, { id = 2776, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Strassenraeuber_pre", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 38, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,28,0 , 1100.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,28,0 , 400.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3795, { id = 3795, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Strassenraeuber Timer", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id =2776, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2776, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8485, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1374, { id = 1374, name = "S_HE_1c_N_nn-Orpheus", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 453, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1649, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 25,28,-1 , 500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 109.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 453, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 284, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,28,-1 , 150.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,28,-1 , 750.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1649,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 1645,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1649,1}, victim1 = {1645,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1375, { id = 1375, name = "S_HE_4_N_nn-Orpheus", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 453, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 802, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 525, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,28,-1 , 750.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,28,-1 , 950.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1649,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 1645,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 1649,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1645,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1645,1}, victim1 = {1649,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1419, { id = 1419, name = "S_HE_5_nn-Orpheus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 453, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1649, reportposition = { 26,28,0 , 800.000,1750.000,0.000 , -250.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1375, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 142, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,28,0 , 1150.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,28,0 , 750.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1645,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 1649,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3438, { id = 3438, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 3a_pre", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1666, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,28,-1 , 450.000,2000.000,0.000 , -3.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1374, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(453, { id = 453, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 1", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1645, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,28,0 , 978.234,2280.840,16.150, 135.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 467, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 26,28,0 , 800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,28,0 , 950.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1010803275,7,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1954,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1955,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1956,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1957,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1958,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1959,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1960,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1961,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1962,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1963,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1964,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1965,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1966,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1967,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1968,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1969,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1970,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1971,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1972,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1973,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1974,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1975,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1976,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1977,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1978,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1979,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1980,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1981,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1982,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1983,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1954,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1955,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1956,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1957,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1958,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1959,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1960,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1961,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1962,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1963,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1964,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1965,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1966,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1967,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1968,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1969,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1970,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1971,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1972,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1973,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1974,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1975,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1976,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1977,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1978,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1979,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1980,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1981,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1982,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1983,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1645,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1645,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(801, { id = 801, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 3a", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3438, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1004576838,9,43 }, { 1004576770,9,43 }, { 1004571737,9,43 }, { 1004571477,9,43 }, { 1004571378,9,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1645,7,2,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, { 1649,7,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1645, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1649, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(802, { id = 802, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Orpheus 3b", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 453, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3438, queststate = 10, }, worldobjects = { { 1004576838,9,43 }, { 1004576770,9,43 }, { 1004571737,9,43 }, { 1004571477,9,43 }, { 1004571378,9,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1669,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1670,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1671,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1672,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1673,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1674,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1675,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1676,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1677,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1678,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1679,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1680,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1681,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1682,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1683,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1669,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1670,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1671,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1672,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1673,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1674,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1675,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1676,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1677,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1678,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1679,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1680,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1681,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1682,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1683,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1666,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1649,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1645,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1666, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1811, { id = 1811, name = "S_HE_1_N_JT - Das Himmelsauge 1/3 - Stoerung in der Energieleitung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4974, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4966, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,29,0 , 83.109,2337.010,683.729, 237.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 795,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1812, { id = 1812, name = "S_HE_2_N_JT - Das Himmelsauge 2/3 - Zum Fokusier-Haus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1811, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4966, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,29,0 , 83.109,2337.010,683.729, 237.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1811, queststate = 9, }, bp_actions = { { 664,8,1,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4977, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1814, { id = 1814, name = "S_HE_3_N_JT - Das Himmelsauge 3/3 - Die amoklaufenden Mutanten", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1811, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4966, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,29,0 , 83.109,2337.010,683.729, 237.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1812, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4979, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4992, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4993, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1876, { id = 1876, name = "S_HE_1_JT - Kapitaen Blutzunge 1/3 - Der verschwundene Spaeher", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5230, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5229, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,23,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 650, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 14,23,0 , 400.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,23,0 , 50.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1879, { id = 1879, name = "S_HE_3_JT - Kapitaen Blutzunge 3/3 - Blutzunge soll sterben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1876, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5229, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,23,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1895, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5243, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1895, { id = 1895, name = "S_HE_2_JT - Kapitaen Blutzunge 2/3 - Bericht an Rengelwyn", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1876, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5229, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5230, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,22,-1 , 1147.350,1847.500,67.419, 337.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1876, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 651, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 14,23,-1 , 200.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,23,-1 , 700.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2306, { id = 2306, name = "S_HE_4_N_JT-Kapitaen Blutzunge 4 - Kompassfuehrung Ende", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1876, continues_bookentry = 1879, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5229, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1879, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 655, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 14,23,-1 , 700.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,23,-1 , 200.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2301, { id = 2301, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Das Raeuberversteck", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 102, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 114, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,28,0 , 817.422,366.539,486.171, 301.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1015624956,8,43 }, { 1015624958,8,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 103,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 102,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 105, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 106, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 107, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 108, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 109, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 110, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 111, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 112, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 113, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 3532, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2302, { id = 2302, name = "S_HE_1_N_nn-Das Raeuberversteck_Kaefig#1", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2303, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2301, queststate = 8, }, worldobjects = { { 1015624956,2,5 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1015624958,5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2303, { id = 2303, name = "S_HE_1_N_nn-Das Raeuberversteck_Kaefig#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2302, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2301, queststate = 8, }, worldobjects = { { 1015624958,2,5 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1015624956,5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(46, { id = 46, name = "S_HE_1b_md_Das Raeuberversteck (2)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2301, continues_bookentry = 2301, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 102, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,28,0 , 147.750,1889.350,1.081, 47.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2301, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 103,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 102,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 12, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,25,0 , 700.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,25,0 , 1100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(47, { id = 47, name = "S_HE_1c_md_Das Raeuberversteck (3)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2301, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 46, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 116, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 117, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 118, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 119, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 120, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 121, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 122, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 123, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 124, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 125, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(475, { id = 475, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Manasteine 1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1709, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,25,0 , 2767.850,279.150,108.910, 109.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 361, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1713, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 1714, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 1715, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 1716, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 1717, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(482, { id = 482, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Manasteine 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 475, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1709, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,25,0 , 2767.850,279.150,108.910, 109.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 475, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 650,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1735, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1736, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1737, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1738, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1739, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(488, { id = 488, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Manasteine 3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 482, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2533,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1747, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1709, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,25,0 , 2767.850,279.150,108.910, 109.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 482, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(179, { id = 179, name = "S_1b_N_nn-Minenblockade", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2072, continues_bookentry = 2072, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 644, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2072, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1517,9,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 1518,9,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 1519,9,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 1520,9,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 25, kill0 = { creature = 628, bodycount = 25, }, kill1 = { creature = 629, bodycount = 25, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2072, { id = 2072, name = "S_1a_N_nn-Minenblockade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 644, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,31,0 , 850.000,2700.000,0.000 , 45.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 526, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,31,0 , 850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,31,0 , 1050.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1757, { id = 1757, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Aussenposten Grimmhuegel I ", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4717, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,35,0 , 250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4712,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4714,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4715,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4716,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4711,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 771, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 753, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 749, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 792, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 752, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1762, { id = 1762, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Aussenposten Grimmhuegel II ", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1757, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4717, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,35,0 , 250.000,2550.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1757, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4723,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4724,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4724, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6519, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6520, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1900, { id = 1900, name = "S_1b_nn-Aussenposten Grimmhuegel II", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1757, continues_bookentry = 1762, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4717, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4723, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 25,38,0 , 700.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1762, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4723,5,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4723,8,2,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 4723,9,2,"questCreatures",97 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4723,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(589, { id = 589, name = "S_nn-Abwasser", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1888, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,23,0 , 0.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1994, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1995, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1996, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1997, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1998, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1999, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2000, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2001, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2002, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 2003, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(421, { id = 421, name = "S_nn-Artefaktklau", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1522, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,26,0 , 1730.650,1807.950,433.100, 316.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 257, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1521, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1176, { id = 1176, name = "S_HE_1b_N_md-Der Koboldkoenig 2v3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1177, continues_bookentry = 1177, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1177, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 40, kill0 = { creature = 494, bodycount = 40, }, kill1 = { creature = 53, bodycount = 40, }, kill2 = { creature = 54, bodycount = 40, }, kill3 = { creature = 144, bodycount = 40, }, kill4 = { creature = 146, bodycount = 40, }, kill5 = { creature = 147, bodycount = 40, }, kill6 = { creature = 148, bodycount = 40, }, kill7 = { creature = 149, bodycount = 40, }, kill8 = { creature = 305, bodycount = 40, }, kill9 = { creature = 306, bodycount = 40, }, kill10 = { creature = 493, bodycount = 40, }, kill11 = { creature = 52, bodycount = 40, }, kill12 = { creature = 547, bodycount = 40, }, kill13 = { creature = 548, bodycount = 40, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1177, { id = 1177, name = "S_HE_1a_N_md-Der Koboldkoenig 1v3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3285, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 2346.140,999.773,99.979, 323.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 244, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 19,31,0 , 600.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,31,0 , 1350.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1180, { id = 1180, name = "S_HE_1c_N_md-Der Koboldkoenig 3v3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1177, continues_bookentry = 1177, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2511,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3285, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1176, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3290, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3433, { id = 3433, name = "S_HE_1c_N_md-Der Koboldkoenig AddOn Schrei", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1177, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1180, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(135, { id = 135, name = "S_HE_1_md-Ein ruinierter Mann (1v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 370, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 407.566,1184.410,82.059, 192.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 369, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(137, { id = 137, name = "S_HE_1b_md-Der ruinierte Mann (2v4)", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 135, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 371, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 369, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 135, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 369,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 369,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {369,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(138, { id = 138, name = "S_HE_2_md-Der ruinierte Mann (3v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 137, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 371, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 650.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 137, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 372,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 372, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(139, { id = 139, name = "S_HE_3_md-Der ruinierte Mann (4v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 138, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 138, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 373, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 374, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 375, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1360, { id = 1360, name = "S_HE_1a_N_ch-Die Plage", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3675, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,26,0 , 2254.100,2454.750,40.000, 110.000 }, }, precond_area = { area_id = 551, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,27,0 , 1600.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,26,0 , 1300.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5183,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, { 5182,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, { 5186,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, { 5184,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, { 5185,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",14 }, }, ti_actions = { { 665,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3676, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1866, { id = 1866, name = "S_HE_1b_N_ch-Die Plage", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1360, continues_bookentry = 1360, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1360, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5183, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 5182, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 5186, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 5184, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 5185, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2164, { id = 2164, name = "S_HE_2a_N_nn-Die_Plage_Wache_#1", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1360, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1360, queststate = 2, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6611, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2165, { id = 2165, name = "S_HE_2b_N_nn-Die_Plage_Wache_#2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1360, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1360, queststate = 2, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6612, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2166, { id = 2166, name = "S_HE_2c_N_nn-Die_Plage_Wache_#3", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1360, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1360, queststate = 2, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6613, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2343, { id = 2343, name = "S_HE_1a_JT - Der Ring des Ehemannes", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6729, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,32,0 , 2150.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 666, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 37,32,0 , 50.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,32,0 , 400.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2344, { id = 2344, name = "S_HE_1b_JT - Der Ring des Ehemannes", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2343, continues_bookentry = 2343, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2343, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1010, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2347, { id = 2347, name = "S_HE_1c_JT - Der Ring des Ehemannes", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2343, continues_bookentry = 2343, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6729, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2344, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 668, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 36,32,-1 , 3100.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,32,-1 , 550.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1364, { id = 1364, name = "S_HE_nn-Die_gestohlenen_Gedichte_(3)", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=309, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 875, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 875, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2562, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2563, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2564, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2565, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2566, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2567, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2568, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 3848, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 3849, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 3850, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 3851, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 3852, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(309, { id = 309, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Die_gestohlenen_Gedichte_(2)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 875, continues_bookentry = 875, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1154, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2561, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 25,24,-1 , 1900.000,2750.000,0.000 , -158.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 875, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2561,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 702, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2561, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(875, { id = 875, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Die_gestohlenen_Gedichte_(1)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,24,0 , 1801.000,1698.950,82.024, 329.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2187, { id = 2187, name = "S_HE_1_JT - Schrecken in der Mine 1/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6698, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,32,-1 , 3187.900,2614.000,-114.457, 64.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6699, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6705, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6706, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6707, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6708, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6709, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2192, { id = 2192, name = "S_HE_2a_JT - Schrecken in der Mine 2/3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2187, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6718, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6698, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,32,-1 , 3187.900,2614.000,-114.457, 64.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2187, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2193, { id = 2193, name = "S_HE_2b_JT - Schrecken in der Mine 3/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2192, continues_bookentry = 2192, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2192, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6722, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6724, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6725, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2152, { id = 2152, name = "S_HE_1_JT - Bedrohung aus dem Jenseits 1/2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6555, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,33,0 , 1450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1002,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6561, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2158, { id = 2158, name = "S_HE_2_JT - Bedrohung aus dem Jenseits 2/2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2152, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6555, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,33,0 , 1450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2152, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1002,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6589, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6594, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6595, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6596, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6597, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6598, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6599, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3536, { id = 3536, name = "S_BI_2a_md-Zerschundene Seelen 2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9797, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 53,9,0 , 2300.000,1600.000,625.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1507, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10475, dropchance = 20, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 10476, dropchance = 20, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 10477, dropchance = 20, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 10478, dropchance = 20, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 10479, dropchance = 20, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 10480, dropchance = 20, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 10481, dropchance = 20, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 10482, dropchance = 20, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 10483, dropchance = 20, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 10484, dropchance = 20, }, dropper10 = { taskcreature = 10487, dropchance = 50, }, dropper11 = { taskcreature = 10488, dropchance = 50, }, dropper12 = { taskcreature = 10489, dropchance = 50, }, dropper13 = { taskcreature = 10470, dropchance = 50, }, dropper14 = { taskcreature = 10471, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.setScript( 3536, "OnWon", function(args) local droppers = {10475,10476,10478,10479,10480,10481,10482,10483,10484,10487,10488,10489,10470,10471} for id,member in droppers do CM_CreatureAway(member,2+id*0.2) end end) quest.createQuest(3539, { id = 3539, name = "S_BI_3a_md-Zerschundene Seelen 3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3536, continues_bookentry = 3536, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9797, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 53,9,0 , 2300.000,1600.000,625.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3536, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9799,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9799, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3540, { id = 3540, name = "S_BI_3b_md-Zerschundene Seelen 4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3536, continues_bookentry = 3536, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9797, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3539, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(214, { id = 214, name = "S_HE_1_md-Im Namen der Rose", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 683, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,27,0 , 750.000,750.000,0.000 , -261.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 668, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(215, { id = 215, name = "S_HE_2a_nn-Im Namen der Rose", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 214, continues_bookentry = 214, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 683, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 214, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 648,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 615, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(129, { id = 129, name = "S_HE_nn- Durstiger Elf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 356, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 354, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,30,0 , 1428.420,1996.700,213.417, 180.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(131, { id = 131, name = "S_HE_nn- Durstiger Elf 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 129, continues_bookentry = 129, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 356, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 129, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7922, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7923, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7924, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7925, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7926, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7927, }, kill6 = { creature = 1530, bodycount = 1, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(133, { id = 133, name = "S_HE_nn- Durstiger Elf 3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 129, continues_bookentry = 129, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 354, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 131, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 318,7,1 }, { 318,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1307, { id = 1307, name = "S_HE_1_N_md-Harmonie (1v2)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3554, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3551, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,32,0 , 1929.450,263.148,-1.616, 298.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 689,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3553, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1308, { id = 1308, name = "S_HE_2_N_md-Harmonie (3v3)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1309, continues_bookentry = 1307, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3551, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1309, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 639, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3556, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1309, { id = 1309, name = "S_HE_1b_md-Harmonie (2v3)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1307, continues_bookentry = 1307, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1307, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1008103829,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1008103829, needsActivation = 0, }, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, } }) quest.createQuest(55, { id = 55, name = "S_HE_Kobolde sind keine Menschen", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,29,0 , 2214.200,1964.000,677.228, 344.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 145,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",14 }, { 145,9,0,"JOB_KID",14 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9107,9108,9109,9110, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {145,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(56, { id = 56, name = "S_HE_Kobolde sind keine Menschen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 55, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 155, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,29,0 , 2214.200,1964.000,677.228, 344.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 55, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(199, { id = 199, name = "S_HE_md-Nachricht fuer den Senator", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 184, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 574, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1809.130,1413.680,175.124, 190.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 194, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3754,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3755,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3756,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3757,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3758,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3759,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3760,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3761,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3762,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3763,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3764,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3765,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 685,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4751, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(201, { id = 201, name = "S_HE_1b_md-Nachricht fuer den Senator", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 199, continues_bookentry = 199, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4071,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 574, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4751, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,24,0 , 1466.400,1510.850,-72.631, 179.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 199, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 623, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 626, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 627, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 628, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(205, { id = 205, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-The Pantherpack Collect", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 606, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,26,0 , 2867.750,2672.600,9.993, 352.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 94, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 609, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, groupchanges = { { 611,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 612,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 611,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_dumbattacker",57 }, { 612,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_dumbattacker",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1384, { id = 1384, name = "S_HE_1c_B_nn-Duerftiger Fang", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 146, continues_bookentry = 1383, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 303, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 146, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 328, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 25,22,0 , 400.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,21,0 , 600.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(146, { id = 146, name = "S_HE_1b_B_nn-Duerftiger Fang", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1383, continues_bookentry = 1383, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1383, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 397, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1029, { id = 1029, name = "S_HU_1b_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 971, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2817, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 264.047,3185.910,45.180, 203.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 971, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 549, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 553, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1036, { id = 1036, name = "S_HU_1c_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1029, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2818, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1029, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 554, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 555, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1037, { id = 1037, name = "S_HU_1d_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1036, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2820, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 1850.000,350.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1036, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 556, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 557, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1038, { id = 1038, name = "S_HU_1e_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1037, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2821, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,47,0 , 2950.000,1600.000,0.000 , -300.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1037, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 558, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 559, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1040, { id = 1040, name = "S_HU_1f_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1038, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2822, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 450.000,1050.000,0.000 , -290.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1038, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 560, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 561, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1041, { id = 1041, name = "S_HU_1g_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1040, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2823, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , -250.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1040, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 562, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 563, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1042, { id = 1042, name = "S_HU_1h_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1041, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2825, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2824, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 2100.000,300.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1041, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4180,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4181,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4182,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4183,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 564, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 565, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1536, { id = 1536, name = "S_HU_1i_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1042, continues_bookentry = 971, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2828, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,47,0 , 1100.000,50.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1042, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(971, { id = 971, name = "S_HU_1a_N_nn-Der ewige Stenz", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2828, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,47,0 , 1100.000,50.000,0.000 , 50.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2817,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2818,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2820,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2821,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2822,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2823,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2824,5,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1377, { id = 1377, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Sichere Wege 2v3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 354, continues_bookentry = 354, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 354, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1316,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 674, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1316, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1378, { id = 1378, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Sichere Wege 3v3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 354, continues_bookentry = 354, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1309, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 354, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1377, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(354, { id = 354, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Sichere Wege 1v3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1309, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,38,0 , 650.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6510,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 6511,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 6513,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1310, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1311, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1312, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1313, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1314, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1317, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1318, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1379, { id = 1379, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Der verlorene Brief I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1824, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,40,0 , 2016.400,983.648,422.227, 73.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 675, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1819, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(536, { id = 536, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Der verlorene Brief Silent-Helpquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1379, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 4, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1820, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1821, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1822, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1823, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(545, { id = 545, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Der verlorene Brief II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1379, continues_bookentry = 1379, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7045, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1379, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1824,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1429, { id = 1429, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Familientradition", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3869, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,42,0 , 1207.450,1705.750,8.617, 332.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 339, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,41,0 , 550.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,41,0 , 2100.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3870,8,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 3871,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 3869,8,0,"Hireling_distance",84 }, { 3870,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",91 }, { 3869,9,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",84 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3869,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1430, { id = 1430, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Familientradition", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1429, continues_bookentry = 1429, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3871, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1429, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3869,8,0,"Hireling_distance",84 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 3870, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3869,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1431, { id = 1431, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Familientradition", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1429, continues_bookentry = 1429, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1430, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 340, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,42,0 , 2400.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,42,0 , 2600.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1010543383,7,8 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 705, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1433, { id = 1433, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Missliche Lage", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3874, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,43,0 , 2450.250,2496.750,79.279, 334.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 341, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,43,0 , 1700.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,43,0 , 1800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3874,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3874,9,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3874,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1434, { id = 1434, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Missliche Lage", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1433, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3874, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 29,43,0 , 1790.200,1860.200,193.434, 201.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1433, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3875, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1442, { id = 1442, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-Missliche Lage", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1433, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3874, reportposition = { 29,43,0 , 1790.200,1860.200,193.434, 201.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1434, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1435, { id = 1435, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Recherche", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3880, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,40,0 , 1000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3880,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3880,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3876, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3877, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3878, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3879, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1436, { id = 1436, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Recherche", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1435, continues_bookentry = 1435, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1435, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3880,7,1,"questCreatures",0 }, { 3880,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 342, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,40,0 , 950.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,40,0 , 1100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1437, { id = 1437, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Recherche", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1435, continues_bookentry = 1435, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3880, reportposition = { 29,40,0 , 1000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 63.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1436, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1447, { id = 1447, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Schlechter Boden", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3896, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3895, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,42,0 , 1250.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3897, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1448, { id = 1448, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Schlechter Boden", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1447, continues_bookentry = 1447, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3895, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1449, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3899,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3900,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3901,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3898,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3903,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3898, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3899, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3900, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3901, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3903, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1449, { id = 1449, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Schlechter Boden", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1447, continues_bookentry = 1447, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1447, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 350, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,42,0 , 2250.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,42,0 , 2450.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1452, { id = 1452, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Die bestohlene Witwe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3909, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,39,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 708, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 709, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 710, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1453, { id = 1453, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Die bestohlene Witwe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1452, continues_bookentry = 1452, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1452, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3910, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3911, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3912, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1454, { id = 1454, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Die bestohlene Witwe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1452, continues_bookentry = 1452, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3909, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1453, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 711, amount = 2, dropper0 = { area_id = 358, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 44,39,0 , 2400.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 44,39,0 , 1850.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1457, { id = 1457, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3934, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3919, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,38,0 , 1100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3934,8,0,"QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR",12 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3920, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3921, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3922, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3923, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3924, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 3925, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 3926, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 3927, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 3928, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 3929, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 3930, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 3931, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 3932, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 3933, }, kill14 = { creature = 757, bodycount = 1, }, kill15 = { creature = 758, bodycount = 1, }, kill16 = { creature = 759, bodycount = 1, }, kill17 = { creature = 760, bodycount = 1, }, kill18 = { creature = 808, bodycount = 1, }, kill19 = { creature = 809, bodycount = 1, }, kill20 = { creature = 810, bodycount = 1, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1458, { id = 1458, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1457, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3935, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3936, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3937, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3938, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3939, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 3940, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 3941, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 3942, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 3943, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 3944, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 3945, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1460, { id = 1460, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1458, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3919, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1458, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 712, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1581, { id = 1581, name = "S_HU_1d_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1458, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3947, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3919, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,38,0 , 1100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1460, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1462, { id = 1462, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3948, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3947, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,38,0 , 1400.000,1300.000,0.000 , -56.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1581, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 735,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1541, { id = 1541, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1560, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,39,0 , 103.102,881.547,173.677, 89.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1462, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4197, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4198, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4199, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4200, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4201, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4202, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4203, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1560, { id = 1560, name = "S_HU_2c_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1541, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 3948,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",84 }, { 3948,9,2,"questCreatures",84 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 3948, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3948,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1566, { id = 1566, name = "S_HU_2d_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1560, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1541, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4227, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 34,39,0 , 288,127,136, 300 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1541, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3948,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3948,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",84 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1585, { id = 1585, name = "S_HU_2e_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1560, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4245, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4227, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,39,0 , 2500.000,50.000,0.000 , 60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1566, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4227,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1568, { id = 1568, name = "S_HU_3b_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1585, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1881, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 380, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,37,0 , 350.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,37,0 , 50.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1881, { id = 1881, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1585, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 1370.000,1580.000,485.000 , 120.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1585, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3948,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4245,7,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 4245,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 4245, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4245,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1628, { id = 1628, name = "S_HU_3d_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1585, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4245, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,35,-2 , 350.000,1550.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1893, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4238,2,0,"Invalid",97 }, { 4239,2,0,"Invalid",97 }, { 4245,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 4238,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 4239,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 4245,8,0,"QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR",97 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4245, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1893, { id = 1893, name = "S_HU_3c_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1585, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1568, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 502, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,37,0 , 200.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,37,0 , 300.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 470, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 34,37,-2 , 1650.000,800.000,0.000, 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,37,-2 , 1450.000,600.000,0.000, 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1577, { id = 1577, name = "S_HU_3e_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3948, reportposition = { 31,38,0 , 250.000,3100.000,0.000 , 41.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4245, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,38,0 , 1250.000,1100.000,535.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1628, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4245,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",84 }, { 4255,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4254,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4310,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4311,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4312,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4313,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4314,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4250,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4248,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4252,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4251,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4253,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4245,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1624, { id = 1624, name = "S_HU_4a_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4309, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,38,0 , 250.000,3100.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1577, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3948,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4310,7,1,"Hireling_brave",0 }, { 4311,7,1,"Hireling_brave",0 }, { 4312,7,1,"Hireling_brave",0 }, { 4313,7,1,"Hireling_brave",0 }, { 4314,7,1,"Hireling_brave",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1626, { id = 1626, name = "S_HU_4b_nn-Im Auftrag der Krone", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1457, continues_bookentry = 1624, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {791,0}, {791,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3948, reportposition = { 32,35,0 , 3000.000,1200.000,0.000 , 93.000 }, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1624, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3948,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4310,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4311,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4312,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4313,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4314,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 3948,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 4310,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 4311,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 4312,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 4313,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 4314,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1479, { id = 1479, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Keine Hexerei", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3998, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3997, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,47,0 , 2600.000,2400.000,0.000 , 272.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1415,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 362, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 42,45,0 , 1300.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,45,0 , 1500.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1480, { id = 1480, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Keine Hexerei", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1479, continues_bookentry = 1479, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3998, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1710, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 723, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1481, { id = 1481, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Keine Hexerei", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1479, continues_bookentry = 1479, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3999, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1480, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1320, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,45,0 , 1052.400, 347.094,0 , 0 }, p2 = { 39,45,0 , 2052.400,1047.094,0 , 0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 4000,4005,4001,4002,4003,4004,4009,4008,4007, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3999,0}, }, }, groupchanges = { { 3999,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 3999,8,2,"QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR",12 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1710, { id = 1710, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Keine Hexerei Addon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1479, continues_bookentry = 1479, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1479, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1009937665,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1009937665, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1482, { id = 1482, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Jagd auf Fluechtige Schurken", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1454, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4010, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3909, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,39,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 200.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1454, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1483, { id = 1483, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-Jagd auf fluechtige Schurken", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1482, continues_bookentry = 1482, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4010, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1482, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4011, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4012, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4013, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4014, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4015, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4016, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4017, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4018, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4019, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4020, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 4021, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 4022, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1523, { id = 1523, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Heinrich ", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4155, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,37,0 , 450.000,250.000,0.000 , 223.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1524, { id = 1524, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Heinrich", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1523, continues_bookentry = 1523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1523, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4156, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4157, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4158, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4159, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4160, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1526, { id = 1526, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Heinrich", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1524, continues_bookentry = 1523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4155, reportposition = { 41,37,0 , 1134.000,413.000,797.000, 60.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1524, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1527, { id = 1527, name = "S_HU_1d_nn-Heinrich", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1526, continues_bookentry = 1523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4164, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4161, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,39,0 , 1712.550,1671.900,177.368, 229.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1526, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4164,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1528, { id = 1528, name = "S_HU_1e_nn-Heinrich", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1527, continues_bookentry = 1523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1527, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4164,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4164, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1493, { id = 1493, name = "S_HU_5a_nn-Zweiauges Ende", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1492, continues_bookentry = 1491, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1492, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4065, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4066, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4067, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4068, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4069, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4070, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1494, { id = 1494, name = "S_HU_5b_nn-Zweiauges Ende", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1493, continues_bookentry = 1493, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4063, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1493, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 727, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 728, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 729, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1591, { id = 1591, name = "S_HU_1a_N_nn-Manners Maketh Kobold", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4257, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4256, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,41,0 , 1550.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1592, { id = 1592, name = "S_HU_1b_N_nn-Manners Maketh Kobold", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1591, continues_bookentry = 1591, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4258, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,37,0 , 2729.800,177.047,363.874, 155.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1591, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 739, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, groupchanges = { { 4259,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4260,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4261,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4262,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4263,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4259,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4260,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4261,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4262,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4263,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1594, { id = 1594, name = "S_HU_1d_N_nn-Manners Maketh Kobold", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1591, continues_bookentry = 1591, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4258, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1592, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4264, }, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, } }) quest.createQuest(1595, { id = 1595, name = "S_HU_1e_N_nn-Manners Maketh Kobold", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1591, continues_bookentry = 1591, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4257, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1385,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1594, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1439, { id = 1439, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Brautgeschenk", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3885, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3884, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 2130.910,1213.450,905.139, 348.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3885,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4308,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4308,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3886, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1625, { id = 1625, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Brautgeschenk", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1439, continues_bookentry = 1627, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3884, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1627, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4308,9,2,"JOB_COMMUNICATOR",0 }, { 3885,9,2,"JOB_COMMUNICATOR",0 }, { 3884,9,0,"JOB_COMMUNICATOR",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 745, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1627, { id = 1627, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Brautgeschenk", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1439, continues_bookentry = 1439, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1439, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1011067793,7,13 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1011067793, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1632, { id = 1632, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1633, continues_bookentry = 1633, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4327, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,43,0 , 2600.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1633, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4328,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4329,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, ti_actions = { { 746,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4328, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4329, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1633, { id = 1633, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4327, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4326, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,42,0 , 2150.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4328,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4329,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1635, { id = 1635, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1633, continues_bookentry = 1633, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4326, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1632, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1636, { id = 1636, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1633, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4330, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4326, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,42,0 , 2150.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1635, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 389, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,44,0 , 1850.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,43,0 , 2050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1638, { id = 1638, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1633, continues_bookentry = 1636, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4332, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1636, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1639, { id = 1639, name = "S_HU_3b_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1640, continues_bookentry = 1640, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4332, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1640, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 747, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1640, { id = 1640, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1636, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4332, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,44,0 , 2782.050,16.156,525.249, 37.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1638, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4333,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4334,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4335,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4336,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4338,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4339,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1641, { id = 1641, name = "S_HU_3c_nn-Faehrmann Charolus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1639, continues_bookentry = 1640, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4332, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {58,0}, {58,0}, {58,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1639, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1743, { id = 1743, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Illegales Gluecksspiel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4647, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4646, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 2300.000,350.000,0.000 , 192.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 439, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,36,0 , 1300.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,36,0 , 1600.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1744, { id = 1744, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Illegales Glueckspiel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1743, continues_bookentry = 1743, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4648, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4647, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1438.690,1966.050,919.130, 200.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1743, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 440, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,37,0 , 3050.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,37,0 , 150.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1745, { id = 1745, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Illegales Gluecksspiel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1744, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4648, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 50.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1744, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1747, { id = 1747, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-Illegales Glueckspiel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1745, continues_bookentry = 1745, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4650, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4648, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,37,0 , 50.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1745, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014677252,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4651,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4652,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 768,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1014677252, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1748, { id = 1748, name = "S_HU_2c_nn-Illegales Gluecksspiel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1747, continues_bookentry = 1745, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4650, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,37,-1 , 135.813,1320.870,0.100, 76.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1747, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4651,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4652,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4650,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4650, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4651, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4652, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1749, { id = 1749, name = "S_HU_2d_nn-Illegales Gluecksspiel", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1748, continues_bookentry = 1745, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4646, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1748, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4650,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4650,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4648,9,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 4651,9,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 4652,9,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4650,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2735, { id = 2735, name = "S_HU_1_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 1/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7887, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7886, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,46,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1212,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2741, { id = 2741, name = "S_HU_2_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 2/12", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7887, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,46,0 , 1678.950,2049.950,553.100, 214.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2735, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1216, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2746, { id = 2746, name = "S_HU_3_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 3/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7886, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7887, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,46,0 , 1678.950,2049.950,553.100, 214.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2741, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1217,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2750, { id = 2750, name = "S_HU_4_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 4/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7916, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7886, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,46,0 , 1450.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2746, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7928,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7929,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7930,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7931,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7934,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2757, { id = 2757, name = "S_HU_6_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 6/12", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7916, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7932, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,46,0 , 3050.000,2450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2758, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1219, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2758, { id = 2758, name = "S_HU_5_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 5/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7932, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7916, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,47,0 , 315.250,1653.450,1715.040, 246.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2750, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2759, { id = 2759, name = "S_HU_7_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 7/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7942, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7916, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,47,0 , 315.250,1653.450,1715.040, 246.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2757, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2761, { id = 2761, name = "S_HU_8_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 8/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7916, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7942, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 49,48,0 , 2350.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2759, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2764, { id = 2764, name = "S_HU_9_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 9/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7945, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7916, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,47,0 , 315.250,1653.450,1715.040, 246.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2761, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2766, { id = 2766, name = "S_HU_10_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 10/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7946, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7945, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,47,0 , 1950.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2764, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2767, { id = 2767, name = "S_HU_11_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 11/12", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7946, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 49,46,0 , 750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2766, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1022636680,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7958,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7953,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7954,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7955,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7956,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7957,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1221, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7953, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2768, { id = 2768, name = "S_HU_12_JT - Eine neue Hoffnung 12/12", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2735, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3702,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7932, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7946, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 49,46,0 , 750.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2767, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2667, { id = 2667, name = "S_HU_1_JT - Die Barimak Verschwoerung 1/5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7679, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7678, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 3095.410,1604.250,1096.130, 31.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2670, { id = 2670, name = "S_HU_2_JT - Die Barimak Verschwoerung 2/5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2667, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7686, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7679, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 211.000,1144.450,981.643, 12.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2667, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7688,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7689,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7690,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1188,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2672, { id = 2672, name = "S_HU_3_JT - Die Barimak Verschwoerung 3/5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2667, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7688, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7686, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,36,0 , 573.844,1177.500,3500.060, 146.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2670, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2674, { id = 2674, name = "S_HU_4_JT - Die Barimak Verschwoerung 4/5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2667, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7686, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7688, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,36,0 , 731.094,1212.550,3500.070, 291.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2672, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1189,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2679, { id = 2679, name = "S_HU_JT - Die Barimaks schlagen zu", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2667, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7700, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7699, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 3000.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2686, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2674, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2686, { id = 2686, name = "S_HU_5_JT - Die Barimak Verschwoerung 5/5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2667, continues_bookentry = 2674, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2674, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 791, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 42,37,0 , 2850.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,37,0 , 3150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2996, { id = 2996, name = "S_HU_1_JT - Den Golem aufhalten 1/3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,44,0 , 1350.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8338,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8339,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1293, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3001, { id = 3001, name = "S_HU_2_JT - Den Golem aufhalten 2/3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2996, continues_bookentry = 2996, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,44,0 , 1350.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2996, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1296, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3003, { id = 3003, name = "S_HU_3_JT - Den Golem aufhalten 3/3", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2996, continues_bookentry = 2996, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8363, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,44,0 , 1350.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3001, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8363,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8338,8,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1297, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3006, { id = 3006, name = "S_HU_1_JT - Abenteuer im Wald 1/2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8368, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,39,0 , 2700.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8409,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8410,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8411, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8429, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8430, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8431, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8432, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3020, { id = 3020, name = "S_HU_2_JT - Abenteuer im Wald 2/2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3006, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8368, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,39,0 , 2700.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3006, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8450, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8451, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8452, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8453, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1721, { id = 1721, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-DDK-Entfuehrte Magd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4549, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4536, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,37,0 , 1050.000,550.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1013389092,8,1 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4549,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4530, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4531, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4532, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4533, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4534, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4535, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1722, { id = 1722, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-DDK - Entfuehrte Magd", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1721, continues_bookentry = 1721, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4536, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1721, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4549,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4549,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1724, { id = 1724, name = "S_HU_2_nn-DDK - Mitlaeufer", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1722, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4562, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4536, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,37,0 , 1050.000,550.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1722, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4563,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4549,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4557, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4558, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4559, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4560, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4561, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1725, { id = 1725, name = "S_HU_3_nn-DDK - Bruechige Macht", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1724, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4562, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,37,0 , 1782.900,2176.550,1714.260, 302.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1724, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { creature = 738, bodycount = 20, }, kill1 = { creature = 748, bodycount = 20, }, kill2 = { creature = 749, bodycount = 20, }, kill3 = { creature = 750, bodycount = 20, }, kill4 = { creature = 751, bodycount = 20, }, kill5 = { creature = 752, bodycount = 20, }, kill6 = { creature = 753, bodycount = 20, }, kill7 = { creature = 777, bodycount = 20, }, kill8 = { creature = 778, bodycount = 20, }, kill9 = { creature = 781, bodycount = 20, }, kill10 = { creature = 782, bodycount = 20, }, kill11 = { creature = 790, bodycount = 20, }, kill12 = { creature = 791, bodycount = 20, }, kill13 = { creature = 792, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1726, { id = 1726, name = "S_HU_4a_nn-DDK - Der magische Schild", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1725, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4562, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,37,0 , 1782.900,2176.550,1714.260, 302.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1725, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6552,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6553,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6551,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6549,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6554,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4598, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4599, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4600, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4601, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4602, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4603, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4604, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4605, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4606, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4607, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 4608, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 4612, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 4613, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1727, { id = 1727, name = "S_HU_4b_nn-DDK - Der magische Schild", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1726, continues_bookentry = 1726, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1726, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014007730,8,1 }, { 1021159739,8,5 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1014007730, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2150, { id = 2150, name = "S_HU_5_N_nn-DDK - Brutstaette der Kultisten", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1727, continues_bookentry = 1726, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {1804,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6554, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1727, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6548,7,0,"Invalid",86 }, { 6549,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6551,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6552,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6553,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6543,7,0,"Invalid",86 }, { 6546,7,0,"Invalid",86 }, { 6547,7,0,"Invalid",86 }, { 6545,7,0,"Invalid",86 }, { 6554,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6539, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6541, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6542, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1660, { id = 1660, name = "S_HU_2_nn-Fischer Gisbert", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2071, continues_bookentry = 2071, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4409, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4397, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,38,0 , 3136.250,2524.850,120.005, 174.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2071, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1665, { id = 1665, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-Fischer Gisbert", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2071, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4411, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4409, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,39,0 , 350.000,150.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1660, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1666, { id = 1666, name = "S_HU_3b_nn-Fischer Gisbert", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2071, continues_bookentry = 1665, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4397, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1665, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4411,7,1,"Hireling_distance",97 }, { 4411,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4411,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2071, { id = 2071, name = "S_HU_1a_N_nn-Fischer Gisbert", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4397, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,38,0 , 3136.250,2524.850,120.005, 174.000 }, }, rewards = { {611,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 6129,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6130,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6131,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6132,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6133,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6134,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6135,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1018389042, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1018389063, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1018389145, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1711, { id = 1711, name = "S_HU_1_nn-Gierige Nager", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4504, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 2428.250,1454.700,91.812, 274.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4505,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4506,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4507,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4508,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4510,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4511,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4512,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4513,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4514,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4515,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4505, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4506, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4507, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4508, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4510, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4511, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4512, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4513, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4514, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4515, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1713, { id = 1713, name = "S_HU_nn-Trigger_Gierige-Nager", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 426, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,37,0 , 1900.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,37,0 , 500.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4505,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4506,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4507,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4508,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4510,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4511,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4512,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4513,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4514,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4515,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1809, { id = 1809, name = "S_HU_1_nn-Belagerter Tempel", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4967, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 24,39,0 , 2391.950,1795.600,3043.530, 57.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6521,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6522,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6523,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 793, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 794, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1813, { id = 1813, name = "S_HU_2_nn-Belagerter Tempel", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1809, continues_bookentry = 1809, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4967, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 24,39,0 , 2391.950,1795.600,3043.530, 57.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1809, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 798, amount = 4, dropper0 = { creature = 782, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 778, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 802, amount = 4, dropper0 = { creature = 781, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 777, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1787, { id = 1787, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-7 Tage Regenwetter I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4777, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4804,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4805,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4806,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4807,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 776, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4789, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1790, { id = 1790, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-7 Tage Regenwetter II ", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1787, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4777, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1787, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4902,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4903,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4904,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4905,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 778, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4810, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 4902, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 4903, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 4904, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 4905, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1792, { id = 1792, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-7 Tage Regenwetter III ", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1787, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4777, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1790, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4906,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4907,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4908,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4909,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 783, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4841, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 4906, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 4907, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 4908, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 4909, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1798, { id = 1798, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-7 Tage Regenwetter IV", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1787, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4777, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1792, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4913,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4914,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4915,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4916,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 787, amount = 2, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4913, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 4916, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 4915, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 4914, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1800, { id = 1800, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-7 Tage Regenwetter V", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1787, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4777, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1798, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 788, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1907, { id = 1907, name = "S_OR_1b_nn-7 Tage Regenwetter V2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1787, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5055, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4777, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,52,0 , 1500.000,2650.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1800, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1832, { id = 1832, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-Radikale Loesung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1787, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=3, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5055, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,53,0 , 1375.300,197.953,828.472, 73.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1907, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4777,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4777, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1968, { id = 1968, name = "S_OR_1a_nn-Varguz Novelle I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5542, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,49,0 , 1873.450,792.203,18.980, 253.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 925,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 506, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,49,0 , 850.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,49,0 , 1050.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1975, { id = 1975, name = "S_OR_1b_nn-Varguz Novelle II", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1981, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1968, continues_bookentry = 1968, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1968, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5601,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5602,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5603,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5600, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1976, { id = 1976, name = "S_OR_1c_nn-Varguz Novelle III", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1981, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1968, continues_bookentry = 1968, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1968, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5605,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5606,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5607,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5604, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1977, { id = 1977, name = "S_OR_1d_nn-Varguz Novelle IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1981, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1968, continues_bookentry = 1968, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1968, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5609,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5610,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5611,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5608, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1979, { id = 1979, name = "S_OR_1e_nn-Varguz Novelle Atmoquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1968, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5616,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5617,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5618,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5619,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5620,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5621,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5622,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5623,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5624,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5625,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5627,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5628,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5629,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5630,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5631,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5632,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5635,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5674,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5675,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5676,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1981, { id = 1981, name = "S_OR_1f_nn-Varguz Novelle V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1968, continues_bookentry = 1968, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1968, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1019420548,8,6 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5677, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2062, { id = 2062, name = "S_OR_1g_nn-Varguz Novelle VI", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1968, continues_bookentry = 1968, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1981, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1013980782,8,5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2063, { id = 2063, name = "S_OR_1h_nn-Varguz Novelle VII", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1968, continues_bookentry = 1968, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2062, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskitem = 970, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1816, { id = 1816, name = "S_OR_1_nn-Fette Ratte", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4991, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,52,0 , 1361.600,2755.880,257.623, 284.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5925,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, { 5926,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5004, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1819, { id = 1819, name = "S_OR_1b_nn-Fette Ratte 2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1816, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,51,0 , 1533.800,472.250,3044.610, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1816, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5927,2,0,"FarmAnimal",5 }, { 5928,2,0,"FarmAnimal",5 }, { 5034,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5035,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5036,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5037,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5039,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 807, amount = 11, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5011, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 5012, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 5013, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 5014, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 5015, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 5016, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 5017, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 5018, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 5019, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 5020, dropchance = 101, }, dropper10 = { taskcreature = 5021, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1825, { id = 1825, name = "S_OR_3_nn-Fette Ratte 3", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1816, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4991, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 12,51,0 , 1533.800,472.250,3044.610, 90.000 }, }, rewards = { {1515,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1819, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5027,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5027,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 5027,9,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {5027,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2046, { id = 2046, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-Die Legende von Gronkor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5955, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,51,0 , 1850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 32.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6287,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6735,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6290,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6291,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6292,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6293,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6294,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6295,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6296,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6297,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6298,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 6299,7,0,"Invalid",26 }, { 5970,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5960,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5969,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5971,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5972,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5973,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5974,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5975,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5976,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5977,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5978,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5979,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5980,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5981,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5982,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5983,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5984,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5985,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5986,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 522, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 16,51,-1 , 600.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,51,-1 , 1000.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1046, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,51,-2 , 2650.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,51,-2 , 2550.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1062, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 16,51,-2 , 750.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,51,-2 , 1550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2120, { id = 2120, name = "S_OR_1b_N_nn-Die Legende von Gronkor II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2046, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5955, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,51,0 , 1850.000,2150.000,0.000 , 32.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2046, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6735,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1064, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 16,51,-1 , 1000.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,51,-1 , 600.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 619, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,51,-2 , 2550.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,51,-2 , 2650.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2121, { id = 2121, name = "S_OR_1c_N_nn-Die Legende von Gronkor II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2046, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2120, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1063, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 16,51,-2 , 1550.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,51,-2 , 750.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 990, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6735, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1420, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6735, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3323, { id = 3323, name = "S_OR_1d_N_nn-Die Legende von Gronkor - end", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2046, continues_bookentry = 2121, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2565,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5955, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2121, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2048, { id = 2048, name = "S_SE_1_N_nn-Forscher I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5996, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,58,0 , 2696.150,1449.000,1519.480, 153.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 962, amount = 20, dropper0 = { creature = 172, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 171, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2050, { id = 2050, name = "S_SE_2_N_nn-Forscher II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2048, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5996, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,58,0 , 2696.150,1449.000,1519.480, 153.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2048, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 965, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 616, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1135, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 953, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2068, { id = 2068, name = "S_SE_1a_N_nn-Die Arena ueber den Wolken I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 32,52,0 , 1450.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6114, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,59,0 , 2050.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6113, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2069, { id = 2069, name = "S_SE_1b_N_nn-Die Arena ueber den Wolken II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2068, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 32,52,0 , 1450.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6114, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1450.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2068, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6116, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6117, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6118, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2070, { id = 2070, name = "S_SE_1c_N_nn-Die Arena ueber den Wolken III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2068, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 32,52,0 , 1450.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6114, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,52,0 , 1450.000,1450.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2069, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6119, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6120, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6121, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6122, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6123, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6124, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3412, { id = 3412, name = "S_SE_2_N_nn-Arena ueber den Wolken Helper", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2068, continues_bookentry = 2070, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2070, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2067, { id = 2067, name = "S_SE_N_nn-Fast schon ein Gott", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6111, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,58,0 , 450.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2070, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6110,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6110, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2790, { id = 2790, name = "S_SE_2_N_nn-Fast schon ein Gott", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2067, continues_bookentry = 2067, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6111, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2067, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2078, { id = 2078, name = "S_DR_N_nn-Feuerspuker", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6183, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,56,-1 , 3103.500,2696.700,-35.289, 151.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6179, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2082, { id = 2082, name = "S_DR_1b_N_nn-Feuerspuker II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2078, continues_bookentry = 2078, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6183, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2078, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 977, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2789, { id = 2789, name = "S_IS_1_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 1/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7999, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8000, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,6,0 , 50.000,200.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2792, { id = 2792, name = "S_IS_2a_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 2a/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7999, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,3,0 , 2500.000,1550.000,1960.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2789, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 830, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 15,3,0 , 2250.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 15,3,0 , 2400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2798, { id = 2798, name = "S_IS_3_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 3/7", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,7,-1 , 1590.930,1338.890,-2000.020, 242.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2816, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8012,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8014,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1233, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8012, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2816, { id = 2816, name = "S_IS_2b_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 2b/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 2792, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8005, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2792, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2823, { id = 2823, name = "S_IS_4a_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 4a/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 15,7,-1 , 1590.930,1338.890,-2000.020, 242.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2798, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1015968045,7,43 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1239,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1015968045, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 835, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 13,8,-2 , 2450.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,8,-2 , 2800.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2831, { id = 2831, name = "S_IS_4b_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 4b/7", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 2823, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2823, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1015967200,9,43 }, { 1015966570,9,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8087,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8088,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8089,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1240, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8087, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2843, { id = 2843, name = "S_IS_4c_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 4c/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 2823, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8005, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2831, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 836, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 14,8,-2 , 1350.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,8,-2 , 1550.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 837, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 14,7,-2 , 2050.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,7,-2 , 2450.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2849, { id = 2849, name = "S_IS_5a_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 5a/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8136, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,7,-1 , 1590.930,1338.890,-2000.020, 242.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2843, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1015968098,7,43 }, { 1019270393,9,43 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1248,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 841, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 15,8,-1 , 2800.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 15,8,-1 , 3000.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2864, { id = 2864, name = "S_IS_5b_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 5b/7", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 2849, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2849, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 842, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 15,8,-2 , 2700.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 15,8,-2 , 3000.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8180,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8181,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8182,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1247,7,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1249, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8180, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2879, { id = 2879, name = "S_IS_5c_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 5c/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 2849, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8005, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2864, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2881, { id = 2881, name = "S_IS_6_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 6/7", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,7,-1 , 1590.930,1338.890,-2000.020, 242.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2879, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1015967795,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8231,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1260,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8195, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8196, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8197, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8198, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8199, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2887, { id = 2887, name = "S_IS_7_JT - Die Gemaecher der Ahnen 7/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2789, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4149,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7999, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8230, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,8,-2 , 1578.770,1731.340,0.072, 173.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2881, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3099, { id = 3099, name = "S_IS_1a_nn-Voodoopuppen-Leere Regale", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8704, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,7,0 , 1892.100,237.801,2713.190, 209.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1323,7,1 }, { 1324,7,1 }, { 1326,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8706, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3101, { id = 3101, name = "S_IS_1b_nn-Voodoopuppen-Leere Regale", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3099, continues_bookentry = 3099, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3099, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1327,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8707, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3106, { id = 3106, name = "S_IS_2a_nn-Voodoopuppen-Waldspinnenseide", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3099, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8900, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 14,7,0 , 597.500,808.699,2625.750, 40.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3101, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1329, amount = 6, dropper0 = { creature = 352, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 353, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 8719, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 8720, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 8721, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 8722, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 8723, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 8724, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3107, { id = 3107, name = "S_IS_2b_nn-Voodoopuppen-Waldspinnenseide", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3099, continues_bookentry = 3106, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8704, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {654,0}, {654,0}, {654,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3106, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3129, { id = 3129, name = "S_IS_1a_nn-Elixier der Visionen 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8799, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 2650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 987, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,5,0 , 1100.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,5,0 , 1300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, groupchanges = { { 8800,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8801,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8802,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8803,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8804,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8805,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8806,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8807,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8808,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8809,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8810,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8811,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8812,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8813,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8814,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8800,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8801,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8802,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8803,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8804,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8805,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8806,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8807,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8808,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8809,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8810,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8811,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8812,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8813,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, { 8814,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3134, { id = 3134, name = "S_IS_2a_nn-Elixier der Visionen 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3129, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8799, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 2650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, {647,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3129, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8815, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8816, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8817, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8818, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8819, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8820, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8821, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8822, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8823, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8824, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3174, { id = 3174, name = "S_IS_1a_N_nn-Geduld I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8920, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,4,0 , 2806.570,2729.900,2360.200, 82.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3176, { id = 3176, name = "S_IS_1b_N_nn-Geduld II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3174, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8922, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 828.281,1314.520,1919.650, 171.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3174, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8923,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8924,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8925,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8926,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8927,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 392, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3177, { id = 3177, name = "S_IS_1c_N_nn-Geduld III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3176, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8922, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 828.281,1314.520,1919.650, 171.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3176, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8928,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8929,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8930,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8931,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8932,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 1367, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 1455, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3180, { id = 3180, name = "S_IS_1d_N_nn-Geduld IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3177, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8922, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 14,3,0 , 828.281,1314.520,1919.650, 171.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3177, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8933,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8934,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8936,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8937,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8996,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 352, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3182, { id = 3182, name = "S_IS_1e_N_nn-Geduld V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3180, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8922, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,3,0 , 828.281,1314.520,1919.650, 171.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3180, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3184, { id = 3184, name = "S_IS_1f_N_nn-Geduld XV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3182, continues_bookentry = 3199, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8922, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3182, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3186, { id = 3186, name = "S_IS_2a_N_nn-Geduld VI", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3182, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8943, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3182, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8944,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8945,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8946,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8947,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8948,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 128, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3187, { id = 3187, name = "S_IS_2b_N_nn-Geduld VII", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3186, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8943, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3186, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8953,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8954,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8955,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8956,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8957,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 370, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 372, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3189, { id = 3189, name = "S_IS_2c_N_nn-Geduld VIII", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3187, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8943, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 18,3,0 , 2500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3187, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8958,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8959,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8960,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8961,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8962,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 391, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3191, { id = 3191, name = "S_IS_2d_N_nn-Geduld IX", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3189, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8943, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 2500.000,1500.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3189, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3192, { id = 3192, name = "S_IS_2e_N_nn-Geduld XVI", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3191, continues_bookentry = 3199, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8943, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3191, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3193, { id = 3193, name = "S_IS_3a_N_nn-Geduld X", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3191, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8969, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3191, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8970,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8971,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8972,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8973,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8974,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 1434, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3195, { id = 3195, name = "S_IS_3b_N_nn-Geduld XI", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3193, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8969, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3193, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8976,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8977,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8978,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8979,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8980,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 123, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3196, { id = 3196, name = "S_IS_3c_N_nn-Geduld XII", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3195, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8969, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,7,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3195, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8982,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8983,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8984,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8985,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8986,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 1368, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 1369, bodycount = 5, }, kill2 = { creature = 1385, bodycount = 5, }, kill3 = { creature = 1427, bodycount = 5, }, kill4 = { creature = 1428, bodycount = 5, }, kill5 = { creature = 1431, bodycount = 5, }, kill6 = { creature = 1432, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3197, { id = 3197, name = "S_IS_3d_N_nn-Geduld XIII", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3196, continues_bookentry = 3174, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8969, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,7,0 , 200.000,850.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3196, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3198, { id = 3198, name = "S_IS_3e_N_nn-Geduld XVII", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3197, continues_bookentry = 3199, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8969, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3197, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3199, { id = 3199, name = "S_IS_4a_N_nn-Geduld XIV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3197, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 15,10,0 , 427.137,45.826,204.960, 345.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8994, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 15,10,0 , 427.137,45.826,204.960, 22.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3197, queststate = 9, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 9007,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9008,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9009,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9010,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9011,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 1685, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 1686, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3209, { id = 3209, name = "S_IS_1a_N_nn-Blutige Rituale", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9059, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9056, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,9,0 , 750.000,2950.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9054,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9055,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9059,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9060,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9061,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9063,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9065,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9059,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9060,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9061,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9057, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3210, { id = 3210, name = "S_IS_1b_N_nn-Blutige Rituale", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3209, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9056, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3209, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9059,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9060,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9061,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3441, { id = 3441, name = "S_IS_1a_N_nn-Blutige Rituale_Hireling helper", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3209, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3209, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 9054,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",80 }, { 9055,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",80 }, { 9054,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",17 }, { 9055,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",17 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9054, 9055, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9055,1}, victim1 = {9054,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3245, { id = 3245, name = "S_IS_1_JT - Das Geisterbankett 1/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9175, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1023, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,5,0 , 650.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,5,0 , 800.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3250, { id = 3250, name = "S_IS_2_JT - Das Geisterbankett 2/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3245, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9179, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9175, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,5,0 , 690.551,1633.900,2046.510, 26.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3245, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3253, { id = 3253, name = "S_IS_3_JT - Das Geisterbankett 3/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3245, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9179, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 13,6,0 , 1250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3250, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9179,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 9179,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1027, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,5,0 , 600.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,5,0 , 850.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3255, { id = 3255, name = "S_IS_4_JT - Das Geisterbankett 4/7", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3245, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9179, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,6,0 , 1250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3253, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9249,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9250,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9179,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 9179,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1399, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3256, { id = 3256, name = "S_IS_5_JT - Das Geisterbankett 5/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3245, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9175, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9179, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,6,0 , 1250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3255, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9205,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9211,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9212,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9213,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9214,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9179,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3262, { id = 3262, name = "S_IS_6_JT - Das Geisterbankett 6/7", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3245, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9179, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9175, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,5,0 , 690.551,1633.900,2046.510, 26.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3256, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9175,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 9179,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9179,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1029, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,5,-1 , 3100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,5,-1 , 500.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3265, { id = 3265, name = "S_IS_7_JT - Das Geisterbankett 7/7", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3245, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2584,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9175, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3262, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9224,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9225,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9175,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9205,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 9211,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 9212,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 9213,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 9214,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 9175,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9179, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3272, { id = 3272, name = "S_IS_1_N_nn-Suche nach einer neuen Heimat I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9241, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9232, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,13,0 , 2150.000,2150.000,0.000 , 323.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9234,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9235,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9236,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9237,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9238,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9239,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9240,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9232,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 9232,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9247,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3277, { id = 3277, name = "S_IS_2a_N_nn-Suche nach einer neuen Heimat II", questtype = 4, silent=0, stopquestid=3273, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3272, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9241, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9247, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1950.000,1800.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3272, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9247,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 9252,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, { 9253,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, { 9254,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, { 9255,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, { 9256,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, { 9247,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9234,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9235,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9236,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9237,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9238,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9239,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9240,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, { 9232,10,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1413, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9256, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 9255, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 9254, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 9253, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 9252, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3278, { id = 3278, name = "S_IS_3a_N_nn-Suche nach einer neuen Heimat III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3277, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9235, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9241, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1850.000,1800.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3277, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9247,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9232,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1414,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9232, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3279, { id = 3279, name = "S_IS_3b_N_nn-Suche nach einer neuen Heimat III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3278, continues_bookentry = 3278, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9235, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,12,0 , 1981.250,1881.600,29.658, 40.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3278, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1035, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,14,0 , 1700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,14,0 , 1950.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9234,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9235,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9236,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9237,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9238,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9239,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9240,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9232,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9247,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9234,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9235,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9236,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9237,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9238,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9239,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9240,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3281, { id = 3281, name = "S_IS_4_N_nn-Suche nach einer neuen Heimat IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3279, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2596,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9241, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,14,0 , 1850.000,1800.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3279, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9266, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3273, { id = 3273, name = "S_IS_2b_nn-Suche nach einer neuen Heimat II_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3277, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3277, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 9247,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9247, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9247,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3257, { id = 3257, name = "S_IS_1_nn-Einmischung von Aussen I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9195, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,10,0 , 3100.000,300.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9196,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9196, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3258, { id = 3258, name = "S_IS_2_nn-Einmischung von Aussen II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3257, continues_bookentry = 3257, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3257, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1401, amount = 8, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9206, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 9207, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 9208, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 9209, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 9215, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 9216, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 9217, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 9219, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3266, { id = 3266, name = "S_IS_3_nn-Einmischung von Aussen III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3257, continues_bookentry = 3257, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3258, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1404, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3267, { id = 3267, name = "S_IS_4_nn-Einmischung von Aussen IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3257, continues_bookentry = 3257, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3266, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9220,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9221,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9222,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9223,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9221,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",81 }, { 9222,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",81 }, { 9223,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",81 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9221, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9222, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9223, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3269, { id = 3269, name = "S_IS_5_nn-Einmischung von Aussen V", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3257, continues_bookentry = 3257, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9195, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3267, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9220,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1407, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9220, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2188, { id = 2188, name = "S_MA_1a_N_nn-Zu viele Feste!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6711, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6710, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 3054.950,753.203,-1715.510, 244.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6710,7,0,"questCreatures",32 }, { 6710,9,0,"questCreatures",32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2189, { id = 2189, name = "S_MA_1b_N_nn-Zu viele Feste!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2188, continues_bookentry = 2188, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6712, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2188, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6710,7,0,"questCreatures",32 }, { 6710,9,0,"questCreatures",32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2190, { id = 2190, name = "S_MA_1c_N_nn-Zu viele Feste!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2188, continues_bookentry = 2188, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6713, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2189, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6710,7,0,"questCreatures",32 }, { 6710,9,0,"questCreatures",32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2222, { id = 2222, name = "S_MA_1a_nn-Der Vergangenheit auf der Spur I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6797, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6794, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 56,29,0 , 23.906,34.203,-1692.570, 172.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2237, { id = 2237, name = "S_MA_1a_nn-Der Vergangenheit auf der Spur II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2222, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6797, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 51,28,0 , 2550.000,2450.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2222, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1043, amount = 20, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6814, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 6815, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 6817, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 6818, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 6819, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 6820, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 6821, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 6822, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 6823, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 6824, dropchance = 101, }, dropper10 = { taskcreature = 6825, dropchance = 101, }, dropper11 = { taskcreature = 6826, dropchance = 101, }, dropper12 = { taskcreature = 6827, dropchance = 101, }, dropper13 = { taskcreature = 6828, dropchance = 101, }, dropper14 = { taskcreature = 6829, dropchance = 101, }, dropper15 = { taskcreature = 6830, dropchance = 101, }, dropper16 = { taskcreature = 6831, dropchance = 101, }, dropper17 = { taskcreature = 6832, dropchance = 101, }, dropper18 = { taskcreature = 6833, dropchance = 101, }, dropper19 = { taskcreature = 6834, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2246, { id = 2246, name = "S_MA_nn-Der Vergangenheit auf der Spur III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2222, continues_bookentry = 2237, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6797, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 51,28,0 , 2550.000,2450.000,0.000 , -50.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2237, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6868,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6869,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6870,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6875,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6877,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6880,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6882,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6883,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 632, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 52,28,0 , 1550.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 52,28,0 , 1450.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2250, { id = 2250, name = "S_MA_1b_nn-Der Vergangenheit auf der Spur III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2222, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4063,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6794, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2246, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6869,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6868,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6870,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6875,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6877,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6880,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6882,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 6883,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6868, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6869, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 6870, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 6875, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 6877, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 6880, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 6882, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 6883, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2242, { id = 2242, name = "S_MA_1a_N_nn-Traumvampir", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6836, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1200.000,800.000,0.000, 108.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 630, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 50,33,0 , 900.000,700.000,0.000, 0.000 }, p2 = { 50,33,0 , 950.000,650.000,0.000, 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2244, { id = 2244, name = "S_MA_1b_N_nn-Traumvampir", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2242, continues_bookentry = 2242, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2242, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 815, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 50,32,-2 , 2800.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 50,32,-2 , 3000.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6840, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2745, { id = 2745, name = "S_DE_1c_N_nn-Traumvampir", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2242, continues_bookentry = 2242, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6836, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2244, queststate = 9, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(2293, { id = 2293, name = "S_MA_1_N_nn-Hassltoh, der Schamane", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,25,0 , 1800.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, {57,0}, {57,0}, }, target_area = { area_id = 646, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,26,0 , 2800.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,25,0 , 0.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6948,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 6948,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6948,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2295, { id = 2295, name = "S_MA_2_N_nn-Hassltoh, der Schamane (Heisshunger)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2293, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3050.000,100.000,0.000 , 133.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, {57,0}, {57,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2293, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1070, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 1100, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1115, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2296, { id = 2296, name = "S_MA_3_N_nn-Hassltoh, der Schamane (Weg mit den Olmen)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2293, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 56,26,0 , 3050.000,100.000,0.000 , 133.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, {656,0}, {656,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2295, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6961,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6957,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6957,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6959,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6962,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 30, kill0 = { creature = 614, bodycount = 30, }, kill1 = { creature = 615, bodycount = 30, }, kill2 = { creature = 1125, bodycount = 30, }, kill3 = { creature = 1126, bodycount = 30, }, kill4 = { creature = 1127, bodycount = 30, }, kill5 = { creature = 1128, bodycount = 30, }, kill6 = { creature = 1129, bodycount = 30, }, kill7 = { creature = 1130, bodycount = 30, }, kill8 = { creature = 1131, bodycount = 30, }, kill9 = { creature = 1132, bodycount = 30, }, kill10 = { creature = 1133, bodycount = 30, }, kill11 = { creature = 1134, bodycount = 30, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2297, { id = 2297, name = "S_MA_4_N_nn-Hassltoh, der Schamane", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2293, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2293, queststate = 10, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1071, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1072, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1073, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2387, { id = 2387, name = "S_MA_1a_N_nn-Olmzucht", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7144, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,32,0 , 1636.450,2819.400,-1714.250, 199.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 675, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 58,29,0 , 2400.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,29,0 , 2500.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2388, { id = 2388, name = "S_MA_1b_N_nn-Olmzucht", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2387, continues_bookentry = 2387, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7144, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2387, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1115, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7145, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1116, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7147, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1117, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7148, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1118, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7149, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1119, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7150, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2424, { id = 2424, name = "S_MA_1a_N_nn-Orkhorde", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7187, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 2032.000,705.453,-1582.920, 225.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3315, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2466, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 695, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,25,0 , 3050.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,25,0 , 300.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7187,2,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 7188,2,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 7189,2,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 7187,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 7188,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 7189,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2460, { id = 2460, name = "S_MA_1b_N_nn-Orkhorde", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2424, continues_bookentry = 2424, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7245, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2424, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7233,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7234,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7235,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7236,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7237,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7238,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7239,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7240,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7241,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7242,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7243,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7244,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7246,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7249,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7187,9,2,"questCreatures",8 }, { 7188,9,2,"questCreatures",8 }, { 7189,9,2,"questCreatures",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7233, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7234, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7235, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7236, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7237, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7238, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7239, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7240, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7241, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 7242, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 7243, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 7244, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2513, { id = 2513, name = "S_MA_1a_N_nn-Wasserproben", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2514, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7387, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 110.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 730, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,29,0 , 700.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,29,0 , 800.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7387,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 7387,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 727, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 54,29,0 , 600.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 54,29,0 , 700.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 728, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 53,29,0 , 3000.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 53,29,0 , 3100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 729, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 53,29,0 , 2150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 53,29,0 , 2250.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2514, { id = 2514, name = "S_MA_1_N_nn-Wasserproben_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, stopquestid=2515, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2513, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2513, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7387, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7387,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2515, { id = 2515, name = "S_MA_1b_N_nn-Wasserproben", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2513, continues_bookentry = 2513, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7387, reportposition = { 55,29,0 , 750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 160.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2513, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2516, { id = 2516, name = "S_MA_1_N_nn-Das Orakel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7391, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7388, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,30,0 , 1950.000,1750.000,0.000 , 246.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7407,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7408,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7409,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7410,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2522, { id = 2522, name = "S_MA_2_N_nn-Das Orakel", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2516, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7391, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,28,0 , 586.953,1761.350,-1167.290, 44.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2516, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1151, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 1109, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1296, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2523, { id = 2523, name = "S_MA_3_N_nn-Das Orakel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2522, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7388, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7391, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,28,0 , 586.953,1761.350,-1167.290, 44.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2522, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2637, { id = 2637, name = "S_DE_N_nn-Die Zahl der Kaefer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7577, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,15,0 , 2400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 781, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,16,0 , 2400.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,16,0 , 3100.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 782, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,16,0 , 2450.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,16,0 , 1800.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 783, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,15,0 , 1450.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,15,0 , 2150.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, groupchanges = { { 7603,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7604,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7605,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7606,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7607,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7608,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7609,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7610,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7611,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7612,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7613,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7614,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7615,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7617,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7618,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7619,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7620,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 7603,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7604,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7605,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7606,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7607,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7608,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7609,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7610,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7611,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7612,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7613,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7614,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7615,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7617,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7618,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7619,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, { 7620,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_pack",98 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(276, { id = 276, name = "S_DE_1a_N_md-Ayshe (1v3)", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1020, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,16,0 , 700.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1042,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1043,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1044,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1045,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1014,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1015,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1016,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1013,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1013,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 1014,1015,1016, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1013,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(278, { id = 278, name = "S_DE_1b_N_md-Ayshe (2v3)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 276, continues_bookentry = 276, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 276, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1042, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(280, { id = 280, name = "S_DE_1c_N_md-Ayshe (3av3)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 276, continues_bookentry = 276, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1042, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 278, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1043,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1044,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 1045,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1043, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1044, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1045, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(281, { id = 281, name = "S_DE_1d_N_md-Ayshe (3bv3)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 276, continues_bookentry = 276, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {58,0}, {58,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 280, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1020, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2783, { id = 2783, name = "S_DE_1_nn-Exquisite Longdrinks I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7995, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,21,0 , 1428.900,1715.150,11.993, 32.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1224, amount = 20, dropper0 = { creature = 1233, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1456, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2785, { id = 2785, name = "S_DE_2_nn-Exquisite Longdrinks II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2783, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7995, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1428.900,1715.150,11.993, 32.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2783, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1225, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 243, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 242, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2787, { id = 2787, name = "S_DE_3_nn-Exquisite Longdrinks III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2783, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7995, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1428.900,1715.150,11.993, 32.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2785, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7997,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1227,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 824, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,23,0 , 0.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,23,0 , 900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2803, { id = 2803, name = "S_DE_4_nn-Exquisite Longdrinks IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2783, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7995, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1428.900,1715.150,11.993, 32.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2787, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1234,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7997, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2804, { id = 2804, name = "S_DE_5_nn-Exquisite Loongdrinks V", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2783, continues_bookentry = 2803, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7995, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2803, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7997,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7997, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2808, { id = 2808, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Verlaufen", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8030, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,12,0 , 400.000,2550.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 827, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,13,0 , 300.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,13,0 , 650.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8030,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 8030,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8030,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2809, { id = 2809, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Verlaufen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2808, continues_bookentry = 2808, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8030, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2808, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2859, { id = 2859, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Die Verschollene Karawane", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1770, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 1350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 845, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,19,0 , 1800.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,19,0 , 2100.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2860, { id = 2860, name = "S_DE_2_N_nn-Die Verschollene Karawane_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, stopquestid=2899, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2867, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2867, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 1, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 1776, 1777, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1777,1}, victim1 = {1776,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2866, { id = 2866, name = "S_DE_3_N_nn-Die verschollene Karawane", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2859, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8177, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1770, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 1350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2899, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2867, { id = 2867, name = "S_DE_2a_N_nn-Die Verschollene Karawane", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2860, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2859, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1770, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 1350.000,2200.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 506, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 93, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,19,0 , 1800.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,19,0 , 2100.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2869, { id = 2869, name = "S_DE_2b_N_nn-Die verschollene Karawane", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2860, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2859, continues_bookentry = 2867, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1775, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2867, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1774,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 1775,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 1778,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 861, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 39,19,0 , 2750.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,19,0 , 2900.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2875, { id = 2875, name = "S_DE_4_N_nn-Die Verschollene Karawane", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2859, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8177, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,21,0 , 1616.300,1261.900,23.326, 60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2866, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8179, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2883, { id = 2883, name = "S_DE_5_N_nn-Die verschollene Karawane", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2875, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1770, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8177, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 1616.300,1261.900,23.326, 60.000 }, }, rewards = { {2578,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2875, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8204, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8205, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8206, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8207, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8208, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8209, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8210, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8211, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8212, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8213, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8214, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8215, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 8216, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 8217, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 8218, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 8219, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 8220, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 8221, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 8222, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 8223, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2899, { id = 2899, name = "S_DE_2c_N_nn-Die verschollene Karawane", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2860, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2859, continues_bookentry = 2867, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1770, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2869, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1774,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 1775,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 1778,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(506, { id = 506, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Die verschollene Karawane", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2859, continues_bookentry = 2859, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1770, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2859, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1774,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1775,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1776,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1777,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 1778,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 373, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(282, { id = 282, name = "S_DE_2a_N_md-raubzug_1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 281, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 51, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,16,0 , 0.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,16,0 , 450.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1047, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1048, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1049, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(284, { id = 284, name = "S_DE_2b_N_md-raubzug_2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 276, continues_bookentry = 282, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 281, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 52, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,11,0 , 900.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,11,0 , 1300.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1050, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1051, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1052, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(285, { id = 285, name = "S_DE_2c_N_md-raubzug_3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 276, continues_bookentry = 282, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 284, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 282, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 53, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,12,0 , 1350.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,12,0 , 2100.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1054, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1055, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1056, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2659, { id = 2659, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Die etwas andere Bar", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7653, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7652, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,13,0 , 1300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7654, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7656, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 7657, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 7658, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 7662, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 7663, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 7664, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 7666, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2661, { id = 2661, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Die etwas andere Bar", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2659, continues_bookentry = 2659, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7652, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2659, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7653,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7654,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7656,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7657,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7658,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7662,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7663,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7664,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 7666,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7653, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7654, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7656, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7657, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7658, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7662, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7663, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7664, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 7666, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2991, { id = 2991, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Archaeologe in Not", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8327, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,13,0 , 1557.840,2335.600,1188.890, 287.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2993, { id = 2993, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Archaeologe in Not", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2991, continues_bookentry = 2991, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8327, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,13,0 , 1557.840,2335.600,1188.890, 287.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2991, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 913, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,15,0 , 3100.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,14,0 , 200.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8327,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8327,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8327,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2995, { id = 2995, name = "S_DE_1c_N_nn-Archaeologe in Not", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2991, continues_bookentry = 2991, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8327, reportposition = { 43,14,0 , 3150.000,3050.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1516,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2993, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3014, { id = 3014, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Das neue Buch_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3015, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3015, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9296, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8437,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3015, { id = 3015, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Das neue Buch", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3014, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8437, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 650.000,3050.000,0.000 , 40.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8438,7,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 8437,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8437,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 918, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 27,16,0 , 100.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,16,0 , 350.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1041, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,17,-1 , 500.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,17,-1 , 200.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3019, { id = 3019, name = "S_DE_2a_N_nn-Das neue Buch", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3286, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3015, continues_bookentry = 3015, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8437, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,17,-1 , 400.000,1500.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3015, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8437,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8438,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 919, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 33,16,0 , 2300.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,16,0 , 1950.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3022, { id = 3022, name = "S_DE_2b_N_nn-Das neue Buch", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3019, continues_bookentry = 3015, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8437, reportposition = { 33,16,0 , 1950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2287,0}, {2488,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3019, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8437,9,2,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",66 }, { 8438,9,2,"DOG",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1416,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3286, { id = 3286, name = "S_DE_2_N_nn-Das neue Buch_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3019, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3019, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9297, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8437,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3027, { id = 3027, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Grabraeuber-start", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 920, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,17,0 , 0.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,17,0 , 850.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8468,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8469,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8470,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8471,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8472,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8473,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8474,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8475,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8477,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8478,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8479,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3028, { id = 3028, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Grabraeuber", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3027, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3027, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 921, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,17,0 , 1550.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,17,0 , 2550.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8468,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8469,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8470,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8471,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8472,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8473,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8474,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8475,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8478,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 8479,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 8477,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 8477,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8478,3,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8479,3,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8475,8474,8473,8472,8471,8470,8469,8468, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8477,0}, victim1 = {8478,1}, victim2 = {8479,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(341, { id = 341, name = "S_DE_2_N_nn-Grabreauber", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3028, continues_bookentry = 3028, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1211, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8477, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,17,0 , 2000.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3028, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8478,3,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8479,3,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8477,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8478,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 8479,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 8477,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8478,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8479,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8477,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3054, { id = 3054, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Entscheidungen!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8525, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8520, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,17,0 , 3000.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8525,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1308,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8308, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3057, { id = 3057, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Entscheidungen!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3054, continues_bookentry = 3054, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8520, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3054, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8525, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3085, { id = 3085, name = "S_DE_1_JT - Flaschenkaempfe 1/4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8622, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8620, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 0.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3087, { id = 3087, name = "S_DE_2_JT - Flaschenkaempfe 2/4", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3085, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8622, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,16,0 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3085, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8627,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8628,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8629,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8630,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8625,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8626,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1315, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8625, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 8626, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 8627, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 8628, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 8629, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1317, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8630, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3088, { id = 3088, name = "S_DE_3a_JT - Flaschenkaempfe 3a/4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3087, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8622, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,16,0 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3087, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1320,5,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 947, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 33,18,0 , 2150.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,18,0 , 2350.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3089, { id = 3089, name = "S_DE_3b_JT - Flaschenkaempfe 3b/4", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3085, continues_bookentry = 3088, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8635, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3088, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8635,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8635, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3090, { id = 3090, name = "S_DE_3c_JT - Flaschenkaempfe 3c/4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3085, continues_bookentry = 3088, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8622, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8635, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,18,-1 , 2369.050,1664.120,-117.012, 339.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3089, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8635,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 8635,9,3,"Invalid",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3092, { id = 3092, name = "S_DE_4_JT - Flaschenkaempfe 4/4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3085, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8620, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8622, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,16,0 , 2200.000,1800.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3090, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1319,5,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3105, { id = 3105, name = "S_DE_1_JT - Verblendet 1/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,12,0 , 1450.000,850.000,0.000 , 258.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3076, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 969, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,15,0 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,15,0 , 1450.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7985,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8716,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 8717,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 8718,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3109, { id = 3109, name = "S_DE_2_JT - Verblendet 2/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3105, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,15,0 , 1000.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3105, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 970, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,17,0 , 2300.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,16,0 , 2850.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3110, { id = 3110, name = "S_DE_3_JT - Verblendet 3/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3105, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,17,0 , 2550.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3109, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 971, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,17,0 , 400.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 47,17,0 , 950.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3112, { id = 3112, name = "S_DE_4_JT - Verblendet 4/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3105, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 47,17,0 , 650.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3110, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 972, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,18,0 , 250.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 46,18,0 , 2650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3115, { id = 3115, name = "S_DE_5_JT - Verblendet 5/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3105, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7985, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 47,18,0 , 1250.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3112, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 973, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 46,16,0 , 1500.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 46,16,0 , 1900.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3116, { id = 3116, name = "S_DE_6_JT - Verblendet 6/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7985, reportposition = { 46,16,0 , 1650.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3115, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3118, { id = 3118, name = "S_DE_7a_JT - Verblendet 7a/10", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3116, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3116, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8742, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8743, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8744, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8746, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8747, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8748, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8749, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8750, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8751, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8752, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8753, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8754, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3119, { id = 3119, name = "S_DE_7b_JT - Verblendet 7b/10", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3116, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8535, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,16,0 , 1550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3118, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8757,7,1,"Invalid",0 }, { 8758,7,1,"Invalid",0 }, { 8759,7,1,"Invalid",0 }, { 8757,9,2,"Invalid",66 }, { 8758,9,2,"Invalid",66 }, { 8759,9,2,"Invalid",66 }, { 8535,7,0,"Invalid",76 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8756, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3120, { id = 3120, name = "S_DE_7c_JT - Verblendet 7c/10", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3116, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3119, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3123, { id = 3123, name = "S_DE_8_JT - Verblendet 8/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8775, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3120, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 985, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 46,16,0 , 850.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 46,16,0 , 2650.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3126, { id = 3126, name = "S_DE_9_JT - Verblendet 9/10", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3105, continues_bookentry = 3123, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8775, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,12,0 , 1400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3123, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8716,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8718,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8717,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8780, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8785, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8786, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8787, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8788, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8789, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8790, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8791, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8792, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8793, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3127, { id = 3127, name = "S_DE_1_JT - Verblendet 10/10", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3126, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2541,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8504, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8775, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,12,0 , 1400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3126, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3190, { id = 3190, name = "S_DE_1_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 1/6", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8964, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 1461.550,1529.600,239.161, 69.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8965,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8964,7,1,"Hireling_distance",76 }, { 8964,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1345, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8965, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3200, { id = 3200, name = "S_DE_2_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 2/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3190, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8999, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8964, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 1461.550,1529.600,239.161, 69.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3190, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8964,7,1,"Hireling_distance",76 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3201, { id = 3201, name = "S_DE_3_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 3/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3200, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9003, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8999, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2605.000,2278.950,2556.000, 296.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3200, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1349,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3202, { id = 3202, name = "S_DE_4_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 4/6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3190, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8964, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9003, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,17,0 , 3050.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3201, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9013,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9014,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9013,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9014,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1350,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9012, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3203, { id = 3203, name = "S_DE_5_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 5/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3190, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8999, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8964, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 1461.550,1529.600,239.161, 69.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3202, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3205, { id = 3205, name = "S_DE_6a_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 6a/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3190, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8964, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 1461.550,1529.600,239.161, 69.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3203, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1003, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 33,15,0 , 1750.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,15,0 , 1900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1007, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 33,15,-1 , 3050.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,15,-1 , 2950.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1008, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 33,15,-1 , 2600.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,15,-1 , 2700.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3207, { id = 3207, name = "S_DE_6b_JT - El Leigh aufspueren 6b/6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3190, continues_bookentry = 3205, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4173,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8964, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3205, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9027,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9028,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 9027,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9028,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 8964,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1351,8,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9026, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3242, { id = 3242, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Der Feige Soldat", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9162, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,13,0 , 1703.700,538.781,1224.240, 349.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9162,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 9163,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9162,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9163,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9164,9165,9166,9167,9168,9169,9170,9171,9172, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9162,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3243, { id = 3243, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Der feige Soldat", questtype = 4, silent=0, stopquestid=3242, stopqueststate=3, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3242, continues_bookentry = 3242, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3242, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1397, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9163, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3244, { id = 3244, name = "S_DE_1c_N_nn-Der feige Soldat", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3242, continues_bookentry = 3242, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9162, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3242, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3243, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2723, { id = 2723, name = "S_DE_2_N_nn-verirrt", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 283, continues_bookentry = 283, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1046, reportposition = { 29,13,0 , 1550.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 283, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1046,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 57, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,13,0 , 1200.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,13,0 , 1850.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(283, { id = 283, name = "S_DE_N_nn-verirrt", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1046, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,11,0 , 2650.000,2050.000,0.000 , 181.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1046,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 1046,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 1087,1088,1089, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1046,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2668, { id = 2668, name = "S_DE_N_nn-Vertriebene", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7684, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 44,23,0 , 2000.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 789, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,23,0 , 1700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,23,0 , 1400.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7684,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, { 7695,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, { 7696,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, { 7684,9,2,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",83 }, { 7695,9,2,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",83 }, { 7696,9,2,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",83 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7684,0}, victim1 = {7695,0}, victim2 = {7696,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3287, { id = 3287, name = "S_DE_2_nn-Vertriebene II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2668, continues_bookentry = 2668, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7684, reportposition = {37,23,0,1550.000,2925.000,0.000,0.000}, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2668, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3482, { id = 3482, name = "S_IS_JT - Der Herr der Gifte", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2421,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9706, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 19,2,0 , 900.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9707, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3483, { id = 3483, name = "S_JU_JT - Herr der Erde", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3498,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9703, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9702, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,4,0 , 2783.650,1384.450,490.979, 64.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9704, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3485, { id = 3485, name = "S_OR_JT - Herr des Eises", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2417,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9716, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 7,43,-2 , 2900.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9717,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9717, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3417, { id = 3417, name = "S_HU_nn-Drachenquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1119, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,39,0 , 300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,39,0 , 2150.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9583, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3418, { id = 3418, name = "S_MA_nn-Drachenquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1120, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 63,25,0 , 200.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 63,25,0 , 950.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9585, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3419, { id = 3419, name = "S_DE_nn-Drachenquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1121, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 49,13,0 , 0.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,13,0 , 2200.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9586, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1697, { id = 1697, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Hufschmied", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4461, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4460, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 1766.450,2665.350,1402.970, 68.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 762,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1735, { id = 1735, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Hufschmied", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1697, continues_bookentry = 1697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4460, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1697, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2079, { id = 2079, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Das Huehnchen II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 798, continues_bookentry = 798, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1339, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 798, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6182, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(798, { id = 798, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Das Huehnchen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1339, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,28,0 , 650.000,350.000,0.000 , 227.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 429, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(213, { id = 213, name = "S_HE_N_nn-die schwarzen maenner", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 665, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,32,0 , 2500.000,300.000,0.000 , -110.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 670, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 672, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 674, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 676, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 678, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(217, { id = 217, name = "S_HE_N_nn-die schwarzen maenner 2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 213, continues_bookentry = 213, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 665, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 213, queststate = 8, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 115, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1044, { id = 1044, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Finderlohn", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 976, continues_bookentry = 976, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2844, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 976, queststate = 8, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 566, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(976, { id = 976, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Finderlohn", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2844, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 102.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 566,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2847, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 2848, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 2849, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2217, { id = 2217, name = "S_HE_JT - Die Taucherglocke", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6781, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6774, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,30,0 , 2750.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6781,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1031, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1643, { id = 1643, name = "S_HU_nn-Rattenhatz", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 43,38,0,2052.094,1493.148,1679.135, 300.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4359, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,38,0, 548.656,1293.352,1684.981, 30.000}, }, groupchanges = { { 4359,7,1,"JOB_MERCENARY",84 }, { 4371,7,1,"JOB_MERCENARY",84 }, { 4372,7,1,"JOB_MERCENARY",84 }, { 4373,7,1,"JOB_MERCENARY",84 }, { 4374,7,1,"JOB_MERCENARY",84 }, { 4375,7,1,"JOB_MERCENARY",84 }, { 4359,8,2,"questCreatures",84 }, { 4371,8,2,"questCreatures",84 }, { 4372,8,2,"questCreatures",84 }, { 4373,8,2,"questCreatures",84 }, { 4374,8,2,"questCreatures",84 }, { 4375,8,2,"questCreatures",84 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4343, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4344, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4346, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4347, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4348, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4349, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4350, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4351, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4352, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4353, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 4354, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 4355, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 4356, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 4357, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 4358, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 4361, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 4362, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 4364, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 4365, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 4366, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3285, { id = 3285, name = "S_HU_1_JT-Der Gerechtigkeit zufuehren", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7667, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,48,0 , 2000.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1038, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 41,48,0 , 2100.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,48,0 , 1900.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(48, { id = 48, name = "S_HE_Eine dunkle Verschwoerung", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2301, continues_bookentry = 47, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 102, reportposition = { 21,29,0 , 0.000,900.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 47, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 103,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 102,8,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 50, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(54, { id = 54, name = "S_HE_Schau nach Lahrian", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 144, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,28,0 , 565.852,2134.000,-15.110, 95.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 164, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(58, { id = 58, name = "S_HE_nn-Papier, Kuehe und Jungfrauen", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 163, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,26,0 , 1458.090,2329.840,49.872, 219.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 162, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(59, { id = 59, name = "S_HE_Ein Golem fuer alle Faelle", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 164, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,23,0 , 850.000,0.000,70.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 54, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 4032,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4033,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 4034,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 35, amount = 2, dropper0 = { creature = 149, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 36, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 56, dropchance = 85, }, dropper1 = { creature = 57, dropchance = 85, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 37, amount = 4, dropper0 = { creature = 259, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 4768, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(60, { id = 60, name = "S_HE_Die Wegelagerer", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 165, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 1870.750,1276.510,99.982, 38.000 }, }, rewards = { {1518,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 40, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 41, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 42, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(142, { id = 142, name = "S_HE_md-Fruchtbare Erde", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 391, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 699.250,1443.050,246.216, 193.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 65, amount = 8, dropper0 = { creature = 166, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 82, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 259, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1015, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 777, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 781, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(194, { id = 194, name = "S_HE_md-Geister in der Stadt", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 184, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 574, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,22,0 , 1809.130,1413.680,175.124, 190.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 191, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5272, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5273, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5274, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5275, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5276, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5277, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 5279, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 5280, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 5281, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 5282, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(220, { id = 220, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Verlorene Katze", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 613, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,32,0 , 2716.600,419.703,-7.706, 322.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 610,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 610,9,0,"cat",10 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {610,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(223, { id = 223, name = "S_HE_ca-Kanninchenplage", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 726, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,26,0 , 1400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 729, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 731, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 733, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 735, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 737, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 742, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 743, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 744, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 745, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 758, }, }, groupchanges = { { 729,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 731,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 733,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 735,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 737,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 742,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 743,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 744,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 745,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 758,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(234, { id = 234, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Laestige kleine Koboldschamanen", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 782, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,28,0 , 1565.550,1893.150,57.335, 23.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9771,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9772,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9773,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9774,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 52, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 147, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(286, { id = 286, name = "S_DE_3_N_md-rache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 276, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 285, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1042,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1042, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(312, { id = 312, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Sport_ist_Mord", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1157, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,43,0 , 2500.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 174, amount = 10, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1168, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 1170, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 1173, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 1176, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 1177, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 1989, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 1990, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 1992, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 1993, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 9333, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(363, { id = 363, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Schlimme Schafe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1362, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,42,0 , 1500.000,3150.000,0.000 , -27.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1363, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1364, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1365, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1366, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1367, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1368, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1369, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1370, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1371, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1372, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1373, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1374, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1375, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1376, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1377, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(389, { id = 389, name = "S_DE_N_nn-angeschwemmt", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1435, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 900.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 240, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 244, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 245, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 246, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 248, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(413, { id = 413, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Spinnenplage 2A", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1484, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,23,0 , 2209.690,880.992,129.316, 188.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1484,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 1484,8,2,"questCreatures",14 }, { 1484,9,0,"JOB_CATTLEFARMER",14 }, { 1484,10,2,"JOB_CATTLEFARMER",14 }, { 1510,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1511,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1512,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1513,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1514,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 1510,9,2,"PIG",97 }, { 1511,9,2,"PIG",97 }, { 1512,9,2,"PIG",97 }, { 1513,9,2,"PIG",97 }, { 1514,9,2,"PIG",97 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 1, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 1489,1488,1491,1492,1493,1494,1495,1496,1497,1498, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {1510,1}, victim1 = {1511,1}, victim2 = {1512,1}, victim3 = {1513,1}, victim4 = {1514,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(445, { id = 445, name = "S_JU_N_md-Brennholz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1608, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,7,0 , 1900.000,1050.000,0.000 , 210.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 334, amount = 20, dropper0 = { area_id = 83, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 32,7,0 , 3000.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 32,7,0 , 200.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(448, { id = 448, name = "S_JU_1a_N_md-Ist das dein Knochen?", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1610, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,8,0 , 800.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1615,8,1,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1615,9,2,"JOB_PRIEST",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1615, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(483, { id = 483, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Der schoenste Tag in meinem Leben", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1734, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 1100.000,200.000,0.000 , -162.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1723, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1746, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1758, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 1749, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 1756, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 1757, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 1750, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 1751, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 1755, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { taskcreature = 4307, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(505, { id = 505, name = "S_JU_1a_N_md-Essen fuer alle", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1768, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,7,0 , 1303.750,1779.300,52.129, 88.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 369, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 238, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 370, amount = 5, dropper0 = { area_id = 92, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 34,7,0 , 350.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 34,7,0 , 2600.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 371, amount = 8, dropper0 = { area_id = 90, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 30,8,0 , 3150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 31,7,0 , 2250.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 372, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(514, { id = 514, name = "S_HE_nn- Der Candyshop", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1810, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2100.770,604.039,-13.625, 301.000 }, }, rewards = { {594,0}, }, ti_actions = { { 433,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1811, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(613, { id = 613, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Beste Wohnlage 1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1925, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,22,0 , 1050.260,2633.860,81.035, 263.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1926, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1927, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1928, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1929, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1930, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1931, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1932, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1933, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1934, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1937, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1938, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1939, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1941, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1942, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1943, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(879, { id = 879, name = "S_HE_nn-Klar Schiff machen", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 210, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,23,0 , 1600.000,1850.000,0.000 , 293.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6990,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6991,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6992,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6993,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 2569,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2570,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2571,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2572,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 2573,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 213,299,300,301,302, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2569,0}, victim1 = {2570,0}, victim2 = {2571,0}, victim3 = {2572,0}, victim4 = {2573,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(963, { id = 963, name = "S_HU_1a_N_nn-Kuerbis-Goblinherz-Suppe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2752, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,40,0 , 2094.550,461.852,304.253, 276.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 479, amount = 6, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2753, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 2771, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 2772, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 2774, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 2773, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 2775, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1050, { id = 1050, name = "S_HE_1a_md-Fischfresser", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2968, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,22,0 , 916.602,2330.550,28.238, 276.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { creature = 543, bodycount = 5, }, kill1 = { creature = 544, bodycount = 5, }, kill2 = { creature = 546, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1051, { id = 1051, name = "S_HE_1a_N_md-Koboldschlucht", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2970, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2969, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,23,0 , 2900.000,150.000,56.000, 83.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { creature = 494, bodycount = 20, }, kill1 = { creature = 54, bodycount = 20, }, kill2 = { creature = 144, bodycount = 20, }, kill3 = { creature = 146, bodycount = 20, }, kill4 = { creature = 147, bodycount = 20, }, kill5 = { creature = 148, bodycount = 20, }, kill6 = { creature = 149, bodycount = 20, }, kill7 = { creature = 306, bodycount = 20, }, kill8 = { creature = 493, bodycount = 20, }, kill9 = { creature = 52, bodycount = 20, }, kill10 = { creature = 547, bodycount = 20, }, kill11 = { creature = 548, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1149, { id = 1149, name = "S_HE_N_md-Friedhofsgefluester", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 473, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,32,0 , 2276.750,1024.350,90.322, 258.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 474, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 475, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3172, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3173, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3175, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 3176, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1491, { id = 1491, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-Der Schwippschwager", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1452, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4010, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,40,0 , 2700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1483, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4063, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1492, { id = 1492, name = "S_HU_4a_nn-Informant", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1452, continues_bookentry = 1491, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1491, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4064, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1530, { id = 1530, name = "S_HU_1_nn-Diffuse Sicht", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4169, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 2917.000,136.047,955.543, 336.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 733, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4168, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1646, { id = 1646, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Praechtiger Zwoelfender", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4379, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 2500.000,3000.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 749, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4370, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1720, { id = 1720, name = "S_HU_nn-Langer Dienst", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4527, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 1972.800,1831.250,1391.380, 296.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1433,9,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 767, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1815, { id = 1815, name = "S_HU_1_nn-Drachentoeter", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4987, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,36,0 , 1388.050,2045.600,919.130, 82.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4989, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1838, { id = 1838, name = "S_HE_N_JT-Die verlorenen Amulette", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5078, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5077, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,25,0 , 2050.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 825, amount = 3, dropper0 = { area_id = 456, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 19,24,0 , 2900.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 20,24,0 , 850.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1844, { id = 1844, name = "S_HE_1_N_JT- (1/2) Der Navigator der Piraten", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5094, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,24,0 , 400.000,200.000,133.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 836, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1845, { id = 1845, name = "S_HE_2_N_JT- (2/2) Kopfgeld fuer Stahlnasen Forino", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1844, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5094, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,24,0 , 400.000,200.000,133.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1844, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5096, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1847, { id = 1847, name = "S_HE_N_JT-Gelbfuesse sammeln", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5110, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,25,0 , 148.453,2181.900,495.243, 234.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 849, amount = 4, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5112, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 5115, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 5117, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 5116, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1930, { id = 1930, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-Fanschals", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5456, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,49,0 , 450.000,1550.000,0.000 , 2.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 497, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 19,51,0 , 1600.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,51,0 , 1400.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 498, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 19,51,0 , 800.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,51,0 , 600.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1018476655, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1945, { id = 1945, name = "S_OR_1a_N_nn-Totemkette", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5503, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,51,0 , 1364.000,639.406,1827.260, 122.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5571,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5572,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5573,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5574,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5575,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5576,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5577,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5578,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5579,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5580,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5581,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5582,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5583,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5584,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5585,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5586,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5587,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5588,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5589,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5590,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5591,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5592,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5593,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5594,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5595,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5596,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5597,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5598,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5599,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 5503,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 909, amount = 6, dropper0 = { creature = 149, dropchance = 45, }, dropper1 = { creature = 148, dropchance = 45, }, dropper2 = { creature = 494, dropchance = 45, }, dropper3 = { creature = 493, dropchance = 45, }, dropper4 = { creature = 52, dropchance = 45, }, dropper5 = { creature = 147, dropchance = 45, }, dropper6 = { creature = 144, dropchance = 45, }, dropper7 = { creature = 54, dropchance = 45, }, dropper8 = { creature = 146, dropchance = 45, }, dropper9 = { creature = 53, dropchance = 45, }, dropper10 = { creature = 306, dropchance = 45, }, dropper11 = { creature = 305, dropchance = 46, }, dropper12 = { creature = 547, dropchance = 45, }, dropper13 = { creature = 641, dropchance = 45, }, dropper14 = { creature = 548, dropchance = 45, }, dropper15 = { creature = 642, dropchance = 45, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 910, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 149, dropchance = 24, }, dropper1 = { creature = 148, dropchance = 25, }, dropper2 = { creature = 494, dropchance = 25, }, dropper3 = { creature = 493, dropchance = 25, }, dropper4 = { creature = 147, dropchance = 25, }, dropper5 = { creature = 52, dropchance = 25, }, dropper6 = { creature = 144, dropchance = 25, }, dropper7 = { creature = 54, dropchance = 25, }, dropper8 = { creature = 146, dropchance = 25, }, dropper9 = { creature = 53, dropchance = 25, }, dropper10 = { creature = 306, dropchance = 25, }, dropper11 = { creature = 305, dropchance = 25, }, dropper12 = { creature = 547, dropchance = 25, }, dropper13 = { creature = 641, dropchance = 25, }, dropper14 = { creature = 548, dropchance = 25, }, dropper15 = { creature = 642, dropchance = 25, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2028, { id = 2028, name = "S_HE_N_JT - Die gefressene Kuh", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5879, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,25,0 , 750.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5880,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 948, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5880, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2032, { id = 2032, name = "S_HE_N_JT - Die Schildkroeteneier", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5891, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,26,0 , 2100.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 950, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5893, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2047, { id = 2047, name = "S_HE_N_JT - Anglerbedarf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5967, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5959, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,24,0 , 749.398,1310.690,11.624, 358.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 964,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2055, { id = 2055, name = "S_SE_1a_N_nn-Bessere Ertraege I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6043, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,56,0 , 528.297,2472.090,1613.690, 32.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6046,7,0,"JOB_FIELDWORKER",0 }, { 6048,7,0,"JOB_FIELDWORKER",0 }, { 6049,7,0,"JOB_FIELDWORKER",0 }, { 6206,7,0,"JOB_FIELDWORKER",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1018922029, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6044, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2064, { id = 2064, name = "S_HE_N_JT - Die Kobold Baumeister", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6059, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,25,0 , 0.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6075, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6077, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6078, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6079, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2065, { id = 2065, name = "S_HE_N_JT - Gantiar Kupfererz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6104, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,25,0 , 0.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 973, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2066, { id = 2066, name = "S_SE_N_nn-Steuerkristalle", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6106, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,57,0 , 50.000,3000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6105, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2134, { id = 2134, name = "S_HE_JT - Ueberfall auf die Gemuesehaendlerin", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5997, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,22,0 , 668.648,2154.100,12.567, 141.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6032, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6033, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6034, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6035, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2159, { id = 2159, name = "S_MA_1_N_nn-Die Toten halten die Strasse", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6602, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 1986.950,1313.400,-1728.430, 359.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 50, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6603, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6604, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6605, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6606, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6607, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6608, }, kill6 = { creature = 1048, bodycount = 50, }, kill7 = { creature = 1082, bodycount = 50, }, kill8 = { creature = 1083, bodycount = 50, }, kill9 = { creature = 1097, bodycount = 50, }, kill10 = { creature = 1098, bodycount = 50, }, kill11 = { creature = 1108, bodycount = 50, }, kill12 = { creature = 1109, bodycount = 50, }, kill13 = { creature = 1203, bodycount = 50, }, kill14 = { creature = 1204, bodycount = 50, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2208, { id = 2208, name = "S_MA_1a_nn-Trockene Wege", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6753, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 51,33,0 , 837.578,906.266,-1656.840, 253.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1012, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1014, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1015, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1016, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1017, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1019, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6754, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop6 = { taskitem = 1020, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6755, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop7 = { taskitem = 1021, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6756, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop8 = { taskitem = 1022, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6757, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop9 = { taskitem = 1023, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6758, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop10 = { taskitem = 1024, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6759, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop11 = { taskitem = 1025, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6762, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop12 = { taskitem = 1026, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6763, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop13 = { taskitem = 1027, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6764, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop14 = { taskitem = 1028, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6765, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2218, { id = 2218, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Die etwas andere Trophaeenjagt", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6789, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,36,0 , 1493.590,2585.450,-1724.340, 327.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6789,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1035, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6785, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1036, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6786, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1037, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6790, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1038, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6791, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2324, { id = 2324, name = "S_MA_nn-Schatzsuche", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7044, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 2192.250,1154.650,-1688.520, 323.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1008379843, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2328, { id = 2328, name = "S_MA_nn-Gruenes Gold", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7053, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 1750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1084, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1086, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1087, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1088, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1089, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2352, { id = 2352, name = "S_MA_N_1_nn-Naturprodukt", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7098, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,30,0 , 2769.250,277.500,-1715.270, 285.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1103, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7509, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 176, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2354, { id = 2354, name = "S_MA_N_nn-Koerperpflege", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7107, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 1474.410,1370.300,-1577.840, 346.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1109, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1110, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1111, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2357, { id = 2357, name = "S_HE_JT - Ein tragisches Ende", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5078, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_worldobjects = { { 1019879035,37 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1112, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2383, { id = 2383, name = "S_MA_1_N_nn-Schoene Olmkoepfe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7142, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 942.328,1489.550,-1577.100, 341.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1114, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 615, dropchance = 60, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1129, dropchance = 60, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2418, { id = 2418, name = "S_MA_N_nn-Kautabak", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7170, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 356.156,230.297,-1563.350, 30.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1122, amount = 5, dropper0 = { area_id = 690, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 57,24,0 , 3050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 58,24,0 , 2100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1123, amount = 5, dropper0 = { area_id = 691, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 59,23,0 , 1900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 60,23,0 , 2750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1124, amount = 5, dropper0 = { area_id = 692, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 62,24,0 , 950.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 61,24,0 , 2800.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2419, { id = 2419, name = "S_MA_N_nn-Jagd auf die Willenlosen", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7179, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 1129.340,549.148,-1576.730, 187.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7171, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7172, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7173, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7174, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7175, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7176, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7177, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7178, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2469, { id = 2469, name = "S_MA_nn-Silber!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7256, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 1731.950,1200.850,-1577.860, 352.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7257, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2506, { id = 2506, name = "S_HU_JT - Befreiung der Leprastation", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7351, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,46,0 , 50.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7353,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7354,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7355,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7353, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7354, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7355, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2511, { id = 2511, name = "S_HU_JT - Gischtkraeuter sammeln", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7365, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,48,0 , 2385.480,846.688,16.692, 239.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2506, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1143, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1144, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1145, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1146, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1147, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1148, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2517, { id = 2517, name = "S_MA_1_nn-Toedliches Blau", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7390, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 49,33,0 , 2455.300,1267.100,-1732.340, 61.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { creature = 237, bodycount = 20, }, kill1 = { creature = 296, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2518, { id = 2518, name = "S_MA_nn-Giftige Beute", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7392, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 52,27,0 , 2350.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1149, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 1100, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1115, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2638, { id = 2638, name = "S_HU_JT - Der verlorene Ring", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7602, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,44,0 , 2900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7621,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7622,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1180, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2655, { id = 2655, name = "S_DE_N_nn-Bauer sucht Frau!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7639, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,17,0 , 425.500,1700.700,451.725, 49.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 786, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,18,0 , 900.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,17,0 , 700.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 785, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,18,0 , 850.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,17,0 , 1150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 787, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,19,0 , 2100.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,19,0 , 2150.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2656, { id = 2656, name = "S_HU_JT - Strafe fuer den Verraeter", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7640, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,48,-1 , 2700.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7645, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2660, { id = 2660, name = "S_HU_JT - Der Leuchtturmwaechter", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7660, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7655, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,49,0 , 600.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1181,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2663, { id = 2663, name = "S_HU_2_JT - Der Gerechtigkeit zufuehren", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3285, continues_bookentry = 3285, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7667, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3285, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7670, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2710, { id = 2710, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Nachschub fuer den Aussenposten", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7804, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7802, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 1500.000,2950.000,0.000 , -73.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2733, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7806,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7807,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7798,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7799,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7800,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7802,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 7806,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 7807,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 7798,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",31 }, { 7799,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",31 }, { 7800,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",31 }, { 7807,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 7806,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 7802,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 1, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7798,1}, victim1 = {7799,1}, victim2 = {7800,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2712, { id = 2712, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Ekliges Ding", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7815, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 267.703,2442.000,950.180, 70.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1195, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7814, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2713, { id = 2713, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Schleifsteine", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7817, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,12,0 , 2508.400,1848.550,1261.920, 134.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1196, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1197, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1198, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2715, { id = 2715, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Skorpionfleisch", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7820, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,12,0 , 2922.890,879.711,1663.910, 49.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1199, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 81, dropchance = 80, }, dropper1 = { creature = 365, dropchance = 80, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2717, { id = 2717, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Trauriger Simon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7827, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 52.047,627.875,399.364, 227.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7827, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7827, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 7827, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2721, { id = 2721, name = "S_JU_JT - Das Bootshaus", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7834, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,8,0 , 400.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1022035646,9,43 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1203, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2738, { id = 2738, name = "S_HU_JT - Die schlimmsten Geister", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7894, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,46,0 , 1774.810,2069.140,553.000, 101.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7895, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7897, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7899, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7900, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2807, { id = 2807, name = "S_DE_nn-Naegel fuer die Ewigkeit", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8024, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,20,0 , 450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1235,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8043, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2826, { id = 2826, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-Blutrache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8073, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 1912.710,2555.570,999.598, 103.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8074, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2989, { id = 2989, name = "S_HU_JT - Eine wachsende Gefahr", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8322, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,44,0 , 700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8323,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8325,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8328, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8329, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8330, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8331, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8332, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8333, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8334, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8335, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3002, { id = 3002, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Der letzte Weg", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8359, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,18,0 , 2650.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8359,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8359,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 916, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,17,0 , 750.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,17,0 , 1050.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3048, { id = 3048, name = "S_IS_1a_nn-Gehobene Ansprueche", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8509, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 3000.000,1350.000,0.000 , -181.000 }, }, rewards = { {1520,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 8516,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1307, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8522, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 8523, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 8524, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 8519, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 8521, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3121, { id = 3121, name = "S_IS_1a_nn-Neue Baeume braucht das Land", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8763, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,9,0 , 2800.000,1550.000,0.000 , -183.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 975, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 2900.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 3050.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 976, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 2550.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 2650.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 977, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 1850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 2000.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 978, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 1100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 1200.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 979, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 500.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { area_id = 980, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 500.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { area_id = 981, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 1150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 1250.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { area_id = 982, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 1950.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 1850.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { area_id = 983, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 1400.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 1300.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { area_id = 984, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 1050.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 1150.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3206, { id = 3206, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Hippocampus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9018, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,32,0 , 1067.750,1298.300,241.033, 245.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 9018, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3208, { id = 3208, name = "S_IS_1_N_nn-Irrlichter", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9030, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,14,0 , 1768.140,1527.280,60.959, 221.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9031,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1352, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 1685, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1686, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3212, { id = 3212, name = "S_IS_1_N_nn-Raum fuer Nachwuchs", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9071, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,7,0 , 2450.000,1700.000,0.000 , 278.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1354, amount = 7, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9076, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 9077, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 9078, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 9079, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 9080, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 9081, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 9082, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3215, { id = 3215, name = "S_IS_1_N_nn-In der Not frisst der Teufel fliegen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9091, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9090, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,14,0 , 1200.000,1500.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1358,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3280, { id = 3280, name = "S_HU_nn-Der gehoernte Ehemann", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9267, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,43,0 , 2200.000,1050.000,0.000 , -29.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9265, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3282, { id = 3282, name = "S_HU_nn-Schlimme Dinge", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9270, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,39,0 , 2850.000,2500.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9268, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9269, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9271, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9326, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9327, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9328, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9329, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9330, }, kill8 = { creature = 580, bodycount = 1, }, kill9 = { creature = 592, bodycount = 1, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3283, { id = 3283, name = "S_HU_JT - Dem Schrecken entflohen", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9272, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,40,0 , 2600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1037, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 24,39,0 , 2550.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 24,39,0 , 2850.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9273,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9274,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9272,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1000, { id = 1000, name = "S_DR_2e_md-Daemonische Rituale", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 995, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2875, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 999, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 505, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 499, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 501, dropchance = 50, }, dropper2 = { creature = 498, dropchance = 75, }, dropper3 = { creature = 500, dropchance = 75, }, dropper4 = { creature = 286, dropchance = 88, }, dropper5 = { creature = 287, dropchance = 88, }, dropper6 = { creature = 285, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 275, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1001, { id = 1001, name = "S_MA_2f_md-Daemonische Rituale", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 995, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2876, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1000, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 506, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(995, { id = 995, name = "S_HU_2a_md-Daemonische Rituale", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2864, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,46,0 , 2600.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2863, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2863,8,0,"Invalid",24 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(996, { id = 996, name = "S_OR_2b_md-Daemonische Rituale", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 995, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2865, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 995, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(997, { id = 997, name = "S_OR_2c_md-Daemonische Rituale", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 995, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2867, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 996, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 501, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 179, dropchance = 80, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 502, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2871, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(999, { id = 999, name = "S_SE_2d_md-Daemonische Rituale", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 995, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2874, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 997, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 504, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2872, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1002, { id = 1002, name = "S_HU_3a_md-Dunkle Herbeirufung", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 26,16,0,2569.75,788.102,42.423,0 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2876, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,16,0,2628.047,1451.852,1.640,0 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1001, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 507, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1003, { id = 1003, name = "S_HU_3b_md-Dunkle Herbeirufung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 995, continues_bookentry = 1002, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2876, reportposition = { 26,16,0,2569.75,788.102,42.423,0 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1002, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2863,3,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2863,7,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2876,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2863,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 2863,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2863, }, }, rewards = { {1010,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1732, { id = 1732, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-DBK1 - Abgefangener Kundschafter", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4636, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 519, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,46,0 , 1050.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,45,0 , 1900.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1014609672,8,42 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4636,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4627,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9558,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9559,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9560,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9561,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4624, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4629, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4630, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4631, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4632, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4633, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4634, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1734, { id = 1734, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-DBK1 - Abgefangener Kundschafter", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 1732, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4639, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1732, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4689,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4690,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1737, { id = 1737, name = "S_HU_2_G_nn-DBK2 - Entlastung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4639, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,43,0 , 1250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 85.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1734, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4665,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4666,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4667,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4668,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4669,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4670,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4671,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4672,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4673,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4674,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4675,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4676,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4677,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4678,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4679,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4680,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4681,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4682,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4683,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4684,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4685,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4686,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4687,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4688,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { creature = 864, bodycount = 20, }, kill1 = { creature = 865, bodycount = 20, }, kill2 = { creature = 866, bodycount = 20, }, kill3 = { creature = 867, bodycount = 20, }, kill4 = { creature = 868, bodycount = 20, }, kill5 = { creature = 869, bodycount = 20, }, kill6 = { creature = 874, bodycount = 20, }, kill7 = { creature = 1005, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1742, { id = 1742, name = "S_HU_3a_G_nn-DBK3 - Daemonische Magie", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4639, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,43,0 , 1250.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1737, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4689,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4690,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4639,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4703,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4691, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4693, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4694, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4695, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4696, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4697, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4698, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4699, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4700, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4701, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 4702, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1755, { id = 1755, name = "S_HU_3b_G_nn-DBK3 - Daemonische Magie", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 1742, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1742, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4689,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4690,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4639,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4703,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 769, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4703, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1758, { id = 1758, name = "S_HU_4a_G_nn-DBK4 - Magische Spruchrolle", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 1742, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4719, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4639, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,44,0 , 2950.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1755, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1759, { id = 1759, name = "S_HU_4b_G_nn-DBK4 - Magische Spruchrolle", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4720, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4719, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,40,0 , 1182.650,2684.550,299.591, 289.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1758, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4727,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5903,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5904,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5905,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1763, { id = 1763, name = "S_HU_5_G_nn-DBK5 - Das Ende eines Erzmagiers", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 1759, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4727, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4720, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,43,0 , 1200.000,100.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1759, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4727,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 5905,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",97 }, { 5903,7,0,"Enemy_mage_guard",97 }, { 5904,7,0,"Enemy_mage_guard",97 }, { 4727,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4726, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2036, { id = 2036, name = "S_HU_6a_G_nn-DBK6 - In letzter Sekunde", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, 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reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5915, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2036, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 5932,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5933,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5934,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5930,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5935,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5907, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5908, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5909, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5910, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5911, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5912, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 5913, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 5914, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2038, { id = 2038, name = "S_HU_7a_G_nn-DBK7 - Angriff auf die Festung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4616, reportposition = { 39,41,0 , 2700.000,2781.250,581.622, 232.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5915, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 34,44,0 , 1700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2037, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014609672,7,42 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5948,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 5950,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 5944,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5945,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5946,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5936,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5937,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5938,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5939,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5940,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5941,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5942,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5943,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5915,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 5930,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 5933,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 5934,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 5935,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 5932,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 5953,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 4616,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",58 }, { 5948,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",58 }, { 5950,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",58 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2045, { id = 2045, name = "S_HU_7b_G_nn-DBK7 - Angriff auf die Festung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 2038, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2038, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4616, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5948, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5950, }, }, groupchanges = { { 5944,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5945,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5946,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5936,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5937,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5938,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5939,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5940,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5941,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5942,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, { 5943,9,0,"Invalid",99 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2051, { id = 2051, name = "S_HU_8a_G_nn-DBK8 - Das Herz des brennenden Kreuzzugs", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5953, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,41,0 , 2770.380,2985.810,573.722, 289.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2045, queststate = 8, }, worldobjects = { { 1014609672,7,43 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1335,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12 , kill0 = { taskcreature = 6005, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6006, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6007, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6008, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6009, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6010, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6012, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6014, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6017, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 6018, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 6019, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 6020, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2052, { id = 2052, name = "S_HU_8b_G_nn-DBK8 - Das Herz des brennenden Kreuzzugs", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1732, continues_bookentry = 2051, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4097,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5915, reportposition = { 39,41,-2 , 1958.320,1556.420,-25.000, 32.000 }, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2051, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5915,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5932,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",99 }, { 5934,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",99 }, { 5933,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",99 }, { 5930,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",99 }, { 5935,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",99 }, { 5915,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",99 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6026, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6027, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6028, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6029, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6031, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(71, { id = 71, name = "S_HE_Vermisse Hund", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 200, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,31,0, 1825.000,200.000,0.000, 180.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 201,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 201,9,0,"DOG",10 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {201,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1645, { id = 1645, name = "S_SE_1_N_nn-Classquest Ancient Secrets pre", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 1, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 681, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 683, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1300, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,58,0 , 1350,2400,1660 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,58,0 , 1500,2500,1660 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1300, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 30,58,0 , 1350,2400,1660 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,58,0 , 1500,2500,1660 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2106, { id = 2106, name = "S_SE_2_N_nn-Classquest Ancient Secrets Goto", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1645, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7516, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,58,0 , 1430,2400,1660 , 135 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1301, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,31,0 , 950,2050,270 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,31,0 , 600,1500,175 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1302, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,32,0 , 1500,2700,690 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,32,0 , 700,2300,690 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1303, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,32,-1 , 1080,2120,-117 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,32,-1 , 1430,2360,-112 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 1304, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,32,-2 , 1440,1440,-109 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,32,-2 , 1660,1625,-111 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1546, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1438, { id = 1438, name = "S_SE_2a_N_nn-Classquest Ancient Secrets Kill", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2106, continues_bookentry = 2106, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2106, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1543,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle_ex",20 }, { 1544,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle_ex",20 }, { 1545,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle_ex",20 }, { 1546,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_triangle_ex",20 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 168, amount = 4, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1543, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 1544, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 1545, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 1546, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4044,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(3850, { id = 3850, name = "S_SE_3_N_nn-Classquest Ancient Secrets Leave", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2106, continues_bookentry = 2106, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1438, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1305, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,32,-1 , 1080,2120,-117 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,32,-1 , 1430,2360,-112 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1306, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,32,0 , 1500,2700,690 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,32,0 , 700,2300,690 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7516, reportposition = { 38,31,0,1650,800,100,5 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3452,0}, {3453,0}, {3454,0}, {3456,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(3408, { id = 3408, name = "S_SE_4_N_nn-Classquest Ancient Secrets Main Story", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2106, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 764, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 769, queststate = 7, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3525, { id = 3525, name = "S_SE_4_N_nn-Classquest Ancient Secrets Find", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2106, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3850, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3408, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1126, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 6,30,-1 , 1150.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 6,30,-1 , 1400.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3455,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1857, { id = 1857, name = "S_HE_1_G_JT - Die Schatten der Seraphim 1/4 - Die Elementale dezimieren", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reserverforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5149, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 11,24,0 , 3150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5167, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1861, { id = 1861, name = "S_HE_2_G_JT - Die Schatten der Seraphim 2/4 - Kobold Grabschaender", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1857, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5149, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 11,24,0 , 3150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1857, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5169, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5170, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5171, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5172, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5173, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5174, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1867, { id = 1867, name = "S_HE_3_G_JT - Die Schatten der Seraphim 3/4 - Gespraech mit Schwester Ligien", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1861, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5194, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5149, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 11,24,0 , 3150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1861, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1013897950,9,43 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1868, { id = 1868, name = "S_HE_4_G_JT - Die Schatten der Seraphim 4/4 - Die Aebtin", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1867, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5194, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,25,0 , 50.000,600.000,0.000 , 11.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1867, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5197, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5206, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1692, { id = 1692, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-Aengstliche Wache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4454, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,46,0 , 1850.000,2850.000,42.000, 41.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4454,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",84 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 405, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,47,0 , 2250.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,47,0 , 1700.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 406, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,47,0 , 2950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,47,0 , 2600.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 407, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,48,0 , 3100.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,48,0 , 250.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 413, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,46,0 , 2050.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,46,0 , 2350.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 414, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,46,0 , 1700.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,46,0 , 2100.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1694, { id = 1694, name = "S_HU_1c_nn-Aengstliche Wache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1692, continues_bookentry = 1692, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4454, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1693, queststate = 8, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1692, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4454,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1695, { id = 1695, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-Aengstliche Wache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1694, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4458, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4454, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,46,0 , 1850.000,2850.000,42.000, 41.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1694, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1696, { id = 1696, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-Aengstliche Wache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1695, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4458, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,46,0 , 1250.000,2800.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1695, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1013375983,7,8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1013375983, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1693, { id = 1693, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-Aengstliche Wache", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1692, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1692, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 4454, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4454,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(203, { id = 203, name = "S_HE_1_G_nn-The lost child", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 616, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 621, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,27,0 , 265.398,2331.350,-56.057, 22.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 621,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {621,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2008, { id = 2008, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2009, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5765, reportposition = { 17,45,0 , 250.000,600.000,1294.000, 200.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5765, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,45,0 , 591.016,703.188,1253.810, 354.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5765,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5766,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 771, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,45,0 , 150.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,45,0 , 300.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2009, { id = 2009, name = "S_OR_1b_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=2039, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2008, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5766, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 507.352,692.844,1253.820, 233.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2008, queststate = 9, }, rewards = { {2945,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 5766,7,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, { 5766,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5852,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5853,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5854,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5855,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5856,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5857,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5858,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5859,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5860,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5861,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5862,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5863,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5864,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5865,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5866,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 6050,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 6051,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 6052,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 6053,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 6054,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2039, { id = 2039, name = "S_OR_1c_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=2056, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2008, continues_bookentry = 2009, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5766, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2009, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5766,7,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, { 5766,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { creature = 888, bodycount = 1, }, kill1 = { creature = 889, bodycount = 1, }, kill2 = { creature = 890, bodycount = 1, }, kill3 = { creature = 891, bodycount = 1, }, kill4 = { creature = 892, bodycount = 1, }, kill5 = { creature = 893, bodycount = 1, }, kill6 = { creature = 894, bodycount = 1, }, kill7 = { creature = 895, bodycount = 1, }, kill8 = { creature = 896, bodycount = 1, }, kill9 = { creature = 897, bodycount = 1, }, kill10 = { creature = 1152, bodycount = 1, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2056, { id = 2056, name = "S_OR_1d_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=2057, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2008, continues_bookentry = 2009, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5766, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2039, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5766,7,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, { 5766,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 2, kill0 = { creature = 888, bodycount = 2, }, kill1 = { creature = 889, bodycount = 2, }, kill2 = { creature = 890, bodycount = 2, }, kill3 = { creature = 891, bodycount = 2, }, kill4 = { creature = 892, bodycount = 2, }, kill5 = { creature = 893, bodycount = 2, }, kill6 = { creature = 894, bodycount = 2, }, kill7 = { creature = 895, bodycount = 2, }, kill8 = { creature = 896, bodycount = 2, }, kill9 = { creature = 897, bodycount = 2, }, kill10 = { creature = 1152, bodycount = 2, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2057, { id = 2057, name = "S_OR_1e_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=2060, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2008, continues_bookentry = 2009, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5766, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2056, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5766,7,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, { 5766,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { creature = 888, bodycount = 6, }, kill1 = { creature = 889, bodycount = 6, }, kill2 = { creature = 890, bodycount = 6, }, kill3 = { creature = 891, bodycount = 6, }, kill4 = { creature = 892, bodycount = 6, }, kill5 = { creature = 893, bodycount = 6, }, kill6 = { creature = 894, bodycount = 6, }, kill7 = { creature = 895, bodycount = 6, }, kill8 = { creature = 896, bodycount = 6, }, kill9 = { creature = 897, bodycount = 6, }, kill10 = { creature = 1152, bodycount = 6, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2059, { id = 2059, name = "S_OR_2_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2008, continues_bookentry = 2009, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5765, reportposition = { 17,45,0 , 591.016,703.188,1253.810, 354.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2060, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5766,7,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, { 5766,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2060, { id = 2060, name = "S_OR_1f_G_nn-Reine Nervensache", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=2059, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2008, continues_bookentry = 2009, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5766, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2057, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5766,7,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, { 5766,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5766,9,1,"QUEST_ORC_SON",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { creature = 888, bodycount = 11, }, kill1 = { creature = 889, bodycount = 11, }, kill2 = { creature = 890, bodycount = 11, }, kill3 = { creature = 891, bodycount = 11, }, kill4 = { creature = 892, bodycount = 11, }, kill5 = { creature = 893, bodycount = 11, }, kill6 = { creature = 894, bodycount = 11, }, kill7 = { creature = 895, bodycount = 11, }, kill8 = { creature = 896, bodycount = 11, }, kill9 = { creature = 897, bodycount = 11, }, kill10 = { creature = 1152, bodycount = 11, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2488, { id = 2488, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Wunsch nach Einheit_silent_rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2494, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2494, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7274, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7274,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2491, { id = 2491, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Wunsch nach Einheit_silent-kill", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=2488, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2494, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2494, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7280, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7281, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7282, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7283, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7284, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7285, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2494, { id = 2494, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Wunsch nach Einheit", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2488, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7274, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 301.453,2644.350,-1718.570, 106.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 722, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 60,30,0 , 300.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,29,0 , 600.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7275,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7277,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7275,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 7277,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 7274,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 7281,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7282,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7283,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7284,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7285,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7280,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7274,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 7281,8,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7282,8,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7283,8,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7284,8,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7285,8,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7280,8,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7274,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7275,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7277,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7275,10,2,"questCreatures",8 }, { 7277,10,2,"questCreatures",8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 721, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,29,0 , 2200.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,29,0 , 250.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3154, { id = 3154, name = "S_MA_1b_G_nn-Wunsch nach Einheit", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2488, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2494, continues_bookentry = 2494, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7274, reportposition = {60,30,0, 550,200,0 , 298}, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2494, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3029, { id = 3029, name = "S_IS_1b_G_nn-Medaillon des Zorns I", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3016, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3016, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 8439,7,1,"Hireling_distance",8 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8439, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8439,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3016, { id = 3016, name = "S_IS_1a_G_nn-Medaillon des Zorns I", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=3029, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8439, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 2289.350,1677.300,204.391, 47.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8454, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8458, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8460, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8461, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8462, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8463, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8464, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8465, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8466, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8467, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3030, { id = 3030, name = "S_IS_1c_G_nn-Medaillon des Zorns I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3016, continues_bookentry = 3016, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3016, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8454, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3033, { id = 3033, name = "S_IS_2a_G_nn-Medaillon des Zorns II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3016, continues_bookentry = 3016, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3030, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1022271189,7,13 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1022271189, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3038, { id = 3038, name = "S_IS_2b_G_nn-Medaillon des Zorns II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3016, continues_bookentry = 3016, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8439, reportposition = { 13,3,-1 , 2450.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3029, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3033, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8439,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8439,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3039, { id = 3039, name = "S_IS_3a_G_nn-Medaillon des Zorns III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3016, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8489, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3029, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3033, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1970, { id = 1970, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-der olympische Gedanke I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5543, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,45,0 , 1200.000,2300.000,0.000 , 4.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5544, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1971, { id = 1971, name = "S_1b_G_nn-der Olympische Gedanke II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1970, continues_bookentry = 1970, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5544, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 1950.000,2700.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1970, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5559,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5561,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5562,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5563,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5564,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 986, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6322, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 6328, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 6329, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 6330, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 6331, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1974, { id = 1974, name = "S_OR_1c_G_nn-Der olympische Gedanke III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1970, continues_bookentry = 1970, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5543, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5544, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,46,0 , 1950.000,2700.000,0.000 , -40.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, {653,0}, {647,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1971, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5543,8,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1995, { id = 1995, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-Klanfehde", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5745, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,46,0 , 1448.550,1869.500,491.831, 70.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5746,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5747,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5748,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5749,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5750,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5751,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5754,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5755,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5756,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5746,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, { 5747,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, { 5748,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, { 5746,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 5747,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 5748,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5744, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1395, { id = 1395, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Befreiungsaktion_3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1552, continues_bookentry = 1552, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2048, reportposition = { 28,26,0 , 2050.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 622, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2048,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 122, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,26,0 , 2100.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,26,0 , 1700.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1399, { id = 1399, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Befreiungsaktion_4", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2309, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1552, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 314, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,26,0 , 2600.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,26,0 , 2550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3715,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3716,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1552, { id = 1552, name = "S_HE_1_G_nn-Befreiungsaktion - Pre", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1179, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,25,0 , 2550.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1019081310,8,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3715,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3716,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 375, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 28,26,0 , 2650.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,26,0 , 2850.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2309, { id = 2309, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Befreiungsaktion_Wachen_DLG", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=1399, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3715, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,26,0 , 2465.790,2495.900,370.431, 283.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1552, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 662, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,26,0 , 2200.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,26,0 , 2450.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3715,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3716,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3715, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3716, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(622, { id = 622, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Befreiungsaktion", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1552, continues_bookentry = 1552, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1552, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 661, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,26,-1 , 1350.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,26,-1 , 1100.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2048,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, { 2048,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2048,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(623, { id = 623, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Befreiungsaktion_2", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 622, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2050, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2051, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2052, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2053, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2054, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2055, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2056, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2057, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2058, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 2059, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 2060, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 2061, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 3720, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 3721, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(249, { id = 249, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Militaerdienst", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9486, reportposition = { 30,33,0 , 2771.350,2040.490,74.228, 74.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 869, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,30,0 , 1809.520,2866.340,548.976, 325.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(250, { id = 250, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Militaerdienst", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 249, continues_bookentry = 249, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 249, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 210, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,38,0 , 2150.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,38,0 , 1150.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(508, { id = 508, name = "S_HE_2b_G_nn-Militaerdienst", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 249, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2866, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,38,0 , 800.000,1600.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 998, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1772, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1771, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(509, { id = 509, name = "S_HE_2c_G_nn-Militaerdienst", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 249, continues_bookentry = 508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2866, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 508, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1780, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1781, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1782, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1783, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1784, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1785, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1786, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1787, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1788, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1789, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1790, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1791, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1792, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1796, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1797, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 1798, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 1799, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 1800, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 1801, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 1802, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(998, { id = 998, name = "S_HE_2a_G_nn-Militaerdienst", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 249, continues_bookentry = 249, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2866, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 250, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2868, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2869, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2870, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2769, { id = 2769, name = "S_HE_1_G_nn-Freikaufen I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7962, reportposition = {27,23,0,2230,1240,100.071999,150}, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7962, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1100.000,2000.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7972,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 819, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,23,0 , 2150.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,23,0 , 2300.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2770, { id = 2770, name = "S_HE_2_G_nn-Freikaufen II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2769, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7972, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7962, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = {27,23,0,2230,1240,100.071999,150}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2769, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2772, { id = 2772, name = "S_HE_4_G_nn-Freikaufen IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2769, continues_bookentry = 2774, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7737, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2774, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7975,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7976,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7975, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7976, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2773, { id = 2773, name = "S_HE_5_G_nn-Freikaufen V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2769, continues_bookentry = 2774, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7962, reportposition = {27,23,0,2230,1240,100.071999,150}, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2772, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7970,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7971,2,0,"FarmAnimal",66 }, { 7970,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 7971,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 7969,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7969, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7972, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2774, { id = 2774, name = "S_HE_3_G_nn-Freikaufen III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2769, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7737, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7737, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1834.530,2502.380,103.061, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2770, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7975,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7976,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7964, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7965, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1046, { id = 1046, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Katz und Maus", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2948, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,36,0 , 2350.000,2100.000,0.000 , -131.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2948,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2948,9,2,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2958,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 2958,9,2,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2951, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2953, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2954, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2955, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2956, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2957, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1047, { id = 1047, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-Katz und Maus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1046, continues_bookentry = 1046, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2959, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1046, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2948,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2958,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 2948,9,2,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 2958,9,2,"cat",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1386, { id = 1386, name = "S_HE_1a_G_nn-Verschollener Fischer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2853, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,23,0 , 2650.000,2750.000,0.000 , 95.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 295, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 26,23,0 , 150.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,23,0 , 350.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1387, { id = 1387, name = "S_HE_1c_G_nn-Verschollener Fischer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 986, continues_bookentry = 1386, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2853, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 986, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 296, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 23,23,0 , 2500.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 23,23,0 , 2300.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(986, { id = 986, name = "S_HE_1b_G_nn-Verschollener Fischer", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1386, continues_bookentry = 1386, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1386, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 498, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1411, { id = 1411, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-letzter_wille", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3844, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,44,0 , 1550.000,2100.000,0.000, 191.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 321, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,48,0 , 1550.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,48,0 , 1050.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3844,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3844,9,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {3844,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1414, { id = 1414, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-letzter_wille_won", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1411, continues_bookentry = 1411, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3844, reportposition = { 36,48,0 , 1302.760,257.000,45.133, 186.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1411, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1445, { id = 1445, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Frisches Obst", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3894, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3893, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 1965.200,2659.760,157.218, 244.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1446, { id = 1446, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-Frisches Obst", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1445, continues_bookentry = 1445, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3893, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1445, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 707, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1604, { id = 1604, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Gedanken verloren", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4074, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,40,0 , 1950.000,900.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, precond_area = { area_id = 594, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,40,0 , 2800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,40,0 , 1100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1012164749,7,33 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4074,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4075,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4076,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4077,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4078,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4079,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4080,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 4082,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 595, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,39,0 , 0.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,39,0 , 2800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1613, { id = 1613, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-Gedanken verloren", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1604, continues_bookentry = 1604, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4297, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1604, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4295,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4296,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4297,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4298,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4297,9,0,"QUESTJOB_KILL_RICH",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4111, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4112, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4113, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4114, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4121, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4124, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4126, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4128, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1615, { id = 1615, name = "S_HU_1c_G_nn-Gedanken verloren", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1613, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4298, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 44,39,-1 , 950.000,2000.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1613, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 731, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1616, { id = 1616, name = "S_HU_1d_G_nn-Gedanken verloren", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1615, continues_bookentry = 1615, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4300, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4298, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 44,39,-1 , 950.000,2000.000,0.000 , 100.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1615, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1618, { id = 1618, name = "S_HU_1e_G_nn-Gedanken verloren", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1616, continues_bookentry = 1615, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4300, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4300, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,40,0 , 2600.000,150.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1616, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4295,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4296,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4297,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4298,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 386, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,40,0 , 2400.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,39,0 , 2850.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2030, { id = 2030, name = "S_OR_1b_G_nn-Die Zahnfee II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2033, continues_bookentry = 2033, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5883, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2033, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5883,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2033, { id = 2033, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-Die Zahnfee I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5882, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,49,0 , 2278.050,551.453,1173.040, 205.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5883,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, }, ti_actions = { { 951,8,6 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 951, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5883, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2172, { id = 2172, name = "S_MA_1_G_nn-Heimweh ", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6645, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6647, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,30,0 , 2650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 96.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2174, { id = 2174, name = "S_MA_2_N_G-Heimweh", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2172, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6645, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6647, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,30,0 , 2650.000,2450.000,0.000 , 96.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2172, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6647,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",87 }, { 6647,9,2,"questCreatures",87 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 6650,6651,6652,6653,6654,6655,6656,6657,6658,6659,6660,6661,6662,6663,6664, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6647,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2353, { id = 2353, name = "S_MA_1_G_nn-Die blutruenstigen Soeldner I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7102, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,32,0 , 2477.160,1561.950,-1500.360, 118.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7105,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 7106,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2504, { id = 2504, name = "S_MA_2_G_nn-Die blutruenstigen Soeldner II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2353, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7102, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7330, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 465.938,2265.770,-1693.490, 73.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2353, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1142,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7105, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2505, { id = 2505, name = "S_MA_3_G_nn-Die blutruenstigen Soeldner III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2353, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7349, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7106, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,32,0 , 2482.200,1791.000,-1500.360, 300.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2504, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7106,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 7106,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7349, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2507, { id = 2507, name = "S_MA_4_G_nn-die blutruenstigen Soeldner IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2353, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7357, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7106, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,30,0 , 1207.800,303.203,-1729.150, 162.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2505, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7106,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7349,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, { 7349,9,2,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 7359,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7360,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7106,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2509, { id = 2509, name = "S_MA_5_G_nn-die blutruenstigen Soeldner V", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2353, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=2, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7106, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,29,0 , 2664.300,663.000,-1731.670, 112.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2507, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7106,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7367, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7368, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7369, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7370, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7371, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2665, { id = 2665, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Vermisster Soldat", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2726, continues_bookentry = 2726, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7674, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2726, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1186, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1187, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2726, { id = 2726, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Vermisster Soldat", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7674, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,17,0 , 2962.200,2190.750,2310.670, 37.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1116, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,19,0 , 1400.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 47,19,0 , 1500.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2888, { id = 2888, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Wetten", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8234, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8233, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 1950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8233,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 8234,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 854, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,20,0 , 1900.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,20,0 , 2950.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 8234, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 855, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,21,0 , 1700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,21,0 , 2600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 8233, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 856, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,22,0 , 1600.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,22,0 , 2300.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 8234, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { area_id = 858, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,23,0 , 2900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,23,0 , 750.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 8233, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { area_id = 859, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,24,0 , 1900.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,24,0 , 2600.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2889, { id = 2889, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Wetten", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2888, continues_bookentry = 2888, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8235, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8234, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,18,0 , 1896.800,2120.200,991.377, 70.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, {656,0}, {650,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2888, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8233,9,2,"JOB_KID",0 }, { 8234,9,2,"walkAround",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2884, { id = 2884, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Rose des Vergessens I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8187, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8184, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 1700.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 849, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,18,0 , 2000.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,18,0 , 2400.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 851, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,17,-1 , 1050.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,17,-1 , 1400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2886, { id = 2886, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Rose des Vergessens II+III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2884, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8184, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2884, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1262, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3043, { id = 3043, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Forschungsgelder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8502, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8500, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 1270.450,2595.100,427.830, 252.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 923, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,14,0 , 100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,14,0 , 400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3046, { id = 3046, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Forschungsgelder", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3043, continues_bookentry = 3043, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8500, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3043, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8502,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1306, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8502, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(434, { id = 434, name = "S_JU_1a_G_md-Wilderer des Dschungel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1575, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,11,0 , 795.734,347.746,293.214, 150.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1575,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 1575,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1570, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1571, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1572, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1573, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1574, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(435, { id = 435, name = "S_JU_1b_G_md-Wilderer des Dschungels 2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 434, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1575, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,11,0 , 795.734,347.746,293.214, 150.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 434, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 321, amount = 3, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1577, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 1684, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 1685, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(987, { id = 987, name = "S_HE_2a_G_nn-Auge_um_Auge", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1387, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2856, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2853, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,23,0 , 2650.000,2750.000,0.000 , 95.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1387, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(992, { id = 992, name = "S_HE_2b_G_nn-Auge_um_Auge", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 987, continues_bookentry = 987, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2856, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {866,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 987, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2858,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2858, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3130, { id = 3130, name = "S_IS_1_G_nn-Priesterweihe I", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8794, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,7,0 , 2450.000,400.000,0.000 , 109.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1030, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,5,0 , 500.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,5,0 , 1400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9129,3,4,"Invalid",1 }, { 9129,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8794,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, { 9131,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9132,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9135,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9136,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9140,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8794,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3268, { id = 3268, name = "S_IS_2_G_nn-Priesterweihe II", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3130, continues_bookentry = 3130, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3130, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8794,3,4,"Invalid",1 }, { 9129,3,4,"Invalid",1 }, { 8794,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 9129,7,1,"Hireling_distance",97 }, { 9131,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",98 }, { 9132,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",98 }, { 9135,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_rush",98 }, { 9136,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_rush",98 }, { 9140,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, { 8794,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9129,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9131,9132,9135,9136,9140, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9129,0}, victim1 = {8794,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3270, { id = 3270, name = "S_IS_3_G_nn-Priesterweihe III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3130, continues_bookentry = 3130, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8794, reportposition = { 17,5,0 , 800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9129, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,5,0 , 850.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3268, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1412, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1411, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1408, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 370, dropchance = 60, }, dropper1 = { creature = 372, dropchance = 60, }, dropper2 = { creature = 371, dropchance = 60, }, dropper3 = { creature = 369, dropchance = 60, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1894, { id = 1894, name = "S_HE_G_JT - Delyme abfangen", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5315, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,23,0 , 1600.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5317,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5316, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1898, { id = 1898, name = "S_HE_1b_G_JT - Lady Delyme Abschluss", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1894, continues_bookentry = 1894, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5317, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1894, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(231, { id = 231, name = "S_HE_G_nn-sonderbare rituale", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 766, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,32,0 , 970.047,743.898,95.074, 232.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 9, kill0 = { taskcreature = 768, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 769, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 770, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 771, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 772, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 773, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 774, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 775, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 776, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2315, { id = 2315, name = "S_HE_2_G_nn-sonderbare rituale - ritual", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 231, queststate = 7, }, precond_area = { area_id = 663, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,31,0 , 1600.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,31,0 , 2700.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1956, { id = 1956, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Reines Wasser ", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5515, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,49,0 , 2300.000,1100.000,1182.000, 82.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5516,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5517,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5518,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5519,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 5520,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 5519,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5520,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5519,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5520,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 914, amount = 7, dropper0 = { area_id = 503, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 13,50,0 , 1750.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 13,50,0 , 3050.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1984, { id = 1984, name = "S_OR_1b_G_nn-Reines Wasser Hilfsquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1956, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2179, { id = 2179, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Schnelle Hilfe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3437, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6691, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3437, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6681,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6682,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6683,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6684,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6685,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6686,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6687,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6688,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6689,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6690,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",40 }, { 6691,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 6692,7,0,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6693,7,0,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6694,7,0,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6695,7,0,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6694,9,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 6695,9,0,"questCreatures",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6681, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6682, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6683, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6684, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6685, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6686, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6687, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6688, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6689, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 6690, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3437, { id = 3437, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Schnelle Hilfe Helper", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1043, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 61,42,0 , 200.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 62,41,0 , 1000.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(885, { id = 885, name = "S_HE_2_G_nn-Unreine Haende (1)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 428, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1542, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,33,0 , 2444.150,842.898,997.963, 305.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 428, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2575,9,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 3794,9,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 3795,9,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2575, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(886, { id = 886, name = "S_HE_2_G_nn-Unreine Haende (2)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 885, continues_bookentry = 885, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1542, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 885, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 470, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2575, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1322, { id = 1322, name = "S_HE_G_fs-Der Talisman", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3580, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,24,0 , 2829.160,1746.890,194.238, 348.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 645,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 3581, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1323, { id = 1323, name = "S_HE_G_fs-Der Talisman AddOn", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1322, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3582, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3583, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3584, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3585, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3586, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(53, { id = 53, name = "S_HE_G_Die gequaelte Seele", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 143, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,30,0 , 3059.770,3008.980,24.773, 287.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 142, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(232, { id = 232, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Knut der Teddybaer", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 762, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,24,0 , 2045.350,311.100,85.284, 168.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 119, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(428, { id = 428, name = "S_nn-Opferkult", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1542, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,33,0 , 2444.150,842.898,997.963, 305.000 }, }, rewards = { {1520,0}, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2033, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2034, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2035, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2036, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2037, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 2038, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 2039, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 2040, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 2574, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(606, { id = 606, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Brot fuer die Welt 1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=1, reward_skill=1, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1910, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,22,0 , 494.953,815.000,-512.069, 149.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 647, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 57, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 56, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 96, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 111, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1680, { id = 1680, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Frohes Fest", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4424, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,47,0 , 2800.000,600.000,0.000 , 51.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 755, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1736, { id = 1736, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Ein wahnsinniger Metzger ", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4663, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4641, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 25,43,0 , 150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4661,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",98 }, { 4641,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",98 }, { 4662,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4641, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4661, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4662, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1931, { id = 1931, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-Hochzeitstag", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 18,48,0 , 1000.000,1300.000,0.000 , 223.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5457, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,49,0 , 2000.000,600.000,0.000 , 136.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 897, amount = 6, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5460, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 5465, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 5468, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 5469, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 5471, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 5474, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1964, { id = 1964, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Verschollenes Schwert", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5538, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,46,0 , 50.000,750.000,0.000, 125.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskitem = 971, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2035, { id = 2035, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Ogerspeisung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5900, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,45,0 , 150.000,2300.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5916,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5918,8,0,"WildAnimal",5 }, { 5919,8,0,"WildAnimal",5 }, { 5917,8,0,"WildAnimal",5 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5917, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5918, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5919, }, kill3 = { creature = 21, bodycount = 1, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2133, { id = 2133, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Ein Festmahl", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6443, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,36,0 , 2357.090,2054.980,-1719.260, 73.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6484,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6485,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 994, amount = 20, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9033, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 9034, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 9036, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 9037, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 9038, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 9039, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 9040, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 9041, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 9042, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 9043, dropchance = 101, }, dropper10 = { taskcreature = 9044, dropchance = 101, }, dropper11 = { taskcreature = 9045, dropchance = 101, }, dropper12 = { taskcreature = 9046, dropchance = 101, }, dropper13 = { taskcreature = 9047, dropchance = 101, }, dropper14 = { taskcreature = 9048, dropchance = 101, }, dropper15 = { taskcreature = 9049, dropchance = 101, }, dropper16 = { taskcreature = 9050, dropchance = 101, }, dropper17 = { taskcreature = 9051, dropchance = 101, }, dropper18 = { taskcreature = 9052, dropchance = 101, }, dropper19 = { taskcreature = 9053, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2138, { id = 2138, name = "S_MA_1_G_nn-Familienfest", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6491, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6487, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 353.016,805.203,-1674.540, 62.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6482, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6486, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2175, { id = 2175, name = "S_HE_G_JT - Der hilfsbeduerftige Wasserelementar", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6666, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,33,0 , 2731.300,931.297,-1.904, 270.000 }, }, rewards = { {1989,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1005, amount = 6, dropper0 = { area_id = 556, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 23,33,0 , 0.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 23,33,0 , 1300.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2300, { id = 2300, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Fluchthelfer", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2296, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6948, reportposition = { 56,26,0 , 3050.000,100.000,0.000 , -19.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2296, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 648, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,26,0 , 2550.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,25,0 , 0.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6957,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6958,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6959,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6961,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6962,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 6957,6958,6959,6961,6962, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6948,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2327, { id = 2327, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Jagd auf Haescher", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7046, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 1157.340,1346.350,-1673.580, 136.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7048, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7049, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7050, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7051, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7052, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2351, { id = 2351, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Erinnerungen Wecken", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7090, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,31,0 , 1142.000,347.297,-1708.970, 349.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7099, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7100, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 7101, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 7103, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 7104, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2647, { id = 2647, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Der Heiler", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1529, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,12,0 , 650.000,1700.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }, rewards = { {653,0}, {656,0}, {650,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1183, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 190, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 81, dropchance = 50, }, dropper2 = { creature = 366, dropchance = 50, }, dropper3 = { creature = 365, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3113, { id = 3113, name = "S_IS_1a_G_nn-Katzenjammer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8726, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,9,0 , 2522.050,1072.050,1050.460, 317.000 }, }, rewards = { {650,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 8726,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8728, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 8729, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 8730, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3213, { id = 3213, name = "S_IS_1_G_nn-Das perfekte Gruen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9085, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,9,0 , 482.223,1383.980,800.888, 271.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1357, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9087, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2115, { id = 2115, name = "S_HE_G_mm-Der falsche Pfad 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 301, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5006, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,26,0 , 2353.450,1168.300,431.678, 243.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5007, needsActivation = 0, }, }, worldobjects = { { 1024524603,7,6 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5042, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2161, { id = 2161, name = "S_HE_G_mm-Der falsche Pfad 2", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2115, continues_bookentry = 2115, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2115, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5042, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,25,-1 , 1986.650,2137.500,-14.908, 184.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5048, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 1151, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 1150, needsActivation = 0, }, }, worldobjects = { { 1024524603,9,42 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1195, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1416, { id = 1416, name = "S_HU_1_B_nn-ehemalige partner 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3853, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,44,0 , 333.500,619.500,260.641, 147.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 322, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,43,0 , 2450.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,43,0 , 2350.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3853,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 3853,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1417, { id = 1417, name = "S_HU_1b_B_nn-ehemalige partner 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1416, continues_bookentry = 1416, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3853, reportposition = { 28,44,0 , 333.500,619.500,260.641, 147.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3853, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,43,0 , 2400.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1416, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3854, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1443, { id = 1443, name = "S_HU_2a_B_nn-Um die Ecke gedacht", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1416, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3892, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3891, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,44,0 , 2100.000,500.000,0.000 , -60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1417, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4459, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1444, { id = 1444, name = "S_HU_2b_B_nn-Um die Ecke gedacht", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1443, continues_bookentry = 1443, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3892, reportposition = { 28,44,0 , 254.602,680.547,260.641, 1.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1443, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3853,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 3892,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",84 }, { 3892,8,2,"defaultBehaviour",84 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3853, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1495, { id = 1495, name = "S_HU_1a_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (1v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4071, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,40,0 , 2700.000,1100.000,0.000 , -98.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4108,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4109,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4074,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4075,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4076,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4077,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4078,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4079,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4080,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4082,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4092,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4098,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4094,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, { 4096,7,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 366, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,40,0 , 2800.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,40,0 , 1100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1498, { id = 1498, name = "S_HU_1b_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (1v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1495, continues_bookentry = 1495, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1495, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4108,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4109,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4074,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4075,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4076,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4078,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4079,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4080,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4082,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4077,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4092,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4094,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4096,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4098,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4074, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4075, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4076, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4077, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4078, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4079, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4080, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4082, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1501, { id = 1501, name = "S_HU_1c_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (1v4)", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1498, continues_bookentry = 1495, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4071, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1498, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4096,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4092,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4098,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4094,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4092,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4098,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4094,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4096,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4094,0}, victim1 = {4096,0}, victim2 = {4098,0}, victim3 = {4092,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1505, { id = 1505, name = "S_HU_2a_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (2v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1495, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4104, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4071, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,40,0 , 2700.000,1100.000,0.000 , -98.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1501, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4096,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4094,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4098,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4092,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4109,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4108,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1507, { id = 1507, name = "S_HU_2b_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (2v4)", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1505, continues_bookentry = 1505, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4071, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1505, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4104,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4104,9,2,"walkAround",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {4104,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1508, { id = 1508, name = "S_HU_3a_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1495, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4110, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,39,0 , 2128.500,1377.450,3187.740, 280.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1507, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4104,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 370, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,39,0 , 0.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,39,0 , 2800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1509, { id = 1509, name = "S_HU_3b_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1508, continues_bookentry = 1508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1508, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4111, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4112, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4113, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4114, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4121, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4124, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4126, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4128, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1510, { id = 1510, name = "S_HU_3d_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1684, continues_bookentry = 1508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4071, reportposition = { 45,40,0 , 3050.000,1000.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1684, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 731, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1514, { id = 1514, name = "S_HU_3d_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1495, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1510, continues_bookentry = 1508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4071, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,40,0 , 3050.000,1000.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1510, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4071,2,0,"QUESTJOB_KILL_RICH",12 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1515, { id = 1515, name = "S_HU_3e_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1514, continues_bookentry = 1508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1514, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 4071,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4071, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1517, { id = 1517, name = "S_HU_4a_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (4v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1514, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4153, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1515, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1518, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1518, { id = 1518, name = "S_HU_3f_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1514, continues_bookentry = 1508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1514, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4071,9,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1684, { id = 1684, name = "S_HU_3c_B_nn-Club der guten Laune (3v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1509, continues_bookentry = 1508, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1509, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1012164749,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1012164749, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1818, { id = 1818, name = "S_HE_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 1/5 - Bericht an Rinah", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5007, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5006, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,26,0 , 2353.450,1168.300,431.678, 243.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1024524451,7,6 }, { 1024524603,7,6 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1822, { id = 1822, name = "S_HE_2_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 2/5a - Konflikt um eine Leiche", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5007, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,26,-1 , 2602.750,1899.750,-116.947, 88.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1818, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 452, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,25,0 , 1200.000,900.000,0.000 , 79.000 }, p2 = { 29,25,0 , 750.000,650.000,0.000 , 266.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5031,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5029,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5028,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 5007,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 5007,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {5007,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1823, { id = 1823, name = "S_HE_2b_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 2/5b - Konflikt um eine Leiche", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1914, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 1822, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5007, reportposition = { 29,25,0 , 1050.000,900.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1822, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5031,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 5029,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 5028,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 5007,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 5007,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 5007,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 5007,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5028, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5029, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5031, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1914, { id = 1914, name = "S_HE_2_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 2/5c - Konflikt um eine Leiche", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, stopquestid=1823, stopqueststate=10, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1822, queststate = 9, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 5007, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {5007,0}, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2342, { id = 2342, name = "S_HE_2c_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 2/5c - Teleport", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1822, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1823, queststate = 10, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2348, { id = 2348, name = "S_HE_2d_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 2/5d - Report", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5007, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2342, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1822, queststate = 7, }, }) quest.createQuest(1887, { id = 1887, name = "S_HE_2c_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 2/5c - Teleport", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1823, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1827, { id = 1827, name = "S_HE_3_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 3/5 - Vorstellung bei Inquisitor Monwarion", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5042, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5007, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,26,-1 , 2602.750,1899.750,-116.947, 88.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1887, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1829, { id = 1829, name = "S_HE_4_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 4/5 - Probleme im zentralen Verliess", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5048, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5042, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,25,-1 , 1986.650,2137.500,-14.908, 184.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1827, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1835, { id = 1835, name = "S_HE_5_B_JT - Im Dienste der Inquisition 5/5 - Der Gefaengnisaufstand", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1818, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5048, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,25,-1 , 3005.850,2640.850,-117.018, 9.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1829, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5063, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5064, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5066, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5067, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5068, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5069, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 5070, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 5071, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1840, { id = 1840, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Schleimige Batzen mit Pampe", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5082, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,47,0 , 1833.100,1544.750,1515.030, 187.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5081, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1841, { id = 1841, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Schleimige Batzen mit Pampe II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1840, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5081, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1840, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 835,9,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 839, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5099, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 5101, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 5102, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 5103, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 5104, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 840, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5100, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 5105, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 5106, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 5107, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 5108, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1843, { id = 1843, name = "S_OR_1c_B_nn-Schleimige Batzen mit Pampe III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1840, continues_bookentry = 1841, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5082, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1841, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 835,2,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1848, { id = 1848, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Lauwarme Ploerre mit Broeckchen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5120, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5121, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,47,0 , 1950.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1843, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 649, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 18,48,0 , 2900.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,48,0 , 3000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 5120, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1849, { id = 1849, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Lauwarme Ploerre mit Broeckchen II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1848, continues_bookentry = 1848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5120, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1848, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 853, amount = 5, dropper0 = { area_id = 458, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 19,47,0 , 700.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 19,47,0 , 1250.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1852, { id = 1852, name = "S_OR_1c_B_nn-Lauwarme Ploerre mit Broeckchen III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1848, continues_bookentry = 1848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1849, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5123, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1853, { id = 1853, name = "S_OR_1d_B_nn-Lauwarme Ploerre mit Broeckchen IV", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1848, continues_bookentry = 1848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1852, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 858, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 859, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1854, { id = 1854, name = "S_OR_1e_B_nn-Lauwarme Ploerre mit Broeckchen V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1848, continues_bookentry = 1848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1853, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 5120, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1908, { id = 1908, name = "S_OR_1f_B_nn-Lauwarme Ploerre mit Broeckchen VI", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1848, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5120, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1854, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5374,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5375,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5376,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5377,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5378,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5379,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5380,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5381,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 475, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,50,0 , 800.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,50,0 , 1050.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1896, { id = 1896, name = "S_HE_1_B_JT - Hilfe fuer Lawaon 1/3 - Die Wundsalbe", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5322, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5321, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,25,-1 , 598.156,2867.350,-116.919, 190.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 892,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1897, { id = 1897, name = "S_HE_2_B_JT - Hilfe fuer Lawaon 2/3 - Der geraubte Rollsiegel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1896, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5322, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,25,0 , 1762.370,365.031,68.974, 357.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1896, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5323, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5324, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5325, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5326, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1901, { id = 1901, name = "S_HE_3_B_JT - Hilfe fuer Lawaon 3/3 - Lady Delyme warnen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1897, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5349, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5322, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,25,0 , 1762.370,365.031,68.974, 357.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1897, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5331,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5332,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5333,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 5334,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1869, { id = 1869, name = "S_HE_1b_B_nn-Sklavenpack II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 822, continues_bookentry = 821, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 886, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 822, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 912, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(821, { id = 821, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Sklavenpack I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 912, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 886, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,32,0 , 2650.000,900.000,0.000 , -130.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 441, amount = 9, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 888, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 890, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 892, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 893, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 897, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 898, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 901, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 907, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 909, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(822, { id = 822, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Sklavenpack II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 821, continues_bookentry = 821, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 912, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,33,0 , 2100.000,2150.000,0.000 , 62.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 821, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 912,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 912,7,1,"Invalid",66 }, { 912,8,2,"QUESTJOB_KILL_POOR",57 }, { 5208,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 5210,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 5211,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 442, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2387, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(438, { id = 438, name = "S_JU_1a_B_md-Grosswildjagd 1v2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1599, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,10,0 , 1750.000,3000.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9293,2,0,"walkAround",66 }, { 9294,2,0,"walkAround",66 }, { 9295,2,0,"walkAround",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 322, amount = 8, dropper0 = { creature = 124, dropchance = 70, }, dropper1 = { creature = 520, dropchance = 85, }, dropper2 = { creature = 126, dropchance = 15, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(440, { id = 440, name = "S_JU_1b_B_md-Grosswildjagd 2v2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 438, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1599, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,10,0 , 1750.000,3000.000,0.000 , -89.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 438, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2032, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9289, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9290, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9291, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9292, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3247, { id = 3247, name = "S_IS_1b_B_nn-Kurier der Schmuggler I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3248, continues_bookentry = 3248, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9176, reportposition = { 16,2,0 , 943.980,1549.380,50.065, 50.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3248, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 9178,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9180,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9181,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9182,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9183,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9184,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9185,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 8458,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",9 }, { 8464,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",9 }, { 8465,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",9 }, { 8467,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",9 }, { 8461,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",9 }, { 8460,8,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",9 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1398, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3248, { id = 3248, name = "S_IS_1a_B_nn-Kurier der Schmuggler I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9176, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 19,3,0 , 251.375,88.382,41.714, 18.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9178,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1024, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,3,0 , 2200.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,3,0 , 2100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3254, { id = 3254, name = "S_IS_2a_B_nn-Kurier der Schmuggler II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3247, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 13,3,-1 , 2442.800,2735.600,-198.705, 91.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9176, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 16,2,0 , 943.980,1549.380,50.065, 50.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3247, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9176,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 8461,7,1,"Hireling_brave",9 }, { 8464,7,1,"Hireling_brave",9 }, { 8465,7,1,"Hireling_brave",9 }, { 8458,7,1,"Hireling_brave",9 }, { 8467,7,1,"Hireling_distance",9 }, { 8460,7,1,"Hireling_distance",9 }, { 9197,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9198,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9199,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9200,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9201,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1025, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,3,-1 , 2350.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,3,-1 , 2550.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1026, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 14,3,-1 , 100.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,3,-1 , 150.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3259, { id = 3259, name = "S_IS_3a_B_nn-Kurier der Schmuggler III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3254, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3254, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8458, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8460, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8461, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8464, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8465, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8467, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9176, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9197, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 9198, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 9199, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 9200, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 9201, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3260, { id = 3260, name = "S_IS_3b_B_nn-Kurier der Schmuggler III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3259, continues_bookentry = 3259, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3259, queststate = 7, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1403, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9176, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3261, { id = 3261, name = "S_IS_4_B_nn-Kurier der Schmuggler IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3260, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8439, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3259, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3260, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2819, { id = 2819, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-Konkurrenz belebt das Geschaeft - nicht! I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8065, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8024, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,20,0 , 450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2807, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8071,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2821, { id = 2821, name = "S_DE_2_B_nn-Konkurrenz belebt das Geschaeft - nicht! II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2819, continues_bookentry = 2819, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2819, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8065,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8071, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 832, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,23,0 , 100.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,23,0 , 350.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2822, { id = 2822, name = "S_DE_3_B_nn-Konkurrenz belebt das Geschaeft - nicht! III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2819, continues_bookentry = 2819, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8071, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2821, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8065,2,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 8065,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8065, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2824, { id = 2824, name = "S_DE_4_B_nn-Konkurrenz belebt das Geschaeft - nicht! IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2819, continues_bookentry = 2819, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8024, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2822, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2829, { id = 2829, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-Frische Ware I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8077, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,21,0 , 520.453,2467.500,14.623, 333.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8078,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8079,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8078,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 8079,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 8081,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8082,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8083,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8084,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8085,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8086,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8086, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2833, { id = 2833, name = "S_DE_2_B_nn-Frische Ware II", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2829, continues_bookentry = 2829, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8077, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2829, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8081,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 8082,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 8083,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 8078,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8079,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8081,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8082,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8083,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8081,0}, victim1 = {8082,0}, victim2 = {8083,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2691, { id = 2691, name = "S_HE_1_B_nn-Frische Gladiatoren I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7737, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,24,0 , 1834.530,2502.380,103.061, 142.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7867,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7868,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7870,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7872,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7873,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7874,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7867,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 7868,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 7875,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 7876,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 7877,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 7878,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 7879,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 7867,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, { 7868,8,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7869, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 806, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,25,0 , 1700.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,25,0 , 1850.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 812, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,25,-1 , 1800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,25,-1 , 2100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2740, { id = 2740, name = "S_HE_2_B_nn-Frische Gladiatoren II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2691, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7737, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1834.530,2502.380,103.061, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2691, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1213,7,1 }, { 1214,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7898, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2743, { id = 2743, name = "S_HE_3_B_nn-Frische Gladiatoren III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2691, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7737, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,24,0 , 1834.530,2502.380,103.061, 142.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2740, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7952,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7951,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7951, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7952, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2680, { id = 2680, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Staubige Kehlen I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7631, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7629, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,19,0 , 3031.700,1388.550,2301.100, 21.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7631,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2682, { id = 2682, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Staubige Kehlen II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2680, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7631, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,22,0 , 3142.550,133.453,549.372, 205.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2680, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1190, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7717, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2688, { id = 2688, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-Staubige Kehlen II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2680, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7629, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7631, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 45,22,0 , 3142.550,133.453,549.372, 205.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2682, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1193, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(242, { id = 242, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Giftmischerei (2v2)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 244, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 826, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,30,0 , 2616.350,2830.500,4.564, 334.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 244, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1001470700,7,32 }, }, ti_actions = { { 587,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1001470700, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(244, { id = 244, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Giftmischerei (1v2)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 826, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,30,0 , 2616.350,2830.500,4.564, 334.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1416,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3538,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3539,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3540,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3541,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3542,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3543,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3544,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 147, amount = 10, dropper0 = { area_id = 225, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 23,30,-1 , 900.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 23,30,-1 , 2700.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3793, { id = 3793, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Giftmischerei (2v2) silent guards", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 244, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 242, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 1416,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3538,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3539,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3540,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3541,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3542,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3543,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3544,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1416, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3538, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3539, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3540, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3541, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 3542, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 3543, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 3544, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2339, { id = 2339, name = "S_MA_1_B_nn-Verblendeter Narr I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7071, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7069, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 3050.000,2100.000,0.000 , -1.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7075,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7074,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7073,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7072,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2341, { id = 2341, name = "S_MA_2_B_nn-Verblendeter Narr II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2339, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7069, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2339, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7072,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7074,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7073,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7072,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 7071,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1094, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7072, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 7073, dropchance = 50, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 7074, dropchance = 50, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 7075, dropchance = 50, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 7071, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2375, { id = 2375, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Altlasten", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7131, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,30,0 , 1300.000,1000.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 673, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 54,29,0 , 150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 53,29,0 , 3100.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7132,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 7133,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 7132,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7133,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 7133,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, { 7132,7,0,"Invalid",9 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7132, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7133, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2376, { id = 2376, name = "S_MA_1b_B_nn-Altlasten", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2375, continues_bookentry = 2375, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7131, reportposition = { 55,29,0 , 1100.000,1700.000,0.000 , 266.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2375, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7132,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",57 }, { 7133,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_shaman",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7132, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7133, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2185, { id = 2185, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Der Trank des Vergessens", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6696, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,37,0 , 2808.450,646.750,-1699.680, 122.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6701,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6702,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6703,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1007, amount = 4, dropper0 = { area_id = 604, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 61,37,0 , 950.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 61,37,0 , 3100.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2202, { id = 2202, name = "S_MA_2a_B_nn-Der Trank des Vergessens", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2185, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6610, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,37,0 , 1414.500,1285.100,-1724.810, 59.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2185, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6736, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6696, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1682, { id = 1682, name = "S_HU_1a_B_nn-Spielverderber", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4437, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4436, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,47,0 , 2750.000,250.000,0.000 , 190.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 757, amount = 10, dropper0 = { area_id = 401, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 37,47,0 , 300.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 37,46,0 , 1800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1683, { id = 1683, name = "S_HU_1b_B_nn-Spielverderber", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1682, continues_bookentry = 1682, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4436, reportposition = { 40,47,0 , 2512.300,314.344,63.099, 338.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1682, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1686, { id = 1686, name = "S_HU_1c_B_nn-Spielverderber", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1683, continues_bookentry = 1683, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4437, reportposition = { 40,47,0 , 2150.000,300.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1683, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2156, { id = 2156, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Verraeter", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6581, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 51,27,0 , 1224.590,1630.550,-1474.970, 354.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6582,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6583,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6584,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6585,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6586,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6587,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6588,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6565, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6566, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6567, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6568, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6569, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6571, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6572, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6573, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6574, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 6575, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 6576, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 6577, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 6578, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 6579, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 6580, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2157, { id = 2157, name = "S_MA_1b_B_nn-Verraeter", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2156, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6581, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6582, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,27,0 , 2600.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2156, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6582,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6582,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2153, { id = 2153, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Hausieren Verboten", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6560, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 54,29,0 , 650.000,1650.000,0.000, 271.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1001,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6556, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6557, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 6558, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 6559, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2154, { id = 2154, name = "S_MA_2_B_nn-Hausieren Verboten", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2153, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2153, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1020050830,2,8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1020050830, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1689, { id = 1689, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Schande", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1690, continues_bookentry = 1690, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4448, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1690, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 759, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4447, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1690, { id = 1690, name = "S_OR_1a_B_nn-Schande", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4447, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4448, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,48,0 , 2050.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4447,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(150, { id = 150, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Der Ruf eilt voraus 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 415, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,28,0 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1004411849,7,32 }, }, ti_actions = { { 672,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1004411849, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(159, { id = 159, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Der Ruf eilt voraus 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 150, continues_bookentry = 150, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 415, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 150, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 455,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 458,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 453,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 452,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 451,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 456,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 454,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 448,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 450,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 449,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 448, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 449, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 450, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 451, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 452, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 453, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 454, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 455, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 456, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 458, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1951, { id = 1951, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Der Abstauber ", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5123, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 19,49,0 , 800.000,1550.000,0.000, 331.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1908, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5514,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5120,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1955, { id = 1955, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Der Abstauber II", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5514, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1951, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(386, { id = 386, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-Schmuggel im Auftrag des Prinzen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1427, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1428, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,19,0 , 2985.520,1874.190,1001.500, 206.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 245,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(387, { id = 387, name = "S_DE_2_B_nn-schmuggel im Auftrag des Prinzen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 386, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1238, amount = 20, dropper0 = { creature = 190, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 81, dropchance = 10, }, dropper2 = { creature = 366, dropchance = 10, }, dropper3 = { creature = 365, dropchance = 10, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3226, { id = 3226, name = "S_IS_1a_B_nn-Jaeger der Blauen Orchideen I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9128, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,3,0 , 3161.460,2098.200,199.961, 353.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1019, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,5,0 , 500.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,5,0 , 1400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9129,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9131,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9132,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9135,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9136,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9140,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3227, { id = 3227, name = "S_IS_1b_B_nn-Jaeger der Blauen Orchideen I", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3226, continues_bookentry = 3226, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3226, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9129,8,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 9129,7,1,"Hireling_distance",97 }, { 9131,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",98 }, { 9132,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple_artillery",98 }, { 9135,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_rush",98 }, { 9136,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_rush",98 }, { 9140,7,0,"Enemy_trap_magic",98 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9131,9132,9135,9136,9140, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9129,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3229, { id = 3229, name = "S_IS_2b_B_nn-Jaeger der Blauen Orchideen III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3226, continues_bookentry = 3226, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3349, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9129,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9146,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9147,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9148,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9149,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9150,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9151,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9146,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9147,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9148,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9149,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9150,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9151,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9129, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3230, { id = 3230, name = "S_IS_2c_B_nn-Jaeger der Blauen Orchideen III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3229, continues_bookentry = 3226, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9128, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3229, queststate = 7, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1375, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9129, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3349, { id = 3349, name = "S_IS_2a_B_nn-Jaeger der Blauen Orchideen II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3227, continues_bookentry = 3226, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9129, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3372, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9129,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9129, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3372, { id = 3372, name = "S_IS_2d_B_nn-Jaeger der blauen Orchideen II Hilfsmodul", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3226, continues_bookentry = 3226, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9129, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3227, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2840, { id = 2840, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Flucht in die Wueste II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2841, continues_bookentry = 2841, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8100, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2841, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8114,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1243, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8114, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2841, { id = 2841, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Flucht in die Wueste I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8100, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,20,0 , 370.250,2870.050,166.523, 214.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8114, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(202, { id = 202, name = "S_HE_1_ca-Holzfaeller", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 599, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,23,0 , 1850.000,3150.000,0.000, 221.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 601, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 602, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 605, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(218, { id = 218, name = "S_HE_1_G_ca-Rache 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 202, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 599, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,23,0 , 1850.000,3150.000,0.000, 221.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 202, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 617, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 618, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 619, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 620, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(121, { id = 121, name = "S_HE_B_nn- Die Hausbesetzer", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 344, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,24,0 , 3033.850,748.898,103.060, 190.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 344,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 339, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 340, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 341, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 342, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 343, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(160, { id = 160, name = "S_HE_3_B_nn-Der Geldeintreiber", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1368, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 440, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1368, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 440, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(175, { id = 175, name = "S_HU_B_nn-Der Streikbrecher", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 486, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,48,0 , 852.984,1203.190,15.000, 339.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 487, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 496, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 498, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 500, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 502, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 506, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 508, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 510, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 512, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 532, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 541, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(238, { id = 238, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Schmutzige_Strassen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 818, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,22,0 , 1098.100,2579.900,-481.863, 286.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 126, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 817, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, groupchanges = { { 3678,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3679,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3680,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3681,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3682,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 3678,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 3678,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 3678,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 3678,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, { 3678,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(243, { id = 243, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Krieg ist gut fuer#b4s Geschaeft 1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 815, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,24,0 , 2758.600,1017.750,87.023, 43.000 }, }, rewards = { {1514,0}, }, groupchanges = { { 823,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 824,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 825,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 823, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 824, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 825, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(254, { id = 254, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Panem_Et_Circensis", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=1, reward_skill=1, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 873, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,25,-1 , 1295.800,1909.350,-116.919, 310.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 322, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 874, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 875, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 876, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 877, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(347, { id = 347, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Hausreinigung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1226, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,24,0 , 700.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1228,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, { 1229,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, { 1230,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, { 1231,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, { 1232,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_coward",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1228, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1229, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1230, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1231, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1232, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1368, { id = 1368, name = "S_HE_2_B_nn-Eskorte in den Tod", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 624, continues_bookentry = 624, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 624, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 671, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 414, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(624, { id = 624, name = "S_HE_1_B_nn-Eskorte in den Tod", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 414, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,24,0 , 2550.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 414,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, { 414,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 414,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 459, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 26,24,0 , 2050.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,23,0 , 3150.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 35, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,24,0 , 1950.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,24,0 , 2500.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1383, { id = 1383, name = "S_HE_1a_B_nn-Duerftiger Fang", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 303, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,23,0 , 3085.370,1577.670,85.509, 350.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 329, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 26,23,0 , 450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,23,0 , 650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1717, { id = 1717, name = "S_HU_B_nn-Totschlaeger", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4526, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,37,0 , 2700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1714, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4519,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 766,8,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4525, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1782, { id = 1782, name = "S_HU_1_B_nn-Ein engagierter Forscher", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4641, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 25,43,0 , 150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {656,0}, {656,0}, {656,0}, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4982, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4983, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4984, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4985, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4986, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1808, { id = 1808, name = "S_HE_1_B_JT-Gegen Nomengalus", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4966, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4965, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,29,0 , 200.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1814, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 245,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1874, { id = 1874, name = "S_HE_B_JT - Staerkungselixir fuer die Aebtin", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5197, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5222, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,23,0 , 450.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1013897950,7,43 }, }, ti_actions = { { 879,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1045, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,25,0 , 3100.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,25,0 , 2950.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1958, { id = 1958, name = "S_OR_B_nn-Der Jagddolch", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5529, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,47,0 , 1300.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5529,7,1,"Hireling_distance",0 }, { 5529,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 917, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1978, { id = 1978, name = "S_OR_B_nn-Ein schwieriger Auftrag", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5613, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,50,0 , 1100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5662,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 5663,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 5664,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 5662,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5663,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5664,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 507, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 15,49,0 , 2400.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 15,49,0 , 2600.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1996, { id = 1996, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Ein lohnendes Ziel?", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5757, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,50,0 , 1800.000,750.000,0.000 , 128.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5767,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5768,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5769,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5770,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5760, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2034, { id = 2034, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Neues Schuhwerk", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5896, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5897, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,50,0 , 200.000,150.000,0.000 , -30.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 953,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2040, { id = 2040, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Doktor Eisenbarth", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5921, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,47,0 , 2400.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5922,2,0,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 954, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 860, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 859, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 208, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 207, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 143, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 142, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 66, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 140, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { creature = 63, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { creature = 428, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2155, { id = 2155, name = "S_MA_1_B_nn-Legendaere Koeder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6563, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6564, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 58,25,0 , 2522.700,2374.240,-1719.200, 10.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2154, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6563,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2163, { id = 2163, name = "S_MA_1_B_nn-Feste feiern, wie sie fallen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6610, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,37,0 , 1414.500,1285.100,-1724.810, 59.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2202, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6629,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1003, amount = 15, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6615, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 6616, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 6617, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 6618, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 6619, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 6620, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 6621, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 6622, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 6623, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 6624, dropchance = 101, }, dropper10 = { taskcreature = 6625, dropchance = 101, }, dropper11 = { taskcreature = 6626, dropchance = 101, }, dropper12 = { taskcreature = 6627, dropchance = 101, }, dropper13 = { taskcreature = 6628, dropchance = 101, }, dropper14 = { taskcreature = 6629, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2298, { id = 2298, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Montezumas Rache", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6951, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 52,26,0 , 50.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2296, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1074,9,1 }, { 1075,9,1 }, { 1076,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6948, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2495, { id = 2495, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Der Maulwurf", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7300, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 663.750,2580.050,-1725.050, 215.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7288, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7290, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7292, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7293, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7294, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7295, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2664, { id = 2664, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Die Giftmischerin ", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7669, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,10,0 , 1092.250,2545.600,2928.460, 178.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1185, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 190, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 81, dropchance = 50, }, dropper2 = { creature = 366, dropchance = 50, }, dropper3 = { creature = 365, dropchance = 50, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3041, { id = 3041, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-Forschungsgelder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8502, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8500, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 1270.450,2595.100,427.830, 252.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 922, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,14,0 , 100.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,14,0 , 400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3117, { id = 3117, name = "S_IS_1a_B_nn-Katzenfaenger", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8703, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,6,0 , 28.770,2725.200,2974.740, 358.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8733, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 8734, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 8735, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 8736, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 8737, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 8738, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 8739, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 8740, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 8741, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2317, { id = 2317, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Familiengrab", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7022, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7022, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 1800.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 1, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7005,7006,7007,7008,7009,7012,7013,7014,7015,7016, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6998,1}, victim1 = {6999,1}, victim2 = {7000,1}, victim3 = {7002,1}, victim4 = {7003,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2323, { id = 2323, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Heldenhaft", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7026, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 58,30,0 , 1900.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7026,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 7026,9,2,"questCreatures",97 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7040,7041,7042,7043,7028,7029,7031,7032,7033,7034,7035,7036,7037,7038,7039, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7026,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3517, { id = 3517, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Heldenhaft Report", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2323, continues_bookentry = 2323, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2323, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7026, reportposition = { 58,30,0 , 445.000,845.000,-1700.000, 90.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1024, { id = 1024, name = "S_HE_1a_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 1, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2920, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 88.047,1994.100,40.985, 298.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 548, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2919, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1025, { id = 1025, name = "S_HE_2a_G_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2920, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 88.047,1994.100,40.985, 298.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1024, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 552, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1026, { id = 1026, name = "S_HE_2b_G_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2920, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 88.047,1994.100,40.985, 298.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1025, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1027, { id = 1027, name = "S_HE_2c_G_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 1026, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2921, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 413.850,2546.100,10.087, 325.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1026, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2922,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",58 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2922, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1030, { id = 1030, name = "S_HE_2d_G_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2925, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1027, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 551,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1031, { id = 1031, name = "S_HE_3a_B_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2922, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2920, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,26,0 , 88.047,1994.100,40.985, 298.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1024, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1032, { id = 1032, name = "S_HE_3b_B_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2922, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,26,0 , 2344.850,2291.330,15.338, 124.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1031, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2926, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2927, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1034, { id = 1034, name = "S_HE_3c_B_md-Der Erbschleicher", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1024, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2922, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1032, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2920, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1052, { id = 1052, name = "S_HE_1a_G_md-Im Garten der Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2971, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,23,0 , 2607.430,1403.120,476.390, 256.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 228, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,23,0 , 1800.000,1950.000,0.000 , 70.000 }, p2 = { 12,23,0 , 2000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 314.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 229, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,23,0 , 1400.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,23,0 , 1500.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 230, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,23,0 , 500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,23,0 , 700.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1053, { id = 1053, name = "S_HE_1b_G_md-Im Garten der Seraphim", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1052, continues_bookentry = 1052, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2971, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1052, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 576, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 2972, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1055, { id = 1055, name = "S_HE_1a_B_md-Im Garten der Seraphim Bad", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8776, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2974, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,23,0 , 909.613,1469.040,383.866, 245.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 576,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1715, { id = 1715, name = "S_HU_G_nn-Der Verbannte", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4519, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4518, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,37,0 , 1179.500,606.250,141.683, 195.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 765,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 598, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,37,0 , 2650.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,37,0 , 2850.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1014498874, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1716, { id = 1716, name = "S_HU_G_nn-Aufgebrachter Braeutigam", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1715, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4520, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,37,0 , 3000.000,500.000,0.000 , 229.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1715, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4522,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4521,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4523,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4520,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4521,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4522,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4523,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4520, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4521, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4522, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4523, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1714, { id = 1714, name = "S_HU_B_nn-Der Verbannte", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4518, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,37,0 , 1179.500,606.250,141.683, 195.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 427, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,37,0 , 2650.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,37,0 , 2850.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1014498874, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(980, { id = 980, name = "S_HE_1_G_nn-Der kranke Einsiedler", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 878, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 24,30,0 , 2162.910,2423.280,-250.205, 17.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 140, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,30,0 , 2100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,30,0 , 2250.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1010437539,7,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 881,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 440,7,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 150, amount = 8, dropper0 = { area_id = 282, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 24,30,-1 , 2650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 25,30,-1 , 1200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(982, { id = 982, name = "S_HE_2_G_nn-Der kranke Einsiedler", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 980, continues_bookentry = 980, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 881, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,30,0 , 2168.750,2573.900,4.787, 122.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 980, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(984, { id = 984, name = "S_HE_3_G_nn-Der kranke Einsiedler", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 980, continues_bookentry = 980, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 878, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 881, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2168.750,2573.900,4.787, 122.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 982, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(257, { id = 257, name = "S_HE_1_B_nn-Der kranke Einsiedler", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 878, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 24,30,0 , 2162.910,2423.280,-250.205, 17.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 558, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,30,0 , 2100.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,30,0 , 2250.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1010437539,7,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 881,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 440,7,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 150, amount = 8, dropper0 = { area_id = 557, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 24,30,-1 , 2650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 25,30,-1 , 1200.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(795, { id = 795, name = "S_HE_2_B_nn-Der kranke Einsiedler", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 257, continues_bookentry = 257, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 881, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,30,0 , 2168.750,2573.900,4.787, 122.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 257, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(797, { id = 797, name = "S_HE_3_B_nn-Der kranke Einsiedler", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 257, continues_bookentry = 257, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 878, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 881, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,30,0 , 2168.750,2573.900,4.787, 122.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 795, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(2088, { id = 2088, name = "S_HU_1_G_nn-Geldverleiher Good", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3003, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2993, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,36,0 , 1900.000,2150.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3003,2,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 6281,2,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 6282,2,0,"Invalid",8 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2089, { id = 2089, name = "S_HU_2_G_nn-Geldverleiher Good", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2088, continues_bookentry = 2088, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3006, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3007, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,36,0 , 1650.000,2700.000,0.000 , -20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2088, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3008,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3009,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3008,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",9 }, { 3009,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",9 }, { 3006,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3008, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3009, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2090, { id = 2090, name = "S_HU_3b_G_nn-Geldverleiher Good", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2088, continues_bookentry = 2088, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2094, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2993,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 3010,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 3011,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 3012,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 3013,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2993, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3010, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3011, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3012, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3013, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2094, { id = 2094, name = "S_HU_3a_N_nn-Geldverleiher Good", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2088, continues_bookentry = 2088, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6270, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2089, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3010,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 3011,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 3012,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 3013,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2096, { id = 2096, name = "S_HU_4_G_nn-Geldverleiher Good", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2088, continues_bookentry = 2088, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6270, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,37,0 , 2150.000,100.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2090, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6276,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6277,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6278,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6279,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6280,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6274,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 6275,2,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6270, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6274, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6275, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6276, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6277, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6278, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6279, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6280, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1316, { id = 1316, name = "S_HE_1a_B_fs-Der Geldverleiher", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3575, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,22,0 , 2300.000,1600.000,0.000 , 131.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3575,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 3595,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3595,9,0,"JOB_POOR_STATIST",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 640, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1321, { id = 1321, name = "S_HE_3a_B_fs-Der Geldverleiher", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1316, continues_bookentry = 1316, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3579, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2100, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 265, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,22,0 , 2650.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,22,0 , 2950.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3577,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3578,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3577, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3578, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2100, { id = 2100, name = "S_HE_1b_B_nn-Geldverleiher Bad", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1316, continues_bookentry = 1316, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1316, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3596,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3597,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3576,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 641, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3596, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 642, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3597, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 643, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 3576, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2129, { id = 2129, name = "S_HE_1_G_JT - Schutz des Noriath Winkels 1/2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6404, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,32,0 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6406, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6407, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6408, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6409, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2135, { id = 2135, name = "S_HE_2_G_JT - Schutz des Noriath Winkels 2/2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2129, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6454, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6404, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,32,0 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2129, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6450, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2108, { id = 2108, name = "S_HE_1_B_JT - Machtausdehnung in Noriath Winkel 1/3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6337, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6336, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,31,0 , 2831.600,2941.460,419.853, 140.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6338,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6339,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6340,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2110, { id = 2110, name = "S_HE_2_B_JT - Machtausdehnung in Noriath Winkel 2/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2108, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,32,0 , 700.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2108, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6343, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2112, { id = 2112, name = "S_HE_3_B_JT - Machtausdehnung in Noriath Winkel 3/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2110, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6337, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,32,0 , 700.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2110, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6346, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1393, { id = 1393, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Die geflohenen Sklaven Pre", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1175, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1156, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,28,0 , 1948.750,995.398,73.090, 270.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1161,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1429,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1430,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1431,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1432,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1433,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1164,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1171,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 1172,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(364, { id = 364, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Die geflohenen Sklaven 1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1393, continues_bookentry = 1393, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1156, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1393, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1386,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1378,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1379,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1380,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1381,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1382,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1383,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 1385,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 426, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 867, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 868, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 869, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 870, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 871, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop6 = { taskitem = 872, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop7 = { taskitem = 873, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop8 = { taskitem = 874, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop9 = { taskitem = 875, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(365, { id = 365, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Die geflohenen Sklaven 2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 364, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 364, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 1156,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1378, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1379, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1380, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1381, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1382, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1383, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1385, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1386, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1156, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(311, { id = 311, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Die_geflohenen Sklaven (1v2)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1156, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 30,28,0 , 1948.750,995.398,73.090, 270.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 1175,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 3568,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3569,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3570,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3571,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 3572,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 426, amount = 10, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 1161, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 1164, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 1171, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 1172, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 1175, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 1429, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 1430, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 1431, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 1432, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 1433, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(388, { id = 388, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Die geflohenen Sklaven (2v2)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 311, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1156, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 311, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 3568,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3569,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3570,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3571,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 3572,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 3568, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3569, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3570, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3571, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3572, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1531, { id = 1531, name = "S_HU_1a_G_rr-Binsenkraut", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4170, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1532, { id = 1532, name = "S_HU_1b_G_rr-Binsenkraut (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1531, continues_bookentry = 1531, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1531, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4170, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 4171, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1533, { id = 1533, name = "S_HU_2a_G_rr-Binsenkraut (good)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1532, continues_bookentry = 1531, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1532, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4173,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4173,8,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4172, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4174, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4175, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4176, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4177, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4178, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1535, { id = 1535, name = "S_HU_3a_G_rr-Binsenkraut (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1533, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4184, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4173, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,41,0 , 1665.310,829.578,940.036, 327.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1533, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4173,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 4185,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1537, { id = 1537, name = "S_HU_3b_G_rr-Binsenkraut (good)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1535, continues_bookentry = 1535, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4185, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1535, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4185,8,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4184,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4189,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4190,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4191,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4192,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4193,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4194,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4195,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4740,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4741,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4742,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4743,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4744,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4745,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4746,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4747,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4739,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4184, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4189, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4190, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4191, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4192, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4193, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4194, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4195, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4739, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4740, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 4741, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 4742, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 4743, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 4744, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 4745, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 4746, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 4747, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1538, { id = 1538, name = "S_HU_4a_G_nn-Binsenkraut (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1537, continues_bookentry = 1535, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4171, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1537, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1539, { id = 1539, name = "S_HU_5a_G_rr-Binsenkraut (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1538, continues_bookentry = 1538, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4187, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1538, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1543, { id = 1543, name = "S_HU_1b_B_rr-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4207, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4170, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,37,0 , 200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1582, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4207,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4171, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1544, { id = 1544, name = "S_HU_2a_B_rr-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1543, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4207,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 4173,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, { 4173,8,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4172, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4174, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4175, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4176, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4177, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4178, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1547, { id = 1547, name = "S_HU_3a_B_rr-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4207, reportposition = { 42,41,0 , 1516.940,731.547,932.412, 92.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1544, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1011043973,7,8 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4207,2,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4207,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",0 }, { 4207,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1011043973, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 4173, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1549, { id = 1549, name = "S_HU_4a_B_rr-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1547, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 374, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,41,0 , 800.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,41,0 , 1000.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4207,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4184, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4189, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4190, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4191, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4192, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4193, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4194, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4195, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4739, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4740, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 4741, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 4742, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 4743, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 4744, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1550, { id = 1550, name = "S_HU_4b_B_nn-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4207, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 43,41,0 , 900.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1549, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4207, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1553, { id = 1553, name = "S_HU_4c_B_rr-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1550, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1014608514,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1014608514, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1554, { id = 1554, name = "S_HU_4d_B_nn-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1553, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 736, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1555, { id = 1555, name = "S_HU_5a_B_rr-Binsenkraut (bad)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1582, continues_bookentry = 1582, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4171, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1554, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4185,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4185,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4185,9,2,"JOB_COMMUNICATOR",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 4185, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1582, { id = 1582, name = "S_HU_1a_B_rr-Binsenkraut", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4170, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 42,37,0 , 200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(456, { id = 456, name = "S_HU_1_G_nn-Geistgefluester", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1647, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,36,0 , 2750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 138.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 339, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(478, { id = 478, name = "S_HU_2_G_nn-Geistgefluester", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 456, continues_bookentry = 456, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 456, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1718, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(484, { id = 484, name = "S_HU_1_B_nn-Geistgefluester", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1647, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,36,0 , 2750.000,1500.000,0.000 , 138.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 339, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(485, { id = 485, name = "S_HU_2_B_nn-Geistgefluester", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 484, continues_bookentry = 484, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1743, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 484, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1743, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1704, { id = 1704, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Jadecollier", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4484, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4483, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,36,0 , 2993.450,2231.050,1005.390, 214.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4485,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4486,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4493,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4494,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4495,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4496,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4497,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1705, { id = 1705, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-Jadecollier", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1704, continues_bookentry = 1704, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4489, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4484, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,35,0 , 716.945,2844.590,2318.950, 171.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1704, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 772,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 429, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 40,35,0 , 600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,35,0 , 900.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1706, { id = 1706, name = "S_HU_1c_G_nn-Jadecollier", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1705, continues_bookentry = 1704, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4483, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1520,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1705, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1707, { id = 1707, name = "S_HU_1a_B_nn-Jadecollier", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4484, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4483, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,36,0 , 2993.450,2231.050,1005.390, 214.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4485,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4486,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4493,7,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4494,7,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4495,7,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4496,7,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4497,7,0,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1708, { id = 1708, name = "S_HU_1b_B_nn-Jadecollier", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1707, continues_bookentry = 1707, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4484, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,35,0 , 716.945,2844.590,2318.950, 171.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1707, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4489,7,0,"dumbBehaviour",66 }, { 4484,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4485,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4486,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4493,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4494,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4495,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4496,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4497,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 4489,8,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4484, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4485, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4486, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4493, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4494, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4495, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4496, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4497, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1709, { id = 1709, name = "S_HU_1c_B_nn-Jadecollier", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1708, continues_bookentry = 1707, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4483, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1520,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1708, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 763, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4489, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1497, { id = 1497, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Minenarbeiter V (good)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4095, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4042, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,47,0 , 200.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4752,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4099,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4041,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4043,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4044,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4045,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4047,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4048,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4046,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4095,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4097,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4753,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4754,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4073,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4081,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4083,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4081,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4083,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4073, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1500, { id = 1500, name = "S_HU_1b_G_nn-Minenarbeiter V (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1497, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4046, reportposition = { 41,47,0 , 448.047,870.594,134.989, 273.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1497, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4095,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4097,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4099,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4752,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4753,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4754,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4095,9,2,"JOB_BEGGAR",0 }, { 4097,9,2,"JOB_BEGGAR",0 }, { 4099,9,2,"JOB_BEGGAR",0 }, { 4752,9,2,"JOB_BEGGAR",0 }, { 4753,9,2,"JOB_BEGGAR",0 }, { 4754,9,2,"JOB_BEGGAR",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 448, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,47,0 , 100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,47,0 , 600.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1502, { id = 1502, name = "S_HU_2a_G_nn-Minenarbeiter VI (good)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1497, continues_bookentry = 1500, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4035, reportposition = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,550.000,81.000, -84.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4035, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,550.000,81.000, -84.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1500, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4051,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4052,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4049,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4050,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 4051,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4052,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4049,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4050,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4049, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4050, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4051, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4052, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1503, { id = 1503, name = "S_HU_3a_G_nn-Minenarbeiter VII (good)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1502, continues_bookentry = 1500, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4042, reportposition = { 42,48,0 , 900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4101, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 900.000,750.000,0.000 , -180.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1502, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4086,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4087,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4084,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4085,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4088,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4102,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4103,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4084,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4085,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4086,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4087,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4088,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4102,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4103,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 4101,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4084, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4085, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4086, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4087, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4088, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4101, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4102, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4103, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1506, { id = 1506, name = "S_HU_3b_G_nn-Minenarbeiter VII (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1503, continues_bookentry = 1500, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4035, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1503, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4041,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4042,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4043,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4044,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4045,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4047,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4048,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4041,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 4042,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 4043,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 4044,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 4045,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 4047,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, { 4048,8,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 599, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,47,0 , 100.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,47,0 , 600.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1485, { id = 1485, name = "S_HU_1a_B_nn-Minenarbeiter I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4023, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,46,0 , 2100.000,2250.000,0.000, 33.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4049,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4050,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4051,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4052,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4041,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4042,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4043,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4044,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4045,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4046,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4047,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4048,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 725, amount = 7, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4026, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 4027, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 4028, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 4029, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 4030, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 4031, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 4025, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1486, { id = 1486, name = "S_HU_2a_B_nn-Minenarbeiter III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1485, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4036, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4035, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,550.000,81.000, -84.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1485, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4041,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4042,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4043,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4044,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4045,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4046,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4047,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4048,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4049,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 4050,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 4051,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 4052,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 4051,8,2,"walkAround",12 }, { 4052,8,2,"walkAround",12 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4036, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4037, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4038, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1487, { id = 1487, name = "S_HU_2b_B_nn-Minenarbeiter III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1486, continues_bookentry = 1486, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4073, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1486, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4036,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4037,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4038,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 4036,9,2,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4037,9,2,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4038,9,2,"JOB_MINEWORKER",0 }, { 4049,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 4050,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1488, { id = 1488, name = "S_HU_3a_B_nn-Minenarbeiter IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1487, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4035, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,48,0 , 150.000,550.000,81.000, -84.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1487, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 997, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 42,48,0 , 350.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,48,0 , 1700.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4103,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4101,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4102,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1496, { id = 1496, name = "S_HU_3c_B_nn-Minenarbeiter IV", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1485, continues_bookentry = 1488, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4051, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 42,48,0 , 850.000,850.000,477.000, 10.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1488, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 730, amount = 2, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4051, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 4052, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3225, { id = 3225, name = "S_HU_3d_B_nn-Minenarbeiter IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1485, continues_bookentry = 1496, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4035, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1496, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1933, { id = 1933, name = "S_OR_1_N_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5433, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,45,0 , 485.188,2965.450,906.972, 90.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1322, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,46,0 , 1450.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,46,0 , 1650.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5444,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5445,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5446,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5447,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5448,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, report_required = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1921, { id = 1921, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1933, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 5433,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 5433,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 5433, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {5433,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1922, { id = 1922, name = "S_OR_1b_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1921, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 1933, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1933, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 495, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,46,0 , 1000.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,46,0 , 2100.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, report_required = 1, groupchanges = { { 5444,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5445,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5446,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5447,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5448,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5439,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5440,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5441,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5442,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5443,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5444, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5445, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5446, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5447, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5448, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1923, { id = 1923, name = "S_OR_1c_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1921, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 1933, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1922, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 496, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,45,0 , 2400.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,45,0 , 50.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, report_required = 1, groupchanges = { { 5443,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5442,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5441,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5440,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5439,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5434,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5435,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5436,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5437,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5438,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5439, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5440, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5441, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5442, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5443, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1924, { id = 1924, name = "S_OR_1d_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1921, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 1933, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1923, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5434,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5435,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5436,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5437,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5438,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5434, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5435, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5436, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5437, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5438, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2313, { id = 2313, name = "S_OR_1e_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 1933, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5437, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1924, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1927, { id = 1927, name = "S_OR_1f_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1921, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 1933, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5433, reportposition = { 16,45,0 , 3000.000,2250.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2313, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5433,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5433,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1936, { id = 1936, name = "S_OR_2_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder_rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1935, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 5433,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 5433,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 5433, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {5433,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1935, { id = 1935, name = "S_OR_2a_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1936, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5466, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5433, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 16,45,0 , 3000.000,2250.000,0.000 , 220.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1927, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5466,7,0,"QuestCreatures",66 }, { 5475,7,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 5477,7,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 5473,7,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 5470,7,0,"Invalid",5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1937, { id = 1937, name = "S_OR_2b_G_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1936, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1933, continues_bookentry = 1935, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5433, reportposition = { 16,46,0 , 1050.000,1850.000,0.000 , 299.000 }, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1935, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5466,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5473,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5475,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5477,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5470,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5466, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5470, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5473, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5475, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5477, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2031, { id = 2031, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5382, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,47,0 , 2200.000,300.000,1560.000, -190.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1324, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,46,0 , 1400.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,47,0 , 1600.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5383,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5384,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5385,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5386,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5387,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, report_required = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1653, { id = 1653, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2031, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 5382,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, { 5382,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 5382, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {5382,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1912, { id = 1912, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1653, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 2031, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2031, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 483, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,47,0 , 200.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,47,0 , 1000.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, report_required = 1, groupchanges = { { 5418,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5417,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5416,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5415,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5388,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5383,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5384,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5385,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5386,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5387,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5383, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5384, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5385, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5386, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5387, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1913, { id = 1913, name = "S_OR_1c_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1653, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 2031, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1912, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 488, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 22,47,0 , 2550.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,47,0 , 1950.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, report_required = 1, groupchanges = { { 5420,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5423,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5424,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5421,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5422,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5418,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5388,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5417,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5416,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5415,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5388, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5415, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5416, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5417, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5418, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1915, { id = 1915, name = "S_OR_1d_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=1653, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 2031, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1913, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5424,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5423,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5422,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5421,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 5420,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5420, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5421, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5422, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5423, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5424, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2310, { id = 2310, name = "S_OR_1e_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1653, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 2031, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5424, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1915, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1916, { id = 1916, name = "S_OR_1f_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=1653, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 2031, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5382, reportposition = { 22,47,0 , 2200.000,300.000,1560.000, -190.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2310, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5382,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5382,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1918, { id = 1918, name = "S_OR_2a_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5427, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5382, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,47,0 , 2217.050,276.156,1515.030, 215.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1916, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 493, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 24,48,0 , 1300.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,48,0 , 50.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1919, { id = 1919, name = "S_OR_2b_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 1918, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5382, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1918, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5427,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5427, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1920, { id = 1920, name = "S_OR_3_B_nn-Gedrungene Moerder", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2031, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1919, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5382,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5382, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2017, { id = 2017, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-Lokalderby I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5772, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 17,47,0 , 1800.000,550.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5829,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5830,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5828,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5816, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5817, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5818, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5819, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5820, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5821, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 5822, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 5823, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 5824, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 5825, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 5826, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2018, { id = 2018, name = "S_OR_1b_G_nn-Lokalderby II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2017, continues_bookentry = 2017, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5772, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2017, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 946, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5831, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2020, { id = 2020, name = "S_OR_1c_G_nn-Lokalderby III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2017, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5832, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 16,46,0 , 501.852,159.172,904.457, 118.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2018, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1011643078, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2021, { id = 2021, name = "S_OR_1d_G_nn-Lokalderby IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2017, continues_bookentry = 2020, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5772, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2020, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5833,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",1 }, { 5834,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",1 }, { 5835,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 516, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 18,48,0 , 1650.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,47,0 , 1800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2053, { id = 2053, name = "S_OR_G_nn-Lokalderby Hilfsquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2020, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 574, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2022, { id = 2022, name = "S_OR_1a_B_nn-Lokalderby I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5836, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 18,48,0 , 3150.000,500.000,0.000 , -19.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5837,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5838,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 5839,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5840, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 5841, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 5842, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 5843, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 5844, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 5845, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 5846, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 5847, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 5848, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 5849, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 5850, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2023, { id = 2023, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Lokalderby II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2022, continues_bookentry = 2022, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5836, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2022, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 947, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 5870, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2024, { id = 2024, name = "S_OR_1c_B_nn-Lokalderby III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2022, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5868, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 19,48,0 , 750.000,2000.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2023, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1013911707, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2025, { id = 2025, name = "S_OR_1d_B_nn-Lokalderby IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2022, continues_bookentry = 2024, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5836, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2024, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5871,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 5872,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 5873,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 518, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,47,0 , 1800.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,47,0 , 1700.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1988, { id = 1988, name = "S_OR_1a_G_nn-Wantanor, Champion der Oger", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5681, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,46,0 , 2000.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5691,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5687,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5688,7,0,"Invalid",58 }, { 5692,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5693,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5694,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5695,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5696,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5697,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5699,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5700,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5701,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5702,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5703,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5704,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5705,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5706,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5707,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5708,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5709,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5710,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5711,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5712,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5713,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5714,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 938, amount = 25, dropper0 = { creature = 399, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 398, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 401, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 400, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1013, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1014, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1989, { id = 1989, name = "S_OR_1b_G_nn-Wantanor, Champion der Oger II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1988, continues_bookentry = 1988, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5681, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1988, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1018058621, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1992, { id = 1992, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Wantanor, Champion der Oger", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5716, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,49,0 , 1550.000,1900.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 5717,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5718,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5719,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5720,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5721,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5722,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5723,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5724,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5725,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5726,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5727,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5728,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5729,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5730,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5731,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5732,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5733,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5734,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5735,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5736,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5737,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5738,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5739,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5740,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 5741,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 939, amount = 25, dropper0 = { creature = 399, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 398, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 400, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 401, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1013, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1014, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1993, { id = 1993, name = "S_OR_1b_B_nn-Wantanor, Champion der Oger II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1992, continues_bookentry = 1992, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1992, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1018058621, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2195, { id = 2195, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Aus dem Reagenzglas I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6728, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6727, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 1150.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6730,7,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 6733,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 6741,7,0,"Invalid",8 }, { 6728,9,0,"Enemy_mage",98 }, { 6730,9,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",97 }, { 6733,9,0,"Enemy_lizard_hunter",98 }, { 6741,9,0,"Enemy_lizard_hunter",98 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2197, { id = 2197, name = "S_MA_1b_G_nn-Aus dem Reagenzglas I", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2195, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2195, queststate = 9, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 6728,6733,6741, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6730,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2199, { id = 2199, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Aus dem Reagenzglas II", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2195, continues_bookentry = 2197, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6727, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6730, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,27,0 , 1700.000,2850.000,0.000 , 269.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2197, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6730,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",32 }, { 6730,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 6730,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6730,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2547, { id = 2547, name = "S_MA_1_B_nn-Aus dem Reagenzglas I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7476, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,28,0 , 1500.000,2850.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 748, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,27,0 , 1300.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,27,0 , 1900.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7482,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7483,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7484,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7485,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7486,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7479,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7480,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7481,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2548, { id = 2548, name = "S_MA_2_B_nn-Aus dem Reagenzglas II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2547, continues_bookentry = 2547, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7495, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2547, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7495,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7479, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7480, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7481, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7482, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7483, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7484, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 7485, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 7486, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2550, { id = 2550, name = "S_MA_3_B_nn-Aus dem Reagenzglas III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2547, continues_bookentry = 2547, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7476, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2548, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7495,7,0,"Invalid",89 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1157, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7495, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2276, { id = 2276, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Brief nach Hause I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6911, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,37,0 , 2415.160,1234.800,-1698.700, 84.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6920,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 6921,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 6918,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 6919,7,0,"Invalid",1 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1155,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6916, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2282, { id = 2282, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Brief nach Hause III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2276, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6927, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6934, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1538.840,1900.550,-1695.780, 326.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2332, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7469,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7468,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7467,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7466,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7465,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1153,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2284, { id = 2284, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Brief nach Hause IV", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2276, continues_bookentry = 2282, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6927, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,36,0 , 1465.950,1631.100,-1721.460, 154.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2282, queststate = 9, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2286, { id = 2286, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Brief nach Hause V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2276, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6911, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6927, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,36,0 , 1465.950,1631.100,-1721.460, 154.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2284, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6927,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7469,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7468,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7467,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7466,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7465,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2287, { id = 2287, name = "S_MA_1b_G_nn-Brief nach Hause V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2276, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6911, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6927, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,36,0 , 1465.950,1631.100,-1721.460, 154.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2284, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 6927,9,3,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7469,9,3,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7468,9,3,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7467,9,3,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7466,9,3,"questCreatures",66 }, { 7465,9,3,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2332, { id = 2332, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Brief nach Hause II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2276, continues_bookentry = 2276, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2276, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6918,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 6919,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 6920,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 6920,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 6921,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 6916,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6916, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6918, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6919, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6920, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6921, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2289, { id = 2289, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Brief nach Hause I+II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6934, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6911, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,37,0 , 2415.160,1234.800,-1698.700, 84.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7462,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7463,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 6936,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7462,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, { 7463,9,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1156,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6936, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2290, { id = 2290, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Brief nach Hause III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2289, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6927, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6934, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,36,0 , 1538.840,1900.550,-1695.780, 326.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2289, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7467,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7468,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7469,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7465,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7466,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2338, { id = 2338, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Brief nach Hause IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2289, continues_bookentry = 2290, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2290, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6927,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",98 }, { 7469,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7468,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7467,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7466,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, { 7465,7,0,"Enemy_lizard_warrior",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6927, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7465, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7466, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7467, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7468, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7469, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2340, { id = 2340, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Brief nach Hause V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2289, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6911, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2338, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2421, { id = 2421, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Die Zungen der Hydra", questtype = 4, silent=0, stopquestid=2422, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7182, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,25,0 , 1527.950,863.602,-1584.710, 193.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7182,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 7184,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7185,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7186,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7182,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1128, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 182, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1129, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 182, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1130, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 182, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2422, { id = 2422, name = "S_MA_1b_G_nn-Die Zungen der Hydra_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2421, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2421, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7182, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7182,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3315, { id = 3315, name = "S_MA_1c_G_nn-Die Zungen der Hydra", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2421, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7182, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2421, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2464, { id = 2464, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Die Zungen der Hydra", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7253, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,25,0 , 2462.720,2878.290,-1735.020, 61.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7254,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1131, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 182, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2465, { id = 2465, name = "S_MA_1b_B_nn-Die Zungen der Hydra", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2464, continues_bookentry = 2464, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7253, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2464, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7253, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 7253, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 7253, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2466, { id = 2466, name = "S_MA_1c_B_nn-Die Zungen der Hydra", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2465, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2465, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7253, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2231, { id = 2231, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Haiku!", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6811, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 758.750,907.250,-1717.280, 243.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 627, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,29,0 , 1050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,29,0 , 750.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6811,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6811,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2233, { id = 2233, name = "S_MA_1b_G_nn-Haiku!", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2231, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2231, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6811, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2231, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6811,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2238, { id = 2238, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Haiku!", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6811, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 758.750,907.250,-1717.280, 243.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 628, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,29,0 , 1050.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,29,0 , 750.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6811,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6811,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2239, { id = 2239, name = "S_MA_1b_B_nn-Haiku!", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2238, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6811, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2238, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6811,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2531, { id = 2531, name = "S_MA_1a_G_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7413, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 1250.000,450.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 735, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 60,32,0 , 1400.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,32,0 , 2450.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7413,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",87 }, { 7415,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7416,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7417,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7418,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7419,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7420,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2532, { id = 2532, name = "S_MA_1b_G_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2531, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2531, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7415,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7416,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7417,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7418,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7419,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7420,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7415, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7416, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7417, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7418, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7419, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7420, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2533, { id = 2533, name = "S_MA_1c_G_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2531, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7413, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2616, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2532, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7413,9,2,"JOB_MERCENARY",87 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3156, { id = 3156, name = "S_MA_1d_G_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2531, continues_bookentry = 2532, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2616, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2532, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2616, { id = 2616, name = "S_MA_1_G_nn-Picknick im Sumpf_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2531, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2531, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7413, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7413,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2535, { id = 2535, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7413, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,33,0 , 1250.000,450.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 740, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 60,32,0 , 1400.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,32,0 , 2450.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7415,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7416,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7417,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7418,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7419,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7420,7,0,"Invalid",98 }, { 7413,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",87 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2536, { id = 2536, name = "S_MA_1b_B_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2535, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2535, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7415,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7416,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7417,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7418,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7419,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, { 7420,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7415, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7416, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7417, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 7418, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 7419, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 7420, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2537, { id = 2537, name = "S_MA_1c_B_nn-Picknick um Sumpf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2536, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7413, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3157, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2536, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7413,9,2,"JOB_MERCENARY",87 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3158, { id = 3158, name = "S_MA_1d_B_nn-Picknick im Sumpf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2536, continues_bookentry = 2537, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3157, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2536, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3157, { id = 3157, name = "S_MA_1_B_nn-Picknick im Sumpf_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2535, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2535, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 7413, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {7413,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2345, { id = 2345, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Schuppenflechte I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7077, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7065, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 527.750,1988.400,-1592.940, 16.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2346, { id = 2346, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Schuppenflechte II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2345, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7077, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 925.297,677.750,-1381.050, 33.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2345, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1097, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7078, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1098, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7079, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1099, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7080, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1100, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7081, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1101, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7082, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2349, { id = 2349, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Schuppenflechte III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2345, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7065, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7077, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 50,33,0 , 925.297,677.750,-1381.050, 33.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2346, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2333, { id = 2333, name = "S_MA_1a_B_nn-Schuppenflechte I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7066, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7065, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,33,0 , 527.750,1988.400,-1592.940, 16.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2335, { id = 2335, name = "S_MA_2_B_nn-Schuppenflechte II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2333, continues_bookentry = 2333, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7067, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2333, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1092,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2336, { id = 2336, name = "S_MA_3_B_nn-Schuppenflechte III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2333, continues_bookentry = 2333, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7065, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2335, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2534, { id = 2534, name = "S_MA_1_G_nn-Wilderer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7422, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 56,36,0 , 317.047,2092.500,-1577.120, 197.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 737, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,37,0 , 1800.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,36,0 , 1450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 738, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,37,0 , 400.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,37,0 , 200.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 739, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,37,0 , 1150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,37,0 , 1500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2539, { id = 2539, name = "S_MA_2_G_nn-Wilderer II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2534, continues_bookentry = 2534, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2534, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7441,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7441, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2541, { id = 2541, name = "S_MA_3_G_nn-Wilderer III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2534, continues_bookentry = 2534, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7422, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7441, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 56,37,0 , 404.094,1908.050,-1718.030, 25.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2539, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7441,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 7441,9,2,"questCreatures",32 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2543, { id = 2543, name = "S_MA_1_B_nn-Wilderer I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7422, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 56,36,0 , 317.047,2092.500,-1577.120, 197.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 743, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,37,0 , 1800.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,36,0 , 1450.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 744, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,37,0 , 400.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,37,0 , 200.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 745, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,37,0 , 1150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,37,0 , 1500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2545, { id = 2545, name = "S_MA_2_B_nn-Wilderer II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2543, continues_bookentry = 2543, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7422, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2543, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7441,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7441, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2892, { id = 2892, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Der Drehspiess I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2936, continues_bookentry = 2936, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8243, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2936, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8296,7,0,"FarmAnimal",57 }, { 8297,7,0,"FarmAnimal",57 }, { 8298,7,0,"FarmAnimal",57 }, { 8299,7,0,"FarmAnimal",57 }, { 8300,7,0,"FarmAnimal",57 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1274,9,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1272, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8296, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 8297, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 8298, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 8299, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 8300, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2936, { id = 2936, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Der Drehspiess I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8244, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8243, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 361.352,2707.900,700.976, 343.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8296,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 8297,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 8298,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 8299,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 8300,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 8318,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1275,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2939, { id = 2939, name = "S_DE_2_G_nn-Der Drehspiess II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2936, continues_bookentry = 2936, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8243, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2892, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1278,8,1 }, { 1279,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8306, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2954, { id = 2954, name = "S_DE_3_G_nn-Der Drehspiess III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2936, continues_bookentry = 2936, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8243, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2939, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1280,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8308, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2963, { id = 2963, name = "S_DE_4_G_nn-Der Drehspiess IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2936, continues_bookentry = 2936, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8243, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {560,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2954, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8310,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8311,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8310,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8311,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8311,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8310, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2988, { id = 2988, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-Der koestliche Drehspiess I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8321, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8243, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 361.352,2707.900,700.976, 343.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1287,7,1 }, { 1288,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2992, { id = 2992, name = "S_DE_2_B_nn-Der koestliche Drehspiess II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2988, continues_bookentry = 2988, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8336, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2988, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1289,8,1 }, { 1290,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8243, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2994, { id = 2994, name = "S_DE_3_B_nn-Der koestliche Drehspiess III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2988, continues_bookentry = 2988, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8308, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2992, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1289,8,1 }, { 1292,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8243, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2999, { id = 2999, name = "S_DE_4_B_nn-Der koestliche Drehspiess IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2988, continues_bookentry = 2988, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8243, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2994, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3000, { id = 3000, name = "S_DE_4b_B_nn-Der koestliche Drehspiess IV ", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2988, continues_bookentry = 2988, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8243, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {796,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2999, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8310,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 8311,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 8310,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8311,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8310,9,2,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, { 8311,9,2,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8310, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2777, { id = 2777, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Dschinn", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8755, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7984, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 550.000,850.000,0.000 , -189.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7986,1,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 7987,1,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8755,1,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1022876453,37 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2778, { id = 2778, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Dschinn", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2777, continues_bookentry = 2777, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8755, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2777, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7984,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7984, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2784, { id = 2784, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Dschinn", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7984, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8755, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 46,12,0 , 1250.000,850.000,0.000 , 170.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7986,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7987,1,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7986,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",14 }, { 7987,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",14 }, { 7984,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",41 }, { 7984,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8755,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",14 }, { 8755,1,0,"Invalid",14 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1022876453,37 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2838, { id = 2838, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Pferdediebe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8097, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 1.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8110,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8111,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8112,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8099, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8101, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8102, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8103, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8104, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8105, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8106, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8107, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8108, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8109, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2839, { id = 2839, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Pferdediebe II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2838, continues_bookentry = 2838, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8115, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2838, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8110,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8111,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8112,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8110,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8111,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8112,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2842, { id = 2842, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Pferdedieb I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8121, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,17,0 , 650.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8110,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8111,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8112,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8099, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8101, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8102, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8103, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8104, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8105, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8106, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8107, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8108, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8109, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2846, { id = 2846, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Pferdedieb II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2842, continues_bookentry = 2842, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8126, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2842, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8110,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8111,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8112,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 8110,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8111,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8112,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 8171,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8172,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8173,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8174,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8175,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8115,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2873, { id = 2873, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-Pferdedieb II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2842, continues_bookentry = 2842, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8115, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2846, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8172,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8173,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8174,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8175,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8126,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8171,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8126, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8171, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8172, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8173, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8174, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8175, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2806, { id = 2806, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Poltergeister I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8021, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2692.150,1570.600,994.729, 154.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8022, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8025, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8027, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8028, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8029, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2811, { id = 2811, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Poltergeister II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2806, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8041, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8039, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2580.150,1562.650,999.542, 263.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2806, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8047, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2818, { id = 2818, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Poltergeister III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2806, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8039, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8041, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2811, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8041,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2820, { id = 2820, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Poltergeister III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2806, continues_bookentry = 2818, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8041, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2818, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8039,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8021,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8041,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1236, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8021, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1237, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8039, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2827, { id = 2827, name = "S_DE_G_nn-Poltergeister IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2806, continues_bookentry = 2818, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8047, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2820, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2830, { id = 2830, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Poltergeister I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8021, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2692.150,1570.600,994.729, 154.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8022, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8025, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8027, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8028, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8029, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2832, { id = 2832, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Poltergeister II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2830, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8039, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2580.150,1562.650,999.542, 263.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2830, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8047, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2834, { id = 2834, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Poltergeister III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2830, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8039, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2580.150,1562.650,999.542, 263.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2832, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2835, { id = 2835, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Poltergeister IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2830, continues_bookentry = 2834, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8039, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8041, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,17,0 , 2100.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2834, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8041,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",97 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2836, { id = 2836, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-Poltergeister IV", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2830, continues_bookentry = 2834, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8041, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2835, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8039,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8021,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",98 }, { 8041,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1241, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8021, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1242, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8039, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2236, { id = 2236, name = "S_DR_1a_G_nn-Der Drachenkult I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6813, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,58,-1 , 3128.500,1800.590,13.688, 317.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, }, ti_actions = { { 1341,7,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1063, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 1089, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1189, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1095, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1191, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1093, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1192, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 1345, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 1346, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2241, { id = 2241, name = "S_DR_2_G_nn-Der Drachenkult II", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 2236, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6416, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2236, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6366,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2243, { id = 2243, name = "S_DR_3a_G_nn-Der Drachenkult III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2158, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2241, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2248, { id = 2248, name = "S_DR_4a_G_nn-Der Drachenkult IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 2243, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6416, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2243, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2249, { id = 2249, name = "S_DR_4b_G_nn-Der Drachenkult IV", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 2248, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6416, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3152, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6809,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 6808,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 6898,2,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1065,7,1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6416,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2253, { id = 2253, name = "S_DR_5_G_nn-Der Drachenkult V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, reportposition = { 43,53,-2 , 1069.190,1343.280,4.672, 332.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6366, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 6.852,680.797,176.481, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2249, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1024178108,7,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 6808,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6809,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6898,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 6366,8,0,"questCreatures",8 }, { 6366,9,2,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1024178108, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2254, { id = 2254, name = "S_DR_6_G_nn-Der Drachenkult VI", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 2253, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6798, reportposition = { 42,57,0 , 3050.000,1650.000,0.000 , 41.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2253, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1024178108,2,5 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 6899,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6900,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6901,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6902,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6903,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6904,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6905,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6906,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6907,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6908,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2278, { id = 2278, name = "S_DR_6b_G_nn-Der Drachenkult VI", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 2253, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, reportposition = { 42,57,0 , 3002.250,1477.080,14.576, 97.000 }, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2254, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6798,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6899,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6900,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6901,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6902,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6903,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6904,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6905,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6906,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6907,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6908,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6808,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6809,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6898,9,2,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6366,9,2,"questCreatures",8 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6798, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2279, { id = 2279, name = "S_DR_7_G_nn-Der Drachenkult VII", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4078,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2278, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6366, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3152, { id = 3152, name = "S_DR_4a_G_nn-Der Drachenkult IV Hilfsquest", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2236, continues_bookentry = 2248, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2248, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6416,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6416, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2124, { id = 2124, name = "S_DR_1a_B_nn-Der Drachenkult I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6365, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,58,-1 , 2850.900,1818.300,-88.837, 31.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 543, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 37,58,-1 , 1250.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,58,-1 , 1400.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2127, { id = 2127, name = "S_DR_1b_B_nn-Der Drachenkult I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2124, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2124, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 611, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 37,58,-1 , 1250.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,58,-1 , 1400.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2128, { id = 2128, name = "S_DR_2_B_nn-Der Drachenkult II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2124, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2127, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6416,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 991, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 1089, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1093, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1189, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1192, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1345, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1346, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 1095, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 1191, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2132, { id = 2132, name = "S_DR_2b_B_nn-Der Drachenkult II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6416, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2128, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,2,1,"Hireling_distance",9 }, { 6366,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6416,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2206, { id = 2206, name = "S_DR_3_B_nn-Der Drachenkult III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2132, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2132, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 620, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,59,0 , 1550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,59,0 , 1700.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2207, { id = 2207, name = "S_DR_3b_B_nn-Der Drachenkult III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2132, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2158, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,61,0 , 3025.090,832.500,52.761, 272.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2206, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6761,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6766,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6767,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6768,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6769,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2210, { id = 2210, name = "S_DR_4a_B_nn-Der Drachenkult IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2207, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 2158,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, { 6761,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6766,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6767,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6768,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6769,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2158, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2219, { id = 2219, name = "S_DR_4b_B_nn-Der Drachenkult IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6416, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2158, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,61,0 , 3025.090,832.500,52.761, 272.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2207, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 927, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,61,0 , 650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,61,0 , 500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2220, { id = 2220, name = "S_DR_5a_B_nn-Der Drachenkult V", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2219, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2219, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6416,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6416, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2223, { id = 2223, name = "S_DR_5b_B_nn-Der Drachenkult V", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2220, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6416, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,59,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2220, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6416,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2224, { id = 2224, name = "S_DR_5c_B_nn-Der Drachenkult V", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2223, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 6799,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6800,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6801,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6802,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6803,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6804,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6416,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6416, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2226, { id = 2226, name = "S_DR_6a_B_nn-Der Drachenkult", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3074, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6799,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6804,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6800,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6801,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6802,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6803,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 6798,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1039, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 6798, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2227, { id = 2227, name = "S_DR_8_B_nn-Der Drachenkult VIII", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2228, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4078,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2226, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1024178108,2,6 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1024178108, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2228, { id = 2228, name = "S_DR_7a_B_nn-Der Drachenkult VII", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6366, reportposition = { 19,42,0 , 700.000,1700.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6416, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , -90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2223, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6808,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, { 6809,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6416,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2230, { id = 2230, name = "S_DR_7b_B_nn-Der Drachenkult VII", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2228, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6366, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,59,0 , 6.852,680.797,176.481, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2228, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 6808,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 6809,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 6799,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6800,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6801,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6802,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6803,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6804,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3073, { id = 3073, name = "S_DR_4a_B_nn-Der Drachenkult IV Hilfsmodul", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2210, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6416, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2210, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 929, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,61,0 , 650.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,61,0 , 500.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3074, { id = 3074, name = "S_DR_5c_B_nn-Der Drachenkult V Hilfsmodul", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2124, continues_bookentry = 2228, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6798, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2224, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2230, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 931, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,57,0 , 600.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,57,0 , 500.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3405, { id = 3405, name = "S_DR_B_nn-Drachenkult helper 6a-b grouping", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2230, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2226, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6366,2,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6808,2,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 6809,2,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1048, { id = 1048, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Eine unerwartete Nachricht", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2961, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2960, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,29,0 , 287.531,997.828,59.988, 268.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2961,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 2961,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, ti_actions = { { 575,7,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2961, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1049, { id = 1049, name = "S_HE_1b_G_nn-Eine unerwartete Nachricht", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1048, continues_bookentry = 1048, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2973, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1048, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2961,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2961,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1056, { id = 1056, name = "S_HE_1c_B_nn-Eine unerwartete Nachricht", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 1048, continues_bookentry = 1048, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2973, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1048, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 2961,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2961,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2791, { id = 2791, name = "S_DE_1_nn-Talent versus Heiltraenke I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,21,0 , 2600.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8004,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1232,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8003, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2793, { id = 2793, name = "S_DE_2_nn-Talent versus Heiltraenke II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2791, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8004, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,21,0 , 2600.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2791, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8004,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8004, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2795, { id = 2795, name = "S_DE_3_G_nn-Talent versus Heiltraenke III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2791, continues_bookentry = 2793, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8002, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2793, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8002,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8002,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8002, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2799, { id = 2799, name = "S_DE_3_B_nn-Talent versus Heiltraenke III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2791, continues_bookentry = 2793, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8002, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2793, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8002,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8002,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8002, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2800, { id = 2800, name = "S_DE_4_B_nn-Talent versus Heiltraenke IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2791, continues_bookentry = 2793, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2799, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8002,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8002, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3044, { id = 3044, name = "S_DE_1_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 1/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8505, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8504, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,17,0 , 1550.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3055, { id = 3055, name = "S_DE_3_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 3/6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8511, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2277, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3044, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8527, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8528, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8529, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8530, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8531, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8532, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8533, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8534, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3058, { id = 3058, name = "S_DE_4_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 4/6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 3055, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8535, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3055, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8535,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8535,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8535, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3062, { id = 3062, name = "S_DE_5_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 5/6", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8535, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,15,0 , 986.031,1718.850,2499.870, 129.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3058, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8589,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8593,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9335,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9336,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9337,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9338,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9339,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8549,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8551,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8580,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8582,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8584,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8585,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8586,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9340,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9341,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9342,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9343,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 9344,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8548,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, { 8535,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 8539,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 8540,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",76 }, { 8535,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8539,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8540,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8548, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8549, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8551, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8580, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8582, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8584, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8585, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8586, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8589, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8593, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 9335, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 9336, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 9337, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 9338, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 9339, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 9340, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 9341, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 9342, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 9343, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 9344, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3076, { id = 3076, name = "S_DE_6_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 6/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 3062, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7985, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2414,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3062, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2277, { id = 2277, name = "S_DE_3_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 3/6 - MAPPOINT", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3050, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3052, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3052, { id = 3052, name = "S_DE_2_G_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 2/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 3044, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8511, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8505, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 3150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3044, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3050, { id = 3050, name = "S_DE_2_B_JT - Soldaten aus der Vergangenheit 2/6", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3044, continues_bookentry = 3044, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8511, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8505, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 40,18,0 , 3150.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3044, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(317, { id = 317, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Rivalen (1v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1183, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1182, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,25,0 , 1100.000,1600.000,0.000 , 180.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(375, { id = 375, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Rivalen (2v4)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 317, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1183, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,24,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 317, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1402, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1403, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1404, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1405, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1406, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(399, { id = 399, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Rivalen (3v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 317, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1183, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,24,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 375, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1138,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 1467, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(417, { id = 417, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Rivalen G (4v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 317, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1515, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1183, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,24,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 399, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1139,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 138, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 28,24,0 , 1350.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,24,0 , 1800.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(418, { id = 418, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Rivalen B (4v4)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 317, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1182, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 1183, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,24,0 , 1600.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 399, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1139,7,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 553, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 28,24,0 , 1350.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,24,0 , 1800.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2934, { id = 2934, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Abenteuerreisen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8289, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8288, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,13,0 , 334.836,1422.010,143.225, 314.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8289,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2935, { id = 2935, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Abenteuerreisen", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=2981, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2934, continues_bookentry = 2934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8288, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 334.836,1422.010,143.225, 314.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2934, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1021419435,7,8 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1271,7,1 }, { 1281,10,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 904, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,13,0 , 650.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,13,0 , 1050.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 906, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,12,0 , 2250.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,12,0 , 2500.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1021419435, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2981, { id = 2981, name = "S_DE_1b_N_nn-Abenteuerreisen_silent-rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2935, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2935, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8289, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8289,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2984, { id = 2984, name = "S_DE_2_G_nn-Abenteuerreisen IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2935, continues_bookentry = 2934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8288, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2935, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2983, { id = 2983, name = "S_DE_2_B_nn-Abenteuerreisen IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2935, continues_bookentry = 2934, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8288, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 29,13,0 , 334.836,1422.010,143.225, 314.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2935, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8289,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_kicknrush",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8289, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1578, { id = 1578, name = "S_HU_1a_G_mo-Endlich reich (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4241, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4240, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,36,0 , 2414.130,728.234,1196.100, 326.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4241,9,0,"defaultBehaviour",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1579, { id = 1579, name = "S_HU_1b_G_mo-Endlich reich (good)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1578, continues_bookentry = 1578, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4240, reportposition = { 35,36,0 , 1650.000,150.000,0.000 , 151.000 }, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1578, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1580, { id = 1580, name = "S_HU_1a_B_mo-Endlich reich (bad)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4242, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4240, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 35,36,0 , 2414.130,728.234,1196.100, 326.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3235, { id = 3235, name = "S_IS_1_JT - Die Verwandlung 1/3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9155, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,9,0 , 1350.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3238, { id = 3238, name = "S_IS_2b_G_JT - Die Verwandlung 2b/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3235, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9155, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,12,0 , 2150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3235, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1396,8,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9159, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3239, { id = 3239, name = "S_IS_3_G_JT - Die Verwandlung 3/3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3235, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9155, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,12,0 , 2150.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3238, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9155,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, { 9155,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1020, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 13,11,0 , 350.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,0 , 550.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1021, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 14,11,-1 , 2350.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,11,-1 , 2650.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3240, { id = 3240, name = "S_IS_4_G_JT - Die Verwandlung 4/4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3235, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9154, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3239, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1022, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,11,-1 , 300.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,11,-1 , 650.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3236, { id = 3236, name = "S_IS_2a_B_JT - Die Verwandlung 2a/2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3235, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9154, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3235, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9155,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9155, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2109, { id = 2109, name = "S_DR_1a_N_nn-Das Dritte Opfer I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6341, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 46,55,-2 , 1500.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6344,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 988, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2117, { id = 2117, name = "S_DR_3_N_nn-Das Dritte Opfer III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2109, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6341, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3328, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2109, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3328, { id = 3328, name = "S_DR_3_N_nn-Das Dritte Opfer III - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2109, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2114, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2113, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 3320, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3320, { id = 3320, name = "S_DR_2a_B_nn-Das Dritte Opfer II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2109, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6344, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,55,-1 , 314.047,61.453,423.766, 183.000 }, }, rewards = { {1516,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2109, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 6344,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",59 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6344, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2111, { id = 2111, name = "S_DR_2a_G_nn-Das dritte Opfer II", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2109, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6344, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 45,55,-1 , 314.047,61.453,423.766, 183.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2109, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 541, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,57,0 , 500.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,57,0 , 600.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 6344,7,0,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 6344,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {6344,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2113, { id = 2113, name = "S_DR_2b_G_nn-Das dritte Opfer Hilfsmodul WON", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2109, continues_bookentry = 2111, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6344, reportposition = { 43,57,0 , 550.609,2920.270,50.294, 19.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1516,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2111, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2114, { id = 2114, name = "S_DR_2c_N_nn-Das dritte Opfer Silentquest I LOST", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2111, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3221, { id = 3221, name = "S_IS_1_G_nn-Einer unter Millionen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9111, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9111, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,9,0 , 2700.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9111,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",1 }, { 9111,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1360,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1015, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,10,0 , 2750.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,10,0 , 3150.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9111, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1017, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,8,0 , 550.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,8,0 , 300.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9111, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { area_id = 1018, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,7,0 , 1250.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,7,0 , 1450.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9111, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9115, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3442, { id = 3442, name = "S_IS_1a_B_nn-Einer unter Millionen_Hireling helper", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3216, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3216, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9092,9093,9095,9096, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9092,1}, victim1 = {9093,1}, victim2 = {9095,1}, victim3 = {9096,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3216, { id = 3216, name = "S_IS_1a_B_nn-Einer unter Millionen", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3442, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9092, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9093, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 16,10,0 , 1650.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1009, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { x = 51700.00, y = 34050.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, p2 = { x = 51800.00, y = 33900.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1010, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { x = 49100.00, y = 36250.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, p2 = { x = 49000.00, y = 36100.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1011, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { x = 48050.00, y = 39600.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, p2 = { x = 47900.00, y = 39450.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 1012, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { x = 48600.00, y = 43200.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, p2 = { x = 48450.00, y = 43050.00, z = 0.00, layer = 0, orientation = 0.000, }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, groupchanges = { { 9092,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 9096,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 9095,2,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 9092,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",5 }, { 9093,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 9095,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 9096,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 9092,8,2,"questCreatures",5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3219, { id = 3219, name = "S_IS_1b_B_nn-Einer unter Millionen", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3442, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3216, continues_bookentry = 3216, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9092, reportposition={12,14,0 , 2650.000,2050.000,0.000 , -120.000}, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3216, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9092,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 9092,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, { 9093,8,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 9096,8,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 9095,8,0,"Invalid",1 }, { 9092,9,0,"Invalid",1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1013, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,14,0 , 2950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,14,0 , 2850.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1463, { id = 1463, name = "S_HU_1a_G_nn-Schwerter zu Pflugscharen", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 3881, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,44,0 , 1016.000,453.297,234.586, 182.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 3881,9,0,"JOB_BLACKSMITH",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 713, amount = 15, dropper0 = { subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_ORC", dropchance = 90, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(263, { id = 263, name = "S_HE_nn-Abgeschnitten 1 kill", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=3386, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 947, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 26,33,0 , 3150.000,2250.000,0.000 , 56.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 965,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 966,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, { 967,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, { 968,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, { 944,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, { 946,2,0,"questCreatures",5 }, { 947,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 944,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",83 }, { 946,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",83 }, { 947,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",83 }, { 944,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 946,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 947,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 944,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 946,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 947,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 927, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 921, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 922, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 932, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 926, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 940, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3386, { id = 3386, name = "S_HE_nn-Abgeschnitten 1 rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 263, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 263, queststate = 7, }, lostondecline = 0, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 944,946,947, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {944,0}, victim1 = {946,0}, victim2 = {947,0}, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(271, { id = 271, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Abgeschnitten 2A rescue", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 263, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 965, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3329, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 966,967,968, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {966,0}, victim1 = {967,0}, victim2 = {968,0}, }, }, groupchanges = { { 966,8,2,"questCreatures",5 }, { 967,8,2,"questCreatures",5 }, { 968,8,2,"questCreatures",5 }, { 966,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 967,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, { 968,9,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",83 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3329, { id = 3329, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Abgeschnitten 2A kill", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 263, continues_bookentry = 263, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, stopquestid=271, stopqueststate=10, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 263, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1319, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,34,0 , 2300.000,270.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,33,0 , 2950.000,3200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, lostondecline = 0, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 970, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 972, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 973, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 974, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 975, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1003, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1007, }, }, groupchanges = { { 966,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",83 }, { 967,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",83 }, { 968,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",83 }, { 966,9,2,"questCreatures",5 }, { 967,9,2,"questCreatures",5 }, { 968,9,2,"questCreatures",5 }, { 965,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(272, { id = 272, name = "S_HE_N-Abgeschnitten 3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 263, continues_bookentry = 263, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 965, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,34,0 , 1450.000,450.000,0.000 , -82.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 271, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 934, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 3985, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 3986, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 3987, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 3988, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 933, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 925, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 920, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 928, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 3984, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(273, { id = 273, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Abgeschnitten 5", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 263, continues_bookentry = 263, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 346, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 206,3,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2496, needsActivation = 0, }, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 965, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,34,0 , 1450.000,450.000,0.000 , -82.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(346, { id = 346, name = "S_HE_N_nn-Abgeschnitten 4", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 263, continues_bookentry = 263, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 965, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,34,0 , 1450.000,450.000,0.000 , -82.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 272, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 18, kill0 = { taskcreature = 1227, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 1233, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 1234, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 1235, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 1236, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 1241, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 1242, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 1243, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 1244, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 1245, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 1249, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 1250, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 1251, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 1254, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 1255, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 1256, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 1257, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 1258, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(260, { id = 260, name = "S_HE_G_nn-Talisman G", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 887, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 885, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 27,34,0 , 50.000,150.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 263, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 885,7,4,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 646,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(266, { id = 266, name = "S_HE_B_nn-Talisman_B", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 945, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 27,34,0 , 50.000,150.000,0.000 , -75.000 }, }, rewards = { {1514,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 272, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 945,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, bp_actions = { { 772,9,6,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 945, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3047, { id = 3047, name = "S_DE_1a_N_nn-Eine Fehde wird beendet", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8507, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,17,0 , 100.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 924, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 33,16,0 , 2150.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,16,0 , 2050.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8508,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8510,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8507,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8508,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",76 }, { 8507,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8508,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8508,10,2,"WildAnimal",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8507,0}, victim1 = {8508,1}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3049, { id = 3049, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Eine Fehde wird beendet", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3047, continues_bookentry = 3047, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8507, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3047, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8510, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3051, { id = 3051, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-Eine Fehde wird beendet", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3047, continues_bookentry = 3047, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8510, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 33,16,0 , 2110.840,2041.010,2553.560, 340.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3047, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8507,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8507, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2621, { id = 2621, name = "S_HU_1_JT - Aerger beim Beobachtungsturm 1/3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7556, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7555, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,46,0 , 1750.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7561,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7562,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1165,7,1 }, { 1165,9,3 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2622, { id = 2622, name = "S_HU_2_JT - Aerger beim Beobachtungsturm 2/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2621, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7556, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,46,0 , 950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2621, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12, kill0 = { creature = 63, bodycount = 12, }, kill1 = { creature = 207, bodycount = 12, }, kill2 = { creature = 208, bodycount = 12, }, kill3 = { creature = 428, bodycount = 12, }, kill4 = { creature = 832, bodycount = 12, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2624, { id = 2624, name = "S_HU_3_JT - Aerger beim Beobachtungsturm 3/3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2622, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7556, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,46,0 , 950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2622, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 2, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7564, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7565, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2635, { id = 2635, name = "S_HU_G_JT - Der freche Bettler", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7576, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7562, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,46,0 , 900.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2624, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1177,7,1 }, { 1177,9,3 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2629, { id = 2629, name = "S_HU_B_JT - Der dreiste Bettler", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7562, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,46,0 , 900.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2624, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7571, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3125, { id = 3125, name = "S_IS_G_nn-Schrumpfkoepfe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8779, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14,13,0 , 2450.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1334, amount = 20, dropper0 = { creature = 1385, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1432, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1431, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1427, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1428, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1368, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 1369, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3122, { id = 3122, name = "S_IS_B_nn-Schrumpfkoepfe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8762, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,14,0 , 2900.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1330, amount = 7, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8764, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 8765, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 8766, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 8767, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 8768, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { taskcreature = 8769, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { taskcreature = 8770, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { taskcreature = 8771, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { taskcreature = 8772, dropchance = 101, }, dropper9 = { taskcreature = 8773, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2828, { id = 2828, name = "S_DE_1_B_nn-Aussieben I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8075, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,20,0 , 3033.500,2457.200,172.008, 284.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8094,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8512,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8513,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8514,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8515,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8517,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8518,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3053, { id = 3053, name = "S_DE_2a_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2828, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8094,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8094, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3056, { id = 3056, name = "S_DE_2b_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3056, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3053, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8512,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8512,8,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8512, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3059, { id = 3059, name = "S_DE_2c_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3056, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8513,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8513, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3060, { id = 3060, name = "S_DE_2d_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3059, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8514,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8514, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3061, { id = 3061, name = "S_DE_2e_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3060, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8515,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8515,8,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8515, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3064, { id = 3064, name = "S_DE_2f_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3061, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8517,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8517, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3100, { id = 3100, name = "S_DE_2g_B_nn-Aussieben II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 2828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3064, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8518,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8518,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8518, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3108, { id = 3108, name = "S_DE_3_B_nn-Aussieben III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2828, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8075, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 37,20,0 , 3033.500,2457.200,172.008, 284.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3100, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8122, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3220, { id = 3220, name = "S_DE_B_nn-Albtraeume", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8075, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,20,0 , 3033.500,2457.200,172.008, 284.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3108, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9099,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",57 }, { 9100,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9101,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9102,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9103,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9099, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9100, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9101, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9102, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9103, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2844, { id = 2844, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Aktion Weisse Weste I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8122, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,21,0 , 1466.700,2210.050,21.412, 91.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3220, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8123,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8124,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8125,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8133,7,0,"Invalid",66 }, { 8129,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8132,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8131,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8129, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8131, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8132, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2850, { id = 2850, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste I", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2844, continues_bookentry = 2844, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8122, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2844, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8133,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1245, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8133, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2854, { id = 2854, name = "S_DE_2_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2844, continues_bookentry = 2844, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8122, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2850, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8147,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8148,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8149,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8147, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8148, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8149, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2861, { id = 2861, name = "S_DE_3b_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2844, continues_bookentry = 2844, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2854, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8161,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8162,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8163,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8160,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8159,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8159, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8160, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8161, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8162, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8163, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2870, { id = 2870, name = "S_DE_3a_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste III Silentquest", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2854, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8122,2,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",9 }, { 8122,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8236, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8122,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2871, { id = 2871, name = "S_DE_3c_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2844, continues_bookentry = 2844, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2861, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8075,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8075, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2872, { id = 2872, name = "S_DE_4a_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2844, continues_bookentry = 2844, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8122, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2871, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2870, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8122,9,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2874, { id = 2874, name = "S_DE_4b_B_nn-Aktion weisse Weste IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2844, continues_bookentry = 2844, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8122, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2871, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2870, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3067, { id = 3067, name = "S_DE_1_G_nn-Der Handelsreisende I", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3069, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3069, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 8065,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, { 8065,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8065,10,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8065, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8065,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3069, { id = 3069, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Der Handelsreisende I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8065, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,20,0 , 2674.110,2776.170,234.489, 225.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2807, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 925, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,23,0 , 2800.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,23,0 , 2450.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3070, { id = 3070, name = "S_DE_1b_G_nn-Der Handelsreisende I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3069, continues_bookentry = 3069, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8554, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3069, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8554, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8555, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8556, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8557, }, }, groupchanges = { { 8445,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3071, { id = 3071, name = "S_1c_G_nn-Der Handelsreisende I - LOST", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3069, continues_bookentry = 3070, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8071, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3067, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3070, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3072, { id = 3072, name = "S_DE_2a_G_nn-Der Handelsreisende II", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3067, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3069, continues_bookentry = 3070, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8024, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8065, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 39,23,0 , 2600.000,2300.000,0.000 , -150.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3067, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3070, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8122, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3007, { id = 3007, name = "S_DE_1_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9005, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8003, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 38,20,0 , 1349.900,2846.250,209.165, 141.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3343, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2795, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9001,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9002,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9005,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3161, { id = 3161, name = "S_DE_2_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8075, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3007, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8159,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8160,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8163,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8162,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8161,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3164, { id = 3164, name = "S_DE_3_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3161, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8094,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8518,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8515,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8512,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8513,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8517,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8514,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3165, { id = 3165, name = "S_DE_3b_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3164, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8094,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8094,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8094, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3166, { id = 3166, name = "S_DE_3c_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3165, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8512,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8512,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8512, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3167, { id = 3167, name = "S_DE_3d_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3166, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8513,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8513,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8513, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3168, { id = 3168, name = "S_DE_3e_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3167, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8514,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8514,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8514, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3169, { id = 3169, name = "S_DE_3f_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3168, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8515,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8515,8,0,"Invalid",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8515, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3170, { id = 3170, name = "S_DE_3g_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3169, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8517,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8517,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8517, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3171, { id = 3171, name = "S_DE_3h_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft III - Aussieben", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3161, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8494, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3170, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8518,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8518,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8518, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3172, { id = 3172, name = "S_DE_4_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft IV", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8075, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9005, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,21,0 , 3183.400,1863.650,30.966, 336.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3171, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8159,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8160,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8163,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8162,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8161,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8940,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8941,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9005,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",8 }, { 8940,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 8941,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 9001,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, { 9002,7,1,"Hireling_brave",8 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3175, { id = 3175, name = "S_DE_4b_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9005, reportposition = { 37,20,0 , 3033.000,2457.000,172.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3172, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8159,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8160,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8161,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8162,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8163,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8159, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8160, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8161, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8162, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8163, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3178, { id = 3178, name = "S_DE_4c_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3175, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9005, reportposition = { 38,21,0 , 1563.150,2236.950,21.312, 14.000 }, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3175, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8122,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8123,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8124,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8125,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8122,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8123,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8124,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8125,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8122, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8123, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8124, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8125, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3183, { id = 3183, name = "S_DE_4d_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft IV", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3175, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9005, reportposition = { 38,21,0 , 1563.150,2236.950,21.312, 14.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3178, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1344, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3185, { id = 3185, name = "S_DE_5_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8003, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3183, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3188, { id = 3188, name = "S_DE_6_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft VI", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3185, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8949, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3185, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8949,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8949,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8950, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8951, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8952, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3204, { id = 3204, name = "S_DE_7_G_nn-Schmutzige Geschaefte VII", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3007, continues_bookentry = 3185, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9005, reportposition = { 38,21,0 , 2450.000,950.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3188, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9005,9,2,"Invalid",66 }, { 8949,9,2,"Invalid",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9016, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3343, { id = 3343, name = "S_DE_1_G_nn-Schmutziges Geschaeft I - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3071, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3072, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3004, { id = 3004, name = "S_DE_1a_B_nn-Traumhochzeit", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8366, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8365, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 36,15,0 , 2100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 80.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8364,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",9 }, { 8364,9,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8364,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8364,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3005, { id = 3005, name = "S_DE_1b_B_nn-Traumhochzeit", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3004, continues_bookentry = 3004, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8365, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8366, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 40,17,0 , 1050.000,2500.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3004, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3012, { id = 3012, name = "S_DE_1a_G_nn-Zwangsehe", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8435, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8364, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,13,0 , 1147.900,1863.950,1011.180, 333.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8364,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",8 }, { 8364,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8364,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2137, { id = 2137, name = "S_MA_G_nn-Hundemarken", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6453, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6452, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,30,0 , 2034.800,1203.700,-1667.320, 34.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 996, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 1203, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1048, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1297, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1298, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1109, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1296, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 1108, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 1204, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { creature = 1307, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2142, { id = 2142, name = "S_MA_B_nn-Hundemarken", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 6508, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 6507, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,29,0 , 2750.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 999, amount = 15, dropper0 = { creature = 1203, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1297, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1298, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1109, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1296, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1048, dropchance = 101, }, dropper6 = { creature = 1108, dropchance = 101, }, dropper7 = { creature = 1204, dropchance = 101, }, dropper8 = { creature = 1097, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1004, { id = 1004, name = "S_HU_1a_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2879, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 2059.450,3136.400,202.868, 8.000 }, }, rewards = { {57,0}, {57,0}, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 517, amount = 10, dropper0 = { area_id = 400, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 34,40,0 , 1400.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 35,39,0 , 0.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1005, { id = 1005, name = "S_HU_2a_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2879, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 2059.450,3136.400,202.868, 8.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1004, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 2880, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1006, { id = 1006, name = "S_HU_2d_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 1005, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2879, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1011, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 571, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,36,-2 , 1900,500,0 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,36,-2,2000,450,0 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 519, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, rewards = { {1464,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1007, { id = 1007, name = "S_HU_3a_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2881, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2879, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,37,0 , 2059.450,3136.400,202.868, 8.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1006, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 213, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,39,0 , 900,770,0 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,39,0 , 1300,670,0 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2881,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 2882,2,0,"questCreatures",12 }, { 2879,3,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",12 }, { 2879,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",12 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {2879,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1008, { id = 1008, name = "S_HU_3b_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 1007, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2881, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1007, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 572, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,39,0 , 900,770,0 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,39,0 , 1300,670,0 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 2881,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2879,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1010, { id = 1010, name = "S_HU_2b_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 1005, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1005, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 212, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,36,0 , 415,2210,0 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,36,0 , 565,2360,0 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5827, }, }, groupchanges = { { 5827,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",98 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1011, { id = 1011, name = "S_HU_2c_N_nn-Faust", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 1005, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1010, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5851, }, }, groupchanges = { { 5851,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",98 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3234, { id = 3234, questtype = 1, name = "S_HU_6a_N_nn-Faust", silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2882, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,39,0 , 991,1551,185 , 330 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1008, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2881, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2881,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",98 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3640, { id = 3640, questtype = 1, name = "S_HU_6b_B_nn-Faust", silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 3234, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2882, reportposition = {34,37,0 , 2059.450,3136.400,202.868, 8.000}, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3234, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2879, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2879,7,0,"Enemy_mage_elite",98 }, { 2882,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1009, { id = 1009, name = "S_HU_6b_G_nn-Faust", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1004, continues_bookentry = 3234, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3234, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2879, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 34,39,0 , 1070,700,0 , 30 }, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2882, reportposition = {34,37,0 , 2059.450,3136.400,202.868, 8.000}, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, groupchanges = { { 2879,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 2879,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",5 }, { 2882,9,0,"JOB_RICH_STATIST",5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3835, { id = 3835, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Den Abishai schwaechen", questtype = 4, silent=0, stopquestid=3655, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10473, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10472, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 59,14,0 , 407.375,2175.560,1365.880, 74.000 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1674,9,1 }, { 1675,9,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1670, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1671, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1672, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1673, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3836, { id = 3836, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Den Abishai schwaechen", questtype = 4, silent=0, stopquestid=3655, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3835, continues_bookentry = 3835, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10472, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 59,14,0 , 407.375,2175.560,1365.880, 74.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3835, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1282, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,15,0 , 900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,15,0 , 1250.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10472,7,0,"questCreatures",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1676, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10472, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3571, { id = 3571, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Blutende Garema - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9836, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 56,1,0 , 1207.700,998.600,40.352, 261.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9837,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9837,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 10176,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3572, { id = 3572, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Im Dschungel - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9837, reportposition = { 55,3,0 , 2050.000,1400.000,441.000 , 190.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3571, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9837,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9837,9,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1172, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,3,0 , 1900.000,1550.000,450.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,3,0 , 2100.000,1350.000,441.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3573, { id = 3573, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Im Dschungel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3572, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9837, reportposition = { 56,3,0 , 1450.000,900.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3572, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9837,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9838, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3574, { id = 3574, name = "S_BI_1d_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Im Dschungel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3572, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3573, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1174, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,3,0 , 1500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,3,0 , 1650.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3575, { id = 3575, name = "S_BI_1e_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Im Dschungel", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3572, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9837, reportposition = { 56,3,0 , 1450.000,900.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3574, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10177,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1525, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3576, { id = 3576, name = "S_BI_1f_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9842, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3575, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9842,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9843,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9844,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9845,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1175, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,3,0 , 2650.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,3,0 , 350.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3577, { id = 3577, name = "S_BI_1g_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3576, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3576, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9843,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9845,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 9844,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9843, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9844, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9845, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3579, { id = 3579, name = "S_BI_1h_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3576, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9842, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,3,0 , 3100.000,2650.000,0.000, 130.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3577, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3580, { id = 3580, name = "S_BI_1i_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze - ACC", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3576, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3579, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050192777,9,8 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9842,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9842, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3581, { id = 3581, name = "S_BI_1i_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze - DECL", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3576, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3579, queststate = 10, }, worldobjects = { { 1050192777,9,8 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3582, { id = 3582, name = "S_BI_1j_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3576, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3292, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3577, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1050192777,7 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1526, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3292, { id = 3292, name = "S_BI_1j_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vergrabene Schaetze - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3580, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3581, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3583, { id = 3583, name = "S_BI_1k_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Wald der tausend Augen - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3582, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9847,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9848,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9849,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9850,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1176, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,4,0 , 2350.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,4,0 , 300.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3584, { id = 3584, name = "S_BI_1l_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Wald der tausend Augen", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3583, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3583, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3587, { id = 3587, name = "S_BI_1m_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Wald der tausend Augen", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3583, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3584, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9883,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9884,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9885,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9847, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9848, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9849, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9853, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9854, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9856, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9857, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9858, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 9859, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 9863, }, kill10 = { creature = 2018, bodycount = 10, }, kill11 = { creature = 2058, bodycount = 10, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3590, { id = 3590, name = "S_BI_1n_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Merkwuerdiger Auftraggeber - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3587, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1183, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,5,0 , 300.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,4,0 , 1450.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9883, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9884, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3591, { id = 3591, name = "S_BI_1o_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Merkwuerdiger Auftraggeber", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3590, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3590, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9886, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9887, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9888, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9889, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9890, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9891, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9892, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9893, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 9894, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 9895, }, kill10 = { creature = 2018, bodycount = 10, }, kill11 = { creature = 2058, bodycount = 10, }, kill12 = { creature = 2061, bodycount = 10, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3592, { id = 3592, name = "S_BI_1q_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Merkwuerdiger Auftraggeber", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3590, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3796, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9885, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9883, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3796, { id = 3796, name = "S_BI_1p_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Merkwuerdiger Auftraggeber", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3590, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9884, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3591, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9896, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9897, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9898, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9899, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9900, }, kill5 = { creature = 2031, bodycount = 5, }, kill6 = { creature = 2039, bodycount = 5, }, kill7 = { creature = 2040, bodycount = 5, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3593, { id = 3593, name = "S_BI_1r_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Auf der Spur des Archaeologen - T", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3592, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1184, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,6,0 , 1000.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,5,0 , 2000.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1185, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,6,0 , 1450.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,6,0 , 1650.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1050277460,9,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9903,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9902, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3594, { id = 3594, name = "S_BI_1s_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Die Geschichte der Schlacht - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3593, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9903, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,6,0 , 1548.800,320.350,720.172, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3593, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9903,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1050277460,5 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9903, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3597, { id = 3597, name = "S_BI_1t_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10289, reportposition = { 55,9,0 , 3000.000,250.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3594, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10289,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1187, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,9,0 , 100.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 55,9,0 , 2950.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3600, { id = 3600, name = "S_BI_1u_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3597, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3597, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9919, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10320, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10323, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10325, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3602, { id = 3602, name = "S_BI_1v_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3597, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3600, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9920, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10327, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10328, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10329, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10331, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10332, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3604, { id = 3604, name = "S_BI_1w_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3597, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3602, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9921, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10334, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10335, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10337, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10338, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10340, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10341, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3605, { id = 3605, name = "S_BI_1x_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel - Lost", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3597, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9903, reportposition = { 55,9,0 , 2900.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10289, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 3000.000,250.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3601, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3604, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1528, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3601, { id = 3601, name = "S_BI_1u_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel - RESC", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3600, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 9903, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {9903,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3606, { id = 3606, name = "S_BI_1x_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Angriff aus dem Nebel - Won", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3597, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10289, reportposition = { 55,9,0 , 3000.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3601, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3604, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9903,7,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3607, { id = 3607, name = "S_BI_1y_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Erklaerungen - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 55,9,0 , 2900.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9903, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,9,0 , 2900.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3246, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3604, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9923,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3246, { id = 3246, name = "S_BI_1y_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Erklaerungen - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3605, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3606, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3609, { id = 3609, name = "S_BI_2a_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Abenteurer - T", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3607, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1188, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 54,12,0 , 1350.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 53,11,0 , 2550.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9923,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9923, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3610, { id = 3610, name = "S_BI_2b_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Abenteurer", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3609, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3609, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050886275,8,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9929,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1052258793, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1052258804, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1052258816, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 1192, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 54,12,0 , 750.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 54,12,0 , 900.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3611, { id = 3611, name = "S_BI_2c_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Abenteurer - Hattmir", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3609, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 54,12,0 , 785.172,1231.740,463.267, 126.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9842, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,12,0 , 785.172,1231.740,463.267, 126.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3579, queststate = 10, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3610, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3612, { id = 3612, name = "S_BI_2c_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Abenteurer - Gerund", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3609, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 54,12,0 , 785.172,1231.740,463.267, 126.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9929, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,12,0 , 785.172,1231.740,463.267, 126.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3579, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3610, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3613, { id = 3613, name = "S_BI_2d_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gebuendelte Magie - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3331, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3610, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050702861,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050702861, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3616, { id = 3616, name = "S_BI_2e_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gebuendelte Magie", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3613, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3613, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050702944,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050702944, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3617, { id = 3617, name = "S_BI_2f_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gebuendelte Magie", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3613, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3616, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050702775,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050702775, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3618, { id = 3618, name = "S_BI_2g_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gebuendelte Magie", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3613, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3617, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050702917,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050702917, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3619, { id = 3619, name = "S_BI_2h_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gebuendelte Magie", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3613, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3618, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1193, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 53,12,0 , 3100.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 54,12,0 , 250.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3331, { id = 3331, name = "S_BI_2d_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gebuendelte Magie - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3612, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3611, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3620, { id = 3620, name = "S_BI_2i_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Hinab - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9903, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,12,0 , 135.094,953.305,454.071, 316.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3619, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9903,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1194, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 54,12,0 , 0.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 54,12,0 , 250.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3621, { id = 3621, name = "S_BI_2j_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Diaanjas Refugium - T", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3620, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9944, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10398, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10399, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10400, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10401, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3622, { id = 3622, name = "S_BI_2k_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Diaanjas Refugium", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3621, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9949,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9945, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3623, { id = 3623, name = "S_BI_2l_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Diaanjas Refugium", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9946, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3622, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050374363,7,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9903,9,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050374363, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3625, { id = 3625, name = "S_BI_2m_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Diaanjas Refugium", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9946, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3623, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9949, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3626, { id = 3626, name = "S_BI_2n_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Diaanjas Refugium", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9946, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9903, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,13,-1 , 1680.580,1029.050,-0.008, 72.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3625, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9903,2,2,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10551,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 9903,7,3,"questCreatures",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10551, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3632, { id = 3632, name = "S_BI_2o_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Diaanjas Refugium", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3621, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3228,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3626, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050701440,7,8 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050701440, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3633, { id = 3633, name = "S_BI_2p_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Obscura Tinctura Magica - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9967, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 507.844,355.199,552.239, 122.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3632, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9968, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3637, { id = 3637, name = "S_BI_2q_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Obscura Tinctura Magica", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3633, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9968, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3633, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1532, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1533, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1534, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1535, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1536, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10210, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1537, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10211, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop6 = { taskitem = 1538, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3638, { id = 3638, name = "S_BI_2r_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Bittere Medizin", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3633, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3637, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1000695505, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3639, { id = 3639, name = "S_BI_2s_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Bittere Medizin - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9969, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9968, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 57,12,0 , 1412.340,936.520,294.065, 358.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3638, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10447,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9969, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3642, { id = 3642, name = "S_BI_2t_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Das Vermaechtnis des Magiers - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3639, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1197, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,9,0 , 1500.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,9,0 , 1200.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1266, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 60,9,0 , 0.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,9,0 , 250.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1198, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,9,0 , 1550.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,9,0 , 1900.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3643, { id = 3643, name = "S_BI_2u_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Das Vermaechtnis des Magiers", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3642, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9971, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,9,-1 , 1515.660,1895.150,-37.959, 321.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3642, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1199, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 60,9,-1 , 200.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,9,-1 , 450.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3644, { id = 3644, name = "S_BI_2v_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Das Vermaechtnis des Magiers", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3642, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3643, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10214,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10215,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10216,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10217,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10218,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10219,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10220,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10221,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10222,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10223,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1540, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 2061, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1541, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1542, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1543, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1544, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1545, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3646, { id = 3646, name = "S_BI_2w_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Blut und Schwefel - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 62,14,-1 , 950.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9971, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,14,0 , 710.656,1995.900,1208.230, 68.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3644, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9971,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",66 }, { 9971,8,2,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1200, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 60,14,0 , 900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,14,0 , 1200.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1201, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 62,14,-1 , 1050.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 62,14,-1 , 2300.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3647, { id = 3647, name = "S_BI_2x_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Blut und Schwefel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3646, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3646, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1202, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 61,14,-1 , 1000.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 61,14,-1 , 1150.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1048639732,2,42 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9973, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10406, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10407, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10408, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10409, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10410, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10411, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10412, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3648, { id = 3648, name = "S_BI_2y_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Blut und Schwefel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3647, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 9, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9974, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10413, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10414, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10415, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10416, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10417, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10418, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10419, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10420, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3649, { id = 3649, name = "S_BI_2z_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Blut und Schwefel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3646, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3648, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1048639732,8,6 }, { 1048636518,8,58 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 11, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9975, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10421, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10422, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10423, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10424, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10425, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10426, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10427, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10428, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 10429, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 10430, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3650, { id = 3650, name = "S_BI_3a_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Gereinigtes Blut - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9971, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 62,14,-1 , 950.000,1450.000,0.000 , -70.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3649, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1276, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 61,14,-1 , 850.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 61,14,-1 , 1100.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3651, { id = 3651, name = "S_BI_3b_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Vor den Toren - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3650, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9969,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1203, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,14,0 , 3150.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,14,0 , 150.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1204, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,13,0 , 1850.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,13,0 , 2150.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1205, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,14,0 , 3150.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,14,0 , 150.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3652, { id = 3652, name = "S_BI_3c_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Auge in Auge - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9969, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 56,14,0 , 3100.000,450.000,876.321, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3651, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9981,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9980,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1206, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 57,14,0 , 850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,14,0 , 1050.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3655, { id = 3655, name = "S_BI_3d_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Auge in Auge", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9978, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 57,14,0 , 1050.000,1150.000,0.000 , 93.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3652, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3815, { id = 3815, name = "S_BI_3e_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Auge in Auge", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=3847, stopqueststate=2, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2651,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3655, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9978,7,0,"Enemy_mage_no_defense",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9978, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3847, { id = 3847, name = "S_BI_3e_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Auge in Auge", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 3652, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2651,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3655, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3836, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10505,7,0,"Enemy_mage_no_defense",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10505, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3656, { id = 3656, name = "S_BI_3f_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Bis das der Tod sie scheidet - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9980, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 57,14,0 , 2076.450,1071.850,1199.980, 272.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3336, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3655, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10237,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9981, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9980, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9981, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3336, { id = 3336, name = "S_BI_3f_N_nn-Ice and Blood Mainstory - Bis das der Tod sie scheidet - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3571, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3815, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3847, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3805, { id = 3805, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-emptydungeon_book", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3230,0}, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1272, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,10,-1 , 100.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,10,-1 , 2550.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3701, { id = 3701, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Bestens geruestet", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10037, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 56,12,0 , 3150.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10501,1,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10502,1,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10503,1,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10507,1,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10550,1,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1580, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 2028, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1581, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 2103, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3671, { id = 3671, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10002, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 56,12,0 , 2713.000,1024.550,417.762, 29.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10002, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3679, { id = 3679, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10016, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3671, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10015, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3680, { id = 3680, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3679, queststate = 9, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 10016, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {10016,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3682, { id = 3682, name = "S_BI_1d_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3680, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1219, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,12,0 , 600.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,11,0 , 200.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3683, { id = 3683, name = "S_BI_1e_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10002, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3682, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1220, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 57,12,0 , 200.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,11,0 , 500.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1221, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 56,11,-1 , 3100.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,11,-1 , 50.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3686, { id = 3686, name = "S_BI_1f_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3683, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10235,2,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1223, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,12,0 , 850.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,12,0 , 1050.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3702, { id = 3702, name = "S_BI_1g_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3686, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10038,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10038, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3703, { id = 3703, name = "S_BI_1h_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10002, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3702, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1583,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10038, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3704, { id = 3704, name = "S_BI_1i_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3703, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1232, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,11,0 , 2700.000,700.000,647.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,11,0 , 2850.000,550.000,647.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3705, { id = 3705, name = "S_BI_1j_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10039, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3704, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1585,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10039, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3706, { id = 3706, name = "S_BI_1k_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 3671, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10002, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3705, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3707, { id = 3707, name = "S_BI_1l_N_nn-Bist Du es wirklich?", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3671, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3706, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050890032,7,4 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10300,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10301,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10302,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10303,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10304,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10305,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10299,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1000588494, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3699, { id = 3699, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Cuisine Zombie", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10034, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,4,0 , 1052.730,2943.250,601.790, 245.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1578, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 2018, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1579, amount = 10, dropper0 = { creature = 2031, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3708, { id = 3708, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Der verschollene General", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10068, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,11,0 , 1900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1586, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1587, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1588, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1589, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1590, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1591, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3712, { id = 3712, name = "S_BI_2a_nn-Der verschollene General", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3708, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10068, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,11,0 , 1900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3708, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1283, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 61,12,0 , 2100.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 61,12,0 , 1750.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1234, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 62,11,-1 , 2500.000,2900.000,-254.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 62,11,-1 , 2200.000,2650.000,-254.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3713, { id = 3713, name = "S_BI_2b_nn-Der verschollene General", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3708, continues_bookentry = 3712, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10074, reportposition = { 62,11,-1 , 2350.000,2800.000,-252.000 , -91.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10433, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 62,11,-1 , 2350.000,2800.000,0.000 , -161.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3712, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050721953,7,32 }, { 1050807516,8,5 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10074,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050721953, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3714, { id = 3714, name = "S_BI_3a_nn-Der verschollene General", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3708, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10074, reportposition = { 62,11,0 , 1100.000,2100.000,647.000 , -101.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3713, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10074,7,1,"Hireling_brave_ex",0 }, { 10074,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10075, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3523, { id = 3523, name = "S_BI_1a_md-Der Duft des Lebens 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9790, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,9,0 , 3105.590,452.199,939.928, 335.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskitem = 1496, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskitem = 1497, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskitem = 1498, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3524, { id = 3524, name = "S_BI_2a_md-Der Duft des Lebens 2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3523, continues_bookentry = 3523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9790, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,9,0 , 3105.590,452.199,939.928, 335.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3523, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1499, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1652, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1653, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1654, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1655, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3527, { id = 3527, name = "S_BI_3a_md-Der Duft des Lebens 3", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3523, continues_bookentry = 3523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9791, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,9,0 , 3105.590,452.199,939.928, 335.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3524, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1159, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 55,9,0 , 2800.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,9,0 , 100.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9790,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskitem = 1500, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3528, { id = 3528, name = "S_BI_3c_md-Der Duft des Lebens 4", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3523, continues_bookentry = 3523, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9792, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {654,0}, {657,0}, {652,0}, {649,0}, {59,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3527, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3529, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 9791,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3529, { id = 3529, name = "S_BI_3b_md-Der Duft des Lebens 3 AddOn", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3523, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3527, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3715, { id = 3715, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Des Waldes Ursprung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10094, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10077, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 61,9,0 , 2676.940,2880.240,1000.660, 353.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10077,8,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10093, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 10094, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 10093, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 10094, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 10093, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 10094, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 10093, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 10094, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 10093, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3787, { id = 3787, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Des Waldes Urpsrung", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3715, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3715, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3717, { id = 3717, name = "S_BI_1_N_BUD-Die Ringe des Feindes", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10092, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 56,8,0 , 89.250,3156.900,939.876, 209.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1592, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1593, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1594, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1595, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1596, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3761, { id = 3761, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Hirne der Gefallenen - T", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10155, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 54,7,0 , 2330.750,2307.050,888.133, 68.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10310,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 10311,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 10157,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10158,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 10307,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 10308,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 10309,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, { 10155,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1637, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1638, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1639, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1640, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1641, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3762, { id = 3762, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Hirne der Gefallenen", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 3761, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3761, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3763, { id = 3763, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Hirne der Gefallenen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 3761, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10155, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3762, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3764, { id = 3764, name = "S_BI_1d_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Kundschafter - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10154, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 54,7,0 , 2330.750,2307.050,888.133, 68.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3763, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1052091316, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3765, { id = 3765, name = "S_BI_1e_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Den Schutzzauber brechen - T", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10155, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 54,7,0 , 2595.700,2296.050,882.444, 315.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3764, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10390,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10391,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10392,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10393,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10394,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10395,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10396,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10397,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1642, amount = 4, dropper0 = { creature = 2056, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 2057, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1643, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 2100, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 2101, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3766, { id = 3766, name = "S_BI_1f_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Den Schutzzauber brechen", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 3765, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3765, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3767, { id = 3767, name = "S_BI_1g_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Den Schutzzauber brechen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 3765, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10155, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3766, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1644,9,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3768, { id = 3768, name = "S_BI_1h_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Unreine Totems - T", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10155, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 54,7,0 , 2595.700,2296.050,882.444, 315.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3767, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1254, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 53,6,-1 , 1650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 53,6,-1 , 1950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3769, { id = 3769, name = "S_BI_1i_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Unreine Totems", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 3768, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3768, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1052100888, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3770, { id = 3770, name = "S_BI_1j_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Unreine Totems", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 3768, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3769, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1051504913,7,32 }, { 1052100888,8,43 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1051504913, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1051587639, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1051576192, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3771, { id = 3771, name = "S_BI_1k_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Der Tod eines Daemons", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3761, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2800,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10154, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3770, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1051565650,8,8 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1052100888,5 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10159, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3772, { id = 3772, name = "S_BI_2a_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Geister der Entehrten", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1260, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 53,5,-1 , 2150.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 53,4,-1 , 1200.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10160,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10161,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10162,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10163,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10164,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10165,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10166,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, { 10167,1,0,"JOB_MERCENARY",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3776, { id = 3776, name = "S_BI_2b_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Geister der Entehrten", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3772, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3772, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10160, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 10161, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 10162, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 10163, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 10164, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 10165, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 10166, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 10167, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3848, { id = 3848, name = "S_BI_9_N_nn-Die verlorene Krypta - Open Door", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1285, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 52,7,-1 , 2450.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 52,7,-1 , 2050.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3743, { id = 3743, name = "S_BI_1_N_BUD-Ein Zombie braucht Hilfe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10141, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,11,0 , 1512.000,1260.900,794.865, 236.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10129, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3753, { id = 3753, name = "S_BI_2_N_BUD-Ein Zombie braucht Hilfe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3743, continues_bookentry = 3743, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10141, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 1512.000,1260.900,794.865, 236.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3743, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1614, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1615, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1616, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1617, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1618, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1619, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop6 = { taskitem = 1620, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop7 = { taskitem = 1621, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3757, { id = 3757, name = "S_BI_3_N_BUD-Ein Zombie braucht Hilfe", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3757, continues_bookentry = 3743, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10141, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 1512.000,1260.900,794.865, 236.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3753, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1635, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3657, { id = 3657, name = "S_BI_1a_N_BUD-Erinnerungsstuecke", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9984, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 58,5,0 , 1845.000,479.301,1338.860, 304.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9986,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1207, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,5,0 , 3150.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,5,0 , 1800.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3662, { id = 3662, name = "S_BI_2a_N_BUD-Erinnerungsstuecke", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3657, continues_bookentry = 3657, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9984, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3657, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1552, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1553, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1554, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1555, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3719, { id = 3719, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Feindbewegung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10104, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,12,0 , 1900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1235, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,11,0 , 2400.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,11,0 , 2900.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1236, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,11,0 , 550.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,11,0 , 1050.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1237, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 57,10,0 , 1200.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 57,10,0 , 1850.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { area_id = 1238, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,11,0 , 1700.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,10,0 , 2350.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3724, { id = 3724, name = "S_BI_2a_nn-Feindbewegung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3719, continues_bookentry = 3719, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10104, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,12,0 , 1900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3719, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10114, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10115, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10116, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3728, { id = 3728, name = "S_BI_2b_nn-Feindbewegung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3719, continues_bookentry = 3719, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10104, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3724, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10117, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10118, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10119, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3729, { id = 3729, name = "S_BI_3a_nn-Feindbewegung", questtype = 4, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3719, continues_bookentry = 3719, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3728, queststate = 7, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1603, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10119, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3732, { id = 3732, name = "S_BI_4a_nn-Feindbewegung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3719, continues_bookentry = 3719, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10104, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,12,0 , 1900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3729, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3728, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050804893,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050804893, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1050804897, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1050804903, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3736, { id = 3736, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Geheiligtes Wasser", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10122, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 53,9,0 , 2350.000,1750.000,638.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1605, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1606, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1607, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3718, { id = 3718, name = "S_BI_1_N_BUD-Gute Ausruestung ist die halbe Miete", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10096, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,11,0 , 1134.340,2443.000,791.854, 338.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1598, amount = 5, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10100, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { taskcreature = 10101, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { taskcreature = 10102, dropchance = 101, }, dropper3 = { taskcreature = 10103, dropchance = 101, }, dropper4 = { taskcreature = 10099, dropchance = 101, }, dropper5 = { creature = 2028, dropchance = 20, }, dropper6 = { creature = 2029, dropchance = 20, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3727, { id = 3727, name = "S_BI_2_N_BUD-Gute Ausruestung ist die halbe Miete", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3718, continues_bookentry = 3718, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10096, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 60,11,0 , 1134.340,2443.000,791.854, 338.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3718, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1242, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,11,0 , 250.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,11,0 , 2700.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1052011472, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3730, { id = 3730, name = "S_BI_3_N_BUD-Gute Ausruestung ist die halbe Miete", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3718, continues_bookentry = 3718, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10096, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3727, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1604, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3734, { id = 3734, name = "S_BI_4_N_BUD-Gute Ausruestung ist die halbe Miete", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3718, continues_bookentry = 3718, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10121, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3730, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1243, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 61,9,0 , 2950.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 61,9,0 , 2200.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3716, { id = 3716, name = "S_BI_1_N_BUD-Laestige Ratten", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9986, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 58,5,0 , 1787.160,546.551,1336.170, 279.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3662, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10080, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10081, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10082, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10083, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10084, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10085, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10086, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10087, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10088, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 10089, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 10090, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 10091, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3803, { id = 3803, name = "S_BI_1b_B_nn-Plattenraetsel_Boss_1", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1270, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 59,10,-1 , 1250.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,10,-1 , 2750.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3804, { id = 3804, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Plattenraetsel_Boss_1", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, groupchanges = { { 10358,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10358, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3747, { id = 3747, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Schwaechung des Feindes", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10135, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 58,5,0 , 1774.220,1719.030,1233.140, 72.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1050715516,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050715516, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1050715474, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1050716053, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { worldobject = 1050716348, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { worldobject = 1050716789, needsActivation = 0, }, }, groupchanges = { { 10136,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 10137,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 10138,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 10139,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 10140,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 10136,7,0,"Enemy_mage",24 }, { 10137,7,0,"Enemy_mage",24 }, { 10138,7,0,"Enemy_mage",24 }, { 10139,7,0,"Enemy_mage",24 }, { 10140,7,0,"Enemy_mage",24 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3788, { id = 3788, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Urlaub am Ader-See", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10225, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 56,6,0 , 2815.840,861.199,533.348, 150.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3533, { id = 3533, name = "S_BI_1a_md-Vom Schicksal betrogen 1", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9795, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,12,0 , 1537.250,1126.600,455.893, 11.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1504, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1505, amount = 5, dropper0 = { creature = 2100, dropchance = 50, }, dropper1 = { creature = 2101, dropchance = 90, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1506, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10486, dropchance = 30, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1679, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1680, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1681, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop6 = { taskitem = 1682, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3534, { id = 3534, name = "S_BI_1b_md-Vom Schicksal betrogen 2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3533, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3533, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3535, { id = 3535, name = "S_BI_2a_md-Vom Schicksal betrogen 3", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3533, continues_bookentry = 3533, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3534, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 9795,2,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9796, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3758, { id = 3758, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Vom Winde verweht", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10146, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,11,0 , 2432.700,1798.240,745.590, 74.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1625, amount = 1, dropper0 = { subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_ENERGY", dropchance = 5, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1626, amount = 1, dropper0 = { subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_ENERGY", dropchance = 5, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1627, amount = 1, dropper0 = { subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_ENERGY", dropchance = 5, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1628, amount = 1, dropper0 = { subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_ENERGY", dropchance = 5, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1629, amount = 1, dropper0 = { subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_ENERGY", dropchance = 5, }, }, drop5 = { taskitem = 1630, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop6 = { taskitem = 1631, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop7 = { taskitem = 1632, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop8 = { taskitem = 1633, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop9 = { taskitem = 1634, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3737, { id = 3737, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10123, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 58,5,0 , 2097.500,1828.950,1213.390, 335.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1610, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10127, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1611, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10126, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1612, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10125, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3738, { id = 3738, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3737, continues_bookentry = 3737, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3737, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1244, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,5,0 , 2650.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,5,0 , 2250.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3739, { id = 3739, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3737, continues_bookentry = 3737, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3738, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1050699078,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1050699078, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3740, { id = 3740, name = "S_BI_1d_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3737, continues_bookentry = 3737, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3739, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3741, { id = 3741, name = "S_BI_1e_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3737, continues_bookentry = 3737, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10128, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 58,5,0 , 2600.000,1250.000,0.000 , -104.000 }, }, rewards = { {2792,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3740, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3742, { id = 3742, name = "S_BI_1f_N_nn-Wildranken - DECLINED", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3737, continues_bookentry = 3737, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10128, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3741, queststate = 10, }, }) quest.createQuest(3745, { id = 3745, name = "S_BI_2b_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3746, continues_bookentry = 3746, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3746, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1613, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3746, { id = 3746, name = "S_BI_2a_N_nn-Wildranken", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3741, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1246, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 61,12,0 , 1600.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,12,0 , 1800.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10130, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10131, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10132, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10133, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10134, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3754, { id = 3754, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Zweckentfremdet", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10142, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,11,0 , 1950.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10143, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3755, { id = 3755, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Zweckentfremdet", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3754, continues_bookentry = 3754, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10143, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3754, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1051321937,9,58 }, { 1052080115,9,4 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1666,9,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1623, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10144, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3756, { id = 3756, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Zweckentfremdet", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3754, continues_bookentry = 3754, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10142, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3755, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1624,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10145, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3663, { id = 3663, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Aufnahmebedingungen", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9988, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 9,61,0 , 2940.200,2218.410,1686.000, 52.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9989, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3585, { id = 3585, name = "S_BI_1a_N_JT - Auf der Spur I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9851, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 4,52,0 , 1250.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1177, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,53,0 , 1400.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,53,0 , 1200.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3589, { id = 3589, name = "S_BI_1b_N_JT - Auf der Spur Ib", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3585, continues_bookentry = 3585, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3585, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1182, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,54,0 , 800.000,1050.000,3199.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,54,0 , 1000.000,850.000,3199.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1179, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 3,52,0 , 2850.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 3,52,0 , 2650.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1180, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 3,53,0 , 3100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,53,0 , 100.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1181, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,53,0 , 2400.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,53,0 , 2600.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3687, { id = 3687, name = "S_BI_2a_N_JT - Auf der Spur II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3585, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3589, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1225, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 3,53,-2 , 1150.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 3,52,-2 , 1300.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1224, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 4,53,-1 , 2100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,53,-1 , 2450.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3688, { id = 3688, name = "S_BI_3_N_JT - Auf der Spur III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3585, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10021, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3687, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3780, { id = 3780, name = "S_BI_4_N_JT - Auf der Spur IV", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3585, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10021, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 3,52,-2 , 543.914,2967.110,-150.049, 43.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3688, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 1, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10174, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3782, { id = 3782, name = "S_BI_5_N_JT - Auf der Spur V", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3585, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2633,0}, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10021, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3780, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1645, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10175, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3588, { id = 3588, name = "S_BI_1a_N_BUD-Aufzucht und Hege", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9950, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 4,61,0 , 3050.000,1900.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3627, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 20, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9855, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9864, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9865, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9866, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9867, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9868, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9869, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9870, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 9871, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 9872, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 9873, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 9874, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 9875, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 9876, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 9877, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 9878, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 9879, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 9880, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 9881, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 9882, }, kill20 = { creature = 1997, bodycount = 20, }, kill21 = { creature = 1998, bodycount = 20, }, kill22 = { creature = 1999, bodycount = 20, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3694, { id = 3694, name = "S_BI_1_N_JT - Das letzte Geleit I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10028, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 3,55,0 , 1400.000,2600.000,2843.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1227, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 2,56,0 , 400.000,250.000,2946.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 2,56,0 , 600.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10029,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1575,7,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3695, { id = 3695, name = "S_BI_2_N_JT - Das letzte Geleit II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3694, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10029, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 2,56,0 , 450.000,150.000,2996.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3694, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1229, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 2,56,0 , 0.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 2,55,0 , 1050.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10030,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1576, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1577, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10030, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3696, { id = 3696, name = "S_BI_3_N_JT - Das letzte Geleit III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3694, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10029, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 2,56,0 , 450.000,150.000,2996.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3695, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1230, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 1,55,0 , 1700.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 1,55,0 , 2000.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1048388739,9,8 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3775, { id = 3775, name = "S_BI_4_N_nn-Das letzte Geleit III - Reward", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3694, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3696, queststate = 9, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1048388739,7 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3569, { id = 3569, name = "S_BI_1a_N_BUD-Das verlorene Geschenk", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9835, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 3,61,0 , 3042.520,721.281,1493.830, 149.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1169, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,61,0 , 2600.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,60,0 , 1750.000,2500.000,1721.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { area_id = 1170, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,60,0 , 1050.000,1400.000,1839.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,60,0 , 250.000,700.000,1824.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { area_id = 1171, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 5,60,0 , 2350.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,60,0 , 1450.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3570, { id = 3570, name = "S_BI_1b_N_BUD-Das verlorene Geschenk", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3569, continues_bookentry = 3569, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9835, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3569, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1521, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3603, { id = 3603, name = "S_BI_1_N_JT - Defekter Argeuger", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9918, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 7,62,0 , 1350.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1049848203,7,63 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9925,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9926,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9927,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9928,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9930,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9931,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1049848203, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3654, { id = 3654, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Der kleinere und noch viel traurigere Simon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9982, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 4,62,0 , 1800.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3658, { id = 3658, name = "S_BI_1b_nn-Der kleinere und noch viel traurigere Simon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3654, continues_bookentry = 3654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3654, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3659, { id = 3659, name = "S_BI_1c_nn-Der kleinere und noch viel traurigere Simon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3654, continues_bookentry = 3654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3658, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3660, { id = 3660, name = "S_BI_1d_nn-Der kleinere und noch viel traurigere Simon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3654, continues_bookentry = 3654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3659, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3661, { id = 3661, name = "S_BI_1e_nn-Der kleinere und noch viel traurigere Simon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3654, continues_bookentry = 3654, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9982, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3660, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations4 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations5 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations6 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations7 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations8 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, stations9 = { taskcreature = 9982, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3798, { id = 3798, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Die ersten Schritte", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10105, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10348, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,59,0 , 2014.520,1069.020,214.260, 343.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10105,7,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1049480493, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3799, { id = 3799, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Die ersten Schritte", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3798, continues_bookentry = 3798, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10348, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3798, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10349, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10350, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10351, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10352, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10353, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10354, }, kill6 = { creature = 2005, bodycount = 6, }, kill7 = { creature = 2016, bodycount = 6, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3664, { id = 3664, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Die groesste Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9990, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3171.370,651.953,3707.700, 239.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3665, { id = 3665, name = "S_BI_2b_nn-Die groesste Herausforderung", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3664, continues_bookentry = 3664, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3789, queststate = 7, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1556, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 10227, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3666, { id = 3666, name = "S_BI_3a_nn-Die groesste Herausforderung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3664, continues_bookentry = 3664, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9994, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3665, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9992, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3785, { id = 3785, name = "S_BI_nn-Icephoenix - adds", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3789, queststate = 1, }, groupchanges = { { 10190,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10191,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10192,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10193,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10194,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10195,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10196,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10197,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10198,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10199,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10200,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10201,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10202,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10203,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10204,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10205,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10206,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10207,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10208,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, { 10209,2,0,"Invalid",5 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3789, { id = 3789, name = "S_BI_2a_nn-Die groesste Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3664, continues_bookentry = 3664, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4145,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9990, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 5,52,0 , 3171.370,651.953,3707.700, 239.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3851, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10442,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10443,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10444,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10445,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10227, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3851, { id = 3851, name = "S_BI_1b_nn-Die groesste Herausforderung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3664, continues_bookentry = 3664, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9990, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 3171.370,651.953,3707.700, 239.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3664, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3627, { id = 3627, name = "S_BI_1_N_JT - Ein repraesentativer Querschnitt", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9950, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 4,61,0 , 3050.000,1900.000,0.000 , -170.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10291,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1529, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 1998, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1530, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 2003, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1531, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 2015, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3676, { id = 3676, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Endlich geschafft pre silent", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 200, kill0 = { creature = 2036, bodycount = 200, }, kill1 = { creature = 2048, bodycount = 200, }, kill2 = { creature = 2049, bodycount = 200, }, kill3 = { creature = 2050, bodycount = 200, }, kill4 = { creature = 2055, bodycount = 200, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3677, { id = 3677, name = "S_BI_1b_nn-Endlich geschafft 1", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10012, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3676, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10012, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3689, { id = 3689, name = "S_BI_2a_nn-Endlich geschafft PART2 pre", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3677, continues_bookentry = 3677, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3677, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 200, kill0 = { creature = 1997, bodycount = 200, }, kill1 = { creature = 1998, bodycount = 200, }, kill2 = { creature = 1999, bodycount = 200, }, kill3 = { creature = 2002, bodycount = 200, }, kill4 = { creature = 2003, bodycount = 200, }, kill5 = { creature = 2004, bodycount = 200, }, kill6 = { creature = 2009, bodycount = 200, }, kill7 = { creature = 2010, bodycount = 200, }, kill8 = { creature = 2011, bodycount = 200, }, kill9 = { creature = 2041, bodycount = 200, }, kill10 = { creature = 2042, bodycount = 200, }, kill11 = { creature = 2064, bodycount = 200, }, kill12 = { creature = 2066, bodycount = 200, }, kill13 = { creature = 2067, bodycount = 200, }, kill14 = { creature = 2115, bodycount = 200, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3690, { id = 3690, name = "S_BI_2b_nn-Endlich geschafft PART2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3677, continues_bookentry = 3677, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10012, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3689, queststate = 8, }, }) quest.createQuest(3697, { id = 3697, name = "S_BI_1a_nn-Gruene Kristalle", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10033, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 3,56,0 , 511.800,2199.410,2814.530, 44.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10345,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1231, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 1,57,0 , 750.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 1,57,0 , 1300.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3698, { id = 3698, name = "S_BI_1b_nn-Gruene Kristalle", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3697, continues_bookentry = 3697, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10033, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3697, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 10509,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 10345, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3596, { id = 3596, name = "S_BI_1a_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9905, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 5,57,0 , 150.000,850.000,0.000 , -108.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9906,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9907,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9909,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1186, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 5,57,0 , 650.000,1350.000,2659.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,57,0 , 550.000,850.000,2679.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3598, { id = 3598, name = "S_BI_1b_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3596, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9910, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9912, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10511, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10512, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10513, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3599, { id = 3599, name = "S_BI_1c_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3598, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9913, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9914, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9915, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9916, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9917, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10514, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10515, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3614, { id = 3614, name = "S_BI_1d_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3599, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9932, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9934, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9935, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10516, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10517, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10518, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3615, { id = 3615, name = "S_BI_1e_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3614, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9936, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9937, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9938, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9939, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9940, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9941, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10519, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10520, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3624, { id = 3624, name = "S_BI_1f_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3615, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 7, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9947, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9948, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10524, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10525, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10526, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10527, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10528, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3628, { id = 3628, name = "S_BI_1g_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3624, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 9, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9951, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9952, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9953, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9954, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10521, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10522, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10523, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10529, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10530, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3629, { id = 3629, name = "S_BI_1h_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3628, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 6, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9955, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10531, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10532, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10533, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10534, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10535, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3630, { id = 3630, name = "S_BI_1j_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, reportposition = { 5,57,0 , 1423.200,585.313,2613.580, 213.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3629, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 8, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9956, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9957, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9958, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10536, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10537, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10538, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10539, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10540, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3631, { id = 3631, name = "S_BI_1k_N_BUD-Herausforderung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3596, continues_bookentry = 3596, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9905, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3630, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 15, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9959, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9960, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9961, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9962, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9963, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9964, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10541, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10542, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10543, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 10544, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 10545, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 10546, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 10547, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 10548, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 10549, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3667, { id = 3667, name = "S_BI_1a_N_JT - Kristalle ! Nicht noch mehr...", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9995, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 6,61,0 , 1600.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1557, amount = 15, dropper0 = { area_id = 1211, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 6,62,0 , 1550.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 8,61,0 , 250.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1558, amount = 25, dropper0 = { area_id = 1212, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 6,61,0 , 900.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 8,59,0 , 50.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3670, { id = 3670, name = "S_BI_1b_N_JT - Kristalle ! Nicht noch mehr SILENT b", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3667, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3667, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1048020906,8,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1216, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 5,62,0 , 3100.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 7,60,0 , 300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3700, { id = 3700, name = "S_BI_1_N_BUD-Landvermessung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10036, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 6,53,0 , 450.000,2250.000,0.000 , 30.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10040, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10041, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10042, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10044, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10045, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10046, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10047, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10049, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10054, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 10055, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 10056, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 10057, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 10058, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 10059, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 10060, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 10061, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 10062, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 10063, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 10064, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 10065, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 10066, }, kill21 = { taskcreature = 10067, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3784, { id = 3784, name = "S_BI_2_N_BUD-Landvermessung", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3700, continues_bookentry = 3700, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10183, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10036, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 5,52,0 , 2900.000,650.000,0.000 , -319.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3700, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1048876012,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1048876012, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1048877280, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { worldobject = 1048642833, needsActivation = 0, }, stations3 = { worldobject = 1048876801, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3674, { id = 3674, name = "S_BI_1a_N_JT - Oger in Not", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10009, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 9,62,0 , 1900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1218, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,63,0 , 1800.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 12,62,0 , 1000.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10009,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 10009,9,2,"questCreatures",1 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {10009,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3678, { id = 3678, name = "S_BI_1b_N_JT - Oger in Not Ib", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3674, continues_bookentry = 3674, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10009, reportposition = { 11,62,0 , 2050.000,2100.000,0.000 , 90.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3674, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3800, { id = 3800, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Pelzjaeger", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10364, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 12,59,0 , 1660.750,1183.550,216.652, 39.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1274, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 9,61,0 , 2800.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 9,61,0 , 3000.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10365,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1664, amount = 35, dropper0 = { creature = 1913, dropchance = 101, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1914, dropchance = 101, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1922, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3808, { id = 3808, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Pelzjaeger", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3800, continues_bookentry = 3800, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10365, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 9,61,0 , 2673.400,1840.300,1669.910, 235.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3800, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 10366,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3809, { id = 3809, name = "S_BI_1c_N_nn-Pelzjaeger", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3800, continues_bookentry = 3800, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3808, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3810, { id = 3810, name = "S_BI_1d_N_nn-Pelzjaeger", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3800, continues_bookentry = 3800, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10365, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3809, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3653, { id = 3653, name = "S_BI_1_N_JT - Reinstes Wasser", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9976, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 6,52,0 , 450.000,1500.000,3543.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1547, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1548, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1549, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1550, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop4 = { taskitem = 1551, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3691, { id = 3691, name = "S_BI_1_N_JT - Verdaechtige Faehrten I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10023, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 3,56,0 , 800.000,2100.000,2860.000 , 0.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1226, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 5,56,0 , 550.000,650.000,2941.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,56,0 , 800.000,150.000,3019.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10025,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10026,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10027,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3692, { id = 3692, name = "S_BI_2_N_JT - Verdaechtige Faehrten II", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3691, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10024, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3691, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3693, { id = 3693, name = "S_BI_3_N_JT - Verdaechtige Faehrten III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3691, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10023, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10024, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 5,56,0 , 1000.000,500.000,3024.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3692, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1574, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3849, { id = 3849, name = "S_BI_1_N_JT - Verdachtige Faehrten IIb SILENT Vendor", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3692, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3692, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3811, { id = 3811, name = "S_BI_1a_N_nn-Verfluchte Seraphim", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10369, reportposition = { 11,62,0 , 1301.090,1912.770,1445.740, 132.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10369, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 11,62,0 , 1499.360,956.828,1204.720, 9.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1275, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,62,0 , 1150.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,62,0 , 1500.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3812, { id = 3812, name = "S_BI_1b_N_nn-Verfluchte Seraphim", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3811, continues_bookentry = 3811, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3811, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 21, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10369, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10370, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10371, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10372, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10373, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10374, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10375, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10376, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10377, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 10378, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 10379, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 10380, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 10381, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 10382, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 10383, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 10384, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 10385, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 10386, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 10387, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 10388, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 10389, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3844, { id = 3844, name = "S_HE_n_nn-Per_Anhalter_durch_Ancaria_done", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 946, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2780, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 2801, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest3 = { quest_dbid = 2848, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest4 = { quest_dbid = 2877, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest5 = { quest_dbid = 946, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(946, { id = 946, name = "S_HE_n_nn-Per_Anhalter_durch_Ancaria", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, }) quest.createQuest(2891, { id = 2891, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster", questtype = 2, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 946, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8242, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 2850.900,861.852,99.691, 321.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8253,8,0,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 1, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8252, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8253,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2923, { id = 2923, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 8252,9,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 886, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 23,28,0 , 950.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 22,27,0 , 3150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3078, { id = 3078, name = "S_HE_2a_SR_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1402,0}, {1399,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3080, { id = 3080, name = "S_HE_2b_SW_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {511,0}, {504,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3081, { id = 3081, name = "S_HE_2c_DY_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1491,0}, {1479,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3082, { id = 3082, name = "S_HE_2d_HI_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {825,0}, {818,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3083, { id = 3083, name = "S_HE_2e_TG_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1472,0}, {1466,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3084, { id = 3084, name = "S_HE_2f_IQ_nn-Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {802,0}, {811,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3791, { id = 3791, name = "S_HE_2g_DM_nn-Dragonmage Tutorial_Runemaster_Runedrop", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2891, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3133,0}, {3143,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2891, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2779, { id = 2779, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Schmied", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2780, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2780, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 7988,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",67 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1222, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 7988, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2780, { id = 2780, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Tutorial_Schmied", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 946, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7989, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 1267.750,1257.900,120.350, 56.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 7991,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7992,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 7993,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7988, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2781, { id = 2781, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-Tutorial_Schmied", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2780, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 7989, reportposition = { 21,27,0 , 3188.850,442.648,119.974, 12.000 }, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2063,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3806, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8423,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1022893726,7 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1223, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1228, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1230, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1231, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3806, { id = 3806, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Schmied Addon", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2780, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2779, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3807, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1022893726,8,8 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3807, { id = 3807, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Schmied - parallel Kill", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2780, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2780, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 7991, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 7992, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 7993, }, }, groupchanges = { { 7991,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",67 }, { 7992,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",67 }, { 7993,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",67 }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2801, { id = 2801, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Tutorial_Hireling", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 946, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8013, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,26,0 , 65.602,2511.700,43.333, 35.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8032,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8033,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8034,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8035,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8036,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8038,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8040,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8015,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8063,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8286,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2805, { id = 2805, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Hireling", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3368, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8015, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 22,26,0 , 100.000,2400.000,0.000 , 114.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2801, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8015,7,1,"Invalid",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 828, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,24,0 , 300.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,23,0 , 1150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2810, { id = 2810, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-Tutorial_Hireling", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=3368, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2805, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2815, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8032, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8033, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8034, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8035, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8036, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2812, { id = 2812, name = "S_HE_1d_nn-Tutorial_Hireling", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3368, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8040, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 20,24,-1 , 1350.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3368, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2810, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8038,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 8040,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, { 8675,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2815, { id = 2815, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Hireling_Bogen", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3368, stopqueststate=10, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2805, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 8015,2,1,"Invalid",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 828, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,24,0 , 300.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,23,0 , 1150.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2825, { id = 2825, name = "S_HE_1e_nn-Tutorial_Hireling", questtype = 3, silent=0, stopquestid=3371, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8013, reportposition = { 20,23,0 , 200.000,3050.000,52.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3369, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2812, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 1087, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 20,24,-1 , 400.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,23,-1 , 1200.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8015,9,2,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 8038,9,2,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, { 8040,9,2,"JOB_MERCENARY",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3368, { id = 3368, name = "S_HE_1c_N_nn-Tutorial_Hireling_Silent_Rescue_1", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2805, queststate = 7, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2815, queststate = 7, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 0, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8015, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8015,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3370, { id = 3370, name = "S_HE_1c_N_nn-Tutorial_Hireling_Lost_1", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8013, reportposition = { 20,23,0 , 200.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3368, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 8675,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3369, { id = 3369, name = "S_HE_1d_N_nn-Tutorial_Hireling_Silent_Rescue_2", questtype = 2, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2812, queststate = 9, }, questRescue = { amount = 0, disband = 1, usedialog = 0, attackers = { taskcreatures = { 8015, 8038, 8040, }, subfamilies = { }, }, victims = { victim0 = {8038,0}, victim1 = {8040,0}, victim2 = {8015,0}, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3371, { id = 3371, name = "S_HE_1d_N_nn-Tutorial_Hireling_Lost_2", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8013, reportposition = { 20,23,0 , 200.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3369, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 8675,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2848, { id = 2848, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Tutorial_dmgChannel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 946, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8134, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 23,30,0 , 200.000,400.000,0.000 , 209.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8139,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8146,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8135,7,0,"Invalid",83 }, { 8155,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 840, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 21,31,0 , 950.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,31,0 , 500.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2852, { id = 2852, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_dmgChannel", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2848, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8139, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8146, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8155, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2855, { id = 2855, name = "S_HE_1d_nn-Tutorial_dmgChannel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2858, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8135,8,0,"Enemy_mage",37 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 843, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,31,-1 , 200.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,31,-1 , 500.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2856, { id = 2856, name = "S_HE_1e_nn-Tutorial_dmgChannel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8134, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2855, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2858, queststate = 10, }, groupchanges = { { 8135,2,0,"Enemy_mage",37 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2858, { id = 2858, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-Tutorial_dmgChannel", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2848, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8135, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,31,-1 , 3150.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2852, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8135,2,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, bp_actions = { { 1972,10,6,1 }, { 1972,9,6,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2877, { id = 2877, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Tutorial_Orb", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 946, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8185, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,27,0 , 645.008,2731.240,21.414, 70.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8186,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8781,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1252, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3128, { id = 3128, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-BearPet_FirstLevelUp", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8781, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,29,-1 , 1758.400,7.750,-107.619, 249.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2877, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 8781,7,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",14 }, { 8836,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8836,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 986, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 33,33,0 , 1050.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,33,0 , 1500.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3131, { id = 3131, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Tutorial_Orb_BearToOld", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2877, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8185, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1985,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3128, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2877, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8185,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3132, { id = 3132, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-Tutorial_Orb_GirlTakesBear", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2877, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8185, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1985,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3137, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3128, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 8185,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3135, { id = 3135, name = "S_HE_1d_nn-Tutorial_Orb_NoJuniorBear", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 2877, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8185, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1985,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3136, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8185,9,0,"JOB_KID",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3136, { id = 3136, name = "S_HE_1e_nn-Tutorial_Orb_1d_Check", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2877, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 989, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 500.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3137, { id = 3137, name = "S_HE_1f_nn-Tutorial_Orb_1c_Check", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2877, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3128, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 990, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,27,0 , 500.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 850.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, groupchanges = { { 8781,9,2,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3138, { id = 3138, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-BearPet_SecondLevelUp", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3128, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8841,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8841,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_tapfer",83 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 992, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,43,0 , 400.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,43,0 , 900.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3140, { id = 3140, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-BearPet_LastLevelUp", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 946, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3138, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8842,7,0,"questCreatures",1 }, { 8842,8,0,"WildAnimal",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 993, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 11,54,0 , 1900.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 11,54,0 , 2400.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3496, { id = 3496, name = "S_HU_1a_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9726, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 39,48,0 , 2400.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9742,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9743,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9744,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9745,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9746,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9747,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9748,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, { 9749,7,0,"Invalid",84 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1151, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,48,0 , 50.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,48,0 , 3000.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 9727, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3497, { id = 3497, name = "S_HU_1b_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3496, continues_bookentry = 3496, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 57,54,0 , 350.000,900.000,0.000 , 15.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9727, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,53,0 , 2050.000,1200.000,0.000 , -15.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3496, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9741,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9753,8,0,"JOB_TRADER",12 }, { 9750,7,0,"Invalid",12 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9730, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9732, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9733, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9734, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9735, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9736, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 9737, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 9738, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 9739, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 9740, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3498, { id = 3498, name = "S_HU_1c_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3497, continues_bookentry = 3497, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3497, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9750,7,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9750, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3499, { id = 3499, name = "S_HU_2a_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3498, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9727, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,54,0 , 180.656,879.156,1503.440, 214.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3498, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9741,8,1,"CM_Begleiter_feige",0 }, { 9741,9,2,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9741, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3500, { id = 3500, name = "S_HU_2b_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3496, continues_bookentry = 3499, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9750, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,54,0 , 74.250,933.953,1503.440, 264.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3499, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1489, amount = 3, dropper0 = { creature = 1918, dropchance = 40, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1921, dropchance = 40, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1919, dropchance = 40, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1920, dropchance = 40, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3501, { id = 3501, name = "S_HU_3a_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3496, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9751, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,54,0 , 126.750,1028.590,1503.440, 81.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3500, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { creature = 1934, bodycount = 10, }, kill1 = { creature = 1936, bodycount = 10, }, kill2 = { creature = 1938, bodycount = 10, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3502, { id = 3502, name = "S_HU_3c_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3496, continues_bookentry = 3501, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3113,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9727, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,54,0 , 180.656,879.156,1503.440, 214.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3503, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1034649866,8,43 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9752, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3503, { id = 3503, name = "S_HU_3b_md-Nordmaer (contentpatch)", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3496, continues_bookentry = 3501, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9751, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3501, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10232, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3461, { id = 3461, name = "S_HE_1a_rr-HELP_XMAS", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9666, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 26,22,0 , 336.148,2637.150,81.919, 144.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3444, { id = 3444, name = "S_HE_1a_rr-Schneemaschinen-XMAS", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3461, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9622, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 55,55,0 , 1800.000,1350.000,0.000, 61.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9635,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9636, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9637, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9638, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 9639, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 9640, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 9641, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3445, { id = 3445, name = "S_HE_1b_rr-Schneemaschinen-XMAS", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3444, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3444, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1035166072,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1035166072, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3446, { id = 3446, name = "S_HE_1c_rr-Schneemaschinen-XMAS", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3444, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9622, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3445, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1441, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3448, { id = 3448, name = "S_HE_1e_rr-Schneemaschine Abschluss - XMAS", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3444, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9622, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 1795.340,1406.300,886.322, 4.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3453, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1035152925,7,32 }, { 1034398759,9,6 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9642,8,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9635,7,3,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1035152925, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3453, { id = 3453, name = "S_HE_1d_rr-Schneemaschinen-XMAS-AddOn", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3444, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3446, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3449, { id = 3449, name = "S_HE_rr-Underdressed-XMAS", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9642, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 55,55,0 , 1617.250,1926.000,736.634, 20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3448, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3450, { id = 3450, name = "S_HE_rr-Underdressed2-XMAS", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3449, continues_bookentry = 3449, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9656, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3449, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9656,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9656,9,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1444, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9643, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1450, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9653, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1476, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9682, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1477, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9683, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3455, { id = 3455, name = "S_HE_rr-Underdressed3-XMAS", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3449, continues_bookentry = 3449, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9642, reportposition = { 56,54,0 , 2600.000,2900.000,1248.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3450, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1034398759,9,6 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1453, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9661, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3456, { id = 3456, name = "S_HE_rr-Rettung fuer den Schneemann", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9664, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9662, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 57,54,0 , 835.547,1013.830,1499.850, 289.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3455, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9664,9,0,"WildAnimal",5 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1454,9,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9664, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { worldobject = 1036206594, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3459, { id = 3459, name = "S_HE_rr-Schneebaelle", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3456, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3456, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1472, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1473, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3462, { id = 3462, name = "S_HE_rr-Die Kohle", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3456, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3459, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9668, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3464, { id = 3464, name = "S_HE_rr-Meister Petz", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3456, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9662, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3472, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1460, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9670, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1461, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9670, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3466, { id = 3466, name = "S_HE_rr-Schneemann bauen", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3456, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3464, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036205678,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036205678, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3472, { id = 3472, name = "S_HE_rr-Die Kohle2", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3456, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9668, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3462, queststate = 9, }, ti_actions = { { 1475,9,1 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1471, amount = 4, dropper0 = { area_id = 1141, p1 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 56,53,0 , 2400.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = CM_convertPosition_To_NamedLinearTable { 56,53,0 , 1400.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3465, { id = 3465, name = "S_HE_rr-Ent-Gegner", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9662, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 835.547,1013.830,1499.850, 289.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3466, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1464, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9674, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1465, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9675, dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1467, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 9676, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3469, { id = 3469, name = "S_HE_rr-Weihnachtsbaum", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 3465, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3465, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036205489,7,32 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036205489, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3458, { id = 3458, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Gestohlene Wuensche", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3463, continues_bookentry = 3463, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9642, reportposition = { 57,54,0 , 450.000,1150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3463, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1034649866,8,43 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9684,7,0,"Invalid",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1458, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1463, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3463, { id = 3463, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Gestohlene Wuensche", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9642, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 57,54,0 , 450.000,1150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3469, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1034649866,7,42 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1142, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 57,53,0 , 3150.000,1050.000,1655.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 58,53,0 , 300.000,600.000,1625.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1034649866, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3457, { id = 3457, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Ruhestoerung", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9642, reportposition = { 57,54,0 , 450.000,1150.000,0.000, 0.000 }, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3458, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9663, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3470, { id = 3470, name = "S_HE_rr-Belohnung HE", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3028,0}, {3031,0}, {3034,0}, {3037,0}, {3055,0}, {3039,0}, {3060,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3473, { id = 3473, name = "S_HE_SR_nn-Belohnung Sera", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3010,0}, {3011,0}, {3012,0}, {3016,0}, {3013,0}, {3017,0}, {3014,0}, {3018,0}, {3009,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3474, { id = 3474, name = "S_HE_SW_nn-Belohnung SW", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3019,0}, {3020,0}, {3021,0}, {3022,0}, {3023,0}, {3024,0}, {3057,0}, {3025,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3475, { id = 3475, name = "S_HE_DY_nn-Belohnung Dryade", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3027,0}, {3030,0}, {3033,0}, {3036,0}, {3054,0}, {3059,0}, {3040,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3476, { id = 3476, name = "S_HE_TG_nn-Belohnung TG", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3026,0}, {3029,0}, {3032,0}, {3035,0}, {3053,0}, {3058,0}, {3038,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3477, { id = 3477, name = "S_HE_IQ_nn-Belohnung IQ", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3046,0}, {3047,0}, {3051,0}, {3048,0}, {3049,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3760, { id = 3760, name = "S_HE_DM_nn-Belohnung Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3444, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3434,0}, {3435,0}, {3436,0}, {3437,0}, {3438,0}, {3439,0}, {3440,0}, {3441,0}, {3005,0}, {3003,0}, {3006,0}, {3007,0}, {3004,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3457, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1036300785,7,8 }, { 1036205489,7,0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1036300785, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3493, { id = 3493, name = "S_HE_1_N_nn-Eastereggs - Start Hilfe", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=3486, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1150, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,26,0 , 2150.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,25,0 , 600.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9725, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 28,25,0 , 2909.200,2895.900,113.561, 282.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3486, { id = 3486, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 4, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1483, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3493, queststate = 2, }, }) quest.createQuest(3487, { id = 3487, name = "S_HE_1b_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9718, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3486, queststate = 8, }, groupchanges = { { 9719,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9720,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1480, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1481, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1482, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3488, { id = 3488, name = "S_HE_1c_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 3487, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3487, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9718,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 9719,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, { 9720,7,0,"Enemy_mage",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9718, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9719, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9720, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3489, { id = 3489, name = "S_HE_1d_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 3487, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3488, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1484, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3490, { id = 3490, name = "S_HE_1e_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9721, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3489, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9722,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 9723,8,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1485, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1486, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1487, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3491, { id = 3491, name = "S_HE_1f_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 3490, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3490, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 9721,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9722,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_simple",57 }, { 9723,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 3, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9721, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9722, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9723, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3492, { id = 3492, name = "S_HE_1h_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 3490, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9755, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3495, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1019333589,8,8 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9755,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9724, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3495, { id = 3495, name = "S_HE_1g_N_nn-Eastereggs", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3486, continues_bookentry = 3490, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3491, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1149, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 21,38,0 , 650.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,38,0 , 900.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9731,7,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1488, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3505, { id = 3505, name = "S_HE_1i_SR_N_nn-Reward", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3126,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3506, { id = 3506, name = "S_HE_1i_SW_N_nn-Reward", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3127,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3507, { id = 3507, name = "S_HE_1i_DY_N_nn-Reward", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3123,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3508, { id = 3508, name = "S_HE_1i_HI_N_nn-Reward", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3124,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3509, { id = 3509, name = "S_HE_1i_TG_N_nn-Reward", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3128,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3510, { id = 3510, name = "S_HE_1i_IQ_N_nn-Reward", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3125,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3816, { id = 3816, name = "S_HE_1i_DM_N_nn-Reward Dragonmage", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3457,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3492, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3013, { id = 3013, name = "S_HU_1_nn-Special Quest - Atherton I", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8441, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,37,0 , 950.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3017, { id = 3017, name = "S_HU_2_nn-Special Quest - Atherton II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8442, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 37,36,0 , 2700.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3013, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8444,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8445,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8446,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8447,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, { 8442,2,0,"questCreatures",66 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3021, { id = 3021, name = "S_HU_3b_nn-Special Quest - Atherton IIIb", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3017, queststate = 10, }, questReach = { stations0 = { worldobject = 1020793083, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3023, { id = 3023, name = "S_HU_4_nn-Special Quest - Atherton IV", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3021, queststate = 9, }, worldobjects = { { 1020793083,2,8 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1299, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3025, { id = 3025, name = "S_HU_3_nn-Special Quest - Atherton III", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3017, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8442, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3026, { id = 3026, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-Special Quest - Atherton IIIa", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3025, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8445,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8446,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8447,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8442,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, { 8444,2,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",57 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1301, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8442, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3024, { id = 3024, name = "S_HU_5_SW_nn-Special Quest - Atherton V", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2328,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3032, { id = 3032, name = "S_DE_5b_IQ_nn-Special Quest - Atherton Vb", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 8, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2271,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3034, { id = 3034, name = "S_HU_5c_HE_nn-Special Quest - Atherton Vc", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 16, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2270,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3035, { id = 3035, name = "S_HU_5d_SR_nn-Special Quest - Atherton Vd", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 1, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2327,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3036, { id = 3036, name = "S_HU_5e_DY_nn-Special Quest - Atherton Ve", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 2, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {2329,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3037, { id = 3037, name = "S_HU_5f_TG_nn-Special Quest - Atherton Vf", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 32, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1800,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3832, { id = 3832, name = "S_DE_5b_DM_nn-Special Quest - Atherton Vg Dragonmage", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3013, continues_bookentry = 3013, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 4, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8455, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3506,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3023, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3026, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2257, { id = 2257, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Anett-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 634, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,31,0 , 700.000,1850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 18,30,0 , 0.000,2750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6848, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2259, { id = 2259, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-SimonV-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 633, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,11,-1 , 250.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,10,-1 , 1800.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6893, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2261, { id = 2261, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-SimonT-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 636, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,42,0 , 1400.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,41,0 , 2050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6891, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2263, { id = 2263, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Janina-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 637, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,7,0 , 350.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,6,0 , 1650.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6854, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2265, { id = 2265, name = "S_IS_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Hoa-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 638, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 19,14,0 , 0.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,13,0 , 1050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6892, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2267, { id = 2267, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Markus-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 639, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 14,13,0 , 1250.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,13,0 , 600.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6858, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2269, { id = 2269, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-FrankL-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 640, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 3,31,0 , 1000.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 3,31,0 , 2300.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6871, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2272, { id = 2272, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-AndreasM-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 641, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,15,0 , 900.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,15,0 , 1900.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6876, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2273, { id = 2273, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-DanielS-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 642, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,43,0 , 2600.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 33,42,0 , 250.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6887, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2275, { id = 2275, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ralf-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 643, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,7,0 , 250.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,7,0 , 950.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6886, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2392, { id = 2392, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Aarne-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 676, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,45,0 , 500.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,45,0 , 950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6861, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2394, { id = 2394, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Elvin-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 677, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,29,0 , 600.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,29,0 , 1750.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6874, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2396, { id = 2396, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Michel-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 678, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 9,42,-1 , 400.000,2650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 9,42,-1 , 1350.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6850, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2398, { id = 2398, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Marko-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 679, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 23,46,0 , 250.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 23,45,0 , 1450.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6855, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2400, { id = 2400, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Janos-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 680, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,25,0 , 1550.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,25,0 , 2500.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6890, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2402, { id = 2402, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mario-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 681, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,28,0 , 700.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 4,28,0 , 1700.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6852, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2409, { id = 2409, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Raimund-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 685, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,45,0 , 2250.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 35,44,0 , 0.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6866, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2413, { id = 2413, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Hans-Arno-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 687, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,37,0 , 1700.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,36,0 , 2750.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6894, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2415, { id = 2415, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-FrankR-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 688, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 10,43,0 , 1650.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,42,0 , 2550.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6881, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2417, { id = 2417, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-PeterL-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 689, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,47,0 , 1900.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,47,0 , 2600.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6867, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2427, { id = 2427, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Thomas-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 696, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,47,0 , 2300.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,46,0 , 950.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6851, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2429, { id = 2429, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Sebastian-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 697, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 8,30,0 , 400.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 8,30,0 , 1500.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6853, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2431, { id = 2431, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Maximilian-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 698, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 42,7,0 , 1500.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 42,7,0 , 2550.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6909, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2433, { id = 2433, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Steffen-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 699, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 28,23,0 , 400.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 28,23,0 , 1450.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6963, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2437, { id = 2437, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Torsten-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 701, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 44,54,-1 , 1050.000,400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 44,53,-1 , 2400.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7168, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2439, { id = 2439, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-James-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 702, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,31,0 , 1350.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,31,0 , 2950.000,300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6873, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2441, { id = 2441, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-AndreasL-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 703, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,31,0 , 2950.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,30,0 , 0.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6865, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2443, { id = 2443, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-ChristianA-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 704, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 6,25,0 , 1650.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 6,25,0 , 2550.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6841, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2445, { id = 2445, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Nadim-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 705, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,41,0 , 1700.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,41,0 , 2400.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6839, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2447, { id = 2447, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ralph-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 706, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,8,-1 , 1150.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,8,-1 , 2700.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6884, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2449, { id = 2449, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bettina-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 707, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,26,0 , 1750.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,26,0 , 650.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6895, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2451, { id = 2451, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-ChristianB-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 708, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,41,0 , 650.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,40,0 , 1500.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6845, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2453, { id = 2453, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Michael-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 709, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 10,44,0 , 2450.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,43,0 , 3000.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6846, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2455, { id = 2455, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-ChristianG-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 710, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,37,0 , 550.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,37,0 , 1400.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6856, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2457, { id = 2457, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Enrico-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 711, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 32,22,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 32,22,0 , 2200.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6842, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2459, { id = 2459, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Lars-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 712, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,30,0 , 1500.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,30,0 , 2150.000,1400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6857, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2553, { id = 2553, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Benny-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 750, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 54,27,0 , 850.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 54,27,0 , 2400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6863, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2555, { id = 2555, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Marc-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 751, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,52,0 , 1400.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,52,0 , 1950.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6879, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2557, { id = 2557, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mela-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 752, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,32,0 , 2500.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,32,0 , 2900.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6889, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2559, { id = 2559, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bastian-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 753, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 61,42,0 , 2000.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 61,42,0 , 1400.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6885, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2561, { id = 2561, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Steve-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 755, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 21,24,0 , 850.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,24,0 , 1800.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6872, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2563, { id = 2563, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mark-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 756, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 41,55,0 , 1500.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,55,0 , 2250.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6860, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2565, { id = 2565, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ole-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 757, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,48,0 , 400.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,48,0 , 1000.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6849, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2567, { id = 2567, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-DanielB-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 758, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 37,37,0 , 2950.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,37,0 , 550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6843, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2569, { id = 2569, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Roger-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 759, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,25,0 , 650.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,25,0 , 0.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6844, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2572, { id = 2572, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Catharina-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 760, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,47,0 , 700.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,46,0 , 1450.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6896, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2573, { id = 2573, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-PeterK-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 762, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,37,0 , 900.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,37,0 , 1450.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6864, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2575, { id = 2575, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Felix-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 761, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,17,0 , 1600.000,1550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,17,0 , 2700.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6888, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2577, { id = 2577, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Uygar-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 763, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,27,0 , 1050.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,27,0 , 2100.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6862, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2579, { id = 2579, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Eric-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 764, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 29,33,0 , 1050.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,32,0 , 2050.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6910, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2583, { id = 2583, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-DanielD-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 766, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 60,41,0 , 700.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 60,40,0 , 1350.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7154, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2585, { id = 2585, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Dirk-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 767, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 62,26,0 , 1800.000,2550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 62,26,0 , 800.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7227, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2587, { id = 2587, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stefan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 768, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,5,0 , 1050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,5,0 , 2400.000,1050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7228, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2913, { id = 2913, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Dag-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 875, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,11,0 , 2000.000,1750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,11,0 , 3150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7854, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2914, { id = 2914, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Julian-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 877, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 23,45,0 , 2000.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 23,45,0 , 2600.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7855, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2915, { id = 2915, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Matthias-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 878, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 19,49,0 , 1050.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 19,49,0 , 2050.000,1600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7856, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2916, { id = 2916, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Alexander-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 879, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,2,0 , 1550.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,2,0 , 2500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7857, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2917, { id = 2917, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bastian-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 880, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,30,0 , 2250.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,30,0 , 150.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7858, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2918, { id = 2918, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Boris-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 881, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 51,28,0 , 1500.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 51,28,0 , 2750.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7859, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2919, { id = 2919, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Christiane-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 882, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 14,7,0 , 1250.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,6,0 , 2450.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7860, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2920, { id = 2920, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Anca-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 883, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,24,0 , 1650.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,24,0 , 2150.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7861, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2921, { id = 2921, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stephan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 884, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,49,0 , 1400.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,48,0 , 3150.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7862, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2922, { id = 2922, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Base-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 885, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,14,0 , 2350.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 13,14,0 , 300.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7863, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2964, { id = 2964, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Guido-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 887, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 58,26,0 , 2950.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 59,26,0 , 650.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8268, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2965, { id = 2965, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Daniel-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 888, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 48,27,0 , 100.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 48,27,0 , 1500.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8269, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2966, { id = 2966, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Lars-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 889, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 49,48,0 , 2550.000,2850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 49,48,0 , 2000.000,2150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8270, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2967, { id = 2967, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mark-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 890, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 27,24,0 , 1850.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,24,0 , 2550.000,1150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8272, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2968, { id = 2968, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Torsten-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 891, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 15,54,0 , 700.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 15,54,0 , 2050.000,1450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8271, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2969, { id = 2969, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Daniel-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 892, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 39,42,0 , 1700.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 39,41,0 , 2300.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8273, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2970, { id = 2970, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 893, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,45,0 , 100.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 47,45,0 , 750.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8274, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2971, { id = 2971, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Alan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 894, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,42,0 , 900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,42,0 , 2550.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8275, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2972, { id = 2972, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Roger-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 895, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,50,0 , 950.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,49,0 , 2000.000,3000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8276, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2973, { id = 2973, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mark-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 896, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,59,0 , 1400.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,59,0 , 2300.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8277, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2974, { id = 2974, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Armin-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 897, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 25,23,0 , 2250.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 25,23,0 , 2850.000,2250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8278, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2975, { id = 2975, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stefan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 898, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 13,21,0 , 2050.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,21,0 , 0.000,2050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8279, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2976, { id = 2976, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 899, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 45,43,0 , 50.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 45,43,0 , 1550.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8280, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2977, { id = 2977, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ulf-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 900, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 50,47,0 , 2650.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 50,47,0 , 1500.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8282, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2978, { id = 2978, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jochen-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 901, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 16,53,0 , 950.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,53,0 , 2050.000,850.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8283, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2979, { id = 2979, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Peter-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 902, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 42,45,0 , 3150.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,45,0 , 1050.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8284, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2980, { id = 2980, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Kay-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 903, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,45,0 , 800.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,45,0 , 1400.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8285, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3162, { id = 3162, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stefan-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 999, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 9,48,0 , 900.000,1350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 9,48,0 , 2200.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8912, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3302, { id = 3302, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Carolyn-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1047, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,30,0 , 1000.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,30,0 , 1700.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9020, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3304, { id = 3304, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jens-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1048, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 14,43,0 , 1200.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,42,0 , 2400.000,2400.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9021, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3306, { id = 3306, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Morris-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1049, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 17,10,0 , 1300.000,1950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 17,10,0 , 1950.000,1000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9022, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3308, { id = 3308, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-SimonK-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1050, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 55,29,0 , 3000.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 56,29,0 , 1100.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9023, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3310, { id = 3310, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Tobias-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1051, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 53,31,0 , 2800.000,700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 54,31,0 , 200.000,150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9024, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3312, { id = 3312, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Antonio-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1052, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 50,30,0 , 1050.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 50,30,0 , 2100.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9244, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3314, { id = 3314, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Franz-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1053, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 43,39,0 , 150.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 43,39,0 , 1400.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6837, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3384, { id = 3384, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Helga-Talk Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2255, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1099, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 46,55,-2 , 900.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 46,55,-2 , 1900.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9547, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2255, { id = 2255, name = "S_MA_1a_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bonus-Megaquest Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 7153, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 46,29,-2 , 3050.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3153, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2652, { id = 2652, name = "S_MA_2a_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bonus-Megaquest Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {57,0}, {653,0}, {656,0}, {656,0}, {57,0}, {57,0}, {650,0}, {647,0}, {2453,0}, {2468,0}, {1674,0}, {2467,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3385, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3301, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 3303, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest3 = { quest_dbid = 3305, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest4 = { quest_dbid = 3307, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest5 = { quest_dbid = 3309, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest6 = { quest_dbid = 3311, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest7 = { quest_dbid = 3313, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest8 = { quest_dbid = 2260, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest9 = { quest_dbid = 2264, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest10 = { quest_dbid = 2256, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest11 = { quest_dbid = 2440, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest12 = { quest_dbid = 2271, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest13 = { quest_dbid = 2558, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest14 = { quest_dbid = 2552, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest15 = { quest_dbid = 2448, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest16 = { quest_dbid = 2570, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest17 = { quest_dbid = 2442, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest18 = { quest_dbid = 2450, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest19 = { quest_dbid = 2454, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest20 = { quest_dbid = 2566, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest21 = { quest_dbid = 2582, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest22 = { quest_dbid = 2270, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest23 = { quest_dbid = 2584, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest24 = { quest_dbid = 2393, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest25 = { quest_dbid = 2456, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest26 = { quest_dbid = 2578, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest27 = { quest_dbid = 2574, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest28 = { quest_dbid = 2268, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest29 = { quest_dbid = 2414, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest30 = { quest_dbid = 2412, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest31 = { quest_dbid = 2438, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest32 = { quest_dbid = 2262, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest33 = { quest_dbid = 2399, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest34 = { quest_dbid = 2458, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest35 = { quest_dbid = 2554, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest36 = { quest_dbid = 2401, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest37 = { quest_dbid = 2397, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest38 = { quest_dbid = 2562, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest39 = { quest_dbid = 2266, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest40 = { quest_dbid = 2430, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest41 = { quest_dbid = 2556, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest42 = { quest_dbid = 2452, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest43 = { quest_dbid = 2395, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest44 = { quest_dbid = 2444, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest45 = { quest_dbid = 2564, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest46 = { quest_dbid = 2571, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest47 = { quest_dbid = 2416, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest48 = { quest_dbid = 2408, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest49 = { quest_dbid = 2274, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest50 = { quest_dbid = 2446, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest51 = { quest_dbid = 2568, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest52 = { quest_dbid = 2428, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest53 = { quest_dbid = 2258, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest54 = { quest_dbid = 2586, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest55 = { quest_dbid = 2432, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest56 = { quest_dbid = 2560, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest57 = { quest_dbid = 2426, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest58 = { quest_dbid = 2436, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest59 = { quest_dbid = 2576, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest60 = { quest_dbid = 2942, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest61 = { quest_dbid = 2943, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest62 = { quest_dbid = 2944, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest63 = { quest_dbid = 2945, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest64 = { quest_dbid = 2946, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest65 = { quest_dbid = 2947, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest66 = { quest_dbid = 2948, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest67 = { quest_dbid = 2949, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest68 = { quest_dbid = 2950, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest69 = { quest_dbid = 2951, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest70 = { quest_dbid = 2952, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest71 = { quest_dbid = 2953, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest72 = { quest_dbid = 2955, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest73 = { quest_dbid = 2956, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest74 = { quest_dbid = 2957, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest75 = { quest_dbid = 2958, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest76 = { quest_dbid = 2959, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest77 = { quest_dbid = 2960, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest78 = { quest_dbid = 2962, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest79 = { quest_dbid = 2924, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest80 = { quest_dbid = 2925, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest81 = { quest_dbid = 2926, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest82 = { quest_dbid = 2927, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest83 = { quest_dbid = 2928, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest84 = { quest_dbid = 2929, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest85 = { quest_dbid = 2930, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest86 = { quest_dbid = 2931, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest87 = { quest_dbid = 3163, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest88 = { quest_dbid = 3846, queststate = 9, }, target_area = { area_id = 1032, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,30,-2 , 1900.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 47,30,-2 , 1700.000,1900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, worldobjects = { { 1020491487,8,6 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1422,8,1 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7152, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 6895, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3153, { id = 3153, name = "S_JU_N_nn-Open S2 Buero Dungeon", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, worldobjects = { { 1020919145,2,6 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1022471108,33 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2256, { id = 2256, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Anett-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6848, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2258, { id = 2258, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-SimonV-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6893, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2260, { id = 2260, name = "S_HU_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-SimonT-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6891, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2262, { id = 2262, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Janina-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6854, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2264, { id = 2264, name = "S_IS_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Hoa-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6892, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2266, { id = 2266, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Markus-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6858, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2268, { id = 2268, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-FrankL-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6871, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2270, { id = 2270, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-DanielS-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6887, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2271, { id = 2271, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-AndreasM-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6876, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2274, { id = 2274, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ralf-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6886, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2391, { id = 2391, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Aarne-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6861, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2393, { id = 2393, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Elvin-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6874, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2395, { id = 2395, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Michel-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6850, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2397, { id = 2397, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Marko-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6855, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2399, { id = 2399, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Janos-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6890, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2401, { id = 2401, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mario-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6852, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2408, { id = 2408, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Raimund-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6866, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2412, { id = 2412, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Hans-Arno-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6894, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2414, { id = 2414, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-FrankR-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6881, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2416, { id = 2416, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-PeterL-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6867, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2426, { id = 2426, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Thomas-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6851, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2428, { id = 2428, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Sebastian-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6853, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2430, { id = 2430, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Maximilian-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6909, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2432, { id = 2432, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Steffen-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6963, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2436, { id = 2436, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Torsten-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7168, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2438, { id = 2438, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-James-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6873, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2440, { id = 2440, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-AndreasL-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6865, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2442, { id = 2442, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-ChristianA-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6841, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2444, { id = 2444, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Nadim-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6839, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2446, { id = 2446, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ralph-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6884, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2448, { id = 2448, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bettina-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6895, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2450, { id = 2450, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-ChristianB-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6845, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2452, { id = 2452, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Michael-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6846, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2454, { id = 2454, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-ChristianG-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6856, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2456, { id = 2456, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Enrico-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6842, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2458, { id = 2458, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Lars-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6857, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2552, { id = 2552, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Benny-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6863, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2554, { id = 2554, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Marc-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6879, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2556, { id = 2556, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mela-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6889, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2558, { id = 2558, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bastian-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6885, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2560, { id = 2560, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Steve-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6872, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2562, { id = 2562, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mark-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6860, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2564, { id = 2564, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ole-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6849, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2566, { id = 2566, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-DanielB-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6843, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2568, { id = 2568, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Roger-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6844, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2570, { id = 2570, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Catharina-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6896, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2571, { id = 2571, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-PeterK-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6864, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2574, { id = 2574, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Felix-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6888, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2576, { id = 2576, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Uygar-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6862, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2578, { id = 2578, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Eric-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6910, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2582, { id = 2582, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-DanielD-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7154, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2584, { id = 2584, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Dirk-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7227, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2586, { id = 2586, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stefan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7228, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2924, { id = 2924, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Dag-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7854, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2925, { id = 2925, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Julian-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7855, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2926, { id = 2926, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Matthias-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7856, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2927, { id = 2927, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Alexander-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7857, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2928, { id = 2928, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Bastian-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7858, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2929, { id = 2929, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Boris-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7859, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2930, { id = 2930, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Christiane-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7860, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2931, { id = 2931, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Anca-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7861, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2942, { id = 2942, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stephan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7862, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2943, { id = 2943, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Base-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 7863, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2944, { id = 2944, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Guido-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8268, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2945, { id = 2945, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Daniel-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8269, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2946, { id = 2946, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Lars-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8270, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2947, { id = 2947, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Torsten-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8271, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2948, { id = 2948, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mark-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8272, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2949, { id = 2949, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Daniel-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8273, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2950, { id = 2950, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8274, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2951, { id = 2951, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Alan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8275, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2952, { id = 2952, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Roger-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8276, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2953, { id = 2953, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Mark-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8277, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2955, { id = 2955, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Armin-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8278, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2956, { id = 2956, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stefan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8279, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2957, { id = 2957, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8280, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2958, { id = 2958, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Ulf-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8282, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2959, { id = 2959, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jochen-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8283, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2960, { id = 2960, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Peter-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8284, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2962, { id = 2962, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Kay-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8285, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3163, { id = 3163, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Stefan-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8912, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3301, { id = 3301, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Carolyn-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9020, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3303, { id = 3303, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Jens-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9021, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3305, { id = 3305, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Morris-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9022, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3307, { id = 3307, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-SimonK-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9023, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3309, { id = 3309, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Tobias-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9024, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3311, { id = 3311, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Antonio-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9244, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3313, { id = 3313, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Franz-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 6837, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3385, { id = 3385, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Helga-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9547, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3846, { id = 3846, name = "S_N_nn-Studio2-Buero-Nobody-Reach Classquest", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 2255, continues_bookentry = 2255, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2255, queststate = 8, }, }) quest.createQuest(993, { id = 993, name = "S_HE_n_nn-Blind Guardian Story", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, }) quest.createQuest(2880, { id = 2880, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 1, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8188, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,30,0 , 300.000,700.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 993, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 874, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 31,30,0 , 950.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 30,30,0 , 3000.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1261, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8249, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2895, { id = 2895, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8188, reportposition = { 30,30,-1 , 2300.000,2700.000,0.000 , 48.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2880, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8188,7,1,"Hireling_mage_no_defense",83 }, { 8188,8,2,"questCreatures",83 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1264, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8248, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2900, { id = 2900, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8188, reportposition = { 28,31,0 , 2200.000,2450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2895, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8188,7,1,"Hireling_mage_no_defense",0 }, { 8188,8,2,"questCreatures",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1265, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 8254, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2901, { id = 2901, name = "S_HE_1d_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8256, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2900, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8188,7,1,"Hireling_mage_no_defense",0 }, { 8256,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, ti_actions = { { 1266,9,1 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 5, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8255, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8413, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8414, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8415, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8416, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2902, { id = 2902, name = "S_HE_1e_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8188, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 29,33,0 , 1450.000,200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2901, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8188,2,2,"questCreatures",14 }, { 8261,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8263,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 8262,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 864, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,26,0 , 1650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,26,0 , 1950.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2907, { id = 2907, name = "S_HE_1f_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2902, queststate = 10, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 864, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 38,26,0 , 1650.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 38,26,0 , 1950.000,950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2909, { id = 2909, name = "S_HE_1g_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8188, reportposition = { 38,26,0 , 1850.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2907, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2902, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8261, needsActivation = 0, }, stations1 = { taskcreature = 8262, needsActivation = 0, }, stations2 = { taskcreature = 8263, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2938, { id = 2938, name = "S_HE_2_nn-Blind Guardian", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 2880, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8188, reportposition = { 38,26,0 , 1850.000,1100.000,0.000 , -131.000 }, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1742,0}, {1743,0}, {2398,0}, {2399,0}, {2634,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2909, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3077, { id = 3077, name = "S_HE_1i_nn-Blind Guardian - Legion get hostile", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2902, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 932, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 29,33,0 , 2300.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 29,32,0 , 300.000,2000.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2862, { id = 2862, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Blind Guardian Groupies", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2938, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 993, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 3553, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 993, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(2868, { id = 2868, name = "S_HE_1b_nn-Blind Guardian Groupies", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2938, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 993, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 8167, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 993, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3843, { id = 3843, name = "S_HE_1c_nn-Blind Guardian Groupies", questtype = 3, silent=1, stopquestid=2938, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 993, continues_bookentry = 993, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2862, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 2868, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest2 = { quest_dbid = 993, queststate = 9, }, rewards = { {2398,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(2961, { id = 2961, name = "S_HU_1b_nn-MI_Find_Mount_Island", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3086, continues_bookentry = 3086, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8309, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 32,45,0 , 1112.600,2506.840,198.829, 169.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3086, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskitem = 1314, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3008, { id = 3008, name = "S_HU_2a_nn-MI_ProofYourStrength", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3086, continues_bookentry = 3086, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8418, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,56,0 , 1759.050,1580.550,346.551, 111.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2961, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8417, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8419, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8651, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8652, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8653, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8654, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8655, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8656, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8657, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8658, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8660, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8661, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 8662, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 8663, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 8664, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 8665, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 8666, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 8667, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 8668, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 8669, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 8670, }, kill21 = { taskcreature = 8671, }, kill22 = { taskcreature = 8672, }, kill23 = { taskcreature = 8673, }, kill24 = { taskcreature = 8674, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3009, { id = 3009, name = "S_HU_2b_nn-MI_ProofYourStrength", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3086, continues_bookentry = 3086, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8418, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,56,0 , 1759.050,1580.550,346.551, 111.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3008, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8420, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8421, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8422, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8676, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8677, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8678, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8681, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8682, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 8683, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 8684, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 8693, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 8694, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3010, { id = 3010, name = "S_HU_2c_nn-MI_ProofYourStrength", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3086, continues_bookentry = 3086, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8418, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 21,56,0 , 1759.050,1580.550,346.551, 111.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3009, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 8418,9,0,"JOB_HORSETRADER",14 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 8424, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 8425, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 8695, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 8696, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 8697, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 8698, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 8699, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 8700, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3011, { id = 3011, name = "S_HU_3a_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_1", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 917, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,56,0 , 1550.000,900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,56,0 , 1000.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3086, { id = 3086, name = "S_HU_1a_nn-MI_Find_Mount_Island", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 8621, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 28,43,0 , 262.352,2436.160,617.697, 131.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3093, { id = 3093, name = "S_HU_3b_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_2", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 963, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,56,0 , 1650.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,56,0 , 2150.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3094, { id = 3094, name = "S_HU_3c_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_3", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 964, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,55,0 , 1650.000,3150.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,55,0 , 2050.000,2800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3095, { id = 3095, name = "S_HU_3d_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_4", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 965, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,56,0 , 1650.000,1650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,56,0 , 1100.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3096, { id = 3096, name = "S_HU_3e_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_5", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 966, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,56,0 , 2550.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,55,0 , 2050.000,3100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3097, { id = 3097, name = "S_HU_3f_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_6", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 967, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,56,0 , 1500.000,500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,56,0 , 2000.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3098, { id = 3098, name = "S_HU_3g_nn-MI_UnlockEnemy_7", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 968, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,55,0 , 2200.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 20,55,0 , 2700.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3424, { id = 3424, name = "S_DE_nn-Desert Harpy Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2524,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9700, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 31,13,0 , 800.000,1950.000,0.000, 61.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9598, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3375, { id = 3375, name = "S_DE_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Garganthropod", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1092, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 36,11,-2 , 650.000,2950.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 37,10,-2 , 2000.000,1800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9362,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3425, { id = 3425, name = "S_DE_nn-Minotaur Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2796,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9696, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 48,21,0 , 2525.250,2250.950,821.754, 60.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9599, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3374, { id = 3374, name = "S_DR_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Carnach", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1091, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,54,-2 , 0.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 41,53,-2 , 150.000,750.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9361,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3421, { id = 3421, name = "S_DR_nn-Fire Elemental Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2415,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9698, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,57,0 , 3100.000,100.000,0.000 , 243.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9593, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3434, { id = 3434, name = "S_HE_nn-Bossgruppe", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {955,0}, {958,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9692, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 44,28,0 , 2046.450,539.750,14.762, 56.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9607, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 9608, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 9609, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3423, { id = 3423, name = "S_HE_nn-Gryphon Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2573,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9705, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 15,31,0 , 3100.000,1750.000,0.000 , 140.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9597, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3430, { id = 3430, name = "S_HU_nn-Boar Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9699, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 33,40,0 , 1600.000,1300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9604, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3379, { id = 3379, name = "S_HU_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Golem", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1096, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,45,0 , 50.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 27,44,0 , 0.000,50.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9370,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3428, { id = 3428, name = "S_HU_nn-Troll Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2592,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9711, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 47,47,0 , 1400.000,1900.000,0.000, 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9602, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3429, { id = 3429, name = "S_HU_nn-Werewolf Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2593,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9695, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 48,39,0 , 2800.000,3100.000,0.000 , 271.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9603, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3380, { id = 3380, name = "S_IS_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Crystal", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1097, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 12,16,-1 , 3100.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 14,14,-1 , 700.000,2600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9371,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3376, { id = 3376, name = "S_JU_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Kral", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1093, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 35,5,0 , 250.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 36,4,0 , 1950.000,1200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9363,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9364,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9365,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9366,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9367,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(862, { id = 862, name = "S_JU_1a_N_nn-Hochstaplerin", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2543, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41,10,0 , 2500,3000,400, 270 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2544, reportposition = { 38,8,0 , 2050,1800,130 , 45 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, groupchanges = { { 1527,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1528,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1547,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1548,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 1527,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 1528,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, { 1547,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 1548,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(863, { id = 863, name = "S_JU_1b_N_nn-Hochstaplerin", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 862, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 862, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2544, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 38,8,0 , 2050,1800,130 , 45 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2545, reportposition = { 31,7,0 , 1680,1280,15,270 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, groupchanges = { { 4543,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8797,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 8798,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 6263,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 6264,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 6265,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 6266,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 6267,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 4543,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 8797,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, { 8798,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 6263,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, { 6264,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 6265,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, { 6266,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 6267,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(864, { id = 864, name = "S_JU_1c_N_nn-Hochstaplerin", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 862, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 863, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2545, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 31,7,0 , 1680,1280,15,270 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10239, reportposition = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, groupchanges = { { 406,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 431,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 432,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 435,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 437,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 438,3,0,"JOB_QUESTSTAGING",5 }, { 406,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",20 }, { 431,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 432,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, { 435,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_tenergy",20 }, { 437,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",27 }, { 438,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave",7 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(865, { id = 865, name = "S_JU_1d_N_nn-Hochstaplerin", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 862, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 864, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10239, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10151, reportposition = { 32,8,-1 , 2050.000,2060.000,-244.000, 90.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(939, { id = 939, name = "S_JU_1e_N_nn-Hochstaplerin_Transformation", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 865, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2547,9,0,"questCreatures",0 }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1655, { id = 1655, name = "S_JU_2_G_nn-Hochstaplerin_Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 939, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2547, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2547,7,0,"Enemy_boss_witch",57 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10239, reportposition = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1650, { id = 1650, name = "S_JU_3d_B_nn-Hochstaplerin_Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 1662, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1659, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2546, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2546,7,0,"Enemy_warrior_brave_ex",57 }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2505,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1652, { id = 1652, name = "S_JU_3e_B_nn-Hochstaplerin_Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3144, queststate = 10, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 1, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2547, }, }, groupchanges = { { 2547,7,0,"Enemy_boss_witch",57 }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10239, reportposition = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2955,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1659, { id = 1659, name = "S_JU_3c_B_nn-Hochstaplerin_Transformation", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1662, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1662, { id = 1662, name = "S_JU_3b_B_nn-Hochstaplerin", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3144, queststate = 9, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 10239, reportposition = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3144, { id = 3144, name = "S_JU_3a_B_nn-Hochstaplerin", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 939, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 1, questgiver = { taskcreature = 2547, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 32,8,-1 , 2050.000,2060.000,-244.000, 90.000 }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2700, { id = 2700, name = "S_JU_4a_N_nn-Hochstaplerin_Transformation", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1655, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1652, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(1647, { id = 1647, name = "S_JU_4b_N_nn-Hochstaplerin_Reward", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 1655, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2700, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1655, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2546, reportposition = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2955,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(1649, { id = 1649, name = "S_JU_4c_B_nn-Hochstaplerin_Reward", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 862, continues_bookentry = 1652, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2700, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 1652, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 2546, reportposition = { 30,8,0 , 3100.00,2600.000,300.000, 0.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2505,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(3378, { id = 3378, name = "S_MA_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Fog", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1095, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 47,27,0 , 3100.000,650.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 49,26,0 , 1250.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9369,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3426, { id = 3426, name = "S_MA_nn-Mummy Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2621,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9713, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 50,34,0 , 2400.000,2200.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9600, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3377, { id = 3377, name = "S_OR_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_Octagolamus", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1094, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 8,52,0 , 2550.000,1100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 10,51,0 , 850.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9368,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3427, { id = 3427, name = "S_OR_nn-Ogre Boss", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {4082,0}, }, report_required = 0, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9709, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 10,43,0 , 1837.680,699.188,2299.960, 278.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 9601, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3845, { id = 3845, name = "S_HE_n_nn-Schluesselmeister_und_Torwaechter", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, }) quest.createQuest(1546, { id = 1546, name = "S_HE_1a_N_nn-Ende Startinsel SP", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3845, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4208, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3845, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 444, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 20,28,0 , 2850.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 21,27,0 , 900.000,2700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1797, { id = 1797, name = "S_HE_1_G_nn-Wallwache-GP", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3845, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 1195, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3845, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 626, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,34,0 , 0.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,34,0 , 1550.000,0.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1754, { id = 1754, name = "S_HE_1a_nn-Begruessungsgeld", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 2, continues_quest_id = 3845, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4664, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3845, queststate = 9, }, precond_area = { area_id = 528, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 34,34,0 , 500.000,3050.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 34,34,0 , 2500.000,1700.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1804, { id = 1804, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Meister der Wildschweinjagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=3, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4958, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,44,0 , 865.250,277.547,3192.290, 173.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4935,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4947,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4948, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4949, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4950, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4951, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4952, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4953, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4954, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4955, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4956, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4957, }, kill10 = { creature = 811, bodycount = 1, }, kill11 = { creature = 813, bodycount = 1, }, kill12 = { creature = 814, bodycount = 1, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1805, { id = 1805, name = "S_OR_2_G_nn-Meister der Wildschweinjagd", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 1804, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4958, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1804, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 789, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4959, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1803, { id = 1803, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Meister der Wargjagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4947, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,44,0 , 684.324,368.703,3194.010, 153.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1805, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4937, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4938, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4939, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4940, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4941, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4942, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4943, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4944, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4945, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4946, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1806, { id = 1806, name = "S_OR_2_G_nn-Meister der Wargjagd", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 1803, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4947, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1803, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 790, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4960, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1801, { id = 1801, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Meister der Kodiakjagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4935, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 13,44,0 , 485.891,487.672,3192.280, 114.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1806, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4925, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4926, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4927, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4928, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4929, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4930, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4931, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4932, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4933, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4934, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1807, { id = 1807, name = "S_OR_2_G_nn-Meister der Kodiakjagd", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 1801, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4935, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1801, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 791, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4961, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1831, { id = 1831, name = "S_OR_G_nn-Grotte des Todes", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 5053, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 17,45,0 , 650.000,2200.000,0.000, -60.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1807, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5062,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 822, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1836, { id = 1836, name = "S_OR_1_G_nn-Meister der Jagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5053, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3061,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1831, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5053,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",58 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 5053, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2312, { id = 2312, name = "S_OR_1c_G_nn-Meister der Jagd", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1804, continues_bookentry = 1836, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5062, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1836, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(1794, { id = 1794, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Meister der Wildschweinjagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4869, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,45,0 , 1141.430,1775.730,1519.490, 162.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4824,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4776,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4859, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4860, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4861, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4862, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4863, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4864, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4865, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4866, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4867, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4868, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1795, { id = 1795, name = "S_OR_2_B_nn-Meister der Wildschweinjagd", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 1794, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4869, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1794, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 785, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4870, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1791, { id = 1791, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Meister der Wargjagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4824, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,45,0 , 1370.000,1754.800,1519.500, 209.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1795, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4812, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4814, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4815, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4816, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4817, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4818, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4819, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4820, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4821, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4822, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1793, { id = 1793, name = "S_OR_2_B_nn-Meister der Wargjagd", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 1791, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4824, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1791, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 784, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4842, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1786, { id = 1786, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Meister der Kodiakjagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4776, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 20,45,0 , 1349.250,1910.450,1519.500, 232.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1793, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4792, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4794, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4795, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4796, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4797, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4798, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 4799, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 4801, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 4802, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 4809, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1788, { id = 1788, name = "S_OR_2_B_nn-Meister der Kodiakjagd", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 1786, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4776, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1786, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 777, amount = 1, dropper0 = { taskcreature = 4803, dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1799, { id = 1799, name = "S_OR_1_B_nn-Grotte des Todes", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 4912, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 22,47,0 , 850.000,1750.000,0.000, 53.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1788, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 5049,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 821, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1828, { id = 1828, name = "S_OR_1_nn-Meister der Jagd", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 4912, dangerclass=6, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {3061,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1799, queststate = 9, }, groupchanges = { { 4912,7,0,"Enemy_hunter",57 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4912, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2308, { id = 2308, name = "S_OR_1c_B_nn-Meister der Jagt", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1794, continues_bookentry = 1828, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 2, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 5049, dangerclass=2, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1828, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3636, { id = 3636, name = "S_BI_1a_N_JT - Jagdfieber I", questtype = 1, silent=0, stopquestid=3531, stopqueststate=7, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9966, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 7,62,0 , 1200.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10434,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10435,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10436,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10437,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10438,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10439,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10440,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10441,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 1, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 31, kill0 = { creature = 1997, bodycount = 31, }, kill1 = { creature = 1998, bodycount = 31, }, kill2 = { creature = 1999, bodycount = 31, }, kill3 = { creature = 2000, bodycount = 31, }, kill4 = { creature = 2002, bodycount = 31, }, kill5 = { creature = 2003, bodycount = 31, }, kill6 = { creature = 2004, bodycount = 31, }, kill7 = { creature = 2005, bodycount = 31, }, kill8 = { creature = 2016, bodycount = 31, }, kill9 = { creature = 2017, bodycount = 31, }, kill10 = { creature = 2067, bodycount = 31, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3531, { id = 3531, name = "S_BI_1b_N_JT - Jagdfieber I - Report LOST", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3636, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3636, queststate = 10, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9966, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3813, { id = 3813, name = "S_BI_1b_N_JT - Jagdfieber I - Report WON", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3636, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 1, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3636, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9966, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {3146,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(3641, { id = 3641, name = "S_BI_2_N_JT - Jagdfieber II", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=7, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9966, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 7,62,0 , 1200.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, rewards = { {3147,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 2191, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3636, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 10448,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10449,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10450,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 10451,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1539, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 2003, dropchance = 15, }, dropper1 = { creature = 2002, dropchance = 5, }, dropper2 = { creature = 2004, dropchance = 5, }, dropper3 = { creature = 2010, dropchance = 15, }, dropper4 = { creature = 2009, dropchance = 5, }, dropper5 = { creature = 2011, dropchance = 5, }, dropper6 = { creature = 2012, dropchance = 5, }, dropper7 = { creature = 2007, dropchance = 15, }, dropper8 = { creature = 2006, dropchance = 5, }, dropper9 = { creature = 2008, dropchance = 5, }, dropper10 = { creature = 1998, dropchance = 15, }, dropper11 = { creature = 1997, dropchance = 5, }, dropper12 = { creature = 1999, dropchance = 5, }, dropper13 = { creature = 2021, dropchance = 25, }, dropper14 = { creature = 2067, dropchance = 5, }, dropper15 = { creature = 2066, dropchance = 5, }, dropper16 = { creature = 2064, dropchance = 5, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(2191, { id = 2191, name = "S_BI_2_N_JT - Jagdfieber II - MAPPOINT", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3636, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 1, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3813, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3531, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3541, { id = 3541, name = "S_BI_3a_md-Jagdfieber III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9801, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 41, 35, 0, 2223.000, 2623.703, 1864.788, 90.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3641, queststate = 8, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 10, kill0 = { creature = 761, bodycount = 10, }, kill1 = { creature = 763, bodycount = 10, }, kill2 = { creature = 762, bodycount = 10, }, kill3 = { creature = 764, bodycount = 10, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3542, { id = 3542, name = "S_BI_3b_md-Jagdfieber III", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3541, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9801, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 14, 43, 0, 892.301, 1476.000, 4651.761, 330.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 947, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 12, kill0 = { creature = 951, bodycount = 12, }, kill1 = { creature = 949, bodycount = 12, }, kill2 = { creature = 950, bodycount = 12, }, kill3 = { creature = 948, bodycount = 12, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3543, { id = 3543, name = "S_BI_3c_md-Jagdfieber III", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3541, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportposition = { 12, 59, 0, 1075.270, 2395.203, 516.905, 120.000 }, dangerclass=8, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9801, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 2, 56, 0, 3165.600, 2057.797, 2814.568, 270.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 948, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1004, amount = 1, dropper0 = { creature = 2063, dropchance = 10, }, dropper1 = { creature = 1986, dropchance = 2, }, dropper2 = { creature = 1987, dropchance = 2, }, dropper3 = { creature = 1988, dropchance = 2, }, dropper4 = { creature = 1989, dropchance = 2, }, dropper5 = { creature = 1990, dropchance = 5, }, dropper6 = { creature = 1991, dropchance = 5, }, dropper7 = { creature = 1992, dropchance = 5, }, dropper8 = { creature = 1993, dropchance = 5, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(947, { id = 947, name = "S_BI_3a_md-Jagdfieber III-Report", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3541, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3541, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9801, reportposition = { 14, 43, 0, 892.301, 1476.000, 4651.761, 330.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(948, { id = 948, name = "S_IS_9c_HI_G_nn-DeElfici", name = "S_BI_3b_md-Jagdfieber III-Report", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3636, continues_bookentry = 3542, dangerclass=5, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 30, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3542, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9801, reportposition = { 2, 56, 0, 3165.600, 2057.797, 2814.568, 270.000 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=1, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(3673, { id = 3673, name = "S_BI_2b_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 3564, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3568, queststate = 9, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 40, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10246, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 10247, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 10248, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 10249, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 10250, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 10251, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 10252, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 10253, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 10254, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 10255, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 10256, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 10257, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 10258, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 10259, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 10260, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 10261, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 10262, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 10263, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 10264, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 10265, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 10266, }, kill21 = { taskcreature = 10267, }, kill22 = { taskcreature = 10268, }, kill23 = { taskcreature = 10269, }, kill24 = { taskcreature = 10270, }, kill25 = { taskcreature = 10271, }, kill26 = { taskcreature = 10272, }, kill27 = { taskcreature = 10273, }, kill28 = { taskcreature = 10275, }, kill29 = { taskcreature = 10276, }, kill30 = { taskcreature = 10277, }, kill31 = { taskcreature = 10278, }, kill32 = { taskcreature = 10279, }, kill33 = { taskcreature = 10280, }, kill34 = { taskcreature = 10281, }, kill35 = { taskcreature = 10282, }, kill36 = { taskcreature = 10283, }, kill37 = { taskcreature = 10284, }, kill38 = { taskcreature = 10285, }, kill39 = { taskcreature = 10286, }, kill40 = { creature = 2009, bodycount = 40, }, kill41 = { creature = 2010, bodycount = 40, }, kill42 = { creature = 2011, bodycount = 40, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3564, { id = 3564, name = "S_BI_1a_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9828, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 3,61,0 , 1150.000,700.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }, target_area = { area_id = 1166, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 2,61,0 , 1100.000,1500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 2,61,0 , 1950.000,550.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3565, { id = 3565, name = "S_BI_1b_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 4, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 3564, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9828, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3564, queststate = 9, }, questCollect = { drop0 = { taskitem = 1516, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop1 = { taskitem = 1518, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop2 = { taskitem = 1519, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, drop3 = { taskitem = 1520, amount = 1, dropper0 = { dropchance = 101, }, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3568, { id = 3568, name = "S_BI_2a_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3565, continues_bookentry = 3565, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9828, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 0, position = { 3,61,0 , 1150.000,700.000,0.000 , 20.000 }, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3565, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3709, { id = 3709, name = "S_BI_2c_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3673, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3710, { id = 3710, name = "S_BI_2c_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3673, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3711, { id = 3711, name = "S_BI_2c_N_BUD-Trauer keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3673, queststate = 7, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3578, { id = 3578, name = "S_BI_3A_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3568, continues_bookentry = 3568, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9828, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3709, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3586, { id = 3586, name = "S_BI_3B_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3568, continues_bookentry = 3568, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9828, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {560,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3710, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3672, { id = 3672, name = "S_BI_3C_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 3564, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9828, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3711, queststate = 9, }, }) quest.createQuest(3777, { id = 3777, name = "S_BI_4c_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 3564, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1515,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3672, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 1265, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 2,62,0 , 2050.000,1250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 2,62,0 , 1400.000,800.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3778, { id = 3778, name = "S_BI_4a_N_BUD-Traue keiner Statistik", questtype = 3, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 3564, continues_bookentry = 3564, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9828, dangerclass=4, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, rewards = { {1520,0}, }, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3578, queststate = 9, }, questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 9846, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1940, { id = 1940, name = "S_HE_1a_N_CM-Classquest Bughunt I", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 11, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 9540, ispersistent = 1, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 6,13,0 , 2780,2510,425 , 200 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6080, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 6081, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 6082, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 6083, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 6084, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 6085, }, kill6 = { taskcreature = 6086, }, kill7 = { taskcreature = 6087, }, kill8 = { taskcreature = 6088, }, kill9 = { taskcreature = 6089, }, kill10 = { taskcreature = 6090, }, kill11 = { taskcreature = 6091, }, kill12 = { taskcreature = 6092, }, kill13 = { taskcreature = 6093, }, kill14 = { taskcreature = 6094, }, kill15 = { taskcreature = 6095, }, kill16 = { taskcreature = 6096, }, kill17 = { taskcreature = 6097, }, kill18 = { taskcreature = 6098, }, kill19 = { taskcreature = 6099, }, kill20 = { taskcreature = 6100, }, kill21 = { taskcreature = 6101, }, kill22 = { taskcreature = 6102, }, }, report_required = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, }) quest.createQuest(2027, { id = 2027, name = "S_HE_1b_N_CM-Classquest Bughunt II", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 1940, continues_bookentry = 1940, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, progress = 0, autostart = 0, releasestage = 11, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, anyprequest = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1940, queststate = 9, }, lostondecline = 0, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 6103, }, }, report_required = 1, reportcompletion_to = 9540, reportposition = { 6,13,0 , 2780,2510,425 , 200 }, showdlgonwin = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2954,0}, {1552,0}, {2464,0}, }, }) quest.createQuest(2490, { id = 2490, name = "S_nn-OPEN_DOOR_DUNKLER_KULT_SCHALTER", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, worldobjects = { { 1021159739,9,9 }, }, precond_worldobjects = { { 1014007730,1 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3327, { id = 3327, name = "S_HU_1_N_nn-Golem_Portal_DONOTDELETE", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1069, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 26,44,0 , 1950.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 26,44,0 , 1550.000,2350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1681, { id = 1681, name = "S_HU_nn-Trigger-Wedding", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 398, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 40,47,0 , 1550.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 40,46,0 , 2850.000,2500.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4425,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4426,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4427,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4428,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4429,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4430,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4431,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4432,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4433,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4434,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4435,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3347, { id = 3347, name = "S_DR_1_N_nn-Dragon Teleport - Free Play - DO NOT DELETE", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, }) quest.createQuest(3322, { id = 3322, name = "S_1_N_nn-MP_Boss Spawn-AND-Open-all-MQ-Doors", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1136, signalonenter = 0, p1 = { 7,15,0 , 3150.000,100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 6,13,0 , 50.000,250.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 8861,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 8864,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 8866,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, { 10447,9,0,"JOB_CAPTAIN",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(3373, { id = 3373, name = "S_WL_1_N_nn-MP_Boss_BigMachine", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 22, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 1089, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 4,30,-2 , 300.000,2900.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 5,29,-2 , 2900.000,350.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 9356,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9357,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9358,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9359,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 9360,9,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1990, { id = 1990, name = "S_OR_G_nn-Reines Wasser - Brunnenvergiftung", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questReach = { stations0 = { area_id = 512, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 15,49,0 , 800.000,2100.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 16,49,0 , 400.000,450.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, needsActivation = 0, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1612, { id = 1612, name = "M_MA_1j_G_nn-MAG6b_KillAddOn", questtype = 1, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 1611, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 2183, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 2184, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 2185, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 2186, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 2187, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1773, { id = 1773, name = "S_nn-ORG_Angriff-Ore-Thag - Mainquest", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=664, stopqueststate=9, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 664, queststate = 7, }, groupchanges = { { 5335,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5336,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5337,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5338,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5339,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5340,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5341,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5342,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5343,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5344,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5345,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5346,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5350,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5351,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5352,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5353,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5354,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5355,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5356,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5357,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5358,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5359,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 5360,2,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1796, { id = 1796, name = "M_OR_1c_G_nn-ORG_Troll-Angriff", questtype = 1, silent=1, stopquestid=660, stopqueststate=8, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 1, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 10, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 660, queststate = 7, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 4873, }, kill1 = { taskcreature = 4874, }, kill2 = { taskcreature = 4878, }, kill3 = { taskcreature = 4880, }, kill4 = { taskcreature = 4881, }, kill5 = { taskcreature = 4886, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(1661, { id = 1661, name = "S_HU_nn-Trigger-Soldatenlager", questtype = 3, silent=1, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 0, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=0, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 0, dangerclass=1, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 11, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_area = { area_id = 394, signalonenter = 1, p1 = { 30,39,0 , 2700.000,600.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, p2 = { 31,38,0 , 1250.000,2300.000,0.000 , 0.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 4310,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4311,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4312,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4313,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4314,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4409,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, { 4411,7,0,"Invalid",0 }, }, }) quest.createQuest(10053, { id = 10053, name = "S_MA_JT - Lightning Lord", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=1, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, rewards = { {2419,0}, }, report_required = 1, dangerclass=9, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 0, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10694, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 60,40,0 , 1300.650,3040.450,90.979, -30.000 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10909, }, }, }) quest.createQuest(10056, { id = 10056, name = "S_JU_nn-_EliteMounts", questtype = 1, silent=0, ismainquest = 0, mainquestchapter = 0, questbookstrategy = 1, continues_quest_id = 0, continues_bookentry = 0, forpathnot = 0, reservedforpath = 0, reservedforhero = 0, reservedforgod = 0, reward_exp=1, reward_gold=0, reward_drop=0, reward_attr=0, reward_skill=0, report_required = 1, dangerclass=10, author_ready = 0, qa_ready = 0, releasestage = 30, progress = 0, autostart = 0, anyprequest = 1, showdlgonwin = 0, lostondecline = 0, precond_quest0 = { quest_dbid = 3010, queststate = 9, }, precond_quest1 = { quest_dbid = 3701, queststate = 9, }, questgiver = { taskcreature = 10920, ispersistent = 0, isproactive = 0, isrefusable = 1, position = { 43,8,0 , 2875.650,3045.450,90.979, 160.000 }, }, groupchanges = { { 10920,9,0,"JOB_HORSETRADER",14 }, }, questKill = { anyofthem = 0, useprefightdlg = 0, bodycount = 0, kill0 = { taskcreature = 10665, }, }, })