[w] 00:01 Warn: 0 X: Failed to open window with x: 1920 y: 1080 .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: fadeScale .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: rangeMax .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: fadeScale .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: expected entry not found: fadeScale .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh::Load): Could not load Mesh: STARGATE_EDGES.3DS .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh::Load): Could not load Mesh: STARGATE_EDGES.3DS .... [w] 00:02 Warn: 0 D: z3d(zCMesh::Load): Could not load Mesh: STARGATE_EDGES.3DS .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\IKARUS_CONST_G2.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\MISC.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCAIHUMAN.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCGAME.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCINFOMANAGER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCITEM.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCMOB.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCNPC.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\OCZONEMUSIC.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCCAMERA.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCCONSOLE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCMENU.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCMESH.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCOPTION.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCPARSER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCSKYCONTROLLER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCTEXTURE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCTRIGGER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCWAYNET.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCWORLD.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\ENGINECLASSES_G2\ZCZONEZFOG.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\IKARUS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\IKARUS\FLOAT.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\MISC.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\ENGINEADR_G2.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\PERMMEM_EXCLUDESYMBOL.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\TIMER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\USERCONST.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\ITEMHELPER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\STRINGBUILDER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\LOCALS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\BINARYMACHINES.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\_HASHTABLE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\HOOKENGINE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\HOOKDAEDALUS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\PERMMEM.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\LIST.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\PERMMEM_STRUCTS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\QUEUE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\EVENTHANDLER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\ANIM8.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\FRAMEFUNCTIONS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\CONSOLECOMMANDS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\TALENTS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\RANDOM.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\AI_FUNCTION.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\INTERFACE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\VIEW.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\CURSOR.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\BLOODSPLATS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\BUFFS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\TRIALOGE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\NAMES.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\BARS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\BUTTONS.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\DIALOGGESTURES.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\FOCUSNAMES.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\GAMESTATE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\RENDER.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\DRAW3D.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\PERMMEM_SKIPHANDLES.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\SAVES.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\INT64.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\SPRITE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\HASHTABLE.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: PAR: Ignoring \NINJA\_INTERN\LEGO\LEGO.D ( File already parsed ) .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: GUILDS:Guild-attitude-table size mismatch : Size has to be 66 .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 B: ERR: BLOCK-END in P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zEngine.cpp missed: at BLOCK-END in P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_bert\oGameManager.cpp line 572 .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 U: SPAWN: Spawnpoint TOT not found. Npc MEM_HELPER_INST cannot be spawned. .... [w] 00:06 Warn: 0 C: zCMusicSys_DirectMusic :: LoadThemeByScript(): could not load segment: MTITLE.SGT, using default segment .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_1HSNEAKL, this:T_1HRUNL_2_1HSNEAKL .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_1HSNEAK, this:T_1HRUN_2_1HSNEAK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUN, this:T_1H_2_RUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_2HSNEAKL, this:T_2HRUNL_2_2HSNEAKL .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_2HSNEAK, this:T_2HRUN_2_2HSNEAK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUN, this:T_2H_2_RUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_BOWRUN, this:T_BOW_2_BOWRUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_CBOWRUN, this:T_CBOW_2_CBOWRUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_1HSNEAKL, this:T_1HRUNL_2_1HSNEAKL .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_1HSNEAK, this:T_1HRUN_2_1HSNEAK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUN, this:T_1H_2_RUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_2HSNEAKL, this:T_2HRUNL_2_2HSNEAKL .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_2HSNEAK, this:T_2HRUN_2_2HSNEAK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUN, this:T_2H_2_RUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_BOWRUN, this:T_BOW_2_BOWRUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_CBOWRUN, this:T_CBOW_2_CBOWRUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUN, this:T_RUNL_2_RUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUN, this:T_RUNR_2_RUN .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKBL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKBR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:17 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_DIVE, this:T_FALLB_2_DIVE .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_DIVE, this:T_FALLDN_2_DIVE .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUNL, this:T_FALLDN_2_RUNL .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_DIVE, this:T_FALL_2_DIVE .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_FALLEN, this:T_FALL_2_FALLEN .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_RUNL, this:T_JUMP_2_RUNL .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKL_2_WALK .... [w] 00:20 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: S_WALK, this:T_WALKR_2_WALK .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 C: zSndMSS(zCSndSys_MSS::LoadSoundFXByIdentifier): Sound Identifier "RAT_WARN" unknown ! .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: 1, this:T_FISTWALKL_2_FISTWALK .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: 1, this:T_FISTWALKR_2_FISTWALK .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: 1, this:T_FISTRUN_2_FISTRUNL .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: 1, this:T_MAGRUN_2_MAGRUNL .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 D: zModel(zCModelAni::ResolveReferences): Could not find nextAni: 1, this:T_RUN_2_RUNL .... [w] 00:21 Warn: 0 N: MSB: Frame-Number is out of bounds (AniEvents), ani: T_FISTRUN_2_FISTRUNL .... [w] 00:22 Warn: 0 C: magic-pfx could not be started: MFX_MASTEROFDISASTER_COLLIDE .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:23 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_SetTempAttitude(): illegal param: "B_SETATTITUDE.SLF" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_IsDead(): illegal param: "KDW_140300_ADDON_MYXIR_CITY" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Wld_SetMobRoutine(): could not find a vob with name: FIREPLACE .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Wld_SetMobRoutine(): could not find a vob with name: FIREPLACE .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Wld_SetMobRoutine(): could not find a vob with name: FIREPLACE .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: INIT_NEWWORLD .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_IsDead(): illegal param: "PAL_2680_UDAR" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: EVT_AZGAN_PALTELEPORT_FUNC .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: Npc_IsDead(): illegal param: "PAL_91680_NATAN" is NULL. .... [w] 00:24 Warn: 0 C: SCRIPT: last parser func-name: EVT_AZGAN_PALTELEPORT_FUNC .... [w] 00:28 Warn: 0 C: fixed ani freezer for S_RUN , killing ani: S_WALK .... [w] 00:28 Warn: 0 C: corrected ani freezer for npc: Bauer, pos: X: 71523.6563, Y: 3273.1709, Z:-10546.2402 .... [w] 00:28 Warn: 0 C: fixed ani freezer for S_RUN , killing ani: S_WALK .... [w] 00:28 Warn: 0 C: corrected ani freezer for npc: Hodges, pos: X: 72675.3828, Y: 3251.47168, Z:-10344.46 .... [w] 00:28 Warn: 0 C: fixed ani freezer for S_RUN , killing ani: S_WALK .... [w] 00:28 Warn: 0 C: corrected ani freezer for npc: Bennet, pos: X: 72794.3984, Y: 3251.47168, Z:-10192.9131 .... [w] 00:30 Warn: 0 D: Texture not found 'TOD_STADT_BALKEN01.TGA', using default-texture .... [w] 00:51 Warn: 0 X: [RND3D-Destructor]: Can't uninitialize D3DX Utility Library ! Error: D3DXERR_D3DXNOTSTARTEDYET .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 == ===================================== UNHANDLED EXCEPTION OCCURED ====================================================== .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 == ============================================ CRASH INFOS: ============================================================== .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 Go thic II - 2.6 (fix), Parser Version: 50 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 Us er: jm, CPUType: 586, Mem: 0 MB total, 0 MB free .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 Ca mera: Pos(72697.0547/3307.32153/-10212.3906), At(-0.649016261/-0.563871562/0.510711968) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 St artup Options: .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 -g ame:dierückkehr115.ini -zlog:5,s .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 == ============================================= CALLSTACK : ============================================================== .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:007A6E65 (0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0 0x004A9C30) Gothic2.exe, zCView::Close()+53 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zView.cpp, line 850+47 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792568 (0x16852564 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+3080 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14330023:00792504 (0x004A99CF 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9BE3 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA1D8 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA2E0 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA30C 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004A99CF 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9BE3 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA1D8 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA2E0 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA30C 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004A9BE3 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA1D8 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA2E0 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA30C 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004AA1D8 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA2E0 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA30C 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004AA2E0 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AA30C 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004AA30C 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004BF860 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004C9B08 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004A9169 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004AC2B5 0xFFA252CC 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792504 (0x004B4562 0x1D6DC61C 0x1C8F0F8C 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 14150023:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00792CBF (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000001 0x008B7CCB 0x1C8F0F8C) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 15510023:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:0071F5A2 (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCMobInter::Interact()+914 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oMobInter.cpp, line 1356+13 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:007242C6 (0x1D6DC61C 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCMobLockable::Interact()+1494 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oMobInter.cpp, line 2490 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00698643 (0x00000000 0x1D6F2DE8 0x0082E6F0 0x0069C0B7) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::CheckMobInteraction()+915 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 1264 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:0069BA6D (0x13E5C280 0x1D6DC61C 0x0000002B 0x02CD00B0) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::Moving()+189 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2413+7 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:0069C0B7 (0x1D6DC61C 0x0135FB1C 0x13E5C034 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+1543 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oAiHuman.cpp, line 2617 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00602E59 (0x00000001 0x0A8CFB40 0x00000000 0x0135FCA4) Gothic2.exe, zCVob::DoFrameActivity()+505 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zVob.cpp, line 22580023:00502DFD (0x0135FECC 0x00000000 0x014330A9 0x00000001) Gothic2.exe, WinMain()+141 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 1054+17 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:006C87EB (0x00400000 0x014330A9 0x0135FEC8 0xFFFD4000) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::Render()+331 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 2658 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00425E6E (0x0082F0EC 0x000002A5 0x000304DA 0x0A8CFB40) Gothic2.exe, CGameManager::Run()+1598 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_bert\oGameManager.cpp, line 767+47 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:0078188B (0x0000002C 0x000294C5 0x00000001 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, MainProg()+75 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\Phoenix.cpp, line 111 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00503270 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x014330A9 0x00000001) Gothic2.exe, HandledWinMain()+928 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 1169 .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:00502DFD (0x0135FECC 0x00000000 0x014330A9 0x00000001) Gothic2.exe, WinMain()+141 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 1054+17 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:007D43F8 (0x72676F72 0x63206D61 0x6F6E6E61 0x65622074) Gothic2.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+224 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 00 23:70207369 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) COMCTL32.dll, DPA_GetPtrIndex()+30089 byte(s) .... [w] 00:52 Warn: 0 == ===================================== UNHANDLED EXCEPTION OCCURED ====================================================== .... [w] 02:33 Warn: 0 B: GMAN: gameSession is existing. Call CGameManager::Done() before! ....